#Mariko Oozono
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Megaman Production Art Scan of the Day #954:
Formal Attire Maylu and Ms. Mari Genga From Rockman.EXE Season 1
Full Resolution Scan: https://imgbox.com/eTvAQNIN
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contexterrorexe · 3 years
Mariko: Netto, can you read number 23 for the class?
Netto: No, I cannot... What up? I'm Netto, I'm 19 and I never fuckin' learned how to read.
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ick25 · 7 years
Rockman EXE Review. Episode 2
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The episode where this shot came from.
I enjoyed making the first review, I just had to continue! If I dont review them who will?  A better critic, I hope.
Once again, my sad excuse of an anime review. But you know what? I dont care! This is fun!
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That came out of nowhere.
The episode opens with a shot of Dekao’s house where he is repairing Gutsman who got damaged on the last episode. During this, we get a glimse of Dekaos messy room.
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And it turns out he owns one of them rat catching machines, also known as a cat...bot. Seems like a good purchase if you cant afford to take care of a real cat or youre just not a cat person.
But it seems its not really a good idea since an electrical surge takes over the catbot and suddently attacks Dekao, leading to an injury serious enough to be taken to the hospital.
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Dont laugh... It must be serious, its not like you can you just turn the catbot off and unscrew its head or anything.
Netto and Meiru see Dekao in the hospital because Gutsman was worried about him, and maybe trying to cheer him up by having Meiru visit him.
The visit ends on everyone laughing at his “injury” and Netto making Dekao angry by telling him he would go on a date with Meiru, of course, Meiru doesnt find this funny and hits Netto in the gut.
The next scene, Netto and Meiru are visiting Sal aka Saloma, a minor character who had a sandwich stand in the game but now owns a flower shop.
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And instead of sandwiches she serves tea.
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I’m loving the design for the tea cups.
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Sure, that is totally the face I make when I drink something hot. 
Roll wonders why Dekaos catbot suddently attack him and Meiru says that it was probably the work of World Three aka WWW. ( it doesnt stand for world Wide Web).
Netto, being oblivious to his surroundings, has no idea what World Three is, so Saloma explains him.
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If by “crimes” you mean terrorism than yes.
She also tells Netto that they were the ones behind the oven fires, because everybody has an oven conected to the internet!
After tea, Netto and Meiru continue walking through town where they encounter Masa, the local fisherman that hates technology and who only talks about fish and kids needing their daily calcium.
He mistakes Netto and Meiru being on a date and they explain to him that they where visiting Dekao at the hospital, Masa, being that crazy neighborhood fisherman that he is, believes Dekao didn’t eat enough calcium and rushes over to the hospital.
After he leaves, Meiru and Netto inmediatly spot their school teacher Ms.Mari aka Oozono Mariko, acting suspicious when entering an antique shop, the same shop own by Miyu aka Miyu...ki.
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In the anime, Miyuki also works as a fortune teller, although I’ve never seen her sale antiques.
Meiru explains to Netto why Mariko-sensei looked so suspicious, its because she doesnt want anyone knowing she sees a fortune teller and deducing by the way she blushes, she obviously asks questions about finding love.
While Mariko is dying of embarrassment with Meiru and Netto finding out about her secret, and after Masa triggers Dekao in the hospital by telling him Netto and Meiru are in a date, a strange flow of electricity is causing disasters in Dencity aka Den...san? Thats just lazy.
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A wave of crimes, indeed! But to be fair, terrorism is a crime.
Yes, World Three endangers people, but this part was really funny.
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Damn it son, if your mom runs for her life you should be right behind her!
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Todays robot master is Elecman! Or is it suppouse to be Electricman? Japanese pronounciation is hard to get.
The flow of electricity is caused by Elecman going around the citys network, because... Cyber electricity works just like real electricity? I dont know, it probably has something to do with whatever Count zap aka Elec Hakushaku is doing with his electric guitar. Its never explained.
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Back at the antique shop, after what I guess was a very long pause, Miyuki breaks the silence by saying that she sees “Flowing water”.
Netto doesnt seem to believe her of course and she suddently asks for his name, he introduces himself and then she asks for his Navis name.
After responding, Miyuki is about to say something about Rockman after a long pause. 
But Netto gets a heart attack before she finishes because of Dekaos screams, he had left the hospital and got bitten in the leg by yet another roboanimal gone crazy right outside Miyukis shop.
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He manages to shake off the pooch that then proceeds to steal Mariko-sensei’s purse for some reason, or maybe it wanted to bite her and took the bag with it when she dodged it.
Netto gives chase to the dog by putting on his skates in the most extreme way possible!
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Meiru goes along too and they both end up getting on a subway train and find out that the dogbot isnt crazy anymore due to plot convenience.
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While there, they notice the train is speeding up, the conductor notices as well and tries to stop it but hes unable to comunicate with the control central and when he attemps to switch the controls to manual...
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Yeah... I have nothing.
The passengers discover the conductor passed out and its up to the eleven year old to save the day! By throwing a fire extinguisher at the door!
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Arent fire extinguishers heavy?
The adults take the unconscious conductor out while Netto an Meiru get inside the conductor’s room.
And after a fake scare of crashing with another train, Rockman tells Netto to send him into the trains computer to find out whats going on.
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Inside the trains computer we see something interesting, the viruses invading the computer seem to be working together, we have two electrical viruses, Billies and twisties.
The billies are destroing the baracades put up by the train programs and the twisties are stunning them, paralyzing the train controls.
Rockman starts busting viruses but with the programs stunned the train cannot be stopped. So he tells Netto to take everyone to the second cart and separate it from the engine. 
Netto does so and while hes trying to separate the carts, Rockman gets struke by lightning, revealing his enemy.
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The elementary school student, once again, is doing all the hard work since nobody tries to help him separate the carts.
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He successfully separates the cart, no thanks to the adults, but it turns out he did it too soon because Rockman is still in the trains computer and Netto has to get him out of there! So he takes a leap of faith and jumps to the other cart but slips, thankfully, the dogbot jumps as well and tries to help him.
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So while Rockman is getting fried by Elecman, Netto is holding on for dear life!
Netto manages to regain balance and reconects just in time to save Rockman using the “Barrier” battle chip. Netto sends Rockman the same chips they used to defeat Fireman. The Shotgun battle chip and the sword.
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Remember, this is the original version, so the sword isnt blurred out, that was the american edit.
Elecman counters with an Elec sword, before it was introduced in a future episode, they have one of those anime shots where it looks like a draw but turns out one of them actually got hit, and for some reason that affects Elec Hakushaku in the real world as well.
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All I know is that Elecman was conected to his electric guitar and logged out once the Hakushaku un-plugged it.
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Netto celebrates his victory but forgets he has to stop the train, since Elecman was defeated the controls can now be switch to manual, with Rockmans help , Netto actives the brakes and manages to stop the train 2cm from the wall.
How do I know this?
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After miraculously avoiding the crash, Netto decides to leave the train but not before seeing Miyukis prediction come true.
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So the WWW was defeated once again, a crisis was adverted, the hero gets a hug from the girl and the episode ends with Dekao screaming in pain for the sixth time in the episode.
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What do I think?
Just like with the oven explosions, there were many things that never got to be answered, like why the robotcat never let go of Dekaos leg even after Elecman was defeated? What was Miyuki going to say about Rockman? And why is something like a subway system conected to the internet?
The art style from this episode is diferent from the previous one, a noticeble detail in the episode is that Rockman was drawen with eyebrows!
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Eyebrows! I believe this is a designing mistake.
Comparing the episode to the american dub, Dekaos dialogue involving his crush on Meiru was change, for example, the sceane where Masa is visiting Dekao at the hospital trying to get the catbot off his leg with fish, Masa mentions that Netto and Meiru were on a date, this infuriates Dekao and is the reason why he was suddently outside of Miyuki’s shop and not in the hospital. In the Dub, Dekao gets angry because he realized how dumb Masas idea was of distracting the a robotic cat with a fish. 
I guess seeing someone getting jealous and be possesive over a girl was not setting a good example for kids, specially since Dekao constantly tells Netto to stay away from “HIS” Meiru-chan.
I’ll forgive the recycled shots and animation for Netto since he did used the same chips from last time.
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Megaman Production Art Scan of the Day #849:
Rockman.EXE Axess Episode 6 (Part A) Storyboards [Page 43]
Hastily Translated Summary: 97 - Pan from the bottom of the lane up to the pins. Ball with a classic curve into the pocket 98 - It's a stunning strike Sound Effect (S.E.): Pins crashing 99 - Mariko standing Mariko: "Hehehe...Both of you are pretty good... Ball appears in Mariko's hand Mariko: "But so am I!"
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POV when Mariko-sensei is going to obliterate you. Full Resolution Scan: https://imgbox.com/er2KvJBs
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Megaman Production Art Scan of the Day #982:
Formalwear Maylu and Ms. Mari Genga From Rockman.EXE Season 1
Full Resolution Scan: https://imgbox.com/sf5U14fV
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Megaman Production Art Scan of the Day #968:
Friend Group Genga From Rockman.EXE Season 1
Notations include: - Line of sight - Window outside white target - Hallway ceiling - Dome
Full Resolution Scan: https://imgbox.com/FRntt02K
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Megaman Production Art Scan of the Day #872:
Rockman.EXE Axess Episode 6 (Part B) Storyboards [Part B Cover Page and Page 67]
Hastily Translated Summary: [Cover] Episode #6B Part A ~ 158 cuts 674 seconds 12K Part B ~ 173 cuts 599 seconds +0K _______________________________ Total ~ 331 cuts 1274 seconds 12K + Overage *Note ~ Bowling pin: The crown mark is trademarked. I have drawn it on the storyboards, but please leave them out. Eyecatch Part B [Page 67] 159 - Netto: "We can't afford to lose now!" Netto stands ready to throw. Pans left to right to show Meiru and Mariko offering support Meiru: "Go, go, Netto!!" Mariko: "Stay strong!!" 160 - Netto starts his motion to throw 161 - Bowlman grinning
Time to get back in the swing of things. I've been too distracted with FF7 Rebirth, among the usual work stuff, but need to get this rolling again. Post eyecatch, today we begin with the second half of the episode. Full Resolution Scans: Part B Cover Page - https://imgbox.com/QdzNDD00 Page 67 - https://imgbox.com/XuqTRPVY
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Megaman Production Art Scan of the Day #936:
Rockman.EXE Axess Episode 6 (Part B) Storyboards [Page 132]
Hastily Translated Summary: 328 (cont.) - Higure falls over onto his back, and exits out the frame 329 - Netto, Meiru and Mariko look on as Higure falls Screen movement Sound Effect (S.E.): *Comical crash sounds* Mariko and Meiru: "!!" Netto: "Higure-san!" 330 - Rotate and Track Back from Higure Netto, Meiru and Mariko look down from atop the riverbank as Higure's body lies motionless on the riverbed grass Fade Out *END*
Let's finish bowling! After over 4 months, my only full episode worth of storyboard pages is now officially all posted! Thank you for putting up with the slow grind to get through it all! I have one remaining Axess storyboard half episode still unposted, but since this went on so long, I will hold off on that for a bit and move back to something else for a while. I don't know what yet, we'll see when I figure out what to scan later tonight. ^^; Happy Rockman Day, everyone!
Full Resolution Scan: https://imgbox.com/1PkBf34Z
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Megaman Production Art Scan of the Day #931:
Rockman.EXE Axess Episode 6 (Part B) Storyboards [Page 127]
Hastily Translated Summary: 317 - Remorseful Higure starts talking Higure: "I'm sorry for the inconvenience, everyone." 318 - Higure faces Mariko, Meiru and Netto Meiru: "Because of Bowlman's influence in the cyberworld, Higure-san was the best!" Netto: "Thanks to you, I failed!"
Full Resolution Scan: https://imgbox.com/l5g74yo8
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Megaman Production Art Scan of the Day #908:
Rockman.EXE Axess Episode 6 (Part B) Storyboards [Page 104]
Hastily Translated Summary: 264 - Netto reacts Netto: "Bowlman!" Rockman (offscreen): "Netto-kun!" 265 - Cyberworld Roll Soul Unison Rockman -> Return to normal Rockman Netto (offscreen): "Cross Fusion, Rockman!" Roll Soul Unison Rockman: "Yeah!" 3D particles surround him as Rockman breaks the Soul Unison and jacks out
Full Resolution Scan: https://imgbox.com/4CmErpmr
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Megaman Production Art Scan of the Day #883:
Rockman.EXE Axess Episode 6 (Part B) Storyboards [Page 78]
Hastily Translated Summary: 190 (cont.) - Netto and Meiru pop up into the scene as the camera tracks back from Higure's face Meiru: "Strategy?!" Netto (agitated): " Higure-saaaan...!" 191 - Sweat drops begin pouring down Higure's face Higure: "Doki~demasu." 192 - Big angry Netto face rises against a dark background Netto: "You were cheating with Numberman!!" Background back to normal Higure: "Aaaah, no, no, that is..." Higure folds his hands together in apology Higure: "...I'm sorry~demasu!"
Full Resolution Scan: https://imgbox.com/5Q2jMvyO
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Megaman Production Art Scan of the Day #880:
Rockman.EXE Axess Episode 6 (Part B) Storyboards [Page 75]
Hastily Translated Summary: 182 - Numberman is still all swirly-eyed from being knocked out He snaps out of it and realizes Numberman: "AH! I have to warn everyone!" 183 - Back in the bowling alley Netto's shoulders are slumped as he is greeted by Meiru, Mariko and Higure Netto: "That was definitely weird." Meiru: "It certainly was strange before, too."
Full Resolution Scan: https://imgbox.com/MtllTj4w
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Megaman Production Art Scan of the Day #730:
Group Sketch From Rockman.EXE Season 1
Notations include: - Meiru - Yaito - Pillar - Tohru
From Episode 14, Street Fight!, but...either he got a lot bigger, or Tohru kinda got cut from the scene and replaced.
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And with this post, I have officially hit 2 full years of Scan of the Day posts! Even if it took about 2 years and 10 months to do so. ^^;
As I did after hitting one full year, though, I think I need to take a little break again. A lot due to burnout and the repetition. So I am going to hit pause on daily posts starting tomorrow. Although you will laugh, because I have some new cels on the way, and I'll probably have those to post at the end of this week anyhow. But other than those, I just need a little breather for a bit again.
After 2 years of rescans, I really just need to get around to finally updating the Google photos gallery I was trying to keep as a master backup gallery, and just get a good batch of sheets rescanned and ready again. Or contemplating where I should continue posting. Especially in light of Twitter's exodus and changes, while everyone is sorta moving and whatnot.
And even though it's not looking promising for this year's Summer fanart competition being active...or even getting a single entry right now...just want to make sure I have time for that, too.
So as always, I will be back and still as mostly active as I am on the usual sites. But probably won't get back to the full grind of these daily posts until sometime in September.
Thank you all as always, for understanding.
Full Resolution Scan: https://imgbox.com/tDzXEXK6
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Megaman Production Art Scan of the Day #870:
Rockman.EXE Axess Episode 6 (Part A) Storyboards [Page 64]
Hastily Translated Summary: 152 (cont.) - Mariko turns to high-five Higure Mariko: "TURKEY! Yay!" 153 - Mariko and Higure's hands touch Sound Effect (S.E.): *Clap* 154 - Higure is in shock that Mariko touched his hand Mariko: "Wow, that's amazing! Higure-san is so great!" Higure stares at his hand 155 - Closeup of Higure's hand Short pan left to right Higure: "Mariko-sensei's and my hand in one..."
Full Resolution Scan: https://imgbox.com/RWUMPrmb
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Megaman Production Art Scan of the Day #869:
Rockman.EXE Axess Episode 6 (Part A) Storyboards [Page 63]
Hastily Translated Summary: 149 - Back to the 7 buildings on the Cyberworld screen Sound Effect (S.E.): *Pins crashing* Buildings explode and fall down 150 - Hologram line glitch happens again for Higure's pins Pins are all knocked down for a third strike 151 - Third consecutive strike mark appears on the scoreboard 152 - Mariko celebrates with Higure Higure: "Another another another strike~demasu!" Mariko: "Three consecutive strikes!"
Full Resolution Scan: https://imgbox.com/yPaDWI9Z
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Megaman Production Art Scan of the Day #867:
Rockman.EXE Axess Episode 6 (Part A) Storyboards [Page 61]
Hastily Translated Summary: 142 - Higure's surprised at the results Higure: "Another strike...?" Mariko-sensei causes Higure to blush Mariko: "Higure-san, you're a genius!" Higure: "What do you mean, a genius?" 143 - Higure gives a thumbs up Higure (internally, to himself): "I did it~demasu!" 144 - A second strike mark appears on the digital scoreboard 145 - Seven buildings shown on Bowlman's Cyberworld screen Pans down to a set of seven pins beneath the screen
Full Resolution Scan: https://imgbox.com/Za5aoXLJ
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