#Because the things you could do with your phones increased quite a lot in the last 10-15 years
minazummers · 5 months
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Marie Kessler 1958 - 2011
Monster Hunter
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| Shut up for me, love, | (part 2)
Part 1 (finding out you're pregnant w/Megumi)
Toji Fushiguro x Wife!Reader
Toji can't help but love you and your baby bump!
Word Count: 1.6k
CW: SFW, domestic fluff, Toji has a job, slightly suggestive, lots of pregnancy (mentions symptoms)
A/n: This has generated so many pregnancy fic ideas...
Your husband, Toji, had been a great help through the first trimester of your pregnancy. He was always giving you massages, bringing you water and snacks, and spending lots of quality time with you, among other things, and you were very grateful for it all. 
Many changes were going on throughout your pregnancy, as to be expected now in your second trimester. While the morning sickness was now gone, there was a number of new troubles you could note. Most importantly, the bump. 
For the most part it was a blessing, even when it caused a number of effects, such as walking differently and feeling a rather strange weight on your hips, something you hadn’t dealt with beforehand. It was proof of a growing baby, and both you and Toji couldn’t be more happy about it. Instead, the effects it had on your husband were the real concerns. 
When you were starting to show, your husband couldn’t stop taking pictures of you. It was quite out of the ordinary for Toji, who rarely ever customized anything on his phone or computer, when he finally took it upon himself to learn such things, pasting your image everywhere he could. His new favorite pastime during breaks at work was scrolling through his pictures of you (some of which were taken in the last 5 hours), saving them in a special folder and smiling to himself. 
Your pregnancy in general made him clingy. Along with the pictures, he cut his hours at work and stayed home to assist you, which was appreciated but put a hindrance in your housework. Toji would stand around watching you do everything from unloading the dishwasher to changing the sheets on the bed, leaning against the wall as he tried to lock eyes much to your dismay. 
Fully confident in your ability to do such things, he still found himself keeping a much closer eye on you, only comforted when he was in the same house and could hear, if not see, you. Toji had already began to realize this himself, that it wasn’t an increase in safety concern that caused his behavior. While he always wanted to have eyes on you, to make sure you were out of harm’s way regardless of your pregnancy, there was something he missed so much when he was away from you. 
Watching you cover your swollen tummy with a nightgown, one he picked out specially for you on a shopping trip. It sinched in high, right above the bump that was evident and growing larger each day. Seeing the light apprehension you had when bending down to pick things up, and hearing the compliments your friends gave you whenever they saw you, asking how the baby was coming along. Little things were a constant, and appreciated reminder for him that the two of you were building your family together. Something he loved more than anything. 
Because of this, your husband stopped doing his regular outings all together. Usually he would go out to watch sports and drink with his friends at least once a week or so. Him being gone gave you more time without him interrupting your chores, and he was careful with you in mind. But this new Toji, that was a soon-to-be father, figured he could just watch the game on the TV and didn’t need to go out anymore despite your protests.
“It would save us money, we should be saving up for the nursery,” Toji argued, sitting down on the couch. “I know, honey, but…,” you tried to explain to him, just how annoying he had been. Staring at you all the time, offering you a hand for every minuscule task the moment you had any difficulty with it. Reaching up ahead of you to the top cabinet and grabbing the bowl you were trying to get, when there was a stepping stool right next to you. 
It made you embarrassed, really. His eyes always so sharp, the way he looked at you every time you mistakenly fell into his trap, breaking your three minute personal best at ignoring him properly. Your cheeks heated up each time, scoffing a little as you turned back to the dirty dishes in the sink. It was truly bothersome (in some ways more than others). 
And so, it led to his great discovery of at-home sports streaming. Toji was sprawled out on the loveseat everyday, after he got home from work. Carefully using up his extra home hours, after you persistently told him to give you some space. 
While Toji enjoyed his free time, you, on the other hand, were doing laundry. The warmth of a fresh dry load, coupled with the absence of breathing down your neck, allowed you to relax for a brief moment. You piled all the clothes into a large basket, making your way down the hallway to the living room, where you usually folded it. 
Except… Toji was there. You turned around, hearing the voice of a dull commentator surely explaining something interesting, though what it was you didn’t know. Your house didn’t have too many rooms, and usually the bedroom or even the laundry room would work just fine for folding… if you could bend down well enough. Sitting down on the edge of the bed, your feet barely touched the floor from how high up it was. Bending down over the bump was impossible to do comfortably, and the task could only be done at all if you leaned down to the side and awkwardly grabbed at the basket below while maintaining your balance. 
After a few more attempts, you figured out that there wasn’t enough room on the floor and sitting like that wasn’t very comfortable for long periods of time either. You were reminded why the living room had been your favorite for doing this task, the couch was low enough and comfortable to sit on, with space for folded clothes on the side. 
Holding the basket with two hands, you stood in the hallway watching around the corner to observe your husband’s movements. Toji was lounging comfortably, with one arm laid across the top of the couch. His legs were spread wide, covering most of the seating area. If the game was almost over, there would be no reason to ask him to move… or so you thought. 
The two of you were in reverse positions, your eyes almost trying to lock with his as you admired them from afar, your original mission forgotten as he stared intently at the screen and rubbed the tiredness from his face. Now unlike you, he found your gaze to be rather relaxing, enjoying it before you would inevitably make your move. His chuckle didn’t come from the commercial on the screen, but from you, who was still standing there after 10 minutes, greatly struggling to hold the basket which was feeling extremely heavy. 
Setting it down would make a noise, so you finally decided to give up on finding some kind of good time to interject. “Is the game almost over?” You asked meekly, setting the basket down in the middle of the floor. “10 minutes, about,” he replied, still staring at the screen. You huffed under your breath, unsure of what to say. To that, Toji smirked to himself. He knew exactly what you wanted, and was very much prepared to give it to you… but why not have some fun with it?
“Need a little help?” He asked while you walked a bit closer in curiosity. “My wife doesn’t know what she wants, it’s my duty to give her some guidance…” he finally tilted his head towards you, though he had been ignoring the screen since you arrived. “C’mere… lil’ closer…” he motioned at you, as you looked at him confused. 
It only took him a second to stand up and move behind you, throwing his arms underneath your legs and back, carrying you to the couch with him. He settled you down between his legs, his body back how it was before like nothing had even happened. 
“It’s more comfortable with that bump, hmm?” he asked, already knowing the answer. “I still have to have room to do the laundry, Toji…” he chuckled, moving his legs closer together so you could feel them squishing your thighs. “That better?” you turned your head to blushing smile on your face. 
Toji grabbed the remote while you dragged the basket closer with your foot, still trapped between him. “But there’s only 10 minutes,” you watched as he changed the channel to a show you liked. “I’m gonna lose anyway, what does it matter,” he muttered. “I thought you said you stopped doing that!” you scoffed, looking back at your husband who rolled his eyes. “It’s five bucks, a work thing people are doing,” you shook your head in disapproval. 
As you relaxed into his lap, you got to folding. Part of the enjoyment you felt was due to your husband, softly rubbing your back and occasionally playing with your hair as you got to work. “I’m surprised you didn’t try to kiss me,” you frowned facing the TV, though Toji could still sense your disappointment. “That’s your reward for getting this done - I’m gettin’ pretty hungry…” he continued his massage, but wrapped his arms around your waist to hold your belly. You would make dinner after you finished.
“It feels good Toji, thank you,” you sunk back enjoying the feeling. “You deserve it, you’re doin’ so good, my wife,” a blush crept onto your face again from his words. “Was gonna ask you for a date night sometime anyway,” he mentioned, “and there’s no time like the present.” Toji gave you a quick kiss on the cheek. “So just stay nice… and… still…” he smirked. “Once you’re done, we have the whole night ahead of us.”
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overtake · 6 months
every time i remember that gifset of daniel laughing and talking pre-race with max and his dad in spa 2014 and realize that max saw daniel win his third race and red bull's 50th race live and IN PERSON....like daniel must have seemed so cool and larger than life. and then come to find out a few weeks later it's max's test and he had made a welcome video for him. like...it's too much they're TOO MUCH.
This response got ludicrously long.
It’s such “fated to be in each other’s lives forever” shit. It’s always been Max and Daniel. In 2011, before Max was even a red bull junior. In 2014 at spa, ahead of Max being announced for toro rosso. In video form at his super license drive, when Max being his future teammate wouldn’t have even been thought in Daniel’s mind. The things Max got to see Daniel achieve and dream that he might have that and more, and the hot guy doing it is paying attention to him.
He wins that race and backs him, saying he couldn’t have done what he’s about to do and saying Max has the talent to be there… I just know it was good to hear that the man you just watched on the podium believes you deserve this oppprtunity. And if he wasn’t ready at your age and is sitting in front of you a three time winner, what can you achieve by his age?
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Obviously, Max has never needed other people’s validation on his skill. He knew he could be successful and had no issue staring his naysayers down. He’s a cactus, not a delicate orchid. You cannot kill him. Your opinions mean nothing to him if you are not in his inner circle (though Daniel certainly worked his way into being someone whose opinion Max holds, hears, and values).
But still, it has to be nice to hear back then that there are people with achievements you want who believe you’re capable of getting there. Even the most brave-faced sixteen year old (with a father who tries to toughen his emotional resolve by saying he will never be anything more than a truck driver) still appreciates having someone believe in him, even if he doesn’t need the validation.
I think people tend to wrongly characterize young Max as some delicate friendless loser and Daniel was the only person to ever show him kindnesses etc etc etc. Max is extremely confident and never relied on Daniel to build self-worth or whatever pathetic way people try to write him. But he always just glowed around him — textbook of that first crush that makes you have the italics “oh. oh” moment. It’s very apparent that Daniel meant a lot to Max as a teammate and that the two of them just liked being around each other, such an anomaly for that era of f1 (ex: like they mentioned in on the sofa 2017, Lewis, — who had been busy with the life altering downfall of his relationship with Nico — was in awe of Max and Daniel and asked for the scholarship of how they got along so well).
It’s so clear that this draw between them started for Max so early from just the way he looks at Daniel on that phone, shy and not knowing quite what to say, and his gaze lingering on it even after it stops playing with that smile. He has to tear his attention away to say his sweet little praise of Daniel. Daniel respected Max as a serious competitor from day one with his quotes about Max’s talents, and that already meant something to Max — but then he also went ahead and liked Max and was kind to Max in a time where he was drenched in doubters.
It’s a great tragedy that we will never know what it would’ve been like to see the two of them in a car that could compete for championships. Obviously tensions would have altered their relationship (I mean, the Renault engine frustration and natural increase in rivalry as it became Max’s team already meant their relationship improved post-leaving), but I’m going to be delusional and think that they never could have hated each other in that bone-deep way because they like each other in a way that is so natural that it feels encoded in their DNA.
Things would have gotten messy as competitive battles do, with many a wall punched and inflammatory quotes in the media pen — especially as Daniel would have to reckon with the inevitability of Max being a generational talent whose already sharp elbows in their early days only doled out more hits on the road to WDC. It’d be claws out, teeth bared tension.
Still, I employ my delusion to say that in that universe, at the end of their careers, they could sit on Daniel’s farm and still enjoy being around each other — like Daniel said in 2019, they had a heated rivalry and pushed each other, but there was always respect. At the end of the day, Max has never stopped looking at Daniel outside the track with anything but effusive love, and Daniel is always there looking back with his mouth open and ready to make Max laugh — and I genuinely believe they would have cared enough about each other to keep their fight contained to the environment and time period and rebuild anything lost when it’s all said and done.
It’s the eternal thesis of them, that everyone has said a million times over: they like each other so much, so genuinely, without a veneer of fakeness and PR to it. They’d like each other in any universe in any conditions, even ones where they were built to hate each other. There could still be fighting and resentment and cold shoulders, but they are not built to hate each other, and that’s why I like them so much.
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Spice up
Lukas looked at his phone skeptically. He usually didn't believe in those kind of change-your-habits-apps, but his husband, Craig was motivated enough for the two of them.
"So..." Lukas said slowly, "and you are sure this app will help us spice things up a bit in the bedroom?"
Craig blushed. It had taken him a lot of effort to even ask Lukas something like this. The truth was, even though (or perhaps because) they were married for over a year now, there wasn't much going on in the bedroom department. "Not much" was even an understatement. Between their daily lives, Craig's shyness and Lukas overthinking, they had sex twice a year, tops. Even though Craig didn't mind all that much, he suspected that Lukas would be a bit happier if there was more action in their sex lives. So, he suggested the "Change" app, which advertised a big increase in intimate activity in the first few days of using it even.
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"Yes, that's what they say. It wasn't that expensive, so let's just try it, okay? It's not that difficult, either. We start the app, and it tells us what to do. The only thing we have to do is do what it says for a few days."
Lukas nodded. His first impulse was to ask how that magical app would even decide without knowing anything about them, but he swallowed his remark. There was no harm in trying for a few days. And perhaps it encouraged Craig to be a bit more active. Lukas was the bottom in their relationship, but Craig was not too keen on getting intimate.
"Okay. Let's do it then." He said, hitting the green "Start" button on his screen, with Craig doing the same.
A few seconds later, Lukas frowned. Mine says: "Work out at the gym. I don't even have a gym membership and I would have to search for my workout clothes. Do you really want to do this?"
"Aw, come on, just try it!" Craig said. "I'm sure they have a day pass. Mine says 'Buy new underwear', which is actually a good idea. Mine is getting a bit thin here and there."
"Okay, okay", Lukas sighed and kissed his husband on the cheek. "See you in a few hours then, I guess."
At the gym, Lukas quickly got changed and went for the treadmill, quickly breaking a sweat. He wouldn't be able to sustain this for long and he really hated it. Just as he was about to take a break, his phone dinged, another message from the app: "Enjoy your workout!"
Yes, the app was probably right, even though he was sure it didn't mean it that way. It made no sense to have a bad mood and he would be stuck here for at least half an hour before he could call it a quit. As he continued to run, his mood got a lot better. He was actually starting to enjoy it!
Ding! Another message, this time from his husband. It was a picture of a bright blue pair of tight underwear. Lukas took a few seconds to answer:
"Not your usual color."
Almost instantly, Craig replied: "I know, but that's what the app suggested. Gtg, more shopping to do."
As Lukas wanted to get back to the treadmill, he looked down on himself surprised. He actually looked rather fit, lean and with subtle hints of definition. That was strange! He had not heard of anyone having that quick successes at the gym. Something was off here!
Ding! Another message from the app: "Stop worrying, start lifting!"
...Yes, why not, decided Lukas. He always wanted to try the weighs and now that he was here, he might as well. Any kind of worry was blown away as he made his way to the weight room.
He had started handling the dumbbells for a few minute, when there was another message from Craig.
"Oh God, I was so ashamed. The app had me going into a sex shop! What if someone saw me?" Was the message, which made Lukas grin. Craig could be so cute and embarrassed.
"What did you buy? I'm sure nobody saw you." He typed, a drop of sweat dripping to his display.
It took a moment for an answer to arrive, time enough for another curl. Finally, a picture arrived that made Lukas almost snort. On the picture was a butt plug in bright red, followed directly by a message:
"Why would I care if anyone saw me ;)"
Lukas didn't worry about the unusual message but replied: "Aww, is that for me?"
"Maybe... The app wasn't clear on that. Anyway, more stuff to do. Keep working out, big guy!"
Big guy? Lukas was hardly what people would call a big guy. Sure, he had his bulging muscles all over his body, and he was a bit bigger due to them than most people, but he was no body builder or something like that.
Ding! "The bench is the perfect place to get bigger. Start pressing and don't think too much!"
That made sense. Lukas made his way to the bench press and started working it with renewed vigor. He quickly got into a good rhythm and could focus entirely on the sensation in his body. No distracting thought or any worries came to mind, he was completely concentrated on his workout. He really couldn't tell how long he was doing it, when he checked his phone. Two new messages, one from the app and one from Craig.
He checked the app first: "You're a really big guy *everywhere*, that's something to be proud of! Who needs a brain when you have brawn, right?"
Lukas chuckled dumbly. Yeah, that was right. He was a really big guy, after all. All muscles, everywhere, and he loved to show them off. Why was he even wearing a shirt? Lukas quickly got rid of it and admired his massive body. It was definitely way bigger than what was practical, he knew he had to fold into most cars and didn't even fit into the smaller ones. He could hardly reach around his torso because of his bulging muscles. Good thing he could still reach his groin. He readjusted himself through his gym shorts. He was positively massive down there as well. Thinking about his muscles always made him chub up a bit, but he didn't care.
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Lukas thought really hard for a moment. There was something important he had forgotten. Riiight! The phone. Lukas always had trouble with the small screen and the fragile device, as multiple cracks in the display proved, so he carefully opened the messenger with his tongue between his teeth.
It was a picture of Craig, who had a new haircut. It made his whole face look different, slimmer somehow. As he was looking at the picture, another message came in:
"Enough workout! You are coming home now, I need to replace that plug by something bigger 8===D 🍆🍆🍆"
Almost immediately, another message came in, from the app this time. "Don't you just love to be told what to do, big guy? Good thing you got someone to decide for you!"
Lukas couldn't help it. The demanding tone in the message he got from Sir made him get hard already and a bit of precum leaked into his shorts. He sent a voice message (he really couldn't type on that thing and his messages were always full of mistakes): "Sure thing, boss! Heading to the shower!"
As he made his way to the locker, another message from craig got in: "Skip the shower, Bull! You're coming home right now and you're gonna breed me with that fuckstick of yours, do you understand?" Another picture followed, of Sir sitting on a chair, already kneading his own, of course much smaller cock.
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Bull grinned and nodded. It took him a while to understand that Sir couldn't see that, so he nodded again and started to jog home. He couldn't wait to stick his massive cock into Sir's juicy ass. Sir was insatiable and it was his job to provide for that. God, he loved being his Bull.
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favseishou · 8 months
Tokyo revengers: them meeting you at a coffee shop
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ft. Ken "draken" ryuguji, Kazutora hanemiya, shuji hanma and takashi mitsuya
Cw: english is not my first language, there may be translation errors, cute content, fem!reader
DRAKEN liked to go to cafes to relax, and have some peace. On this specific day, he was very tired, because Mikey left him to resolve several toman issues, so as soon as he finished resolving them, the first thing he did was go to his favorite cafe. Arriving there, he saw a different face, one that he would never have seen before.
When he left the cafe, his heart was pounding and he was breathing heavily, he had never seen a girl as beautiful as you.
After that, he started going to the cafe more, just so he could talk to you.
For KAZUTORA, the more time he spent away from home, the better it was. So he always went to this cafe to laugh. He arrived with a slightly sad face, and with a black eye, he didn't care about the looks and whispers, he just wanted to eat and leave. As soon as he entered, you answered and took your order. Kazutora was surprised, you were beautiful, you were so polite...his cheeks flushed, he knew he had found someone special, someone who could finally take care of him. After that day, he went to the cafe every day, doing so, you would meet a lot and end up talking. With great courage, he asked for her number, starting a deeper friendship, which would definitely turn into a relationship.
HANMA is shameless! and he only went to this cafe because there were very pretty girls, he had already been with all the girls there, so he only went to see if he could find a pretty customer. However, he didn't find a client beautiful enough for him, but as fate would have it, he found you! so beautiful and kind...as soon as you answered him, he was direct and asked for your number. Obviously you were a little embarrassed, but you passed. On the same day he started talking to you, but he was acting strange... he kept looking at his cell phone just to see if he received a message from you, and every time he went to the cafe and saw you, his heart raced and he tried to ignore it. that. Because it would be impossible for him to be in love with you, but he was - a lot - with each passing day this passion increased. Maybe it's time for Shuji to say goodbye to all his girlfriends and start something serious.
MITSUYA was quite busy, and didn't have much time for dating. But this thought of not having time for dating changed as soon as he saw you. You were so beautiful, it was inevitable not to fall in love.
He had gone to his favorite cafe, along with Hakkai and his sisters, when he arrived you were the first to answer.
Her voice was so sweet. Before leaving the cafe he asked for your number, and you obviously passed, after all, who wouldn't?
Well, maybe he was in love... and maybe you were too.
Hi!! This is my first post here. Please support, I'm a beginner writer! And I would love to see that you liked my work 💗
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nobodyfamousposts · 11 months
Felix July - Tragic
Yes, I know this is years late. I hope it's worth it.
Follow up to the Betrayal prompt and an aftermath of Party Crasher:
With that, the call ended. Felix gave a small sigh of relief.
At least that whole mess was over with. Mostly.
He looked up at the multitude of girls appearing all too pleased.
“I expect you’ll be having quite a few tokens of appeasement waiting for you come Monday. Maybe sooner.” He stated, returning his phone to his pocket.
“Thank you, Felix.” Alya said, sounding almost downright pleasant towards him for once.
“Don’t you think that was a bit mean?” Marinette asked. “I mean, they were doing it for Adrien.”
“The problem isn’t the party for Adrien, it’s that they lied to us about it and left us with all this work to handle by ourselves in the process.” Alya countered.
Mylene nodded. “It took a lot of planning to set this whole thing up and having most of the male portion of the city duck out at the last minute for a party they just set up that day is downright rude.” She looked away, pouting and muttering something about no kisses for a week.
Marinette felt a hand on her shoulder, drawing her gaze up to Felix. “They knew they would likely cause problems by doing this and chose to do so anyway. And so they decided to lie to try to avoid being caught. Whatever happens is a direct result of their actions, regardless of the supposed goodness of their reasons.”
“You’re saying that because they left you to nearly get your eyes clawed out.” Marinette pointed out.
His eye twitched. “But am I wrong?”
Well, he really wasn’t…
“Still…” She remained uncertain.
“They could have just invited Adrien and his bodyguard to help out here rather than start a party.” Rose pointed out.
“And leave all the work for us.” Alya added—because yes, she was still bitter about that.
“I still say we should use them as fertilizer.” Alix grumbled.
“Girls, this is a community project, meant to be for the community, not made up of the community.” Mylene reasoned.
“Even if they deserve it.” Juleka snarked, also still miffed and unwilling to let it go.
Rose smiled, beaming. “Still, that girls’ party sounds like a good idea.”
“It’d be a nice reward after all this.” Mylene agreed.
“Not to mention a nice petty revenge at the boys.” Alix said with a grin.
Marinette laughed, seeming relieved with the peaceful solution. “Better than killing them, at any rate.”
Felix clapped his hands, seemingly nonchalant.
“Well then, I hope you all have fun.” And with that, he turned to walk away.
Only to be stopped by a hand on his shoulder and a smiling Alya.
…he did not like that smile. Not one bit.
The increasing grip on his being only added to his trepidation.
Alya, naturally, had no concern for this.
“Don’t say that, Felix! You’re coming too.”
A pause.
The week passed in relative normalcy. Emphasis on “relative” as it did still involve the drama of half of his classmates cowering and/or groveling before the other half. As well as much bemoaning, harrumphing, occasional begging, and the daily occurrence of walking into the classroom to be greeted by the sight of an array of flowers, candy, and gift baskets on the desks of one or more of the girls in the class each time he entered.
But it was surprisingly akuma-free, so Felix would consider it normal. An odd sort of normal, but normal nonetheless. It was nice. Peaceful, even.
…if not for the sense of impending doom he could feel creeping on him the more of the week that passed and the closer they got to the weekend—and the time of the planned “party”.
Felix knew that going to the party would be a bad idea. And not just because it was a girls’ slumber party. Or one that the girls in his class were throwing out of sheer spite due to the impromptu party the boys had thrown without them when they were supposed to be working together on that community project. Or because the girls in question had previously threatened his eyes. It was partly due to those things, certainly, but not solely.
He simply did not want to go. Period.
But like with many things in his life, Felix‘s feelings weren’t so much overlooked as they were completely disregarded.
Going to a party for the girls was not something Felix had any interest in. He wasn’t a people person in the first place and a slumber party with a number of teenage females was far from his idea of a good time, regardless of what his peers may believe. Furthermore, he was sure there were rules—or were SUPPOSED to be rules concerning the presence of boys at such things.
But apparently this was his punishment for his part in Lahiffe’s plot. Despite the fact he’d had no interest or involvement in that either. And had even been the one to explain what was going on.
Truly life was cruel.
Or maybe it was just Cesaire trying to make him miserable.
...considering the gleeful smirk on her face when she informed him of this decision, he was inclined to believe the latter.
“Don’t worry, Felix! It’ll be fun!” Assured Adrien Agreste, who was apparently either completely ignorant of what was to come or was simply a masochist.
And no, the fact that he would not be suffering this torment alone was no comfort.
“I’m so excited!” Agreste squeed—actually squeed the way the boy’s own fangirls did. Felix wanted to die from embarrassment on his behalf. 
“I know! I can’t wait!” Agreed Whayhem Marot, whom Felix was sure would enjoy the event regardless simply as long as Agreste was there.
Felix twitched.
Why was he the only one who recognized it as the punishment it was? Even the other males in the class seemed to see this as a desirable or dare he even say enviable circumstance.
“Felix. Bro. We got to talk.”
Case in point: Nino Lahiffe as he grabbed Felix and dragged him across the courtyard to some impromptu meeting with the other idiotic males of the class. And Couffaine.
This was his life now, apparently.
“What is it?” Felix demanded. Demanded quite reasonably, in his opinion—given the grabbing and the forced interaction.
“Dude. While you’re there, don’t be looking at my girl.” Lahiffe warned him. Backed by the other relationship-bound males in the class whom were also giving him stern looks and nodding in agreement in defense of their respective girlfriends and girl friends.
Not that Felix had any interest in observing any of the aforementioned females in states of undress. And again, didn’t want to be there to begin with.
“But get pictures. We need pics, man!”
He wasn’t sure he would be able to be able to take pictures at all with the girls watching him. Much less take pictures of anyone when he wasn’t allowed to look at them.
“And details!”
More to the point...
Felix raised a hand in exasperation. “There are two problems with this. The first being that I don’t know anything about slumber parties.”
“It’s…y’know. Slumber. And parties.” Lahiffe frowned before turning to the others. “Guys, back me up!”
“I have compiled a list of top activities that tend to take place at slumber parties, along with their detailed explanations for your purposes.” Kante offered, holding out a ream of papers clipped together that could practically be its own book.
Felix shoved it back to the shorter boy with a glare.
“The second problem is that I don’t care.”
“Man, seriously?” Le Chien demanded, as if the reason Felix should want to go was supposed to be obvious. “This is a party! With girls!”
A pause.
Felix raised an eyebrow.
Le Chien scratched his head. “That’s…kind of supposed to be the reason.”
He turned away. “And I’m done here.”
Frustratingly, Lahiffe blocked his way.
“Come on, Felix! Adrien is going! Would you really let Adrien go to a girls’ party all alone?”
“Yes.” He replied without even the slightest hesitation.
If it was his choice, who was Felix to interfere? Or be needed to put himself at risk? Because that was the difference—Agreste actually WANTED to go and possibly meet death. A brutal, painful, burning, scarring death.
“Dude! You’re really just going to leave Adrien on his own?”
“I fail to see how that would be my problem.”
Or why they weren’t bugging Agreste about getting these desired ‘pics’.
“Besides, Marot is going so he won’t be ‘alone’, as you say.” Felix stated, even going so far as to make ‘quotation’ gestures for emphasis.
Lahiffe coughed. “Wayhem is…cool and all. But he’s a fanboy! And about as innocent as Adrien is!”
“Then they can learn together. Starting with why adolescent males should not be at slumber parties with adolescent females.”
“Oh come on, do you really think those two would do anything?” Le Chien questioned.
He said that like anyone would think Agreste and Marot would be the ones to worry about instead of the victims.
Felix expected that there would be bodybags.
…he expected one of those bags to be his own.
But on that note…
“Why isn’t Couffaine going?” He asked, gesturing to the musician who had apparently stopped by to drop off a delivery for the girls that likely had to do with the party in question.
Because surely, surely he of all people wouldn’t have earned the girls’ ire.
“Because Luka joined the guys’ party.”
Felix shot Luka a withering look.
“You disappoint me.”
Luka smiled, nervous and apologetic. “Sorry.”
“Make no mistake.” Felix stated, turning back to the others. “If I had any say in the matter, I would not be going to this party. At all.”
“Too bad you don’t have a choice!” Cesaire chirped, coming upon the group with a vicious smirk that made the other males scramble away like the dirty cowards they were. “We’ll be set for the night and you’re not allowed to run. Or we will know.”
Felix sighed.
How they had gotten his mother on board with this, he had no idea.
“This is a punishment, isn’t it?“
“What?” Cesaire fake gasped. “You’re going to be spending the night with a bunch of pretty girls, eating plenty of junk food and baked goods, and having tons of fun! How is that a punishment?“ She asked, fluttering her eyes at him.
Felix glared at her, unimpressed.
“I despise fun.”
“Careful Felix.” She said all too sweetly. “I would almost think you were rejecting our kind offer.“
Ah, yes. The “kind offer“ to not claw out his eyes at the low cost of one night of humiliation and degradation that would no doubt be used to haunt him for the rest of his life.
...he could learn Braille.
The night of the party came, and at late afternoon, Felix was “escorted” to Le Grand Paris.
And by “escorted”, he meant “kidnapped”.
Not that his mother cared.
“Goodbye, Felix!” She called out, waving happily while seemingly ignoring the fact that he was literally being dragged away. “I’ll see you in the morning! Have fun!”
Evil woman. Evil vile woman.
“Come on, Felix! You don’t want to be late!” Cesaire said, all too cheerfully.
“I could just not go.” He muttered. He could very well hide out under a bridge. That would be unpleasant for the night, but still better than what was to come.
“How cute! He thinks he has a choice!” Cesaire cooed as she and Kubdel each stood on either side of him—likely to prevent him from escaping.
He gave her a flat glare. “Die. Die and come back as something pleasant.”
Cesaire just grinned smugly. Kubdel, for her part, rolled her eyes but went along with Cesaire.
It was clear there would be no avoiding this. All Felix could do was accept his fate and begrudgingly walk with the girls to the car that would be taking them to the party.
The only good thing to come of this was that Rossi would not be in attendance as she had not helped out with the volunteer project either.
Though Felix suspected that was just the official excuse so as to prevent discord during the night between Dupain-Cheng and Rossi…
…as well as prevent him from following through on his threat to jump out the first window available, regardless of relative distance to the ground.
You win this round, gravity.
“Hi, Felix!” Agreste greeted as Felix and his “escorts” entered the car.
Felix merely grunted in acknowledgment as the doors closed and his moving tomb started to head towards their destination.
Somehow, though for the life of him he would never understand precisely how, the girls had managed to convince Agreste’s anal-retentive father to consent to his son going to an all-girls’ slumber party.
Which would quite frankly be a miracle in and of itself. Felix has heard enough of the man over the years to know that this should have been an impossible feat. Even if Gabriel Agreste was the sort of man to believe in something as asinine as “fun”, no sensible parent would want to allow males at a sleepover comprising mostly of teenage daughters. And while Felix did question Mr. Agreste’s precise position on the line between “sensible” and “idiotic”, he had been sure that even that man would know better—if only to protect his slowly dying business from the scandal of his son spending a night with a bunch of girls.
Felix suspected some form of blackmail may have been involved.
Or mind control.
Agreste was clearly excited, practically bouncing in his seat. “This will be my first sleepover!”
“Mine too!” Merot chimed in.
It would be Felix’s as well, but that hardly meant it was a life goal and for the life of him, Felix didn’t understand why anyone would think it should be.
As the others continued chatting, Felix was contemplating the pros and cons of jumping out of a moving vehicle. They weren’t going too quickly. Maybe if he ducked and rolled? Or waited until it came to a complete stop?
Either fortunately or not, his contemplations were cut short as they had rather quickly arrived at the destination.
The Grand Hotel.
“It was really nice of Chloe’s Dad to let us have the party here!” Adrien said cheerfully.
Alya smiled.
Felix did not trust that smile. At all.
While none of the girls explained how they had gotten permission to use the hotel main event room for this party, Felix highly suspected that Mayor Bourgeois’s unusual acquiesce to their request had less to do with any good will than it did the very real threat that the girls involved were classmates of his daughter and could easily tell her that he had gone to that party at the mansion.
Adrien’s mansion.
Adrien. Her “best friend”.
A party SHE was not invited to.
To say she would be furious would be an understatement. And the fact that he had managed to keep his involvement secret from her was impressive in its own right. And maybe it would have worked out for him if Cesaire wasn’t involved and looking for vengeance.
Felix sympathized somewhat with the man. Only somewhat because….well…a grown man—and an easily recognizable politician at that? Going to that party was still an incredibly stupid thing to do. Not to mention somewhat creepy.
Andre Bourgeois seemed to think Felix was a kindred spirit as he smiled shakily at the boy, as if looking for some sympathy.
Or perhaps silently praying for him.
Felix would take the latter. He’d need all the help he could get to make it through this night.
The event room in question where the sleepover would be taking place was one of the hotel’s executive suites. There was a central room as well as two side bedrooms and a separate kitchen area. Not that Felix expected there to be much cooking if the laptop Haprele was opening up to the selection of a nearby pizzeria was any indication.
Lavillant and the younger Couffaine were already present and arranging the food and plates. Kubdel seemed to be setting up the television for various video games and movies.
Which left…
“Sorry I’m late!” Dupain-Cheng’s arrival was announced with an apology and a bang as she tried to open the door while holding several boxed of what he reasonably assumed were various pastries.
And with that, the gang was all here.
“Oh, let me help you with that, Marinette!” Agreste offered.
Felix prepared to step in himself. Knowing that girl’s crush, him coming closer to her would make her more likely to drop her cargo than help.
But he hadn’t needed to.
“No worries! I’ve got it!” Came a cheerful voice as another girl came in from behind her. She had tan skin and short red hair. And she seemed muscled, so the multitude of packages alongside her own bags were no trouble to her.
“Thanks, Odine!” Dupain-Cheng said, looking relieved.
Oh right. He remembered now. That girl was Le Chein’s girlfriend, Odine Soares. But why was she there?
As if sensing his confusion, Cesaire smirked. “Odine was invited to our party since she was also left out of the boys’.”
Soares settled the cartons on the table with a huff. “That was a real jerk move of the boys to make excuses to bail on their commitment, and I didn’t appreciate Kim using our swim sessions as a part of their excuse.” She turned to the others with a smile. “I do appreciate the invite though.”
Felix held up his hand. “Well, if this counts as an additional person for a party with limited room, it would be remiss of me to not give my place to someone more deserving—”
Cesaire grabbed his sleeve to keep him from his less than casual move for the door. Thankfully not his arm or they would likely have had a problem. “Oh come on, Felix!” She said, her grin a bit too wide to be innocent. “There’s no need for that!”
“I beg to differ. You just have fun and—”
The door closed behind him. The slam as clear as his own death knell.
“We insist.” Cesaire stated, her words clearly a warning.
Felix sighed and reluctantly moved to place his bags in the side room designated for the boys. When he returned, he found the girls in a discussion over horror movies or video games. With little option and wanting to open himself up to as little drama as possible, he chose to sit next to Agreste and Merot on the couch. His only allies for this mess of a night. 
“This is going to be fun!”
“I know, right?”
…it seemed his allies had already fallen.
Felix was on his own.
The sleepover started simply enough.
Pizza was ordered. Soda was poured. Popcorn was popped and promptly somehow simultaneously fought over and used as ammo. Candy was shared.
They started with some Mecha Strike which all of them played—except for Dupain-Cheng, who was apparently banned due to her “mad skillz”. They played in teams that eventually came out with Lavillant and Felix as the winners—which he wasn’t at all smug about no matter Cesiare’s claim.
Then the girls insisted on a dance game. Felix, understandably, chose to sit out. To his surprise, Dupain-Cheng chose to sit out with him as well.
Or maybe it wasn’t that much of a surprise, given her natural clumsiness. No doubt it would be exacerbated due to the presence of her crush.
Still, that she chose to keep him company in his “dark and dreary” corner of the room (Cesaire’s words, not his) was…kind.
“Enjoying yourself?” She asked, polite and considerate and everything he absolutely did not need right now.
He looked away, irritated. Seeing his expression, she frowned and sat next to him.
“I’m sorry you were dragged into this.” She said quietly. “I know this isn’t your idea of a good time.”
She wasn’t wrong. Felix’s idea of a good time was probably the exact opposite of the current situation. Somewhere quiet and alone. Likely his room with a book and some tea.
It was nice that someone at least recognized that. Not that it made a difference.
“I don’t blame you.” He assured her, insomuch that at least it wasn’t her he blamed. She could probably tell that much from the glare he sent towards Cesaire at her place on the couch and cheering on Agreste and Merot’s tag team in the dance game.
Oh yes, HER, he did blame. 
As if feeling his glare on her, she turned to look at him and wagged her eyebrows in his direction.
He resisted the urge to make a profane gesture.
“Honestly, I think they’re just trying to stick it to the other boys for ditching us to throw a party where we’re specifically not invited.” Dupain-Cheng explained. 
It wasn’t necessary for her to try to explain it away. Maybe she could convince someone who didn’t know better, but Felix knew full well that this was more than vengeance against the rest of their male classmates. Cesaire was taking full advantage of the opportunity to vex him as well.
But he would be magnanimous and refrain from pointing that out because she sounded a bit miffed about the whole prior incident and he wasn’t about to try and deny her her right to her fury over the matter.
Dupain-Cheng continued, smiling at him. “Since you at least stuck to your word and told us the truth about what was going on, this is kind of a reward.”
“But for whom? Because from my perspective, this is simply a punishment all around.” He bit out.
Marinette smiled. “But Nino and the guys won’t see it that way.”
Ah, yes. The adolescent male mind would no doubt see entry into this event as a privilege and something to envy.
That’s because they didn’t know better.
No doubt they simply thought of it as scantily clad girls sleeping together or whatever else their hormone-driven brains could imagine.
The truth was that it would be more embarrassing and aggravating than anything. Humiliating. Potentially traumatizing. And may very well end in death—most likely his own.
Felix wondered if letting the other males keep that foolish image would make this night worth it.
…it wouldn’t. He knew it wouldn’t. But he would still keep quiet about it because he blamed them almost as much as he blamed Cesaire since they started this mess in the first place.
And Felix deserved something today.
In his ruminations, Dupain-Cheng had left him to his thoughts, though only for a short time. A little while later, she had returned with some hot herbal tea.
It didn’t make him feel better about what this night would bring.
But it helped.
It wasn’t long before the group had gotten worn out from the more active video games and had turned to less active and more personal time.
The girls had sat in a circle, back to front. For…simultaneous hair-styling, apparently. They had a number of hairbands, clips, head pieces, and decorations with which to adorn each other while they talked and gossiped. Agreste and Merot excitedly joined them in the circle as well.
“Felix! You should join!” Agreste invited.
“Yeah,” Cesaire said with what could only be an evil smirk. “There’s a spot for your right here!” She patted the space in front of her.
Felix gave her a dry glare. “You’re not subtle, Cesaire. I know better than to trust you anywhere near my hair.”
She pouted but turned to Dupain-Cheng instead.
Felix watched in some limited amusement at the mixture of decent styles and outright monstrosities that were born of the styling circle. Agreste ended up with his hair covered in pink clips by an overly enthusiastic Lavillant. Merot ended up with wild streaks from Kubdel and…wow, he was glad he didn’t join. He hadn’t thought they’d bring hair dye.
Cesaire, much to his vindication, ended up with her hair looking somewhat akin to a hydra after Merot separated her hair into a number of separate mismatched asymmetrical ponytails and then used hair spray to keep them in place. Whatever hairstyle the boy had been going for had failed atrociously, but they seemed to get a good laugh out of it…and only convinced Felix all the more that he was right to avoid it altogether.
If only he would be able to avoid the next activity.
Because then came THE game. The one Felix knew was coming. The one he dreaded.
“Truth or Dare~!”
Was it too late to jump out the window?
He glanced over, seriously considering it. They were only a few floors off the ground. Just 10 or 12. It wasn’t that much, right? He could make it.
Or he would fall into the sweet, sweet embrace of death and never have to experience another night like this.
Unfortunately, Kubdel and Lavillant blocked the path to the window—likely the former knowing more of his plan than the latter, who just smiled at him innocently and asked if he wanted to sit next to her for the game.
“Of course he would!”
Before he could even speak, Cesaire had reached an arm around his shoulders and “guided” him to the circle where everyone was now facing the center and preparing to play.
“I can escape.” He hissed to her. “Don’t think I wouldn’t.”
“Oh sure, you could.” She whispered back in agreement.  Then she smirked. “And what a shame that would be. Marinette would be disappointed. I guess this would leave me with no choice but to distract her from your absence and use this opportunity to continue Operation Adrinette and all of us would be free to ask Adrien so many questions about who he likes.” 
Something about that struck him as more distasteful than remaining at the party and taking part in the game.
And given the way she was looking at him, Cesaire knew it, too.
“Plus you’ll have to go home sooner or later.” She added with a smirk. “And your mother is going to want all the details of her son’s ‘first sleepover’. Imagine her disappointment if she finds out you ditched us?”
…vile girl.
“Fine.” He hissed, moving to join the ‘Circle of Friendship’.
Most of the group seem elated as he sat among them. Kubdel was snickering. Lavillant looked on the verge of squealing. Agreste and Merot smiled at him with their ignorant, oblivious, innocent eyes.
Dupain-Cheng looked nervous. Understandable, given the nature of the game they were about to play and her history of embarrassment at the hands of her so-called ‘friends’. Something that a game like this would only open her up for in spades.
If nothing else, he supposed he could at least try to help spare her the death of embarrassment. If only to spare himself the same.
The first rounds were simple, silly things.
“What was your worst akuma?”
“I dare you to impersonate Hawk Moth!”
“Try to pun like Chat Noir!”
At least Cesaire was keeping to her word with him there, as she had yet to try any of her silly matchmaking shenanigans. And the other girls seemed to be following her lead, as none of them did anything of the sort either.
Then of course, came the inevitable…
“Felix! Truth or Dare?” Lavillant asked cheerfully.
He immediately felt his back straighten.
She was cheerful. And out of all the classmates, the girl was the most kind—seemingly. But also the most naive and impressionable. Cesaire could have put her up to something.
But she wouldn’t willingly make him do anything she knew would hurt him, right?
He felt a grin from the side and resolutely chose to not look at Cesaire.
“Dare.” He said. Against all better judgement.
“I dare you…” Lavillant said, drawing it out as she seemed to be trying to think of something.
“To style Juleka’s hair!”
He blinked.
“Come again?”
“You didn’t get to take part in the hairstyle circle so it’s only fair!” She insisted.
“Style something for us, Felix!”
“Use your modeling skills!”
…well, that wasn’t so bad, at least.
“Fine.” He agreed, rolling up his sleeves. All the better to get this over with quickly. And with as little fuss as possible.
“You okay with this, Felix?” Dupain-Cheng asked. At least she was kind enough to have some concern for his comfort. He wasn't fond of touching people, after all.
He shrugged.
“It could be worse. They could have me shirtless and serving them drinks.”
A pause.
A long pause.
“Can I change my dare?”
“No.” He replied immediately.
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actuallyadhd · 1 month
Hello, I know you haven't posted in a while so I understand if you don't reply to this, but I could definitely use some advice.
I haven't gotten round to getting tested for ADHD, but I have a lot of the symptoms. I really struggle to sit still, I often blurt things out and interrupt people, I can't seem to remember basically anything, I get way too emotional over small things, and more.
The thing is, these symptoms seem to be getting progressively worse. I will hear something and then completely forget what I heard minutes after, forget what I'm talking about mid conversation, haven't gone to sleep on time because I've been pacing in my room and throwing a bouncy ball and eventually scrolling on my phone in bed because I can't get to sleep, I'm late a lot more than usual (I have to go out tomorrow and I'm hoping I'll get up on time, alarms don't work).
But the biggest thing is this: I keep stopping and starting things. I have loads of sideblogs I haven't posted on for days because I started them with huge passion and then either got bored or forgot about them (or both.) I've been thinking about starting a new ask blog, but at the same time I know I won't come back to it.
Do you have any advice for how to manage this?
Sent August 1, 2024
It sounds like things are cascading, which can be super overwhelming.
I always start with what I call The Big Four: diet, exercise, sleep, and stress. If any one of these is out of whack, everything gets harder. This is true for non-ADHDers as well, but for us it’s more important because of how our brains work.
So, first, think about how you’ve been eating lately. Are you getting enough protein? Brains run on glucose, so carbs are also necessary, but aiming for whole grains and the like is better for long-term functioning. Are you eating *enough*? As in, do you forget to eat meals? Do you snack a lot, and if you do, are you going for quick sugar hits?
Next up is exercise. Regular movement is important. Taking active breaks when you get distracted can help to reset your brain so you can focus again when you come back. Exercise also adds endorphins, which boost your mood and can help increase energy and focus for longer. These effects build up over time, so you won’t see results right away, but if you can make it happen there will be benefits!
As for sleep, you’ve noted that you’re struggling to fall asleep. That’s a really common thing for ADHDers, and we have loads of suggestions here to help. Some of the best ideas I’ve seen include listening to podcasts or watching ASMR videos, white noise machines or a fan, reading a book (not an e-book unless your e-reader doesn’t use blue light), or doing some kind of a puzzle book in bed.
Stress can be really hard to manage, especially if anything else is off since that adds to your stress. The best way to handle this is to have a set time each day where you do something fun and relaxing.
You may find that this doesn’t quite hit the spot. So I have a couple more things to look into.
First, it’s pretty normal for us to run into problems when our responsibilities increase. More responsibility means more load on our executive functions, so things start falling apart a bit as we struggle to find a way to make everything happen. Change is hard!
Second, our age and hormones can have an impact on things. If you menstruate, estrogen levels have a huge impact on functioning. It is a very important part of the brain’s glucose delivery system, so when estrogen is low so is glucose. (There are other ways glucose gets to the brain, estrogen is just the most efficient.)
As for age, when you hit certain ages (early childhood and puberty are best known) your brain makes a ton of new connections, and that can make a lot of things harder that weren’t before. This is because your brain is dedicating itself to other things, and often those “lost” skills return once it’s done with the stage.
So think about all of these things and consider whether one or more might be affecting you. Once you know what’s going on, it will be easier to figure out how to deal with it.
Followers, do you have any ideas for managing these issues? Please share!
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haloxsaisha · 2 years
So Good.
[Lewis Hamilton x Actress!Reader]
Based on: So Good by Halsey.
Warnings: Angst, Abu Dhabi and Monza 2021 (I'm so sorry), some fluff, few cheesy dialogues (cause I'm a dumbass), depression, insomnia, eating disorder and weight loss.
Word Count: 15.5K words (I've never written this much in my life so far, I'm so proud of myself).
A/N: My first Lewis fic, I wasn't expecting it to be done with during the Abu Dhabi race week but oh well💀 I'm personally quite happy with how this turned out! I hope y'all like it <33
Bold and italicized font: song lyrics.
Italicized font: flashbacks.
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“I remember the night, I was so frustrated.”
You could only bury your hands, head filled with shock and completely blank.
You never thought this would ever happen to anybody, let alone just him. Nobody who had watched the sport did.
Everything inside you began to sink in the moment the whole mess about unlapping the cars started and as the rest of the race unfolded, you felt yourself crumbling.
Lewis staying in his car in silence, in disbelief at the parc ferme had been playing on your mind again and again.
You were supposed to be there. You had to be there for him.
You had apologized to him multiple times for not being there in a championship decider race, especially at a win that was so historically important but he dismissed your countless apologies saying that he could understand. You had been shooting for a movie in London since November, which also meant that you hadn't met each other in more than a month, work and COVID restrictions making its way in. There was one thing that you and Lewis always stood by, which was that your jobs would be given the first priority. Understandable from both sides because your works usually involve a lot of people, meaning that compromising on it was quite hard and it was also very important to both of you from an emotional perspective, although you had to admit the Formula 1 driver was reaching an equivalent position to your work in your heart.
You watched him speak in the post race interview and then the moment he shared with his father, leaning his head as he took in the encouraging words being whispered in his ear. He had always been so strong and it was something you admired about him.
You sent him a message (which you hoped would provide a bit of comfort), mentioning that what happened was unfair, he deserved that win after everything he'd been through the entire season and that night and how proud you were of him. Also adding that he could call you when he felt like doing so because he wouldn't be in the headspace to talk to people at the time.
Seven hours later, you were done with your scenes for the day at ten in the night. The first thing you did after entering the vanity was checking your phone and your message to him was still at 'delivered', which increased your worry and anxiety.
After a bit, you got the idea of dropping a message to Angela, who was somebody you were close to too. You knew the Wolffs, Miles and Daniel, you even met his parents, stepmum and his siblings too when you'd been to the Silverstone race but Angela was somebody you bonded along with very well. She was one of the sweetest persons you'd met and also took care of you like an older sister would whenever you were around.
But you'll only get a response a while later since it's probably the wee hours at Abu Dhabi right now, you thought as you sighed. The race and your work has already drained out all your energy and despite your mind being absolutely restless because of how anxious you felt, but you had to drive yourself to sleep somehow. The director wouldn't be happy seeing her lead actress with puffy eyes and barely any energy the next day.
By the time you landed on your bed, it struck midnight and your phone let out the notification sound, showing the message from Angela which said that Lewis wasn't doing great and hadn't spoken to anybody yet.
Now how were you going to be able to sleep after knowing that?
“I touch your hand for the first time, I see it on your face, then another lifetime's flashin' by.”
"You see the star there? That one's called Sirius." he tells you, pointing to a specific region in the night sky.
"I didn't peg you to be somebody who was familiar with Harry Potter references, Hamilton." you give him a surprised, yet impressed look.
"There's a lot more to me than meets the eye darling, you'll see." he tells you cockily and you playfully rolled your eyes, shaking your head.
"This might just be one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen." you said in awe, your eyes fixed at the sparkling stars laid on an endless canvas of the dark blue sky.
"Mhm yeah, it definitely is." the sweet and distracted voice of the man who'd been surrounding you and your thoughts for the past couple of months came through and you turned your head towards him, finding him looking at you.
You felt your cheeks heat and you could only let out a giggle in response, not knowing how to respond because of how flustered he made you feel.
Lewis Hamilton was definitely a lot more cheesy than one would ever assume.
"I'm sorry I couldn't plan anything fun, there's pandemic restrictions so everything around is almost shut." he apologizes and you melt at how heartful he sounds about it.
"Don't be ridiculous Lew, I've loved every moment of this date so far." you assure him with a soft smile. Star gazing with somebody you've admired for so long as a first date was something that nobody could beat.
"Well, how can I make the date better?" he asks and your eyes light up in silent laughter thinking he's joking but then you look at him, it turns out that he was actually being serious.
Dear god, what type of dates had this man been on?
"Well that's a hard one because I feel like the date has already met the standards." you pretend to think for a moment "Maybe you could let Roscoe join us?" you ask him, giving him a grin which made him fall for you even more.
"Now that's not fair." he playfully whines "This time is for us. He loves you too much, will take away all your attention from me." he said, referring to all the times the both of you spend with your mutual friends. He was right, the bulldog did take a lot of your time.
"Well I've at least gotta win over one heart right?" you said, reflecting your doubts about him considering if the thing between the both you was anything serious or not.
"Well in that case, his heart will be the second one you've won over from this house." he said and you looked at him, your eyes softening with warmth and your cheeks turning red as you move closer to him.
He feels it too, you thought as he wrapped his arm around you, making you sigh in bliss.
Nearly two years later, the morning after the catastrophic race, the first thing you saw after waking up were the words "I don't think I can do this anymore, I need some space and time away." on your phone and at that moment, you had been absolutely destroyed.
It felt like everything in you had just been dropped down and shattered without any noise, you just feel so hollow and empty on the inside.
You couldn't ridicule him for feeling devastated, anybody would understand how much yesterday meant to him and how it affected him even if they didn't know him personally.
But you believed that you were comfortable enough to be with each other through any situation, happiness or despair. You believed that he found the same comfort, solace and safety that you found in him.
But it turns out that he didn't. The both of you went all the way from a video call like a regular couple would before the race to a text like somebody that didn't really mean anything to him a later, he pushed you out.
“I bet you're happy and that's fine. But I regret just one thing, I never got to change your mind”
He'd been back on the screens for the next season. Despite all the news about him discontinuing racing, you knew he'd go back.
Racing was everything to him, it was quite literally everything he'd known. He'd spoken openly about the struggles that him and his dad faced to reach where he was in the racing industry.
He knew how to rise up from the worst moments, he always had it in him.
You were still a mess. It had been almost three months since the text which broke everything in you. But there he was, having interviews with his teammate, a happy grin on his face.
Being an F1 fan for a long time, you always kept up with whatever news was on about the grid and Lewis had quite the spotlight when it came to headlines about his professional life or personal life.
You knew that he wasn't really the person for serious relationships after a point in his career. All of his focus was on Formula 1, rightfully so, which was why one night stands and short flings were what he went for.
You knew that even before you met him, you knew it whilst being friends but you still agreed to date him despite that one thing freaking you out. He had a hold on you, such an aura around him. You were always in this bubble of happiness, positivity and peace when you were with him.
Although his past relationships made you think about a lot of 'what if-s', how could you say no to a guy who made you feel like that?
Well, this was the consequence of giving in to emotions rather than logic. Your heart had been shattered like fritted glass, while he was back to normal like the break up was nothing but a minor collateral damage.
Work was always a top priority but all those moments that the both of you shared had a lot of meaning right?
“And I'm doin' okay. In the back of my mind, all I hear is your name”
The last time you slept well was the night before the Abu Dhabi race. You were normally a light sleeper, which gave you a pretty decent amount of sleep to feel good the next day.
But ever since that night, your sleep had come down only a few hours every week. You'd just walk about the room feeling restless, scroll through your phone or laptop or the television to pass time, there were some days where you just stared at the ceiling, the thoughts in your head just rushing in with memories of Lewis and you'd end up bursting into tears, sleeping over taking you after your eyes would turn red and puffy. And after two or three hours, you'd be awake again, tossing and turning around the bed.
And it was safe to say the sight of food started making you feel sick, your face would literally scrunch at the sight of it. But you still had to eat a minimum amount of food that would help you survive a day at work. Completely cutting out on food, which you had the urge to do, would completely affect the image on you and your career, which you felt was too risky.
Everybody had noticed you spiralled down, you could feel it too but you just stopped caring about anything after a point, you just felt so empty in your head to push yourself. Acting was the only thing that had you taking steps forward in life.
Soon enough, there were articles out on the news about you, commenting on the drastic weight loss that had been noticed in you, caused by the change in your eating habits. Your fans also began to notice how your use of social media had come down drastically, since you always had the habit of interacting with them frequently and also shared random pictures and videos from your day at work, especially if it was in a place far from home.
And that made the pressure from the people close to you increase. After getting to know about your break up with Lewis, your parents and close friends urged you to talk more, to let out how you were feeling. But you always convinced them by saying that you were alright, that you understood why he needed the break up and you just went along with life, your work satisfying you at the moment.
The moment you came back home after you were done with the movie you were working on for the past couple of months, the first thing your mum did was make you sit next to her and reminded you of all the hard times you'd been through, of all the people you had in your life who still cared for you and loved you, about how there were people out there who admired your work.
And that's when it struck you, that yes, you did lose a particular feeling love in your life. But there was so much more to life that made living your life whole heartedly rather than making it more painful for you, more that you'd already been through because of your heart getting broken by a certain British man.
You took a small break from your work and the fast life around you, spending the time with your family and friends, parallelly going to therapy as well. Although the scar of that heartbreak was always going to remain, the slow paced yet quality time helped your wounds heal little by little.
And then you were back to work, feeling better than you'd been for the past couple of months. You were able to breathe freely, feeling the light weighted space in you.
But there were still certain things that reminded you of him. One day, you saw a bull dog being taken on a walk by its owner, your mind would fly to how Roscoe would lie down in between you and Lewis, snuggling in the night. The smell or sight of tea would remind you about how the both of you would keep arguing about whether tea or coffee was better, you loving coffee and him being always so British and loving tea. But nevertheless he knew how to make coffee the way you liked it and you knew the same for his tea. The sound of a piano would remind you of the times he would play it and sing his favourite songs, even teaching you the basics of how to play it sometimes. Stargazing and watching Formula 1 was something you just stopped altogether, not being able to handle the intensity of the emotions it brought in you.
If there was anything that made you feel relieved now, it was about how it didn't hurt as much as it used to and how the control he had your thoughts had come down.
"Talkin' wildly out of context, I wish things were different. But I'll never know”
What the hell just happened, you thought as you looked at the screen of the TV in the garage.
It took you everything to not break into a string of curse words but if anything, you were really worried if Lewis was okay.
The man literally had a car on top of his with the tyres nearly touching his head, dear god.
And you had no clue how he would react after coming back to the garage. He wasn't the one to tantrums but was he somebody who just stayed quiet? Did he deal with the anger he felt? Would he like having anybody around him to comfort him? Or did he prefer being alone?
You had spent a good number of days with him, an amount of time that could turn into a bunch of months if you added them up, but all the races you'd been to for the past year were always good ones. You were there when he won his seventh world championship but this was the first time you were around during a bad race, a one with a scary DNF.
He didn't know you were here for the race. Due to the COVID protocols, you had to quarantine for a few days before being able to meet Lewis and you didn't have a break or gap of that many days that often which made being at his races quite hard. So you thought that you could surprise him at the Monza GP, coming into the garage after he got into the car.
What you planned was to hide in some corner of the Mercedes garage and meet him in his driver's room after he went there, yelling a cheerful "surprise!". But you obviously couldn't do that now, considering what just happened. How you would meet him was barely on your mind now, you were scared about how he was after the crash.
"Hey, he's back in his driver's room. You can go and meet him now." Angela came and told you, a few minutes after you were restlessly tapping your feet up and down.
"Oh thank god, how is he? No injuries right?" you ask her anxiously, a shaky breath leaving your body.
"He's alright now, nothing serious has happened to him. He has some headache and pain in the neck, he'll be back to normal in a matter of some time." she assures you, giving you a comforting smile and places her around your shoulder, knowing how worried you get about him.
"Would he be alright with having me around now Ange? I think he'd want some silence for now." you said, giving her an unconvincing smile.
"Don't be ridiculous, he just had a scary race. None of his family and close friends are around now either, he'll obviously love to have you around now. You'll make his day better and he'll calm down." Angela convinces you and you walk towards his driver's room, still debating in your mind if you should step in or not.
Angela knocks the door and speaks out so that Lewis thinks it her, rushing towards the team before Lewis opens the door so that the both of you can have your space.
The sound of the room's door opening brings you out of your over thinking. "Um, hey?" you tell him in a shaky voice, eyes scanning over him to see if he was alright. Of course Angela wouldn't lie to you but for some reason, it wasn't sinking in your mind until you saw him.
His eyes widened in surprise "You're here? Wait a minute- you're actually here." he says and his reaction made your nerves calmed down a bit.
"Well, the plan was to keep a rather happy surprise." you say, giving him a weak smile "If you want to be alone for some time, I'll go back and sit with Ange, I totally understand-" he cut off your rambling by taking your hand in his and pulling you in for a hug.
"Don't be ridiculous, I'm glad you're here. C'mon in." he said, wrapping his arms around your waist and placing his forehead on your shoulder "missed you and that scent so much." he mumbles as you place your hand through his braids, running your fingers through his hair to calm him down, like he always liked it.
"I can feel your heartbeat and it's going crazy. We've been together for a year and I still scare you?" he teases you, referring to the initial days of knowing him. Timid was an understatement. Having been a huge fan of the sport and him for years before you first met him, you always shared many shy smiles and few words with him, scared that your rather talkative side which always went on rambling would annoy him.
"I don't know- that just, that was scary. I'm so worried baby, the tyre was literally so close to your head." you sighed as he sat on the couch, placing you on his lap.
"Stuff like this happens time and again in racing, you've watched it over the years. At that moment I tried to shuffle inside the car as much as possible and lowered my head down, so nothing from the car reached my head. Don't worry sweetheart, I'm totally alright." he says, rubbing circles on your waist in the hopes of calming you down.
"Ange told me you have a headache and neck pain though, don't lie to me." you mumbled, pushing away the braids to a side and placing a small kiss on his forehead. He just gives you a reassuring smile, his eyes signifying that it'll be gone soon and he places his head on your shoulder, snuggling in for comfort as you placed your hand on his back and rubbing it up and down.
Thinking of the memory from that day made you wonder only one thing. Would the both of you still be together if you were together? If he would've seeked your comfort or just push you away nevertheless.
You guess you'd never know, Monza was one DNF while what happened at Abu Dhabi was something brought in such loss and affected his perspective about his career and life.
You knew it didn't end well, there were so many things left unspoken between the two of you. It was bad, but both of you would've been so good together.
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acciocriativity · 1 year
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(Pictures are not mine, credits to the rightful owners)
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Ateez Masterlist
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Requested from anon!
Thank you so much for the request, dear anon 💕 Since the idea is that I choose the prompts, I inspired myself to create ones based on yours. Hope you love it anyway 💖
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"No, I'm telling you, I've seen the way she looks at you", San has been bothering him all morning, because Wooyoung was feeling defeated.
Wooyoung was, at least most of the time, a cheerful person. It came naturally to him. His friends at school expected that from him. He was their happy pill they would say and he was proud of it... but it's impossible to be positive, when you are so damn dense!
"I don't know San-ie, maybe we should give up on the mission".
This is not the Wooyoung he knows, it was the only thing on San's mind at the moment. Something must had happened for him to be sulking around like this and San would figure it out as if his life depend on it.
"Listen, let me try something and after that, you can do as you want, just pick up the phone when I call, okay?", San said in such a serious and determinate tone that Wooyoung couldn't say no.
You came into his life, their lives, out of nowhere. One day, it was the three of them, San, Yeosang and Wooyoung, then the next day there was you sitting with them at lunch being bombarded with questions by Wooyoung.
San was soo confused at first, because sure, they were known as friendly people, Yeosang being the shiest and quiest, but they kept to their own group most of the time. It was rare to find someone that would fit in with them the way that you did.
Wooyoung adored you, trully, but after everything that he tried already, you still didn't have a single clue about his feelings. It made him anxious and a tiny bit insecure, maybe you just did not like him back...
"Don't!", San whispered to Wooyoung as they got into class. "I know this expression, whatever it is, it's not true.
He asked you out on a date. It was quite straight forward to be honest, how can he be more direct than that?
Your answer?
"Sure, where do you want to go?", there was that smile on your face that showed him you thought he meant in a friendly way.
Maybe he wasn't that straight forward then. The both of you went out together a lot for the past month already, but without a name to it. A name he desperately wanted to put on it.
"Hum, maybe that café that opened last week?", you didn't know him enough to notice his smile was forced yet, he was way to good at faking it.
He decided to pull out every trick he knew of. By the end of the week following his first failed plan, he clingied to you like a koala, more than he already did!
While you thought he was adorable and sweet, cuddling to you at every chance and staying by your side whenever you four were walking to class... You missed your personal space a little. You felt what it was like to be Yeosang for the first time, it wasn't a easy job to be that loved all day every day.
Still, how can you ask to that pretty face to give you some space? You could imagine it the kicked puppy face he'd make and that only already broke your heart.
"Wooyoung-ah", you said as you stood together side by side, waiting for the others to meet you at the front of the school.
He looked up from where he was. Chin on your shoulder, hands around your waist as he sway you both to a song he just came up with. His eyes shined in adoration, his smile contagious as he waited for your answer.
His skin was glowing... No, he was glowing that day for some reason. His whole demeanor screamed happiness since 7:30 A.M.
"Did something good happened today?"
It did. Someone asked him if you guys were dating. He had to go to the bathroom to regain some control over his body.
"Just you".
There he was again.
He always been quite flirty, but the past week it only increased. You didn't know what to do with yourself in this situation, you were always caught off guard and your mind came up with a million scenarios to explain this behavior. None of them left you happy though.
"You are impossible, aren't you?", you laughed it off, like you've been doing. You felt like you have to do it to protect yourself and the friend group you barely got into.
In San's humble opinion, Wooyoung was doing everything wrong. He was way too lost in his feelings to realize that it wasn't how direct and how obvious he could be, it was about you.
You and Wooyoung somehow were like twins, your energy matched in a way no one saw coming. You were the smart kid in class in their minds for the first half of the school year. You're quiet, but kind hearted and smart. Everyone thought the same until Wooyoung decided enough is enough.
He saw bits and pieces of your personality and being the direct man he's always been, he decided right then and there to get to know you more.
But that also meant you also weren't happy 24/7, you struggled a lot too and you could be as insecure as everyone else, even with your cheerful personality shinning through.
San could it see it looking from the outside, you're scared of falling for Wooyoung or maybe you already fell deep into it and couldn't be sure if he was serious about his attempts. He didn't know which one, but he knows he has to do something about it.
"Why don't you talk to him?", his tone wasn't judgmental and his eyes were kind as he sat by your side.
"I want to, but what if he's just being, you know, Wooyoung", you didn't need to explain it further.
San let out a snort, he couldn't help himself as he smiled.
There was a ultimate truth in this, you didn't know Wooyoung for long. You didn't see him go through the lowest up to the highest point in his life. You showed up in a high and since then, Wooyoung has been flying higher and higher because of you.
"He's not like this, you know... I'm mean, he is but he's been so much happier and energized since you came along", he said as he looked forward.
This words stayed with you for a long time, but there was still something missing. Something you wanted to see for yourself and Wooyoung didn't give it to you yet.
So you asked to meet up with him in hopes of seeing it.
"I know what you've been trying to do, you know? You're not discreet, Wooyoung-ie".
He was stunned. Was he getting rejected right now?
The bright smile in his face faded in front of you and you hated it the sight. Your instinct was to grab his hands in yours.
"I just wanted to see it for myself, Yeosang said you looked at me like Winnie the pooh looked at some honey", the smile in your lips only grew as you repeated the words.
Wooyoung was baffled, embarrassed and feeling a little betrayed, because at the end of the day he knew it was true.
"I just wanted more than words", you whispered as you saw it for yourself the effect you had on him. "But don't get me wrong, you are usually good with those".
You laughed as you intertwined your hands in his.
"Honey, you're blushing like a tomato right now", you thought he was blushing even more because of your teasing, but he wasn't.
He wouldn't ever tell you how much he loved the petname though.
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kiefbowl · 2 years
you know those anti smoking posters and ads that would show the timeline of what happens to you after you quit smoking starting from like 15 minutes and going into months and then years etc etc? like this:
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I have no idea how scientific any of that is, that's just all preamble to give context to my other point: I feel like I can physically feel changes in my brain the longer away from the internet I am. Possibly psychosomatic, I'd be willing to concede that. But I feel like as my current job has left me with little to do but browse the internet all day, my social media and internet usage is way up again, and with that comes weird symptoms I've started to associate with it: brain fog, lack of focus, erratic thoughts, headaches, thought loops, low estimation of my capabilities, lack of trust in my own memory, and weird preoccupation with time and death. Granted, I struggle with depression and anxiety, but paired with increased internet usage I seem even more hyper vigilant at observing my internalization and I become extremely disconnected with my external realities, even so far as wondering "is this real?" That's at the most extreme end, usually I think I have over-all a pretty healthy relationship with the internet, especially due to great practice and awareness over the past few years, but can slide into over-usage pretty quickly. I've felt more aware of these "symptoms" as I've practice things like taking hiatuses (which I recommend) of all different lengths.
This moment in time I feel the most aware of the phenomenon of increased internet usage = symptoms impacting my physical life, maybe due to age or my increased awareness. The other day I realized the thought I was having was just an image looping in my mind like a gif. I was like...am I literally not thinking of anything? But the ability to recognize it stopped it and then I spent the rest of the day away from the computer and my phone and realized my mood was better and I was more present by the end of the day when at the beginning of the day I felt like I couldn't keep a straight thought about anything. I've also realized (in this current past few weeks) I've gotten into a habit of opening too many things on the internet...I'll open a youtube video and as it's loading, open tumblr, and as I'm scrolling realizing I've seen most the posts, so then I open a browser game, but that's boring, so I'm checking my email, and that reminds me of a task I haven't done but when I open another tab I can't remember it already so I'm back at the youtube video....trying to do eight things at once but never really fully committed to any of them. It's freaky to realize you've fallen into this habit when you can spend hours of the day acting like a normal person!
But that's the reason I bring up the cigarette posters is that the effects of "quitting" the internet seem almost immediate. I put my phone in the other room and sit with a book and the first few pages feel excruciating, but if I make myself keep going, 15 minutes later I'm reading like a normal person and yet part of my brain is going "why did you think that this was hard it's just reading so weird so weird so weird" and then 30 minutes later that part of my brain is silent and I'm really reading and it's fine. And I also notice when I leave the house, it takes any activity at all to get lost into being alive again rather than hyper vigilantly observing myself. But so many kids (and adults) joke about not wanting to leave the house. I think for normal and otherwise healthy people, you could easily reverse the effects of anti-social behavior your internet usage is convincing you of by simply "touching grass" (lol), but a lot of people are convinced of some intrinsic truth about themselves because they aren't as critical of their internet usage as other people are, so they don't see the connection between their usage and their life choices. You could literally go for a walk and feel normal again.
I don't really have a conclusion except maybe that the brain is very fascinating, and it's very capable of absorbing so much information at once, that to give it care we need to not overload it. But what I've found to work for me is to not "shut if off" but give it something else to do...a book to read, an art project, an errand to complete. These are thoughts I've been collecting in my mind for years but never felt the need to make a long winded post about, until recently when my circumstances change and that was enough to ramp up my internet usage after a lot of work to be more conscientious about it. I really wrote this off the hip, I just wanted to get some thoughts down.
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dn-838 · 9 months
How Aborted Genocide affects the Mettaton NEO battle
despite it's short length, Mettaton NEOs battle is definitely something that has brought up a lot of discussion, with people viewing it in very different ways. Some think that Mettaton NEO was just really weak and that things like his -40000 DEF in the files is canon, while others think that he never intended to actually fight us and was just working as a diversion to try and help more monsters evacuate before we attempt to face Asgore. As nice as all these ideas are, the nature of the fight is answered quite well in what is in my opinion the best and most underrated path in the entire game, Aborted Genocide. Now I could make a whole blog in of itself about why Aborted Genocide is such a masterpiece and how perfectly it does the arcs of every character, however this will just be focussing on what the route reveals about the Mettaton NEO encounter.
What is Aborted Genocide
For those of you who aren’t aware, Aborted Genocide is a Neutral ending that will always trigger if you spared any Mini-bosses or didn’t tire out the kill count in Hotlands after killing Undyne the Undying. Basically if you attack Monster Kid you are locked into getting Aborted Genocide or Genocide, with your actions in Hotlands quickly locking you into one of the two. While it is a mostly Genocide run with New Home being just like it is in Neutral. Mettaton NEO has a lot more to say when you kill him than in normal Genocide, and the ending itself is very different to your typical Neutral path, with Sans not speaking to us at all and Alphy’s being the one telling us how things are going (Sans isn’t completely absent, but he only has a couple lines aimed towards Alphy’s where he tells her that he found our number before Alphy’s is given the phone).
Technical stuff
Alright, so let’s just get the boring stuff out of the way first. Some people try to argue that the NEO body is canonically very unstable and weak, with the -40000 DEF in the files being his canonical stats. The problem with this is that relying on file stats would also require you to assume that Toriel magically has her DEF go all the way down to -9999 exclusively in a Genocide run, and that monsters like Whimsalot, the heavily armoured version of Whimsun that is trying to kill you, has less DEF than an ordinary shy Whimsun. You could try and make an argument that the stats are canon in Mettaton NEOs case because in Genocide the 900K-999K damage you do to him is scripted and isn’t actually the amount of damage you would do, however if your murder level (a stat present in the files of the game that calculates how far through the Genocide run you are which increases every time you kill a boss, mini-boss, unique enemy and clear an area) is below 15, the scripted damage is not present, and since the Mettaton NEO encounter is activated when your murder level is 12, facing him at any point between murder levels 12 and 14 will cause a normal amount of damage to be done, so the -40000 DEF is to make sure that an attack done would still kill in 1 hit (I know I could have just said that it’s not scripted in Aborted Genocide, but come on, if I’m gonna discuss the technical stuff I might as well go all out). I think we can safely assume that the 90 ATK & 9 DEF we see with Mettaton NEO in his check stats are intended to be the canon ones.
Mettaton NEOs dialogue
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This is Mettatons speech prior to becoming Mettaton NEO in both Genocide and Aborted Genocide. Mettaton seems to know what a threat we are to both Monsterkind and humanity, and he tries to stop us by bringing out his original and most dangerous form. Of course you could realistically still gather that he was working as a diversion so more monsters can evacuate before Asgore absorbs the souls and defeats you, at least you can argue that until you see what he has to say when you kill him in an Aborted Genocide run.
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Yes… Mettaton knew that Asgore wouldn’t absorb the Souls and that you would easily defeat him, but if that’s the case then he’d have had no reason to have only tried to work as a distraction, since either way everything was doomed. It seems most likely that Mettaton tried to fight you in a last ditch effort out of desperation, but since we grew so powerful and were so willing to cause harm, we were able to take him down easily. Speaking of that, on the topic of the Mettaton NEO fight, I have a little theory to share.
A tragic theory
So, let’s have a quick look at what Mettaton NEO says when we kill him in a normal Genocide run
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Yeah… there really doesn’t seem to be anything to it like there is on an Aborted Genocide path, however I believe it actually holds quite a bit more importance than we originally thought, and that these 2 lines of dialogue make this death one of the saddest scenes in the entire game. Of course he talks here about his “fanclub”, which you would assume to be what is mentioned by him in the Neutral ending where he becomes ruler and that some of the Hotlands NPCs bring up, however there is something else that he calls a “fanclub”.
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In Mettaton’s old house, he has a set of diaries, one of which he talks about how he first met Alphy’s, at a “human fanclub” no less. Now at first this seems to be the only time this human Fanclub is ever mentioned, but I believe that this was what he was referring to in his final Genocide line. While yes this may seem like a stretch, the thing is in Genocide Mettaton shows more care towards humanity than himself, accepting his death in Aborted Genocide because he knows that humanity will live on. I believe that Mettaton in Genocide meant the opposite. He didn’t know about Sans, he believed he truly was the only hope, and for that reason, when we take him down, he thinks that’s it, he thinks humanity is doomed, and he says “guess you don’t wanna join my Fanclub” for that very reason, to him, they are all already doomed… because of you.
TL;DR - Mettaton was genuinely trying to fight us and believed he was the last hope
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zaevauhm · 2 years
Rain Drabble
you’re an f1 driver, partnered up with lewis, a crash happens that brings you close to your biggest rival
word count 1.5k
mentions of accidents + sex
sidenote: this was a dream I had a year ago, and my friend asked me to write it all out ahhahshs,
i am not a max fan (dont necessarily dislike him either) but yeah, enjoy my loves
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Rain. Lots of it was pouring down, straight into the Red Bull Ring. Completely zoned out, you watched it pour down the windows, as the last fans with worried expressions on their faces were making their way out of the circuit. You were sitting in a conference room, Lewis to your left and Max to your right. Christian and Toto fighting each other right in front of you. What were they even yelling so hard for? And why couldn’t you stay with the medics for a little longer, again? It felt like your head was slowly being ripped from your body. The pain was starting to kick in badly, as the adrenaline wore off. Still, it felt like you would pass out any minute by now. It was so hard to keep your eyes open.
There had been an accident, either Max or Lewis, your teammate, had squeezed you into the wall at a certain point, without a thing you could have done about it. Numb and frozen in those milliseconds, you allowed the car to fly into the wall at 250 km/h, you in it.
Toto was furious, banging the table in front of you, having Lewis trying to calm him down. ‘’This is completely unacceptable! It is obvious that your boy is the one who caused it, Christian, just look at the fucking footage!’’ He ranted and ranted. You noticed an apologetic Max opening his mouth, before immediately being shut down by his team principal, with nothing more than a face that screamed thunder. ‘’That nearly fucking killed my driver, Christian. Measures need to be taken. It can’t go on like this. I can’t send her out again, risking her life in every lap just because your boy doesn’t know how to keep his distance.’’
It felt as if the meeting took hours, your pains only increasing. Lewis gestured for you to lean against him, but it was the last thing that you wanted. Your on-off relationship with your teammate was something you’d rather forget about, completely. He wanted to keep you a secret, so be it. As you stared back out of the windows, you noticed that Max caught your eyes. You stared him dead in the eyes, for a moment before he whispered to you softly. ‘’I’m really sorry.’’
‘’I know.’’ You gestured, beneath your breath.
Lewis noticed, as he was watching your every movement. He leaned back in his chair, obviously displeased by the fact that there was any communication between you and your rival. You couldn’t care less about his feelings at this point.
Finally, several hours later, you were released of everything. You had showered, changed, and took some more pain killers. It was nighttime by now, the circuit dimmed. Most drivers were inside of their motorhomes, resting or still having brief conversations.
You walked by yourself, keeping your eyes on the ground, holding a water bottle under your right arm, squeezing it against your ribs, as well as your medical files. You were feeling completely drained, tired, wanting nothing more than to lay your head down and sleep for days. The soreness in your back and neck was almost unbearable. You took your phone out, 11:39 PM. 8 Missed calls, Lewis. You locked your phone again and put it back in the back pocket of your jeans.
You got interrupted from your thoughts as someone bumped into you, quite roughly. ‘’Watch where you’re going you piece of…’’ You couldn’t finish your sentence as you noticed who was in front of you. Broad shoulders, a bit taller than you, piercing blue eyes staring you down. Max.
‘’You pushing me into the wall just doesn’t do it for you, huh? You had to make sure to knock me over here as well.’’ Your tone dead serious, although you didn’t mean to come across as angry, not necessarily. It was too late anyway, and frankly, he deserved it.
‘’I thought you weren’t mad at me anymore.’’
You raised one eyebrow at the Red Bull driver, utterly confused. ‘’Just watch where you’re going next time, you might actually keep us alive.’’ You spilled, before walking off towards your motorhome.
‘’Y/N.’’ A voice echoed right behind you, as you walked up the stairs, about to enter through the front door. It was almost completely dark at this part of the circuit. Without a single soul in sight, the familiar voice startled you. ‘’What do you want from me?’’ You looked over your shoulder, down at him.
You had never actually spoken to him, nor did he ever linger in your mind. You didn’t know him at all, why was he suddenly following you around? He had already apologized, after all.
‘’May I?’’ He asked, waiting for your permission to follow you up the stairs. You nodded, still zoned out, as he slowly walked towards you, before standing awfully close in front of you. Was he trying to intimidate you? If so, it was slightly working.
‘’I wanted to apologize.’’
‘’You already have, Max. It’s fine.’’ You tried to shake him, but he wouldn’t have it.
Your eyes widened, as you knew exactly what he meant. Was he being serious?
He took all of your stuff out of your hands and placed it on the table next to your door.
Slowly, he made his way back towards you. Step by step, you stepped back until your back was leaning against the glass window of your motorhome. His breath was awfully close to your neck now, sending shivers down your back. What was it about him?
You gasped when you felt his lips touch your bare neck, as if you hadn’t been touched for years. He took his head back, examining you, smiling at you devilishly. He was everything Lewis wasn’t. The polar opposite, in fact. Maybe that was it? Maybe you longed for something different, after years of being with Lewis in secret. Well, he was willing to give it to you.
He allowed himself to come close to you again. ‘’Does that feel good?’’ He whispers onto your lips, making you smile a little. ‘’Yes.’’ You just noticed how big he was in comparison to yourself, his body was blocking any view you had before by now.
He grabbed your waist and pulled you closer onto him, gently squeezing you in the process. He slowly made his way to your chest, leaving a trail of kisses as he went down, before releasing you from your jeans, your phone falling down with it. He looked up at you, asking for permission again before pressing soft kisses onto your thighs. His eyes sparkled something in you, that left you wanting him to do with you as he pleased.
He continued kissing your thighs, before gently pulling your string to the side, leaving you filled with anticipation. You were surprised to learn that he actually knew what he was doing. You felt his tongue drawing circles around your entrance, soft moans leaving your mouth as your hands were clinging to the glass behind you. Did you just hear something move inside of your home? He lifted his head up a little, licking you from entrance to top, making your legs weak. Suddenly, he got up, roughly turning you around and pushing your face onto the glass, pulling your arms behind you. You gasped. ‘’So this is what it’s like to be Hamilton.’’ His voice was filled with anger. You gasped within yourself. The fact that he knew, somehow, was something that couldn’t bother you at that moment. You wanted more. He entered you with two of his fingers, deeply, making you curve your ass up towards him. You moaned, leaning your head back against his shoulder. ‘’This is what he gets to taste, huh?’’ He whispered into your neck, making you even weaker. He stopped his movements, forcing you to answer him. ‘’Tell me.’’
‘’Yes.’’ You moaned, shyly. For sure your cheeks were bright red by now. The mixture of pleasure with the amount of pain killers and medication the medics had pumped you full of, left you in a strange, unknown state of mind. You loved being touched by him, somebody other than Lewis. He shook you from your thoughts as he sped up, getting you close to the point of orgasming right there. Your phone was staring right at you, lingering on the floor, as Lewis’ caller ID was shown on the screen. It just made you feel shyer than ever, the fact that two men wanted you more than anything, at the same time. And which men… They hated eachothers’ guts. ‘’Are you going to listen to me?’’ His voice filled the atmosphere around you. You nodded, slowly. ‘’I want to see you cum.’’ He whispered as you saw him looking down in the reflection, to your phone. You did, Max holding you firmly, feeling how weak he had gotten you. It felt as if you got your senses back, right there in that moment, leaving you confused and wanting to run. ‘’I’m sorry, I have to go inside.’’ You stumbled, as he grabbed you by your arms, making you face him. ‘’It’s okay, you don’t owe me anything. I just wanted to make you feel good. Also, no one is hearing about this.’’
‘’Okay.’’ You trusted him.
You opened your door; Max still right behind you, as your breath got stuck into your throat, almost bumping back onto him as you saw who was staring you down from behind the glass. Lewis.
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mariacallous · 10 months
Scrolling through social media can feel like a nightmare these days. You’re reading about the horrors of the Israel-Hamas war, and then you’re reading about the horrors of the war between Ukraine and Russia. You’re learning about the latest devastating climate news. Democracy is under threat in America. It can feel like everything is falling apart.
This, of course, can have a significant effect on your mental health. You start to feel overwhelmed. Not only are you dealing with the regular stresses of daily life—your job, your finances, your personal relationships—but now you’re thinking about the most serious problems the world is facing. Social media algorithms tend to elevate the most contentious content, so these feeds are showing you things that will elicit a visceral response—they’re putting the doom in doomscrolling.
According to psychology experts, this has become a serious problem. People are ingesting too much negative news, and it’s not only affecting them personally but impacting society at large. People can handle some bad news, but what if it’s a lot of bad news? And what if a lot of people are doing this while trying to function in the world together?
Matthew Price, a professor of psychological science at the University of Vermont, says that stress is cumulative. One thing starts stressing you out, and then it’s another thing, and then one more thing. Suddenly, you’re spiraling. He says the stress can continue throughout your day even when you’ve stopped bingeing on bad news on social media.
“Some of the work that we have done has shown it definitely increases your stress in the moment. It could increase your stress throughout the rest of your day,” Price says. “When you doomscroll, it gets much easier to reach your limit than I think you would if you weren’t doing that.”
Price says ingesting a lot of negative news can cause anxiety and depression, at least for some period of time, but it’s especially likely to “exacerbate” anxiety, depression, and PTSD in people who have a history of experiencing those conditions. He says that people often doomscroll because there’s something bad going on and they want to find a way to fix the problem they’re reading about.
“When we’re doomscrolling, we’re kind of looking for the resolution to the issue. Read some more posts. Read some more articles. If I get more information, then maybe I’ll understand the problem,” Price says, describing the doomscrolling cycle.
This doesn’t just affect individuals. When a lot of people are experiencing the stress of the news of the world at once, it can make them more likely to “snap at each other,” Price says. We may not realize it, but the reason that guy was rude to you at Starbucks might be that he has read too many damn scary news articles.
“When you have multiple people who are struggling, they’re going to have a harder time communicating together,” says Bethany Teachman, a professor of psychology at the University of Virginia. “We have to think of these things from a systemic perspective or we’re not going to be very effective at making change.”
Teachman says doomscrolling can “skew our sense of what’s going on.” You start to think everything and everyone is the worst, but it’s quite possible little of it is actually affecting you personally. Perhaps terrible news from around the world would not be changing your daily life unless you were reading about it, and it’s important to recognize when it’s time to log off.
“We do need to stay informed, but when we move past informed to feeling overwhelmed and often paralyzed and feeling like we’re under constant threat, it’s clearly crossed over into a negative place,” Teachman says. “I think part of what’s happening is most of the news stories tend to be negative, so it gives us this sense that we’re in a constant state of danger and that we are vulnerable and the world is a very dangerous place.”
In terms of solutions, Teachman says people need to limit their exposure to social media and the news to keep their lives balanced. It’s OK to read some news to stay informed and check out what people are saying online, but it can get unhealthy if you overdo it. Once you’ve read enough to know what’s going on, think of other things that you enjoy doing and that help you maintain your mental health, she says.
“It’s not about ‘this is a bad thing and this is a good thing.’ It’s about how you engage with it and how it fits in with the rest of what’s going on in your life,” Teachman says. “How are you living the rest of your life, and what are the impacts on that?”
If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the news, Teachman says it’s important to consider what your values are and how you can act on those values in your daily life. Think about who you want to be and what you want to accomplish. This can focus your mind when you’re feeling overwhelmed.
If you’re not feeling like you’re who you want to be right now, she says, think of small things you can do to get closer to becoming that person. Think about the things you can do to get closer to that goal so you’re more capable of handling stress and feeling mentally well, and about the things you can do to help solve the problems you’re worried about.
“Take a step back from your social media. Take a step back from your phone. Take a step back from the stressors unless the thing that’s stressful is imminently going to harm you,” Price says. “And get more local.”
Price says that acting locally on issues you’re concerned about can help you maintain your mental health because otherwise things can feel too far away and too difficult to solve. Maybe you can’t end a war, but perhaps you can help some people in your community or get your community to do something that helps a bigger problem.
People are overwhelmed. They’re tired. Sometimes you want to just curl up in a ball and pull your comforter over your head. Teachman says that’s the worst thing you can do for your mental health. It’s important to connect with people to maintain your mental health, she says, and sometimes you can connect with people and be part of the solution to a problem at the same time.
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oboetemasuka · 6 months
On Death's Door (Fuuta)
A sequel of sorts to the one about Amane.
The "everyone is dead theory" meets "Order of Attack" much later down the line. (some time after chapter 14)
How did Fuuta's life come to this?
Cw: suicide (the aftermath of an attempt), cult mindset
Of all the ways to die, Fuuta figures that slowly withering away in bed has got to be the most miserable. He can't tell if the room is empty or if he's surrounded by machines. If something heavy is wrapped around his arm or if those are needles- wait, he thought he swore off painkillers. But is that something he can even do? Where did the thought come from?
He can't move. He's in so much pain that he's gone numb. He doesn't remember how it all came to this.
How long has he been here? He tries to remember what happened before this.
He was in his room. On the ground. Head throbbing from a fall. His phone on the floor. A bottle rolling nearby. Voices swirling through his head.
"Was this all a game to you?"
"There's blood on your hands."
"You had no right to start a witch hunt."
"It's over for you."
Reading the words off the cracked screen made them feel so real. The last thing he sensed before it all went dark was someone opening the door. Was it his sister? Who else?
But no, there was no glint of a phone screen. No rolling bottle. It couldn't have been his room because it was so barren. He could have sworn someone was standing over him. Then who entered his room next, if not his sister?
Those voices were right. He's a cold-blooded killer. The scum of the earth. He has no right to live on after what he did. And if he is going to die like this, wasting away… this must have been how that girl went too. He deserves this.
Stuck in bed, he still can't figure out his surroundings. All he knows is that it is bright and sterile and numbing and yet he can still feel the pain. 
Someone stands at his bedside. He can barely hear her voice.
"…hold on… don't die… I don't…"
For a moment, he thinks that's his sister, but her voice sounds different. He can't quite place it. He is so out of it. 
Maybe it won't be so bad if the last thing he sees is his sister's face. 
"Nee-san…" he whispers, turning his head so he can get a better look.
He can't hear her response, but she sounds confused. He can't see her clearly, but his sister looks so small. The colors around him don't make sense, though he's sure she doesn't typically have that much green on her. But it has to be her. Who else?
"Nee-san," he whispers again. "I'm… sorry…"
"Fuuta-san, what are you saying… why are you calling me that?"
Why wouldn't he call her that? Actually, why is she calling him Fuuta-san?
"Stay with me. Please… don't die… I'm so sorry. I didn't mean…"
Why is she apologizing? She hadn't done anything wrong. It was his fault for leading a smear campaign, even if he never meant for anyone to die. It was his fault for refusing to own up to to the consequences. All she ever did was… say…
…reject his evil work. You don't have to depend on him. It's not… too late to change your ways. To shed those bandages. We can be good together-
A moment of clarity strikes. This girl who has been hovering over him the whole time isn't his sister. It's…
Fuuta isn't sure what had happened these past few days, but he feels an inexplicable increased appreciation for Shidou. He felt bad for being the patient from hell even in his bedridden state, so he promised to cooperate from now on.
Amane sits by his bedside, lost in thought. Well, maybe she was more of a patient from hell than he was, but whatever transpired made her begrudgingly accept medical care.
"Oh. Fuuta-san. How are you feeling?"
"Awful as hell. But… at least I can make sense of things now."
"Do you have any siblings? Older ones?"
"Where… is this coming from? Well… I have an older sister."
"Do you think about her a lot?"
"Huh…? Sometimes. Why?"
"You kept calling me 'Nee-san' the other day."
"No, I didn't…"
"Could something have reminded you of her?"
"Hell if I know." But he can't shake the thought that Amane is onto something.
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hazbinextgeneration · 9 months
Housed Hearts Ch8 REALTORS And Roses
(Hey everyone. I just wanted to thank everyone who read this far and liked my story enough to read it to it's end. I had a lot of fun writing it and it makes me happy knowing some people loved it enough to read it fully. If you liked this consider checking out my other works. Thanks to everyone for reading this, faving it, or leaving a nice comment. And thank you to Mortisfox for creating such wonderful characters and giving me the opportunity to make this wonderful story. Art is by me.
Warning: Mentioning of Rose Losing her eye by having it clawed out, mentioning of Maison being beaten, and Rose's scars.)
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The walk all the way back to Maison's main body was tense and stressful with Rose looking over her shoulder every five minutes and increasing her pace every time. Thankfully she was able to get him back before anything bad could happen to him. Thank goodness. The first thing she did was bring him into her home and look him over. He wasn't too bad actually thank gosh. So she cleaned up the sap from his face and carried him back to his main body. If he was to heal the damage to his lure then he needed a long rest. A phonecall was made to Ivy right after, and the next morning she called Ivy again and shoved her phone in Maison's face making him retell her everything and what those people looked like. But Maison soon found out that wasn't the end of Rose's forceful help. She returned later the same day. Didn't even bother to knock. She just opened up his front door with a frown on her face and stared at his still slightly damaged lure limply hanging from the ceiling lamp made of flesh. It was enough to startle him away however.
"Ms. Willow! What are you doing just barging in like this?," his voice echoed throughout the home. "Don't you know it's rude to not knock before entering?!"
Rose answered by just chucking a giant box of food into his house. Fruits bounced around as a few slabs of meat like pork chops and a few hotdogs thudded along with them. "There's your food!" She sounded angry and annoyed at him as she pointed at his limp lure. "You're gonna be out of commission for a while. Y'know why? BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T LISTEN TO ME THAT'S WHY!! So you're going to stay home and heal until this entire thing blows over! I might be in trouble because of you and I have another problem because Heim heard what happened and he's coming over to check on me! So now I have to worry about him out there too! So just digest your food and quite playing with it!" With that she slammed her door shut before he could respond.
"Dear Rose, please wait!"He was quick to reanimated his lure and wobble after her on sore legs. He winced. Yep. This thing would be sore for a while. The door was quickly yanked back open and he limped out. "ROSE?!" 
UPON hearing her name, the red head stopped and turned around to look back at him with a frown just as a certain someone came waddling down the street towards her too. Bristling, he quickly limped his lure down the driveway and towards her as she rose a brow unimpressed. 
"Heya pal!" She turned to a huffing and puffing man as he waddled to stop in front of her and wheezed. "Man. I might be getting outta shape."He then smiled at her. "Hey Rose! I came to see how you were!"
She sighed. "I told you not to. I said I was fine. It's Maison that's banged up."
In question Heim turned to look at the limping lure and winced hissing through his teeth. "Golly gee pal. You do look banged up. Did they make off with anything?"
"Oh..Close your yapping front door!," Maison indignantly hissed as a hand rubbed at the tatters of his coat. Those would take the longest to heal back.
Heim however looked back to Rose as she rolled her eye, tilted his head, and then looked horrified. "R-Rose." She turned back to him in question as he nervously pointed at her face. "Bud..What happened to your face there?" Rose paused. "Are ya hurt? D-Do ya want me to call an ambulance?"
There was another moment of silence before Rose sighed. "No. A hospital wouldn't do me any good. I've been living without an eye for years."
Both men stared stunned by that revelation. "....Rose?" 
She turned to Maison. And the two just stood there staring at one another. Maison hesitated before holding up a hand to her face. Rose made absolutely no move to stop him as his hand slowly reached over and gently pulled back her silky red bangs from her face. What they were met with startled them into stunned silence. Three long but very thin scars ran across Rose's skin and over her closed eyelid ending partially on her cheek. An incident long since past but etched forever into her skin. For a moment no one said anything until one of them asked.
She only smiled sadly. "It happened when I was a little girl. I was playing in the backyard and ran into something that didn't like me too much." Her hand reached up to rub over the forever closed eyelid. "I have no idea what it was but I've been living with this for a while.  Don't worry. It doesn't hurt but sometimes it's hard to see things coming from that side. .... It's a reason I don't like anyone hurt.'' She then pushed on Maison's chest making him blink. "So you rest up and heal." She then turned to Heim. "And I want you to go home immediately and stay there until this entire thing blows over. I'll talk to you both about it once everything's safer and calms down."
They didn't look so convinced especially Maison but Heim nodded. "Alright pal. If that'll really make ya happy. I wouldn't mind a break anyways."
Maison huffed not one to be outdone so easily. "Agreed. But only on the condition that this conversation is continued later. There's more to discuss."
With a nod Rose nodded and smiled widely. "Deal. For now let's all just rest for a long while."
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echantedtoon · 9 months
Housed Hearts Ch8 REALTORS And Roses
(Hey everyone. I just wanted to thank everyone who read this far and liked my story enough to read it to it's end. I had a lot of fun writing it and it makes me happy knowing some people loved it enough to read it fully. If you liked this consider checking out my other works. Thanks to everyone for reading this, faving it, or leaving a nice comment. And thank you to Mortisfox for creating such wonderful characters and giving me the opportunity to make this wonderful story. Art is by me.
Warning: Mentioning of Rose Losing her eye by having it clawed out, mentioning of Maison being beaten, and Rose's scars.)
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The walk all the way back to Maison's main body was tense and stressful with Rose looking over her shoulder every five minutes and increasing her pace every time. Thankfully she was able to get him back before anything bad could happen to him. Thank goodness. The first thing she did was bring him into her home and look him over. He wasn't too bad actually thank gosh. So she cleaned up the sap from his face and carried him back to his main body. If he was to heal the damage to his lure then he needed a long rest. A phonecall was made to Ivy right after, and the next morning she called Ivy again and shoved her phone in Maison's face making him retell her everything and what those people looked like. But Maison soon found out that wasn't the end of Rose's forceful help. She returned later the same day. Didn't even bother to knock. She just opened up his front door with a frown on her face and stared at his still slightly damaged lure limply hanging from the ceiling lamp made of flesh. It was enough to startle him away however.
"Ms. Willow! What are you doing just barging in like this?," his voice echoed throughout the home. "Don't you know it's rude to not knock before entering?!"
Rose answered by just chucking a giant box of food into his house. Fruits bounced around as a few slabs of meat like pork chops and a few hotdogs thudded along with them. "There's your food!" She sounded angry and annoyed at him as she pointed at his limp lure. "You're gonna be out of commission for a while. Y'know why? BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T LISTEN TO ME THAT'S WHY!! So you're going to stay home and heal until this entire thing blows over! I might be in trouble because of you and I have another problem because Heim heard what happened and he's coming over to check on me! So now I have to worry about him out there too! So just digest your food and quite playing with it!" With that she slammed her door shut before he could respond.
"Dear Rose, please wait!"He was quick to reanimated his lure and wobble after her on sore legs. He winced. Yep. This thing would be sore for a while. The door was quickly yanked back open and he limped out. "ROSE?!" 
UPON hearing her name, the red head stopped and turned around to look back at him with a frown just as a certain someone came waddling down the street towards her too. Bristling, he quickly limped his lure down the driveway and towards her as she rose a brow unimpressed. 
"Heya pal!" She turned to a huffing and puffing man as he waddled to stop in front of her and wheezed. "Man. I might be getting outta shape."He then smiled at her. "Hey Rose! I came to see how you were!"
She sighed. "I told you not to. I said I was fine. It's Maison that's banged up."
In question Heim turned to look at the limping lure and winced hissing through his teeth. "Golly gee pal. You do look banged up. Did they make off with anything?"
"Oh..Close your yapping front door!," Maison indignantly hissed as a hand rubbed at the tatters of his coat. Those would take the longest to heal back.
Heim however looked back to Rose as she rolled her eye, tilted his head, and then looked horrified. "R-Rose." She turned back to him in question as he nervously pointed at her face. "Bud..What happened to your face there?" Rose paused. "Are ya hurt? D-Do ya want me to call an ambulance?"
There was another moment of silence before Rose sighed. "No. A hospital wouldn't do me any good. I've been living without an eye for years."
Both men stared stunned by that revelation. "....Rose?" 
She turned to Maison. And the two just stood there staring at one another. Maison hesitated before holding up a hand to her face. Rose made absolutely no move to stop him as his hand slowly reached over and gently pulled back her silky red bangs from her face. What they were met with startled them into stunned silence. Three long but very thin scars ran across Rose's skin and over her closed eyelid ending partially on her cheek. An incident long since past but etched forever into her skin. For a moment no one said anything until one of them asked.
She only smiled sadly. "It happened when I was a little girl. I was playing in the backyard and ran into something that didn't like me too much." Her hand reached up to rub over the forever closed eyelid. "I have no idea what it was but I've been living with this for a while.  Don't worry. It doesn't hurt but sometimes it's hard to see things coming from that side. .... It's a reason I don't like anyone hurt.'' She then pushed on Maison's chest making him blink. "So you rest up and heal." She then turned to Heim. "And I want you to go home immediately and stay there until this entire thing blows over. I'll talk to you both about it once everything's safer and calms down."
They didn't look so convinced especially Maison but Heim nodded. "Alright pal. If that'll really make ya happy. I wouldn't mind a break anyways."
Maison huffed not one to be outdone so easily. "Agreed. But only on the condition that this conversation is continued later. There's more to discuss."
With a nod Rose nodded and smiled widely. "Deal. For now let's all just rest for a long while."
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