#child kidnapping
hussyknee · 10 months
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themarginalthinker · 1 year
Spirit Away
(A look into something a bit unique to Dwayne in the vampiric banes department. Vampires are fae-like, and that means old human desires like wanting children get a little fucked up when you become something that can't actually make a biological child, and also old magic. TW: implication of child kidnapping, somewhat unsettling focus on observing young children in public)
Dwayne likes children.
The pack knows it. Dwayne knows it. Knows it intimately.
On the Boardwalk in summer, when families bring their little ones with them past sunset, hands sticky with candy, hair under hats to protect them from a sun that's left the sky, little feet stumbling under their own exhaustion and overstimulated fun, Dwayne will sit and. Watch.
He hears their little heartbeats, their short breaths as they try to keep up with the adults around them. Sometimes, if they wander close by enough, he imagines he could reach out and touch.
He never does. But he could.
It's not because he wants to do something to harm them. The thought alone makes his stomach revolt and hands curl into claws. He's eaten those that do.
But there is something inside of him that wants. It wants to hold those little bodies close. It wants them in his arms. To have. To see sleeping peacefully and watch all night. To hear laughing and dry away tears. To feed, and run with, and show them things, and tell them things so that he himself might never forget because the memory is no longer his alone.
Dwayne knows at one point, he wanted to be a father. It had seemed like something of a still-distant goal at the time, but achievable.
The wrong place, the wrong time. Max took that away from him.
Now, the old, human desire mixes with something else, this inhuman mind and inhuman need taking that and building itself a new perspective, and a new want.
Humans had things they considered having ownership over.
But vampires had mine.
Dwayne knows that to him, if he would allow himself to give into the impulse, the child would be his.
Never to harm. Never to treat with anything but the most careful, warmest of love.
Dwayne likes children.
He must never be allowed near them.
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ljones41 · 7 months
I have never understood the "LOST" fandom and its need to romanticize Kate Austen's relationship with Aaron Littleton. All it did was make me dislike her. She had committed an act of kidnapping by claiming to be his biological mother, using Aaron as her personal emotional blanket and keeping him from his real grandmother for nearly three years.
And yet, many fans - to this day - continue to pretend that Kate had done nothing wrong. Why? Because she was the show's leading female character? If not, why? Why justify or romanticize child abduction?
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the-lady-maddy · 20 days
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spoiledbrat217 · 2 years
Dadbastian! Not SebaCiel!
Tw: Talk of Kidnapping and a child in danger
Something I wanna read/see:
Something happens to Ciel, and Sebastian is utterly helpless. He needs to rely on others to save Ciel and he can do nothing but wait.
He’s not used to being useless and can’t hide his fear, because if he can’t do anything then no one can.
Plus the reunion at the end could be so cute! Sebastian is so thankful that Ciel’s back and Ciel is stunned, but doesn’t want to question it because he is just still so scared after what just happened, and he doesn’t normally get affection like that. So he just stays there silently trying to avoid tears and looking like a child.
My only issue is that I can’t think of a reason for it. Maybe Ciel is taken by other demons and brought down to hell? Not sure
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gwydionmisha · 1 year
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mech-a-nical · 2 years
Cold Murder
Composition: Monochrome
Word Count: 1774
Character Focus: Malson Knight | Nu Ivern | Amaya Dagua Ivern
Misunderstandings come deadly
Love came in wings, now sharp in jealousy
╍ Shadows curled themselves above the snow in the ground, licking their way closer to him in familiarity. A familiarity that burned through Nu when he saw the man standing outside the door of his house. Burned, despite the constant cold of the Wintry Court, Nu could feel his anger awaken as he looked at Malson and restrained himself from summoning his sword, especially not with Danien held in his arms.
Remembering his youngest son, he shifts his hold to one arm and twists his body, hoping he could block Danien from Malson’s view. Danien makes no sound as he continues to stare at the winged man. Nu’s movement drags Malson’s attention down to the child in his arms, before his eyes flick back up, and those eyes drive Nu breathless as he is once again faced with those same emotionless eyes that once claimed to not know him despite his pleading. He presses Danien closer to his body, and hopes that Amaya keeps Markus and Marite from view as well.
“...a child, you have a child”.
It’s been so long since he last heard his voice, but there is no warmth from either of them. Nu remembered that tone well, remembering from that day they rounded up the Wintry Members, with Malson leading the militia. He stood in front of Nu like at that moment, face hardened and wings posed for flight at any moment, Nu would not have been surprised if Malson had Wintry ancestry.
Even though it hurt and pulled at Nu to see Malson again, it was years too late. He had a wife, and three children. He had moved on, and if Malson had come years earlier, Nu might have listened, might have reconciled, but not now.
“Leave, Malson. Go back from where you came from.”
Malson narrowed his eyes at him, and it felt as if the shadows had expanded, muting the bright white snow, as if the shadows that had been crawling near him had enveloped Nu completely.
“I tried to save the both of us.”
Malson took a step forward, and Nu felt the urge to take a step back, but remained with his feet planted firmly as he faced up to Malson.
“Saved us? I left the Wintry Court to be saved, and you took that away. Saved us? As Commander, you could have proved my innocence.”
Another step forward, closer to Nu.
“As Commander, they would have taken my position if they claimed conspiracy. As Commander, I could protect you through the Carnage Forest. As Commander, I gave you refuge in the Luminescence Court.”
Malson raised a hand to cup the side of Nu’s neck in an inappropriately intimate gesture that he no longer had a right to do. A sheet of ice was what he touched instead, and when he turned a shocked glance back at Nu, he saw Nu glaring at him as he had made use of his powers to protect his skin.
Malson retracted his hand, and it was a quiet staredown, as Malson shuttered his expression and Nu became increasingly agitated. The tension started to grab at their bodies, and Nu opened his mouth to tell Malson anything that might make him leave, when his heart plummeted at the voice of his wife.
“Is there something wrong?”
Hands took Danien from Nu’s arm, and he turned around slowly, eyes wide in fear as he looked at Amaya. She held Danien, and he could see her looking at him and Malson, then back at him with worry and trepidation. He could see Markus and Marite peeking from behind their mother, and Nu sucked in a breath when he heard rapid movement coming from Malson.
Snapping his head back towards Malson again, he summoned his sword to parry Malson’s own.
Nu knew that he would not be able to hold his own for long going against a Commander. He needed to keep Malson’s attention on him until his children escaped safely. He knew Amaya would be able to keep them safe, and she might be able to alert the Wintry Militia, but he needed to hold off long enough.
Malson reared back and swung again, and Nu moved to block, but the strength behind the collision left Nu staggering backwards, and as he stabilized himself, Nu threw a glance over his shoulder and saw Amaya ushering the kids to a window she had opened.
Raising his sword, Nu was about to charge when shadows shot through the house and blocked any exits like barbed wire, including the opened window and door, and he could hear the surprised screams. He extended his own free hand to create an ice barrier to separate Malson and himself from his family.
As Malson stepped inside the house, he looked at Nu as if he was stupid, and with a bored expression, extended his wings and flailed them, and as he stopped them mid flail, the end of the wings were pointed towards Amaya, as black feathears shot out, and Nu could see as them slowly morphed to have a shaper tip. Nu could only throw ice attack after ice attack, attempting to slow them down if not break them before they could reach her.
While many of the sharpened feathers were aimed at the ice barrier to break it, one singular feather was sent straight for Amaya’s neck, and as she used a water defence, and moved to duck out of the way, the feather moved faster.
It cut through her neck, her throat, and disintegrated as soon as it escaped from the other side, leaving behind a clean path.
Horrified screams filled the air as Amaya’s body fell to the ground with a thump. Her eyes fluttered, and Nu could feel himself dropping his sword as he ran towards her body. He knelt beside her, picking her up from the floor to cradle her against his chest, running a hand through her hair and down her face. He forgot about Malson at that moment.
He felt a small body throw itself onto his side, and could hear Marite's sobs as she clung to him, burrowing her face on his shirt and her little hands clutching it tightly. Her body trembled, and her hair fell like a black curtain around her head, covering the view of her mother if she were to raise her head back up.
Looking to the side and over Marite's head, Nu could see Markus holding Danien, could see blue eyes stare horrified at the body of his mother but remain quiet with his mouth opened in disbelief. Markus had tucked Danien's face against the crook of his neck to shield the baby from seeing the corpse.
Footsteps approached Nu as he and Markus made eye contact, before Nu's eyes slid to his right, where he met black armour covered legs. He slowly moved his head up, it almost felt mechanical, janky, as if a weight was pressed around his neck, trying to stop him from raising his head. Legs shifted to the stomach, then torso, neck and finally black eyes met Nu's.
Nu lets out a sob, dropping Amaya back to the floor and gathering Marite into his arms. He flicks his wrist slightly and sends shards of glass towards Malson’s face. Shadows wrapped around the shards before they could reach his face, and they broke into a shower of ice dust.
Malson looked at Nu with vitriol as he swung his sword backward, the blade pointing diagonally at Nu’s chest as he brought his arm back, and then forward in a sharp thrust, sinking the blade though Nu’s soft skin and tense muscles. He continued moving his arm forward, making sure the blade passed through his chest, but in his tunnel vision, he forgot where Marite stood.
Her screams broke his focus on Nu, and Malson looked away from the blood dripping from Nu’s wound and mouth to see the girl. Both Nu and Malson saw the blade inserted into her own chest. Her face was white, and her chest rose in rapid bursts as her breathing picked up. Tears were falling down her face, and as Malson stared at her face with wide eyes, he saw the resemblance between father and daughter.
With gritted teeth, he yanked the sword out of both of them. Blood spurted out, and Nu fell to the floor sideways, following the path the sword had taken. He took Marite with him to the floor, and he gathered her into his arms as they slowly bled out into a guaranteed death.
He turned swiftly around when he felt hands pull at his armour, and without seeing, he sunk the blade into the new body. Wide blue eyes stared up at him, both of their mouths falling open as they saw each other. The same face that he had just seen bleeding out stared back at him; although this face was more youthful, younger, childish. Dead.
With a strangled scream, Malson shoves the sword further into the young boy before ripping it out again. Shadows wrapped around the baby that had been in the boy’s arms to prevent it from falling as the boy’s arm dropped and he tilted backwards, eyes blown wide open that stared up at the ceiling, unseeing.
Malson lowered his sword, point to the floor as he stared around himself. Four corpses and an oddly quiet baby. A baby he could not kill, but a baby he had to get rid of nonetheless. It was fortunate he had made sure to keep his night free, as he stepped around the corpse of the boy to walk out the door, the shadows he had used to cage the family in, retreating back to him as he stepped out the door onto the snowy outside.
Sheathing his sword, he held the baby in his arms as he spread his wings and took flight to the sky. It would only be a matter of time before the curse took hold and he would not be able to use his wings anymore, so he had to make the trip quickly. Take the baby to the Tempest Court and then hide away.
The Courts may not be in total alliance, but they would join together to take off his head, and Malson was set to deny them that satisfaction. The Courts would talk once they found the bodies, and with his disappearance they would know it was him, but the knowledge would be the only thing they would have in the end.
“Did you hear? A Wintry family was killed…but they only found the parent's corpses."
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fathersonholygore · 2 months
[Fantasia 2024] THE SOUL EATER & The Human Terrors of Storytelling
The Soul Eater (2024)Directed by Alexandre Bustillo & Julien MauryScreenplay by Annelyse Batrel & Ludovic LefebvreStarring Virginie Ledoyen, Paul Hamy, Sandrine Bonnaire, Francis Renaud, Malik Zidi, Cameron Bain, & Lya Oussadit-Lessert. Crime / Horror / Thriller ★★★★★ (out of ★★★★★) DISCLAIMER:The following essay containsSIGNIFICANT SPOILERS!Avert thine eyes,or be corrupted forever &…
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
When a rich man’s son is kidnapped, he cooperates with the police at first but then tries a unique tactic against the criminals. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Tom Mullen: Mel Gibson Katherine Mullen: Rene Russo Det. Jimmy Shaker: Gary Sinise Agent Lonnie Hawkins: Delroy Lindo Maris: Lili Taylor Sean Mullen: Brawley Nolte Clark Barnes: Liev Schreiber Cubby Barnes: Donnie Wahlberg Miles Roberts: Evan Handler Agent Kimba Welch: Nancy Ticotin Agent Jack Sickler: Michael Gaston Agent Paul Rhodes: Kevin Neil McCready David Torres: José Zúñiga Jackie Brown: Dan Hedaya Bob Stone: Allen Bernstein Wallace: Paul Guilfoyle Fatima: Iraida Polanco Roberto: John Ortiz Reporter Guest: A.J. Benza Nelson: Peter Anthony Tambakis Agent Sam: Daniel May Wong News Reporter: Donna Hanover FBI Agent: Anton Evangelista Cop #1: Joe Bacino Cop #2: Carl S. Redding Cop #3: James Georgiades Cop #4: Christian Maelen Cop #5: David Vadim Bank Manager: Michael Countryman Science Fair Coordinator: Cheryl Howard Science Fair Judge: James Ritz Radioman: Craig ‘Radioman’ Castaldo Liquor Store Cop: Joseph Badalucco Jr. Liquor Store Perp: Dell Maara Man at Party: Mike Hodge FBI SWAT Team #1: Mick O’Rourke FBI SWAT Team #2: Henry Kingi Jr. FBI SWAT Team #3: Roy Farfel FBI SWAT Sniper: Lex D. Geddings Don Campbell: Todd Hallowell Film Crew: Director: Ron Howard Screenplay: Richard Price Screenplay: Alexander Ignon Producer: Scott Rudin Original Music Composer: James Horner Director of Photography: Piotr Sobociński Editor: Mike Hill Editor: Daniel P. Hanley Casting: Janet Hirshenson Casting: Jane Jenkins Production Design: Michael Corenblith Art Direction: John Kasarda Costume Design: Rita Ryack Set Decoration: Susan Bode Tyson Second Unit Director: Todd Hallowell Producer: Brian Grazer Stunt Coordinator: Jeff Ward Stunts: Mic Rodgers Stunts: Peter Epstein Stunts: Paul Bucossi Stunts: Gregg Smrz Stunts: Andy Duppin Stunts: Steve Mack Stunts: Don Picard Stunts: Manny Siverio Stunts: Keith Leon Williams Stunts: Elliot Santiago Stunts: Norman Douglass Stunts: Cheryl Wheeler Duncan Stunts: Jophery C. Brown Stunts: Bill Anagnos Stunts: Tim Gallin Stunts: Jim Lovelett Stunts: Janet Paparazzo Stunts: Scott Wilder Stunts: David S. Lomax Pilot: Robert ‘Bobby Z’ Zajonc Pilot: Alan D. Purwin Pilot: Al Cerullo Pilot: Joseph R. Brigham Unit Production Manager: Carl Clifford First Assistant Director: Aldric La’Auli Porter Second Assistant Director: William M. Connor Production Supervisor: Michelle Morrissey Camera Operator: Bruce MacCallum First Assistant Camera: Jay Levy Second Assistant Camera: Christopher Norr Steadicam Operator: Larry McConkey Camera Trainee: Jennifer Stuart Still Photographer: Lorey Sebastian Video Assist Operator: Peter A. Mian Sound Mixer: Danny Michael Boom Operator: Andrew Schmetterling Cableman: Anthony Starbuck Assistant Editor: Guy Barresi Assistant Editor: Richard Friedlander Assistant Editor: Glenn Allen Assistant Editor: Joe Binford Jr. Location Manager: Jan Foster Second Second Assistant Director: Jeffrey T. Bernstein Script Supervisor: Eva Z. Cabrera Production Coordinator: Liz Newman Assistant Production Coordinator: Miriam Schapiro Assistant Production Coordinator: Eric Jacobson Unit Publicist: Julie Kuehndorf Production Accountant: Michael McCormick First Assistant Accountant: Louise DeCordoba Payroll Accountant: Kathy Welch Post Production Accountant: Liz Dykhouse Chief Lighting Technician: Russ Engels Best Boy Electric: Michael F. Burke Electrician: James C. Walsh Electrician: John Smith Electrician: Walter Fricke Jr. Electrician: Robert Connors Electrician: Doug Dalisera Rigging Gaffer: Ken Connors Key Grip: Dennis Gamiello Best Boy Grip: Brian Fitzsimons Dolly Grip: Edward W. Lowry Grip: Michael Finnerty Grip: Martin Lowry Grip: Richard C. Montgomery Jr. Grip: Gerry Lowry Grip: John Ford Rigging Grip: John Lowry Property Master: Tommy Allen Assistant Property Master: Diana Burton Supervising Sound Editor: Anthony J. Ciccolini III Dialogue Editor: Louis Cerborino Dialogue Editor: Bitty O’Sullivan-Smith Dialog...
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ginaraemitchell · 3 months
Kissing Asphalt by Delicia Niami | Excerpt ~ 1 signed special edition copy available | #Memoir @GoddessFish @delicianiami_author
Kissing Asphalt by Delicia Niami | Excerpt ~ 1 signed special edition copy available | #Memoir @GoddessFish @delicianiami_author The Courageous True Story of One Child's Unbreakable Spirit from Kidnapping and Abuse to Self-Love
Kissing Asphalt by Delicia Niami | Excerpt ~ 1 signed special edition copy available | #Memoir @GoddessFish @delicianiami_author The Courageous True Story of One Child’s Unbreakable Spirit from Kidnapping and Abuse to Self-Love Quick Summary Delicia’s unflinching journey through darkness and back to light will resonate with anyone who has struggled with childhood trauma. She has decided to share…
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overwhelmedandlonely · 5 months
[At a gala]
Janet Drake: Jack, honey, where’s the baby?
Jack Drake: Hm? Oh, Bruce Wayne asked to hold him. I figured he’d be safe.
[Bruce sprinting to the car]
Bruce: Alfred, start the car!
Alfred: Master Bruce, is there a problem? And why do you have the Drake child?
Bruce: Don’t worry about it, let’s just go.
Alfred: Sir, I don’t think the Drake’s would appreciate you abducting their baby.
Bruce: But-
Alfred: No “buts”, sir. Please return him, he is not an orphan.
Bruce: *under his breath* Not yet…
Alfred: SIR-
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the-lady-maddy · 1 month
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ctommyisnt · 1 year
If you didn’t hear, a family blogger/tiktoker (8 passengers) got arrested for child abuse which I’m still researching because this happened like two days ago, but the most haunting thing about it is that the mother and a collaborator publish a video four days ago, and during that video the children were tied up with duct tape and one of the kids had to climb out the window to escape and find a neighbor. I’ve only seen clips of the video but it’s absolutely horrifying just to watch these two women sit and talk about spirituality or whatever and you know for a fact that there are two TODDLERS in captivity and being abused. I’m a true crime girly, I’ll watch hours of videos that are recounting awful events, but something like this, especially so recently? You can watch the abuse happen in real time she has videos where she SAYS ‘I have to neglect my kids sometimes’ (sometimes?) the two oldest kids got out and went no contact the moment they turned eighteen, and the eldest actually was the main caretaker of the kids before then. I’ve heard about this tiktoker before but oh my god its so unbelievably awful that everyone could see what was happening but nothing was done/able to be done for YEARS
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richgirlnetworktv · 1 year
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radiance1 · 2 months
Danny: So whatcha got there?
Fright Knight: Looks down.
Fright Knight: A pile of photos?
Danny: No. The child. THE CHILD!
Tim: He's my new caretaker.
Fright Knight: Nodding
Pariah Dark: Calmly walks into house
Billy: Waves
Danny: Father what the fuck-
Pariah Dark: He looked hungry, and without a guardian.
Danny: Holy shit they kidnapped two kids.
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