#Manda speaks
arrpegio · 6 months
Is it just me or does Neal always wear the skinniest ties 😂😂
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
So you know how Naruto has the Uzu sea serpent summons? I imagine he has like the ancient greek version of the language and anyone that tries to talk to him in “common snake” sounds like y'all'd've'f'i'd've so Anko’s attempts are forever doomed.
Language elitist Naruto is so fucking funny to me now.
Naruto who is a stickler for snake language but also speaks fox which is like the most incomprehensible version of canine language but Kakashi speaks bastardized dog and wolf so he would never call him out on it so they’re both just using the most horrific slang back and forth.
The first time Kiba heard it he cried. Akamaru covered his ears
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shiroselia · 4 months
Things I have once again gotten reaffirmed through posting fanfics for other fandoms not named SSO
If you value your mental health don't exclusively write fics for SSO
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portuguesedisaster · 4 months
Não sei quem está mais iludido. Se é o sr do CDS ou o do PCP.
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harrowscore · 1 year
una cosa che mi irrita a non finire dell'attuale processo di beatificazione di berlusconi da parte della stampa e tv italiane è che fa parte di un trend di cui divento ogni giorno più amaramente consapevole, ossia quello di uomini ricchi e potenti e famosi che erano/sono persone orribili (il solo fatto di essere andato a prostitute minorenni dovrebbe renderti un pariah a vita, e invece...) e non si sono mai pentiti per quello che hanno fatto, ma sulle cui nefandezze si glissa bellamente come se fossero quisquilie e non atroci merdate (si veda, per esempio, l'apologia anche da parte di ambienti "progressisti" verso certi personaggi di hollywood ecc.)
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pollyna · 1 year
La parola più bella della lingua italiana è sciapo.
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tesalicious2 · 3 months
I think the saddest part about Fox shooting Fives, is that Fives would forgive him.
All Foxes brothers hate him and what he did, never speaking to him let alone forgive him.
But Fives would forgive him.
He understands that to some, duty and orders is all there is. He forgave Dogma, even though he almost had everyone killed, he forgave him.
No one else may understand or get it, but when Fox and Fives meet again when they’re in Manda, Fives would forgive.
Because that’s who Fives is. Risking it all for brothers he never knew, saving lives of those who don’t even care, loving those who he has, and caring for those in need.
The whole of the 501st May hate Fox, he may hate himself, but Fives forgives.
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harrywavycurly · 1 year
Fake Husband Eddie Munson AU Part 3: Not Him
Part 1: here
Part 2: here
Tag List: @alana4610 @fluentmoviequoter @alicentswife @vivalasv3gan @goth-cowgirl-03 @yujyujj @slowgabinaburninroom @zaddyskye69 @manda-panda-monium @ckeeks4563 @raven-rust @adaydreamaway08 @nikkisheep @flawiette @knmendiola @corvusskid @itsmadamehydra @saramelaniemoon @winchestergirl87-blog
A/N: I have one more little epilogue type update for this little story and really I’m so glad y’all enjoyed it and I hope you’re happy with the ending ✨
*Eddie just knows he’s not leaving until you forgive him*
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“You’re such an idiot.” Eddie mumbles to himself as he rushes up the steps of your front porch. “God how the fuck do I fix this?” He asks himself as he runs a hand over his face and lets out a sigh. “Just tell her the truth.” He whispers as he reaches into the pocket of his work overalls and pulls out the skull ring the bartender tossed at him.
“What exactly is the truth Eddie?” You watch him jump at the sound of your voice and you have to hold back from laughing because he nearly dropped the ring that he held in the palm of his hand. You stand up from your rocking chair so you can lean against the railing crossing your arms over your chest. Eddie turns his body so he’s facing you and he feels his heart drop when he sees your eyes are glossy and red letting him know you had been crying and it was all because of him.
“I’m so sorry.” You roll your eyes as Eddie takes a small step towards you. “I don’t even know how it happened.” Eddie tries to find the words to explain himself but he’s coming up short as he rubs at the back of his neck.
“I can tell you exactly how it happened.” Your voice is harsh as you stare Eddie right in the eyes as you stand up straight and take a step towards him all of a sudden making your front porch feel extremely small. “You got so caught up in whatever you were doing at work that you forgot about me.” Eddie doesn’t miss the way your voice cracks a bit as you speak making him look down at his feet because looking at you when you’re on the verge of tears is too much for him. “Wanna know how I know that? Because this isn’t the first time someone’s forgotten about me because something more important came up …so please tell me Eddie…what was it that got you so distracted?” You watch him lift his head up but instead of looking at you he turns his head so he’s look in the direction of his van that’s parked in your driveway.
“A minivan.” You almost don’t hear him due to his voice being almost a whisper. You just nod your head as you let out a scoff making Eddie look at you and the way your porch light glows he’s able to see a few tears escape your eyes.
“A minivan? Really?” Eddie tries to close the space between the two of you but you’re quick to take a few steps backwards away from him. “I told myself I wouldn’t do this again.” You watch Eddie reach his hand out for you but you just shake your head and cross your arms over your chest.
“Do what?” He asks as he watches you look down at your feet.
“Be with someone who doesn’t care about me or…have time for me.” Eddie feels like his heart is about to break into a million pieces because he knows who you’re comparing him to and it kills him because he knows just how poorly Jason treated you and he doesn’t ever want you to think he’s anything like him.
“I do care about you and I absolutely have time for you.” Eddie needs you to hear him so he bends down so you’ll look him in the eyes. “I am so sorry sweetheart…I swear it won’t happen again…I’m not him okay? I had tonight circled on my calendar and everything.” You just let out a huff as you wipe your eyes.
“Yet you still didn’t show up.” Eddie knows he deserves this, it’s his fault he didn’t make sure he got off work in time to meet you at the Hideout by six, but it doesn’t make it hurt any less seeing you upset at him. “Just go home Eddie.” You whisper as you take a seat back in your rocking chair as you look down at your hands in your lap.
“No.” Is all he says before he’s closing the distance between the two of you and dropping to his knees right in front of you and picking up your right hand in his so he can place his skull ring back on your ring finger. “I’m not going anywhere…call Hopper if you want but I’m not leaving.” You look from the ring to his eyes as he gives you a little smile. “I fucked up but I swear…it won’t happen again and honestly I’d be fine with proving that to you for the rest of our lives but…that seems like a little much to say considering we haven’t even had our first date yet.” You just shake your head as a soft laugh escapes you making Eddie smile.
“Whose fault is that huh?” Your voice is playful as you look back down at the ring on your finger.
“Oh it’s my fault…but I’m here now so…what do you say? Will you let me take you somewhere?” You can hear how hopeful he is and you know in your heart he isn’t anything like Jason and he’d never hurt you intentionally.
“Okay.” Eddie smiles as he brings his hands up to cup your face. “Don’t make me regret this.” You whisper as you lean into his touch and Eddie just nods and leans in to place a kiss to your forehead.
“You won’t..I promise.” You smile as he kisses your cheeks. “Oh and one more thing.” You raise an eyebrow as he drops his hands from your face so he can grab your hand that has his ring on it. “I’m going to need you to stop trying to give this back to me.” He explains as he twirls the skull ring around on your finger a few times.
“Then I need you to stop being an asshole and never make me sit in a bar for two hours waiting for you ever again.” Eddie just nods his head as he places your hands back in your lap.
“Deal.” With that he leans in and places a kiss to your lips making you smile as he pulls away. “Now how about we go have ourselves a first date Mrs. Munson.” You just laugh as he stands up and reaches his hand out to help you out of your chair.
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phoenixyfriend · 8 months
Shmi Acquires Some Teenagers... Sort Of
Read on AO3
Two weeks pass before something changes, and someone new is introduced to Satine and Obi-Wan's routine. Unfortunately, the someone new is not Qui-Gon Jinn, here to rescue them. Fortunately, the someone new is not a torture specialist or some other horror Death Watch is keeping up their sleeves for when Tor arrives. The woman has near a decade on them, and seems meek as a mouse. She is not shoved into the cell like they were, and isn’t even made to wear cuffs. Her clothing is threadbare and stained, but she is… clean and fed, and not carrying any particularly visible bruises. When she turns to the closing door, her profile is visible for long enough that Obi-Wan can see the bulge of her stomach. Ah.
Anyway, yeah, have a thing where Shmi, for Reasons, ends up in a Kyr'tsad jail cell with Obitine.
Shmi is twenty-eight years of age when she is purchased from Gardulla.
She is also seven months pregnant.
Her new owner is young. Fifteen, perhaps as young as twelve, though the tattoos make it hard to tell. He is gruff and rough and angry, stiff with the Hutts and their enforcers in a way that tries and fails to mask that he’s not yet fully grown. He is not particularly careful with Shmi. He ensures that she is not too damaged, at least, because his master—and he insists that he is an apprentice, not a slave, but she has her doubts how he radiates his fear—is interested in the child she carries, not her.
She is a little bruised, by the time they are in hyperspace, but she is not ill or bleeding, not even from a blister. There is a medical droid to ensure it.
Days pass. They are jolted from hyperspace. They are boarded by Mandalorians in grey-blue armors, and her new owner—or fellow slave—is subdued. He had a sword, red and flaming, and is missing a limb by the time he makes it to the escape pods.
Without her.
(She pities him, a little, to be so young and so desperate to please a master who does not care.)
The Mandalorians find her, and she does not fight. She does not imagine they will be any more careful with her than the boy was. She does not wish to lose her child, for all that it has put her life in danger more than most slaves would expect of such a condition.
They aren’t sure what to do with her, and she does not speak enough of their language to know what it is that they are saying. She thinks—thinks—that this was an opportunistic boarding, not a deliberate attack.
Her Basic is a little shakier than it could be. They do not speak Huttese. They put her in a brig, and mostly forget about her for the rest of the week and change that it takes to reach their destination.
She is fed, and the medical droid from the zabrak’s ship is given leave to check on her just long enough to prescribe some vitamin or other.
They reach the destination. The Mandalorians argue with each other, and the only words she catches are portmanteaus with Manda: Mand’alor, Mando’ade, Manda’yaim, and so many more that she worries for ever learning more than a fraction of this language.
And Jedi. She’s mostly sure she heard Jedi.
Obi-Wan is a failure of a padawan.
Satine scoffs and kicks him when he says it, telling him that he’s fifteen—though he might be sixteen, at this point, given how time slips away when on the run—and all the magic in the world isn’t a sure thing against a dozen heavily-armed Death Watch. They’ve been captured, fine, so what? He’ll get them out. Between her brains and his magic, they’ll escape.
He thinks she’s trying to be nice.
It sort of works.
Even if she technically called him stupid.
They keep track of guard rotations and scrounge for dropped scraps of metal and glass, pretending to be too caught up in kissing and crying to figure out how to escape.
Kissing is a great cover for trying to pry up the casing on Obi-Wan’s Force-nullifying cuffs.
Two weeks pass before something changes, and someone new is introduced to their routine.
Unfortunately, the someone new is not Qui-Gon Jinn, here to rescue them.
Fortunately, the someone new is not a torture specialist or some other horror Death Watch is keeping up their sleeves for when Tor arrives.
The woman has near a decade on them, and seems meek as a mouse. She is not shoved into the cell like they were, and isn’t even made to wear cuffs. Her clothing is threadbare and stained, but she is… clean and fed, and not carrying any particularly visible bruises.
When she turns to the closing door, her profile is visible for long enough that Obi-Wan can see the bulge of her stomach.
“You stay here,” the guard says, slow and careful, more so than they bother with when speaking with Obi-Wan. “Do not run.”
“I understand, Masters,” the woman says, softly and with a heavy accent.
Hutt space.
The guard nods stiffly, and then leaves.
The woman looks around the room. Obi-Wan scrambles to his feet. “Here, sit down!”
She blinks at him, and then nods and makes her way to the bed. There is a bench, but the bed is padded, if barely.
Satine scoots over a little to give her room.
“I’m Obi-Wan,” he says. “Obi-Wan Kenobi. That’s Satine.”
“Satine Kryze,” she corrects. “Bit late to hide my identity from Kyr’tsad.”
Kyr’tsad, the woman mouths, brows pinching. She blinks, and shakes her head, and says, “I am Shmi Skywalker. I do not speak Basic much. I will need help, if you can.”
Obi-Wan thinks, and tries, “Mi man-tie Huttuk no vanlocha.” [1]
A smile passes across her face. “Basic is better for me, ah… Not Huttese for you.”
There’s a pause in the middle of her speech, as if searching for a word she cannot remember.
“We can both try,” Obi-Wan offers, “and learn.”
Shmi nods.
(Continue on AO3)
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starrybouquet · 4 months
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In case anyone on here didn't catch this...I live here now *screams*
May 14, 2024 No view of these Northern Lights, but growing up in Minnie we'd see them all the time. Up north at the Lake we'd float out in the wee, little rowboat 🚣  on to the Lake, and just lie in silent repose against the life jackets staring up and out to the undulating curtains of color & light that quietly excited the air… Witnessed several times whilst in Alaska... Very bright showing up yonder, reflecting and refracting via airborne crystalline powdered snow..... etc. I'm a big fan of Madame Borealis and the kids ~ I call her Aurora, because we are so intimate. (sigh) Speaking of intimate: Here's a brief peek at two of the finest friends money can't buy. The smartest, funniest, 'in-tune' person of the female persuasion with whom I have ever had the privilege to work, play, and simply KNOW. Time with 'manda is complete with laughter (LOTS 'n LOTS of...) ~ parent-talk (our daughters are OK by us), 'smart talk' (by our own definition), and some rather middle-of-the-road fine dining. We think we have the potential to be pretty cool.... But that's just our opinion!!
--rdanderson.com, "Note From Rick": Amanda
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sharkissm · 22 days
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mari, oki ou duda, ela/dela, 15y, capista (e escritora) iniciante, gosto de heavy metal, skank, vários grupos de kpop, vários animes (bllk sendo o favorito ultimamente), tenho dois gatos e um cachorro, minhas cores favoritas são azul, preto e vermelho e sou a ex-okaydokeyyo (mudei de user fml 💥💥💥💥), proud member of gf fc! I speak Portuguese and English so dw💥💥💥
Onde me encontrar: spirit yt music secundária pokemon go (sharkissm lá tbm, me manda msg dps de mandar a solicitação p eu saber qm é 👍)
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yooniesim · 9 months
So, I may be a day late, but I still want to make a little post for Simblr Gratitude Day 💜
To start off, my memory is pretty bad, so I just know I'm gonna miss tagging people... and honestly, there's way more people on here I'm grateful for than tumblr's limit of 50! So I'm starting out addressing everyone.
To everybody that likes or reblogs my posts, sends comments or asks, shares their sims with me, or uses my cc: I love you. Yes, you! I may be bad at answering back sometimes, but I cherish every interaction I get- a lot of the times they have me kicking my feet and giggling, or sometimes I'm barking and scaring my cat. Asks really make my day and even when I don't reply so fast, they warm my heart. Asks I've gotten on here have genuinely helped me in my dark times, and renewed my faith in this community as a whole, because some of you are just so freaking amazing and kind. Especially now with everything I've been going through, sims and being here has remained a comfort for me because of you all. Even if there's speed bumps from time to time, I truly believe there's more good here than bad, and y'all should be proud of yourselves and your capacity for endless kindness. Thank you!
Now, I'm going to address a few specific precious people I'm grateful for.
@wastelandwhisperer - Moon, my precious mom friend, I adore you. The joy, comfort, and hilarious memories you give me can't be understated. You deserve all the love and light in the world.
@neverheresims - God's eepiest soldier, what would I do without you? Thank you for always being genuine, reliable, and a true friend.
Vi - Thank you my sheriff, my paggro detector, my master of copypastas, my right hand catboy. Even though you're untraceable, I couldn't leave you out. I love you!
@divinedionym - Thanks for always being straight with me and taking NO shit. I truly admire you and your attitude, friend.
@dyoreos - We may not both be active at the same time anymore, but I still think of you, friend! You've always had my back and I'll always have yours.
@nucrests - I'm so grateful to be your friend, and every time you share your beautiful content and gorgeous sims with me, it really makes my day. I adore you.
@cinamun - You probably don't know this, but in certain times when I was feeling low, your comments and kindness really lifted my spirits and made me feel like I belong. You're a lovely person and deserve all the love you receive, friend.
@woosteru - You won't see this bc you're retired so I can be sappy as I want, so there!!! I adore you, your sweet personality, and your sense of humor that matches just right with mine. (Nobody tell them)
@superflare - Lulu, you're an incredibly creative and intelligent person. I can tell you're going to go far in life and do great for the world. Be proud of yourself, always!
@fiftymilehighclub - Thank you for always being yourself, Manda! You're such a hardworking person that's kind but firm with your opinions and what matters to you. You're amazing.
@nicatnite88 - Tay, you're someone that's always empathetic, understanding and kind, yet hilarious at the same time. I look up to you as a person and admire your skills as a parent.
@pluto-sims - What do I say about Eli? Despite being unfortunately bri*ish, you've exceeded expectations in all other areas as a friend. I genuinely appreciate your presence and kindness in my life.
@bloody-soda - As one of my longest and dearest mutuals, peachy, my love for you can't be understated! I think of you whenever I see cute meme pics lol and you're so lovely as a person.
@wubblesgonefishin - Beautiful wubs, you're such a wonderful person with so much love to give! My day brightens every time I speak with you and I'm so glad you're back.
@toastie-sim - Meg! One of my few brain cells, I don't know what I'd do without you! You're so helpful all the time and unbelievably patient. I appreciate you.
...Phewph. Now that that's o- wait. You thought I was done??? Nuh uh, the king of long ass texts posts is not done that fast. Here's some more beautiful people I'm grateful for and love seeing grace my dash 💜
@simandy @void-imp @therichantsim @adelarsims @marsosims @shysimblr @1-800-cuupid @xldkx @xiuminuwu @hexcodesims @cassymblr @lotusplum @rebelangelsims @denzellion @strawberrylattesims @anachrosims @cowplant-snacks @fierce-trait @simanin @ghostwoohoo @llama-head @aghilasims @janjumjam @jellyfish-tea @bbdoll @puppycheesecake @mwvwv-sims
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shiroselia · 2 months
Having a really good time with Three Houses, although I'm still completely convinced that half my fucking characters have been at least a Little speedscrewed (Annette definitely, probably also Mercedes, maybe Marianne, maybe Sylvain, probably Dimitri), but you know nobody seems to be utterly strength screwed other than Maybe Ingrid but she makes up for it in other ways so it's fine yknow
I love using Byleth, I love Byleth as a combat unit it's kind of silly
Felix is perhaps a little too good, I love using Ashe too, and nobody in my fucking army (Felix and Ashe especially) can crit on a 30+ rate it's kind of silly actually
I really like all the characters, even the ones that are Obviously a bit more jarring initially like Cyril are Clearly really good once you think about it (although something tells me Cyril will be at his best when I play Golden Deer cause I've heard you *really* want his support with Claude)
I'm going in the order of Azure Moon > Crimson Flower > Golden Deer > Silver Snow, and I'm currently at chapter 9 of Blue Lions, thank fucking God that new game plus exists that's gonna make my life way easier lmfao
I've recruited Marianne only because I don't wanna Super recruit until Silver Snow lmfao, but on Crimson I'm recruiting Mercedes + Lysithea, for Jeritza and Edelgard supports specifically, and I'm not sure who I'm recruiting for Golden Deer (probably Sylvain? Maybe Mercedes again?) Point being very fun game it's great to play it
Also I cannot believe I'm saying this but I went in with a "Meh I'm not feeling a single Byleth S-support maybe I'll do nobody" kinda plan, and now I'm going Lmfao nope I'm S-supporting Felix because I Love the idea of Felix and Byleth they're really fucking fun, and besides I'm doing Marianne/Dimitri anyways so I wouldn't want to ruin that with a Byleth supports the lords default
So now my strategy is "Go in with no S-support but if I find one I like go for it"
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somekindofmoss · 7 months
Now, I'm not entirely sure what came first, the tcw show or all of the novels expanding on Mandalorian culture, but nonetheless it annoys me so much whenever i watch tcw and they depict the Mandalorian people, one of the most diverse cultures in starwars, all with blue eyes and blonde hair. Mandalorian is a culture, a religion, not a race. A creed anyone of any species or origin can join.
The Mandalorians were so prolific in adoption into their creed, that it lives on despite their ancestors -the Taung- having died out. All you even have to do in Mandalorian culture to adopt someone is speak a vow, (The gai bal manda) which is recognised by Mandalorian law. (and I'm distraught that in the Mandalorian show we didn't get to see Din speak this vow to Grogu, but I digress.)
The show also presents Sundari, Mandalore's capital at the time, as so... clinical and bare? Yes the new pacifist Mandalorians have foregone the war worshipping ways that founded their culture, but the worship of war also bred a celebration of life and relishing each moment and day you get -Shereshoy being the term for it. From a culture like this I'd expect a little more... soul to their home.
They dress everyone in such plain (lack of) colours too!! When the pacifist Mandalorians discarded their armour, did they discard the cultural meanings or importance of colour too? (And I'd love to see New Mandalorians treating their clothing with as much respect and reverence as they traditionally did armour, following the Resol'nare's tenet of Beskar'gam in their own, new way. I have so many thoughts on how the Resol'nare can apply to a peaceful lifestyle, but ultimately I know that's far too much detail for tcw to have delved into, and I'm sure i wouldn't be the first to talk about it, if only there was a show solely about Mandalorians that could explore their culture in such depth-)
Ever since I had a hyperfix on Mandalorian culture a year or two ago I haven't been able to consume Mandalorian related content the same way, and I am trying to resurrect the intense interest because it ended before I was able to learn Mando'a, and by goodness I think it might be working.
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creads · 5 months
creads cami Linda queremos saber todas as parafernálias que pensamos sobre fernando puto cafetão Naquele Dia pfvr diva speak your truth!!!!!!! 🙏🏻☝🏻💭
pedir? que que isso marinelson você não pede você manda!
now hold awwwnnnn pq eu me empolguei um cadin com essa aqui 😁😁 espero que seja do gosto de vocês lobinhas se não for por favor finjam (contém degradação e rough sex!)
aiai penso muito aki 💭 na leitora atiçando ele a festa toda. coloca a mão na coxa dele enquanto olha com a carinha de quem quer pica, fala baixinho no ouvido dele “você tá tão gostoso…”, faz questão de esbarrar a bunda nele quando passa na frente, quando vai contar caso fala justamente sobre dias que te comeu de uma forma FOR THE BOOKS! por exemplo a viagem de vocês pra cá pro brasil, você vai contar que apareceu um macaquinho muito fofo perto da jacuzzi da casa que vocês estavam, mas nessa mesma jacuzzi você deixou ele fuder a sua boquinha e gozar na sua língua e até nos seus peitos cobertos pelo biquíni. e ainda fala “esse dia foi tão legal, né fê?” , e ele sabe que você sabe que a última coisa que veio na mente dele sobre aquele dia foi o macaquinho que vocês viram lá na casa alugada.
quando vocês finalmente vão embora da festa, você já tá DOIDA pra ele te pegar ali fora do carro mesmo (e vamos pensar que é um carro automático por putaria purposes), te comer contra a porta enquanto manda você calar a boca também pq já aconteceu uma vez. então quando você vai a caminho do banco do passageiro e ele vai junto, já até segura um risinho safado. mas nada, como um cavalheiro, fernando só abre a porta pra você. depois, ele entra no carro e começa a dirigir, com o rádio tocando baixinho.
depois de uns 5 minutos de silêncio entre vocês dois, quando você ia perguntar se tava tudo bem, ele diz “você é uma vagabunda, né? ficou se esfregando a noite toda em mim. que foi? não tô te comendo direito, é?” ainda olhando pra frente. “eu realmente não entendo princesa, te faço gozar com meus dedos, com a língua, te encho de porra toda vez que você pede. até quando eu como seu cuzinho eu não deixo a sua bucetinha carente, ganha sempre três dedinhos lá… será que o problema sou eu mesmo?” sua perna começa a TREMER juro você perde todas as estribeiras quando esse homem tá te degradando como se não fosse nada, o tom de voz tranquilo e a cara de quem tá prestando mais atenção no trajeto do que nas putarias que ele tá falando.
a única mudança no comportamento é quando ele começa a desfazer o cinto, aí você presume o que te aguarda: mamar ele dentro do carro (graças a deus). quando ele tira o pau pra fora da calça e cueca e começa a se masturbar, você já se ajeita no banco pra ficar numa posição que consiga mamar ele, e quando tá prendendo o cabelo, “não, não, você vai ficar vendo só”. e ele ainda tem a pachorra de colocar a mão embaixo da sua boca, palma virada pra cima, “cospe”, ele manda. com uma mão ainda no volante, a outra que recebeu seu cuspe sobe e desce pela extensão, ele continua sem olhar pra sua cara. “acho que o problema é que a minha namorada é uma perrita insaciável” ele continua os movimentos de vai e vem no pau, te torturando, fazendo você só assistir, você já encharcada decide colocar os dedinhos dentro da calcinha, mas ele te reepreende: “se fizer isso, vai se arrepender. sossega”. “mas fê…” “você me provoca a noite toda e acha que vai ganhar algo tão fácil assim? tsc… além de puta é burra também…”
e irmãs… ele vai fazer um show, vai puxar arzinho pela boca com os dentes cerrados, vai passar o polegar na cabecinha (que nem você faz), vai gemer grave. tudo isso enquanto você é forçada a assistir, sem poder fazer nada. quando ele olha pra você, vê que você tá vidrada no jeito que ele se toca, salivando de tanta vontade de chupar ele. e ele solta uma risadinha seca ao ver sua cara e diz “tá babando, nena. que peninha… quem mandou ser uma putinha que não pensa em mais nada além de levar pau, hm?”.
E DIGO ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 quando ele sente que vai gozar em breve, encosta o carro na rodovia vazia, e termina o trabalho: geme do jeitinho que ele sabe que você gosta de ouvir, tudo isso enquanto olha no fundo dos seus olhos, e suja a mão toda de porra. “abre” e quando você obedece, abrindo a boquinha, ele faz você limpar a mão dele toda, chupando e engolindo cada gotinha em volta dos dedos, lambendo as que escorreram pela palma.
quando você termina de limpar a mão dele todinha, sente um tapa forte no rosto, seguido dele te puxando pelo pescoço para te beijar, enquanto ainda te enforca com a mão. as mãos só saem do seu pescoço para dar outro tapa na sua cara. “fica de quatro, piranha” e você obedece em um piscar de olhos (ainda no banco da frente okaaay). ele levanta seu vestido e abaixa a sua calcinha, quase rasga ela, solta um tapa estalado, forte, na sua bunda, que te arranca um gemido. passa a palma toda na sua buceta só pra ver o quanto você tá molhada, e ele até se impressiona com a quantidade. “caralho… você ficou molhada assim só me ver batendo uma? que cachorra…” ele dá três tapinhas na sua buceta antes de espalhar seu melzinho por lá e até um pouco no cu, aproveitando a lubrificação. se enfia todo na sua bucetinha, sem nem avisar, bruto, também.
“você nunca cansa de levar pau até ficar com a buceta magoadinha, né nena? mas a sorte sua de ser uma putinha tão gostosa assim, porque eu também nunca canso de te comer” e ele tá SOCANDO em você sem dó nenhuma, e ainda por cima enfia um dedo no seu cuzinho pra te deixar bem cheinha enquanto a outra mão agarra sua bunda numa força que vai deixar até roxo depois
aproveitando que tô falando sobre esse homem. olhem essa foto meus amores não gente ele é gostoso demais. desumano de vdd
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bueckerrss · 8 months
dangerous women
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matt x fem! latina! reader
warnings: drug deals, guns, car races
the reader will speak a lot of spanish in this series because my inspiration for this series is griselda a colombian drug lord.
New york
“MARCOS!” she yelled for her assistant to go to her office.
“yes, ms. blanco?” the timid man said afraid to look her in the eyes “i need you to make a flyer for a new transporter, i recently got rid of the other one. he asked too many questions and we simply can’t have that here.”
“got rid of him in what way?” he mumbled making her look at him with a straight face “do you want me to get rid of you too?” she said not breaking eye contact with him.
“no maam” he mumbled walking away “oh and get the jet ready we’re going back to LA tonight.” she said before he left the room.
back in LA
matt was looking at his monitors frantically switching between computers and other devices in front of him.
“matt, you need to catch a break you’ve been staring at those screens for hours nothing is going to change!” chris said as he saw his brother look from one screen to the next.
“that’s the thing chris something will eventually change or she’ll be seen somewhere!” he exclaimed turning his chair to face his brother.
both of the brothers turned around to noise to see a picture of y/n getting into her jet in brown dress pants with a black shirt, black stilettos and a brown coat over her shoulders.
“told you something would change!” matt exclaimed frantically typing out some information on another screen.
“so? she’s getting on a jet big deal! come downstairs and eat lunch” chris exclaimed as he was walking out of the room.
shaking his head and turning around to face the computer screen in front of him, matt let out a sigh.
sitting in her office dim lights as men came in and out for interviews none of them satisfied her for this special job, until a man 5’8 with brown hair blue eyes in all black walked in.
scanning the man in front of her y/n sat up straight in her chair and looked at him.
“hello.” she said monotoned “this is for the transporter job right?” said the man in a confident voice which the women admired.
“it certainly is. now what’s your name pretty boy?” she asked eyeing him.
“Matthew Sturniolo”
“well take a seat mr.sturniolo” she said pointing to a chair in front of her, the man took a seat making eye contact with the woman in front of him.
“first question, do you have any idea who i am?” she said firmly. “you’re y/n blanco one of the most wanted and powerful women cartel in both new york and los angeles.” he replied with confidence.
“you’ve done your research?” she said raising her eyebrows surprised that he knew her but then again she was the most wanted drug lord almost her whole life was on display.
“maybe” he responded “next question, how old are you?” she questioned “why youre trying to ask me out on a date?” he cocked his eyebrow suppressing a smile, she just glared at him. “sorry, i’m 25 years old” he responded “do you have a driver’s license?” she asked “yes” he affirmed.
before she could get more of her questions out the phone on her desk began to ring making both of them look at it. “bueno?” she spoke into the phone “como que juan no hizo la entrega? manda luis a mi oficina ahora mismo!” she hung up the phone, before matt could ask any question there was a knock at the door making him turn around.
“adelante” a 6’4 tattooed muscular man walked in looking at y/n “me hablo señora?” he asked his eyes moving to matt who sat on the chair “si, necesito que le hagas una visita a juan, ya sabes que hacer y hazlo rápido, asegúrate que nadie te mire entrar o salir de ahí!” he nodded taking in his orders leaving the room closing the door behind him.
“sorry about that, where were we?” she cleared her throat looking at the blue eyed man in front of her “you were asking me questions” he smiled at her “right the interview!” she mumbled looking down at the questions in front of her.
“chapter” 1 of dangerous women complete! i hope you guys enjoyed this as much as i enjoyed making it i have a lot of ideas for this series so im super excited! sorry if my spanish is wrong or bad im used to just speaking it and not writing it 😭 (pls don’t tell my mom she’ll be mad if she knew i was forgetting how to write in spanish 😕) but thank you so much for reading this!
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