#Maria has to sit down to hold his hand 😭😭😭
sonadow4life · 1 month
I think it’s done cause I’m kinda running out of space but I might add one more later idk
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felixsramen · 10 months
can you do poly OT8 skz reacting to you getting pregnant please🥺😭
I hope you enjoy this. I got really carried away writing this. I kinda connected this to my Yours Truly series so I hope you don't mind. This has been sitting in my drafts for way too long though. I've just decided to post it after finishing it. There might be a few mistakes so sorry about that.
You had waken up this morning on your huge shared bed completely overwhelmed with nausea and quickly crawled over your boyfriends practically running to the bathroom. You quickly dropped to your knees and threw up into the toilet. You were currently cursing Hyunjin mentally for asking you to get takeout from that restaurant. You probably had food poisoning now.
You feel a hand go to your hair holding it and another hand going to your back. Clearly from 2 different people.
"Damn it. I told Hyunjin we shouldn't have gotten takeout from there." You hear Changbin say.
You once again leaned over the toilet throwing up with your eyes closed. "I'm going to kill him when he gets up." Seungmin says threatening his boyfriend.
After a couple minutes at this point you're not throwing up anything else. Instead dry heaving into the toilet. "Is she okay?" You hear Hyunjin say worried.
"She probably has food poisoning because of the takeout from last night." Changbin says as you start finally feeling like you weren't going to throw up your guts.
You sit back on your legs and sigh wiping your face. "I should kill you." Seungmin says to his boyfriend who looks on worried.
"Lets get you laying back down okay?" Changbin says and you nod tired now that you had thrown up what felt like your entire guts.
Seungmin and Changbin help you back into the bed where the rest of your concerned boyfriends wait. "You okay love?" Jisung asks you.
"Just a little nauseous. Probably from dinner." You tell him and he nods yet he's still worried. Felix comes in with a water bottle.
"You need liquids. From what I know you've thrown up everything you ate last night and you need fluids." Felix says handing you the bottle and you take it drinking at least half before the boys let you put it down.
"You're going to be alright." I.N. says rubbing your back.
"I feel bad that we can't stay." Chan says sighing. Yet you just shrug.
"Don't. You guys have work." You tell him and he sighs again.
"That doesn't make me feel any better." Chan says and you sigh. "I promise it's okay love." You say and he gives you a sympathetic look.
You grab his hand intertwining it. "Is Maria off work today?" Minho asks you and you nod.
"She should be." You tell him and he nods.
"Since we can't take care of you today we'll call your friend Maria and ask if she will. Okay?" Minho tells you.
"Okay." You say giving him a weak nod. He grabs your phone calling Maria. He leaves the room as the boys tuck you under the blanket.
"Hello?" Answers a male voice instead of Maria. "Hey. Can I speak to Maria?" Minho asks.
"Sure. Who is this though?" The voice asks.
"Minho." He says simply.
"MARIA!" The voice yells out though it sounds muffled.
"Which of the 8 are you?" Minho asks him back.
"Seonghwa. Is there a special reason why you're calling from Y/Ns phone?" He asks him which sounds like a genuine question with no ill intent.
Minho sighs. "Is Maria off work today? Its kind of urgent. I need a favor that deals with Y/N." He asks him.
"Yeah she is." He says and another yell of Maria comes out.
Minho hears voices in the background. "Get off me!" Minho hears Maria say while laughing.
"No!" The voice says back.
"I need to get to Seonghwa Woo!" She says as it sounds like a struggle is happening.
"Help me Yunho!" She yells. He hears laughter in the background.
"Minhos calling from Y/Ns number." Seonghwa says to Maria.
Minho hears more struggling. The phone is handed off. "Hello?" Maria says. He hears muffled laughter. "Get off me Wooyoung! San you too!" He hears her say and a reply of no comes.
"Hey we got takeout from this restaurant Hyunjin wanted to try and Y/N woke up throwing up and she's nauseous." Minho says sighing.
"Is she okay?" Maria says concerned.
"Yeah but we have to work and its really important or we'd stay here with her. We don't want to leave her alone and I feel bad for asking because it's your day off but could you come over and watch her just until we get home. We're going to try and get them to send us home around noon." Minho says.
"Don't feel bad about it. I don't mind at all, she's my friend." Maria says concern still in her voice.
"Thank you. If there's anyway we can pay you back let us know." Minho says sighing out relieved.
"Give me 30 minutes to get changed and get there. I don't need you to pay me back, that's my friend." Maria says sighing.
"Thank you." Minho says. Suddenly there's a scream from Maria followed by laughter.
"Stop San and Woo! I have to go see Y/N she's sick" Maria says scolding her boyfriends.
"Is she okay?" Wooyoung says to Maria.
"She's okay but the boys have important work today so they can't take of her until later so I'm going over there." She tells him.
"Fine but you owe us later!" Minho hears what sounds like San say.
"Yeah. Okay." She says.
"I'll be there. Bye." She says and the phone hangs up.
Minho makes his way back to the room. "She's coming over." Minho says to his boyfriends.
"Good. I didn't want to leave her alone." Chan says sighing looking at you as you had fallen back to sleep.
"Lets get ready. She'll be here about the time we need to leave." Minho says and the boys nod getting up from surrounding you even though they don't want to leave your side.
They all get to doing what they need but check on you. Though after changing I.N. and Jisung come up to you and climb into bed with you.
They lay there watching your breathing and to see if you'd need help getting back to the bathroom in case another wave of nausea wakes you up. They hear the faint knock of a door but don't move knowing that one of their boyfriends would open the door.
Hyunjin is the one who opens the door. "Call us when you get done." Hongjoong yells to Maria.
"I will." Maria yells back to him as he backs out of the driveway.
The back windows roll down. "I LOVE YOU!" Shouts Wooyoung sticking his head out the car.
"Get back in the car now!" Jongho says pulling his boyfriend back into the car as the window rolls up.
Maria laughs and turns realizing the door is open now.
"Oh sorry about that." But then she realizes it's Hyunjin.
"Nevermind I take it back. You were the one who has my friend throwing up because she has food poisoning." Maria says and Hyunjin sighs and knows that was deserved. He steps out of the way so Maria can come inside.
"Thank you for coming Maria. Y/Ns currently laying down in the room." Chan says taking her to the boys and your room.
He opens the door revealing you squished in-between 2 of your boyfriends. They look at Maria and sit up.
Chan goes up to you gently shaking you awake. "Baby?" Chan says and you hum.
"Hey love we got to leave. Maria's here. We're going to try our best to be back around noon." Chan says and you open your eyes. You nod to him.
"I love you." Chan says kissing your head. "Love you too Channie." You say back to him and he smiles.
The rest of the boys go to you kissing your head and let out I love yous.
"We're leaving now baby. We'll be back soon. Maria's going to take good care of you. It's my fault you have food poisoning and I'm really sorry." Hyunjin says kissing your hand.
"It's okay Jinnie I'll be fine." You tell him as he nods and kisses your head once more. He gets up walking with the rest of the boys out of the house. You hear the door shut signalling your boyfriends left already.
"How are you feeling?" Maria asks as you sit up.
"Still feel nauseous but not like I'm going to puke my guts up anymore." You say and she comes to the edge of the bed and sits.
"Good. Do you have a fever or anything?" She asks you and shake your head.
"Are you hungry?" She asks feeling your head. You nod.
"Anything in particular?" Maria asks you as she moves her hand away.
"No you can pick." You tell her and she nods. "Is it okay if we make something light so you can keep it down?" You nod at her question.
"How about chicken noodle soup? I'm sure your chef boyfriend has the things for it." She says teasing you about Minho and you nod.
"Minho almost has nothing in the freezer that's quick to eat and he currently put a ban on me cooking." You tell her while pouting remembering your boyfriends words.
"What did you do?" She asks laughing. "I tried making dinner and burned it. He banned me for life." You say sighing.
"Well I won't burn the food I promise and he didn't ban me." Maria says and you smile.
"You want to come watch me or would you rather stay in here and get more sleep?" She asks you.
"Is it okay if I stay in here and get some more sleep?" You ask her and she smiles nodding.
She helps you lay back down. Before you know it you fall back to sleep.
You're awoken by Maria lightly shaking you. "Hey I'm done with the food." She says and you sleepily sit up.
She places it in your lap. "Here." She says and you start eating the soup. Yet another wave of nausea rolls over you. Maria sees you move the bowl to the nightstand and rush to the bathroom.
She goes in there after you lifting your hair. "Are you okay?" She asks you and you nod giving a thumbs up.
It soon goes away faster than it did earlier. There's an open cabinet as she helps you back up and flushes the toilet. She looks at the the open cabinet and inside are a box of tampons and there's pads beside it.
"Hey Y/N?" Maria asks you and you look at her but her eyes are on the tampons and pads. You hum.
"When did you last have your period?" She asks you now looking back at you.
Your eyes go wide looking back at her. "You don't think I'm pregnant do you?" You ask her and she nods. You look at her wide eyed and she quickly helps you back to the bed.
"Do you want me to call one of the boys and see if they can pick up a few pregnancy tests?" She asks you but you shake your head.
"I don't want the boys knowing. Not until I know for sure." You tell her and she nods understanding.
"Can I call one of my boys to bring some?" She says grabbing her phone and you nod. She quickly goes through her contact list.
She pulls up one and puts it on speaker and the phone rings but is picked up by the first ring. "Hey love." You hear a voice says. "Hi yeo. I have a question do you think you can go to a store with Hwa and pick up something for me?" Maria asks him.
"Uh sure. What do you need?" He asks her and she lets out a sigh looking at you.
"I need some pregnancy tests." She tells him and the line goes quiet.
"Why do you need pregnancy tests?" He asks her. She looks at you seeing if you'd let her tell him.
"Oh God. Are you pregnant? Hongjoong is going to kill all of us." He says over the phone slightly panicking. You let out a little laugh and so does she.
You nod letting her know she can tell him though. "No I'm not pregnant but if I was Hongjoong can't be mad because it'd be all of your faults." She says laughing and she hears Yeosang let out a sigh of relief.
"It's for Y/N. We think she might be pregnant. Can you get a few different ones for us?" She asks him.
"Yeah. Let me go get Seonghwa. We'll be over soon." Yeosang says.
"I love you." Maria says to him and he sighs again relieved.
"I love you too." He replies back and she hangs up.
You look at each other and burst out laughing. "Would Hongjoong really have killed them?" You ask her and she shrugs.
"He was part of it so I don't know." She says laughing still.
She calms down laughing. She looks at you smiling.
"What are you going to do if you are pregnant?" She asks you.
"Set up an appointment to make sure." You tell her smiling.
"Are you going to find out which ones the father?" She asks you and you shake your head.
"No. I don't think so. I don't think that'd matter to them and it doesn't matter to me anyways." You tell her and she nods.
"When are you going to tell them if you are?" She asks you and you take a deep breath.
"I'm not entirely sure." You say sighing.
"Well I think the sooner the better. The faster you do that the faster you can start planning for baby stuff." She tells you and you nod agreeing.
You guys continue talking about all the what ifs and soon there's a knock on the door. You and Maria get up going to it and Yeosang and Seonghwa are standing there.
You invite them and they go to the couch. Yeosang hands you the bag filled with tests. "We got you 3." Yeosang says looking at you and they nod.
You go to the bathroom and pull out the tests. You read the instructions the wait time on them being all the same and pee on the sticks. You set all 3 down on the counter and sigh. You wash your hands.
You walk out and Maria looks at you. You go to the couch sighing. "How long?" She asks you. You sigh "5 minutes."
"Are you ready for the results?" Seonghwa ask you. You nod and he smiles.
"What are you hoping the results are?" Yeosang asks you as he holds Seonghwas hand.
You sigh. "I hope it's Positive but I think I'll be fine even if it's Negative." You say and he nods.
"You guys have been together now for almost 4 years. So I'm glad this is something you want." Maria says and you nod.
"I hope this doesn't sound rude but do the boys want it?" Seonghwa asks and Yeosang elbows his boyfriend.
He glares at him and so does Maria. "Oh no that's fine. I mean I hope they do." You say smiling.
"Well then I'm sure it'll be positive then." Seonghwa says smiling at you.
"I think it's been almost 5 minutes. Do you want me to come with you?" Maria asks and you nod. She follows you into the bathroom and you take a deep breath.
"I don't think I can read this Maria." You say turning around and she hugs you.
"Do you want me to read them first?" She asks you and you nod. You move out the way so she can go to the counter. Her face shows no emotions not giving away what they say.
"Your turn." She says and backs up. You take steps over towards the counter.
You look down and they all read positive. You look at Maria who smiles at you. You start crying from how happy you were currently.
Maria goes up to you hugging you. "You're going to be a mom." She says and you can't believe the words that come out her mouth.
"You can come here Hwa and Yeo." She yells and she hears footsteps. Seonghwa and Yeosang look at you confused. Maria smiles and they know they all must read positive.
"I thought this was something you wanted?" Yeosang says and you nod.
"It is. I'm just so happy." You say and Yeosang and Seonghwa nod smiling at you.
You cry into Maria who just lets you cry happy tears until you calm down. "Okay maybe now I want to be pregnant." Maria says as she helps you throw away the tests and clean up.
"Go talk to Joong about that. If he agrees I think we'd all be more than willing to." Seonghwa says leaning his head on his boyfriend.
"We've been together for 5 years. A baby wouldn't hurt anything." Maria says to her boyfriends and you laugh.
"Maybe you guys should talk to Hongjoong then." You say and she looks at them pouting.
"Okay fine. We'll talk to him." Yeosang says giving in to her. "What's the worst that can happen? He says no?" Yeosang says shrugging.
"That'd be so cool. Me and you both being pregnant and our kids growing up with each other." She says smiling while looking at you and you smile at her back.
"Wait a minute. Now I have to apologize to Hyunjin because he didn't give you food poisoning." Maria says and you laugh.
You all head back to the living room and the door opens revealing all 8 of your boyfriends. Their eyes fall on you as half of them immediately come up to you.
Changbin comes to you picking you up and spinning you. He kisses you and you hear a gagging sound and look at Maria. "Don't act like they don't do that either." You tell her and she smiles.
"Oh Wooyoung does worse." Seonghwa says laughing.
"We've come home from practice and Wooyoung has jumped on her on more than one occasion causing them both to fall onto the couch." Yeosang says laughing and Maria rolls her eyes.
"What are you guys doing here?" Chan asks them with an eyebrow raised. Their eyes dart to yours and Marias.
"We got bored and Y/N and me wanted some company. That's okay right?" She asks Chan who nods even though he's slightly suspicious.
"I think it's time for us to go." Maria says and you nod waving to her as her, Seonghwa, and Yeosang leave.
"Did you miss us?"Changbin asks you and you nod as Jisung kisses all over your face.
"Did you end up eating anything?" Minho asks you.
You sigh as Changbin sits you on the couch with him. "Maria made chicken noodle soup but I ended up throwing it up." You say and Minho sits on the couch beside you.
"Do you think you could go get me some chocolate covered strawberries?" You ask Minho who raises an eyebrow.
"You want chocolate covered strawberries but can't keep down chicken noodle soup?" He asks you and you nod.
Chan comes up to you. "I don't think you need that at the moment." Chan says and you don't know why but tears come to your eyes. Before you know it you're crying on Changbins lap.
The boys look at you concerned. "I want chocolate covered strawberries." You say emotional as you sob on Changbins lap.
"Please don't cry okay? We'll get you chocolate covered strawberries." Chan says rubbing your back calming you. It doesn't take long before your sobs are now hiccups.
"Me and Minho will go get you chocolate covered strawberries right now okay? So please don't cry anymore." He tells you and you nod.
Him and Minho look at each other putting their shoes back on and Changbin holds you rubbing your back as they leave.
"You okay baby?" He asks you and you don't even know why you were crying.
"I'm okay." You say as Felix leans his head on Changbin looking at you.
"Good." He says letting out a sigh of relief. Seungmin sits on the edge of the couch watching you with a raised eyebrow. You were never this emotional, not even on your period.
Seungmin wasn't the only one who had noticed that. Hyunjin had an eyebrow raised too. What had happened in the last couple hours to make you so sensitive about chocolate covered strawberries?
You lean into Changbins chest as he wraps his arms around you holding you until your boyfriends came back. In the door walks a soaked Chan and Minho but they have exactly what you asked for.
"You're so damn lucky we love you." Minho grumbles as he shuts the door. He reminded you of a soaked cat.
"Here love." Chan says as you sit up in Changbins lap. "Again as your boyfriend I advise you not to eat them right now but you can go ahead if you want." Chan says and you feel bad but the urge to taste one overtakes it. You open it and bite into one. You finish it and you don't feel like puking your guts up.
The boys look at you in confusion considering that you had thrown up the chicken noodle soup earlier but currently were keeping down chocolate covered strawberries.
You offer them each one and they take it. Before long they're all gone. They all knew something was off at this point as Minho took the trash from you. "You feel better?" I.N. asks and you nod.
"Good." He says showing you his teeth with a smile.
Suddenly Minho comes into the living room. "Why are there tests in the trash?" Minho asks with an eyebrow raised at you.
"Tests?" Hyunjin replies back.
"What kind of tests?" Chan asks back to his younger boyfriend.
"Pregnancy tests." Minho says bluntly crossing his arms looking at you. All of the boys eyes fall on you.
You sigh as the boys wait for an answer. When you don't immediately answer Hyunjin speaks up. "Are they yours or Maria's?" Hyunjin asks you.
Your eyes meet his and you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. "Mine." You say and the boys look at you in surprise.
"Are you messing with us right now? We're bring punked right?" Jisung asks you and gets a smack on the back of his head.
"After I had thrown up the chicken noodle soup Maria noticed that one of the cabinets was left open and noticed my stuff for my period. She asked me if I had period and I realized it's been a month. She called Yeosang and Seonghwa asked them to bring tests because I wasn't ready to tell you guys." You say looking down at the ground wanting to cry but a hand comes under your chin and makes you look up.
"It's okay love but why weren't you ready to tell us?" Changbin asks you and you shrug having no real answer.
"That's okay. What did the tests say?" Seungmin asks you and you let out another sigh.
"Positive. All 3." You say and the shocked faces return once again.
"You're pregnant?" Felix says mouth wide open in shock.
"I don't know for sure yet so we'll need to set up an appointment but yes." Suddenly you feel him picking you up and spinning you as he laughs. "You're pregnant." He shouts over and over and you can't help but laugh and feel dizzy. He puts you down and you stumble lightly.
Chan is quick to grab you and bring you into his arms. "Careful Lix. She's carrying our baby." Chan says holding you so you don't fall from the dizziness.
"Sorry. I'm just excited." Felix says smiling ear to ear.
You look over and you see Minhos hands covering his face as he sits on the couch. Chan lets go of you looking over at Minho. You make your way to him. "You okay?" You ask him and he looks up at you.
"Yeah. Just processing it." He says grabbing you and bringing you into his lap. He holds you against him and you lay your head on his chest.
"I love you so much. All of you." He says as you listen to his heartbeat.
"We love you too." You reply back. Minho sighs.
"There's no one else we'd rather have a baby with." Minho says letting you listen to his heartbeat.
"I hope not." You say laughing and Minho can't help but laugh at your joke too.
"I'm serious." He says after that. You nod against him.
You lift your head and look at the boys seeing Jisung pouting. "What's wrong with you Ji?" You ask him. You make grabby hands for him and Minho moves.
"Shouldn't it be the other way around?" Seungmin asks and you put a finger to your lips shushing him and he listens.
"Come here my baby." You tell him and he does exactly that. He goes up to you and you signal for him to sit in your lap. He whines embarrassed but does exactly that.
You wrap your hands around his waist and he rests his head in your neck clearly embarrassed. "What's wrong Ji?" You ask him and he sighs after getting over his embarrassment.
"Yeosang and Seonghwa knew before us." He says and it's muffled but you let out a slight laugh. "Don't laugh at me. I'm serious. Why did they get to know before us?" Jisung says looking at you now.
"They just happened to be here and they brought me the tests so of course I had to let them know. Plus I didn't technically tell them. Maria did." You say looking at him. He nods understanding but that doesn't make the pout leave his face. You kiss his lips and the pout leaves.
"You can get off her now. She's carrying our baby remember?" Seungmin says and Jisung gets to get off you but you keep your hands around his waist. "Stop being mean Minnie. Jisung is perfectly fine sitting on my lap it's not like he's pressing into my stomach." You tell him and he sighs.
"Not trying to. I'm just worried." He says coming up to you. You nod at his words as he kisses your forehead. "Don't be. I'm fine okay? Jisung sitting on my lap won't hurt me." You tell him intertwining your fingers together.
"Okay." He says and suddenly I.N. is on your other side.
"Who's going to the first appointment with you?" He asks and you shrug. His eyes light up. "Do you want to go with me Innie?" You ask him and he nods smiling.
You hear a whine come from Jisung. "You'll go with me to my next appointment okay?" You tell him and he nods.
"Do you want to find out which one of is the father? I mean I don't think it matters to us we're still going to love the baby and help you raise it all together." Hyunjin asks you.
"No. It doesn't matter much to me. Unless you guys would want to know?" You ask them. They all shake their heads.
"What do you hope it is?" Jisung asks to no one in particular.
"A girl. I want to dress her in the cutest little outfits. She'd look so cute." Felix says gushing over the baby.
"Well I want a boy. I also want to dress him in the cutest little outfits." Hyunjin says and you laugh.
"What about you Y/N?" Jisung asks you.
"I honestly don't care as long as they're healthy." You say and the boys nod at you smiling.
"Well whatever it is. We're happy as long as you are." Chan says kissing your lips.
"That's Chans way of saying he wants a boy." Jisung says but that earns him a pinch by Minho.
Chan rolls his eyes at his boyfriends antics. "If you're healthy and so is the baby I don't care." Minho says and you smile.
"I hope it's a boy." Jisung says excitedly and you laugh. "I can tell love." You say grabbing his hand bringing it to your lips to kiss.
Changbin leans against you. "A girl doesn't seem too bad." Changbin says happily.
"What about twins?" Seungmin says and you look at him rolling your eyes with a smile.
"You think we all can take care of 2 kids?" You tell him and he nods. "There's 9 of us. Of course we can." Seungmin says.
"I hope it's twins now." Jisung says and he brings a hand to your stomach.
"I'm not sure what you're expecting to feel because they're still growing." You tell him and he shrugs.
"Doesn't matter. You're having one or two of our babies." Jisung says happily.
I.N. grabs one of your hands. "I think a girl and a boy would be adorable." He says telling you.
"Even if it's only one we can always try again." Hyunjin says smiling mischievously and he gets hit on the back of his head.
"Do you only ever think about sex?" Minho asks him and Hyunjin pouts.
"Of course not. I was just saying." Hyunjin says and you kiss his lips.
"Maybe Jinnie." You tell him and he smiles.
"You need to get some sleep love. I'm sure you're still exhausted." Chan says and you nod.
"Yeah." You say and Jisung moves off of you.
You make your way to the room followed by the 8 boys who are watching your every step. This was going to be a difficult time but at least you had your 8 boyfriends.
Taglist: @queenmea604 @lolareadsimagines @tinyworld18 @liv302 @jinniespuppy @stephy-nicole13 @freyaniobe @chansbabygirlsstuff @jkookiejiminlvr @hyuneyeon @sirenthalia @nagadiluc @tenshimara @leeknowleeknow @boi-bi-ahaha @shltsnglggles @jfkedldndkd @tinystarsthing @armystay89 @baby-fairy-yas @haileybugulug @freckleboilix @im-sinking-in-mud @thatoneperson1911 @lmaouwu @greysweaters-blog @katrodriguez99 @3rachasninja @amararosesblog @1alesakura @m4gg13-g @vampcharxter @noellllslut @berryberrytan @junebug032 @jeonginwvr @jeongchaos @emyferra08 @stvrfir3 @feybin @mauvemelon @worcesheshestershiresauce @realrintaro @katsukis1wife @foliea @krishastumblernow @pretty-blkgirl @mrsseochangbin @cyberpunksunwoo @nobody3210
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takalzuoom · 2 years
𝐉𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐲𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚𝐧 𝐨𝐫𝐜𝐚 / 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐬/𝐨
Curse you Cala Maria anon for making me write separate scenarios for Jade’s orca partner and Floyd’s Great White Shark partner🤬
(i’m joking ily)
cw: cursing, mentions of bullying, jade being weird 😭
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Back to where I was with Floyd's scenario,
And since you're so tall- you're damn good at it.
You're the person they make a separate play for
“ number 11 subbing in for number 9”
Then suddenly everyone’s sick, or they twisted their ankle. They don’t wanna verse you - not just because you're good. But because of- well you
Now that I’m thinking about it, you remind me of Ushijima. Hardass spike no one can ever block. The little comments you make?
He also ‘teases’ people who make off-handed comments about you.
When you're done, he’ll slink up to you, and congratulate you with his usual smile.
You get wayy more out there when. You’re at Floyd’s basketball games.
On one hand, you have your own little section. expect for the onslaught of children enact to you (ill get into that later)
You become SO vocal, telling Floyd ‘ take down their krill look’s ass’
And no one can do anything about it, cause once they catch sight of your teeth. They think it's better to stay quiet 🙊
I like to think that Floyd would score 50 out of 100 points when you're there, softly cause he wants to impress you
I was gonna say ‘to show other guys not to mess with him or you, but I feel like he’d also be really into it when in the moment. So idk
But if you're versing a school from under the sea and he sees a great white student eyeing you. Oh my god.
Leave. Just leave. It’s gonna be a bloodbath.
He’ll make sure to personally wipe the floor clean with them
and when you come hobbling down to congratulate him, he'll smirk smugly at the other student
I see you dragging him to class, only to silently goof off with him in the back corner.
Like he could be laughing his ass off as you sit there with a slight smirk
would they believe him? Absolutely not.
funny story though. Azul had called you to get Floyd to try and work. Only for him to hear Floyd cackling hysterically. Not even his usual unnerving laugh. But more like his lung is about to pop out.
Already annoyed, he's about to enter until he overhears something you said...
No one believes him when he tells them the zinger you came up with on the fly.
He's been seen giggling to himself while working for weeks
Like yall would have the most complex notes. And the most terrifying ones. Half the time you're trying to convince him not to jump up, squeeze riddle, and dip
In all three of these scenarios, y/n is the bouncer for the lounge. This time, you're much more horrifying. Blank look as you stand perfectly still.
Mwah sexy
But honestly- you're bored. Dreadfully so.
Every once in a while you’ll have to start pacing or start patrolling the lounge. Sometimes sneaking in to see Floyd 😳
You have something to fidget with. Whether it be a hair tie, drawstring, stress ball, or some random, unlucky object that has taken hold of your attention.
And you're both guilty of leaving your post during shifts to just ‘slack’ off with each other. Surprisingly you more than Floyd.
5 times out of 10 you come back. Other 5… the great seven only knows what
You’re perfect to squeeze. Since you're so big it takes more to hurt you, and you're touch starved 😿
More often than not, you’d both be lazing around somewhere. Usually the lounge or courtyard (catching rays, n chill's like villains 😎)
And believe it or not, you have to move around more than him. Asking him if he wants to do something. He’ll just tell you that he's not in the mood and just wants to lay back and think chill.
So off on an adventure, you go!
alone 😿
without your boyfie
so cruel
mad i was saying before, children are strangely attached to you??
don’t know how don’t know why- but even in your mer form you would have children hiding behind rocks gawking at you as you swam by
of course Floyd being Floyd would sneak up and scare the shit out of them
but i see him liking playing with kids. you just chilling as some of them ask you questions and hesitantly approach
while Floyd’s playing ‘squeeze tag’ with them. (don’t try at home)
you love kids. treating some of them as your younger siblings, catching up with them over break, coming to special events for them.
just over all being a kid person.
and if a bully’s giving one of them a problem-
you smile at them 😸
Floyd’s a fuxking snitch btw
“hey hey, sharkie… apparently someone’s been bothering parrot fishie again”
“o h? is that so..”
Tumblr media
He loves your family.
And your family loves him.
maybe a little more than they love you😟
Stg if yall weren’t dating he'd` be the brother you never had. Same with Floyd cause they love how easy going and (and I quote) 'spunky' he is
I see him and your moms getting along famously
(Screw you I’m making y/n have gay moms cause Orcaa are matriarchal and are usually in pods with mostly women)
they’ll side with him when y’all are having arguments 😐
yeah, they’re annoying like that
You have a younger sister and brother who just adore him
I see you being a part of the mountain lovers club. Not ‘cause you like mushrooms- oh god no.
But because your siblings aren’t old enough to go on land, you bring things back so you can teach them about what life is like up there.
Jade tries to get them to like his mushroom dishes 💀
Jade (unfortunately) converted your brother to mushroomism 😿💔
You and jade sometimes do presentation nights, where you’ll be on the beach while they’re in the water, and you do show and tell
Okay but no- sometimes it gets super… weird???
Like he’ll talk to your mom (1) about her latest catch- and he wants the FULL details of it like- 🤨🤨 what 😐
AND if your brother asks about mushrooms (propaganda) Jade will bend down with that signature look of his. Smile.
Then start talking about murderous mushrooms.
“Indeed. Some mushrooms are known for infecting the lungs of the poor soul who gets too close. Its spores secreting a kind of position that is to tranquilizer it’s neutral predators and… briefly disable them”
Great. Now your brother is crying, over the fact that he ate mushrooms not even five minutes ago as Jade is there just- smiling
Thanks a fucKING LOT JADE
"What? I'm merrily educating the youths about mushrooms, no harm done." :)
Your sister pulled you aside asking if you were safe OISBOVFUWE
I feel like orca reader would have adhd? Or maybe add (add is a form of adhd i know cause I have it lol)
This is mainly because I watched a video about orcas and one of the younger ones kept running off, getting in trouble? Life-threatening scenarios and called her family for help-
SO I WAS LIKE- gee, what if reader was like that too? Being even more of a hassle than Floyd.
And I feel like the reader would purposely get themselves get into trouble with (say) other students, and then play ‘defenseless’ cause their big short, strong boyfriend jade will come to the rescue 😻🫶
And of course, Jade knows about this, he's seen how you handle rowdy customers.
(And he's done it once or twice to take a peek and feel your sexy, hot, bulging muscles-)
Oh my god. You have muscles. Sorry- don’t make the rules, I just follow them 😎
Lemme tell you- he's in love. Like. Literally.
You: cleaning the table
Jade trying to take orders: Lord have mercy. We must stay focused brothers. We must, stay focused.
I’m sorry but- he's manipulative 💀
Not the safe choice.
If you don't know where to go to eat, he’ll give a suggestion, THEN make you think that it was your idea
it’s a win-win🤷🏻
“Hmm, I dunno jade. I’m not feeling Italian tonight…”
“Earlier you said you wanted something cold, no?”
“Hmmm… I guess? I mean, my mouth feels a little parched so-“
As you were thinking, Jade started fanning himself with his gloved hand, sighing as he stared at something off into the distance.
“Ahh, then what about-“
“Oh! That place with the really good ice cream! Yum yum!”
Jade, who wanted ice cream from the beginning: 😼
I feel like there will be sometimes when you miss your family. Cause orca's are extremely sociable creatures. So just imagining orca readers getting depressed about missing their mom’s anniversary. Their brother and sister’s birthday. The time when their whole family went to see a movie they saw with Jade-
And with trial and error, he’d find out exactly what you need; a hug.
Like okay- setting the scene.
You’re locked up in your room, bundled up in your covers as you hold your phone, the picture of your family smiling at that one theme park you’d frequent.
And suddenly there's a knock at the door (he has spidey senses for these kinda things tf)
“Y/n, may I come in”
You didn't answer.
A few silent seconds passed until the lock on the door clicked open as the blinding light from the hallway illuminated your room.
Soft footsteps became louder as you kept your eyes trained on your dimmed phone.
“You missed your shift at the lounge- Azul isn't too happy about that”
“Azul can suck a tentacle- better yet I think he’s missing one. So he should get that out of his ass an-“
You stopped once you felt a firm hand on your shoulder.
“You should have told him beforehand that you weren’t going to make it. We were down a man and had to get one of your first-year friends to fill in”
You scuffed.
Rolling onto your stomach so you lost Jade’s grip as you, you smothered your face in your pillow as jade adjusted himself on the bed.
“You know, I'm here to help… I'm not sure what you’re feeling as Floyd and I have always been together our entire lives… but if you need anything…”
He trailed off before sighing. Slowly got up before a swish of the blankets was heard, and he was roughly pushed down onto the bed.
A startled gasp left his face as you brought him into a crushing hug.
He swore he heard a bone crack.
Carefully, with your feet, you lifted the covers over the both of you and sniffled, nuzzling his face as you brought him closer. An amused ‘oh’ was all he said as he tapped your shoulder.
Letting go slightly, he slipped off his shoes, socks, and blazer as you readjusted your hold on him.
Throwing your leg over his body, you finally encased yourself over him as you got comfy again, a few stray tears leaving you as Jade felt your body start to lax.
He sighed, shrugging internally as he’ll have to deal with a pissy Azul whenever you decided to let him go.
sighs dreamily
But all in all, I think you and jade balance each other out 🖤
he sneaks mushrooms into your food. It's his love language 😐
"I have a present for you"
"Please don't tell me it's mushrooms"
"it's mushrooms"
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