#Manon Chamack
zoe-oneesama · 1 year
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I wish I remembered what these flowers were and what they meant, I remember I spent a lot of time picking VERY specific flowers for each character.
Main Cast Class Agreste Employees Grande Paris Friends and Employees Cesaires and KIDZ+ Adults 2
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spittyfishy · 8 months
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Next batch of akuma drawings! 🦋
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miraculoustakes · 2 months
I genuinely believe that Lila having a weird crush on Marinette would be far better as an explanation than time travelling Manon theory, but I am happy to discourse on this topic and even rescind this
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bananagreste · 24 days
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days of marinette dupain cheng #214 >> babysitting
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redtippedfox · 9 months
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There’s an imposter among them but who is it?
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darkwitch1999 · 7 months
Simpleman AU (But without Simpleman because that villain was CRINGE!!!!!)
What if instead of Marinette dropping the kids off with her grandfather Rolland Dupain, she decided to go to one of her friends for help? More specifically a creative and artistic duo of friends, one of whom has experience with babysitting children. Enter Nathaniel Kurtzberg and Marc Anciel! Knowing that the comic book duo are already hanging out at Marc’s house to work on their comic, ignoring the fact that they are also babysitting Marc’s little brother, Aimé Anciel, and not even bothering to ask them first because she’s so dead set on helping out Adrien, Marinette brings Manon, Ella, Etta, and Chris over to Marc’s house.
(Marc and Nathaniel stare incredulously at Marinette as she finishes explaining her situation. Meanwhile, are Chris and Manon chasing each other around the living room while Ella and Etta are jumping on the couch. Aimé is drawing a picture with crayons and paper on the coffee table with a Reverser doll sitting next to him, paying no mind to the other four rambunctious children.)
Marinette: (looks at the comic duo with pleading eyes) So it would just be for a little bit and I swear, I’ll hurry back as soon as I can! Please?
Nathaniel: (exchanges a look with Marc) Is she serious? Marinette, you know we’re always willing to help you out, but Marc and I still have pages of our next comic to finish before our next meeting with our editor in a couple of weeks.
Marc: (speaks hesitantly) And besides, we are already looking after Aimé and I don’t think we can look after four more kids…it’s just a lot more than I am used to…
Marinette: I know it’s a lot to ask and I swear I’ll owe you guys big time if you do this favor for me. I should be back within an hour at most to finish the client’s request. Besides, I babysit these four all the time. It’s super easy!
Nathaniel: (raises an eyebrow) Then why can’t you take the kids with you if it’s that easy? Or ask this client to come over to your place to get their costume fixed?
Marc: Nath has a point there, Marinette. Who even is this client, anyway?
Manon: (puts on the brakes and stops running upon hearing Marc’s question) Marinette is going to help her boyfriend! (Manon starts running again before Chris could catch up to her)
(Marinette’s face immediately blushes red and her posture stiffens with embarrassment. Marc and Nathaniel couldn’t suppress the smirks growing on their faces.)
Nathaniel & Marc: (turn to face each other) Called it!
It took a bit more time for Marinette to plead her case and convince the comic book duo to watch the kids but after a quick sidebar, Marc and Nathaniel decided to babysit Manon, Ella, Etta, and Chris while Marinette was gone to make a fool out of herself again in front of Adrien. But their help doesn't come cheap.....
Marc: (smirks) Alright, Marinette. We'll watch the kids for you.
Marinette: (beaming with gratitude) Oh thank you! Thank you both so much!
Nathaniel: (holds up a hand) However, in return for our services, we expect a payment of half of whatever you earn today from babysitting.
Marinette: WHAT?! That's totally unfair! You're only watching them for an hour!
Nathaniel: Yes, an hour of our time that we could be using to work on our comic which we will be getting paid for once it's published, but instead we will be using that hour to look after five kids.
Marc: I mean sure, we could simply just watch the kids for free out of the goodness of our hearts, but I do believe some compensation for the work that we will be missing is more than fair.
Marinette: You will both get a THIRD and split it between the both of you!
Marc: (shrugs his shoulder) Oh well, if that is the best you can offer us, Marinette, (walks to the front door and proceeds to open it) good luck with the kids.
Nathaniel: (calls out) Hey kids! Grab your backpacks! You're going back to Marinette's house!
Marinette: (panics) WAIT! (sighs in defeat) Okay fine...I'll give you guys half...
Marc: (closes the front door)
Nathaniel: (calls out) Never mind, you're staying here!
So for a while, things are going well. Marc and Nathaniel keep the kids calm and entertained with drawing activities and playing with the plush dolls of Miraculous superheroes and villains that Marinette brought with her for them to play with...
(Ella and Etta make the Rena Rouge and Carapace dolls kiss each other. Manon makes the Ladybug and Chat Noir dolls kiss each other. Aimé makes his Reverser doll and the Evillustrator doll kiss each other, which causes Marc to blush profusely while Nathaniel is laughing his ass off.)
Chris: (cringes and shields his eyes) EWWWWWWWW!!!!! Stop it! You guys are gross!
After a while though, Nathaniel suddenly gets a notification on his phone, reminding him that the latest issue of his favorite comic is going to be released today, and the artist who drew the comic book illustrations was going to be hosting a book signing at the book store. While he was initially excited, he then soon realized that he couldn't go and leave Marc alone with the kids. Despite Marc's insistence that he would be just fine being alone with the kids for a little bit and that Marinette is probably on her way back anyway, Nathaniel refuses to leave Marc alone. So like any other healthy couple would do, they came up with a compromise, which involved Marc tricking Nathaniel outside and locking him out of the house until he got his comic signed.
Though things stay calm for a bit, after a while Manon, Ella, Etta, and Chris start getting a bit rambunctious like typical young children. Running around the house, getting into things they are not suppose to (like messing with the pages of Marc and Nathaniel's comic and putting them out of order, reading through Marc's diary, etc.), jumping on the couch, fighting over the dolls, etc. Meanwhile while all this chaos is going on, Marc is desperately trying to call Marinette to see if she was on her way back soon since it has been well over the hour that she promised she would be back by. Unfortunately, Marc keeps getting sent to voice mail over thirty times because Marinette is too busy overcomplicating her plans as usual. Marc then starts to become anxious and panics, which goes unnoticed by every child except for Aimé since he is the only one who isn't running around the house. Being only 6 years old, Aimé doesn't quite understand his brother's anxiety/panic attacks or more specifically how to help but he thinks that Marc is most bothered by the loud noises of the other children running around and then tries to get everyone's attention by turning on the Ladybug and Chat Noir movie. The movie immediately captivates the four children's attention and they all sit quietly in the living room to watch the movie. Unfortunately, Marc is still having a panic attack despite the room having quiet down. Aimé tries talking to Marc to help him, but again, Aimé is only six years old and has no idea how to help calm his brother down. So he then decided to get Marc's phone and call his boyfriend for help.
Nathaniel: (picks up the phone as he leaves the book store) Hey, Marc! I'm heading back right now. How are-...
Aimé: Nath! Something is wrong with my big brother! He's breathing weird!
Nathaniel: (confused and starts to worry) Aimé? What do you-...(realizes what Aimé is talking about) give the phone to Marc, Aimé! Let me talk to him.
(Aimé holds the phone up to Marc and puts the phone on speaker. Nathaniel can hear Marc's shaky, hyperventilating breaths from his end, causing him to become increasingly worried.)
Nathaniel: (sprints as he talks on the phone) Marc...Rainbow? It's Nath! I'm on my way back, you're going to be okay. I'm going to stay on the phone with you. Please, just try to breathe with me. We'll do it toget-...(hears Aimé cry out in alarm) Marc? Aimé, what's going on buddy? Hello?! Can you guys hear me?!
Marc: Yes, Shadowmoth.....
Nathaniel: (his eyes grew wide filled with fear and panic) Oh shit....
Yes, Marc gets reakumatized in this "What If" scenario. I couldn't think of any new akumatized identities that Marc could be turned into. I was kind of leaning on this being a "Reverser 2" type deal. For instance after Marc is akumatized into Reverser again, he immediately reverses the children (minus Aimé) into becoming well behaved children who sit quietly unless told otherwise. Then he goes on a crusade to hunt down Marinette to reverse her into revealing her true feelings to Adrien since it was because of her obsession with Adrien that got him into this mess in the first place (or at least from his perspective) and much like everyone else, he has grown tired of her overcomplicated plans.
So what do you guys think of this "What If" scenario? I've had this idea in the back of my mind for a while. Please feel free to share your thoughts and opinions on this scenario regardless if you like it or hate it.
@andromeda612 @nerd-chocolate @artzychic27 @msweebyness @imsparky2002 @arny20252 @princessbutterflysposts
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celestiall0tus · 3 months
Court of Miracles, Manon
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Little Manon gets to join the crew in Court. I'm not sure what her canon age is, but we decided to make her and another kid about 10-11 years old.
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yardikins · 2 years
If I see one more person hating on a child character FOR ACTING LIKE A CHILD im gonna start my villain arc
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lostuntothisworld · 2 months
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There's a theory on Twitter that Wayhem is somehow related to Cerise because of the chameleon on his shirt. I raise you this crack theory:
Cerise, Wayhem, Jean Duparc, and Manon are all related
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chikorra · 3 months
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Not as I imagined sad noises
Anyway one of my fav Akumas
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bakawitch · 4 months
Miraculous Mortality Parasite Users
(No particular order of importance, up to change)
*TBR - To Be Revealed
**TBS - To Be Selected
Dove - Marinette/Mireille Qian - l'Œillet/Eyelet
Snail - Adrien/René le Blanc - Helix Vert
Cat - TBR*
Dragonfly - TBR
Wolf - TBR
Rabbit - TBR
Deer - TBR
Fox - TBR
Ferret - TBR
Fungus - TBR
Anglerfish - Ondine/Margot Fontaine - Sirena
Owl - Chloé/Cornelia Neuville - Strixelle
Coyote - Claudia/Jaqueline Ramage - Brigand (OC) @wisteriasymphony
Butterfly - Lívia/Illangó Bíborka - Fair Malison (OC)
Jellyfish - TBR
Black Widow - TBR
White Bat - Felix/Asher Blackvale - Noctule
Snapping Turtle - TBR
Octopus - TBR
Chameleon - Manon/Clarabelle Beaufoy - Princess Blissa
Wild Dog - Ivan/Piers Faucher - Hell Hound
Moth - Juleka/Rose Rock - Mothra
Silk Moth - TK/Kingsley Rucker - Hexerei (YGO)
Lanternfly - Beau/Cleé Malachai - Phthonus (OC)
Albino Peacock - TBR
Black Goat - TBR
Spider - Sabrina/Delancey de la Cour - Agent S
Fly - TBR
Cattle - TBR
Platypus - Inaaya 'Aya' Acharya-Lockwood - Ekaanta (OC) @kissofchrysantheum
Lice - Hyperion Acharya-Lockwood - Ichor (OC) @kissofchrysantheum
Panther -TBR
Snake - Adalheidis 'Alice/Heidi' Exton - Ophedia (OC) @kissofchrysantheum
Hare - Eileithiya 'Thea' Fox - Invidia (OC) @kissofchrysantheum
Mouse - Camilla Higashikata - Cheer (OC) @yukii0nna
Jaguar - TBS**
Hawk - TBR
Dragon - TBR
Possum - TBS
Lionfish - TBS
Rook - TBS
Shark - TBS
Hornet - TBS
Eel - TBS
Mortality Miracle Box
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the-delta-42 · 4 months
A/N: Had to repost because I forgot to do a few things.
Marinette exhaled quietly as the last customer left the Bakery, three hours non-stop, which was preceded by another three hours before she was forced to take a break. The usual help hadn’t shown up that morning and both Marinette and her mother had been swapping over at set intervals, while her father kept an eye on the oven.
Marinette had recalled hearing her parents complain about Jonathan before, but this was the first time he hadn’t shown up for work. Marinette heard the bell over the door go, before putting on her ‘customer service’ face, which quickly broke when she spotted her grandfather.
“You look dead.” Came his blunt statement.
“Jon didn’t show up this morning.” Said Marinette, “Normally, we’d contact his wife, but neither are picking up.”
Rolland was quiet, “He’s the one that’s older than me.”
“Yeah, I think he’s supposed to be retired.” Remarked Marinette, “Papa and Maman are in the back, I think I heard them arguing about the consistency of some icing for a cake.”
Rolland shook his head, before walking into the back. Marinette sighed, before the bell over the door rang again. Marinette took a deep breath in and looked ahead.
“Welcome to Tom and Sabine’s Bakery, how may I help?” Said Marinette in her ‘customer service’ voice.
“You didn’t turn up for Orange Juice.” Said Kagami, making Marinette slump forwards.
“I knew I forgot something.” Groaned Marinette, “First Jon didn’t turn up and now I forgot about our drink, what’s next, Adrien telling me I forgot some project?”
There was a stiff silence, before Kagami looked to the side. Marinette groaned and dropped her head against the counter.
“Kill me now.” Groaned Marinette, “Of course things are going to shit, Jon doesn’t turn up, then I forget about our drink date and the class project and Luka saying that we ‘need to talk’ tomorrow.”
Kagami frowned, her head tilting slightly, “Is wanting to talk a bad thing?”
“Kagami,” Said Marinette, through her hands, “when one party in a relationship says, ‘we need to talk’ nothing good is going to come from it.”
Kagami was silent.
“Whenever Adrien says we need to talk, he shows me cat pictures.” Said Kagami, Marinette stared at her friend.
“Either Adrien is adorably naïve, or he doesn’t know what that phrase is used for.” Said Marinette, after a second.
Sabine poked her head out of the kitchen, “Marinette, go upstairs, you’ve done enough for today.”
Marinette smiled, until she decided to stand up, when her legs couldn’t take her weight and promptly collapsed onto the ground.
“Are you okay?” Asked Kagami, as Marinette hauled herself back up.
“I’m. Fine.” Grunted Marinette, as she made her way to the stairs.
Kagami watched her fall three more times before walking over, picking her up and carrying up the stairs.
“Can I have a kitty, Maman, pleeease?” Pleaded Manon, giving her mother the puppy’s eyes
“No, Manon,” Sighed Nadja, looking away from her computer, “having a pet is a big responsibility, and you can’t have one until you’re older.”
“B-b-but,” Manon whimpered, getting a sigh from Nadja.
“Manon,” Said Nadja, firmly, “I’ve said no.”
Manon burst into tears and ran off, getting a dejected sigh from her mother.
‘Stupid Maman,’ Thought Manon, not noticing the Akuma, ‘I am old enough.’
“Grown Up, I am Monarch. Your Mere believes you are too young for any responsibility, if you bring me Ladybug’s and Chat Noir’s Miraculous and you’ll get what you want.”
Marinette stretched as she stood up, carefully adjusting the table. Kagami glanced at the clock.
“I have to go, Mother is expecting me home soon.” Said Kagami, getting up, “Same time next week?”
Marinette nodded, “Want a lift? I’ve told Maman I’d deal with some of the deliveries today.”
“That would be nice.”
Five minutes later Marinette was driving her moped with Kagami and some deliveries.
“Why’d you retry things with Luka?” Asked Kagami, as they rounded a corner.
“I thought I needed to work on me,” Called Marinette, “I thought if I became a better version of myself, things would be easier with Luka.”
“Are they?”
“Nope.” Answered Marinette, as they stopped at Kagami’s home. Frowning, Marinette looked at her phone, “Hold on, did your Maman order from my parents?”
“She tried one of your family’s pastries and enjoyed them.” Answered Kagami, as Marinette pulled a bag from the case on her moped.
“Right, give me a moment.” Marinette hopped off the vehicle, and walking up to the door with the bakery bag.
“I’ll take it, Mother’s going to be in a meeting.” Said Kagami, taking the bag from Marinette, “See you next week.”
Marinette sighed, rolling her shoulders as she remounted her moped. She’d just finished her deliveries and was about to head home, part of her wondered why it was so quiet, before she shook her head and drove home.
Meanwhile, Grown Up ran across the rooftops, revelling in her freedom.
Yawning, Marinette looked around, before crossing the road. She smiled as Alya waved at her, before she heard someone shout.
“I AM GROWN UP, I WANT THE MIRACULOUS!” Alya and Marinette were hit by a beam of light, before Grown Up ran away.
“What the hell?” Asked Alya, before looking at Marinette and gasped, “Girl, look at you.”
“Look at me?” Marinette pointed at Alya, “Look at you!”
Both girls were at least ten years older, Alya was wearing a suit like the one Nadja Chamack wore when she was working, while Marinette was wearing a dark blue pant suit.
“Whoa.” Said both girls.
Adrien gulped as he looked at Marinette, thanks to the Akuma that aged anyone hit by their ray, Marinette and Alya had been hit and aged up to at least 25.
Adrien was quick to notice that Marinette looked 'smoking hot', as Kim put it, and had certainly gotten bigger in the chest and hips. He didn’t look at Alya, but he felt Nino was thinking the same thing.
It certainly didn't help when Adrien suddenly blurted out,
"Please step on me." Blurted Adrien, before he clapped his hands over his mouth. Adrien just wanted to die. He decided he would do it himself if he had to.
“Please do it. I wanna see what happens.” Said Kim, laughing as Adrien and Marinette’s faces went red.
“Shut up, Kim.” Said Alya, taking control of the situation. She removed her blazer and dropped it on top of Marinette’s, “We need to focus on more important things.”
Adrien thought he saw Nino covering his nose, while Marinette folded her arms across her chest.
“Yeah,” Said Alix, pointing at Nathaniel, “Like why does Nath look homeless?”
They glanced at him, Nathaniel was hit by Grown Up as well, but while Marinette and Alya looked healthy and well dressed, Nathaniel was filthy and unnaturally skinny.
“I don’t know.” Rasped Nathaniel, before he hacked up a cough.
“Hold on.” Lila, who’d also been hit by Grown Up, grabbed a torch from her pocket, she had a doctor’s coat on and a hospital ID, she crouched in front of Nathaniel, “Open up.”
Nathaniel grimaced, but slowly opened his mouth, Lila visibly recoiled and nearly dropped her torch.
“Well, that’s something you don’t see that every day.” Muttered Lila, as Marinette crouched next to her.
“Is that a…” Marinette tilted her head to the side.
“There are a couple of masses, one at the back of your throat and another on your gums along your molars.” Said Lila, frowning, “But…maybe you should cut back on the cigarettes.”
“How can you tell he smokes?” Asked Marinette, as Alya joined them.
“Staining on his fingers, his cough and the state of his teeth and gums.” Answered Lila, before stiffening, “How the hell do I know that?”
“I’ve got some news headlines on my mind and Marinette’s got some meetings on hers.” Said Alya, before glancing at Nathaniel.
Marinette groaned, “We’re getting off subject, sorry Nath, but I think we can focus on our future problems when they actually happen.”
“Right.” The others nodded, as Nathaniel reached into his pocket for a pencil, before he frowned and pulled out a syringe.
Lila quickly took the syringe from him and put it on Bustier’s desk.
“We need to find the Akuma, get all this fixed and go back to hating each other.” Marinette glanced at Lila and Chloé, who’d also been hit by the beam, “So, what do we know?”
“She calls herself ‘Grown Up’.” Said Lila, “So, it’s likely that she’s a small child that’s been told she’s too young for something.”
“Okay, so if we can figure out what she wants, we could distract her with it.” Said Alya, shifting.
“But, to do that we’d need to know who she is.” Said Marinette, getting a scoff from Chloé.
“Out of everyone in the city, the first two she targets are you two.” Said Chloé, “Most people target people they know, so, do any of the brats you baby sit want something they can’t have?”
The class watched as Marinette frowned, before her jaw dropped, “Oh my god.”
Marinette ran out the room, leaving everyone at a loss.
Marinette carefully put the box on the table, getting frowns from everyone.
“What’s that?” Asked Alix, as Marinette reached into the box and pulled out a kitten.
“Someone dumped an entire litter in my family’s bin.” Said Marinette, as the other kittens started mewing, “I showed them to Manon and she’s been besotted with Tiny since she met her.”
Alya raised an eyebrow, “Tiny?”
“Because she’s small.” Answered Marinette, before heading towards the door, “Hopefully, finding Manon will be easy.
Grown Up was running around the park, despite her name, she looked more or less the same, with ‘grown up’ make up on her face. Marinette wanted to coo at how adorable it was, while another part of her wanted to roll around laughing at how ridiculous Manon looked.
“Manon.” Said Marinette, getting the Akuma’s attention, “Come here.”
“Marinette!” Grinned Grown Up, running toward Marinette, “Have you got Kitty?”
Marinette nodded, “But, if you want her, you need to give me the Akuma object.”
Manon rapidly nodded, all but throwing a sheet of paper at Marinette. She handed the kitten to Manon, prompting the animal to start purring. The sound of someone skidding got Marinette’s attention, turning, she found Chat Noir. She smiled and held the piece of paper out to him.
“You might want to get this to Ladybug.” Said Marinette, before heading off, “Could you watch her for me, please? I need to do something.”
Chat absently nodded, allowing Marinette to slip into an alley way, she saw a guy sitting amongst some bins, but quickly noted that he was asleep.
“Tikki,” The Kwami appeared out of Marinette’s pocket, “Spots on!”
A flash of light woke the man from his sleep, seeing an Adult Ladybug swing out of the Alley, he looked down at the bottle of whiskey and started to pour it away.
Ladybug landed next to Chat and took the piece of paper from him, “Thank you.”
Chat stared at her dumbstruck, as Ladybug tore the piece of paper and purified the Akuma. Pulling up a lucky charm and casting the cure, Ladybug found herself back at her normal height. Chat almost looked disappointed.
“We better get going,” Said Ladybug, drawing her arm back, “I’ll make sure to point Marinette back this way.”
“Okay.” Said Chat, quietly as Ladybug left, “I’ll see you in a minute.”
Marinette skidded to a stop in front of Chat, “Sorry, I had to move my moped.”
“Okay, M’Lady.” Marinette’s eyes got impossibly wides.
“Wha-” “Marinette!”
Marinette looked at Nadja, who was running up to her, “I can’t find Manon! Her father thought she was with me and I thought she was her and…”
“She was Akumatized.” Said Chat, pointing toward Manon and Kitty, “It was dealt with.”
“I should’ve said,” Said Marinette, “we had some low-life dump a litter of kittens in our bin. I’ve been cleaning them up and nursing them until we can rehome them. Manon saw Tiny and, well, fell in love with her.”
Nadja gnawed at her bottom lip, watching Manon play with the kitten.
“She’s helped me with feeding them and playing with them.” Continued Marinette, “She’s also calmed down easier when the kitten’s with her.”
Nadja walked up to Manon and looked at the cat, before looking at Marinette, “She is house trained, right?”
Marinette nodded, “They know to use a litter tray or to go outside. I’ve actually had to go on my balcony wearing gloves because of them.”
“What does she eat?”
“Normal cat food, but she is partial to a piece of salmon every so often.” Answered Marinette, “Of course, she still needs to be chipped and spayed.”
“I’ll handle that.” Dismissed Nadja, as she picked Manon up, “I’ll drop around later to hash things out.”
Marinette smiled and waved Nadja, Manon and Kitty off, before whirling around on Chat, “How do you know?!”
“Both you and Ladybug were older.” Answered Chat, as Marinette gaped at him.
“So was Alya!”
D */Ten Years Later/*
Marinette quietly hummed to herself as Felix and Noir rolled around the room, she heard Hugo and Louis fighting over a toy and Emma gurgling up at Adrien.
“How’re things turning out with Nath?” Asked Adrien, looking up from their daughter.
“Lila’s managed to get him the medical care he needs,” Answered Marinette, as she flipped through her designs, “I think Alix is trying to get in contact with Marc, and Chloé and Sabrina are trying to get access to his home.”
“What about his problems?” Asked Adrien, as Noir barrelled into his leg.
“They’ve confiscated all the drugs he had on him,” Marinette sighed, “but he might have to be admitted to a Rehab facility.”
Adrien sighed through his nose, looking down at the cat clawing his way up his leg, “Plagg, a little help?”
“I keep telling ya, Kid, I don’t speak Cat.”
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spittyfishy · 1 year
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I’ve wanted to make this since Heroes Day first aired lol, it would literally be so simple
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myradiantlady · 1 year
I just saw a reel on insta that was basically a crack theory saying that Lila is Manon from the future. It's so random (and totally insane) but I'm kinda into it.
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I mean they do look kind of similar.
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baenyth · 5 months
Bethany's Bizarre Miraculous Reviews Episode 3-21: The Puppeteer 2
Alright, this is a big episode! Maker-breaker! Do Alya and Nino care more about eachother than babysitting kids? Should Marinette date Adrien (definitely not, but I know damn well the statue scene is here.)
Oh my god! Pianist Plagg returns!
Alright, so Adrien tries to bring his best friend Nino to the wax museum with him, but Nino is currently on a date with Alya and so he has to bring his girlfriend along (must be a while after the Party Crasher incident. Alya didn't talk to him for a week!) and then Alya decides to bring Marinette along for the sake getting her and Adrien together (although she didn't want to, that's kinda rude.)
No. Please no. Marinette just babysit Manon. Say no. Be strong. Be resilient. Imagine it like if you go there Adrien will end up marrying Chloe.
Also Natalie's so understanding and lets all Adrien's friends and Manon come along! Points for her!
Thank you, Manon. Your innocence and bluntness will save this world from the calamity that is the Love Square.
Oh god. The spades thing was a good lie. She's getting better at this and I think Adrien's buying it. Bimbo.
The Adrien stalkers have gotten to the point of stealing his parts at the wax museum. At least it was just his arms. I could think of a lot worse parts to steal.
Ah yes, the wax museum. Where character models can be reused and not have to move!
The rewind was a nice transition, I'll admit.
Well, at least Alya's giving Marinette the choice.
Thanks for keeping Adrien company, Plagg. Even when Alya and Nino kinda ditch Marinette like that and Marinette panics, you're here for him.
Adrien cares so much about his friendship with Marinette. I love him.
Goddamn idiot teenagers forgetting about Manon.
So that was the statue scene. Marinette keeps on touching the fucking art. That's not allowed in museums. You'll smudge up the art. Except this time it was Adrien posing as a statue. Just more proof Marinette may not be the worst of the Adrien stalkers, but she's still an Adrien stalker.
They really didn't hesitate in that wax boss rush. Swag.
It feels like these resolutions are too short. Or maybe not. Iuno.
Honestly I won't just take Lukanette at this point. I'm fine with Kagaminette too. It'll take a lot of work and character development, but it'll be worth it if we get Lukadrien. Whatever. I would've preferred if this show was Miraculous: Tales of Crimson Experience and Nekokage. Or Miraculous: Tales of Tentomushi and whatever Luka's Black Cat name would be. Or just keep Chat Noir. I'm just tired of Marinette's shit. Maybe if she got consequences for her actions or something I'd be happy.
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imsparky2002 · 6 months
Batraculous: Villains + Future Hero
Here are a few of the villains that will be in Batraculous and a future hero.
Gabriel Agreste - Black Mask
Harry Clown - Joker
Theo Barbot - Clayface
Clara Nightingale - Music Meister
Manon Chamack - Baby Doll
Vince Le Blanc - Miles Morales
Vince is the name I gave for the Frog Kid akuma from Risk. He's the son of Giselle and Caline. Lemme know what you think in the comments and make sure to reblog and reply if you liked it. @artzychic27 @msweebyness
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