#pan kokoro
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The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places to the Transpanda OC Tournament, drawn by the wonderful and amazing @ashenberry
In 1st place, we have both Maya St. Fleur, the ex-demolition psychic therapist who'll blow your mind, and Jilly Bean, the sweet and sour totally emotionless villain reformer.
In 2nd place, we have Pan Kokoro, the spunky one-off episode alter of the body swapping protag Pan Yu.
And in 3rd place, we have Yuni Yoshinaga (and Yuki Fujisaki), the caring delinquent that accidentally get an identity swap/transition speedrun.
The original results
Thank you so much to absolutely everyone who voted in our poll! You all helped a lot in making us address all the characters that worked and who didn't quite just yet. This has been a great exercise to show off a hint of our WIP series's and our creative ability with character design!
Thank you for voting, and thank you for existing!
Photo ID under the cut:
(PHOTO ID: Confetti rains down from the sky.
On a 1st place podium, Jilly Bean has red and yellow skin, and long pink hair. She's wearing a dark, gothic lolita dress and sunhat. She shows little emotion holding one handle of a gold 1st place trophy, the other handle being held by a purple psychic force.
Left to Jilly on the same podium is Maya St. Fleur, who is animated with closed eyes. A purple energy is around her hand. Maya has a safety helmet on that resembles a bomb, and her fire-like red orange hair peeks out from the fuse and around her neck. She wears a green shirt, pants, boots, and has triangular bone growths on her arms. Maya has dark skin and an orange inner mouth.
Left of Maya is Pan Kokoro, on a shorter 2nd place podium. She is wearing a white sleeveless shirt, purple athletic pants, black and white sneakers, and has a red and white jacket tied around her waist. The jacket's large sleeves have been tucked in and tied like a white and red striped tail. She is posing energetically with her silver 2nd place trophy, but water is spilling out onto her head, shocking her. Her white short hair stays the same, but the red hair buns are turning black from the water. An exclamation point is above her.
To the right of Jilly, on the 3rd place platform is Yuni Yoshinaga. Yuni is currently a pink, amorphous ghost being. She is wearing her jacket and gloves. She's smiling cockily and showing off how only one eye has a pupil (a pink pupil with a heart in it), one hand on her chin, and she poses with her bronze 3rd place trophy.
Underneath Yuni is Yuki Fujisaki, whose head is cracked like an egg to let Yuni's form out. Yuki is sitting on her butt, leaning back a little with both hands on the podium. She is looking up happily at Yuni, and showing off her single pupiled eye (a blue pupil with a heart in it). Yuki wears a purple jacket, yellow shirt and skirt-like shorts, blue socks, and purple shoes. On her medium length purple hair, Yuki wears two hairclips, one pink one blue. She is wearing a pink biker glove on one hand, but the other isn't seen. END ID.)
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transpanda-1 · 11 months
POV: You watching Thank You For Existing
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1tz-4ll-m3 · 3 months
The bullies from Yandere Simulator are all lesbians to me ‼️
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killuaisaprincess · 1 year
“Shh, it’s okay, my love. I’ll give you what you want.”
Killua stops crying at those words, hiccuping, and looking up at Gon with those big blue eyes of his, and Gon forgets how to breathe.
Even with mascara running down his face, Killua is the most adorable thing ever.
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heyiwrotesomethings · 10 months
hiii i came across your page a few months ago, and i really love the way you write these characters!
i was thinking, maybe a part 2 of “scholarships, mary saotome x she/her reader” where it basically goes into the plot of kakegurui twin and the beginning of the canon-verse?
i could imagine the reader and mary becoming friends, though a slight slow burn romance that forms along the way.
Scholarships Prt II
Mary Saotome x She/Her Reader
A/N: PrtI It’s finally done! You’d think revisiting five chapters of manga wouldn’t be that draining, but it took quite a bit of back and forth to get the important bits. Sorry for the wait, hope you enjoy : ) Word Count: 3,371
“What the hell is this?” Mary deadpanned, looking around the heavily crowded room.
From day one of getting into this school it felt like she slipped out of the frying pan and right into the fire. It took everything she had just to stay out of owing someone an insane amount of money. From gambling Kokoro, to joining the Literary Club, and now being mixed up in Student Council and Full Bloom Society affairs. It felt like they could never catch a break, and if they did, it certainly never lasted. Which was what brought them to where they were now, a speed dating, coupling party gamble.
“Coupling…?” Tsuzura placed a hand over her mouth.
“You got to be kidding me!” Yukimi gawked, “How can you go out with a guy you don’t even know?!”
“Right? Is it too late to back out?” (Y/n) asked, even though she already knew the answer.
“Of course we can’t back out.” Mary groaned. “What the hell did Aoi get us into?”
Mary put a hand to her heart, (Y/n) put a hand on her back to help steady her.
“Mikura? What are you doing here?” Mary asked.
“Looking for a boyfriend?” (Y/n) guessed.
“Ugh, no. Gross.” Mikura shuddered, “I’m here on school business. This is Juraku-sama’s event.”
“Of course it is,” (Y/n) sighed, “Can’t escape the council for a minute.”
“Anyway,” Mikura looked down at her clipboard, “there are only four of you, correct? I’ll have to introduce you to a fifth. It looks like Chitose would be an easy addition.”
“Hi, that would be me!”
The Literary Club peered around Mikura to the new addition to their group, a girl with a pin-straight bob. She looked friendly enough at least.
“I’ll leave you to get acquainted. The game will begin shortly.” Mikura took her leave and Chitose took the floor.
“Is this all your first time at this event?”
“Yeah, how does this work exactly?” Yukimi asked.
Chitose explained the premise excitedly. Basically, if they matched with a boy, they would have to pay out. If they didn’t match, the boys would have to pay out. Seemed simple enough.
“So, are you guys playing for love, or money?” Chitose asked excitedly.
“The money.” All four girls replied in near perfect unison, causing Chitose’s shoulders to slump.
“Fine…” she sighed, “Let’s get this over with.”
Chitose lead them to the group of boys they had been paired with for the game and the MC for the event a announced the start of the chat period.
Kuonji, Sera, Kochi, Musubi and Kibashira introduced themselves, soon giving the floor to the girls to do the same. Chitose really hammed up her introduction, so much so it was hard to tell if she was acting or not.
Mary decided to talk about running the Literary Club’s gambling den, a safe option, she figured.
“That’s gotta be tough,” Kibashiba acknowledged with a low whistle, “You must like quick-witted guys then, huh?”
“No, not really…”
“Oh, then what kind of guy do you like?”
“Um…” Mary was going to bullshit the boy, say something shallow, but she happened to notice (Y/n) move in her periphery, sifting her position a little, probably in an attempt to be a bit more comfortable during this awkward game. As her thoughts were drawn to (Y/n), her answer morphed.
“Maybe someone honest?” Her face warmed. Why did I tell him the truth?! She fretted internally as Musubi jumped in to ask Tsuzura questions, swooning over the girl’s ability to cook and sew.
“And what about you, (Y/n)-san?” Kochi piped in, “What do you like in a guy?”
Mary’s ears perked and she glanced at (Y/n) through her periphery.
“Well,” (Y/n) rubbed the back of her neck, “I guess I’d like someone who doesn’t leave the people that care about them behind. Someone loyal.”
Mary wasn’t completely aware of it, but her heart skipped a beat. A small, almost victorious-looking smile appeared on her face.
The chat session wrapped up soon after Yukimi’s introduction and the two groups parted ways momentarily for the group discussion period.
“So, about the rules…” Mary began once they were in their own little corner of the room, “A wager wasn’t mentioned, so how does that work exactly?”
“It was on the entry form, didn’t you read it?” Chitose asked.
“We got a separate invite.” Mary explained.
“Ah, well, it’s a million yen per bet.”
The group stiffened. A million yen?! For speed dating?! Aoi was throwing them out to the deep end with this gamble.
“We’ll have to use the dine out discount.” Yukimi said after doing a bit of quick mental math. “It’ll be just enough to cover the cost.”
“What if we just went straight for the sleepover?” Tsuzura asked much too casually.
“It’ll help us save money, right? And if we’re all in the same room, won’t that be super fun?” She gushed, “I haven’t had a sleepover since elementary school!”
“Are you for real right now?” Mary sighed, resting her face against her open palm.
“Oh my sweet summer child…” (Y/n) said sympathetically, not really wanting to burst Tsuzura’s bubble.
Yukimi couldn’t sit by and let the poor girl live in ignorance and whispered what the wager would really mean. (Y/n) and Mary watched in real time as Tsuzura’s face morph from cheerful to frazzled embarrassment in a matter of seconds.
“She really had no idea, huh?” Mary shook her head.
“Poor girl.” (Y/n) concurred.
“Anyway…” Mary cleared her throat, “I think it’ll be in our best interest to avoid making couples in order to make the most money we can. So that means we should all pick different guys to keep the matches down to a minimum. We can do a random draw to decide who “confesses” to who, but I think it’ll be best to make sure Tsuzura doesn’t get matched with Musubi.”
“Yeah, he definitely has a thing for her.” Yukimi chuckled awkwardly while (Y/n) was still trying to calm the girl down after the whole “sleepover” misunderstanding.
“Any other ideas?” Mary asked.
Chitose eagerly rose her hand, hoping to be paired with Kuonji and getting all blush and lovestruck just thinking about the prospect.
Mary shared a look with (Y/n) who shrugged her shoulders.
“Uh… yeah, sure.” Mary jolted the note down and then turned the paper around, showing how the “confessions” should work out. “Anyone got a problem with this set-up?”
“Nope.” The rest agreed.
As they began walking back to their table, Mary pinched the fabric of (Y/n)‘s jacket to keep her back.
“(Y/n),” she spoke in a low tone, “the two of us will switch confession targets.”
“Huh, why?”
“There is one flaw with this plan, that being spreading out like this could lead to trouble if there is a mole in our group.”
“A mole?” (Y/n) repeated in a harsh whisper. “You think someone could be working with the guys?”
“Then it would clearly be Chitose, wouldn’t it? Shouldn’t we let Tsuzura and Yuikimi-senpai in on the plan too?”
Mary shook her head, “I don’t trust Yuikimi-san yet and I don’t want to stress Tsuzura out.”
“I don’t think it’s necessary to exclude her. She can handle it.“ (Y/n) tried to dissuade.
“We can’t hesitate now. If we want to win, we have to consider every possibility.” Mary stuck to her guns, getting closer and resting a hand on the girl’s shoulder. “We’re going to come out on top, we’re going to be the winners! We’re going to show these rich bastards what for, right?” She gave her a confident smile that made (Y/n)’s heart speed up.
“Right!” (Y/n) nodded resolutely, matching Mary’s competitive smile.
“Then let’s win this so we can rub it in Aoi’s face.”
The duo rejoined their group and all circled their agreed upon targets on the submission forms, except for Mary and (Y/n) of course who switched their targets, making Mary’s target Kibashira and (Y/n)’s Sera. After everything was squared away, they all sat across the table from the boys, each offering up a dinning out bonus to meet the betting requirements. They each confessed to their targets and there was a bit of an upset when Yuikimi and Tsuzura heard that Mary and (Y/n) switched targets, but that was nothing compared to the upset that occurred when it was the boys’ turn to reciprocate or reject… that’s when things started to get messy.
One after the other, instead of falling through, the couplings were perfect matches. Though unfortunate, it was exactly what Mary had anticipated. What she hadn’t anticipated however, was for her and (Y/n)’s targets to match them as well.
“No…” (Y/n) sunk in her chair, joining Yuikimi and Tsuzura’s anxious expressions. “It’s impossible. Everyone?”
“Congratulations.” Mikura drawled, “Five couples have been formed.”
“Bullshit!” Mary stood, slamming her palms against the table, “This is all a fraud! We couldn’t have all coupled by chance! Even if one of us was tipping the guys off, (Y/n) and I switched to avoid just this scenario!” She yelled at Miruka. “You rigged it! Wouldn’t be the first time—“
“Is there a problem, Mary?”
Juraku Sachiko sidled up to the table, compelling Mary to grind her teeth together, eyes blazing with fury.
“Of course there is! You rigged this game!”
“Such baseless accusations.” Sachiko smirked. “We aren’t rigging anything. I can guarantee you that.”
“Do you really think I’d believe that!” Mary sneered.
In a second, Sachiko was looking over her with a devilish smile.
“Oh Mary, there is a far more simpler possibility, don’t you think? Surely you aren’t that incompetent?”
Another… possibility… Mary’s mind whirred with possibilities. The student council, Aoi and the Full Bloom Society… but then her eye caught (Y/n) helping Tsuzura dry her tears and her chest tightened.
No… was (Y/n) the traitor? Couldn’t be… they were fellow scholarship students united in their second class status to the high society high rollers, more than that, they were friends. They had triumphed and lost together time after time they always had each other’s backs. They had made plans to be winners, to be respected… but had those boys offered (Y/n) something better? Something so good that she would send Mary and the others floating down the river without blinking?
Her heart physically hurt, she had pegged (Y/n) as a honest person, someone to confide in. She was the only person she had trusted with this plan so logically… it had to be her. Mary clenched her fists. (Y/n) was the mole!
Meanwhile, (Y/n) was having her own similar crisis, believing that Mary had cut her own deal. Mary had left her behind… she wasn’t loyal at all! She could feel angry and disappointed tears stung at her own eyes, but she kept them at bay and continued tending to Tsuzura.
“Round two is fast approaching ladies, what will you do?” Sachiko smirked, tapping her chin. “You already blew the money Aoi gave you. If you don’t think of something quick, you’ll all be house pets.”
Mary paled. “But 2 million yen…” They didn’t have that kind of money just laying around… suddenly they were approached by someone in the crowd who introduced herself as Kurumi.
“I don’t mind spotting you all 200,000 yen, but as for the rest… if you bet on the sleepover that should cover it.” She smirked.
“That should work just fine.” Sachiko purred.
“Mary?” Tsuzura sniffled. “What should we do?”
(Y/n) looked a Mary with an impassive expression that further irked and pained Mary. Likewise, the hot fury Mary aimed (Y/n)’s way made her feel even more numb. Though divided, they shared the exact same thought.
Who were they supposed to believe in?
“Mary?” Tsuzura pulled Mary from her thoughts with a cautious calling of her name, “We’re doing round two, right? Applications are closing soon, so we should hurry.”
“I need a minute to think.” Mary murmured distantly.
“But we’re out of money, so we’ll have to join, right? I’ll sign us both up—“
“I told you to wait!” Mary yelled, causing Tsuzura to flinch.
“Hey, you can’t talk to her like that!” (Y/n) yelled back.
“As if you care about any of our feelings!” Mary hissed, striding closer to (Y/n) with a sneer, “how about you do me a favor and stop pretending that you’re on my side!”
“Oh, that’s really rich coming from you! You’re really going to keep up this charade until you believe it too? I hope your guilty conscious eats you alive!”
“Guys… what’s going on?” Tsuzura whimpered, not sure who to go to.
“I’m not joining the second round.” Mary coldly informed. “Don’t try to rely on me anymore.” She started to walk away, but (Y/n) called after her.
“That’s it? Now that we’re all in danger of being house pets, you’re going to walk away?” (Y/n) felt even more convinced of Mary’s betrayal now.
“I thought we were all going to be winners together.” Tsuzura said softly, clutching her hands to her chest.
“What will happen to our gambling room?” Yukimi added.
“Figure it out yourselves.”
“I can’t believe you!” (Y/n) spoke through gritted teeth.
“The Mary I know wouldn’t give up just because she thought a friend betrayed her.” Tsuzura sniffled. “You’re strong and dedicated and never give up. You always win in the end, so please, don’t give up!”
“Don’t waste your breath, Tsuzura.” (Y/n) wrapped an arm around her shoulders in an attempt to comfort her whilst glaring at Mary. “We can figure it out on our own. It’ll be easier without her betraying us.”
Something about the dead serious delivery and the pure disgust in (Y/n)’s eyes caused Mary to have an epiphany. Another possibility… she wasn’t committed to trusting them again just yet. As far as she was concerned, the only person she could trust was herself. That didn’t mean she couldn’t manipulate them to play the roles she needed them to play.
“Fine, I’ll play.”
“Mary!” Tsuzura looked relieved until Mary stared them down.
“I won’t lose just because one of you stabbed me in the back. I’ll teach you all a lesson you’ll never forget.”
“Right back at you!” (Y/n) shot back.
Mary ended up taking the lead of the group and left (Y/n) on the outs, though it didn’t seem she was letting anyone else in on everything she was planning either. As mad as (Y/n) was at Mary however, it still hurt when she lead the group away from her to discuss turn order and confession targets.
(Y/n) motioned Yuikimi and Tsuzura to join Mary and Chitose, assuring them that she’d be fine on her own. She trusted them to find a way to tell her if something went awry. She took a deep breath, and brainstormed her own course of action.
Before long, they were all seated at the table again, each offering up the sleepover option to cover their lost wagers. (Y/n) and Mary studiously ignored each other as the set up occurred, but when the last person was seated, Mary spoke up, leaning over so she could look at (Y/n) who sat on the other side of Tsuzura and Yukimi.
“Hey,” she said gruffly, “I just want to say, I don’t care what you do. Just know that we are going to be the winners, got it?”
(Y/n) wanted to say something snarky in return, but something about the way Mary’s inflection changed slightly when she said ‘we’ gave (Y/n) pause.
“Only one way to find out.” She grumbled. “Let’s get this over with.”
Chitose confessed first, matching with Sera. Then it was (Y/n)’s turn. Really it was a one in five shot that she picked wrong. She assumed Mary still wanted everyone to stick to one target to minimize matches. So if there was a mole, she shouldn’t have to worry about multiple guys targeting her.
“Here goes nothing,” she audibly exhaled, “I’ll confess to Musubi-san.”
The boys looked disappointed, but didn’t seem too heartbroken, like they expected it wouldn’t be likely that they would have a match with her, but then it was Yukimi’s turn and when she said she would be confessing to Kibashira, it caused an uproar as if they expected a different answer. Then Tsuzura upset the boy’s expectations even further by also confessing to Musubi. Then finally, it was Mary’s turn.
“Musubi-san,” she smirked, “you’re getting rather popular, huh? That makes me a little jealous because,” she presented her paper for all to see, “I picked you too.”
“There is only one successful coupling.” Miruka observed. “Congratulations, Sera-san and Inui-san.”
(Y/n) took a breath of relief and after a moment, Mary started snickering.
“You guys are so dumb, you know that?” She asked pointedly to the boys and Chitose. “I knew you were the mole, Inui-san. Once I took the time to actually think about it, it was the only thing that made sense.”
Sh got up from her seat and walked over to (Y/n), placing a hand on her shoulder.
“I should have realized right away. (Y/n) wouldn’t betray me like that and I owe her a big apology. I was being a narrow-minded idiot.”
“Mary…” (Y/n)’s hand moved to rest atop Mary’s, “I’m sorry too. You’ve never turned your back on us before, so why start now? We were both being dumb.”
“We were… but we managed to course correct and it’s thanks to these idiots,” she sweeps her hand over to the boys and Chitose still looking angry and shocked, “that we just made a damn fortune! Thanks sooo much!” She teased.
“Enough jeering.” Miruka sighed, “The second round has concluded. All arrangements of wagers will be dealt with promptly.”
Once everything was squared away, the four friends left the event hall, exhausted but satisfied that they had won out in the end.
“Hey guys…” Mary stopped walking, making the other three turn around, “I just wanted to apologize for how I acted today. I suspected you all in one way or another even though you guys have never given me a reason to doubt you in the past.” She bowed at the waist, “I’m really sorry.”
“Hey, it’s alright. I probably would have though the same thing.” Yukimi said.
“Mary!” Tsuzura hugged her, “I was so afraid! I thought you had given up on us!”
“It was pretty rough, but I think we’re a much stronger team now.” (Y/n) simpered.
“I promise I’ll never doubt you guys again.”
“Alright, give me some room, Tsuzura. I want in on this too.” (Y/n) worked her way into the hug, making Mary blush.
“Hey! What are you doing?”
“You never give out hugs. Have to take advantage when I can!” (Y/n) teased, hugging Mary tighter and enjoying every second of it. “Right, Tsuzura?”
“Mhm! Yukimi, come join!”
“Alright!” Yukimi joined in on the hug, making Mary more exasperated.
“Hey! You guys! Come on!” Mary flustered, “You guys?!”
The only sound was the clatter and clink of silverware.
Though they had won when it mattered most, they still owed the boys a dinner date. No one was particularly excited, but free food was free food to Mary and (Y/n).
“Alright, well, I’m full.” Mary stood once she finished her plate.
“Me too, thanks for the meal.” (Y/n) stood as well, followed shortly by Yukimi and Tsuzura.
Tired from the intense gamble the day before, it was pretty much a given that they would all go to their respective homes to rest and enjoy the rest of their weekend without any other obligations. (Y/n) and Mary waved goodbye to the others as their bus pulled away from the curb.
“Hey,” Mary spoke once the bus started rolling down the street, “want to see a movie or something?”
(Y/n) felt her heart flutter a bit. “Sounds fun. We should have asked Yukimi-senpai and Tsuzura if they wanted to come.”
“They can tag along another time. We don’t have to do everything together all the time.” She rolled her eyes and looked out the window. “So, what movie do you want to see?” She mumbled.
(Y/n) leaned her shoulder against Mary’s. “I don’t know,” she smiled, “we’ll have to see what’s playing when we get there.”
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timeskip · 20 days
Okay so I finished Remember11 (I think) !!! Lots of thoughts under the cut.
tl;dr I liked the game and had fun with it, but I don't think I can say I loved it. I have a lot of problems with aspects of it but I think the mysteries WERE overall very solid and I had fun figuring things out!!
Earlier, while looking stuff up online (trying to avoid spoilers, naturally) I read that there was supposed to be a third route or something but it didn't pan out and the game is thus left in its incomplete state? It seems to be assumed to be common knowledge based on how people talked about it, but I didn't know a single thing about it when I started the game. In a way, I'm glad I heard that, because... yeah, it IS incomplete. "Truth is not revealed. It continues in an infinity loop!"... which is what the game straight up tells us, even though there's nothing afterward.
I don't dislike the incompleteness, honestly. I have a lot of questions, but most of it I can fill in. Thanks for that, Apoptosis chapter. I guess that's the reason it's so easy to fail and have to restart with no option but to do the Apoptosis bad ending... (No I don't know the official ending name, it doesn't matter to me that much honestly)
I do WISH we knew more about Enomoto and the transfers and the "Satoru" (Enomoto?) from Apoptosis who uses "watashi" instead of "ore", and why they put Satoru's memories into the body that would become Satoru's, but I mean... if it didn't work out, it didn't work out.
In the case of Mayuzumi, I had been predicting already that Satoru wasn't in his original body, and they didn't show his face ever in flashbacks with her, so the reveal that she STILL didn't know him was FUN for me!!! Yippee!!! I was right!!!!!!!
The other incomplete thing is Inubushi, which,, ugh. Eugh. Not a fan of that. I will say it scared me For Real when they suddenly had a moving CG of Inubushi being Evil holding the baby (I thought she was about to kill the baby onscreen...) but I have a distaste for her for a lot of reasons, and I wish the writers actually cared about her. As much as Hotori (the real one) was an interesting concept, Inubushi is a flat stereotype, manipulative for no reason, given no grace by the writing, and also I was uncomfortable when she spit in Satoru's mouth. (<- The hard candy scene, if you've played the game)
The baby twist is... fine. It was amusing, and I could figure it out by myself, which I liked, but it feels like an almost lazy solution? It's clever, but the baby killing someone and the other one rolling in blood to create the situation for Kokoro and Satoru to see the murder scene is just...! A lot to think about...!! And not in a good way!!!
I think that's my problem with the game in general. I LIKED the game, and its solutions to the mysteries, and often even the way it was structured. But at the same time, the game did things in a way that seemed like it intentionally wanted to confuse the player and overcomplicate things. Part of this IS just because of the swaps themselves throwing the characters into different situations, but then you have characters acting in kinda random ways just to make things complicated.
I DID like the "there's a third person transferring" thing though, and the slow realization that there's gaps in both Satoru and Kokoro's swaps where they don't experience things. The "Kokoro only ever looks at Satoru's alarm clock so she gets the time wrong" thing was cute, I liked that. Very convenient, but it's so... startlingly realistic, it's sweet.
I also loved Yuni's part in the game. As an Akane fan you should know I'm a sucker for "this character has to repeat the past, to create a miracle where things can go correctly" :') Yuni is great. I wish his characterization wasn't one of the bigger ones hit by the "this character does something random and confusing!!!" when he KNOWS what's going on, but he did give some really good mystery to it all, I loved finding out more about him, and his relationship with Kokoro was great. I wish the game had been more Yuni focused!! <- 5 years after R11 came out, Akane Kurashiki would be created from Uchikoshi's mind. It's weird to realize it, but... I think Yuni IS in a lot of ways the proto-Akane. Or maybe Kokoro is the proto-Akane, in some ways? Akane is the Yuni+Kokoro fusion we all needed.
And that's the real reason I played the game. I wanted to experience something Uchikoshi made pre-999. It wasn't as good as 999, I don't think I've super attached to any R11 characters except the protags+Yuni, and I don't even know how far that attachment goes past "I enjoyed the game a lot, and they're kind of funny too" lol. I don't think Uchikoshi sticks the landing with his characters EVERY time, but it's definitely an upward trend in his later games given how much I adore some of his later characters, which is good!
As for the mystery, I think I prefer the way Uchikoshi's future mysteries are laid out a bit more, but I completely understand why people love Remember11's mystery. It's intense, and very fun, and I loved going on Uchikoshi/Nakazawa's wild ride!! Since Nakazawa was the director here, I'm sure a lot of it was HIS in a way I can't see since I'm not familiar with his stuff. But he really did create something neat with this mystery.
One last note on Uchikoshi: I wonder if he was thinking about R11 while writing AINI? With the dual protags, things being hidden from the player, the obscured timeframes, etc, it reminded me a lot of AINI.
I guess that's about all I have to say!! I'll probably remember that I forgot stuff later, but man. This is already long as fuck and rambly.
I enjoyed the infinity loop of it all, the way they had to stop the future from happening!!! It was interesting to try to piece things together when the info we got was so split up between the chapters, and Satoru's chapter letting me put together the pieces as I went was great!!! I think while it's an imperfect, often inconsistent, incomplete game, I think there's a lot of good about it!!!
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starredfishing · 1 year
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commission i did for @transpanda-1 of her ocs Pan Yu and Kokoro! love these pandas!!!
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gilligansgarden · 2 months
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there is severe overlap in several places but here we go. each character is, starting clockwise, from center to edge:
ylfa "little red riding hood" snorgelsson (dimension: 20), hata no kokoro (touhou project), hank venture (the venture bros), grace (ready or not), falin touden (dunmeshi), rapunzel (tangled)
wendy (don't starve) alan (alantutorial), fil (baccano!), sunny (omori), jyushimatsu matsuno (osomatsu-san!), martlet (undertale yellow), amanda young "the pig" (saw), basil (omori), mabel pines (gravity falls), wendy darling (peter pan), moana of motonui (moana), the razor (slay the princess)
flandre scarlet (touhou project), conan (future boy conan), collector (the owl house), agatha prenderghast (paranorman), spear (primal), huntress wizard (adventure time), gaara of the sand (naruto), mahito (how do you live?/the boy and the heron), ralsei (deltarune), pinocchio (guillermo del toro's pinocchio), harley quinn (lego batman), oricka rourst (snowbound blood: a vast error story), chané laforet (baccano!), isaac moriah (the binding of isaac), stain edwards the forever boy (don't hug me i'm scared the tv show), care (petscop), emu otori (project sekai), greg (over the garden wall), lilo pelekai (lilo & stitch), nanami kiryuu (revolutionary girl utena), ponyo (ponyo), flame princess (adventure time), princess fionna (shrek), princess kumatora (mother 3)
HONORABLE MENTIONS: clover from undertale yellow. mob from mp100. midori asakusa from keep your hands off the eizouken! chihiro from spirited away. sackboy from littlebigplanet. the cosmic prince from katamari damacy. the player from inscryption. ena from the web shorts by joel g. finn the human from adventure time. susan strong from adventure time. THERE'S TOO MANY ALRIGHT. MY GIRLTHING HAS MULTITUDES. thank you so much for to playing my game ♡
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stampstamp · 3 months
I had an amazing day out in Oxford with a friend!
I was looking forward to getting korokke in Kokoro and it turns out they do kare pan now and they're just as good as the ones in Japan - I should've bought 20! 🤤
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yansimsideblog · 2 years
Gyarus hcs !!
-Hoshiko has a youtube chanel where she does makeup tutorials
-Musume quotes from Mean Girls daily
-Hana has a baby sister who she looks after a lot
-They're all lowkey scared of the Occult Club
-Kokoro has an older brother and all of the other bullies have a crush on him, which worries Kokoro since she doesnt want her brother dating a bully
-Kashiko is the only one of the bully to have had a long term relationship
-Hana is pan and the only other person who knows is Kokoro
-Musume cannot cook to save her life - last time she tried she nealry burnt her house down
-They all have beef with Shiromi for no reason
-Hana and Kokoro are the closest since they both know that they dont want to be bullies
-Hashiko makes fun of people who play video games but plays them in secret
-Kokoro loves Madoki Magica
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mewmewchann · 2 years
…Okay, I know you’ve definitely mentioned them multiple times before, but I can’t seem to find them anywhere, so… what are your Fangan OCs’ romantic/sexual orientations again???
Kokoro Hikari - straight
Jasper Shion - gay
Haruto Sora - straight
Sachiko Akahana - straight
Saiko Aishi - straight
Miko Tsunade - bi
Ayano Sunako - straight
Amai Akuma - biromantic ace
Ahmya Aika - aroace
Kaoru Odayaka - gay
Rikona Fumiko - lesbian
Yuuma Todoroki - currently questioning, but labels as queer for now
Slade - gay
Nisetaro Tokumei - gay (he exists in the universe so it feels right to put him here)
Hope's Chains:
Katsumi Akira - heteroromantic ace
Hideyoshi Tsuchiya - biromantic ace
Hotaru Tachibana - straight
Daisuke Ito - straight
Azami Chitose - biromantic ace
Kazuhiko Ueda - pan
Naoki Sato - pan (NB)
Itsuru Kitagawa - pan (transmasc)
Keiko Kameko - straight
Eren Yoshida - bi
Takeo Taigen - straight
Hana Mari - straight
Saki Miyuki - questioning, but some flavour of wlw
Seira Suzuki - lesbian
Callas the Mighty - lesbian
Pyuko - aroace
Monochan - ???
Hikaru Ayana - straight
Usagi Tomoe - straight
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Transpanda OC FINALS
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The rules of the tournament
Brief introduction to "Thank You For Existing"
Yuni Yoshinaga
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“My name is Yuni Yoshinaga, and I don’t really exist.”
Born a timid, sweet, and quiet boy, Yuni was quickly mistreated for his rare heart-shaped pupils. To avoid abuse, he donned the personality mask of “The Demon Delinquent”. Years later, a major accident occurred. Yuni was medically mistaken for Mizuki Fujisaki, a well-liked girl with the same eye condition. Feeling finally free, Yuni dubbed “his” true self as “The Girly Force” to those aware while stepping into the role. Yet Yuni couldn’t shake off the “Demon Delinquent” personality mask. Why? He doesn’t actually exist…right? Yuni is the main character of TYFE.
Primary Inspiration: Masashi Rando from Pretty Face (And Chihiro Fujisaki from DR)
Plural or Plural Adjacent?: Plural
Art of Yuni Yoshinaga by: Sunnyside_Cakes
Pan Kokoro
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“I’m Non-Canon and I’m proud!”
Kokoro is your typical filler character; Never appeared in a single chapter of her source, and only a single episode of the show adaptation. The problem therein lies that the peppy girl exists inside the main character’s mind, Pan Yu. Brought to the front just a couple of weeks before the series’s canonical ending, Yu’s wedding, Kokoro is determined to find the space where she fits in best! Can she assert her existence with so many people insisting she’s just a delusional Yu, including Yu’s fiance Bow Botella? Whatever the case is, she’s surprisingly comfortable in both forms she has. Pan Kokoro is the main character of TYFE part 4: Filler Turf.
Primary Inspiration: “The Girl” from the anime of Ranma ½
Plural or Plural Adjacent?: Plural
Art by @starredfishing, commission them!
Maya St. Fleur
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“I’m Maya St. Fleur, and I’m gonna blow your mind!”
An ex-demolition woman turned psychic therapist (and a zombie descendant), Maya is employed by a recap therapy organization. Despite this, she’s actually never faced her past grief of losing several close people, choosing to forget instead. Trouble strikes when she needs to attend her own recap therapy, due to an actual total memory loss accident caused by Yuni. With slightly different circumstances, will Maya finally build on her past events? Or simply continue to demolish what shaped her...? Maya is the main character of TYFE Part 1: That’s Life.
Primary Inspiration: Razputin Aquato from Psychonauts.
Plural or Plural Adjacent?: Adjacent
Art of Maya St. Fleur by: Sunnyside_Cakes
Jilly Bean
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“I do not feel emotions. I hope that this does not cause you distress of any kind.”
Appearing quite emotionless at first glance, Jilly Bean is actually a severely self destructive individual focused on others first. Much of this stems from her assuming she fakes all of her emotions, when in reality she’s an undiagnosed system with one low emotion alter. She has a tendency of intervening with stories she feels demonizes someone unfairly. This need to be someone else’s anchor has led her into much trouble; the lemon coloring on her body is actually scar tissue for example. With the loss of one reformed villain turned friend, Shirley A. Gonna, Jilly’s low emotion alter gets front stuck, worsening her mindset. She is a recurring character in TYFE.
Primary Inspiration: Monkey D. Luffy from One Piece
Plural or Plural Adjacent?: Plural (Unaware)
Art of Jilly Bean by: ragingwoodcock
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transpanda-1 · 1 year
😷The nutso thing about Pan Kokoro and Yu's part, Filler Turf, is that it literally always was water focused.
The city they live in, Mizuzencho, was completely overrun with water parks. That's because the water in the area was blessed healing water, and was a joke on the energy drinks from Yakuza healing bullet wounds for some reason.
I already crafted the entire story to center around magical water. That's why Bow Botella has always been there too.
Pan Yu being a panda and trans was because literally look at our username. We've been obsessed with Panda's since we were a child.
Ranma 1/2 has been hovering over our head like an anvil in a cartoon for years and we didn't even know it. It just took watching Am I Pretty? Until the rope finally snapped and caved our head in, slamming into relevance into creating Filler Turf as it is now.
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dranother-memory · 2 years
↺ ᴿᴱᴾᴱᴬᵀ ‖ ᴾᴬᵁˢᴱ
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠…
“Miss Mitsume, it’s wonderful to meet you! Say hello Hibiki.”
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“Hello Miss Mitsume!” Hibiki’s face then turned back to her normal dead-panned expression.
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“...Hello Otonokoji twins, what business do you have with me?” She knew about the idols, even if she hasn’t been to interested in music... their story made history after all.
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“Oh goodie, you’ll hear me out! Well... I’ll pay you a large sum of money if you can help me. Undo what I’ve done and give me a list of those involved in your project.” She was well aware of what Kokoro had been working on and was curious if it worked for Hibiki as well.
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“...I can’t make any guarantees what the program can or can-not deal with... The program may not even be able to treat your sister in the long run as it’s extremely experimental Miss Otonokoji. As for who’s all involved, that would require a lot of money alone. This project is intending to stay private after all.” She was surprised Kanade managed to find out so much by herself...
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“.... Do you hear that Hibiki? She doesn’t want to help you feel better! What a mean doctor lady! Even I want my dear big sister to feel better you know! I miss the old Hibiki too sometimes.” She began to fake sob.
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“Fine, fine. We’ll try and use it to help out, although if she’s too far gone that she can’t entirely be fixed don’t blame us for your own doing Miss Otonokoji.” She was rather annoyed with Kanade’s behavior now.
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“Yay~ That’s the ticket! I knew you could do it! Don’t you worry, we’ll discuss more about it over the phone later and I’ll have the check sent directly to you Miss Mitsume~”
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tsukai22 · 10 days
Stuff - 13/9/24
I'm glad GT's confirmed to be in Sparking Zero! I have a soft spot for it for whatever reason. Dan Dan Kokoro Hikareteku made the trailer extra special but it's not actually in the game so the entire game is now completely terrible. Also, "Syn Shenron (GT)"? As opposed to who? Syn Shenron (Z)? Syn Shenron (Super)? Actually I'd like if the Shadow Dragons were in Super but that's another discussion for another day. It's odd that Super 17 missed out. It's also kinda odd that they bothered to put in Super Baby 1. If memory serves, the only thing Super Baby 1 did was punch an already-knocked-out Goku once before transforming to Super Baby 2.
The Answer / Episode Aigis is pretty cool. Since I never played/watched the original I have no idea if there's any story changes.
I hope Bluesky's recent surge in traffic lasts instead of being a flash-in-the-pan of sorts like earlier this year.
I've actually finished making a 2nd Haruka Toad video and I've uploaded it - it's still private though since I need to do the subtitles. I don't think it's as good as the first one though sadly.
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kurung-kuring-aing · 2 months
- Iman mah mangrupi dasar poko, upami Iman teu acan Tahkik (anteb) pasti kapercayaan teh bakal ngambang. - Kieu geura :
Ari Iman teh aya 2 (dua) Tahap :
1. IMAN KA NU MARENTAHNA - nyaeta Percaya ka Nu Maha Suci. Ieu mah bagian kana Hakekat.
2. IMANA KANA PARENTAHANNANA NU MAHA SUCI ieu mah bagian kana Sareat.
- Ari Iman ka Nu Maha Suci teh tegesna Eling. - Tapi syahna Eling teh kedah Ma’rifat heula kana Dzat Sifatna Alloh Ta’ala. - Jadi kedah kapendak heula. - Margi kumaha bade Iman-na (percayana), upami teu acan paamprok mah. Ulah Iman ngan dina Lisan wungkul.
- Ari Iman kana Parentahannana mah, nyaeta kedah ngalaksanakeun kana sagala rupi anu diparentahkeunnana, diantarana anu kaunggel dina Rukun Iman sareng dina Rukun Islam, anu dicontokeun ku Kanjeng Nabi Muhammad Rksululloh SAW, sarta dina Tekad – Ucap – Lampah, sing kagungan pamilih, mana anu dikedahkeun sareng mana anu diharamkeun ku Agama. - Tah Jalmi anu parantos kagungan pamilih ngalaksanakeun parentah Na sareng nebihan larangan Alloh Ta’ala, eta anu disebat Takwa. - Ari jalmi anu Takwa teh cirina jalmi anu Iman.
- kumaha saupami salah sawios Jalmi anu bade Iman kana parentah Na atawa bade Takwa sapertos bade Solat, bade Puasa, bade Munggah Haji - nanging Jasadna parantos henteu walakaya ? - teras aya deui bade Zakat, Sidkoh, Infak, Amal Jariah, nanging miskin malarat rosa ? - tah upami teu tiasa ngalaksanakeun kedah ku gerak jasad, sareng amal ku harta, panginten eta jalmi teh teu disebat Iman kana Parentah Na, margi teu aya cirina.
- upami anu ngagugulung Sareat wungkul mah nyakitu, da anu kasebat ibadah Sareat mah ku pamolah jasad sareng sagala rupi anu katingali ku panon. - Ari perkawis amal jariah mah pan aya katangtuannana, aya iwalna pikeun anu kokoro mah. - Mung perkawis Ibadah wujud ka Alloh, nu mawi Iman kedah ditempuh dua-duana oge, kedah diteleuman tur dipidamel. - Tah dina palebah jasad teu tiasa walakaya. Ari nu parantos Ma’rifat mah ka Dzat – Sifat Alloh Ta’ala teu janten halangan Iman ka Nu Maha Suci, margi Eling anu teu ngawaktu. - Istuning saendeng-endeng, usik malik, diuk nangtung, leumpang ulah pegat ti Eling ka Manten-Na. - salawasna moal pegat dugi ka hosna maot oge, da parantos ‘ WA HUWA MA’AKUM – WA HUWA MAKUNTUM ‘ , Hartosna : Siang wengi parantos ngaraos sasarengan, henteu pisah.
- kumaha upami salah sawios jalmi, ngalaksanakeun ibadah Sareat, puguh jasad parantos teu walakaya, atuh bade ibadah Hakekat (Eling saendeng-endeng) da teu acan Ma’rifat, kumaha tah ?
- Nya upami kitu mah atuh KAFIRAN, engke dina maotna henteu sareng Iman. - Atuh poek jadi linglung rarasaan, Nyawa teh sasab kapidangdung teu tiasa mulang ka asal. Tah kitu
- Dina perkawis ngalaksanakeun Iman kana parentah-Na, utamina dina Hablumminalloh, eta teh panginten ngandung hartos nyembah atawa sujud ka Alloh. - dasar hukumna kedah sumembah
- Aya Dalilna, dina Surat Thoha ayat 25 : LA ILLAHA ILLA ANNA, hartosna : Teu aya deui anu disembah kajabi Kami. - Teras aya deui Dalil, Surat Al-Bayinah ayat 5 : ‘WAMA UMIRU ILA LIYA’BUDULLOHA MUKHLISINA LAHUDIN’, hartosna : Parentah nyembah ka Alloh kedah ikhlas.
- ari Iman ka Nu Maha Suci teh kedah Ma’rifat heula, naha aya dasarna ?
- Aya Hadist Nabi, anu diriwayatkeun ku Syaidina Ali :
‘AWALUDINNI MA’RIFATTULLOHI’ Anu Hartosna : Awal-awalna Agama kedah terang heula ka Allah.
‘AWALU WAJIBUN ALAL INSAN MARIFATULLAHI BI ISTIQANI’ Anu Hartosna : Ari awalna (mimitina) kawajiban manusa nyaeta kudu nyaho ka Alloh ku kayakinan anu panceug/kuat (istiqomah) nyatana anu teu umbut kalinuan teu gedag kaanginan.
‘WA KAMALU MA’RIFATTIHI ATASDIKU BIHI’ Anu Hartosna : Jeng ari sampurnana Ma’rifat teh nyaeta Tasdik (Sidik).
‘WA KAMALU TASDIK BIHI TAUHIDU’ Anu Hartosna : Ari kasampurnaan Tasdik nyaeta Tauhid.
‘WA KAMALU TAUHIDU BIHI AL-IKHLASULLAHU’ Anu Hartosna : Ari kasampurnaan Tauhid nyaeta Ikhlas.
- Jadi TAUHID teh Nunggalkeun Alloh, boh Dzat-Na, boh Sifat-Na, kalebet padamelanna-Na. - Tegesna Jalmi anu Tauhid teh, anu parantos tiasa misahkeun tina rurujit, nyingkirkeun laku maksiat ngahiji kanu beresih.
- Perkawis Ma’rifat, eta teh lebet salah sawios Rukun Agama, disaurkeun ku Syaidina Ali : Yen sampurnana Ma’rifat teh nyaeta Sidik (Tasdik).
- eta teh tutugna RUKUN AGAMA, (Sareat – Tarekat – Hakekat – Ma’rifat). - Dijelaskeun ku Hadits Nabi :
اﻋـﺮﻓـﻜﻢ ﺒـﺮﺒـﻪ اﻋـﺮﻓـﻜﻢ ﺒـﻧـﻔـﺴـﻪ
Artina : Jalma anu bener-bener nyaho ka Alloh nyaeta anu geus leuwih ngarti jeng nyaho ka dirina sorangan.
- Dijelaskeun deui, - ari Ma’rifat teh KASYAF. - Ari Kasyaf teh nyaeta Kabukana Hakekat (anu sabenerna).
- MA’RIFATUL HAKEKATUL MAUJUDA Anu Hartosna : Kabukana sagala anu aya (Isbat) kaasup dirina.
- Malah aya deui Hadits Nabi Muhammad saw :
- MAN SHOLATA BILA MA’RIFATIN LATASIHU SHALATUHU Anu Hartosna : Henteu syah sholatna jalma, upama henteu acan Ma’rifat.
- “ Omat ku hidep sing kapendak Hakekat Tasjid “.
- nyusul tepus HAKEKAT TASJID, hartosna bade napak tilas laratan Asal sareng nyusul Hakekat Netepan (Sholat), oge sakaligus nyumponan Hadist Nabi nu tadi disaurkeun ‘MAN SHOLATA BILA MA’RIFATIN LATASIHU SHALATUHU’ - Hartosna : Henteu syah sholatna jalma, upama teu acan Ma’rifat.
- Huruf Tasjid jig jig kana Asal urang sareng kana Netepan sagala, Naha naon hubungannana ?
- Atuh kantenan aya pakuat pakaitna mah kieu :
- Antawis Asma Alloh (Jenengan) anu nganggo Tasjid, mung Lafadz Alloh ( ﺍﷲ ) sareng Muhammad ( ﻤﺤـﻤﺪ ).
- perkawis Hakekat Muhammad atawa Johar Awal - pan eta anu janten WALAWALU (Pang Awalna) di damel ku Nu Maha Suci teh.
- Ari sorotna eta Hakekat Muhammad atawa Johar Awal teh jadi - Nur Muhammad (Cahaya 4 rupi) :
- Ari HAKEKAT MUHAMMAD atau JOHAR AWAL - janten Hakekat Tasjid ( ω )
- Janten ti dinya asalna Lafadz Allah ( ﺍﷲ ) sareng Muhammad ( ﻤﺤـﻤﺪ ).
- Saparantos Nu Maha Kawasa ngadamel Jalmi nyaeta Adam (Adegan Wujud), ari rupina disebat - Muhammad ( ﻤﺤـﻤﺪ ).
- Tah ieu WAL AKHIRU (pang akhirna) Muhammad teh. - Panutup oge bungkus Nur sareng Rasa . - Ti dinya kakara turun tumurun ngalahirkeun Manusa dugi ka jenengan Muhammad bin Abdullah lemburna di Quraes Mekah, nu pangkat na Nabi oge salaku Rosul, nu ngageu larkeun AGAMA ISLAM, salaku Nabi Panutup. - Moal aya deui Nabi Kantun Elmu na (Rukun Agama) jadi Ageuman/padoman pikeun umatna tug dugi ka kiwari. Tah kitu pangna nyusul-nyusul huruf Tasjid sami sareng nyusul laratan Asal Hirup Manusa. - Janten :
WAL AWALU : Pang awalna Alloh teh ngadamel Hakekat Muhammad atawa Johar Awal (Sagara Hirup). - Hartosna saniskara anu nyawaan (Hirup) asalna ti dinya.
- WAL AKHIRU : Pang akhirna Alloh ngadamel Sareat Muhammad. - Rupi manusa, jadi bungkus atawa nutupan Nur sareng Rasa, - oge Panutup Pangkat Nabi (Khotaman Nabiyin).
- katerangan dasarna
-  Ieu Hadits Nabi :
ﺍﻮﻞ ﻤﺎﺧﻟﻖﺍﷲ ﻧﻮﺮﻧﺒﻴﻚ ﻴﺎ ﺠﺎﺒﺮﻮﺧﻟﻖ ﻤﻧﻪ ﺍﻷ ﺷﻴﺎﺀ ﻮﺍﻧﺖ ﻤﻦ ﺗﻟﻚ ﺍﻵ ﺷﻴﺎﺀ
Artina :
- Awal mula anu Alloh jadikeun nyaeta Nur Nabi Anjeun ya Jabir - Jeung Alloh ngajadikeun tina Nur eta, sagala sesuatu ieu, jeung Anjeun he Jabir nu ka asup tina sesuatu eta.
ﺍﻦﺍﷲ ﺧﻟﻕ ﺮﻮﺡ ﺍﻟﻧﺑﻲ ﺼﻟﻰﺍﷲﻋﻟﻴﻪ ﻮﺴﻟﻢ ﻤﻦ ﺯﺍﺗﻪ ﻮﺧﻟﻖ ﺍﻟﻌﺎﻟﻢ ﺒﺎﺀ ﺴﺮﻩ ﻤﻦ ﻧﻮﺮﻤﺤﻤﺪ ﺼﻟﻰﺍﷲﻋﻟﻴﻪ ﻮﺴﻟﻢ
Artina :
- Saenyana Alloh nyiptakeun Roh Nabi Muhammad tina Dzat-Na, tuluy Alloh nyiptakeun alam, kalawan rahasiah-Na tina Nur Muhammad SAW.
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