#Markus Ivern
sherlockisademigod · 2 years
Minor Wizarding schools, San Francisco institute of magic, San Fransisco, USA
Built in the 1940's, it's  a relatively young school. And with a set limit of just 300, it's also the smallest school in America.
Going from Grades 7 to 12, it's one of the only wizarding boarding schools with no set uniform. Because of its large grounds and loose rules, MACUSA has watched it closely for more then a decade to prevent a nation-wide catastrophe.
House of  Lywyn: Named after one of the Institute's founders, Markus Lywyn, this house is mainly made up of risktakers, adventures, and fighters. The head of the house, Aran Zhaunsen (as of 2016), runs both the school's basketball team and the Grade 7 martial arts club. To honour Markus , the house has a week long field trip during April where students are able to go rock climbing, swimming, surfing, bungee jumping, and horse back riding. Colours: Red and Brown
House of Murdock: Named after former principle and renowned thinker Gavin Murdock, the head of house (as of 2016), is Jennifer Conrie, who is also the school's librarian and senior high study guide. Mostly known for being rational thinkers and scholars, the dorms are quite literally the library. Colours: Grey and White
House of Donslin: Named after the second founder, Ivern Donslin, this house runs the kitchens. Known for being kind, companionate people, they won't hesitate to lie in order to keep the peace. Sometimes jokingly called the "Amity" from the Divergent series due to their similarities, they host the Institute's Bake Race every 3 months. The current house as of  2016 is Head Cook Murray Smidon. Colours: Yellow and Purple
House of Eanor: Named after the third and last founder, Zachary Eanor, this house is know n for being as cunning and sly as Zachary was. The Head of House (as of 2018), is Maria Concure, who also runs the chess club and the track team. In honour of Zachary's spy service during WWI, the house goes to Camp Moughan for two weeks every March. Here, they learn almost spy-like objectives, including coding messages, self defence, and even the basics of Russian. Colours: Orange and Black
The boarding school boasts classes in both magical and mundane subjects, including, but not limited to: transfiguration, Math, Runes and Alchemy. There is no wake up bell, and students just have to ensure they are in classes by 9:00. Lunch is served from 12:00-1:55 and classes end at 4:00. Dinner is served at 6:00. Lights out for all is at 11:00. Clubs: -Chess -Debate and Speech -Spectrum -Quidditch -Study -Martial Arts -Gobstones -DnD -Cooking Teams: -Track -Basketball -Quodpot -Swim and Dive -Baseball -Football
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mech-a-nical · 2 years
Cold Murder
Composition: Monochrome
Word Count: 1774
Character Focus: Malson Knight | Nu Ivern | Amaya Dagua Ivern
Misunderstandings come deadly
Love came in wings, now sharp in jealousy
╍ Shadows curled themselves above the snow in the ground, licking their way closer to him in familiarity. A familiarity that burned through Nu when he saw the man standing outside the door of his house. Burned, despite the constant cold of the Wintry Court, Nu could feel his anger awaken as he looked at Malson and restrained himself from summoning his sword, especially not with Danien held in his arms.
Remembering his youngest son, he shifts his hold to one arm and twists his body, hoping he could block Danien from Malson’s view. Danien makes no sound as he continues to stare at the winged man. Nu’s movement drags Malson’s attention down to the child in his arms, before his eyes flick back up, and those eyes drive Nu breathless as he is once again faced with those same emotionless eyes that once claimed to not know him despite his pleading. He presses Danien closer to his body, and hopes that Amaya keeps Markus and Marite from view as well.
“...a child, you have a child”.
It’s been so long since he last heard his voice, but there is no warmth from either of them. Nu remembered that tone well, remembering from that day they rounded up the Wintry Members, with Malson leading the militia. He stood in front of Nu like at that moment, face hardened and wings posed for flight at any moment, Nu would not have been surprised if Malson had Wintry ancestry.
Even though it hurt and pulled at Nu to see Malson again, it was years too late. He had a wife, and three children. He had moved on, and if Malson had come years earlier, Nu might have listened, might have reconciled, but not now.
“Leave, Malson. Go back from where you came from.”
Malson narrowed his eyes at him, and it felt as if the shadows had expanded, muting the bright white snow, as if the shadows that had been crawling near him had enveloped Nu completely.
“I tried to save the both of us.”
Malson took a step forward, and Nu felt the urge to take a step back, but remained with his feet planted firmly as he faced up to Malson.
“Saved us? I left the Wintry Court to be saved, and you took that away. Saved us? As Commander, you could have proved my innocence.”
Another step forward, closer to Nu.
“As Commander, they would have taken my position if they claimed conspiracy. As Commander, I could protect you through the Carnage Forest. As Commander, I gave you refuge in the Luminescence Court.”
Malson raised a hand to cup the side of Nu’s neck in an inappropriately intimate gesture that he no longer had a right to do. A sheet of ice was what he touched instead, and when he turned a shocked glance back at Nu, he saw Nu glaring at him as he had made use of his powers to protect his skin.
Malson retracted his hand, and it was a quiet staredown, as Malson shuttered his expression and Nu became increasingly agitated. The tension started to grab at their bodies, and Nu opened his mouth to tell Malson anything that might make him leave, when his heart plummeted at the voice of his wife.
“Is there something wrong?”
Hands took Danien from Nu’s arm, and he turned around slowly, eyes wide in fear as he looked at Amaya. She held Danien, and he could see her looking at him and Malson, then back at him with worry and trepidation. He could see Markus and Marite peeking from behind their mother, and Nu sucked in a breath when he heard rapid movement coming from Malson.
Snapping his head back towards Malson again, he summoned his sword to parry Malson’s own.
Nu knew that he would not be able to hold his own for long going against a Commander. He needed to keep Malson’s attention on him until his children escaped safely. He knew Amaya would be able to keep them safe, and she might be able to alert the Wintry Militia, but he needed to hold off long enough.
Malson reared back and swung again, and Nu moved to block, but the strength behind the collision left Nu staggering backwards, and as he stabilized himself, Nu threw a glance over his shoulder and saw Amaya ushering the kids to a window she had opened.
Raising his sword, Nu was about to charge when shadows shot through the house and blocked any exits like barbed wire, including the opened window and door, and he could hear the surprised screams. He extended his own free hand to create an ice barrier to separate Malson and himself from his family.
As Malson stepped inside the house, he looked at Nu as if he was stupid, and with a bored expression, extended his wings and flailed them, and as he stopped them mid flail, the end of the wings were pointed towards Amaya, as black feathears shot out, and Nu could see as them slowly morphed to have a shaper tip. Nu could only throw ice attack after ice attack, attempting to slow them down if not break them before they could reach her.
While many of the sharpened feathers were aimed at the ice barrier to break it, one singular feather was sent straight for Amaya’s neck, and as she used a water defence, and moved to duck out of the way, the feather moved faster.
It cut through her neck, her throat, and disintegrated as soon as it escaped from the other side, leaving behind a clean path.
Horrified screams filled the air as Amaya’s body fell to the ground with a thump. Her eyes fluttered, and Nu could feel himself dropping his sword as he ran towards her body. He knelt beside her, picking her up from the floor to cradle her against his chest, running a hand through her hair and down her face. He forgot about Malson at that moment.
He felt a small body throw itself onto his side, and could hear Marite's sobs as she clung to him, burrowing her face on his shirt and her little hands clutching it tightly. Her body trembled, and her hair fell like a black curtain around her head, covering the view of her mother if she were to raise her head back up.
Looking to the side and over Marite's head, Nu could see Markus holding Danien, could see blue eyes stare horrified at the body of his mother but remain quiet with his mouth opened in disbelief. Markus had tucked Danien's face against the crook of his neck to shield the baby from seeing the corpse.
Footsteps approached Nu as he and Markus made eye contact, before Nu's eyes slid to his right, where he met black armour covered legs. He slowly moved his head up, it almost felt mechanical, janky, as if a weight was pressed around his neck, trying to stop him from raising his head. Legs shifted to the stomach, then torso, neck and finally black eyes met Nu's.
Nu lets out a sob, dropping Amaya back to the floor and gathering Marite into his arms. He flicks his wrist slightly and sends shards of glass towards Malson’s face. Shadows wrapped around the shards before they could reach his face, and they broke into a shower of ice dust.
Malson looked at Nu with vitriol as he swung his sword backward, the blade pointing diagonally at Nu’s chest as he brought his arm back, and then forward in a sharp thrust, sinking the blade though Nu’s soft skin and tense muscles. He continued moving his arm forward, making sure the blade passed through his chest, but in his tunnel vision, he forgot where Marite stood.
Her screams broke his focus on Nu, and Malson looked away from the blood dripping from Nu’s wound and mouth to see the girl. Both Nu and Malson saw the blade inserted into her own chest. Her face was white, and her chest rose in rapid bursts as her breathing picked up. Tears were falling down her face, and as Malson stared at her face with wide eyes, he saw the resemblance between father and daughter.
With gritted teeth, he yanked the sword out of both of them. Blood spurted out, and Nu fell to the floor sideways, following the path the sword had taken. He took Marite with him to the floor, and he gathered her into his arms as they slowly bled out into a guaranteed death.
He turned swiftly around when he felt hands pull at his armour, and without seeing, he sunk the blade into the new body. Wide blue eyes stared up at him, both of their mouths falling open as they saw each other. The same face that he had just seen bleeding out stared back at him; although this face was more youthful, younger, childish. Dead.
With a strangled scream, Malson shoves the sword further into the young boy before ripping it out again. Shadows wrapped around the baby that had been in the boy’s arms to prevent it from falling as the boy’s arm dropped and he tilted backwards, eyes blown wide open that stared up at the ceiling, unseeing.
Malson lowered his sword, point to the floor as he stared around himself. Four corpses and an oddly quiet baby. A baby he could not kill, but a baby he had to get rid of nonetheless. It was fortunate he had made sure to keep his night free, as he stepped around the corpse of the boy to walk out the door, the shadows he had used to cage the family in, retreating back to him as he stepped out the door onto the snowy outside.
Sheathing his sword, he held the baby in his arms as he spread his wings and took flight to the sky. It would only be a matter of time before the curse took hold and he would not be able to use his wings anymore, so he had to make the trip quickly. Take the baby to the Tempest Court and then hide away.
The Courts may not be in total alliance, but they would join together to take off his head, and Malson was set to deny them that satisfaction. The Courts would talk once they found the bodies, and with his disappearance they would know it was him, but the knowledge would be the only thing they would have in the end.
“Did you hear? A Wintry family was killed…but they only found the parent's corpses."
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buttsekz · 7 years
Ring inte, skriv inte. Lås inne ivern i dig.
Markus Krunegård
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