#Mark Morris Dance Group
pop-goes-the-weasel · 10 months
(My first Yeehaewgust entry, 15 days late. Featuring a baby Quincey P. Morris, in Texas. Thanks to @goth-lit-aaron and @severedfeetpics for the help with the Spanish. Text below Ao3 Link)
Gather the Posse
‘’Robert!!!’’ little Quincey screamed, bounding, over footstools and armchairs, straight into the arms of his brother, freshly returned from Harvard.
‘’Quincito, how you’ve grown!’’ Robert swung his eight-year-old brother round, kicking aside hampers and carpet-bags to get a wider berth to do so.
‘’Robertito, it is time we stopped calling him Quincito; he has learned to ride.’’
‘’Already, Papa? So where have you been, Mr Quincey?’’
Quincey straightened, put his hands on his hips and said, ‘’I rode my Mariposa to the Black Gulch, all on my own.’’
‘’Oh Mr Quincey, you are so behind. I was seven-and-a-half when I made that trip.’’
‘’No, no, no, Robert, Papa said you were eleven!’’ Quincey fell upon Robert and punched him with his small fists. Robert made no attempt to stop him, and dropped upon a trunk, laughing.
Dinner was a magnificent affair. The Morrises always ate well, and a return of a child was an occasion to be marked. The Morris sisters, all nine of them, had gathered, some from finishing schools, some from husbands’ homes. Robert glowed, happy from all the love he received, happy to be home.
It was half-way through the meal when Mrs Morris announced that she had arranged dances, for Robert to choose a bride.
Robert laughed. ‘’Oh Mama, I so love to dance. But I never fall for the one I am dancing with.’’
At nigh, Quincey crept for Robert’s room. He had always wanted to read Robert’s volumes of Catullus, whose beautiful leather binding and rich gold lettering beckoned him endlessly. Robert always said he could not read those till he grew up. Now that Papa had said he was no longer a Quincito, he surely could read those beautiful volumes.
It is then he heard the voices.
‘’Papa, I hear there is a cattle-rustler in town.’’
‘’Yes Robert. There will be a posse for him tomorrow.’’
‘’God, I do wish they give him a fair trial.’’
‘’Robertito, they have their own ways in Massachusetts, we have our own ways in Texas.’’
‘’Listen, you should go with them. The people here are boiling over, see that they do not do anything rash. This is your home and these people are your brethren’’
‘’Where will the posse gather?’’
‘’The Black Gulch.’’
Quincey rolled out of bed much earlier than usual. Then he rode on silently behind his brother, hoping that his tiny form will not be seen in the shadows of early dawn. He knew the way and he did not admit to himself the thump behind his ears.
By the time they reached, the posse had already gathered, the soft rays of the Sun bathing their faces in a soft, golden light. Quincey looked around. These were the men he loved, men with indomitable spirits and faces baked under a merciless Sun. Robert seemed ill at ease, angry at himself for being late. He positioned himself, somewhat unsuccessfully, at the head of the group.
Quincey almost stood up in his stirrups, leaning forward in excitement.
A voice broke the stillness. ‘’Master Quincey, you’re here!’’
Robert turned, ‘’Quincito, you are too little. Turn round.’’
‘’Very well. Miguel, take him back. And see that he does not run away before he reaches Papa.’’
Miguel was a fifteen-year-old farm-hand and Quincey’s best friend. It was he who had taught Quincey to put his feet in the stirrups while they hung over his head, it was with him that Quincey shared his bread, slathered with honey, it was with him that Quincey had learnt how to cook beans.
And now, Miguel felt his first posse ruined by this little, rich brat.
He led Mariposa back, his grip firm on his reins. Quincey could feel it all. The indignity of being considered immature. The rage of his best friend. He swallowed all, glared on straight ahead and set his jaw hard.
‘’Don’t be angry at me, Quincito.’’
‘’I am not your Quincito. You went and had all the fun, while Papa and Mama and Maria all sat me down and said what a foolish boy I am.’’
‘’Fun? No Quincito, it was not fun. I failed to bring him back for a trial. I did nothing, I just sat on a horse. A fine vaquero I made’’
‘’Robert, who was he?’’
‘’I do not know. I never did see his face.’’
Robert stooped, looking out of his window at the landscape bathed in pale, milky moonlight.
Es lo que es, he mused.
‘’Quincey, I think you are old enough to read this.’’
Quincey’s heart gave a leap of joy. ‘’Catallus?’’
‘’No, not yet. But bring that bundle from the top of my trunk. It is time someone taught you what the Greeks thought of War.
Es lo que es: It is what it is
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tryingtimi · 1 year
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Calling The Inquisition by Trevor Morris is one of the most epic songs that I listened to while reading Stormlight. So it's hard to reach that level. But, it did inspired this lil scene, hehe.
Context: The last battle of the story, where the group left Nareethi and Eldnar with the Shar-Dlin to convince them to join the battle. They didn't expect them to agree, but Cronyl still hopes, cuz he learned to hope at this point.
Where are they?
Cronyl’s veins throbbed with adrenalin while he opened up his red eye and let the weaknesses reveal before him. He rolled away from the stomp of a Vessel giant, then sliced up its skin under the armor where he found the mark of tension in its feet. Black crimson streamed from the wound as the creature cried out, golden helmet quavering under the weight of the sound.
He made the creature limp, but his momentum vanished while the crystal merged into his calf slowly losing its glow. Cronyl was ready to pierce with his ankle spike anyway. A sudden crunch sent a shiver up his spine to make him stop. The giant stumbled and then fell under Bra’aka’s punch he landed so fast, Cronyl didn’t even register his movement. The old warrior’s crystal arm lost its shine completely.
“Behind you,” Bra’aka barked at him, his arm hanging heavy and useless from his shoulders.
Cronyl turned to shoot a wrist spike into the enemy’s neck, but he realized only then it wasn’t a Vessel this time. He quickly switched to his palm, then he dashed away from the driadlin warrior’s attack, danced him around, and pushed his weak point beside his neck.
The warrior dropped to the ground, unconscious.
Faint pain pierced into his left cheek. Blood stained his finger when he touched his skin there. He got slower, much slower it seemed.
Where are they?
Something heavy knocked him off of his feet at the next moment. All the air burst out of his chest as the whole of a draar warrior weighed him down. Her beastly knee pushed his upper body into the ground, her fangs showing as she snarled at him. She lifted her axe, ready to strike.
The warrior roared, when an evalonian pushed her off of Cronyl, rolling away with her in the dirt. Air as sweet relief ran back into his lungs, and coughing and gagging scratched his throat. His body seemed heavier than he ever felt, and when he stole a glance from his leg, he saw only dullness looking back at him.
Every inch of his body hurt, his limps felt like stones growing out of his torso.
The cries of the battle reached him only now.
Cronyl panted as he turned towards Bra’aka’s raw voice that howled so loud and so beast-like, he never heard before. Three Vessel giants surrounded him, blood dripping from his side, crystal arm hanging limp.
Warriors and fighters clashed around him, some falling, some dying, but none winning. At his other side, the evalonian wrestled with the draar warrior. Then some driadlin joined them, trying to cut her at every inch they reached.
A loud growl tore out from Cronyl’s throat as he forced himself to turn around, at his stomach. Avelyn and Darmon danced in the near distance, guiding the energy from one person to the other. Sweat soaked their figure from the concentration, both of their movements slowing second by second. Drehana and Syonehlia kept away the marching Vessels, yet they only could do so much, both panting and dripping from sweat and blood now. And the enemy did not steady, nor got tired.
Draar, driadlin, giants. Vessels, corrupted. They gathered, walked up to them, and surrounded them. With one person standing in the middle of the chaos, looking down upon them all.
He pushed his forehead into the rocky ground, trying to pull his weight up by his arms. The cries multiplied, and the ground seemed to tremble so hard it might have started to split into half again. Cronyl needed to get up. He needed to go back.
A familiar whistle hit his ear, his eyes immediately shooting at Eldnar and Nareethi as they rode in on Naroq. Bringing an army of Shar-Dlin and a pack of djaanvar into the battle.
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chicago-geniza · 2 years
Research intake asked about ~ethnicity and it's always funny because obviously in US terms the answer is "white-NOS," meanwhile at the park where I do translation you get conversations like the one a couple weeks ago where my friend flagged me down to talk with an old Polish guy, whose first three questions, rapid-fire, po polsku, were:
Where is your family from?
Are you Russian or Ukrainian?
Oh, Jewish. Do you think Jewishness is a race, a nationality, or a religion?
Friend was translating for one of the dedushki and he squinted at her and went "You don't look like a [Name]. That's not a Jewish girl's name"--like, 30 seconds after introduction, from a total stranger. (Also big racial profiling talk from a guy with the same name as my uncle, which is very ~marked for men of their generation even if it's not Jewish either, the way Irving or Morris are in American English for a certain generation of US immigrants.) It's not even hostile or confrontational, it's just stated as fact, or in the Polish guy's case, genuine curiosity, icebreaker questions that he did not consider inappropriate. (These encounters are always interesting for me, a kind of ostranenie when they happen in Chicago.) But it's something I've been thinking about re: context-dependent...relative ethnic categories? Not the right expression, still trying to articulate. Historicizing refugee stuff, historicizing how Americans (don't) think about the ~post-Soviet prostranstvo~, trying to describe the fucking phillo pastry layers of European racisms and how they're contiguous with but not analogous to the US. Guy at a Daniel Kahn show saying my friend "dances like a shiksa" in a precise calque of "you dance like a white girl" (lots happening there!), meanwhile old post-Soviet guys clock us both as Jewish on sight and like, feel compelled to Announce it. Different registers of "racialization" and cultural coding, different ways of encrypting in-group and out-group, not always reducible to axes of (conditional) whiteness, I don't think? Anyway gotta read that book about race science in the Russian Empire & the USSR I guess. Oh and the Senderovich book. Remembered convo w/ Polish guy in asthma office, have been thinking about Glaser book, the fucking. Shmuel Czarny thing. Etc. Also of course Korzenie. And back again to refugee stuff that I am not writing about on a public web blog. Also historically how people are snap-sorted at the border. This is a jumble just jotting things down
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This Party is on FIRE!
Gildember 12th-13th
Ace-human rouge
Ryai-Elf Spellblade
Konguq-human wizard
Vodren-Human Cleric
Bron-Dwarf Fighter
Vorlo-Hobgoblin Apothecary
(trigger warning for themes of sexual assault, stalking, and intentional misgendering. While these things were done at the player's consent by a very clear villian to the group, the subject matter still may be uncomfortable for some to read. Reader discretion is advised.)
The session opens with Vodren receiving accolades for his work on saving the young knight. In his line of questioning he is asked if the gods are back, to which he replies they never really left. People scoff at this notion, and Vodren's is called to join the war by an older grizzled knight.
Ace, finds himself in vault surrounded by coffers filled with various coin, a statue of Cyrus holding a sword and wearing a golden breast plate. On the shelf are silver and steel trade bars, each numbered and marked. Near a pedestal is a large safe with an inscription and a book chained to the pedestal. Ace investigates the book and confirms it is the book he was looking for. He manages to snip it from it's chains and takes the book. He then takes time to figure out how to get the steel required by Tellum.
Konguq continues to enjoy her date with Morris, splashing in the fountain and dancing. Cyrus and Dacey come by to offer them drinks and to let them know they will be retiring early for the night. Konguq and Morris decide to go look for towels to dry off.
Ryai on his attempt to get to the servant's quarters is stopped by Tellum, reminding Ryai that he doesn't get a break. Ryai frustrated, asks that someone else take care of the library instead while he tries to avoid Vanthanoris. Tellum admits that he has no idea where the other elf would be, but tells Ryai where he can find Vodren.
Ryai goes to find him and sees that Vanthanoris is also in the room, making his way over to him. Ryai quickly attaches himself to Vodren, and eagerly takes the grizzled knight's suggestion to get them drinks. Once away, Vanthanoris stops his pursuit, but only gives a shrug in response.
Vodren and the knight talk, and Vodren learns that the knight is Admiral Wilhelm Kingsail. He offers that the party join the knights of solomnia and join the war. Vodren admits it's a tempting offer, but mentions that he needs to discuss it with the group. Wilhelm says he will be in town until the 17th. Ryai mentions after that it might be the best way to get funding to go after the dragon orbs. The two then set off to find Konguq.
Meanwhile, Ace tries to figure out the puzzle lock on the safe. He listens to the dials and finds that each on has two clicks. One set unlocks the box and the other set triggers an unknown trap. To find a clue, Ace looks through the book.
He learns that crossing was founded by a person called Cobblehelm and was primarily a back water town. It wasn't until a poacher from Solomnia named Harren Redford came over and helped the town really get on its feet. Eventually the poacher changed their name to Corine Blue Cloak to no longer associate with their criminal past.
The story resonates with Ace. Unfortunately when he tries the lock again, he triggers the trap and awakens a battered old suit of armor and it attacks him.
Konguq and Morris spend time toweling each other off. The pair's eyes meet as they get close. As they move to close the gap between them-
Ryai and Vodren enter the room, effectively ruining the mood. The two come in wanting to talk about the offer Admiral Wilhelm gave. As they begin to talk about the possibilities, people start shouting fire. The group runs towards the source of the fire trying to fight against the crowd. It's a struggle for them, one Ryai effectively loses. As he gets separated from the group, Vanthanoris takes his chance and swoops in to grab the elf. With a dagger to his neck, he pulls Ryai away from the crowd and out of sight.
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[DISCLAIMER: trigger warning coming up again for non graphic SA and misgendering. Again these occurred with player consent, but reader discretion is advised]
Ryai tries to sign to the unseen servant to get help, but unfortunately Vanthanoris catches his attempt and threatens to mutilate Ryai if he tries it again cutting into his neck. He drags him into a latrine to have a conversation with Ryai. Referring to him as Nonaesse. He tries to get her to come back willingly saying that Qualinost could really use her help. Ryai fires back an incredulous reply that they would let him help at all. Vanthanoris tells her she would be surprised what they're letting people do these days. Ryai assumes the Dragon attack in Solace changed things but Vanthanoris doesn't believe her. Claiming it's only goblin attacks despite the fact Ryai saw the dragon for himself.
Vanthanoris eventually gives Nonaesse an ultimatum. That her fiance is actively looking for her and she can either come back with Vanthanoris now and make everything easier, or she can keep putting off the invevitable and make everything worse. Especially since now he knows where to look for his run away bride.
Ryai tells him he'd rather die than go back. To which Vanthanoris rolls his eyes. He also tells him that the name Ryai does suit him. Ryai snaps back that he doesn't really care what he thinks. Vanthanoris knows, but he knows that Ryai cares about what the rest of his party thinks. Ryai begs him not to tell but is met with a dagger hilt to the temple and cuts around his chest. Realizing that Vanthanoris left him bare chested alone in the room.
Ace, now staring down a large suit of metal armor, quickly uses the correct combination, and swipes everything that was in the safe. He runs to the door to unlock it, but it's going to take time for the mechanism to unlock. He tries to avoid the armor as best he can, but eventually gets knocked out.
Vodren, Konguq, and Morris reach the commotion and see the wing of the mansion on fire. As Konguq tries to rack her brain with what to do, Vodren notices Ryai didn't make it with them. While looking for their missing party member, he notices Vanthanoris leaving a room with a bundle of bloodied clothes in his arms disappear into a crowd. Vodren and Morris go after him, with Vodren demanding that the crowd stop the elf. A few manage to grab him and are met with dagger cuts. Vodren tries to attack but Vanthanoris quickly doges his sacred flame, giving Vodren a confident smirk.
Konguq makes a plea with Luitari for guidance and and help with putting out the fire. She casts thunder wave and the major portion of it is extinguished. She goes to help out the rest of the wing.
Ryai, stripped of his identity and dignity, tries to ask a party goer for his jacket before leaving the room. They deny him, calling him a harlot, and Ryai decides to go on without it. Deciding to try and focus on the crisis at hand rather than his current situation.
Morris whips out a nearby drawer and knocks Vanthanoris across the head with it. He hits him so hard he ends up knocking the elf back about 20 ft and land at the feet of a group of Knights carrying Bron. Who got himself arrested again for threatening people to get out of his way or he'll throw them in the fire. Vanthanoris takes his chance to escape from the mansion
Vodren notices movement from the room Ryai was in and sees that Ryai has escaped, but is exposed. Alaban enters the scene and asks Vodren what's going on. Vodren relays that Vanthanoris hurt Ryai and Alaban becomes furious. He demands that his horse and armor be fetched and that the rest go after that elf.
Ryai and Konguq work together to get the fires put out, with Konguq offering her sheer cape as cover. Ryai takes it but is trying to just focus on the task at hand.
Ace snaps awake to find the suit of armor standing over him. He quickly rolls away from the construct and runs straight out the vault door making sure he has everything. He then shuts the door behind him, leaving the key at the door.
Morris takes off after Vanthanoris first, and Vodren goes to check on Konguq and Ryai. Vodren offers Ryai some cover as well, but Ryai is still focused on the fire. Vodren hears the cry for a medic and goes outside where Morris was to find his neck slashed open and bleeding out. Out of magic, he manages to get some bandages and holy water to stabilize the man.
With the fire put out Cyrus joins his father to find Vanthanoris, demanding that Bron be let go. Konguq demands to be taken with them after learning what happened to Morris.
Ryai, with the fire now out, can feel all eyes on him as he becomes shellshocked. He feels Ace come up behind him and drape coat over his shoulders. Ryai is told to go back to the room but refuses. Vodren manages to fix Ryai's stay and hands it to him.
As the elf hunting party gets to outside the city borders, Konguq spots Vanthanoris and the knights pin him to a barn wall, forcing him to surrender. Konguq goes to pin him with her staff, but he takes the chance to take a hostage. Konguq struggles and he cuts deep into her neck, whispering that he's better than knives than her and that the man who sent him is better at magic than she is. Konguq, retaliates by unleashing cold magic on him, forcing him to surrender again.
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They return, with Cyrus telling them to allow Vorlo to return to the city since he is clearly not a Wereboar.
With Vanthanoris apprehended, Ryai is asked to explain his whole story. Behind closed doors Ryai tells Alaban everything and Alaban becomes furious. He exclaims that if this is the best Qualinost has to send them then he wants nothing more to do with Qualinost, sending them a missive about Vanthanoris' actions and leaving Ryai out of it.
Ace returns to the room first, and is stopped by Tellum. He asks Ace if he's made any progress with his task and Ace, despite his injuries, tells him that every is under control. Tellum accepts that and walks away. Ryai returns as well and buries his face into Callum. He tries to listen to the puppy tell him about his night, but unfortunately finds it more grating than helpful.
Vodren and Vorlo spend the night on the roof, using drugs to help relax from the night
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Konguq stays by Morris's side the whole night. When he finally stirs the two share some tender words which Konguq seals with a kiss. She joins him for the rest of the night, curled up by his side.
The next morning at breakfast, the party decides to come clean about their secrets.
Bron who killed his brother with a weapon swore to never use one again, only using shields to fight
Vodren was raised by goblins.
Vorlo wiped Seeker Rowanna's memory
Ryai was born a woman and is trying to flee from his fiance
Konguq doesn't have any, and has always been a open book.
Vodren reassures Ryai of his current identity and Vorlo even explains that it's not uncommon for Hobgoblins to change their gender depending on role.
The group turns to Ace to ask what his deal is and he gets up to talk with Alaban alone. Ryai and Vorlo say "uh no" and follow after despite his protests.
While they're away, a servant delivers a letter to Vodren. From the Jackdaws demanding 1000 steel for Galera's life. The rest also go to talk to Blue Cloak.
Ace, now annoyed everyone is here goes to knock on the door when Tellum opens it. Alaban also wants to talk with the group about something.
When Ace asks for privacy again, Alaban tells Tellum and Cyrus leave, with Bron giving them the stare down.
Alaban starts with a concern that he found the key outside his vault and wants to know who did it. Ace, unloads his backpack from the night before and tells Alaban everything. About how yes his father would like him dead and that he preferred his brother Elliot over him. But he ran away with a man named Tarth who knew his grandfather and told him he could teach him how be a thief like him. It unfortunately ended with them stealing a Crown from Palanthas, Tarth getting killed, and Ace now walking with a permanent limp. He comes clean about how he melted the crown down and gave the earnings to the Orphanage Tarth was from. The reason he wanted to come clean was because he related to the Blue Cloak family story of a criminal who changed her identity to start over. And if he did what Tellum asked, Crossing would be thrown in absolute dissary during a time where it needs unity.
Alaban, completely moved by Ace's story and motives tells him that he's going to tell Tellum the story himself and give him the steel he asked for. That the group has done a lot for Crossing as a whole and Ace's past be damned.
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The party then comes clean about their plans to take the Jackdaw ship and how Galera was kidnapped by them. Alaban says 10x the winter dock rate wasn't worth it anymore and that he has thier full support in taking it from them. The party decides to talk with Marion Hartshield to see if they can get her assistance with helping poison the crew like her daughter intended.
When they bring up that Admiral Wilhelm invited them to join the navy, Alaban points out that the Admiral keeps a close eye on family lines and would most likely send Ace back to his family if they joined. Ryai laments a bit at the loss of an opportunity when it came to finding the dragon orbs, but when Alaban hears that Ryai has 3/5 of their locations he offers to help fund finding them.
When asked if there was anything else the party was hiding, Konguq speaks up about Rumblegut and the necromancy he preforms along with communicating with the Dragon armies. Ryai assures him that he's not using any of the townspeople for his work and is just doing the dragon army thing as a paycheck. Alaban pushes back, reminding Ryai of Alaban's duty and wants to talk with the Kobold about his business with necromancy and dragon armies.
The party decides to split
Ace, Konguq, Bron, and Vodren plan to break the news to Marion Hartshield about her daughter and attempt to recruit her.
Vorlo and Ryai are going to Rumblegut to try and get him to cut ties with the dragon army.
If they succeed in both saving Galera and convincing Rumblegut, Blue cloak offers them the armor in the vault.
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Repost from @markmorrisdancecenter_ • Guess who's coming to NYC? Little Amal will be joining the Mark Morris Dance Group at The Plaza at 300 Ashland for a Dance with MMDG class taught by MMDG Dancers Domingo Estrada, Jr. and Karlie Budge on September 19 at 5:30pm. You can come take class for free and join our celebration for the arrival of Little Amal with @BAM_Brooklyn. Little Amal Walks NYC is a free public art festival featuring Amal, a 12-foot tall puppet of a 10-year-old Syrian refugee girl who has traveled across Europe and is continuing her journey in NYC this fall. The walk is a celebration of art, hope and shared humanity that aims to unite communities and refocus attention on the urgent needs of migrants and refugees. Welcomed both by people and institutions of power, and by a diverse range of the city’s marginalized communities, Amal gives voice to those who have been othered, creating empathy everywhere she goes. 📷: Amal in Folkestone, Igor Emmerich, The Walk Productions #LittleAmal #LittleAmalWalks #LittleAmalNYC #FreeClass #NYCEvent #BrooklynEvent #DanceClass #OutdoorDance #KidsDance #MarkMorris Image description: Little Amal, a 12-foot puppet, reaches her hand to a child who is lifted to touch Little Amal's hand. Under their hands is a crowd of people gazing up at Little Amal. (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CijCtFwM2kD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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queentutplaces · 5 months
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markandtrish · 11 months
July 5-9 Plaitford
A lovely trip to the New Forest Folk Festival. Arrived just before the gates opened at midday on Wednesday to find the day car park almost full already with vans waiting to get it. Didn’t take long for the queue to ease and we were soon pitched up. Met Emma and Sue, who were in the two small vans next to us. Mark decided to get into the festival spirit by having the sides of his head shaved - Trish obliged and did a perfect job!
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There were no bands on the first day but after a brief visit to the Shoe Inn in Plaitford we went down to the main arena and watched a group of morris men dance around. Trish bought a lovely pair of earrings at one of the stalls around the arena and Mark found some bargains in the used tools tent.
A little bit of rain on Thursday but mainly sunny. Had a good relax around the van listening to the music from the stage as well as paying a couple of visits to the arena to watch the bands. Particularly enjoyed The Devil's Damned String Band in the evening. Trish found the rhubarb cider to her liking whilst Mark settled on the golden ale.
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Friday was a blazing hot day. Started with a really enjoyable ukulele sing along with about 100 others in the morning and then caught the bus to Salisbury. Despite the heat managed to look around, mainly visiting charity shops, as well as taking refreshments, including at Spoons where we had a lunch of pepperoni pizzas. Headed back on the bus mid-afternoon for a refreshing snooze and shower in the van before going to the main arena for the evening. Thankfully we decuded not to stay for the last act, who turned out to be a pianist playing Elton John songs rather than folk and who upset our neighbour Emma with his jokes.
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Up on Saturday morning for a singalong with members of the Southampton Ukulele Jam before watching them perform on the big stage at midday - a very boisterous performance! Mark went to an enjoyable chat about song writing by singer Reg Meuoss in the afternoon. Had dinner before heading over to watch Reg.
Regrettably it began to pour with rain as soon as he started. We only lasted one song before plodding back to the van where unfortunately the excitement of the past few days caught up with Mark who was in bed and asleep not long after 7pm leaving Trish to listen to a good performance by Gigspanner.
Left early on Sunday before the site got too churned up by departing vans.
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Elephante continues his collaborative journey with AAPI creatives, this time releasing “Right Before Our Eyes,” with DJ duo BEAUZ and singer Mark Tuan; now available on all streaming platforms releasing on Fabled Records / Astralwerks. Mark’s smooth and steady vocals laid over Elephante’s signature melodic house sounds, alongside  BEAUZ’s big room beats with clean embellishments, is set to give their fans a bittersweet anthem on love lost. The progressive chords and intricate combo of bass tones and high notes keep the track buoyant while the lyrics recount past mistakes that lead to an eventual drifting apart.
Far from despondent, this collaboration captures that feeling of peace post parting. There’s something incredibly freeing in being able to look back at our past and accept what’s happened, and while there’s still some lingering regrets, that's what keeps us grounded for what’s to come.  This new single connects elements of electronic dance and pop to formulate a quintessential song for the summer. This latest production from Elephante and BEAUZ with Mark Tuan’s vocals is the perfect recipe of each artists’ best ingredients, making the song a must listen track of 2023. 
For fans of Mark Tuan, the single reveals a new side of the artist. Known for his unique sound - it's rare we hear a ‘house-y’ tune from this artist, but this collaboration proves he can do it all. Starting his career as a rapper with mega group GOT7, it is no surprise to his fans that there is a duality and flexibility in his music style. Dropping the single “Carry Me Out” just a few weeks ago, he breached the surface of his new sounds, and this track marked the start of Mark Tuan’s venture into more genres, including this exciting collaboration with Elephante and BEAUZ.
 Over the past few years, BEAUZ have been growing in their notoriety in the EDM scene. Most recently they broke into the mainstream space with tracks featuring monumental producer Zedd and Maren Morris to team up for another hit song, showing their growing fan base why they are the kings of Psypop. Boasting a handful of successful albums and tracks to their name, this collaboration is no different. Like their fellow collaborators, BEAUZ are multi-talented performers who are ready to take the world by storm and this single is only the beginning.
  Coming off the heels of his 88rising debut [NIKI, Rich Brian, Joji] with his hotly-anticipated sophomore album, Heavy Glow, Elephante is continuing his personal, sonic, and performance evolution into 2023. The producer ventured on a 20-market ‘Heavy Glow Tour’ last year, which showcased his guitar skills with stunning, dynamic visuals and effects. For 2023, this trend-setting, multifaceted talent is set to rock the country's biggest cities with his new music and jaw dropping performances, including some of the most popular electronic music festivals in North America; with shows including Beyond Wonderland,  The Grand Boston in Boston, Heatwave in Chicago, Escapade in Ottawa, and the iconic Moonrise Festival in Baltimore. With his innovative beats and unmatched energy, Elephante is expected to deliver electrifying sets that will leave fans mesmerized and gain more prominence in the music industry.
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bee-in-motion · 1 year
Choose the Best Place for Children's sports and fitness classes Brooklyn
Brooklyn is a diverse and vibrant community that offers a wide range of sports and fitness classes for children. These classes not only help children stay active and healthy but also provide opportunities for socialization and skill development. In this guide, we'll explore some of the most popular Children's sports and fitness classes Brooklyn and what they have to offer.
Soccer Classes                                                                                                                                    
Soccer is one of the most popular sports in the world, and it's no different in Brooklyn. Soccer classes for children are available at various levels and age groups, from beginner to advanced. These classes teach children the fundamentals of soccer, including dribbling, passing, and shooting. They also help develop teamwork, coordination, and confidence.
Some of the most popular soccer classes for children in Brooklyn include the Brooklyn Kickers Soccer Club, Super Soccer Stars, and New York Red Bulls Academy. Each of these programs has its own unique approach to teaching soccer and offers different levels of intensity and competition.
Gymnastics Classes
Gymnastics is another popular sport for children, offering a wide range of physical and mental benefits. Gymnastics classes for children focus on building strength, flexibility, coordination, and balance. They also help children develop self-confidence and discipline.
Some of the most popular gymnastics classes for children in Brooklyn include Brooklyn Gymnastics and Dance, Aviator Sports and Events Center, and Elite Gymnastics. These classes cater to children of all ages and skill levels, from toddlers to competitive gymnasts.
Dance Classes
Dance is a fun and creative way for children to stay active and healthy. Dance classes for children in Brooklyn cover a wide range of styles, from ballet to hip hop, and can help children develop flexibility, coordination, and rhythm. They also provide opportunities for socialization and self-expression.
Some of the most popular dance classes for children in Brooklyn include Dancewave, Mark Morris Dance Center, and Brooklyn Ballet. These Children's sports and fitness classes Brooklyn of all ages and skill levels, from beginners to advanced dancers.
 Martial Arts Classes
Martial arts classes for children in Brooklyn teach self-defense, discipline, and respect. These classes help children develop confidence, focus, and physical fitness. They also provide opportunities for socialization and competition.
Some of the most popular martial arts classes for children in Brooklyn include Brooklyn Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Tiger Schulmann's Martial Arts, and World Martial Arts Center. These classes cater to children of all ages and skill levels, from beginners to advanced martial artists.
Swimming Classes
Swimming is a great way for children to stay active and develop important life skills. Swimming classes for children in Brooklyn teach water safety, stroke technique, and endurance. They also provide opportunities for socialization and competition.
Consider visiting our site for additional information about
Children's sports and fitness classes Brooklyn
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kevintumbles · 2 years
Dance Review: Mark Morris Dance Group: ‘The Look of Love’ at the Kennedy Center
    Fun! Fun! Fun! (if only for a too-brief hour) best describes the opening night at the Kennedy Center where “The Look of Love,” (a Kennedy Center co-commission) made its East Coast debut. The hour-long show features music by Burt Bacharach, the Grammy-winning songwriter of the 1950s, 60s and ’70s.   What a celebration […] See original article at: https://mdtheatreguide.com/2022/10/dance-review-mark-morris-dance-group-the-look-of-love-at-the-kennedy-center/
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tonkipark · 2 years
Trina smarky mark
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Īt the close of 2008 continued this string of success with his production on Soulja Boy Tell 'Em's " Kiss Me Thru The Phone". " Whatever You Like" was also a popular ringmaster spending 18 weeks at the top of Billboard's Hot Ringmaster's chart. The song found cross over success and was on Billboard's Hot 100 for 7 weeks. Ī few months after the release of "Lollipop", Jonsin followed up with writing and producing T.I.'s 5× platinum single " Whatever You Like". In addition to the chart success at the 51st Grammys Jonsin won for Best Rap Song. The song was at #1 on Billboard's Hot 100 chart for 5 weeks which was the first time Lil Wayne had achieved this chart position. In 2008, Jonsin wrote and produced for Lil Wayne's 5× platinum single " Lollipop" released in early 2008. Jonsin produced their single entitled " Show Stopper" which went on to be certified Gold by the RIAA. The music industry began to take notice of the Miami-based producer and Jonsin was tapped by Bad Boy Records to produce a record for the group which was made widely popular by the MTV reality show, Making the Band, Danity Kane. Soon after the success of this song Jonsin went on to work with Miami rapper Pitbull and produced " Dammit Man" off the rapper's debut album M.I.A.M.I., which was certified Gold. In 2004 Jonsin went on to write and produce Trick Daddy's hit single " Let's Go" (featuring Lil Jon & Twista). At the label Jim produced records for Trick Daddy and Trina. In the late 1990s, Jonsin was no longer on tour and returned to Miami to produce more bass records and eventually landed a position as an engineer at Slip N Slide records. Jonsin went on to tour with some of the most popular acts of the time such as Cypress Hill, 2 Live Crew, and Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch. The first two singles from the collection were certified Gold. Going by his new artist moniker, DJ Jealous J, he released a compilation of Miami bass songs titled Miami Bass Jams. Jonsin's success in South Florida led him to a deal with California-based Heat Wave Records. Jonsin had become well known in the region by the time he released his next production, the single "Party Time", which he also rapped on. By 18 Jonsin had graduated to spinning at Miami and South Florida dance clubs and formed his own record label called Cut It Up Def Records and produced one of its first singles, "Cut It Up Def" which independently sold 40,000 units. At the age of 14, Jonsin was spinning records at local skating rinks and other venues. Jonsin's first job in the music business was as a scratch DJ. Jim Jonsin was born in Brooklyn, New York City but was raised in South Florida.
Jonsin will be driving a Porsche 911 in the upcoming Grand-am Road Racing series with co-driver D.J.
In addition to his ventures in music, he entered into the field of professional racing in February 2012 by forming his own motorsports team, Rebel Rock Racing. He also signed the production duo, FnZ, and Danny Morris to his production company, Rebel Rock Productions. The album, which was executive produced by Jonsin and T.I., debuted at number 1 on the Billboard 200. Jonsin then partnered with Atlantic Records, and later Grand Hustle, in a joint venture deal to work on B.o.B.'s debut album, The Adventures of Bobby Ray (2010). In 2006, Jonsin launched Rebel Rock Entertainment, his own record label imprint and subsequently signed a then unknown musician by the name of B.o.B. Raymond (2011 Best Contemporary R&B album), and Usher's " There Goes My Baby" (2011 Best Male R&B Vocal Performance), and Eminem's Recovery (2011 Best Rap Album and Album of the Year). Sasha Fierce (2010 Best Contemporary R&B album), Lil Wayne's Tha Carter III (2008 Best Rap Album), Usher's Raymond v. Jonsin has contributed production to albums including Beyoncé's I Am. That year he was also nominated for his production on T.I.'s " Whatever You Like", which also garnered a nomination for Best Rap Song. Jonsin won a Grammy in 2009, for Best Rap Song for Lil Wayne's " Lollipop". Jonsin has collaborated with numerous artists, including Beyoncé, Kelly Rowland, Usher, Lil Wayne, Kid Cudi, Eminem, Yelawolf, Nelly, T.I., Danity Kane and Jamie Foxx, among others. James Gregory Scheffer (born June 8, 1970), professionally known as Jim Jonsin, is an American record producer, songwriter, businessman and DJ from South Florida.
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stdhealth · 2 years
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books0977 · 4 years
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Lesley Garrison in Mark Morris’ Serenade, Mark Morris Dance Group, October 2016. © Stephanie Berger.
Serenade, the other solo of the evening, was performed by Lesley Garrison, accompanied onstage by the guitarist Robert Belinic and percussionist Stefan Schatz. It is made up of small miniatures, set to Lou Harrison’s Serenade for Guitar, each with a faintly “eastern” feel. There are hints of Japanese dance (a fan dance), Indian dance (bharata natyam arms), Turkish Sufi dancing (spins), with a nod to Martha Graham and the exotica of Ruth St. Denis. Garrison is extraordinary in it, rhythmic and remote and grounded in the movement.
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galina-ulanova · 4 years
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Eleven (Mark Morris Dance Group, 2019
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Repost from @markmorrisdancecenter_ • Guess who's coming to NYC? Little Amal will be joining the Mark Morris Dance Group at The Plaza at 300 Ashland for a Dance with MMDG class taught by MMDG Dancers Domingo Estrada, Jr. and Karlie Budge on September 19 at 5:30pm. You can come take class for free and join our celebration for the arrival of Little Amal with @BAM_Brooklyn. Little Amal Walks NYC is a free public art festival featuring Amal, a 12-foot tall puppet of a 10-year-old Syrian refugee girl who has traveled across Europe and is continuing her journey in NYC this fall. The walk is a celebration of art, hope and shared humanity that aims to unite communities and refocus attention on the urgent needs of migrants and refugees. Welcomed both by people and institutions of power, and by a diverse range of the city’s marginalized communities, Amal gives voice to those who have been othered, creating empathy everywhere she goes. 📷: Amal in Folkestone, Igor Emmerich, The Walk Productions #LittleAmal #LittleAmalWalks #LittleAmalNYC #FreeClass #NYCEvent #BrooklynEvent #DanceClass #OutdoorDance #KidsDance #MarkMorris Image description: Little Amal, a 12-foot puppet, reaches her hand to a child who is lifted to touch Little Amal's hand. Under their hands is a crowd of people gazing up at Little Amal. (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CijCzfisjjG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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queentutplaces · 1 year
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