#Marcus Lawetlat'la
Transpanda OC FINALS
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The rules of the tournament
Brief introduction to "Thank You For Existing"
Yuni Yoshinaga
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“My name is Yuni Yoshinaga, and I don’t really exist.”
Born a timid, sweet, and quiet boy, Yuni was quickly mistreated for his rare heart-shaped pupils. To avoid abuse, he donned the personality mask of “The Demon Delinquent”. Years later, a major accident occurred. Yuni was medically mistaken for Mizuki Fujisaki, a well-liked girl with the same eye condition. Feeling finally free, Yuni dubbed “his” true self as “The Girly Force” to those aware while stepping into the role. Yet Yuni couldn’t shake off the “Demon Delinquent” personality mask. Why? He doesn’t actually exist…right? Yuni is the main character of TYFE.
Primary Inspiration: Masashi Rando from Pretty Face (And Chihiro Fujisaki from DR)
Plural or Plural Adjacent?: Plural
Art of Yuni Yoshinaga by: Sunnyside_Cakes
Pan Kokoro
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“I’m Non-Canon and I’m proud!”
Kokoro is your typical filler character; Never appeared in a single chapter of her source, and only a single episode of the show adaptation. The problem therein lies that the peppy girl exists inside the main character’s mind, Pan Yu. Brought to the front just a couple of weeks before the series’s canonical ending, Yu’s wedding, Kokoro is determined to find the space where she fits in best! Can she assert her existence with so many people insisting she’s just a delusional Yu, including Yu’s fiance Bow Botella? Whatever the case is, she’s surprisingly comfortable in both forms she has. Pan Kokoro is the main character of TYFE part 4: Filler Turf.
Primary Inspiration: “The Girl” from the anime of Ranma ½
Plural or Plural Adjacent?: Plural
Art by @starredfishing, commission them!
Maya St. Fleur
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“I’m Maya St. Fleur, and I’m gonna blow your mind!”
An ex-demolition woman turned psychic therapist (and a zombie descendant), Maya is employed by a recap therapy organization. Despite this, she’s actually never faced her past grief of losing several close people, choosing to forget instead. Trouble strikes when she needs to attend her own recap therapy, due to an actual total memory loss accident caused by Yuni. With slightly different circumstances, will Maya finally build on her past events? Or simply continue to demolish what shaped her...? Maya is the main character of TYFE Part 1: That’s Life.
Primary Inspiration: Razputin Aquato from Psychonauts.
Plural or Plural Adjacent?: Adjacent
Art of Maya St. Fleur by: Sunnyside_Cakes
Jilly Bean
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“I do not feel emotions. I hope that this does not cause you distress of any kind.”
Appearing quite emotionless at first glance, Jilly Bean is actually a severely self destructive individual focused on others first. Much of this stems from her assuming she fakes all of her emotions, when in reality she’s an undiagnosed system with one low emotion alter. She has a tendency of intervening with stories she feels demonizes someone unfairly. This need to be someone else’s anchor has led her into much trouble; the lemon coloring on her body is actually scar tissue for example. With the loss of one reformed villain turned friend, Shirley A. Gonna, Jilly’s low emotion alter gets front stuck, worsening her mindset. She is a recurring character in TYFE.
Primary Inspiration: Monkey D. Luffy from One Piece
Plural or Plural Adjacent?: Plural (Unaware)
Art of Jilly Bean by: ragingwoodcock
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transpanda-1 · 11 months
POV: You watching Thank You For Existing
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The consensus seems to be overwhelmingly for redoing this poll!
REMINDER: If Yuni OR Kokoro get the most votes they both go forward, if Maya gets the most she goes forward, it they tie: I subject you to an even longer version of this image
The rules of the tournament
Brief introduction to "Thank You For Existing"
Yuni Yoshinaga
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“My name is Yuni Yoshinaga, and I don’t really exist.”
Born a timid, sweet, and quiet boy, Yuni was quickly mistreated for his rare heart-shaped pupils. To avoid abuse, he donned the personality mask of “The Demon Delinquent”. Years later, a major accident occurred. Yuni was medically mistaken for Mizuki Fujisaki, a well-liked girl with the same eye condition. Feeling finally free, Yuni dubbed “his” true self as “The Girly Force” to those aware while stepping into the role. Yet Yuni couldn’t shake off the “Demon Delinquent” personality mask. Why? He doesn’t actually exist…right? Yuni is the main character of TYFE.
Primary Inspiration: Masashi Rando from Pretty Face (And Chihiro Fujisaki from DR)
Plural or Plural Adjacent?: Plural
Art of Yuni Yoshinaga by: Sunnyside_Cakes
Pan Kokoro
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“I’m Non-Canon and I’m proud!”
Kokoro is your typical filler character; Never appeared in a single chapter of her source, and only a single episode of the show adaptation. The problem therein lies that the peppy girl exists inside the main character’s mind, Pan Yu. Brought to the front just a couple of weeks before the series’s canonical ending, Yu’s wedding, Kokoro is determined to find the space where she fits in best! Can she assert her existence with so many people insisting she’s just a delusional Yu, including Yu’s fiance Bow Botella? Whatever the case is, she’s surprisingly comfortable in both forms she has. Pan Kokoro is the main character of TYFE part 4: Filler Turf.
Primary Inspiration: “The Girl” from the anime of Ranma ½
Plural or Plural Adjacent?: Plural
Art by @starredfishing, commission them!
Maya St. Fleur
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“I’m Maya St. Fleur, and I’m gonna blow your mind!”
An ex-demolition woman turned psychic therapist (and a zombie descendant), Maya is employed by a recap therapy organization. Despite this, she’s actually never faced her past grief of losing several close people, choosing to forget instead. Trouble strikes when she needs to attend her own recap therapy, due to an actual total memory loss accident caused by Yuni. With slightly different circumstances, will Maya finally build on her past events? Or simply continue to demolish what shaped her...? Maya is the main character of TYFE Part 1: That’s Life.
Primary Inspiration: Razputin Aquato from Psychonauts.
Plural or Plural Adjacent?: Adjacent
Art of Maya St. Fleur by: Sunnyside_Cakes
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TransPanda OC Tournament Round 3
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The rules of the tournament
Brief introduction to "Thank You For Existing"
Pan Kokoro
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“I’m Non-Canon and I’m proud!”
Kokoro is your typical filler character; Never appeared in a single chapter of her source, and only a single episode of the show adaptation. The problem therein lies that the peppy girl exists inside the main character’s mind, Pan Yu. Brought to the front just a couple of weeks before the series’s canonical ending, Yu’s wedding, Kokoro is determined to find the space where she fits in best! Can she assert her existence with so many people insisting she’s just a delusional Yu, including Yu’s fiance Bow Botella? Whatever the case is, she’s surprisingly comfortable in both forms she has. Pan Kokoro is the main character of TYFE part 4: Filler Turf.
Primary Inspiration: “The Girl” from the anime of Ranma ½
Plural or Plural Adjacent?: Plural
Art by @starredfishing, commission them!
Yuni Yoshinaga
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“My name is Yuni Yoshinaga, and I don’t really exist.”
Born a timid, sweet, and quiet boy, Yuni was quickly mistreated for his rare heart-shaped pupils. To avoid abuse, he donned the personality mask of “The Demon Delinquent”. Years later, a major accident occurred. Yuni was medically mistaken for Mizuki Fujisaki, a well-liked girl with the same eye condition. Feeling finally free, Yuni dubbed “his” true self as “The Girly Force” to those aware while stepping into the role. Yet Yuni couldn’t shake off the “Demon Delinquent” personality mask. Why? He doesn’t actually exist…right? Yuni is the main character of TYFE.
Primary Inspiration: Masashi Rando from Pretty Face (And Chihiro Fujisaki from DR)
Plural or Plural Adjacent?: Plural
Art of Yuni Yoshinaga by: Sunnyside_Cakes
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transpanda-1 · 1 year
TransPanda OC Tournament Round 1:
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The rules of the tournament
Brief introduction to "Thank You For Existing"
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“O-m-g you’re, like, sooOooo funny! Prepare for annihilation.”
One day, a valley girl named Patricia sadly passed away, but luck had blessed her with a second life! Reborn into a fantasy world of slime people, she was placed in a slime body destined to be the hero of the land! …Too bad the original slime hero in that body suppressed her completely. Having gone multiple years without fronting once, Patricia got a third chance when “Absor-Corp” outfitted the hero with an exoskeleton, and accidentally made her be in front again! Determined to stay in front at all costs, she now works as the company’s main enforcer, Paltinum.
Primary Inspiration: Robo-Fortune from Skullgirls
Plural or Plural Adjacent?: Plural
Art of Paltinum by: ragingwoodcock
Helen Lawetlat’la
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“Oh Marcus, sweetheart, who are yer new little friends?”
🌋Hi sweethearts! This is Helen, apparently I’m the only dang OC to become a fictive from this list! ...Yet. Anywhoo, I’m ‘sposed to be one of those big, doting, Minnesotan mom types. I’m a real accomplished single mom, dontch’a know? I graduated from college when I was 8! …Granted, cause of the gigantism, they thought I was their age, but eh, whaddya gonna do? It’s hard bein’ a single, 10 foot tall mom with multiple law degrees! But keepin’ my kids happy is what I love best. I also babysit that lil Owen fella here and there, he likes how tall I am.
Primary Inspiration: Homer Simpson from The Simpsons
Plural or Plural Adjacent?: Adjacent (By force of the universe?? She was literally supposed to be a straightforward singlet??)
Art of Helen Lawetlat'la by: Sunnyside_Cakes
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TransPanda OC Tournament Round 1:
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The rules of the tournament
Brief introduction to "Thank You For Existing"
Yuni Yoshinaga
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“My name is Yuni Yoshinaga, and I don’t really exist.”
Born a timid, sweet, and quiet boy, Yuni was quickly mistreated for his rare heart-shaped pupils. To avoid abuse, he donned the personality mask of “The Demon Delinquent”. Years later, a major accident occurred. Yuni was medically mistaken for Mizuki Fujisaki, a well-liked girl with the same eye condition. Feeling finally free, Yuni dubbed “his” true self as “The Girly Force” to those aware while stepping into the role. Yet Yuni couldn’t shake off the “Demon Delinquent” personality mask. Why? He doesn’t actually exist…right? Yuni is the main character of TYFE.
Primary Inspiration: Masashi Rando from Pretty Face (And Chihiro Fujisaki from DR)
Plural or Plural Adjacent?: Plural
Art of Yuni Yoshinaga by: Sunnyside_Cakes
Honey Mary
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“W-With this tech, I-I’ll restore my sister! You c-can count on it!”
Honey Mary is one of three scientist slime sisters, that used to be four. Their youngest, Sue Mary, became completely destabilized due to the ambient energy draining from the world, reduced to a murky, barely alive puddle. Determined to save her sister, Honey poured herself (literally) into new “Flexiglass” exoskeleton tech she invented. Disaster struck, though, as “Absor-Corp’ attempted sabotaging her work. Luckily a lone stranger, Amber Berri, may have accidentally picked up her “emergency eject” bottle as an unwanted passenger…
Primary Inspiration: Risukuma from Puyo Puyo
Plural or Plural Adjacent?: Adjacent
Art of Honey Mary by: Sunnyside_Cakes
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Transpanda OC Tournament Semi Finals
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The rules of the tournament
Brief introduction to "Thank You For Existing"
Pan Kokoro
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“I’m Non-Canon and I’m proud!”
Kokoro is your typical filler character; Never appeared in a single chapter of her source, and only a single episode of the show adaptation. The problem therein lies that the peppy girl exists inside the main character’s mind, Pan Yu. Brought to the front just a couple of weeks before the series’s canonical ending, Yu’s wedding, Kokoro is determined to find the space where she fits in best! Can she assert her existence with so many people insisting she’s just a delusional Yu, including Yu’s fiance Bow Botella? Whatever the case is, she’s surprisingly comfortable in both forms she has. Pan Kokoro is the main character of TYFE part 4: Filler Turf.
Primary Inspiration: “The Girl” from the anime of Ranma ½
Plural or Plural Adjacent?: Plural
Art by @starredfishing, commission them!
Yuni Yoshinaga
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“My name is Yuni Yoshinaga, and I don’t really exist.”
Born a timid, sweet, and quiet boy, Yuni was quickly mistreated for his rare heart-shaped pupils. To avoid abuse, he donned the personality mask of “The Demon Delinquent”. Years later, a major accident occurred. Yuni was medically mistaken for Mizuki Fujisaki, a well-liked girl with the same eye condition. Feeling finally free, Yuni dubbed “his” true self as “The Girly Force” to those aware while stepping into the role. Yet Yuni couldn’t shake off the “Demon Delinquent” personality mask. Why? He doesn’t actually exist…right? Yuni is the main character of TYFE.
Primary Inspiration: Masashi Rando from Pretty Face (And Chihiro Fujisaki from DR)
Plural or Plural Adjacent?: Plural
Art of Yuni Yoshinaga by: Sunnyside_Cakes
Maya St. Fleur
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“I’m Maya St. Fleur, and I’m gonna blow your mind!”
An ex-demolition woman turned psychic therapist (and a zombie descendant), Maya is employed by a recap therapy organization. Despite this, she’s actually never faced her past grief of losing several close people, choosing to forget instead. Trouble strikes when she needs to attend her own recap therapy, due to an actual total memory loss accident caused by Yuni. With slightly different circumstances, will Maya finally build on her past events? Or simply continue to demolish what shaped her...? Maya is the main character of TYFE Part 1: That’s Life.
Primary Inspiration: Razputin Aquato from Psychonauts.
Plural or Plural Adjacent?: Adjacent
Art of Maya St. Fleur by: Sunnyside_Cakes
MAYA (Part 2)
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"Yuni, is this just what you deal with from the day to day?"
Something... wasn't right. Maya had only gone to recap therapy cause her memories accidentally go plucked out. She got them back, she was herself, everything should be fine. But the... "she" she was during that recap keeps popping up when the others go through their own recap stories. Does changing a few things in this, really only simulation of the past, start following it's on continuity? This "continuity error" Maya seems so much more chipper and adventurous than present her. ...And what happens when the recap catches up to the present? What's gonna happen to them her?
Primary Inspiration: Razputin Aquato from Psychonauts.
Plural or Plural Adjacent?: Adjacent
Art of Maya St. Fleur design by: ragingwoodcock
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TransPanda OC Tournament Round 1:
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The rules of the tournament
Brief introduction to "Thank You For Existing"
Wheat Doe
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“It’s MY life, and no one can take that away from me!”
In a dingy, monster infested dungeon, a trap was sprung on the destined hero of the land, Wheat Doe. Mira Cooper, the Lord of Evil’s right hand woman, used her enchanted copper mirror to foil the hero. Morphing her body to mimic Wheat in body, mind, and soul, Mira separates Wheat from her party and takes her place. This Reflected Wheat, unaware she’s a fake, faces many challenges connected to her mimic existence. Even as the copper reflection oxides and grows patches of mold-like green, this Wheat Doe is ready to fight tooth and nail to prove she’s just as real. Reflected Wheat Doe is the main character of TYFE side story: Molded Reflection.
Primary Inspiration: Luna / Asuna Kagurazaka from Mahou Sensei Negima!
Plural or Plural Adjacent?: Plural (Magically induced)
Art of Wheat Doe by: ragingwoodcock
Marcus Lawetlat’la
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“Crown? This is…my natural hair… I’m sorry, have you asked me that before?”
Marcus always felt like something was…off. Like he was destined for greater things, but something kept resetting his progress. As it turns out, he’s the ex-main character from a sitcom, “The Lawetlat’la’s”, syndicated to rerun ad nauseum. His mother, Helen, became the more popular main character. Unraveling the mystery of this time loop, Marcus finds the only person who escaped it: A Marcus when he was the main character! One who keeps saying to become “The Best Marcus” they have to integrate and fuse together. Can Marcus resist temptation, and believe in the identity he has now? Marcus is the main character of TYFE part 2: Chosen None.
Primary Inspiration: Bart Simpson from The Simpsons
Plural or Plural Adjacent?: Adjacent
Art of Marcus Lawetlat'la by: Sunnyside_Cakes
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Round 2
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The rules of the tournament
Brief introduction to "Thank You For Existing"
Yuni Yoshinaga
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“My name is Yuni Yoshinaga, and I don’t really exist.”
Born a timid, sweet, and quiet boy, Yuni was quickly mistreated for his rare heart-shaped pupils. To avoid abuse, he donned the personality mask of “The Demon Delinquent”. Years later, a major accident occurred. Yuni was medically mistaken for Mizuki Fujisaki, a well-liked girl with the same eye condition. Feeling finally free, Yuni dubbed “his” true self as “The Girly Force” to those aware while stepping into the role. Yet Yuni couldn’t shake off the “Demon Delinquent” personality mask. Why? He doesn’t actually exist…right? Yuni is the main character of TYFE.
Primary Inspiration: Masashi Rando from Pretty Face (And Chihiro Fujisaki from DR)
Plural or Plural Adjacent?: Plural
Art of Yuni Yoshinaga by: Sunnyside_Cakes
Victor (Vasilka)
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“I will show my love for my true self to everyone. And I will be safe, father. I swear it.”
In the recesses of The Abbey, a body made of stitched together, stolen corpses found life breathed into it. This being was designed to be the perfect bride, the perfect woman to marry. But human nature stepped in, as Victor found himself identifying as a man. While occasionally still presenting as Vasilka, Victor left the Abbey to show his true, most genuine self to the outside world. Unaware of his supposed husband’s true identity, he gently helps others during his search. The world outside is cruel, vicious, and violent, but Victor keeps ahold of one thing many have lost in the outside world: hope.
Primary Inspiration: Vasilka from DND’s Curse of Strahd
Plural or Plural Adjacent?: Plural
Victor drawn by: @impossiblevariable
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transpanda-1 · 10 months
... yall have a youtube?
🌓Oh yeah uhhhhhhh we do, don't upload anymore to it but here's some shit we made when we were in college and stuff when we were training to be a video editor. We're... a little embarrassed by it sfish.
Of course there's our graphic design mimicry of Cartoon Network's ad break blocks featuring our own OC's:
And a video that took us two straight months to make because we edited it in fucking photoshop cs5 of all damn things, but it also got 355,000 views because it was pulling from Steven Universe episodes so fuck if we know if that's a success. ...And for some reason we thought it was a good idea to do it in acapella???
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