#March 29 Birthdays
yahoo201027 · 2 months
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March 29: Happy Birthday to Co-Writer and Co-Creator Lizzie Molyneux-Logelin, who is the co-writer of a few Bob’s Burgers episodes alongside her sister Wendy Molyneux and the co-creator of The Great North (2021-).
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k-looking-glass-house · 3 months
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Happy (fanon) Birthday Chenya'!
Yes....it's happening, ...Did I gave fanon birthday to the twiwon's cast leftover.....Yes!
And what better than the only day which can appear or disappear every 4 years for our dear chescha'cat!
Yes ....it means Riddle tells everyone that Chenya is only 4/5 because it's true.... Ruuuuuuullllleeeeeee *p&s ref*
I didn't have enough time to finish this one... sorry Alchemi Alchemivinch Pinka... sketch...only sketch colo
Pat pat it's like a Disneyland's GRWM outfit!
Summon Line: “Nyaachulululuuu, aren't we all mad here? If you're looking for a rabbit you got it wrong~” Groooovy!!: "We're all mad here! I'm mad, you're mad! *grinning*" Home: "Alchemi Alchemivich Pinka!! Say it ONCE again!" Home Idle 1: "Can you stand on your head? *disappearing*" Home Idle 2: "My birthday is a mystery, isn't it great, dealing with a desk and nyot a crow?" Home Idle 3:" In the Queendom of Roses, unyhappy birthday are great, but happy birthday are even better!" Home Idle - Login: "I'm stranger, you're stranger...Together we are.... strangers! Nyahihihihi" Home Idle - Groovy: "I wannya meet Riddle and Trey, hihihihi let's surprise them together!" Home Tap 1: "*humming* *floating head*" Home Tap 2: "It's always tea time, but right now I want a pinkitty drinkitty! Nya~" Home tap 3: "My age? Hnnn hihihi I'm 5! You don't believe me?? Ask Riddle~" Home Tap 4: "Oh... how was.... I able to enter Nyaght Raven College? Actually your headmaster is very "yashashii"! It's true! I told him he had a sweet hat goodbye!" Home Tap 5: "My grandpa is so excited every 4 years to celebrate this special day with me! How great, how great! *purring* (kill this headcanon of my brain now)" Home Tap - Groovy: "*appearing* Boo!!! Nyahahaha did I startled you? Ahhwww sorry sorry, let me headpat you! *humming*"
Chenya': This way, that way? Nyakufufu~ Yuu(sona): Happy birthday Chenya'!
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msbillyhargrove · 2 months
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(I know it was yesterday, but bare with me here.)
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favficbirthdays · 2 months
Happy Birthday
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Deanna Troi (29th March 2336)
Star Trek TNG
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phillips-sisters · 2 months
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Happy 12th Birthday to Isla Phillips! Born; March 29th 2012 🎉🤍
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jazzyrazzy157 · 2 months
Today is my birthday 🎉
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fictional-birthdays · 2 months
Happy Birthday, Maria Ushiromiya! (Umineko no Naku Koro Ni)
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twitteringthings · 3 months
All I’ve been thinking about is how my birthday is March 23 and how Chapter 57 is Yoneda-Sensei’s personal birthday gift to me <3
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lily-drake · 2 months
Happy Birthday Theodore Auguste Hein!
He’s an adorable little sh*!
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thediktatortot · 1 year
I feel like we should all do something fun and encouraging on Billy Hargrove's birthday (Mar 29).
It could be a tiny little event, or we could just have an appreciation day where we tell about the good things in our lives that we appreciate but might not think about all time, or even just a little event to reach out to followers and mutuals to tell each other something small we appreciate about each other.
Could be anything, I just think we should do something that feels hopeful and loving.
We are going through really tough times and some of us are going through things that we couldn't understand and sometimes just the smallest of compliments or the littlest kind comment can make someone's day just a little brighter.
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yahoo201027 · 2 months
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March 29: Happy 58th Birthday to Voice Actor Brian Beacock, who provided the English voices of the characters of Yumichika Ayasegawa on Bleach, Renzo Shima on Blue Exorcist, and both Sakon and Ukon on Naruto and later as Chojiro on both Naruto Shippuden and Boruto: Naruto Next Generations.
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todaysdocument · 1 year
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“My heart goes out in gratitude to the whole American people tonight -- for we have found common cause in presenting a solid front against an insidious but deadly enemy, the scourge of Infantile Paralysis.” 
President Franklin D. Roosevelt, January 29, 1938.
Collection FDR-PPF: Papers as President, President's Personal File
Series: Speeches of President Franklin D. Roosevelt
File Unit: First Carbon Files
January 29, 1938
CAUTION: This address of the President, to be delivered in connection with the celebration of his birthday anniversary, is for release in editions of all newspapers appearing on the streets NOT EARLIER than 11:30 P. M., E.S.T.
Care must be exercised to prevent premature publication.
Secretary to the President
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My heart goes out in gratitude to the whole American people tonight -- for we have found common cause in presenting a solid front against an insidious but deadly enemy, the scourge of Infantile Paralysis.
It is a very glorious thing for us to think of what has been accomplished in our own lifetime to cure epidemic diseases, to relieve human suffering and to save lives. It was by united effort on a national scale that Tuberculosis has been brought under control; it was by united effort on a national scale that smallpox and diphtheria have been almost eliminated as dread diseases.
Today the major fight of medicine and science is being directed against two other scourges, the toll of which is unthinkably great -- Cancer and Infantile Paralysis. In both fields the fight is again being conducted with national unity -- and we believe with growing success.
Tonight, because of your splendid help, we are making it possible to unite all the forces against one of these plagues by starting the work of the new National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. The dollars and dimes contributed tonight and in the continuing campaign will be turned over to this new Foundation, which will marshal its forces for the amelioration of suffering and crippling among infantile paralysis victims wherever they are found. The whole country remains the field of work. We expect through scientific research, through epidemic first aid, through dissemination of knowledge of care and treatment, through the provision of funds to centers where the disease may be combated through the most enlightened method and practice to help men and women and especially children in every part of the land.
Since the first birthday celebrations in 1934, many splendid results have been accomplished so that in literally hundreds of localities facilities for combating the disease have been created where none existed before.
We have learned much during these years and when, therefore, I was told by the doctors and scientists that much could be gained by the establishment of this new National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, I was happy, indeed, to lend my birthday to this united effort.
During the past few days bags of mail have been coming, literally by the truck load, to the White House. Yesterday between forty and fifty thousand letters came to the mail room of the White House. Today an even greater number -- how many I cannot tell you -- for we can only estimate the actual count by counting the mail bags.
[page 2]
In all the envelopes are dimes and quarters and even dollar bills -- gifts from grown-ups and children -- mostly from children who want to help other children to get well.
Literally, by the countless thousands, they are pouring in, and I have figured that if the White House Staff and I were to work on nothing else for two or three months to come we could not possibly thank the donors. Therefore, because it is a physical impossibility to do it, I must take this opportunity of thanking all of those who have given, to thank them for the messages that have come with their gifts, and to thank all who have aided and cooperated in the splendid work we are doing. Especially am I grateful to those good people who have spread the news of these birthday parties throughout the land in every part of all the big cities and the smaller cities and towns and villages and farms.
It is glorious to have one's birthday associated with a work like this. One touch of nature makes the whole world kin. And that kinship, which human suffering evokes, is perhaps the closest of all, for we know that those who work to help the suffering find true spiritual fellowship in that labor of love.
So, although no word of mine can add to the happiness we share in this great service in which we are all engaged, I do want to tell you all how deeply I appreciate everything you have done. Thank you all and God bless you all.
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memendoemori · 8 months
The arguable throughline of my novel: Death is necessary for human progress and the older generation has to step away to allow the newer generation to thrive. Immortality results in creative stagnation and, in many cases, a consolidation of power among the rich and the economically ruthless who endeavor to control the world
The secret throughline of my novel: Being stuck at the age of 29 for 250 years drives you irrevocably insane and you inevitably make that everyone's problem
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shinigami-striker · 2 months
Brian Beacock | Friday, 03.29.24
Same voice actor, different anime characters - featuring Brian Beacock.
Happy birthday! 🎂
Takato Matsuki - Digimon Tamers (2001 anime) (anime/movies; English dub) (2001-2002; 2005)
Yumichika Ayasegawa - Bleach (anime/movies/video games; English dub) (2006-present)
Dengaku Man - BoBoBo-Bo Bo-BoBo (anime; English dub) (2006-2007)
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uselessdxmon · 5 months
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Relatable meme for once
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jazzyrazzy157 · 2 months
Me on March 29:
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and yes,
that a OK KO reference
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