#Manannan Mac Lir
aodhan-art · 11 months
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Manannán mac Lir getting ready to remove someone's head.
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birdsofrhiannon · 2 months
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amylouioc · 1 year
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Tír fo Thuinn, the land beneath the waves
Part of a new series I’m working on which visualises the different names for Tír na nÓg/the Otherworld as distinct lands.
Also drew Emain Ablach
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psychopomp-recital · 4 months
I am just a girl, devoted to a couple of other queer royal gals, and I guess random ass fishman dude who I think is trying to sell discount CD’s in front of the Walmart?
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dummy-dot-exe · 2 years
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マナナン・マク・リール〔バゼット〕 by 鳥茶丸@toricha_maru
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anarcho-sgathach · 1 year
It'd be cool to come up with Pagan alternatives to the days of the week in the Gaelic languages, since the current ones have such Christian meanings
DiLuain can stay since moon worship is a thing, but perhaps we might change the Latin to "Latha na Gealaich"?
DiMairt could be "Latha na Mhór-ribhinne" (The Morrigan's Day) in keeping with the "M" sound of "Mairt"
DiCiadain needs to go since it refers to a Christian fast, so why not make it Latha an Daghdha? (A sort of oblique reference to Wednesday being "Wodan's Day" in English perhaps?
DiarDaoin again refers to fasts, so maybe "Latha Lùgha"?
DihAoine, another fast, so how about "Latha Aoidh" since it sounds kinda similar to "aoin"?
DiSathairne isn't Christian so much as the wrong kind of pagan, so I'm not against leaving it as is, but as long as we're going with new names, why not "Latha Manannain"?
DiDòmhnaich is perhaps the most explicitly Christian, but since we have "Latha na Gealaich" already, I propose substituting "Latha na Gréine"
I was obviously a bit inspired by the Germanic names here, but I'm curious to see what everyone else's thoughts are! I came up with these off the top of my head, so I make no guarantees about their appropriateness or linguistic accuracy (I'm a Gaelic learner, not a fluent speaker).
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grailfinders · 7 months
Grailfinders #336: Manannan mac Lir (Bazett)
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happy valentines day! I hope y’all are enjoying your new year’s ships and a waifus, and… uh… whatever else alloromantic people get up to. I’ll be enjoying the cheap chocolate on the fifteenth. today on Grailfinders we’re building Manannan mac Lir, but they’re mostly just Bazett again.
we’re mixing up this build a bit- she’s still a Monk, but an Astral Self monk this time. the Death portion of the build is taken over by her Cleric half this time.
check out her build below the cut, or her character sheet over here!
next up: Infinitiger, R.I.P.
Ancestry & Background
Bazett’s literally a Human, no getting around that. with variant rules, you get +1 Constitution and +1 Wisdom, as well as proficiency in Arcana because you are a mage, and the Mage Slayer feat because killing mages is kind of your job. with this feat, you can slap people who cast spells within 5’ of you, and your attacks force disadvantage on anyone who needs to maintain concentration. on top of all that, you get advantage on saves against spells cast by people within 5’ of you. so, slam your hand into the wall to keep that wizard from escaping and kiss them beat them up. what. I’m not being weird you’re being weird.
speaking of weird, your background! there’s a spell I want that we could only get otherwise through convoluted class nonsense, so you’re a Gruul Anarch for your background. they don’t like magic either, and I gave the Mesopotamian gods Ravnican backgrounds, so I guess this is still consistent? you get Animal Handling and Athletics proficiency for free, plus an extended spell list to prepare from. when you learn spells you can pick between Compelled Duel, Speak with Animals, and Thunderwave at level 1, Beast Sense and Shatter at level 2, Conjure Animals and Conjure Barrage at level three, Dominate Beast and Stoneskin at level 4, and Destructive Wave at level five. we’re only really here for conjure animals, which I’ll explain when we can cast it, but anything that breaks stuff or makes you harder to break is a good pick too. don’t worry about coloring inside the lines too much, we can’t afford to send out Enforcers.
Ability Scores
your highest score should be Wisdom, that’s how you hunt down mages, summon weapons, use spells, and avoid dying. it’s a good skill, you should be good at it. after that is Dexterity. you can’t summon your weapons right away, so being good at regular punching is a good idea too. third is Constitution. you don’t die easy, a good trait for any PC to have. I wish we could make your Strength higher, but it’s still positive, and we can cover that with wisdom later. that means your Intelligence is also lower than I’d like, I assume you have to be clever to fight mages, but honestly the power scaling in this universe is pretty inconsistent, so who knows. that means we’re dumping Charisma. you just don’t plain get along with other people. thank goodness you’re not a paladin.
Class Levels
1. Monk 1: we’re starting off as a monk so you can fight in a suit, dress, or whatever the fuck that second outfit is. that’s because you have Unarmored Defense, adding your Wisdom modifier to your AC for some extra protection. everyone should have extra protection on valentines day, unless you want little bazletts toddling around in a year or so.
you also learn how to beat people to death with your bare hands thanks to your Martial Arts. when attacking unarmed or with a monk weapon (simple weapons and/or shortswords) you can use your dexterity for the attack and damage rolls, always deal at least a d4 (or more as you level up) in damage, and you can make an unarmed attack as a bonus action! you can bring all the fancy toys you want, but sometimes you just have to get your hands dirty. make sure to trim those fingernails.
starting as a monk also gives you a bonus to Strength and Dexterity saves, as well as History and Stealth. you fight servants a surprising amount for a human, and you need to fight those servants with your bare hands.
2. Monk 2: second level monks gain Ki equal to their monk level each short rest, which you can spend to dash, disengage, dodge, or attack twice as a bonus action. you can also make a Dedicated Weapon as part of your short rest, turning a non-monk weapon you’re proficient in into a monk weapon for the rest of the day. right now this does nothing, but your cleric subclass gives you proficiency with all weapons, so if you’re hankering for more weaponry it’ll be along shortly.
you also get Unarmored Movement this level, increasing your speed as you level up. your fists aren’t ranged weapons, so you’ll need a gap closer.
3. Monk 3: third level monks can Deflect Missiles as a reaction, reducing damage from a ranged attack and giving you a chance to throw it back if you spend a ki point. it’s not quite fragarach, but it’s a good point to start.
you also start getting in tune with Manannan, and unlock your Astral Self. at level three this grants you the Arms of the Astral Self. spend a ki point and your bonus action, and boom, magic weapons floating around you. when you enter this mode all creatures near you need to make a dex save or take force damage, and then it lasts for a whopping ten minutes, no concentration required. now you can use Wisdom to make attacks, using your new arms to make unarmed strikes. you get increased range with these, and they deal force damage instead of the usual kind. you can choose your arms’ appearance, so they can be literal arms or any kind of weapon you want. of course, if you want a “real” ranged weapon you can always stock up on throwing knives.
4. Cleric 1: now that we have your basic weapons and ascension gear down, we need a horse. yes this is important. as a Death cleric you start off as a Reaper, giving you a bonus necromancy cantrip like Toll the Dead to really beat the hell out of children, or anyone else who gets in your way. if the target fails a wisdom save, the take a moderate amount of necrotic damage, with the damage die growing if they’re not at full health. you can also hit two creatures with it instead of one if they’re next to each other. you’ve got two hands, after all.
you also learn how to cast and prepare spells using your Wisdom this level! since you can pick and choose every day, don’t stress too much about getting the perfect spell list down. that being said, you get Guidance and Resistance for cantrips to be better than most mages, as well as Light for a little holy background.
at level one you get False Life and Ray of Sickness for free, but I’d pay more attention to Thunderwave from your Gruul spell list, as well as Inflict Wounds for a major suckerpunch and Detect Magic to make fighting mages a lot easier.
5. Cleric 2: second level clerics can Channel Divinity once per short rest in two ways. all clerics can Turn Undead to make skeletons run away on a failed wisdom save, but you also get a Touch of Death, adding a bit of necrotic damage to a creature when you hit them with a melee attack. thankfully, both your astral arms and regular arms count as melee attacks. but not melee weapon attacks, which is why we didn’t go paladin.
6. Cleric 3: third level clerics get second level spells this level, you get Blindness/Deafness and Ray of Enfeeblement for free, but I’d like to draw your attention to the Gruul spell Shatter. punching through walls is usually hard, but not for you. you can use Protection from Poison for some debuff resistance, or you could summon a Spiritual Weapon if you’re still miffed you’re not technically summoning swords most of the time.
7. Cleric 4: fourth level clerics get their first Ability Score Improvement, and it’s also your first ASI. sorry it took so long to get your Wisdom higher; we needed a good base to build on first. now your wisdom helps you out in every conceivable way, so I hope it was worth the wait.
you also learn the Thaumaturgy cantrip this level- you’re part god, you might as well sound like it.
8. Cleric 5: fifth level clerics can Destroy Undead when they’re turned if they’re CR ½ or lower. you also get third level spells, so if you want chocolate skeletons of your own, Animate Dead can help out there. you also get Vampiric Touch for free, but again we’re here for the Gruul spell Conjure Animals. you need a horse, and it was this or going paladin for find steed. on the plus side with this spell you’ll get plenty of replacements for when your horse is inevitably shot out from under you. you can also use Dispel Magic and Remove Curse for some retroactive debuff immunity, and Protection from Energy to kind of counter magic.
9. Cleric 6: okay, we’re done with walls of text each level for a bit. at sixth level you can channel divinity twice a short rest, and your Inescapable Destruction sounds cool but just means your spells and CDs ignore resistance to necrotic damage, so that touch deals a near-guaranteed 17 bonus damage now.
10. Monk 4: fourth level monks also get an ASI for more Dexterity for those times you run out of arms and spells, as well as Slow Fall to counter gravity as well. you can also spend 2 ki and an action for some Quickened Healing, taking a breather to keep up your fighting spirit. It’s Second Wind, but worse!
11. Monk 5: fifth level monks get an Extra Attack each action for up to four fisticuffs a turn. you can also turn any one of those into a Stunning Strike, spending ki to force a Constitution save on someone you hit. if they fail, they can’t do much of anything for a round, and melee attackers get advantage to slug ‘em again. finally, you can also spend ki on Focused Aim to nail a jumpier target, turning ki into attack bonus.
12. Monk 6: sixth level monks have Ki-Empowered Strikes, so your unarmed attacks are all magical now! you could’ve gotten around those sorts of defenses with your mind fists already, but a free alternative is never a bad idea. speaking of those arms, you can either spend a bonus action or combo together with your Arms of the Astral Self to summon a Visage of the Astral Self for 1 ki point. while masked up, you see in all kinds of darkness for 120’ and have advantage on Insight and Intimidation checks. your charisma’s bad, but seeing someone punch a car and keep going will put the fear of god in anybody. on top of that, you can mute your voice so only one person can hear you, or amplify it so everything in a 600’ radius can. beating mages to death tends to be either very loud, or very quiet. now you have options for both.
13. Monk 7: Seventh level monks can counter fireballs with ease thanks to Evasion blocking half the damage of failed dexterity saves and all the damage of successes. you also get Stillness of the Mind which shuts down effects charming or frightening you as an action. hooray for more debuff immunity!
14. Monk 8: of course an ounce of prevention equals a pound of cure, so let’s max out that Wisdom this ASI for stronger saves, attacks, spells, and stuns. wisdom: it’s what’s for dinner!
15. Monk 9: ninth level monks get Unarmored Movement Improvement. now you can run up walls and over water, though you’ll fall down if you end your turn off solid ground. is it really an anime fistfight if you haven’twalked on a wall at least once?
16. Monk 10: at level ten, monks have a Purity of Body that makes you 100% immune to disease and poison. given how much chocolate the average master has to eat every year, you’re going to need that.
17. Monk 11: eleventh level astral monks get the real fun stuff when you start making the Body of the Astral Self. it’s a free bonus you can put on if you’ve summoned up both your arms and face. with this you can counter magical attacks better with Deflect Energy, using your reaction to reduce incoming elemental damage. of course your counter attack also uses your reaction, but you can’t counter something if you’re not alive to do so, so it’s kind of a moot point by then.
the real reason this level’s great for counter attacks is your Empowered Arms. once per turn, you deal an extra die of damage when you hit someone with an arm. an astral arm. your regular arms are nice but they’re not magic. probably. I mean they are magic bc of the ki-empowered strikes, but- yknow what? this is getting too confusing, next level!
18. Cleric 7: whew, now we can talk about something simple, like… fourth level spells! you get Blight and Death Ward for free, but I’m more interested in the gruul spell Stoneskin. it gives resistance to nonmagical physical damage! that doesn’t sound so great, but when you punch through one too many support pillars you’ll be happy to have it. Locate Creature is also a great spell to hunt down whatever your mark of the day is.
19. Cleric 8: you get one last ASI, so bump up that Constitution for extra health. it’s retroactive, so that’s 19 bonus HP! your fight plan is to deliberately get hit with someone’s strongest attack- trust me, you need that health. also, Destroy Undead works on CR 1 creatures, and once a turn you can make a Divine Strike, adding 1d8 necrotic damage to the target of a weapon attack once a turn. remember, your unarmed attacks are both melee attacks (so they work with Touch of Death), and weapon attacks (so they work with Divine Strike), but not melee weapon attacks (so they don’t work with Divine Smite). this is all completely reasonable.
20. Cleric 9: ninth level clerics get fifth level spell. I hate to be repetitive, but once again your freebies Antilife Shell and Cloudkill aren’t really what we’re after. That being said you do get Destructive Wave for a big stompy AoE attack, as well as Holy Weapon if you’re really itching for a shiny white sword. whatever weapon you touch deals extra radiant damage, and it can explode if you end the spell early. you could also use something like Dispel Good and Evil to knock a servant back to the throne early, if you wish.
Pros & Cons:
as mentioned in Cursed Arm’s build, monks have great mobility, and being able to use that mobility without ever having to enter an enemy’s melee range is a huge bonus to a monk’s survivability. you got long arms, basically, and with those and your speed boosts, you can deal all the damage you want while staying pretty safely out of the range of most monsters.
if you really want to fight at long range, you have access to one of the best spell lists in the game, only made better by the additions from your background. I know we didn’t touch on many spells in this build, but that just means you have even more wiggle room to work with when you prepare each day.
for once, we have a build that isn’t Multi-Ability Dependent! I know that’s not much to say, but monk builds usually tend to be a bit messier than the others. being able to hard-focus on wisdom makes your whole experience a lot smoother.  also I didn’t have anywhere else to put it, but you deal a lot of damage in a single hit, which is unusual for a monk. this, plus your usual monkly number of attacks, means even the most nimble of enemies only needs to get unlucky once to feel the brunt of your power.
you have a lot of resources to keep on top of. two that recharge on short rests, and one that recharges on long rests. add in the flexibility of ki, spells, and divine channeling, and you’re bound to get a headache from all that thinking.
of course there’s a good chance you won’t even be able to use most of that if you spend your time trying to counterattack like you’re supposed to be able to. we still never really found a better option than simply holding your action, and that sucks! it eats up most of your turn on the off chance someone else does something cool. you’re the PC! you should be the one doing cool stuff!
we took a whole background just for a horse. it’s not even a special horse. just flavor something else as a horse and pick a more fitting background, it’s really not worth it. cleric already has damage spells and protection spells up the wazoo, the Gruul spells mostly add flavor tbh. they don’t hurt, but you won’t be using these horses in a fight, and outside of a fight you can just buy some.
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catdraiochta · 9 months
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manannán mac lir altar update! there's a cat in the house now, so I had to rearrange the whole shelf, including moving my altar our of her little paw's reach.
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And one for the road:
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solottrpgchronicles · 7 months
5a. Magic Sheep - The Last Tea Shop
Shop name: The Vagrant Tea Leaf
Supplies: sea salt, ginkgo leaf, giant puffball
Days: 21
Visitor: a hero
The shop was enveloped in an ominous, dark mist; watching its finger-like tendrils through the windows sent shivers down my spine.
A tall, broad-shouldered customer hurried in and closed the door swiftly behind them, their eyes darting around nervously, as if they were afraid of being followed.
"Are you alright? Don't worry, you're safe here." I said in a reassuring voice, trying to put them at ease. I invited them to sit, but their eyes were still full of concern.
The situation definitely called for my special Comforting brew.
"So, what's the last thing you remember?" I asked, hoping to distract them.
"Who, me? Right, there's no one else here..." They hesitated; "The last thing I remember is the wrath in Manannán's eyes when he vowed to follow me into the Otherworld and punish me there too. I'm doomed!" They anxiously tugged on their long hair. Perhaps my question wasn't well thought out, but now I was intrigued.
"I was passing through this village, and the inhabitants recognized me as a local hero; they asked for my help with retrieving seven magical sheep from a distant island. They claimed those were Manannán's sheep, which granted infinite wool, so they'd never be cold again.
I wasn't entirely convinced, but I thought I might as well investigate. If what those people said was true, this god was pretty selfish to keep such precious sheep to himself. And to what end? Gods don't feel cold.
To my surprise, no fisherfolk or sea captains wanted to venture to the island - they all thought it was too dangerous.
I had almost given up when a giant sea turtle appeared and spoke to me, offering to bring me to the island and back, if I was so keen; I had never seen such an incredible creature up close. At this point I was starting to think the villagers might be onto something, and I accepted the turtle's offer.
Upon reaching the island, I found the seven sheep immediately. As I herded them towards the sea, I saw that the giant turtle had been replaced by a colossal, godlike entity - Manannán himself.
The very last thing I remember are his vengeful ocean-deep eyes, and his thunderous voice. I felt myself fall to the ground lifeless."
I poured a cup of Comforting Brew and handed it to them. "Thanks for sharing your story, and I'm sorry, that sounds incredibly scary. Don't worry, deities have volatile moods, but they tend to lose interest quickly. I'm sure Manannán won't follow you here."
I watched them carefully smell and then take a sip of the tea. "Let's talk about pleasant memories this time. Where did you live?" I asked.
"I lived in a village by the edge of a vast lake," They sighed, visibly more at ease already; "it looked like many other villages, but it held a special place in my heart. Kind people who looked out for each other, a slow and quiet life... When I was younger, I was so eager to prove myself and set out on adventures! Now, however, I'm grateful I grew up there, of all places; my childhood memories are the happiest of my life."
I let them finish the tea in silence. They were still smiling to themselves when they got up to leave.
They looked with interest at all the paintings I had collected so far, but didn't seem to recognize any of the people portrayed in them.
As they opened the door, the dark mist receded slightly, perhaps sensing the hero's unyielding spirit.
I smiled as they walked away and disappeared.
This is a playthrough of a solo TTRPG called The Last Tea Shop, by Spring Villager.
You can check it out on itch.io: https://springvillager.itch.io/last-tea-shop
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mat2modblog · 8 months
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Some out of context lines from FGO's 2024 Valentine's event
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aodhan-art · 7 months
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Revisiting Manannán mac Lir in his youth. I suppose if Orbsen mac Allot, aka Manannán mac Lir, was born in our times and in our dimension, he would have collected nerd treasures such as Funko Pops, or vintage comics, or whatnot, like all of us mortals. But when you're a Tuatha Dé Danann prince and a pirate captain (don't take my word on it, check out Sanas Cormaic!), you have to make do with jewelry and elven heads. Sigh.
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fateroulette · 9 months
Manannán mac Lir (Bazett)
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amylouioc · 1 year
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Sneak peek of a new illustration I've just finished! Going to be part of a series.
If you'd like to see the full version, you can do so here!
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psychopomp-recital · 4 months
I finally figured out how to make these things!
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Light mode vers. below
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nogetron · 4 months
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Manannán, Irish god of the sea. Manannán holds the title: Manannán Mac lir, which means “Manannán son of the sea”. Considered to be among the first of the Tuatha dé to be born, he guards the entrance to the Irish Otherworld with his powers over mist and fog. Manannán holds many different mystical possessions, such as the self-sailing boat Sguaba Tuinne, the amphibious horse Aonbharr, a misty cloak capable of casting illusions and tampering with memories, and the life stealing sword Fragarach along with many other trinkets. During the war against the Fomorians Manannán lended out much of his magic horde to the Tuatha Dé and Firbolg to bolster their forces, his most effective contribution was his arming of Lugh for the final battle against the Fomorian chief Balor. Manannán is believed to have been the creator or founder of the Isle of Man, who used his illusory powers all over the island. After the conclusion of the war against the Fomorians, Manannán delegated the Tuatha Dé’s Sidhe, locations in which the Otherworld intersects with the physical world before also retreating to the Otherworld himself.
Manannán is a semi prominent figure in Irish mythology, commonly used as an explanation for where certain heroes obtain their legendary weapons. In the post christianization writings detailing Manannán, his title of Manannán Mac Lir is taken very literally, with Manannán being stated to be the son of Lir. However Lir is only ever mentioned as the father of Manannán, with Manannán performing the roles given to Lir. Its because of this that I believe Manannán and Lir were one and the same. Manannán is known as Manawydan in wales.
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