#Marco Peña oneshot
kaznejis · 4 years
Vignettes- Marco Peña x reader
Anonymous asked: just some like cute fluff with marco, maybe like different stages of your relationship. like first date, kiss, first time, just cute lil fluff like that.
Anonymous asked: I feel like you’re one of the few people who write Marco x readers that I love, so can I request your typical how you meet, first kiss etc imagines xx
A/N: Thanks for sending these in, I decided to get through two requests with this one. Sorry that I haven’t posted anything in the last week or so, I’ve been away but I am at home now and promise to be much more active! For those who have sent in a request, expect to see it on here sometime soon. :) 
Also, I gave your parents names in order to make the story flow much better- if those are your parents names then lucky for you, haha!
Feel free to send in any requests!
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Vignette- A brief evocative description, account or episode
“Hey Y/N, grab one of these boxes for me?”
“Sure thing, Dad.” You wiped dust from your hands as you hauled another box that was stacked before the now-empty moving truck. 
“Thanks,” He grinned from the doorway, wiping the sweat that clung to his forehead as he did, “Once you’ve moved that into the kitchen I have some bad news for you.”
“Okay,” You spoke slowly, blowing a hair from your face as you deposited the (admittedly heavy) box onto the kitchen floor before joining your dad in the hallway, “What’s up?”
“Your mother contacted some nearby families before we came here; long story short we are eating dinner with one of them tonight.”
“You’re kidding?” You groaned, running a hand through your messy hair as you pictured the state of your appearance. 
“You’ll have time to fix yourself up,” Rolling his eyes, your dad had practically read your mind, “Think about it, we don’t even have furniture right now let alone food.”
“True,” You sighed, “When are we going?”
“Wait-” You spun to stare grab your phone and check the time, “That’s in two hours!?”
“Better get moving.” Your dad laughed as you sped up the stairs toward the bathroom. 
Luckily, you did manage to get ready in time and at 5:52 your family stood on the porch of a large house only a few blocks from yours. Shifting the bottle of champagne that served as a piece offering into the crook of your arm as you moved to knock on the door, the three of you twitched nervously in anticipation.
Eventually the door swung open and light flooded the porch that had been previously lit by a few dim garden-lights. A thin, dark-haired woman stood on the other side of it- a bright smile adorning her features. 
“Welcome,” She laughed, beckoning you all inside, “It’s freezing out here. Come in, come in!”
“Thankyou so much for having us,” Your mum smiled as she took the bottle from you and offered it towards the woman, “We don’t really have anything to cook with but I hoped that this would be enough.”
“oooh Anna, thankyou very much,” She placed the bottle down and pulled your mother into a tight hug- doing so caused her to spot you and your father loitering awkwardly in the hallway, “Oh! I’m so sorry, I should introduce myself. I’m Laurel, Laurel Pena.” 
“It’s nice to meet you, I’m Chris” Your father stepped forward, engaging in a side-hug with Laurel before gesturing towards you, “And this is our daughter Y/N” You smiled awkwardly and gave a timid wave. 
“Y/N! Your mother has told me so much about you, come here and give me a hug.” She did so, the hug was warm and comforting- washing away any awkwardness you had originally felt, “Now, let’s go meet the rest of the family.”
Turning down the hallway, Laurel led the three of you towards what was presumably the dining room- noise and light erupted from the room as the activity of a family preparing for dinner bustled from it. Smiling reassuringly, Laurel turned into the room and at the sight of guests the family paused- each member turning toward you. 
“The guests have arrived.” Laurel cheered, throwing her arms in the air as the whole family erupted into greeting. Laurel quickly jumped to introduce the each of you to the other family and vice versa. As she moved around the table, you noticed a boy around the same age as you watching you, a small smirk on his face. Chewing on your lip in an attempt to calm the nerves the gaze penetrating the side of your face caused, you willed the eruptions of want that sunk into your spine to stop. 
Eventually, Laurel placed her hands on the back of the boys chair, “...and this is my son, Marco.” She ruffled his hair before turning to the seat beside him. “I noted that the two of you are the same age so I thought that it would be great that you sit beside him Y/N.”
Cocking his head to the side, Marco stared at you as he awaited your reaction. You simply bit your tongue and let out a harsh outtake of breath in an attempt to steady your voice, “Yeah, that sounds perfect.”
“Great!” Laurel then moved to show your parents to their seats, “Now, I will go and get the last of the food- everyone feel free to tuck in!” 
Lowering yourself into the chair hesitantly. you watched as the table began digging into the copious amount of food that littered the table upon different variations of plates and bowls. Marco reached for a dish before him, causing the toned muscles of his arms to flex beneath the short-sleeved shirt that he wore. Turning the skirt of your dress between your fingers and swallowing harshly, you composed yourself before turning to fill your plate with the food that surrounds you. 
“She always goes all out whenever we have guests.”
“Hm?” You hummed, turning towards the voice beside you as you hadn’t quite heard what he said. 
“My mother,” He smiled fondly, which was a really good look on him, “She always goes all out with the food- we usually have about a quarter of this during normal meals.”
You spluttered out a laugh, reaching to cover your mouth as he grinned at you in triumph, “Well, I’m honoured.”
“You should be,” He snorted around a mouthful of food, “She hasn’t spent that much time cooking in months.” At that, you both continued to converse throughout the night as you both became familiar with each other. You and Marco shared a number of interests and you weren’t going to lie about the fact that you had originally found him extremely attractive anyway- these factors only deepened the feelings you already felt towards Marco. 
Apparently, Marco had felt exactly the same. 
As the night came to a close and everybody had separated to different rooms in the house, Marco had pulled you aside and asked the question that would start everything, “Would you consider going out with me sometime?”
You said Yes, of course.
Though the date didn’t end up happening until a few weeks later- you needed time to settle into the new house and become familiar with the local area. 
You vividly remembered Marco’s grin when you had gone over to his house and told him that you were ready for the date he had promised you. He had bounded around like an excited puppy, pulling you into a joy-filled hug as his arms squeezed your sides. 
“I’ll pick you up tomorrow at 11,” He had beamed, staring down at you as he slowly pulled his arms from around you, “I can’t wait.”
It was now ‘tomorrow’ and you anxiously waited beside your window- every time a car pulled up you would jump in anticipation, even if it was approximately an hour before Marco had arranged to pick you up. Chewing on your nails, you moved away from the window and walked over to the mirror in order to check over your appearance; continuing the cycle you had been performing over the last hour or so. 
Just as you begun to settle the nerves that flooded your mind, a car horn sounded from outside the house. Speeding back to your window, you set your gaze upon Marco who was moving to lean against his car. Taking a deep intake of breath and patting down your summer dress one last time, you left your room and headed towards the door. 
“Wow!” Marco exclaimed as soon as you stepped down from the entrance to the house, “You look beautiful.”
You laughed, feeling a heated hue of colour filling your cheeks, “You don’t look too bad yourself.”
You weren’t wrong, Marco wore an unbuttoned plait shirt paired with a black top and ripped jeans- he didn’t look too bad; he looked hot. Marco just shrugged his shoulders and opened the passenger door for you, a content grin on his face. 
“So what actually are we doing today?” You inquired as you slid into the seat, looking over at Marco as he shut the drivers side door behind him. 
“I was going to keep it a secret,” He laughed as he manoeuvred the car out onto the road, “But it’s nothing too big, I thought it would be fun to go bowling and then grab something to eat.”
“Bowling?” You giggled childishly, “I haven’t been bowling in years.”
“Well then,” He grinned at the sound of your laughter, “There’s a pretty high chance that I’ll beat you.” 
“Oh, shut up.” You laughed, shoving him softly (mindful of the fact that he was driving), “That doesn’t necessarily mean that I’m bad at it.”
“Well then we’ll just have to see how it goes.”
“Game on.”
In the end, Marco did win the game. It turned out that bowling was a regular for Marco’s family- meaning he had years of experience against your lack of.
After your pathetic defeat, you sat together in a booth within the restaurant that was connected to the bowling complex- each with a burger and a shared plate of curly fries. 
“You know what Marco,” You swallowed the abundance of greasy food in order to speak easily, “I had fun today.”
“You did?” He smiled widely, staring at you intently, “Well, I did too.”
“Well I mean, you did plan the date.”
He continued to stare at you for a beat. as if he was contemplating- then once his mind was apparently made up; he smacked a salt-covered kiss to your cheek, “Whatever.” He mumbled cheekily after doing so. 
You grinned shyly at Marco, bringing your hand up to brush the area of your cheek that he had kissed, “Ew- You got sauce on my cheek.” Marco broke into a howling laugh that practically crippled his body as you scrubbed at your cheek. 
“You’re so cute.” He huffed out as he recovered from his laugh. 
“Whatever.” You echoed, twisting your lips bashfully. 
“Go out with me again.”
“Slow your roll,” You sipped your drink and winked, “We have to finish this date first.”
One date turned into two...and eventually three. 
Over the two months in which you had now known Marco- you had grown to harbour some intense feelings for the guy. The two of you were in constant contact between dates; texting and calling until the early hours of the morning or simply falling asleep together on facetime. You were adamant that he shared these feelings- giving you the confidence you needed for what you were about to do. 
With an arm curled around your shoulder, Marco was walking you home after offering to do so as soon as the movie you had attended came to a close- therefore giving you the opportunity to, well, kiss him. 
It had been due to happen since that moment during the first date when Marco had lunged over and smacked a kiss to your cheek- the two of you had been stuck in a limbo of whether or not one of you should make the move. This usually resulted in the end of dates closing on an awkward hug or another cheek kiss. 
You were sick of it and taking this much needed step was very much necessary. 
“-I just think that the main character should of made a much better choice, do you agree?” Your prolonged train of thought had taken place whilst Marco had gone on a rant about the main protagonist’s moral choices from the cheap, indie movie you had just viewed. 
“Yeah,” You grinned up at him as his hands trailed patterns upon your shoulder blades, “I agree.”
“You weren’t listening, were you?” He laughed, though he didn’t seem to be offended nor surprised. 
“Sorry,” You snorted out a laugh as he ruffled your hair, “I was trying to listen to you I swear.”
“Well, as long as you tried.” He grinned down at you, moving to encircle his hands around your waist as you came to a stop beneath a fluorescent street-light. 
This was it, you thought, as you stared up at Marco’s lips from beneath your lashes under the glow of the light. 
Though, it seemed that Marco had been thinking about the same thing. Before you could even begin to lean upward he brought his hand up to cradle your chin with his thumb and forefinger, “Can I?”
You huffed out a soft laugh. “You don’t even have to ask.” And before another word can be uttered, you both met each other in the middle and connected your lips into a slow, sipping kiss that made your heart speed up and your knees weaken. 
Eventually the two of you had to pull away for air, as you did so Marco smiled down at you sweetly- with a slight smug look to it, “I’ve been wanting to do that for ages.”
You just smiled bashfully up at him, chewing on your slightly-swollen lip lightly, “Me too.”
“Hey,” Marco spoke, throwing his arm back over your shoulder as you set back onto the path, “Does this mean we’re together now?”
“That’s your way of asking?”
“Alright,” You giggled, tucking yourself into his side, “Sure, we’re together now.”
“Are you 100 percent positive that you want to do this?” Marco asked sincerely, running his arm up and down your arm in a comforting manner. 
“Yeah,” You nodded insistently, reaching up to brush a stray curl from your boyfriend’s forehead, “I want you.”
Marco gulped, his brown eyes darkening ever so slightly, “Are you sure? I mean-”
“Marco, love.” You laughed, shaking him slightly, “We’ve wanted to do this for weeks and this may be the only time in a while that the house is completely empty for the entire night.”
“Okay,” Marco whispered, closing his eyes and toying with the end of your loose shirt, “I just don’t want to hurt you.”
Sighing, you pulled Marco forward and pressed a sweet kiss to his lips before pressing your forehead up against his, drawing circles upon his cheek with your thumb, “I know you won’t, I trust you.”
“Good.” Marco mumbled huskily, moving to kiss you again as he lowered you to lay back against the pillows at the top of your bed. 
“Fuck,” Marco breathed out as you both lay side-by-side, pliant and sweaty against the bed covers. 
“Yeah.” You grinned widely, allowing yourself to roll over and cuddle up against Marco’s side as the endorphins and love hormones produced from sex coursed through you. 
“That was good,” Marco grinned, kissing you lightly on the forehead as he pulled you into his arms, “Was that good for you?”
“I loved it,” You sighed, not allowing your mind to catch up before you said what you were about to say, “I love you.”
Marco paused, going still and silent for a moment as you could feel his eyes boring right through you- though he pulled himself back together in a matter of seconds as he let out a glee-filled laugh, “God, I love you too.”
Taglist: @mansaaay​ @yongboxerrr​ @the-not-so-iconic​ @sandovalali12
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kaznejis · 4 years
We’re on the borderline- Marco Peña x Reader
Oneshot: Marco and Y/N are in a relationship- but what happens when Marco begins to pull away in favour of Elle?
Word count: 3,295
A/N: Title is a lyric from ‘borderline’ by tame impala! Enjoy :)
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Things had started to happen. You had noticed it, of course you had. But your relationship with Marco had too many foundations built from trust and love for silly attributes like less intimacy and cancelled plans to take any form of a toll.
It couldn’t have began on a more convenient day either- you had been mad at your boyfriend. That kind of anger that twisted in the pits of your belly and made you want to tear your hair out. 
“You’re joking?”
“No.” Marco shrugged, placing his tray down onto the table as you moved to sit opposite him, “I’m not.”
“You’re taking part in a-” You paused and ran your hands over your face, “You’re taking part in a kissing booth?”
“Yes, that’s what I said.”
“Are you forgetting something Marco?”
Marco looked up from his food then, one eyebrow raised as he twirled one of his curls around his index finger, “What?”
“Me?” You huffed out an incredulous laugh, almost embarrassed of the fact that you had to have this conversation with your own boyfriend, “You know, the fact that you do actually have a girlfriend?”
“Babe,” Marco began, sighing as he reached across the table to intertwine your fingers with his, “You know it doesn’t mean anything? You’re the one I’m going home to in the end.”
You batted his hands away, “One, you know I hate when you call me that and two have you lost your mind? You seriously think I’m just going to be filled with joy at the thought of you kissing hundreds of other girls?”
“It’s for charity?” Marco inputted almost guiltily, “And I have too, I lost an arcade game to Elle Evans which means I have no choice but to take part.”
You scoffed at the mention of Elle’s name, Rachel had spent countless nights complaining to the girl about you both over the phone and in person- from what you could tell the girl had little to no boundaries and couldn’t see outside of her own bubble. If that wasn’t enough to make you grimace at the mention of her name, the fact that she had openly thirsted over your boyfriend over the intercom just a number of days prior sent a swirl of fury into the pit of your stomach.
“Why were you even with her? You know what people say about her Mar.”
“She came up to me,” Marco defended, holding up his hands in an act, “And, hey, she’s actually a cool girl if you get to know her.”
“Whatever,” You cleared up your rubbish and finished up with the last of your food, “Hey I’m gonna head down to the library to do some studying before class.”
“Nerd,” Marco grinned before standing up next to you and pulling you into a kiss, “We’ll talk about this later. I love you.”
“I love you too.” You smiled- feeling instantly at ease in Marco’s arms as he stroked a stray hair away from your forehead, “Come over later?”
You pulled away then, sharing one last smile as you retreated towards the exit to the cafeteria. You watched as Marco lowered himself back into his seat and Lee Flynn sped towards his table brandishing a pair of crutches. What could he want?
You didn’t see much of Marco for the remainder of the school day and you didn’t have any form of conversation with him until later that night. You were curled up in bed wearing a set of comfy pajamas with some music playing in the background, you decided to shoot Marco a text since he hadn’t made any point of making use of your invitation earlier.
You (19:34): Hey are you still coming over tonight?
You didn’t receive a reply until around 20 minutes later- and the words displayed on the screen caused you to furrow your eyebrows slightly.
Mar <3 (19:56): Hey, sorry can’t tonight something came up- will come over tomorrow though.
Sighing, you switched your phone screen off and turned to switch your tv on, may as well make use of the silence. Though, before you could make any move to do so your phone began to vibrate beside you; displaying the words “Rachel”.
“Hey what’s up?”
“I see Elle has begun to take away your time with Marco too.”
“What?” You sat up in bed, pressing the phone closer to your ear, “What are you talking about Rachel?”
“Oh god,” Rachel whispered, obviously assuming you knew what she was talking about, “Um, well- Lee told me that Marco had replaced him in helping Elle win this weird dance competition thing or whatever.”
“Weird Competition- Rachel I have no idea what you mean.”
“Basically, Lee and Elle were taking part in a dance competition revolving around that arcade game they always play,” You knew the one, Marco had recently beat the high score, “Well Lee fell of the machine or something, I don’t know he won’t tell me the full story, so today he convinced Marco to take his place and work with Elle.”
You scrubbed at your eyes with your fingers, trying to grasp the situation. “You have got to be joking.”
“I’m really sorry Y/N.”
“It’s fine, I had to find out somehow.”
“Hey,” Rachel said sternly, “Stop with the mopey voice. Honestly? There’s probably nothing to worry about, Marco is obsessed with you- anybody could see that from a mile away.”
“Thanks Rachel...well at least you have time to be with Lee now.”
“Yeah,” She laughed, “I didn’t mean for it to affect you though, I’ll have to talk to him.”
“You do that,” You laughed with matched enthusiasm, “I’m going to go- I’ll update you if anything happens.”
“You better.”
After a few more giggles between you two- you said your goodbyes. Despite Rachel’s reassurance, you laid in bed that night with an uncomfortable feeling in your gut. You really didn’t like this.
The next morning you greeted Lee and Rachel as they pulled into the car park- they both wore matching grins as they sauntered towards you with their hands clasped together.
“Hey Y/N!” They both greeted enthusiastically, swinging their hands between them.
“You guys look happy.” You beamed as you leaned into the greeting hugs they both offered you.
“We are going on a date tonight,” Rachel sang, looking up at Lee with a look that could only be described as fond as she did.
“Yep,” Lee cut in, “I’m taking her to the new drive-in since my car was literally made for that kind of thing.”
“That sounds lovely,” You said excitedly, almost jumping on the spot with awe at the couple. Even so, you felt a tad bit sad at the thought of Marco rejecting your plans for Elle last night.  
The two must have noticed your change in mood as Rachel moved towards you and squeezed your shoulder, “Heard from Marco?”
“No,” You replied dejectedly, supplying her with a sad smile, “I haven’t.”
“I’m really sorry,” Lee mourned, chewing on his lip as he stared at you, “I just wanted to have time with Rachel. I didn’t realise doing so would affect you too.”
“Hey, hey,” You shook your head, ruffling Lee’s hair, “It’s okay. You guys need time alone and maybe a little bit of distance will be a positive thing,” You attempted to convince yourself, “The competition’s weeks away which means I’ll have him all to myself until then.”
“About that,” Lee grimaced as he scratched the back of his neck in a nervous manner, “This is, like, really important to Elle. So important that she wants to have rehearsals pretty much every day in preparation for the competition.”
Screwing your eyes shut, you blew out a breath and willed your eyes to stop watering at the news, “God, why can’t she stick to her own boyfriend.” You snorted wetly, turning as you pressed the palms of your hands to your face.
“Well, he’s kind of across the country-”
“I don’t care!” You snapped, spinning towards the couple causing them to recoil, “If she has a boyfriend she should work on her own issues instead of leeching onto others.”
Rachel pressed a hand to her mouth as she physically willed herself to stop laughing, but Lee looked almost angry, “Y/N I think you’re forgetting that we’re talking about my best friend here.”
“Yeah? Well tell her to fuck off.” You snapped again before turning towards your car and unlocking it.
“Y/N? Y/N!” Rachel called as she jogged after you, Lee having gone towards the school entrance now, “Calm down. It’ll be okay.”
“Sure.” You huffed, wiping your face as you climbed into your car, “Because my boyfriend keeping me in the dark about all this is just splendid.”
“It’s not ideal, I know.” She reached into the car and grabbed your free hand, “But you need to come into school before we’re late.”
“I’m not going,” You let go of her hand and slammed the door shut, “I don’t want to see Marco right now.”
“Y/N-” But before she could say anything else you were already driving out of the parking lot.
Curled up in bed an hour later, you realised that you probably had been a little overdramatic. Though, you had every right to be! Marco had deliberately not told you about the fact that he would be hanging out with Elle for the next month and to add onto that he was also taking part in a kissing booth. You groaned into your pillow and listened as the discarded phone beside you once again began to buzz. Becoming annoyed by the relentless noise, you picked up the phone to see who was calling you now. Surprise filled you as ‘Mar <3’ filled the screen. The call ended before you could answer, giving you a view of the texts that filled your lock screen.
Mar <3 (9:34): Hey where are you??
Rachel (9:43): Hope you’re okay and got home safe. Marco’s worried about you if it makes you feel any better ;)
Lee (9:46): Sorry about earlier, you know me and Elle are close.
Mar <3 (9:48): Y/N what’s going on? Rachel won’t tell me what’s happened.
Mar <3 (9:51): Sweetheart??
Smiling sadly, you read through about 20 different texts from Marco that entailed the same kind of theme. Looking at the time, you noted that Marco would be on break right now. So you sucked up your pride and called him. Of course, he picked up immediately.
“Y/N is that you? What’s happening? I’m worried about you.”
“I’m fine.” You replied slowly, your voice devoid of emotion, “I didn’t want to come in today.”
“What?” Marco replied sounding baffled, “I’m really worried now, this is so unlike you.”
You shook your head, tapping your fingers against your phone case, “Yeah, well it’s unlike you to keep secrets from me.”
“Secrets? What?”
“Elle. The competition. Rehearsals,” You listed, “Why would you keep all that from me?”
“What? Me and Elle are just friends.”
“Well why would you keep this from me? What do you have to hide Marco?
“Nothing!” Marco sounded desperate, “There is nothing going on. Believe me.”
You sighed loudly, “Alright. I believe you Mar.”
“Thank god,” He sighed too, though his sounded almost relieved, “I love you Y/N. Nobody else.”
“I love you too.” You whispered into the receiver.
“Good.” You could practically hear Marco’s grin through the phone, “Let’s go out tonight, we’ll have a nice dinner with no distractions or responsibilities.”
“I would love that.” You blushed, chewing on your already-raw lips, “The usual place at 6?”
“The usual place at 6.”
At 5:45, you settled onto a bench outside of the restaurant- adorning a dark blue summer dress and black flats. You were surprised to see that Marco wasn’t already outside of the restaurant, your boyfriend had a tendency to be early to dates out of nerves and enthusiasm. You had always found it adorable.
At 6, there was still no sign of Marco. You weren’t worried though as he was probably just running late. The LA traffic was considerably busier that night- yeah, he was probably just stuck in traffic. You decided to busy yourself with a game on your phone whilst you awaited his arrival.
At 6:30, dread and horror began to seize you as you realised that you had in fact been stood up. The worker standing by the door was beginning to send you pitiful looks. Swearing, you gathered up your belongings and began the trek to the nearest bus stop as you were expecting to go to Marco’s house after the date.
“Y/N!” You turned, being met with the sight of Marco running down the street in a red shirt and sweatpants.
“No way.” You mumbled angrily, turning to make a hasty getaway. Your boyfriend reached you before you could.
“I am so sorry,” He panted, grabbing onto your shoulders and making direct eye contact, “I was with Elle and we completely lost track of time. I'm so sorry.”
“Of course you were,” You nodded as you wiped a few stray tears, “You left me sitting here so you could play arcade games with another girl all night.”
“Don’t.” You were sobbing now, out of pure embarrassment and shame, “I’m going home.”
“Please Y/N, I promise I’ll make it up to you.”
You ran right back into his arms, of course you did. Nevertheless, he didn’t get any better. Dates went from happening at least twice a week to once a fortnight as he stood you up at almost every one. You guys stopped talking apart from a few texts a day. You were devastated as you watched the person you loved choose Elle Evans before you time and time again. So, as anyone else in this situation would, you decided to let him go.
“Hey,” Marco smiled as he let you in and smacked a wet kiss onto your cheek, “I was just about to invite you over actually as I’m free today.”
“Oh, cool.” You pursed your lips, unable to look Marco in the eye, “I actually came to talk to you about something.”
“Okay.” Marco closed the door and walked towards you, “What’s up?”
“I-” You began, staring down at the floor as you mustered up the courage to say what needed to be said, “I love you, okay?”
“I love you too.”
“No, Marco. I think-” You paused, feeling a few tears roll down your cheeks as you began to cry, “I think we should break up.”
“What?” Marco spoke quietly, his eyes also began to fill with glossy tears, “Why?”
“You never have time for me Marco. We barely talk or spend time together, it feels like we aren’t even together anymore.”
“No Y/N please. I’ll change and I’ll be better to you. I’ll make up any lost time. Please don’t.” He began to sob, his eyes wide as he begged you to stay.
“I’m sorry, you’ve already said that and nothing has changed.”
“Please,” Marco begged as he sunk to his knees, “What did I do wrong?”
“Elle happened.” You closed your eyes, turning away from him, “You’ve been blowing me off for her for weeks now how could you not realise?”
“Oh god.” He moaned, wiping the tears from his face, “I didn’t even notice, I’m so sorry.”
“I’m sorry Marco,” You sobbed, walking towards the door, “But we need this break.”
“So you really did it, huh?” Rachel handed you a mug of hot chocolate and rubbed your arm comfortingly.
“Yeah,” You sniffed, sipping the hot chocolate slowly and allowing it to fill the cold within.
“It’ll get better, I promise- knowing the two of you you’ll probably be back together within the week.”
“Probably.” You laughed wetly, dabbing the corners of your eyes with the hoodie you had stolen from Marco months ago. A knock sounded at the door before Rachel could reply.
“Wonder who that is,” She inquired, to which you shrugged at numbly. You were not interested in talking to anyone else right now.
“Is Y/N here?” You heard Elle’s shrill voice at the door to which you tipped your head back and groaned at. Seriously?
“Hello Elle.” You grumbled as she stormed into the room, her face flushed red and determined.
“You have to take Marco back.”
“Excuse me?”
“He has been a mess this whole week since you broke up with him Y/N. It’s really sad to watch.”
“Sure he is.” You snorted at the thought of Marco even missing you, you were surprised him and Elle hadn’t immediately gotten together.
“He really is,” Elle replied with determination, “He started crying the other day and spilled about everything...I’m really sorry.”
Your heart broke at the thought of Marco being genuinely sad, it seemed that he had been feeling exactly the same as you since the breakup. You had been in bits the last week; getting barely any sleep and having a considerable lack of appetite. That’s how you had ended up at Rachel’s craving some form of affection that Marco had not been there to provide you before and since the breakup.
“It’s okay,” You sighed as you placed the half-finished mug on the table beside you and chewed your nail, “You couldn’t have known.”
“I’m working on being more aware,” Elle smiled and lowered herself onto the couch beside you, “Will you give him another chance though?”
You sighed and looked over at the girl beside you, a sad smile covering your face, “I don’t know Elle.”
“Listen to me,” Elle turned towards you and grasped your hands, “He is so in love with you and would die for another chance with you. You’re the love of his life and it would be sad if such a beautiful relationship ended like that.”
“She’s right.” Rachel cut in from the entrance to the room, “And you’re just as much a mess without him as he is without you.”
“Alright.” You smiled at both of the girls, “I’ll go over tonight.”
Hugging the hoodie tighter against yourself, you waited for someone to answer the door. After a moment or two, Marco pulled open the door and shock painted his face as soon as his eyes landed upon you. Elle hadn’t lied, Marco looked like shit- black bags sunk beneath his eyes and his skin was uncharacteristically pale.
“Hey.” You gulped, chewing on your lip harshly, “Can I come in?”
“Yeah.” Marco croaked, stepping aside so you could enter. You walked into the familiar house and beelined towards the couch and watched as Marco followed you, a sad but guarded look covered his features.
“You want a drink?” He asked, standing awkwardly in front of you as he turned his wrinkled shirt.
“No, I’m okay,” You mumbled, “I wanted to talk to you about-”
“I love you.”
Your head shot up and your mouth dropped, you stared at the boy before you with glistening eyes as he slowly made his way towards you, “W-what?”
“I love you Y/N. I never stopped loving you and if you could give me a second chance-”
It was your turn to cut him off as you lunged forwards and coaxed him into a passionate kiss filled with love, longing and passion, “I love you, I love you, I love you.” You cried as you pressed kiss after kiss upon his gorgeous face, “I missed you”
He pulled back then and stared into your eyes, cupping your cheeks and smiling so widely that a set of crinkles tugged at the corners of his eyes, “I missed you too. So much.”
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kaznejis · 4 years
Letters- Marco Peña x reader, best friend!Noah Flynn x reader
@nick-1432​ asked: Hey Can I get a Marco ×Y/n imagine where the reader is Noah's best friend but a year younger than him . So is in the same year as Lee and Elle . You decide the rest .
A/N: Thankyou for this prompt! This is an AU so before we begin I’d like to note that Marco and Elle didn’t kiss in this universe- her and Noah had their issues but she never cheated. I decided to make this into a secret admirer fic- enjoy! :)
Feel free to send in any prompts!
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“So, how is it going with Elle nowadays?” 
Noah grinned; the facetime screen glitching as it rushed to keep up with his widened features, “Yeah, it’s going better. I’ve decided that communication definitely is key and we were lacking it before.”
“So you did take my advice!” You giggled and fist-pumped the air, “So everything I say isn’t complete rubbish.”
“You didn’t know that already?” Noah raised his eyebrows and moved closer to the camera from where he had been showing off the apartment’s new microwave, “You’ll be here at Harvard with me in no time.”
“Yeah well,” You shrugged bashfully, leaning back in your desk chair, “I’ve got to actually hear back from them before that can happen.”
“It will.” Noah insisted before smirking slightly, “I may have even put in word with the dean for you.”
“Noah!” Your eyes widened as you slammed a hand down onto your desk, “You didn’t?!”
“I did.”
“Jesus,” You huffed, shaking your head at the camera, “You’re a sneaky bastard.”
“Takes one to know one, bitch.”
You both laughed at that, the both of you letting out snorts and silly giggles as you clutched at your sides and leaned back dangerously in your chair. Though before you could reply back with a cutting retort your dad came into the room. 
“Hey sweetheart, there’s a letter for you.”
You held up your finger in a ‘one moment’ gesture to Noah and put yourself on mute, “Who is it from?”
“No clue,” He shrugged and handed you a white envelope with your name on, “It just came through the mail box and by the time I got there whoever delivered it was gone.”
“Oh,” You turned the letter over once, twice before giving your dad a polite smile, “Thanks.”
He nodded in reply and left your room, shutting the door behind him, “What is it?” Noah’s voice sounded from your laptop, you quickly took yourself off mute and held the letter up to the camera. 
“A letter, no idea who it’s from though.”
“Well open it.” That earned him a glare, but he did have a point- you wouldn’t know who it was from if you never opened it. 
It was a standard white envelope, though it only had your name written on it meaning it had been posted straight into your mailbox by the sender themselves. Not creepy at all, you snorted to yourself. After pondering for a few moments, you hastily flipped the letter over and ripped it open, Noah winced at your ferocity in doing so. Inside the envelope was a slip of paper folded in half; it was white and there were pen marks that sunk through it. 
“Calm your farm,” You muttered, glaring at Noah again, “I’m getting to it.”
Unfolding the paper, you began to read the note. The handwriting was elegant and familiar- though you couldn’t place where you recognised it. 
Dear Y/N, 
I’m just going to cut straight to the chase here, I like you. A lot. I have for a long time now and I just can’t keep it to myself anymore. So there you go.
Yours sincerely, 
Your secret admirer. 
“Oh my god.”
“Oh my god.”
“Y/N?” Noah stared at you through the screen, looking increasingly concerned, “Who is it from?”
“I don’t know.”
“What do you mean you don’t know?”
You breathed, scratching your eyebrow before saying, “I mean, it’s from my secret admirer.”
“Your what now?”
“My secret admirer.”
To your utter shock, Noah barked out a loud laugh and clapped his hands together- extremely amused at the revelation, “A secret admirer? What is this, middle school?”
“I know right?” You huffed, placing the letter down onto your desk, “It is kind of cute though.”
Noah raised an eyebrow and leaned forward on his elbows, “I’ll be the judge of that, let’s hear it.”
You read the contents of the letter out to Noah- who looked like he was holding back a laugh the whole time. You huffed at him, tilting your head to the side and practically pouting once you finished, “Stop.”
“What?” Noah snorted, elongating the word slightly as he attempted to come as innocent. You returned this with a raised eyebrow and crossed arms, “Alright, alright. I have to admit it’s pretty cute...who do you think it could be then?”
You shrugged, there were hundreds of people at your school alone, let alone the whole of LA, “I have no clue.”
“What if it’s Marco?”
You laughed at the sheer stupidity of Noah’s words, almost wiping away tears once you were done, “As if.”
“What?” Noah crowed, frowning, “I’m serious, when I was around he used to stare at you all the time. I doubt he’s changed much, if your wardrobe change over the summer is anything to go by.”
“In my dreams, Flynn.”
Despite your original rejection of Noah’s statement, it stuck in your mind for days to come. You weren’t going to lie, you had caught Marco staring at you a number of times; the reason for that being that you had been staring at him too. You had liked Marco for months, the boy’s dark curly hair and gorgeous build had you enamoured from the get-go. But, then you had been paired together for a project and you’d really gotten to know him. Although at times he could be blunt and quite cold; he was hilarious and really intelligent. Seeing the personality behind the pretty face had caused you to fall fast, but eventually the project was over and daily interactions became shy smiles in passing. Sure, your friendship groups crossed paths from time to time but you just didn’t have the confidence to start anything. So, you were stuck with a relentless crush. Gross. 
You were at your locker on Tuesday, rifling through it as you searched for the textbook you had left in there and desperately needed. As your fingers finally swiped across the book, they were also met with a different slip of paper. You paused, heart speeding as you slowly pulled it out. It couldn’t be. 
Nevertheless, in your hand lay a slip of paper identical to the one that you had received a few days prior- you once again unfolded it and got to reading the note within. 
Dear Y/N,
Now that I have expressed the way I feel, I have an urge to tell you more. 
Your smile is so beautiful and your laugh lights up the room. The way you always tuck your hair behind your ears is really cute too. 
Yours sincerely, 
Your secret admirer
A blush highlighted your cheeks as you subconsiously tucked your hair behind your ears, almost slapping yourself for doing so. No, you were not going to let a few little compliments break you down like that- but then your eyes landed upon the small heart illustrated below the sign off. You swallowed heavily and fanned yourself in an excuse to compose yourself before your next class begin. You spotted Lee, Elle and Rachel heading your way and shoved the letter into your bag before skipping over to them with your usual bright smile as if nothing was wrong. 
The letters continued like that; they were always in your locker and they always entailed some form of compliment. You found yourself expecting them most mornings, running to your locker to see whether or not a note had been slipped into the grates whilst you weren’t around. 
One particular morning, you were in a frenzied rush- sprinting to your locker in order to grab the essentials so that your day wouldn’t be a complete flop. As you wrenched open your locker you spotted another familiar letter, with a huff you shoved it into your pocket before practically pouring your belongings into your bag. You’d read it later, you had to focus on actually getting to class. 
Thankfully, you did arrive to the class on time. But, you were last and the teacher was moments away from beginning the lesson. 
“Nice of you to join us, Miss L/N” 
“Sorry miss,” You twisted your lips apologetically before making your way to the only seat in the class, which was positioned right in the middle of two ‘popular’ girls, “Shit.” You muttered before ultimately sucking it up. Your friends on the other side of the room each shot you sympathetic looks.
After a quick observation, you noted that Marco was sat one row back and directly diagonal to you. The girls on either side of you were each twirling their hair and blowing their bubble gum obnoxiously, paying no mind to the lesson before them. You decided to just get to work, ignoring the possibility of a pair of eyes watching from behind. 
About half way through the lesson, you were reminded of the unread letter that had been shoved into your pocket in your rush. Checking the room for any intrusive eyes, you took the note from your pocket and began to read.
Dear Y/N,
You look really beautiful when you- 
Before you could continue to read the letter, it was wrenched out of your hands violently by one of the girls beside you. 
“Now what do we have here?” She giggled, moving with unexpected stealth as you tried to take back the letter, “Aw, you look really beautiful when you concentrate, yours sincerely your secret admirer.” A chorus of giggles sounded from the students surrounding you as you sat in shock, mortification evident in your features. 
“Who would want to be their secret admirer?” A voice sounded from behind you, “She’s lucky enough to be friends with Noah Flynn.”
Yet another chorus of laughs sounded from around you, but before you could escape from the personal hell that was this classroom, a voice sounded from diagonal to you, “I want to be.” 
The room froze and time slowed down as you turned to the owner of the voice, your eyes landing on Marco who was staring right back at you; nervousness with a hint of determination was evident in his eyes. You shook your head, feeling way too overwhelmed, “I can’t do this.”
The entire class watched as you gathered up your belongings and hightailed out of the room and as Marco did exactly the same and sprinted after you. 
“Y/N! Y/N!” You wiped the streaming tears from your face as you turned to face Marco who was quickly approaching you, his face was split open in a mix of raw emotions. 
“What Marco? If this is some kind of sick joke I don’t want to hear it.”
“No, no Y/N.” He cooed, taking hold of your wrists in an attempt to calm you down, “I wasn’t joking. I was the one who sent the letters- I really like you Y/N and I couldn’t watch them talking about you like that.”
You hiccuped, feeling a fresh trail of tears falling from your eyes, leaving a glistening trail in their wake, “Oh god.”
“Hey, hey. Don’t cry.” 
“But Marco-” You blew out a breath and almost preened under his gaze, “I haven’t spoken to you in months, how could you like me?”
“Well,” He began, moving a stray hair behind your ear, “Did you not read my letters.”
You laughed lightly, a small burst of breaths coming from your mouth, “Yeah, but-”
“Then what I said there are my reasons for liking you.”
You grinned up at him as your teeth sunk into your lip bashfully, you caught onto his eyes zeroing onto that factor. So, you took a leap and pressed your lips against his and moved to bury your hands into his hair. He responded immediately, cupping your cheeks with his hands as he pressed back with obvious enthusiasm and want. 
“So, you were right- it was Marco.”
“I knew it!”
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kaznejis · 4 years
Only Fools- Marco Peña x Flynn!Reader
nialler-tpwk5 said: Can we get Marco x reader but lee and Noah are her bothers and Noah gets in to a fight with him bc they kissed
A/N: Thankyou for sending in this prompt! I wrote this in a matter of hours, so hopefully there aren’t any mistakes- sorry if there is. I really enjoyed writing this; I think the scene between Marco and Noah at the football field is definitely my favourite!
Alsooo, whilst I was writing this I received a request for a ‘making out with Marco’ head canon- so I will have something similar to the opening out in the next few hours ;) 
Feel free to send in any prompts. :)
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Curling the tips of your fingers into Marco’s hair, you breathed out hot puffs of breaths against his face as you moved your lips against his passionately. Marco’s hands clung to your waist as he dragged you into his lap, running his tongue against the seam of your lips as he pushed back with the same level of fervour. 
“We can’t do this for long,” You panted as Marco traced the pliant skin beneath your loose shirt, “My family will be home soon.”
Marco just smirked up at you as his hands moved further north, “You know that never stops me.”
You huffed a laugh as you dragged your lips down the base of his throat, “Yeah well, I don’t feel like watching my brothers beat you up today.”
Marco pulled back, pulling a raised eyebrow as he stared at you, “You think I can’t take them?”
“Lee, definitely,” You both broke into giggles at that, “but Noah is multiple feet taller than you with an added sprinkle of anger issues- wouldn’t exactly be a fair fight.”
“Well, that doesn’t matter because we won’t get caught,” He grinned at you as he pecked the tip of your nose softly, “The older brother will go back to college in a week and the younger one is to wrapped up in his own drama to notice anything.”
“True,” You sighed, tracing your finger along his face- the scar at his hairline, the light freckles beneath his eyes, the stray hairs that trailed the edges of his eyebrows. He really was beautiful. Despite what your siblings could ever think, you truly loved Marco- and you believed that he loved you too with the same level of compassion. The two of you were meant for each other; the sneaking around and hiding had only proved to deepen the connection that formed between the two of you. 
Though, you could tell that Marco was beginning to grow restless of this factor to your relationship. You were too- you wanted nothing more than be able to be with Marco in public and get rid of the masses of girls that flocked towards him in school. You wanted to be able to bring him home for family dinners like Noah did with Elle and Lee with Rachel; instead of having to sneak him in and out of your bedroom window as soon as the front door opens. 
To say the least, your brothers were extremely overprotective of you. Though, Noah’s protective nature was much more intense than Lee’s- he had gone to the lengths of beating up any guy who even dared to look at you, let alone touch you. Although he had softened slightly since opening his heart up to Elle, you still had no doubt that he would hunt Marco down if you were ever caught together. The thought of the two people you loved most in the world going against each other terrified you and you never wanted to be put in that situation. You just wished your brothers would lay off and stop seeing you as the timid girl you once were. 
“Are you still with me?” Marco mumbled softly, pushing a strand of hair from out of your eyes. You just smiled sadly back at him before reluctantly climbing from upon his lap. 
“You should probably get going, they’ll all be back soon.” 
Marco climbed up from your bed after you, letting out a heavy intake of breath as he listened to what you said, “Alright- but I will forever dream of spending an entire night with you here.” And at that he laughed before giving you a sloppy kiss to the cheek and swinging his legs over your balcony ledge
“Be safe!” You hollered as you leant against the door and watched as he jumped from the tree just below your balcony. 
The family sat around the table in comfortable silence as everyone tucked into the food your mother had prepared as usual. Though tonight there were no best friends or girlfriends that usually frequented the seat next to your siblings present tonight- meaning that it was just family. 
“Noah,” You inquired, looking up to make eye contact with your older brother, “This is completely hypothetical...but what would you do if I had a boyfriend?”
Noah paused, his fork in the midst of digging into a mound of spaghetti, “Depends,” He brought his fork up and chewed slowly as if he were deep in thought, “If your hypothetical boyfriend were to be someone I know I would beat his ass as they are all assholes.”
“Noah!” Your mum snapped, swatting at him in an attempt to weaken his use of words.
“Sorry,” He groaned, holding up his hands, “I was about to say that if he was someone I didn’t know, maybe I would give him a chance.”
“Moral of the story, don’t date anyone from our school,” Lee laughed as he and Noah high-fived, “Why are you asking that anyway?” 
“Oh, just wondering.” You smiled in what you hoped was a reassuring way, but you didn’t miss the intrigued, tilted-head look your mother gave you. 
Later that night as you lay on top of your bed covers mindlessly scrolling through your social media and waiting for Marco to message you, a knock sounded at your bedroom door. 
“Can I come in?” 
“Yeah,” You called as you propped yourself up against the headboard, “Hey mum.”
“Sorry to barge in, I bought you some hot chocolate.” 
“Thanks,” You grinned as you accepted it and took an elongated sip, though you noticed the look on her face as you did so, “Alright, what do you want to ask?”
“You always know when something’s up,” She laughed and gestured for you to scoot over on the bed, “Earlier at dinner- that situation wasn’t hypothetical, was it?”
“No.” You gulped, opting to stare down at the chocolate that swirled within the mug. 
“Oh, sweetheart,” She cooed, wrapping her arms around you and bringing you in to cuddle into her side, “Why didn’t you just say? I would never get mad at you for having a boyfriend.”
“I know you wouldn’t,” You sniffled, cuddling closer into her side, “It’s Noah who would.”
“Ah,” She whispered as he tightened her grip around you slightly, “I see.” 
“Yeah.” You whispered back, finding it difficult to speak through the lump that was beginning to 
rise in your throat. 
“He’ll come around, I promise,” Your mother let out a small chuckle before continuing, “He can’t really judge your relationship status when he’s dating his brother’s best friend.”
You both dissolved into light giggles at that, the situation really was bizarre, “That’s actually true.”
“So,” She spoke slowly, nudging your side, “Who’s the lucky guy?”
“Promise you won’t tell anyone?” She nodded sincerely, “Marco.” 
“Marco…” She mumbled with furrowed brows as realisation slowly set in, “Marco! Oh, he’s a cutie.” 
You laughed fondly as you entwined your fingers together in your lap, “Yeah, I would know.”
“You love him, don’t you.” It was a statement, not a question. 
You just nodded, smiling shyly as you turned to look at the woman beside you, “I wish we didn’t have to hide.”
“Your brothers will understand eventually, I promise,” and she bundled you up all snug in her arms and kissed your forehead as she spoke. 
“I hope so, I really do.”
A few days later, you and Marco were once again hanging out in the confines of your bedroom- though this time the interaction was much less heated as the two of you simply sat with your legs intertwined as you studied and helped each other with homework. If someone was to walk in right now you could brush it off as two friends simply hanging out. But, once again- Noah would beat up any guy who even looked at you. Any interaction could be seen as risky. 
“Hey,” Marco spoke, reaching over and rubbing his thumb over your clothed thigh, “Help me with this?” In return you smiled and leaned over to press a slow, teasing kiss to Marco’s lips- which he quickly reciprocated as he looped his arms around you.
Of course, Noah decided to walk in at that moment. 
“Hey Y/N-” You and Marco pulled away immediately and froze in place, staring at Noah who was practically steaming with anger, “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
“Noah, wait-” Though your brother completely ignored you and stormed straight up to Marco, grabbing him by the collar and slamming his back against the wall. 
“My sister? My fucking sister? You made a mistake.”
“Noah!” You screamed, running to the side of him and grabbing the arm that clung to Marco, “Let go of him, I’m fine.” Though your pleads fell upon deaf ears.
“Out of all the people in the world you decided to play my sister?” Noah spat, getting up in Marco’s face, “You’re a fucking asshole, bro.”
“I’m not playing her,” Marco choked out, kicking at Noah’s legs and sending them both to the ground, “I love-”
“Don’t even say it.” Noah practically growled, landing a solid punch onto Marco’s face as they wrestled. Gasping at the sight of blood dripping from your boyfriend’s nose, you jumped forward and grabbed onto Noah’s shoulders- digging your nails into his skin in a way to replace the lack of strength you inhabited compared to him, “What the hell Y/N, get off me!”
“Get off of Marco then, he didn’t do anything wrong!”
“Y/N,” Your brother spoke sternly, “He was touching you.”
“Yes,” You yelled back, anger fizzling through every fibre of your being, “Because he is my boyfriend!” You dug your hands into your eyes, “I’m not a child anymore Noah, I don’t need you to protect me.” 
“Well, when you’re with boys like him maybe I do.”
“Boys like me?” Marco deadpanned, taking his hand from his steadily bleeding nose as he did so, “The hell does that mean?”
“Assholes that fuck around.”
“Flynn,” Marco spoke calmly, sitting down on the bed, “I’m sorry to say it but I love your sister, more than anything. I would never do anything to hurt her.” You smiled softly at him as he spoke, he returned it once he was done. 
“How do I know you’re telling the truth?”
“Trust me, I guess?” Marco shrugged, wincing as his nose began to sting, “Did you really have to punch me in the face though?”
“Yeah.” Noah insisted, throwing an arm over your shoulder which you attempted to shrug away, “Hurt my sister though and I will fucking kill you- we clear?”
“Sir, yes, sir!” Marco saluted as he walked over to you and looped his arms around your waist, laughing as he accidentally smeared blood onto your shirt. 
Yeah, your relationship was about to become ten times better already.
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kaznejis · 4 years
He’s right where I should be- Marco peña x reader
@lostgirl0020 asked: hi, I have a concept. could we get a marco x y/n imagine where the reader is the first person marco meets on his first day and they get close. he likes her but she is crushing on someone else only for it to not work out and then marco confronts that guy at homecoming like he did in that scene with noah. you don't have to do this if you don't want to but I really liked that scene. thanks, i really like your other imagines!!
Warning: There is a lil’ bit of non-consensual thigh touching and a few gross things said, but I promise It doesn't lead to anything. :)
word count: 3410 
A/N: Thankyou for sending in this prompt- I really enjoyed writing it!
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Girls exchanged hushed whispers and the boys held a permanent glare as you walked towards your locker the first day back at school. You’d spent Halloween with your friends and family with the hope to pull yourself away from the relentless feelings that you harboured towards him. Of course, it didn’t work. It never did; nothing and nobody would ever be able to distract you from the feelings that clung to every fibre of your being. 
‘Him’ was Tuppen. 
Yeah, every single person you told would grimace as soon as the name slipped from your lips- They would jump to warn you about him. How he wasn’t ‘right for you’ and that he was in no way a nice person with redeeming qualities. Opening your locker, you sighed as you shot the boy a look; his hair was pulled back into its usual messy ponytail and a collection of bruises and cuts marred his face. One day, you thought, one day you would build up the courage to speak to him. As you collected the books you needed, the usually uninhabited locker beside yours opened. Looking around it, you made eye contact with the side of a face that you did not recognise. 
“Um, hello?” 
Turning towards you, the boy looked at you with a raised eyebrow; a lone black curl fell upon his forehead as he did so, “Hi?”
“Sorry,” You laughed awkwardly and leaned against your now-closed locker, “I’ve never seen you here before is all.”
“Ah,” He nodded and clicked his tongue before turning towards you with a smile on his face, “That’s because today is my first day.”
“Oh, wow.” You straightened up and made sure your bag was balanced on your shoulder before offering out a hand to shake, “Well, I’m Y/N.”
The boy stared down at your hand with a cocked eyebrow before meeting you in a firm handshake, “Very formal, I like it.”
“Oh god,” You pulled back instantly with mortification, “That was weird, wasn’t it?”
The boy barked out a laugh and shook his head, “Not at all, I just didn’t expect such a kind greeting in my first ten minutes. I’m Marco, by the way.”
Your ears then once again became attuned to the whispers that sounded throughout the hallways- it seemed that the students were eyeing up the fresh prey which was Marco, “It’s nice to meet you Marco.” You grinned, wanting him to feel comfortable in what was presumably an intimidating environment, “Hey, what’s your first class?”
“Well I have a meeting with the principal to start with, but then I have chemistry. Which, now that I think about it I have no idea where that is.”
You released a giggle at the boy before you, “Well, lucky for you I have that lesson too.”
“Perfect!” He cheered, holding up his arms as he began to make his way to the entrance of the principal’s office, “Meet me here? I really do need to be shown the way.”
“Of course!” You called back, watching after Marco with a light smatter of a blush coating your cheeks. You realised that you had not once thought about Tuppen during that entire interaction. 
Over the weeks following your first interaction, you and Marco grew closer by the day. The kindness you had shown him during that first morning had caused him to take a liking to you, he always stuck by your side despite the set of ‘fans’ that had also begun to accumulate during the time that had passed.  
One particular night you were sprawled out on your bed- the two of you eating snacks and laughing together under the guise of ‘studying’. The lamp shade beside your bed cast a golden hue across the room, covering the room with a blanket of warmth and comfort- providing you with the confidence you needed. 
“Do you like anyone?” 
Marco turned his head to look at you; confusion evident in his features, “Why?”
“Just wondering.”
Marco huffed and poked at your stomach teasingly in an attempt to make you crack, “Tell me.” Though the demand was merely a whisper and held a slight tone of inference.” 
“I like someone,” You sighed heavily as you said it, releasing the thick rush of air through your nose, “I have for ages now.”
“Before I got here?”
“Yeah.” You gulped, feeling a rush of shame crawl up your throat, “It’s pathetic.”
“No, no it’s not.” Marco sat up and stared down at you with determination, “It’s quite sweet actually.”
“Shut up.” You snorted bashfully, shoving at his shoulder as he barked out a laugh, though the smile on his face didn’t quite reach his eyes. 
“Who is it?” 
“You really wanna know?”
“Yeah,” He insisted, his face and voice had gone cold now and he had edged away from you slightly, “I want to know.”
“Okay, okay.” You dragged a hand down your face and breathed out, “Tuppen.”
Marco went completely silent, when you turned to check on him he was glaring up at the ceiling- a frown evident in his features, “You’re joking.”
“Y/N,” He leant up on one elbow and stared down at you with furrowed eyebrows, “He’s an asshole.”
“No, he isn’t,” You defended, but you knew your words were nothing short of a lie. 
“Yes, he is,” Marco gritted out before lying back down with a huff, “You could do so much better than him Y/N.”
“Oh yeah? Who?”
Marco gulped before shrugging awkwardly, averting his eyes when you tried to catch his gaze, “I don’t know… someone.”
“Well, until that someone’s identity becomes apparent I will continue to like Tuppen.”
After your confession, your relationship with Marco took a sudden turn- the person you had once considered to be your new best friend turned cold and closed off almost as soon as you had gotten to know them. You were confused to say the least, was it something you had said?
Pulling your eyes away from Marco who had just entered the cafeteria, you stared down at your tray of cafeteria food as you sat alone at your usual table. Just as you were about to admit defeat and go find someone to sit with, a tray of food identical to yours was slammed down onto the table in front of you. 
“Hey there.”
Your head shot up and shock electrified your body as you looked up and was met with the sight of Tuppen slouching into the chair opposite you, a crusted layer of dirt was painted across his features and an untreated cut was intruding the skin beneath his eyebrow. You had never wanted Marco nearby more than now, “Hi?” You replied shyly, glancing over at Marco who had not yet seemed to notice your company. 
Tuppen bared his teeth in what could only be described as an attempted smile, he chewed on his sandwich with an open mouth and began to speak, “So, how are you?”
“Uh-” You began, wrapping your arms around yourself in a protective stance; isn’t this what you’d always wanted? “I’m okay.”
“What are you doing here?”
“Can a guy not sit with a pretty girl and eat his lunch?” He smirked, coking his head to the side at you. 
“I guess,” You stuttered under his scrutinizing gaze, “We’ve never spoken before is all.” 
“Well, I’m here to change that.” 
“Right.” You smiled nervously- glancing over at Marco once again only to see him glaring at the two of you from the corner of his eye. Tuppen turned and followed your gaze, “The new guy your boyfriend? He doesn’t seem to like me very much.”
“No, he isn’t my boyfriend.”
“Perfect,” Tuppen smirked and licked his lips, “That means you can go to homecoming with me.”
“What?” You choked, staring at him owlishly. You had dreamed of this day for months, but now that it was happening you felt nothing but uneasy as the offer sunk in. 
“Be my date to homecoming.”
“Um- sure.” You smiled with the hope to calm him and reassure yourself, rubbing your arms in an attempt to calm the prickle of discomfort. You looked over at where Marco was sitting to see him gone. 
“Great, make sure you wear something nice.” He gave you a harsh clap on the shoulder and then jumped up from the seat- a few groups surrounding you observed the interaction and gave you sympathetic smiles. Maybe you should have listened to the warnings; you would do anything to have Marco next to you right now. 
Staring at yourself in the mirror, you ran your eyes over the loose summer dress and denim jacket you had decided to wear. You looked good, you weren’t going to deny that, but you felt like you were dressing this way for the wrong guy. Shaking such intrusive thoughts from your head- you ruffled your hair one last time before grabbing your shoes and heading to the door. 
As the text he had sent you entailed, Tuppen was waiting outside- he was leaning against a beat up truck with his arms crossed. As soon as he spotted you he spat on the floor and opened the passenger door to his car, giving a ‘you first’ gesture. You just smiled politely and clambered into the vehicle with the grace of a new-born foal. “You look good.” He smirked as he settled into the driver’s seat before starting the car. 
“Thanks, uh- you too.” You smiled tightly, that was a complete lie. Although he’d told you to dress nice, he looked like he’d half-assed the entire look; his hair thrown into a messy ponytail and a letterman jacket and branded joggers clung to him. He just hummed, not responding to what you had said for a few minutes as the song he had chosen filtered throughout the car. 
“Okay, so the plan for tonight,” He began, pulling out his phone to presumably text whoever the ‘plan’ involved- this action caused you to wince and watch the road nervously, “We are going to hang with a few of my friends and then go back to mine.”
“Sure, okay.” Thank god your parents were out of town, “One issue, I don’t know any of your friends.”
“Well we can work around that, if needs be you can just stand with me and observe.”
“Right, of course.” You gulped, feeling very out of your depth. You fished your phone out of your pocket and decided to entertain yourself with it as you had no interest in continuing the conversation. The remainder of the car ride was spent in complete silence, though Tupper would glance over at you with an unreadable expression every couple of minutes as he tapped on the steering wheel and drove towards the school. 
You hadn’t heard from Marco in days; the last form of communication you had was a few text messages a few days prior. 
You: Hey, are you going to homecoming?
Marco: Yeah. 
You: Cool, see you there. :)
Sighing as you noticed that Marco had never responded to that last message and that when he did reply they were short and void of any emotion; you shut your phone and placed it back onto your lap. You missed Marco, a lot. You had gone from not only hanging out but simply speaking to each other every day- to not speaking at all. Though the root of your concerns was not just from a best friend's perspective; you had begun to catch feelings for the boy and now that he was out of reach they had only grown stronger. 
“Hey, uh-” You spoke, your voice slightly scratchy from disuse, “You said that after homecoming we’d go back to your place.” 
“What exactly would we be doing there?”
“Oh, you know,” He laughed before sliding his hand onto your thigh, “Fun stuff.”
As soon as his hand came into contact with your thigh you felt your throat close up, your hand shot down to grip at his wrist; stopping him from attempting to move any higher, “Uh, not right now.”
“Playing hard to get, I like it.” 
Squeezing your eyes shut in pure fear, you sunk your teeth into your lips and curled your free hand shut in an attempt to hold back the tears that were threatening to release. Thankfully, he released his hand and turned his focus back to the road- leaving you to tremble fearfully in the passenger seat. 
At that moment, you wanted nothing more than to be with Marco. 
Eventually, the truck rolled into the school parking lot which was bustling with students and adults alike. As soon as the truck pulled to a stop you undid your seatbelt and jumped out of the car- tipping back your head and breathing in the cool night air in an attempt to calm the angst that was bubbling within. 
Tuppen came up beside you and gave you a weird look, “Are we heading in or are you just going to stand there...doing that?”
“Yeah, let’s head in.” Tuppen nodded and you both began to head towards the football field and at that moment you spotted Marco. He looked hot, really hot. He wore tight black jeans with an unbuttoned shirt covering a white undershirt. His hair sat upon his forehead in their usual coal black ringlets. Smiling and giving him a small wave, you hoped that the ‘help me’ message was conveyed through your actions. In response he looked you up and down before shaking his head and smiling to himself. 
Tuppens friends were intense to say the least; well, they seemed that way when interacting with each other. They didn’t spare you a second glance as you stood beside Tupper and you were left to stare at the different activities around the field, the crowning ceremony had finished around thirty minutes prior and since then you had been stood in the exact same spot, listening to the same voices going round in circles. Bouncing on your heels, you watched as Marco talked to one of his friends; he ran a hand through his hair and barked out a presumably obnoxious laugh at what one of them must’ve said. 
“Hey?” A sharp voice broke you out of your head, “Could you go get us some drinks?”
“Um-” You scratched the back of your neck nervously and looked up at Tuppen who simply nodded, “Yeah, sure.” 
Finally, you thought- glad to have an excuse to stretch your legs and have something to drink. As you crossed the track towards the makeshift drinks stand that had been, you felt a pair of sharp eyes on your back. Turning, you made direct eye contact with Marco who made no move to hide the furrowed-look he was giving you. Once again, you just smiled before continuing your trek towards the stand. By now, Marco had moved closer towards your group- so close that he would definitely be able to overhear their current conversation. 
Upon your return trip to the group, you found yourself stuck behind a large group of people who were all walking at snail-speed and a part of a riveting conversation, one that caused them to walk at that speed. Clutching the tray of drinks closer to your chest, you huffed as you slowed your pace; though from where you were you found yourself able to catch parts of the conversation going on over at your group. 
“So bro,” one of the taller boys socked Tuppen on the shoulder, “What’s the plan for tonight.”
“Oh, you know,” Tuppen mused, shoving back at his friend, “Bring the lady home and enjoy a night full of fun.”
“You sure she’ll go through with it? She seems a bit...stiff.”
“Don’t worry, she’ll loosen up- they all do eventually.”
“Hey!” A voice barked, dragging you out of the shock you were in as you watched Marco storm towards the boys, “You should watch your fucking mouth.”
“Or what?” Tuppen spat, using his height as an upper hand against Marco and squaring up to him, “What are you going to do about it new boy?”
Marco laughed maliciously, pressing into Tuppen’s personal space, “I may be new here, but I do know that you’ve got your ass handed to you multiple times.”
The surrounding crowd whistled at that, obviously excited to see a fight break out. All you could do was watch, frozen in place by the words spoken about you and the turn of events that followed to take any action. 
“Well, then I guess it’s your turn.” In a matter of seconds, the two boys were on the ground as fists flew and enraged grunts sounded from their mouths; crimson droplets of blood covered their fists and faces. Those in view of the frenzy began to shout and scream as they watched the two boys practically tear each other apart- some were yelling at them to stop though some were provoking the fight, videoing it and cheering on who they wanted to win. All you could do was be pushed back by the crowd and cover your mouth with your hands as the tray of drinks crashed to the floor. 
As soon as the fight had begun, it was abruptly stopped as two jocks from the school dragged the boys apart- you sprung into action as soon as you saw Marco being marched away from the crowd. 
“Hey, wait!” You called, running after the pair, “I’ll take him off your hands and get him home.”
“You sure you’ll be okay with him.”
“Yes. Go.” 
“Alright.” The boy shrugged as he released Marco from his hold and made sure you had a secure grip on his shoulders. Marco had his head bowed down as he slumped into your hold, blood streamed from his nose and busted lip. 
“Let’s go back to mine, nobody is home. Give me your car keys.”
“You don’t have to help me.”
You scoffed, “Yes, I do- you can barely walk on your own right now.” 
The overhead light in your bathroom cast a bright light that bounced off every surface in the room, highlighting the damage that had been done to Marco’s face and body. Pressing an antiseptic wipe to the cut on his lip, you frowned as you heard him let out a wince, “Sorry.” You murmured softly. 
“S’ fine.” Marco slurred, the pain obviously getting the better of him. You worked in silence for a few more minutes, repeating the same dabbing movement over the vast number of cuts and bruises that now painted his face. 
“For what?” Marco opened his eyes and leaned into your touch ever so slightly. 
“For standing up for me.” You smiled sadly, throwing a blood-stained wipe into the bin beside you. 
“You heard what they said?”
“Yeah,” You chewed on your lip, looking down as your eyes once again welled up with tears, “I can’t believe I actually thought he was a nice guy.”
“Did something else happen?” Marco straightened up and raised his eyebrows at you.
“Nothing much,” You chewed harshly on your lip, “He just made me feel really uncomfortable.”
Marco’s eyes widened, anger filling every fibre of his body, “Tell me he didn’t-”
“No,” You insisted, shaking your head, “He didn’t do much, he just put his hand on my thigh. That’s all.”
“That fucking asshole.”
“Marco, look at me.” You hooked a finger beneath his chin and turned his face until he was looking directly at you, “I’m fine.”
You continued to stare into each other’s eyes for a few unspoken moments, a new electricity fizzing between the two of you as you felt the skin beneath his cheek where your hand still brushed heating up. At that moment, you made a decision and slowly leaned forward; connecting your lips with his in a slow but heated kiss. Your lips fit together in synchronized movements as he brought his hand up to brush his thumb against your cheek in soft, rhythmic circles; the electricity that fizzed between you turning into bursts of fireworks. 
Pulling away for breaths, the two of you staying connected at the forehead, “As soon as I admitted to liking Tuppen...I realised that I actually had feelings for you.”
“Y/N,” Marco gasped, rubbing his nose against yours, “I knew I liked you the moment you offered me that dorky handshake.” 
If you would like to be added to my taglist for any future posts- please let me know!
Laughing into each other's mouth, you joined together in another kiss.
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kaznejis · 4 years
I choose you- Marco Peña x reader
@rayof-sunnie said: Hi! I absolutely love your Marco fanfics and I hope to see more of them, since I literally fell in love with him. I was wondering if you can write a fanfic where the reader (a singer) knows Marco is falling out of love with her and she lets him go and it’s all sad and angst but bam he realizes she’s the one after she sings I choose you by Alessia Cara. Sorry if it’s too much to ask
A/N: Thankyou so much for sending this prompt! I’ve noticed this is a recurring quote during requests and I just want to say that no request is ever too much, I enjoy writing and I love turning your prompts into something real! <3
Sorry for the wait on this one, I had a first draft that I wrote about 1200 words of but then ended up scrapping it- so here’s the second draft!
Word Count: 2820 words
Feel free to send in any prompts! 
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High school relationships don’t always last. It’s what the people around you had said for years- their advice was always to save relationships for college because then the two of you would have a better chance at surviving the real world. You’d promise to stick to this, going to the lengths of keeping to yourself so that you wouldn’t ever be enticed. 
But then, Marco came to your school. 
Obviously, you hadn’t jumped straight into it there and then. The two of you had been mere acquaintances at first; nothing but polite smiles in the hallway and casual conversation if you were seated beside each other. Marco had been focusing on sport and Elle Evans at the time, so nothing happened between the two of you. 
Though you did think the guy was hot- you couldn’t deny that. With his dark curly hair, broad muscles and smiles to die for; what wasn’t there to like? You brushed it off as just a small interest though due to the whole, you know, saving yourself until college thing. 
Nevertheless, Marco’s sort of relationship with Elle quickly crashed to the ground almost as soon as it had started- leaving the boy devastated and confused. This is where you came into the picture, going from an outlined figure in the background to the centre point of the illustration. 
It had been like any other day: walk to school, grab essentials from your locker, go to class. Despite this, an interruption came in the pursuit to said class. Marco, leant against his locker with his head resting on the cool metal. 
“Hey, uh, are you okay?”
“What?” Marco’s head shot up, his hair a wild mess as he turned to look at you, “Oh, hey Y/N.” 
“Hey,” You smiled slightly before repeating your previous statement, “Are you okay?”
Marco turned to lean his back against the locker and practically crumpled into it before releasing a heavy breath out of his nose, “I think everyone in this school is aware of what happened.”
“Yeah,” You coughed out as you lent against the locker beside his, “I’m sorry that happened to you.”
“Don’t be, I’m better off without her.”
“Well, at least you're staying confident and optimistic?”
“Yeah,” He laughed, it looked like he hadn’t done that in a while, “It’s the only way to stay afloat.”
You nodded, pursing your lips as you stared at the sad boy beside you, “Do you want to skip class and grab a coffee?”
And that is where it all began.
It looked like a whirlwind had swept through your dorm room as you rushed to find the bracelet Marco had gifted you for your previous birthday- the two of you were going on a date, something that you hadn’t been able to do in forever due to the stress of college and separation in general. It was weird though, you and Marco had attended the same college therefore causing you to be relieved that a long-distance relationship wouldn’t be necessary. 
Despite this, you felt like Marco was far away and not in the vicinity of a 5 minute walk across campus.
At the start of the school year, you and Marco had been attached at the hip- meeting before and after classes, sleeping in each other’s room most nights, doing homework/studying and just generally being together. Eventually, the stress of exam season got to the both of you and seeing each other every day turned to seeing each other once a week. 
But now you were just confused, exam season had ended weeks ago but at this point you and Marco saw each other once or twice every two weeks. So, you swallowed your pride and arranged a romantic night out consisting of a candle lit dinner.
Turning in the mirror and running your eyes up and down your outfit- you decided that you looked good. After weeks of wearing nothing but sweatpants and oversized hoodies, wearing a flattering dress was exactly the confidence boost you needed; seeing Marco’s reaction would only fuel that. For the date itself you’d decided on a small Italian restaurant only a few minutes walk from campus, after that the two of you would stroll leisurely back to campus before returning to one of your respective dorms where you would spend the night together. A perfect, fool proof plan. 
At least, that’s what you had thought. 
The most essential factor for a successful date with your boyfriend…is that said boyfriend actually shows up. 
This is the thought you mused to yourself in a burst of sarcasm as you curled into your stupidly thin coat on a bench in front of the restaurant you had arranged to meet Marco at- 40 minutes ago. Exhaling harshly, you hauled yourself up from the bench and did nothing but stare up at the sky as thunder crackled from above. At that moment, you made a decision- one that did not make your dorm the desired location.
Embarrassment filled every fibre of your being as you trudged through the halls of the college dorms completely alone wearing a tight dress and heels. Once you reached the dorm in question, you rapped loudly on the door (which earned you a number of dirty looks) and waited for the person on the other side of the door to answer. 
“Hello, Who’s there?” A voice called sleepily from the other side of the door as it opened, “Oh...hey Y/N.”
“Marco,” You pushed past him and walked into the room, moving to grab a fluffy towel, “You better have a great excuse for what happened tonight.”
As you made an attempt to wring out your soaked hair, Marco went and sat back down on the messy bed at the side of the room- he must’ve been asleep, “What do you mean ‘what happened tonight?’ I’ve been asleep since 7, you know college has me exhausted.”
You stopped your frantic scrubbing and paused, letting the towel drop to the floor, “What?”
“Uh, I don’t-”
“You don’t know what you were supposed to do tonight,” You wiped a hand over your face in disbelief, “What we were supposed to do.”
Marco froze, chewing on his fingernail as he visibly tried to remember. “No, I’m sorry-”
“We had plans,” You snapped, causing Marco to snap his mouth shut, “Solid plans for an actual night out for the first time in months.”.
Realisation dawned upon Marco’s face as his whole figure slumped, though his actions showed no signs of regret, “I completely forgot.”
“Yeah, I assumed that.”
Marco huffed loudly, before leaning back on his elbows, “Y/N, I-”
“How long is this going to go on for?”
“What?” Marco raised both eyebrows.
“How long are we going to go on like this?” Despite the sadness you felt your eyes were completely dry, “How long are we going to be in this dying relationship where we never talk and never see each other,” You let out a deadly laugh, “I mean, I haven’t even said I love you in weeks let alone touch you.”
Marco looked down, unable to meet your eyes, “I noticed.”
You had been ready to go off on another rant, but the lack of empathy and straight up emotions in Marco’s voice left you mystified- leaving you feeling defeated, “Me too.”
“What have you noticed?”
“You don’t love me anymore.”
Marco didn’t reply. He just stared blankly at the wall behind you, his face portraying no emotion. That was all you needed in order to nod numbly before hightailing out of there. As the door slammed shut behind you- all you could do was slide down the wall beside it and stare at the bright red heels adorning your feet. 
Although not a single emotion slipped out during the initial breakup, the fallout hit you during the following weeks. You did nothing but eat, sleep and go to class; the first two were still very much lacking. To say the least, the people around you were worried- some would pop their head into your room every now and then only to find you curled up in a ball beneath the covers. 
Marco, on the other hand, had seemed completely fine; hanging out with friends and keeping up with his usual routine of work and play- at least, that is what your friends had told you. It was almost like he didn’t care, that he was happy you had ended things. A small part of you knew that wasn’t true though. You knew Marco, having seen him at his lowest and highest points- you knew that he hid his sadness behind a mask of either anger or pure joy. This instance was obviously the latter. 
Stumbling out of the shower you had finally managed to drag yourself into, you pulled on an old hoodie as you walked towards the exit; where a notice board stood. 
There, on the board, was an advertisement for a Karaoke Night in a local bar. 
This is exactly what you needed. A chance to let go, sing silly songs and possibly even meet someone new. You would do anything to fill the crater in your heart that Marco had left behind. So, you texted all your friends (who were really just glad to see you enthusiastic about something) and invited them to go with you- it took place that very night, meaning you only had a number of hours before it began. 
The bar was a small, hole in the wall venue that students of the college tend to frequent regularly. Despite the majority of patrons not yet being of legal age, the workers found their way around these guidelines and supplied students with the majority of their alcoholic intake. 
“It’s really busy here tonight,” Molly, one of your close friends, spoke as you entered the main area, “You sure you still want to sing?”
Shooting her an amused look, you followed the group over to the bar, “That doesn’t faze me, it means more people can appreciate my gorgeous voice.”
“As someone who has never heard it- I’m not sure about that one.”
The whole group burst into laughter, you just shook your head and let out a small huff yourself, “I cannot wait to prove you wrong.” 
As each of you settled into a seat on a high-table close to the bar, you all broke into conversation as you fed off of the energy the bar supplied. For once, you weren’t curled into your bed antagonising over what went wrong in your relationship with Marco or sitting in class unable to concentrate because your ex was all you could think about. For the first time in over a month, you felt really great. 
Of course, that was abruptly cut short. 
“Y/N,” One of your friends gasped, staring at something behind you with wide eyes, “Don’t turn around but Marco just walked in.”
Your entire body seized up, a cold wave of shock trickled down your body, “You’re joking, right?”
She shook her head, sympathy painted her features before she reached forward and squeezed your hand, “Don’t even give him the benefit of looking at you.” All you could do was nod, blinking through the panic that was quickly rising. 
“Mhm,” Molly nodded, rubbing your shoulder, “Don’t even talk to him and then blow him away with your singing.”
“Yeah!” A few girls at the table cheered around you, “You’re still going to do that right?”
“No going back.” You twisted your mouth into a nervous smile as the group surrounding you cheered and held up their respective drinks. Taking the girls advice, you didn’t even look at Marco- which was extremely nerve wracking as you had no idea what he looked like or what state he was in. Your night went from being calm and a relief from drama to a tense and gnawing situation as you fought to not look over at Marco; wherever he was. 
“The karaoke event is beginning soon! If you want to take part just come up here and grab the mic from whoever is on stage.”
“That’s your queue.” Molly squealed, shaking your shoulder excitedly. 
“Not yet.” You laughed, moving away from her teasingly, “I have to work up my confidence first.”
“Hey,” Molly shoved at your shoulder a lot softer this time, “You’ll be great, don’t even think about Marco.”
“How do you always know what to say?”
Molly shrugged, a smile crinkling at her eyes, “I guess I’m just a great friend.”
“Oh, shut up.” You both broke into laughter and continued to talk until the first act came onto the stage, which you all turned to watch and cheer on. The event had a mix of talent, to say the least- some were extremely talented and left the crowd erupting into cheers, though some were obviously there as a dare or joke. 
“Who wants to come up next?” The current singer behind the microphone grinned as they held it before them. 
“I’ll go!” You yelled without thinking twice, having drunk a little bit of liquid since the original announcement- your friends around you cheered for what felt like the millionth time but the most interesting point was the head of black hair across the room that whipped around in shock at the sound of your voice. 
As you clambered up the stairs towards the stage, the guy manning the sound beckoned you over and asked for your song choice, “I choose you by Alessia Cara.” You grinned as the guy gave you an encouraging thumbs up. Grabbing the microphone, you stood in the middle of the stage and waited for your queue to begin singing. 
Relishing in the cheers the crowd gifted you with, you grinned nervously as you walked back to the table; laughing as your friends pulled you into their arms and shouted numerous compliments at you. 
“Thanks guys,” You smiled, allowing yourself to breath now that you weren’t under the bright lights of the stage, “Told you I could sing.”
“You sure can,” Molly laughed brightly, slight shock showing in her features, “You should do that more.”
Before you could reply, an unusually timid voice sounded behind you, “Hey Y/N.”
Slowly, you turned to face Marco who stood behind you- he had a nervous look on his face as he wrung his hands in circles and silently begged you. 
“Can I talk to you?”
Oh, hell no.” Molly barked, stepping in front of you, “You’ve already broken her hear once.”
“No, Molly,” You pulled her back, smiling at her reassuringly, “I’ll be okay.”
Marco nodded before leading you out of the building as you walked together side by side- it felt weird for him to not have his hand on the small of your back like he usually would in places like that, which only drove in the fact that you were broken up. 
“You were amazing up there.”
“Thanks,” You smiled tightly, hugging yourself with your arms with the same enthusiasm. 
“What do you want Marco?”
He frowned at you, his eyes teared up slightly, “You didn’t give me the chance to speak, Y/N.”
“When you said that I didn’t love you anymore,” He gulped and looked down, “You left before I could prove you wrong.”
You pressed your lips together tightly, “Your reaction was enough of an answer.”
He just shook his head, smiling slightly at your antics, “I left you alone after that because I assumed you wanted nothing to do with me...but then I saw you singing tonight and I realised that you are the one for me.”
“Marco-” Your voice wobbled as you looked on at the man before you.
“Please let me speak,” Marco laughed, “I never stopped loving you and I’m so sorry that I made you feel that way. The stress just got to me and I shouldn’t have let you be a victim of that too.”
“It’s okay.”
“No,” Marco wrapped both of your hands in his, he was begging now, “It isn’t and if you let me I will never shut you out like that again.”
“Really?” You hiccupped slightly, tears sliding down your cheeks. 
“Yeah.” Marco whispered softly, letting go of your hands to wipe the tears coating your face, “Unless you realised that you’re better off without me and if so-”
“Shut up.” You sighed before reaching forward and pressing a much needed kiss to his lips. Finally, you thought.
“Fuck, I missed that.”
“Just that?”
“No,” He laughed, stroking your cheeks with his thumbs, “I missed everything about you. I know I’ve seemed happy but I really wasn’t.”
You smile sadly at him as you snaked your arms around his neck, “I never stopped loving you too.”
If you would like to be added to my taglist for any future posts- please let me know!
“Good.” And the two of you met in a kiss once again as a nearby street lamp illuminated the night-cold air surrounding you.
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kaznejis · 4 years
Marco Peña- Masterlist
We’re on the borderline
Marco and Y/N are in a relationship- what happens when Marco begins to pull away in favour of Elle? 
Y/N receives a mysterious letter from their ‘‘secret admirer”. Oh, and they’re best friends with Noah!  
He’s right where I should be 
Y/N and Marco meet on his first day- Marco falls for them immediately, but they have their eyes on somebody else. (but they get their act together eventually, don’t worry.) 
I choose you
Y/N *assumes* that Marco is falling out of love with them, so they inevitably let him go.
Only Fools
Y/N and Marco have to hide their relationship from Noah and Lee: Y/N’s overprotective brothers.
Firsts in Y/N and Marco’s relationship.
In the depths of your despair
After Y/N sees Marco in a compromising position, they find themselves suffering in a haze of loss and memories- can their love for him survive their own mind?
Making out with Marco (headcanon) 
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kaznejis · 2 years
hey! i was wondering, could you do a marco peña oneshot where elle tries to seperate marco and reader by asking him to do the kissing booth? love your writing :)
Hello! thankyou so much for this :)
though, I think this fits your description!! let me know if not :)
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