#Maria Giovanna
pepryll · 4 months
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Icons of Formula One (2024)
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garnetaldebaran · 1 year
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@f1blrcreatorsfest week 3: vintage - Women in F1
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cazzyf1 · 3 months
I know someday I'm gonna to meet her - Classic F1 Women ❤️
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venicepearl · 2 months
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Prince Vittorio Amedeo, by Maria Giovanna Clementi
Vittorio Amedeo Theodore of Savoy (7 March 1723 – 11 August 1725) was a prince of Savoy and Duke of Aosta. He was born in the reign of his grandfather Victor Amadeus II, King of Sardinia.
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osmilizsarian · 6 months
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gregor-samsung · 1 month
" La prima volta che ti ho visto, d'istinto ho pensato e mo' questo che vuole? È stato un pensiero irrefrenabile, un getto d'acqua nell'arida pianura di quella stagione estiva. Eri una presenza stonata, perché non c'era bisogno di uno come te. Poi ti sei girato, hai sorriso - un sorriso aperto, bonario, anche un po' distratto dalle cose terrene - e hai detto «Ah! Tu sei Nicoletta». Non hai detto «Devi essere» hai detto «Tu sei» come se mi stessi creando in quell'istante, senza esitazione, con la magia delle parole. Succede nella Bibbia, succede nel Corano, succede nei momenti sacri e profani, succede a chi di mestiere crea mondi con le parole. Perché, come recita un proverbio Hopi: "Chi racconta le storie governa il mondo". Sinceramente, quell'estate in cui ci siamo conosciuti, non ero capace di raccontare niente, non sapevo più chi ero: la vita mi scuoiava, mi privava bruscamente degli appoggi, vivevo in un soffio pronto a spegnersi o a infuriare. Come i personaggi di un racconto di Horacio Quiroga avevo perso i venti e l'età, la schiuma dei giorni, la luccicanza. "
Brano tratto dal racconto di Clara Nubile Luce che tutto tocca, testo raccolto in:
AA. VV., 27 racconti raminghi, a cura di Emanuela Chiriacò, FLU.O/Libri dell'Arco, Rimini, 2024¹, p. 48.
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oxymorondrawings · 7 months
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some random fanart i did mostly for fun. my faces look weird rn but at least i can notice that and try to improve. maybe by actually drawing from life for once
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gogmstuff · 1 year
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Early 1730s dresses (from top to bottom) -
1730 Tea Party at Lord Harrington's by C. Phillips detail (Yale Center for British Art, Yale University - New Haven, Connecticut, USA). Probably from Wikimedia; fixed spots with Pshop 1247X1623. There are many caps and veils, square necklines, and laced bodices with revers. But full-blown panniers are not to be seen.
1730 Marquise de Gueydan as Flora by Nicolas de Largillière (Musée Granee - Aix-en-Provence, Bouches-du-Rhône, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France). From cutlermiles.com/portrait-of-marquise-de-gueydan-as-flora-nicolas-de-largilliere/ 1908X2484. She wears a stout Swiss belt and cleft coiffure that harken back to the late Louis XIV era.
ca. 1730 Empress Elisabeth Christine by Johann Gottfried Auerbach (auctioned, probably by Lempertz). From Wikimedia trimmed 1715X2352. She wears a round skirt and a scoop neckline.
ca. 1730 Polyxena of Hesse-Rotenburg, Queen of Sardinia by Maria Giovanna Clementi (location ?). From tumblr.com/blog/view/jeannepompadour; enlarged by half 1053X1385. Her dress has a deep V neckline filled in by a modesty piece.
ca. 1730 Rhoda Apreece, Mrs Francis Blake Delaval attributed to Enoch Seeman the Younger (Seaton Delaval - Seaton Sluice, Northumberland, UK). From artuk.org; enlarged by half 994X1200. The ruff makes this a Van Dyck revival dress. The laced vest and jaunty hat lend a casual air to the portrait.
ca. 1730 Robe volante (Musée de la Mode - Paris, France). From fripperiesandfobs.tumblr.com-post-139802377452-robe-volante-ca-1730-from-the-palais-galliera 1140X1620. Dresses before the 1750s often had cuffs that could be substantial like these.
1731 Die Liebeserklärung by Jean François de Troy (Sanssouci, Stiftung Preußische Schlösser und Gärten Berlin - Brandenburg, Germany). From artsandculture.google.com/asset/die-liebeserklärung-jean-françois-de-troy/XAFpCyLiWrxHZw?h 3074X24.12. Known in the Anglophone world as “The Declaration of Love. The large patterns mark this as early century. The robe à la française is firmly established in the form it would take until the late Louis XVI period.
1731 Infanta Maria Teresa Antonia de Borbón by Jean Ranc (Museo del Prado - Madrid, Spain). From their Web site; removed spots and streaks with Photoshop 2621X3051. Spain was ruled by Borbóns after the last Habsburg was cleared out in the early 1700s.
1731 Julia Calverley, Lady Trevelyan, by Enoch Seeman the Younger (Wallington Hall - Wallington, Northumberland, UK). From nationaltrustcollections.org.uk/object/584399; erased navigation marks in corners & fixed spots w Pshop 1616X1992. Clasps replace lacing to close this bodice.
1731 Lady by John Vanderbank (location ?). From the Philip Mould Historical Portraits Image Library 920X1214. The dress is Van Dyck revival similar to the one worn by Rhoda Apreece.
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garadinervi · 11 months
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Migrating Histories of Art. Self-Translations of a Discipline, Edited by Maria Teresa Costa and Hans Christian Hönes, De Gruyter, Berlin, 2019
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Foreword: Uwe Fleckner Introduction: Maria Teresa Costa and Hans Christian Hönes Essays: Sigrid Weigel, Francesco Ventrella, Maria Teresa Costa, Giovanna Targia, Irving Lavin, Jennifer Cooke, Burcu Dogramaci, Uwe Fleckner, Mingyuan Hu, Hans Christian Hönes, Linda Sandino
Cover Illustration: Beryl Korot, Babel 1, (acrylic on hand-woven linen), 1980 [bitforms gallery, New York, NY. Photo: Emile Askey] Cover Design: Petra Florath
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romanovsonelastdance · 7 months
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OTMAA Contemporaries: The Italian Royal Children.
From left: Princess Mafalda (1902), Princess Yolanda (1901), Princess Giovanna (1907), and Prince Umberto (1904). They would eventually joined by Princess Maria Francesca (1914).
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showbizitaliano · 8 months
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Massimiliano Caiazzo, Maria Esposito, Domenico Cuomo, Yeva Sai, Matteo Paolillo, Giovanna Sannino, Antonio d'Aquino and Francesco Panarella attend the 74th Sanremo Music Festival 2024 at Teatro Ariston on February 07, 2024 in Sanremo, Italy. (Photo by Daniele Venturelli/Daniele Venturelli/Getty Images)
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letterboxd-loggd · 3 months
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Rome, Open City (Roma città aperta) (1945) Roberto Rossellini
June 22nd 2024
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Prince Luigi Amedeo Giuseppe Maria Ferdinando Francesco of Savoy, Duke of the Abruzzi Margherita Maria Teresa Giovanna of Savoy, Queen consort of Italy Princess Hélène Louise Henriette, Duchess of Aosta Prince Umberto Maria Vittorio Amedeo Giuseppe of Savoy, Count of Salemi
Italian vintage postcard
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thetudorslovers · 1 year
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"But of all his sons and daughters, whether legitimate or natural, the one for whom the Moor felt the most intense and enduring affection was Bianca Giovanna, born of a torrid youthful affair with an Apulian girl of humble origins, Bernardina de Corradis, perhaps the daughter of fishermen, whom he met in 1482, when Ludovico, Duke of Bari and in exile, was frequenting the city. Having settled Bernardina for the better, he wanted to keep little Bianca Giovanna with him, taking her to Milan, and promised her in marriage to Galeazzo Sanseverino, the brilliant and charming knight who won the joust held to marry Beatrice.
At the same time, on 20 June 1496, Bianca Giovanna, the Moor's 15-year-old daughter, married Galeazzo Sanseverino, to whom she had been promised when she was still a child. Ludovico loved his first-born daughter very much, illegitimate and then legitimised, the result, as we have already said, of an ardent youthful passion with Bernardina de Corradis, a girl from Bari, perhaps the daughter of fishermen, whom he had met when he was in Apulia as duke of Bari but, in fact, in exile. He had become so fond of this girl that, on his return to Milan, he wanted to take her with him. Because of her grace, beauty and friendliness, Bianca Giovanna was soon considered one of the most promising bridesmaids of the court: 'She is no less dear to me as if she had been born to me from my most illustrious consort,' Ludovico repeated, and he was sincere if one thinks that he had given her the town of Voghera as dowry." - Carlo Maria Lomartire, Il Moro. Gli Sforza nella Milano di Leonardo
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foxydivaxx · 2 years
Even even more Jojo Actor AU
-Giorno wants to launch a musical career. He has gotten offers from various record labels as he has a YouTube channel that has him singing covers of some well-known songs and everyone agrees that he is an amazing performer. He is recording an album at the moment
- The Villain Club have a YouTube series called Villain Club Fiesta which shows then doing things they want to try like cool a particular dish or skydiving
- Jotaro has a massive cologne collection that rivals Dio’s
- Dio is a brand ambassador for Gucci as well
- Maria cooks lasagna for the cast on Fridays. Everyone loves her lasagna plus she launched a best-selling cookbook
- Kakyoin hosts red carpet events and he loves it because he loves fashion
- Jolyne initially wanted to be either a professional basketball player or a dancer before she joined the Jojo family
- Jolyne is part Egyptian as her mum is Egyptian
- Her mum is a close friend of Jotaro’s and passed away after a battle with crevice cancer
- Giorno is the fashion King of the Jojo cast. Everyone agrees that he has the best drip which is why many fashion brands want him to be their brand ambassador
-Eren said that Giorno can give him a good run for his money as far as dancing is concerned. He also praised his voice and has done a duet with him which is on YouTube
- Jolyne cosplayed as Ahri for Halloween. Ahri fell in love with her outfit and complimented her online. They are now friends
- When Dio heard what Levi did to Eren, he went full on Mudad mode and beat the shit out of Levi for maltreating Eren
- Eren lost both of his parents around the time of Season 4 and ever since then, Dio has become his surrogate dad and Erina acts his mum
- Jonathan was furious when he learned about the toxic unsafe set that Attack on Titan had and spoke harsh words to Pixis the producer about it
- Aogiri always visit the set to hang out with the gang and also see what goes on. They do not reveal any spoilers which is a good thing xD
- Jolyne, Josuke and Giorno dressed up as their dads. Jonathan was an emotional wreck because it was so cute
- Jonathan also produced Full Metal Alchemist, Bleach and Rurouni Kenshin
- There was a time Bruno was so sick that he just kept puking. He was rushed to the hospital and they discovered he got food poisoning from some snacks he ate at home
- Dio was born in Italy but raised in England and speaks fluent Italian. Diego and the Brando kids as well
- Kars has an Instagram account where they do makeup tutorials. He even has a makeup line
- The Pillar Men always purposely mess up their lines just to make everyone laugh
- Jonathan got the idea for Jojo’s after watching Dracula one night
- Each Jojo series is based off on a movie Jonathan watched
- Dio hated his fangs because it was difficult to eat with them. Same applies to other vampire characters
- Dio was on set when they filmed the 7-page Muda scene. He was cheering Giorno on like the proud Mudad that he was. When Giorno did his Wrryyy. Dio shed tears of joy and after filming wrapped up, he hugged his son and told him how proud he was
- The entire cast and crew were hyped up for that scene
- The 7 page Muda was shot in one take due to budget costs yet it came out flawlessly
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dedoholistic · 8 months
Un GRAZIE di cuore alla Prof.ssa Giovanna della Bella per questa stupenda recensione!
“Tu e il tuo alunno” di Horst Koltze e Maria Teresa De Donato. Recensione di Giovanna della Bella
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