#Mark Shaheen
shodim123 · 1 year
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minnesotafollower · 5 months
Bipartisan Group of U.S. Senators Call for Reassessment of So-Called Havana Syndrome 
On April 12 a bipartisan group of eight U.S. Senators sent a letter to President Biden calling for a “renewed assessment . . . to identify the cause behind directed energy attacks” . . . and “review of the March 2023 Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) of AHHs.”[1] This letter said, “Most recently, some . . . [former intelligence officials, service members and diplomats] have told Congress…
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room42 · 2 years
England v Pakistan, Shaheen Afridi injury, video, Callum Ferguson, Mark Taylor
England v Pakistan, Shaheen Afridi injury, video, Callum Ferguson, Mark Taylor
In a two-over period late in the T20 World Cup final, the hearts of Pakistan supporters sunk and the English loosened up for wild celebrations. Pakistan fans watched on gutted as the spearhead of the side’s attack, magnificent quick Shaheen Afridi, limped from the field. He’d returned to the MCG pastures after buckling a knee while taking a classy outfield catch, only to bowl one ball and call…
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Christopher Wiggins at The Advocate:
The federal government is poised to apologize for decades of intolerance toward the LGBTQ+ community. U.S. Senators Tim Kaine, a Democrat from Virginia, and Tammy Baldwin, a Democrat from Wisconsin who is the first out LGBTQ+ person elected to the Senate, have introduced a resolution on Tuesday that seeks to formally apologize for the historical discrimination faced by LGBTQ+ people in the federal workforce. The resolution, introduced during Pride Month, acknowledges the mistreatment and wrongful terminations of LGBTQ+ civil servants, foreign service officers, and service members, dating back to 1949.
“LGBT civil servants, foreign service officers, and service members have made countless sacrifices and contributions to our country and national security. Despite this, our government has subjected them to decades of harassment, invasive investigations, and wrongful termination because of who they are or who they love,” Kaine said in a press release. “This Pride Month, I’m proud to lead this resolution alongside Senator Baldwin to reaffirm our commitment to righting our past wrongs and fighting for equality for all LGBT Americans.”
A dark chapter in history
The resolution highlights the Lavender Scare, a period from the early 1940s through the 1960s during which queer federal employees were targeted and persecuted. This era, marked by heightened suspicion and discrimination, saw thousands of federal workers lose their jobs due to their sexual orientation. The most recent wave of such discrimination was perpetuated by the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy, which was in effect from 1994 to 2011 and led to the discharge of more than 100,000 LGBTQ+ military service members.
The resolution acknowledges the extensive harm caused by these discriminatory policies, stating, “the Federal Government discriminated against and terminated hundreds of thousands of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals who served the United States in the uniformed services, the Foreign Service, and the Federal civil service for decades, causing untold harm to those individuals professionally, financially, socially, and medically, among other harms.”
Support and future steps
The resolution is co-sponsored by a host of prominent Democratic senators, including Chris Coons of Delaware, Jeff Merkley from Oregon, Pennsylvania’s John Fetterman, Patty Murray from Washington, Brian Schatz of Hawaii, Jeanne Shaheen from New Hampshire, Bob Casey from Pennsylvania, Dick Durbin of Illinois, Massachusetts’s Edward Markey, Richard Blumenthal from Connecticut, Ben Cardin of Maryland, Rhode Island’s Sheldon Whitehouse, Kirsten Gillibrand of New York, Colorado’s Michael Bennet, Ron Wyden from Oregon, Sherrod Brown of Ohio, and Virginia’s Mark R. Warner.
What happens next?
The Senate will now review the resolution. If it gains sufficient support, it will proceed to a vote. If passed, it will serve as a formal acknowledgment and apology for the historical injustices faced by LGBTQ+ federal employees.
Tim Kaine and Tammy Baldwin, a pair of Democratic Senators, introduced a resolution seeking a formal apology for decades of anti-LGBTQ+ discrimination in the federal government, especially during the Lavender Scare era.
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mariacallous · 4 hours
In its latest assault on basic freedoms, Afghanistan has banned women and girls from speaking in public. It marks a new low in the Taliban-led government’s enforced gender apartheid.
Promises that girls and women would be allowed to study and work were broken shortly after the Taliban returned to power. The group banned girls from going to school beyond sixth grade and outlawed them from pursuing higher education at university. It even prohibited them from taking a stroll in the park or going to the gym, and from nearly all professions that could earn them a living and a semblance of independence and dignity.
And yet even as Afghan women are kept prisoner in their homes and denied basic rights, neither the Islamic nations in the region nor the United States have taken an active interest in compelling the group to reverse its misogynistic policies.
The new rules were announced in the middle of the presidential campaign in the United States, but both candidates kept mum on the issue of women’s rights, even though each of their respective governments knowingly left Afghan women to a fate that was hardly unexpected.
When Kamala Harris and Donald Trump faced off in a debate last week, Afghanistan was raised only in the context of the domestic ramifications of American withdrawal. No mention was made of what happened to Afghans left behind. Neither candidate said a word about how the U.S. exited without securing any guarantees from the Taliban on the future of women and their rights.
The Taliban, firmly in control, brushed off all of its atrocities on Afghan women and violation of their very basic rights as “Afghan values’’ in a conversation with Foreign Policy. Taliban spokesperson Suhail Shaheen said the group was open for engagement with the West, but on economic issues only.
“They can invest in minerals,’’ he told FP. “China, Russia, all have business ties with us, the West can also do that. It is good for them and good for us.’’
“Women’s rights and those things are up to us, and we will determine them according to Afghan values and traditions,’’ he added, as if speaking and reading were matters of Afghan sovereignty and not basic human rights.
Mahbouba Seraj, an Afghan women’s rights activist who was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize last year, blamed both the Trump and Biden administrations for the circumstances the Afghan girls and women find themselves in.
“When they were discussing the agreement in Doha, we were not even given the visa to come to Qatar because we would have asked questions, we would have confronted the Taliban, but that could have scuttled the deal and the Trump administration didn’t want that,’’ she told FP over the phone.
“Biden may not have had enough room to change the deal, but that was not the reason he stuck with it,’’ she said. The Biden administration “wanted to get out.’’
The key tenet of the U.S. policy on Afghanistan has been security and containing the threat that terrorist groups based there can pose to Western countries. The Doha agreement between the U.S. and the Taliban, which led to the U.S. exit, called on the Taliban “to prevent the use of Afghan soil by any international terrorist groups or individuals against the security of the United States and its allies.’’
But even the word “women’’ is missing from it. A post-withdrawal concern has been that a deteriorating humanitarian situation could exacerbate the refugee crisis, particularly in Europe.
In order to address these concerns, and heed calls by humanitarian actors, the U.S. agreed to ease some sanctions and infuse Afghanistan with billions in cash. That helped Afghans, but it also kept the Taliban afloat and emboldened it to carry on as it pleased.
“Since August 2021, the U.N. has purchased, transported, and transferred at least $2.9 billion to Afghanistan using international donor contributions,’’ according to a report by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) in January. It added that the U.S. is the largest donor, with $2.6 billion of that sum contributed by the American taxpayer.
While throwing money at the problem has somewhat mitigated a humanitarian crisis, it has also kept the Taliban in power and allowed it to maintain a support base. The report said that the Taliban has accumulated, “a large supply of U.S. dollars, through the conversion process of dollars for afghanis.’’
Some Afghan analysts argued that stopping the cash flow will weaken the Taliban, reduce its acceptability, and ideally encourage an anti-Taliban uprising. Or, at the very least, force them to make some concessions.
22-year-old Miryam, whose name has been changed to protect her identity, pleaded that the West, and especially the U.S., “should stop sending money to the Taliban.’’ Her education was cut short when the Taliban took over in 2021, she can’t wear what she wants, or do anything professionally, or step out of the house.
“Don’t recognize the Taliban,’’ she said from Kabul in her message to the international community, “put pressure on them to at least give women the right to work and study.’’
Davood Moradian, founder and the director-general of the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) now based in London, argued in favor of slashing the aid. “America is the main source of Afghan currency,’’ he told FP. “The moment the U.S. stopped funding, the Taliban will face a serious challenge,’’ to its rule, he added.
Others said if the Taliban didn’t break under 20 years of American presence, they wouldn’t abandon their hardcore ideology now, due to a cash crunch. Seraj, the women’s rights activist, advocated a diametrically different approach and said that the West should instead open the floodgates of developmental aid in a way that upward mobility emboldens the Afghan people to rebel against Taliban’s excesses and fight for women’s rights.
“You can’t even use the word women with them,’’ she said. “You have to come up with things like more investments and business deals and let that create the right conditions.’’
Thus far, the U.S. has threatened the Taliban with a global boycott if it doesn’t grant women their rights. But efforts ostracize the group from the international community are a farce since China, Russia, Pakistan, Qatar and several others continue to engage the group for economic and security reasons.
The truth is there hasn’t been an active U.S. policy to try and bring about a change or help the women of Afghanistan since the U.S. retreated. The policy has been outsourced to the U.N., which is engaging the group, often on the terms set by the Taliban. For instance, in July the U.N. organized Doha III, a dialogue platform to engage the Taliban and various stakeholders on the future of Afghanistan. But to appease the Taliban and make sure they attended, not a single women’s rights activist was invited.
One idea, way short of full recognition, could be to bring together a coalition of Islamic nations to challenge the Taliban’s understanding of Shariah and compel the group to let women and girls study and work, just as they can in other Islamic countries.
In April, the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) called on the Taliban’s deputy chief minister Abdul Kabir to end the ban on education and employment for women and girls. Last year, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that preventing education for girls is “inhumane and un-Islamic.” Abdulkhaleq Abdulla, a prominent political advisor in the United Arab Emirates, told FP that an Emirati delegation visited Kabul to discuss women’s rights. “There are so many trends in Islam, some more moderate, others more extreme. The Taliban, they are following a very backward ideology,” he said.
But Afghan women’s rights activists say that the condemnations from fellow Islamic countries appear to be more perfunctory and unserious. It could carry weight if it was a cohesive regional policy pushed by the U.S. as one of the pillars of its Afghanistan strategy. The Taliban, after all, is carrying out its oppression in the name of Islam.
Shaheen, the Taliban spokesperson, seemed to make some room for concessions when he told FP that the decision on education and employment for girls and women was pending, and subject to a report by an Afghan “committee.”
As for the next American president, ignoring Afghanistan would be at their own peril. Caging women in their homes and denying them basic rights represents a pattern of the Taliban reneging on promises—and it’s easy to imagine that extending to foreign policy.
“They are all there, all there,’’ Seraj, the activist, said. “ISIS-KP, Al Qaeda, other terrorist groups, they are all there. They are all getting training. Don’t think nothing is happening. The American intelligence knows what’s going on.”
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lamardeuse · 3 months
This whole video is interesting (and at times hilarious, like the clearly drunk/stoned bloke sitting down with him outside the tube station to quiz him about politics) but the parts involving Corbyn and Faiza Shaheen, a promising left-wing Labour candidate who was also done dirty by the party machine, start about the 11:30 mark. The energy and dedication of the campaigners on Corbyn's team (especially dude from Belfast, who is so pure and I love him) will give you life. The part that had me howling, though, was the story of the woman who says she ran across Corbyn earlier on voting day and he said to her: "It's payback time."
IT'S PAYBACK TIME. Yes it is, Jezza you absolute boy <3
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saydams · 6 months
the usa senate passed the budget that banned all aid to UNRWA and Biden signed it.
the senators who voted for this budget (preventing usa from funding UNRWA) are under the readmore. if your senator is on this list, call (202) 224-3121 and demand they find another way of funding relief to palestine.
Tammy Baldwin Wis.
Richard Blumenthal Conn.
Cory Booker N.J.
John Boozman Ark.
Katie Britt Ala.
Sherrod Brown Ohio
Laphonza Butler Calif.
Maria Cantwell Wash.
S. Capito W.Va.
Benjamin L. Cardin Md.
Tom Carper Del.
Bob Casey Pa.
Bill Cassidy La.
Susan Collins Maine
Chris Coons Del.
John Cornyn Tex.
C. Cortez Masto Nev.
Tom Cotton Ark.
Kevin Cramer N.D.
Tammy Duckworth Ill.
Dick Durbin Ill.
Joni Ernst Iowa
John Fetterman Pa.
Deb Fischer Neb.
Kirsten Gillibrand N.Y.
Lindsey Graham S.C.
Chuck Grassley Iowa
M. Hassan N.H.
Martin Heinrich N.M.
John Hickenlooper Colo.
Mazie Hirono Hawaii
John Hoeven N.D.
Cindy Hyde-Smith Miss.
Tim Kaine Va.
Mark Kelly Ariz.
Angus King Maine
Amy Klobuchar Minn.
Ben Ray Luján N.M.
Joe Manchin III W.Va.
Edward J. Markey Mass.
Mitch McConnell Ky.
Robert Menendez N.J.
Jeff Merkley Ore.
Jerry Moran Kan.
Markwayne Mullin Okla.
Lisa Murkowski Alaska
Chris Murphy Conn.
Patty Murray Wash.
Jon Ossoff Ga.
Alex Padilla Calif.
Gary Peters Mich.
Jack Reed R.I.
Mitt Romney Utah
Jacky Rosen Nev.
Mike Rounds S.D.
Brian Schatz Hawaii
Charles E. Schumer N.Y.
Jeanne Shaheen N.H.
Kyrsten Sinema Ariz.
Tina Smith Minn.
Debbie Stabenow Mich.
Dan Sullivan Alaska
Jon Tester Mont.
John Thune S.D.
Thom Tillis N.C.
Chris Van Hollen Md.
Mark R. Warner Va.
Raphael G. Warnock Ga
Elizabeth Warren Mass.
Peter Welch Vt.
Sheldon Whitehouse R.I.
Roger Wicker Miss.
Ron Wyden Ore.
Todd Young Ind.
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covid-safer-hotties · 2 months
Full List of Democrats Who Voted to Ban Mask Mandates - Published Oct 26, 2023
Republican Senator J.D. Vance received support from 10 Democrats as part of a successful amendment prohibiting the Department of Transportation from using any federal funds to enforce future mask mandates.
The amendment to the Senate minibus appropriations bill passed Wednesday by a 59-38 margin and prevents federal mask mandates on passenger airlines, commuter rail, rapid transit buses, and any other transportation program funded through the 2024 fiscal year.
These are the 10 Democrats who voted for the amendment: Tammy Baldwin (Wisconsin); Michael Bennet (Colorado); Sherrod Brown (Ohio); Tim Kaine (Virginia); Mark Kelly (Arizona); Amy Klobuchar (Minnesota); Joe Manchin (West Virginia); Jacky Rosen (Nevada); Jean Shaheen (New Hampshire); and Jon Tester (Montana).
Three senators—Democrats John Fetterman (Pennsylvania) and Alex Padilla (California), and Republican Tim Scott (South Carolina—did not vote. Of the three independent senators, Kyrsten Sinema (Arizona) was the only one to vote in favor.
"This is a massive victory for personal freedom in this country," Vance said in a post-vote statement. "We saw countless abuses of authority throughout the COVID pandemic, and the American people were justifiably enraged by unscientific mask mandates.
"Today, the United States Senate took an emphatic step toward common sense and individual liberty. I'm proud of what we've accomplished here and look forward to continuing the fight."
"With the COVID pandemic behind us, the federal government doesn't need to be requiring masks for travel when that could hurt tourism and Nevada's economy," Rosen told Newsweek via email. "Anyone who chooses to wear a mask still has that option, but we've reached a point where a federal mask mandate is no longer necessary for travel."
In September, Vance, who represents Ohio, introduced the Freedom to Breathe Act—a bill intended to prevent the reimposition of federal mask mandates across the entire United States, in response to some businesses and colleges and universities reimposing mask mandates in the summer due to upticks in COVID-19 cases.
In September, the Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center in Ohio announced that all staff will be required to wear masks on the premises beginning September 25.
"This decision was made to promote the safety of our patients, families, visitors, and employees, based on evidence that masks are effective in reducing the spread of respiratory illness," the hospital said in a statement.
Read the rest and get a link to the original at the link above!
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
Afghanistan's Taliban rulers on Tuesday celebrated the second anniversary of their return to power.
The group took over the Afghan capital Kabul on August 15, 2021. The US-backed government collapsed and much of its leadership, including former President Ashraf Ghani, went into exile.
So far, no country has recognized the Taliban's government in Afghanistan.
Taliban mark 'Independence Day'
Taliban authorities held official events across the country, celebrating what they called "Afghanistan's Independence day from the US occupation."
US-led forces overthrew the Taliban-led Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan in 2001 and withdrew 20 years later.
"On the second anniversary of the conquest of Kabul, we would like to congratulate the mujahid (holy warrior) nation of Afghanistan and ask them to thank Almighty Allah for this great victory," Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said.
"The conquest of Kabul proved once again that no one can control the proud nation of Afghanistan and guarantee their stay in this country," the Taliban government said in a statement.
Taliban spokesperson to DW: 'How can we be against women?' 
Taliban spokesperson Suhail Shaheen denied that the de facto rulers of Afghanistan were anti-woman in comments to DW News Asia.
"How can we be against women?" he said. "They are our mothers, wives, daughters, sisters."
Taliban authorities have imposed a number of restrictions on women, including enforcing a strict dress code in public, barring them from gyms and parks, and keeping women out of secondary and tertiary education.
Shaheen insisted that the Taliban have not denied women the right to education.
He said that the Taliban would reopen schools and universities to girls and women, but did not provide a timeline for this. "There is a committee set up to create an Islamic environment for that," he said.
Shaheen argued that the Islamist group is supporting women's progress by allowing them to study nursing and specialize as doctors.
Afghanistan's Taliban rulers have allowed for the continued existence female medical professionals so that women do not have to be treated by male staff. 
The UN has accused the Taliban of practicing gender apartheid. On Tuesday, UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed, said that Taliban rule has "upturned" the lives of Afghan women.
"It's been two years since the Taliban took over in Afghanistan. Two years that upturned the lives of Afghan women and girls, their rights and futures," she said in a statement.
German NGO: Humanitarian situation 'dramatic'
Despite a decrease in fighting, Afghanistan has been grappling with a major humanitarian crisis since the withdrawal of US-led forces and a number of international aid organizations.
The Asia Regional Director of the German humanitarian NGO Welthungerhilfe, Elke Gottschalk, has described the situation in Afghanistan as "dramatic."
She said that 17 million people in the country are threatened by hunger and 29 million people are dependent on humanitarian aid. "You can see this on every street corner," she said in remarks to German public broadcaster ARD.
Afghanistan has a total population of around 42 million.
The country's Taliban rulers imposed a ban on women working in NGOs in 2022, which Gottschalk said brought about additional complications.
She said that while 20% of Welthungerhilfe employees are women, each of these positions had to be negotiated separately and approved by the Taliban.
The head of the Kabul office of Caritas International, Stefan Recker, told Deutschlandfunk radio that two women were still working for the organization but were not allowed to work in the office.
Recker said that the situation in the country was desperate and many people wanted to flee. However, he said he was hopeful because of the improved security situation and the decrease in street crime.
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unit2-ss24 · 10 months
SS24 Trends
Louis Vuitton
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Louis Vuitton describes this collection as "Reflecting the progression from nautical to botanical, the silhouettes are adorned with silks and sequined embroidery, emulating scales and the movement of water. On dry land, prints flourish and lines become sculptural, while bags mark a post-modern tale, enveloped in the new Monogram Dune or in colorful variations of Épi leather". Although this collection does not consist of a large number of fully green outfits in the link shown below we see pops of the colour featured throughout.
Li, J. (2023). Louis Vuitton Resort 2024 Is an Ethereal Take on High Fashion Mermaidcore. [Online]. Hypebeast. Last Updated: 25 May 2023. Available at: https://hypebeast.com/2023/5/louis-vuitton-resort-2024-isola-bella-runway-collection [Accessed 11 December 2023].
Cucculelli Shaheen
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The fashion brand Cucculelli Shaheen is said to have "Drew inspiration from the original “American Venus” who modeled for the iconic statue gracing the building’s pinnacle, the collection immerses itself in the interplay between the delicate aesthetics of the Beaux-Arts era and the dynamic pulse of the modern city. This season, the brand brings unexpected fusion where vintage allure met contemporary edge." As shown by the collection below a total of 8 looks featured the green colour palette.
Jessica. (2023). Cucculelli Shaheen S/S 2024. [Online]. Go Fug Yourself. Last Updated: 20 September 2023. Available at: https://www.gofugyourself.com/photos/cucculelli-shaheen-s-s-2024/cucculelli-s24-020-1695163933 [Accessed 11 December 2023].
Frederick Anderson
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The collection is said to be "Visually split into three groups, the first leading with pastel hues of green and pink, offering the traditional daytime spring pieces the ready-to-wear couturier has become known for. Chartreuse hand-crochet tops and dresses are interspersed in this first phase of the show, offering a bold pop of color that nods at one of Anderson’s signature forms. At past shows, Anderson has graciously noted the popularity his work has garnered among classically dressed Upper East Siders drawn to his progressive take on traditional silhouettes. The SS24 collection follows that same balance, referencing a classic style while still remaining true to his dynamic design ethos." This shows the collection featured a number of green pieces further showing green was a present trend in ss24.
Fashion Network. (2023). Frederick Anderson - Women SS 2023 - New York. [Online]. Fashion Network. Last Updated: September 2023. Available at: https://se.fashionnetwork.com/videos/video/28773,Frederick-anderson-women-ss-2024-new-york.html [Accessed 11 December 2023].
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satoshi-mochida · 1 year
Tekken 8 launches January 26, 2024
Gematsu Source
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Tekken 8 will launch for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, and PC via Steam on January 26, 2024, Bandai Namco announced as part of Gamescom 2023: Opening Night Live. Pre-orders are available now.
The game will be available in the following editions:
-Standard Edition ($69.99)
Base game
Avatar costume: Paul Phoenix Set
Two Avatar skins: Tetsujin, Mokujin
-Deluxe Edition ($99.99)
Base game
Playable Character Year 1 Pass
Character costume: Gold Suit Pack
Avatar skin: Kinjin
Avatar costume: Paul Phoenix Set
Two Avatar skins: Tetsujin, Mokujin
-Ultimate Edition ($109.99)
Base game
Playable Character Year 1 Pass
Avatar costume: Classic Tekken Tee Set
Three Avatar skins: Kazuya, Jun, Jin
Character costume: Gold Suit Pack
Avatar skin: Kinjin
Avatar costume: Paul Phoenix Set
Two Avatar skins: Tetsujin, Mokujin
Here is an overview of the game, via Bandai Namco:
Get ready for the next chapter in the legendary fighting game franchise, Tekken 8.
32 Fighters for a New Generation
Completely redesigned character visuals. Elaborate, highly-detailed models built from the ground and high-fidelity graphics break the limits of new-generation hardware by adding a new weight and atmosphere to Tekken‘s signature battles. Vivid environments and destructible stages combine to create an overwhelming sense of immersion, creating the ultimate play experience.
New Game, New Rivalry
Fist meets fate in Tekken 8. Holding a record for the longest-running video game storyline, the Tekken series begins a new chapter as Tekken 8 continues the tragic saga of the Mishima and Kazama bloodlines, and their world-shaking father-and-son grudge matches starting from 6 months after the closure of the last match. The story of Jin Kazama’s growth and determination marks a new chapter in the timeless saga.
Thrilling Over-the-Top Battles Embodying Aggressiveness and Destruction
The new battle system, Heat, dials up the aggressive nature of battles, while maintaining the play feel and tactics unique to the Tekken series. The intensity of battles is greatly enhanced by the destructable stages. Unleashing super move-like Rage Arts is sure to enthrall both players and spectators alike. All of these hard-hitting mechanics come together to make Tekken 8 the most exciting installment in the series to date!
Enjoy Your Tekken Life!
In the new single-player mode Arcade Quest, craft your own unique avatar and embark on your new Tekken life. Battle your way through a variety of rivals across multiple arcades as the story unfolds, all while mastering the basics and practical skills in Tekken 8. Unlock a variety of customization items for characters and avatars as you progress.
And here are some additional details, via today’s press release:
Today’s reveal showcased Arcade Quest as a completely new mode coming to Tekken 8. Arcade Quest is a new single player mode that will prove the ultimate training ground, tapping into the franchise’s roots to introduce a new way to play and polish skills. In this mode, players can create and customize their own avatar and “visit” different arcades to participate in matches designed to improve their play and teach new techniques. As players progress through the story, they will continue to develop and grow stronger along with their avatar, honing their skills against tougher and tougher opponents in a story not too different from how some real players got into esports. Continuing the regular cadence of Tekken 8. character reveals, the trailer announced returning favorites joining the 32-character roster, with Kuma, Leo, Shaheen, Steve, Dragunov, and Yoshimitsu showcasing their updated looks and moves. All the characters in TEKKEN 8 will have deep customization choices, including completely new options, with the possibility to change colors as well as the size and position of accessories, letting players really show their style and bring personal flair to their favorite characters.
Watch a new trailer below. View a new screenshots at the gallery.
Release Date Trailer
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formerlibrarian · 1 year
Back when I was a Librarian, we lived and breathed by the Publisher's Weekly Bestseller List. It was my responsibility to print or photocopy the list every week and update our bestseller's display. (Also to purchase extra copies of particularly popular bestsellers.)
I haven't looked at the list in YEARS. Some of these surprise me:
A new translation of The Iliad made the list?!
Ken Follett is still alive?? (I looked him up, he's only 74.)
Danielle Steel is still alive?? ( I just looked her up, she's only 76 and has been married five(!) times. To be fair, I also looked up Ken Follett, he's only been married twice.)
I see some Christmas-themed books on the list!
I see a Disney manga! (“The Battle for Pumpkin King”)
1. “Fourth Wing” by Rebecca Yarros (Red Tower)
2. “The Running Grave” by Robert Galbraith (Muholland)
3. “The Armor of Light” by Ken Follett (Viking)
4. “Holly” by Stephen King (Scribner)
5. “12 Months to Live” by Patterson/Lupica (Little, Brown)
6. “Tom Lake” by Ann Patchett (Harper)
7. “The Fragile Threads of Power” by V.E. Schwab (Tor)
8. “Bright Lights, Big Christmas” by Mary Kay Andrews (St Martin’s Press)
9. “The Iliad” by Homer/Wilson (Norton)
10. “Demon Copperhead” by Barbara Kingsolver (Harper)
11. “Vince Flynn: Code Red” by Kyle Mills (Atria)
12. “The Covenant of Water” by Abraham Verghese (Grove)
13. “The Last Devil to Die” by Richard Osman (Viking/Dorman)
14. “Tom Clancy: Weapons Grade” by Don Bentley (G.P. Putnam’s Sons)
15. “The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store” by James McBride (Riverhead)
1. “Enough” by Cassidy Hutchinson (Simon &Schuster)
2. “Killing the Witches” by O’Reilly/Dugard (St. Martin’s Press)
3. “The Democrat Party Hates America” by Mark R. Levin (Threshold)
4. “Elon Musk” by Walter Isaacson (Simon & Schuster)
5. “Democracy Awakening” by Heather Cox Richardson (Viking)
6. “Government Gangsters” by Kash Pramod Patel (Post Hill)
7. “Failure Is Not as Option” by Patrick Hinds (BenBella Books)
8. “Thicker Than Water” by Kerry Washington (Little, Brown Spark)
9. “Astor” by Cooper/Howe (Harper)
10. “Build the Life You Want” by Brooks/Winfrey (Portfolio)
11. “Skinnytaste Simple” by Homolka/Jones (Clarkson Potter)
12. “Counting the Cost” by Jill Duggar (Gallery)
13. “The Creative Act” by Rick Rubin (Penguin Press)
14. “Outlive” by Peter Attia (Harmony)
15. “Fast Like a Girl” by Mindy Pelz (Hay House)
1. “Undercover Operation” by Maggie K. Black (Love Inspired Suspense)
2. “Bad Luck Vampire” by Lynsay Sands (Avon)
3. “Seeking Justice” by Sharee Stover (Love Inspired Suspense)
4. “The Teacher’s Christmas Secret” by Emma Miller (Love Inspired)
5. “Rescuing the Stolen Child” by Connie Queen (Love Inspired Suspense)
6. “Tracked Through the Woods” by Laura Scott (Love Inspired Suspense)
7. “The Boys from Biloxi” by John Grisham (Vintage)
8. “Christmas Murder Cover-Up” by Shannon Redmon (Love Inspired Suspense)
9. “Pursuit at Panther Point” by Cindi Myers (Harlequin Intrigue)
10. “The Whittiers” by Danielle Steel (Dell)
11. “Trusting Her Amish Rival” by Jackie Stef (Love Inspired)
12. “Texas Scandal” by Barb Han (Harlequin Intrigue)
13. “Marked for Revenge” by Delores Fossen (Harlequin Intrigue)
14. “Hunted at Christmas” by Dana R. Lynn (Love Inspired Suspense)
15. “A Companion for Christmas” by Lee Tobin McClain (Love Inspired)
1. “House of Sky and Breath” by Sarah J. Maas (Bloomsbury)
2. “Things We Left Behind” by Lucy Score (Bloom)
3. “The Shadow Work Journal” by Keila Shaheen (Keila Shaheen)
4. “The Battle for Pumpkin King” by Dan Conner et al. (Disney Manga)
5. “Icebreaker” by Hannah Grace (Atria)
6. “Too Late” by Colleen Hoover (Grand Central Publishing)
7. “23 1/2 Lies” by James Patterson (Grand Central Publishing)
8. “It Starts with Us” by Colleen Hoover (Atria)
9. “Mad Honey” by Picoult/Boylan (Ballantine)
10. “Twisted Love” by Ana Huang (Bloom)
11. “Assistant to the Villain” by Hannah Nicole Maehrer (Red Tower)
12. “The Housemaid’s Secret” by Freida McFadden (Mobius)
13. “The Midnight Library” by Matt Haig (Penguin Books)
14. “The Husky and His White Cat Shizun, Vol. 3” by Rou Bao Bu Chi Rou (Seven Seas)
15. “Dreamland” by Nicholas Sparks (Bantam Dell)
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Asia Cup 2023: Pakistan's Triumphs and India's Concerns - A Preview of the High-Stakes Clash
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The upcoming clash between Pakistan and India in the Asia Cup 2023 on September 2nd has generated a wave of anticipation and tension. Pakistan's recent significant victory has added an extra layer of complexity to this highly awaited encounter. In a match preceding this clash, Pakistan secured a resounding win against Nepal, setting a strong precedent. As the rivalry heats up, India's apprehensions seem to be growing due to Pakistan's recent surge in form.
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**Dominating Performance Against Nepal:**
Pakistan demonstrated its prowess in the first match of the Asia Cup 2023 by defeating Nepal by a margin of 238 runs. This victory not only showcased Pakistan's batting might but also highlighted its remarkable prowess in bowling. Pakistan's comprehensive triumph against Nepal has raised eyebrows in the cricketing world, particularly in India.
**Babar Azam's Stellar Form:**
Captain Babar Azam led from the front with an exceptional century. His well-calculated innings of 110 runs in 110 balls laid a strong foundation for Pakistan. Babar's remarkable strike rate and subsequent half-century in just 20 balls reflected his exceptional form and adaptability. Babar's innings, powered by four sixes, contributed significantly to Pakistan's total score of 151 runs.
**Emerging Threat for India:**
Babar Azam's excellent form could pose a serious challenge for India. Additionally, Iftikhar Ahmed's impressive 109 runs off 71 balls marked his maiden century in One Day Internationals. Ahmed's performance has the potential to address Pakistan's middle-order concerns, showcasing his versatility in various cricketing departments.
**Bowling Brilliance and Spin Mastery:**
Pakistan's bowlers continued their splendid form in the match against Nepal. Shaheen Afridi's early breakthrough with two wickets in the first over set the tone. Naseem Shah, in his first over, took a crucial wicket, and Haris Rauf's stellar mid-over performance secured him two wickets as well. Pakistan's spinners, especially Shadab Khan, displayed their mettle, taking four wickets for 27 runs in 6.4 overs. Nawaz's contribution with one wicket in his two overs further bolstered Pakistan's bowling prowess.
**The Ominous Message for India:**
Pakistan's resounding victory against Nepal sends a strong message to India. This victory not only puts Pakistan in good stead but also serves as a warning to India. If Pakistan maintains this level of performance, the upcoming clash against India could be a closely contested battle, promising a thrilling encounter between the two cricketing giants.
**Emergence of Pakistan's All-Rounders:**
Pakistan's recent victory against Nepal was also a showcase of its all-round strength. Iftikhar Ahmed's century and his vital role in the middle order have undoubtedly eased the worries of Pakistan's team management. His ability to contribute both with the bat and the ball adds depth to Pakistan's lineup. Additionally, his century might just be the boost Pakistan needed to address their middle-order concerns, a facet that had been under scrutiny in recent times.
**Impressive Bowling Ensemble:**
The Pakistani bowling attack once again proved its mettle. Shaheen Afridi's knack for early breakthroughs and his fierce pace provide a promising start to the team. Naseem Shah's ability to extract wickets early in his spells showcased his potential to unsettle the opposition's top order. Haris Rauf's consistent performance and his knack for picking up crucial wickets during the middle overs adds a valuable dimension to Pakistan's bowling attack.
**Spin Wizardry and Indian Batting Challenges:**
The Asia Cup also witnessed Pakistan's spinners weaving their magic. Shadab Khan's ability to bamboozle batsmen and create pressure in the middle overs cannot be overlooked. His economy rate and wicket-taking ability are bound to pose a challenge for the Indian batting lineup. As Indian batsmen have struggled against quality spin in the past, Pakistan's spin attack might just be the X-factor that could make the difference in the high-stakes match.
**Setting the Stage for India vs. Pakistan Clash:**
With this convincing victory, Pakistan has set the stage for an intense showdown against India. The match between these arch-rivals on September 2nd promises to be a battle of nerves and skills. Pakistan's recent successes have boosted their confidence and put India on high alert. As both teams gear up for this monumental clash, the cricketing world braces for an epic showdown that could shape the course of the Asia Cup and set the tone for the future matches between these two cricketing giants.
**Conclusion: A Tale of Anticipation and Rivalry:**
The Asia Cup 2023 has already presented us with intriguing narratives and performances that have left cricket enthusiasts at the edge of their seats. Pakistan's triumphant march and their well-rounded approach have not only added excitement to the tournament but have also raised the stakes for the forthcoming clash with India. As the cricketing world holds its breath, we can only wait to witness whether Pakistan's recent surge will continue, or if India will rise to the challenge and reclaim their dominance on the field. The Asia Cup stage is set, and the cricketing drama is about to unfold! 
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shadowwingtronix · 1 year
"Yesterday's" Comic> Virtua Fighter
BW's "Yesterday's" Comic> Virtua Fighter, my favorite fighting game that doesn't get the love that other "Fighter" gets.
Still less violent than social media. Virtua Fighter Marvel Comics, though I suspect this was a Malibu leftover based on writing and art style (August, 1995) WRITER: Mark Paniccia COLORING (different titles for both stories): Moose Baumann & ‘Bu Tones LETTERER: Teresa Davidson EDITORS: Dan Shaheen & Mark Paniccia [untitled first story] LAYOUTS: Patrick Rolo FINISHES: Scott Reed, Moose Baumann, &…
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vortexcomix · 12 days
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Terminator 2: Judgement Day - Cybernetic Dawn
Genesis and Revelations
Release: Feb 1996
Cover: Feb 1996
Writer: Mark Paniccia, Daniel Abnett
Cover Artist: Rod Whigham, Chuck Maiden
Penciller: Rod Whigham
Inker: Jack Snider
Colorist: William 'Moose' Baumann
Letterer: Patrick Owsley
Editor: Dan Shaheen
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rastronomicals · 18 days
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September 2:
Today is the 10th anniversary of the release of Primitive And Deadly, Earth's eighth full-length album, and fifth for Southern Lord.
By employing sung parts from Mark Lanegan and Rabia Shaheen Qazi, Primitive and Deadly became the first Earth record since Pentastar to employ vocals.
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