#Mark Tuello
nickblaine · 2 years
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You could have run away with her.
THE HANDMAID’S TALE | 5x10 – “Safe”
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juneandnick · 2 months
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Source Picture: Screenshot S5E03 (by me)
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glasskey · 1 year
Justice THT Style - Part 4 - Tuello
Today I’m going to be discussing Tuello and all his various forms of justice. Tuello’s had quite a journey lately and as his allegiance to June grows, so too his sense of Justice must also change.
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In season 4, when Fred was at the top of everyone’s shit list, we were finally given a proper introduction to Mark Tuello (YAY). As a character he seems to have an almost Teflon like quality, he’s likeable to the point of being cuddly, and even when he does fuck up he seems to redeem himself without so much as a scratch. I love Tuello, he’s extremely layered and I’m always on board for the onions in any cast of characters. Tuello is, for all intents and purposes, the Nick Blaine of Canada. They both occupy positions of power and judgement and like Blaine, Tuello acts like a light in the dark whenever June needs to find safe harbour.
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As a diplomat it’s expected that Tuello’s sense of justice is strictly procedural and in season 4 he bargains with Fred to acquire him as an asset. But he’s a complicated guy, Tuello feels Junes rage and frustration, he knows Fred is a POS who doesn’t deserve immunity and a quiet house in the suburbs. He knows full well that by handing over Fred to Gilead he’ll be sentencing him to death, but regardless he marches him with firm righteousness across the border and does just that.
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The similarities between this and Blaine's walk with Fred through the woods seemed to foretell the partnership between these two men in delivering justice that was at last cemented in season 5. With both men Fred stops mid walk to rage indignantly at them, only to be brutally rebuffed each time. I am not joking when I say the very SECOND I saw Blaine jump out of that truck and flash those suspenders (sweet mother of Mary) I knew their partnership would come to pass.
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Like Blaine he’s not really one to revel in retributive justice, but in this case he was happy to partake and in season 5 he stopped by Junes’ house to give her an unexpected pat on the back for her murderous endeavours. Tuello also seemed to have an intimate knowledge of what this would ultimately cost June personally…..the figurative second grave.
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Tuello may be truly benevolent, but every move he makes is a precise and purposeful attempt at the restoration of democracy to a broken country. Tuello likes Blaine, he honestly believes he is an “honourable man” and he’s truly awed by Nicks love for June. He’s a romantic and he simply can’t understand why Serena would go back to Fred or why Nick didn’t run away with June. He’s visibly heart broken when Blaine professes that he feels worthless and I was utterly convinced in that moment that Tuello would need to light the way, if Nick was ever to hope to make it back to June.
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As romantic as he may be, he’s no fool, he makes Nick sign a contract and he intends to hold him to it. Nick Blaine is a HUGE asset to Tuello, ultimately taking the place that Fred would have occupied as a source of information about the inner workings of Gilead, this may mean that Nick is in for a long haul as a double agent. Tuello is ultimately a real messenger of peace; his kindness towards Blaine, his repeated attempts to help Serena, his attempt to rescue Hannah and his warnings about New Bethlehem, all testify to this. Everything about Tuello is designed to command respect, but in his case its done with a kind word and a contract instead of a noose. Tuello has been constructed to be almost father figure like in nature. There’s something wonderfully comforting about his presence; he has a voice that could read you off into a blissful slumber and he’s rarely seen dressed in anything but a well tailored suit.
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Tuello is remarkably cool headed in most situations, even those that should send him into a tail spin. I’ve only seen him get slightly flustered once or twice, the most notable being when June neglected to make an appointment and surprised him jogging. To be fair, no one looks their best clammy and gasping for breath, and lets face it their last encounter didn’t really end on a high note.
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While I’m thrilled to have Tuello along as an ally, I’m acutely aware that everything about him screams (in a warm caramel voice) the virtues of restorative justice, and I’m wondering how well our lovely diplomat will fair once he’s seen some actual corpses swing. Tuello, like Blaine, may want to stick to the rule of moral and law, but I fear that as Gilead seeps across the border, he may quickly come to realise that stronger methods will be required in order to restore peace. Next time I’ll be discussing the use of Tokens in THT. What are they and what do they mean? See you then.
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bo-kryzze · 2 years
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spockvarietyhour · 5 months
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trademarkblue · 1 year
re watching 5×10 and realizing what an osblaine stan Tuello is.
Totally agree!
Earlier in the season, when Tuello meets Nick on the bridge to discuss Nick working with him, if I recall correctly, Tuello makes the focus more about Nick being able to see his daughter.
But in 5x10, he sees clearly how much Nick loves June and how he would do anything for her. Of course he could exploit this, but Tuello seems genuinely touched by it. And during Nick’s “I’m nothing” moment, Tuello is so real with him and quick to remind Nick of the truth about his own worth. Tuello has seen for himself how important Nick is to June, so he can confidently remind Nick of this.
The final confirmation though seems to be that magnificent moment as June and Luke are about to board the train to escape Toronto. June pointedly steps away from Luke to ask Tuello to please let Nick know that she and Nichole are okay. Tuello’s expression is soooo sweet and hopeful there, like he’s thrilled to be hearing this and to be a part of delivering Osblaine news. 💕
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hufflepotato-18 · 2 years
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nickjunesource · 2 years
"I'm nothing"
"no you're not, not to her"
Tuello is one of us
Nick, precious, angel, baby, nooooooo. You are so valued and loved. You are!!!
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Mark is absolutely an Osblaine shipper! Welcome aboard, Mark and thank you for affirming Nick's worthiness. He has really, really needed that for a long time. It was so good to hear someone tell Nick that he does matter.
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scarlettatg · 2 years
The Handmaid’s Tale
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Episode 306 Household
They're politicians.
I know.
They have their own agenda.
So do I.
You get in bed with a government, and it's not so easy to get out.
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Episode 409 Progress
So, my testimony spooked him. And you knew that. And then you used that to flip him?
Sometimes, you have to let one fish go to catch a lot of other bigger fish.
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Episode 502 Ballet
Wouldn't you like to see your daughter in person rather than asking about her?
That's a pipe dream.
I know you got a complicated past. But America can be a very forgiving place. If you make amends, gain us some visibility, play your part for a while. I'd like to help you and your daughter. If you'll let me. We could help each other.
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Episode 509 Allegiance
Nick was an Eye. He's a Commander now. Someone like that defecting from Gilead... Big impact. You can make one too. You could. You know that. After Angels' Flight, after your testimony against Waterford, you should step up. Put your power to use.
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Episode 510 Safe
I'll keep my end of the deal. You just keep her safe.
I will do everything I can.
That's not good enough.
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heronroseeros · 6 months
why have tuello and serena had this unspoken chemistry for the entire show. and why is it so intense. god this show is so good.
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nickblaine · 2 years
season 4 script summaries
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previous script summaries: season 3, season 2, season 1, seasons 1/2 cont’d also, check my tht scripts tag for gifs, excerpts, and more details
good news! there are no deleted Nick/Osblaine scenes in season 4. i’ll just be summarizing the subtext that is written into the script and comparing differences to the onscreen version.
before i begin:
• everything described here is from the official scripts that are archived at the Writers Guild in Los Angeles. • the scripts i read are final drafts. there is no “writing in the margins.” everything described here is from dialogue and script direction that was used on set during filming. (you can see an example of what these scripts look like in the 4x07/4x10 links below.) • the library has strict no copies/photos rules in place which is why i can only summarize what i read. • anything in italics is a direct quote for the sake of clarity. • feel free to ask questions and i’ll answer to the best of my ability. my private notes are pretty detailed, but if i need to do more research i may save the answer for a future library visit. • please do not share this post without my permission. thank you in advance for respecting my wishes.
In prison, Nick is very aware of the Guardian in the room and can’t speak openly because of it. He speaks in code to warn Lawrence that he’s going to be executed and thank him for helping June. This establishes a pattern of Commander Blaine using Gilead code to communicate, as seen in several future scenes.
When June sees Nick at the farm, she knows immediately that he is there to arrest her.
It’s implied that Nick asking where the Handmaids are is code to June so she knows they are okay. (This is confirmed in the next episode when he does it again.)
June spends a good minute considering shooting the Eyes in a blaze of glory and making this her last stand. Nick “jerks her attention away from the decision” by saying “don’t” and telling her that he’s trying to keep her alive.
The scene ends with June saying “fuck you” before the Eyes swarm her, but this line wasn’t in the final cut.
In the van, June is “stung by [Nick’s] betrayal.”
Nick can’t speak freely to June because he assumes there are eavesdroppers. He uses code to “pass along news” to her that Mrs. Keyes is safe and the Handmaids are still free. June finds this news a relief.
Nick asks where the Handmaids are and when June doesn’t give him an answer, he actually warns her in a low voice (uncoded) that she isn’t strong enough to take what the Eyes will dish out if she doesn’t turn them in. This wasn’t in the show.
When Nick quotes the bible to her - “June hears this for what it is -- an honest wish for the woman he loves.” But Lydia “breaks the connection.”
Moving onto the Nick and Lawrence scene... I want to be clear, Nick does not expect Hannah to be used against June. This is not present in the script at all. All he asks of Lawrence is to get June to talk before the Eyes kill her, with no expectation of how it’s done. He is only thinking of keeping her alive.
Also, throughout the Nick/Lawrence scene, Lawrence thinks about Eleanor a lot. “Some women just don’t want to be saved” was a direct reference to her. Lawrence compares Nick’s love for June to his love for Eleanor, and is struck by “the simplicity of [Nick’s] wish [to keep June alive.]” But he really believes Nick needs to just let her go, like he had to let go of Eleanor. This is why he refuses to help until Nick threatens him.
Speaking of, Nick’s veiled threats are what makes Lawrence decide to take him a little more seriously.
The scene where Hannah doesn’t recognize June was written to be much shorter than what we saw onscreen. Hannah was actually supposed to be muzzled, and just the sight of her crying through the muzzle is enough to shake June into giving up the Handmaids.
The meeting on the bridge was scripted a little differently than what we see onscreen. Lizzie's directing softened the scene quite a bit.
June is muzzled, and being transferred to the Birthmobile on foot when Nick joins her side, whispering apologies as he walks with her. She ignores him until he says Hannah is safe at home. June stops and starts breaking down crying. Nick reaches out and touches her shoulder, “letting his finger trace the skin of her neck.” June reacts by embracing him. The guards try to pull them apart, but Nick just gives them a look. “He’s a Commander,” so the guards stop and let her go. Nick removes her muzzle and she cries about Hannah being scared of her. There’s a line here that I love, I have to quote in full—
“NICK: She loves you.
June tries to believe this.
NICK: I love you.
This, June believes.”
June then realizes she may never see Nick again and kisses him goodbye. Very little script direction here, it’s simply described as “just one long moment.” Then the guards lead her away.
Also, it says in the script that Alma and Brianna are hit by the train because one of the Handmaids was shot and they both reached back to help her as she was falling, causing them to miss the opening before the train hit. Janine was just dissociating and humming songs to herself the whole time, not as upset as we see her onscreen.
I just want to note here that the script confirms Janine’s current age is 23. After she changes out of her Handmaid uniform, “she looks like the 23-year-old kid she is.”
June spends this whole episode irritated at Janine and Stephen’s relationship because she feels like she failed to protect Janine, which is part of a recurring theme of June feeling like a failure throughout this season. Janine has to remind June by the end of the episode that she doesn’t need saving, and June is only trying to do so to make herself feel better.
There is no scripted response to Lawrence’s “would your heart glow” line. So Nick’s laugh was entirely unscripted lol.
The script specifically refers to Lorraine and Reese (the Marthas) as Nick’s “black market contacts.” As we know from s1, Nick has always had a connection to Gilead’s black market.
When Lorraine goes off on Nick about June, she and Reese expect a scolding from him because it’s “a suicidal way for a Martha to talk to a member of the Eyes.” But Nick just apologizes on June’s behalf, surprising them both.
In the show Nick says “I care about her” but in the script it was: “She’s all I care about. In the world.”
The Marthas are “surprised by his vulnerability, but Lorraine stays icy.” Her scripted response was actually supposed to be: “Swipe left. You’re better off without her.”
Reese hangs back and offers help to Nick because, as she says to him, “I loved someone in Gilead once, too.”
In regards to the council meeting - if I’m understanding correctly (because the scripts are kind of vague and more focused on the soapy aspects of the political standoff in this episode) - Lawrence’s goal is to get sanctions lifted, but when the council turns him down he shifts his plan to get on the council himself so he can pursue his reformation goals unopposed. This is why he agreed to bombing the ceasefire that he proposed in the first place.
Not much is said about Nick’s reaction to ordering the bombing, besides the fact that it catches him off guard and he “looks shaken by his orders to bomb June.“
When Moira confronts June trying to abandon ship and tells her that Luke never gave up on her after all those years, there was a cut part of that line where Moira said: “[Luke’s] a good guy. And he handled it pretty well when you had a baby with another man.“
Click here to read the full script that is available to the public.
When Luke suggested they ask Nick for help with Hannah, there’s not too much script direction, but there are a few interesting lines. When she says Nick would do anything for her and Holly, Luke finds that “both hurtful and hopeful.”
June is floored that Luke “is encouraging a meeting with her former lover? It’s incredibly strange. And also enticing.” It also says she had “put her relationship with Nick behind her. Locked it away. Now Luke has opened the door again.”
When she agrees to meet with Nick, Luke is described as “pleased, yet uneasy.”
As June heads off to see Nick, she and Luke are both “on edge.”
There was actually a cut moment between them and Mark before she leaves. After Mark tells her his officers will be nearby, he gives her a panic button FOB to call them if she needs help. This makes Luke freak out a little. He tells June she’s not going unless it’s safe. She doesn’t like that and insists she can take care of herself. Mark explains that while he has used this location for meetings before, he “can’t vouch for the party involved” because - in Mark’s words - “[Nick] does have a history of violence and allegiance to Gilead.” But June shuts both men down with: “He’d never hurt me or Nichole. I vouch for him. Completely.”
Once June is in the car, she exhales. “There’s no facade to put on for Luke, now that she’s alone.” She looks back at Holly and says, “Okay, we’re off. Excited to see your Dad? Yeah?“ then she smiles at Holly and says “me too.”
When she finally sees Nick, “their eyes lock. They’re both tentative. Unsure. It’s amazing to be together again, yet it doesn’t feel real.”
Nick is described as “almost overcome, so happy and relieved to see June alive and healthy.”
When they move inside, Nick tries to help June with the stroller and he’s described as “awkward” lol.
As we see in the episode, June is moved by Nick’s folder of Hannah intel. After this, “her official mission has been accomplished. She can leave. She doesn’t want to.”
The kiss has very little direction, as usual it’s all Max and Lizzie’s chemistry that makes it so good. “They can’t resist. They kiss, with longing and passion.” Then they move apart “both knowing they shouldn’t go any further.”
Nick was supposed to hold Holly “with love and wonder” per the script, but they couldn’t because of Covid protocols. It does say Holly loves her doll, though.
Their goodbye was also much different in the script. June simply buckles Holly up in the car, tells Nick she can’t thank him enough, and “tries to keep it together.” Nick tells her “keep yourself safe, and be happy.” They share a final look before she gets in the car and leaves.
On the drive home, June is just described as “[getting] emotional, but keeps moving on.”
Nick is described as “stoic, but drained by the experience” before he puts his wedding ring on.
When June returns home, Luke is “relieved” that she returned to him. June collects herself and “she has so many more steps to take, but she’s trying her best to move forward.”
Click here to read the full script that is available to the public.
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juneandnick · 2 years
5x10 - Safe (The Episode: My POV)
I was close to publish my expectations for this episode when spoilers released.
I am not disappointed by Nick storylines. I wanted to see him angry and loses control because Gilead would put June and Holly in danger: We got it.
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There is something I do not like with Luke. When he comes into a room he did it silently, like he was spying June. He did it in S5E01 when she is with Holly in the bathroom at the end of the episode. He did it in S5E08 when June talks and then sings to Holly. And he did it again in S5E10 when June wears her bulletproof vest.
Regarding the scene where the driver is about to run over June after having run over her arm, I am surprised that he stops his car when Luke tells him: Hey! Stop!
The driver could have accelerated. It does not make sense. Especially as, Luke did not have a gun. The gun we see when they fight seems to belong to the driver.
Later, I do not like how he treats his wife as a kid: June would you go back upstairs?
It is crazy that June has to remind him what happened 7 years ago: We waited last time and we waited too long. And we did not see how much they hated us. I lost you. And then we lost Hannah. This country is changing. America was not Gilead until it was and then it was too f**king late. Luke we have to go. We have to run.
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The beautiful song Bridge Over The Border by Adam Taylor starts. Nick and Mark are on the bridge. And I cannot explain but when Nick crosses the border, I found it a little bit emotional. Maybe because he could be free and could join his girls.
The lovely song Late Night Visit by Adam Taylor starts. Nick and Mark are at the hospital. I already said what I think. If I had to write the hospital scene, I would have added a few small details: Link. I also shared a parallel I noticed: Link.
The emotionnal song Not To Her by Adam Taylor starts. Nick and Mark are back on the bridge and finalize their agreement: Work for the US government vs Keep safe June. Nick did for his girls something he always refused to do (once again after SOJ): Go in bed with a government. Because: It is not so easy to get out.
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I do not think he trusts Mark but he is so desperate to keep June and Holly safe from Gilead. So the deal seems clear: If the girls are safe, I work for you. The day it is not anymore the case, if something happens to them, the agreement is cancelled.
As you said Neha200021, I also think Mark Tuello is an Osblaine shipper. 😊
Heartbreaking moment, when Nick explains why he never tried to escape with June: She has people who care for her. She does not need me. I am nothing. This moment makes me cry all the time. He loves her so deeply. He deserves happiness.
I will tell you later what are my expectations for season 6.
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Nick is a person who was always in self control until this season. It started in the S5E03, at Lawrence's house, when MacKenzie says at the dinner: June Osborne is a cancer. We have to cut her out. He fidgets on his chair and it is not in his habits to show his resentment. But as he said to June in S1E03: Everybody breaks.
I think it is hard for him to believe that Joseph gave order to kill June. He cannot pretend anymore. He tried Gilead shoes but ... he cannot walk with them.
Mark gives to June new refugee cards with fake names. I wonder which new identity she has. Before to leave, she has a message for Nick: Just tell him that I am safe. Tell him that Nichole is safe, okay? She is thinking to Nick while she tries to escape with her husband, interesting. Tuello is the keeper of Osblaine secrets.
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I do not like Luke at all but I have to be honest, they gave him a moment where he does something good in the aim to protect June and Holly. To give them the opportunity to escape from Canada. It is something Nick would have done if he had been in his place. But I do not like the fact the writers make to Luke a hero.
What about Rose? Was she secretly hoping to take June's place in Nick's heart? Did she hope he will focus on their "family"? Is he really the father? If yes, I do not want to see him abandon his unborn baby. But for sure, I do not want him to be chained to Gilead because of this. Something absolutely has to happen for him to be free.
I am curious about one thing. Rose says: I do not want to be with you anymore. And he answers: You cannot leave. Does it mean, I do not know, it is an arranged marriage? Does it mean Nick made a secret deal with Commander Wharton? Something more or less like that. Is it about the pregnancy? Or thinks she, she can ask a favor to her dad? Because the divorce is not an option at Gilead.
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I cannot believe we had not done with Serena Joy. For me, she deserves any forgiveness ... I am tired of her. Nevertheless Yvonne did an excellent job.
Special mention for the choice of music. Adam Taylor of course 👏 and also:
Bury A Friend by Billie Eilish / Une Homme Et Une Femme by Francis Lai.
As well as Meditation - Act 2 by Thaïs. It is the scene where Naomi and Aunt Lydia talk about Janine as possible handmaid for Lawrence's house after the wedding.
Source Pictures: Screenshots (by me)
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glasskey · 1 year
Tuello & Serena
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I’ve noticed something recently, Mark Tuello has suddenly become the coolest kid on the block. Fair play, since the beginning of S4 Tuello has basically been the Nick Blaine of Canada, the similarities are undeniable. He’s fine AF and he’s proving himself to be an invaluable asset in the battle against Gilead.
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Ever since Serena went on her first jaunt to Canada and ran into Mark Tuello the rumour mill has been burning up. Some have even gone so far as to say that Serena’s baby was Mark’s. No people, this is not Days of Our Lives, there are no surprise twist baby reveals to be had here. You may recall that there were similar mutterings that June’s baby was actually Fred’s and not Nicks, again no, just N0 (but we’ll get to that another day).
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There’s no doubt Mark Tuello has a thing for Serena, even the dear departed Fred could see that. Whenever he’s around her his voice softens and cracks just a little, Tuello looks at Serena like she’s a caged beautiful monster that just needs some love and care to unmonsterfy her. A part of Tuello still sees a Serena from a time long gone who is passionate and strong but remains untwisted by the regime she helped build.
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In Season 5 the gloss started to come off significantly, particularly after their trip to Gilead. He’d done everything humanly possible to protect her only to be constantly rebuffed. Returning to Gilead Serena seemed to be obsessed with having someone “put a ring on it” and that’s where it all went sideways. Mark reasoned with her, pleaded with her but nevertheless came up empty handed. What’s a sensitive new age boy to do but fly home on his private jet in yet another beautiful suit?
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I’m a bit baffled by those who wish to see these two paired, I’m not denying that there’s tension between Mark and Serena, but it’s the same kind of tension you get just before a snake eats a mouse. Lawrence assured Serena she’d appreciate hockey given that it was both “elegant and brutal”, say what you will about Lawrence but his observations of others are frighteningly accurate. Wishing her upon Mark is like wishing your best friend gets sucked into a toxic relationship with an opportunistic egomaniac.
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When Serena finds herself standing over Freds dead body, terrified and backed into a corner. She cries to Tuello “Are you going to protect me?”. Its a real plea for his personal sanctuary. Like Blaine, Tuello wants more for the woman he cares for than Gilead’s gender oppression. When she asks for his personal protection he doesn’t try and “save” her, he offers her help but still demands that she stand on her own two feet and take responsibility.
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Time after time Tuello tries to encourage Serena to embrace a life with free agency only to see her resist, she believes in the righteousness of those shackles. He’s bewildered by this to say the least and given his emotional investment he does put a fair bit of effort into trying to lure her over from the “Dark Side”
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Speaking from strictly a storyline / character construct perspective: true love is one of the highest rewards in any storyline, and the idea of Tuello and Serena “falling in love” without her achieving proper redemption would be the same as Tuello giving her a free pass for all the horrible shit she’s done.
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Sometimes the act of being in love can redeem a character, but Serenas crimes are so horrific that she’d be asked to sacrifice it as penance anyway, leaving Tuello miserable. Call me crazy but I’m thinking maybe, just MAYBE there might be better dating options in the WHOLE of Canada for Tuello, than just Serena.
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bo-kryzze · 2 years
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tao-of-osblaine · 2 years
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In the same spot where Tuello told an almost-free Fred that he was in fact still a prisoner, he tries to convince Serena to be a free woman while she chooses her own prison
He looks like his girlfriend just broke up with him (again)
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4x10 // 5x04
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horely · 2 years
I literally cannot get over how dumb Nick was this episode? Like he makes a deal with Mark and then goes and blows up publicly, getting arrested?? WHAT?
He’s been a pretty stoic dude this whole time, willing to go along with really sketchy shit to gain power and keep June safe and now he just forgets how to play the game? WTF... this dude was literally a spy for years! And now how can he contribute to the US?? His deal presumably relied on him doing something useful, so idk what the heck that’s supposed to look like with him locked up.
I legit haven’t been so annoyed with him since he and June were embracing in public in DC. Come on.
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