#Marie Kessler
I love Monroe a lot like, he's a reformed blutbad, he probs used to be a bit of a bad guy, but meeting him you wouldn't ever know cuz he's a vegetarian clockmaker, who does pilates in the morning and wears cardigans and plaid button ups and drives around in a cute yellow bug volkswagen, can't forget his love for classical music and his talent at playing the cello, and then OFC there's his giant love for christmas. He will go all out in decorating the inside of his house. He has a big train set that takes up almost his entire living room during Christmas time.
Also pretty sure he has extensive knowledge on trains as well. Actually he has extensive knowledge on a lot of things, random things you probs wouldn't expect. Like he's just, I love him sm. Monroe is everything to me. 😭
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minazummers · 2 months
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Marie Kessler 1958 - 2011
Monster Hunter
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theinnermostsanctum · 2 months
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loluy · 1 year
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“If you and I can overcome our differences, we will make history. And if we can’t. Then history will bury us”
Если мы преодолеем наши разногласия, то сотворим историю. А если нет. Тогда история похоронит нас.
“I decided it didn’t really matter whether it was real or not. I had to lose my fear of it. And I got better”
Я решила, что мне все ровно реально это или нет. Мне нужно было перестать бояться. И мне стало лучше.
The strength of your blood, the blood of your Grimm ancestors, all of us, it’s inside you. It’s what makes us who we are… Trubel too. The strength we need that we all need, comes from our family. It’s where we’ve always found the way and the will to fight. And with that, we can defeat any evil. Together.
Сила твоей крови, твоих предков-Гриммов, всех нас-внутри тебя. Вот что делает нас такими… и Беду тоже. Сила, которая нужна всем нам, в нашем наследии. В нем мы черпаем нашу волю и навыки. И с этой силой мы можем победить любое зло. Вместе.
Гримм/Grimm (2011-2017)
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itachi86 · 1 year
i love how ghost!marie has a like knife in her cane
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cjbolan · 5 months
I hope everyone hating Sally Jackson for being frustrated for ~5 seconds, can direct equal hatred at everyone else’s parents for doing much worse.
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marcelskittels · 11 months
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brokehorrorfan · 1 year
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Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II’s original motion picture soundtrack is available on vinyl for the first time for $30 via Terror Vision Records. The score is composed by Paul Zaza (Prom Night, My Bloody Valentine).
The album is pressed on three variants: pink & black split with splatter (limited to 250), pink inside neon yellow (limited to 250), and neon pink & white split (Record Store Day exclusive). It’s housed in a gatefold jacket designed by Earl Kessler Jr. and Worserbeings with liner notes by Zaza.
The Prom Night II soundtrack is also available on white cassette for $13.
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linusjf · 3 months
Lillian Hellman: Change
“People change and forget to tell each other.” —Lillian Hellman, playwright (1905-1984).
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milafm2002 · 6 months
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as you may know from the previous blog I always do a Friday post. With the new blog, I will continue the Friday posts and post the old ones as a two-part compilation.
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There is no beauty in Music itself, the beauty is within the listener.
- Igor Stravinsky
“The idea of The Rite of Spring came to me while I was still composing Firebird,” Igor Stravinsky recalled, 45 years after the ballet’s first performance in 1913, in his book Conversations. “I had dreamed of a scene of pagan ritual in which a chosen sacrificial virgin danced herself to death.” If Stravinsky is to be believed, this dream marked the beginning of a process that culminated in the premiere of one of the 20th century’s most important musical works.
Stravinsky’s music was meant to capture the spirit of the scenario, which he had outlined with the help of painter and ethnographer Nikolai Roerich and dancer and choreographer Mikhail Fokine during the spring and summer of 1910. Roerich had filled Stravinsky’s head with tales about all sorts of rituals from ancient Russia – divinations, sacrifices, dances, and so on – involving a variety of characters. The ballet that resulted revolves around the return of spring and the renewal of the earth through the sacrifice of a virgin. In his handwritten version of the story, Stravinsky described The Rite as “a musical choreographic work. It represents pagan Russia and is unified by a single idea: the mystery and the great surge of the creative power of spring….”
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Stravinsky completed the score on 29 March 1913, and exactly two months later, the ballet premiered in Paris at the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées, where it caused the famous scandal that ushered in modern music. Nijinsky’s choreography and the wild, unchecked power of Stravinsky’s score were something wholly new. Stravinsky wrote for one of his largest orchestras ever in The Rite of Spring, and he used it with an assurance and confidence one would hardly expect from a composer just out of his twenties and with only two big successes - The Firebird and Petrushka - behind him.
But those two scores, for all of their individuality and accomplishment, did not seem like they were leading to The Rite of Spring. What Stravinsky did was totally unexpected.
The stage action during the ballet’s second half, leading up to the sacrifice, was enough to capture the attention of even that raucous audience at the first performance. Finally quiet, they could hear Stravinsky’s score and watch as Maria Piltz, the dancer who played the sacrificial victim, stood motionless as the ritual unfolded around her, gradually coming to life to perform her dance, with its angular contortions and tortured motions.
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What actually happened on that scandalous night will always be a mystery to some degree, because the reports contradict each other. Was it the choreography that annoyed people, or the music? Were the police really called? Was it true that missiles were thrown, and challenges to a duel offered? Were the creators booed at the end, or cheered?
The dancer Dame Marie Rambert remembered that right at the beginning ‘a shout went up in the gallery: “Un docteur!" (Call a doctor!). Somebody else shouted louder, “Un dentiste!" (a dentist!)’. The aristocrat Harry Kessler said that people started to whisper and joke almost immediately. Stravinsky himself was so angry that he stormed out and went backstage to help the dancers keep time.
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What is certain is that the audience was shocked - and with good reason. Stravinsky’s score for The Rite of Spring contradicted every rule about what music should be. The sounds are often deliberately harsh, right from opening Lithuanian folk melody, which is played by the bassoon in its highest, most uncomfortable range. The music was cacophonously loud, assaulting the ears with thunderous percussion and shrieking brass. Rhythmically it was complex in a completely unprecedented way. In the ‘Ritual of the Rival Tribes’ the music unfolds in two speeds at once, in a ratio of 3:2. And it makes lavish use of dissonance, i.e. combinations of notes which don’t make normal harmonic sense. ‘The music always goes to the note next to the one you expect,’ wrote one exasperated critic.
Then there was the dance, choreographed by Nijinsky. According to some observers this was what really caused the scandal at the first night. When the curtain rose the audience saw a row of ‘knock-kneed and long-braided Lolitas jumping up and down’ as Stravinsky called them, who seemed to jerk rather than dance. Classical dance aspired upwards, in defiance of gravity, whereas Nijinsky’s dancers seemed pulled down to the earth. Their strange, stamping movements and awkward poses defied every canon of gracefulness.
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Both the music and the dance of The Rite of Spring seemed to deny the possibility of human feelings, which for most people is what gives art its meaning. As Stravinsky put it, ‘there are simply no regions for soul-searching in The Rite of Spring’. This is what separates it so decisively from Stravinsky’s hit of 1911, Petrushka. There we’re immersed in a human world, which exudes the very specific cultural ambience of Russia. It’s true that the main characters are puppets, rather than rounded human beings. But they have characters, even if they’re somewhat rudimentary, and at the end there’s even a suggestion that Petrushka might have a soul.
* Pina Bausch's interpretation of Stravinksy's Rite. A masterpiece of modern dance.
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started watching Grimm and Monroe is everything to me
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theinnermostsanctum · 3 months
wish Marie had elaborated on the “dead frog in the microwave” story she mentioned to Juliette
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fuckyeahnickburkhardt · 10 months
Grimm Ultimate Fighter Poll: Round 1 Results
Results are in! The final results of each poll are listed below.
Poll 1: Sean Renard won with 92.6% of 54 votes total. He blew the competition away!
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Poll 2: Nick Burkhardt won with 44.3% of 61 votes total. Some of you questioned how likely he was to win in a fight with Kelly in the notes, rightfully so!
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Poll 3: Diana Schade Renard won with 60% of 50 votes. And that's fair! I certainly wouldn't fight her.
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Poll 4: Juliette Silverton a.k.a. Eve won with 71.2% of 52 votes. As she should!
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Poll 5: Monroe won with 43.1% of 58 votes. But a lot of you were betting he would lose a fight to his wife (and I kinda agree tbh).
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Poll 6: Martin Miesner won with 46.2% of 52 votes. We miss you king!
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Poll 7: Catherine Schade won with 42.1% of 38 votes. Good thing she wasn't up against Kelly!
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Poll 8: Alexander, our favorite ambassador from the Wesen Council, won with 51.5% of 33 votes. Which is fair, considering the competition!
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Poll 9: Monroe's mom Alice won with 38.1% of 42 votes. Makes sense to me!
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Source: Grimm Wiki
Poll 10: Walter Kessler (Marie and Kelly's dad, Nick's grandfather) won with 39.5% of 38 votes. Good on him!
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And that's a wrap for round 1! News on round 2 is coming later tonight.
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Preliminary Polls #13-16 Results
Poll 13: Magic Treehouse by Mary Pope Osborne
Poll 14: Junie B. Jones by Barbara Park
Poll 15: Emily Windsnap by Liz Kessler
Poll 16: Worst Witch by Jill Murphy
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cjbolan · 8 months
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Penny and Jake again. Guess which Disney remake I referenced to draw this. I legit think these two are among the unique things about Emily Windsnap.
I think they were the first merman/human couple in pop culture , shortly before that became the huge phenomenon it is now. Jake/Mary Penelope walked so that Elisa/The Asset, Mabel/Mermando, and Namor/Shuri could run 🧜‍♂️💃
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