#Martin Vorel
yama-bato · 1 year
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Martin Vorel
Photographer from Prague
Golden Ratio in Nature
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bodyalive · 1 year
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Photo credit: Martin Vorel
* * * *
“The brain’s genius is its gift for reflection. What an odd, ruminating, noisy, self-interrupting conversation we conduct with ourselves from birth to death. That monologue often seems like a barrier between us and our neighbors and loved ones, but actually it unites us at a fundamental level, as nothing else can.” Diane Ackerman weaves a rousing narrative of our mind as it relates to the thing “shaped a little like a loaf of French country bread”: our brain.
[The Sun Magazine]
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bjaodn · 2 years
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Hidden children eye
Description: "A photograph can symbolize a hidden child playing a game of hide and seek or a lost and frightened child. At the same time, the yellow leaf represents autumn."
Date: 31 October 2020
Author: Martin Vorel
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tumblr nezná 100 filmů! aneb 18. statistika
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Nenasytná Tiffany (2015) : nezná 91,5 %, vidělo 4,2 %
Konec srpna v hotelu Ozon (1966) : nezná 88,3 %, vidělo 5 %
Záhrada (1995) : nezná 86,1 %, vidělo 1,4 %
O slavnosti a hostech (1966) : nezná 84,6 %, vidělo 6,2 %
V žáru královské lásky (1990) : nezná 84,4 %, vidělo 6,3 %
Hezké chvilky bez záruky (2006) : nezná 84,1 %, vidělo 1,4 %
Pirko (2016) : nezná 83,6 %, vidělo 1,5 %
Anděl Exit (2000) : nezná 83 %, vidělo 1,9 %
Dívka s mušlí (1980) : nezná 82,5 %, vidělo 4,8 %
Eva Nová (2015) : nezná 81,4 %, vidělo 1,7 % N
nenáhodné poznatky: speciální faktoidní edice
zastoupení filmů podle dekády vypadá takto:
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Tedy nejvíce filmů ze stovky neznámých pochází z počátku tisíciletí, následují roky 2010–19 a na třetím místě máme osmdesátky. Ale pokud se podíváme na všechny filmy z daného desetiletí, zjistíme, že nejméně známe filmy z čtyřicátých let (v absolutních číslech je to pět filmů neznámých a jeden známý, ale neviděný), dvacátá léta nepočítaje. Naopak nejvíce známe filmy z padesátek, což není překvapivé, protože většina filmů z tohoto období, o kterých se hlasovalo, byly pohádky nebo klasiky typu Švejk.
nejvíce neznámých filmů je z roku 1966, je jich... 6 (*devil eyes*)
o těchto filmech v průměru hlasuje 65,93 člověka (dovolím si říct... 66), u všech filmů je to 71,18 osoby a u viděných filmů 76,83
pro jednou se seriózně pobavme taky o žánru:
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Tento lame graf znázorňuje, že 57 filmů je na ČSFD označeno jako komedie, 39 jako drama, 9 jako pohádka, 8 jako krimi, psychologický, fantasy nebo horor, 7 jako romantický, 6 jako sci-fi a pak nějaké další drobné. Nutno podotknout, že kategorizace ČSFD jsou často hodně podivné a nedá se jim věřit.
a nakonec něco o režisérech (hvězdičkou jsou označeni ti, kteří figurují také v žebříčku viděných filmů):
4 filmy – Juraj Herz*, Tomáš Vorel, Karel Kachyňa, Zdeněk Podskalský*, Martin Frič*
3 filmy – Vladimír Michálek, Ladislav Rychman, Jan Švankmajer
2 filmy – Andy Fehu, Jan Schmidt, Jan Němec, Věra Chytilová, Jaroslav Soukup, Dan Svátek, Miroslav Cikán, Josef Pinkava, Jiří Strach*, Jiří Mádl, Martin Kotík
1 film – Martin Šulík, Lucia Klein Svoboda + Petr Svoboda, Jiří Svoboda, Marko Škop, Tereza Nvotová, Jasmina Bralić-Blažević, Aurel Klimt*, Otakar Fuka, Vladimír Slavínský, Martin Ťapák, Martin Hollý, Šimon Pešta, Ivan Passer, Bořivoj Zeman*, Jaroslav Papoušek, Vítězslav Hádl, Jaroslav Balík, František Vláčil, Marek Dobeš + Štěpán Kopřiva, Zdeněk Sirový*, Pavel Soukup, Ondřej Trojan*, Jiří Menzel*, Filip Renč*, Oldřich Lipský*, Miloš Forman, Irena Pavlásková, Jonáš Karásek, Libuše Koutná, Gustav Machatý, Ester Krumbachová, Zdeněk Troška*, Jindřich Polák*, Braňo Mišík, Jaromil Jireš, Miroslav Šmídmajer*, Zdeněk Jiráský, Tomáš Pavlíček, Ota Koval, Kryštof Hanzlík, Václav Marhoul, Milan Cieslar*, Bohdan Sláma, Petr Zelenka, Filip Remunda + Vít Klusák, Jiří Krejčík, Václav Vorlíček*, Helena Třeštíková, F. A. Brabec*
A to by myslím stačilo. Tentokrát to bylo mnoho dat a faktů, málo dojmů. Tak ty třeba zase příště, až něco uvidíte. Všechny filmy mimo top 10 pod perexem. Pá.
Špína (2017)
Babičky dobíjejte přesně! (1983) N
Řád saténových mašlí (2000)
O kouzelném zvonu (1998)
Pumpaři od Zlaté podkovy (1978)
Dva týdny štěstí (1940)
Pacho, hybský zbojník (1975)
Dotek motýla (1972)
Tichá bolest (1990)
Prach a broky (2015)
Pražská 5 (1988)
Kráva (1992)
Intimní osvětlení (1965)
Fantom Morrisvillu (1966)
Jídlo (1992)
Hodinu nevíš... (2009) N
Prázdniny v Provence (2016)
Provdám svou ženu (1941)
Ohnivé ženy mezi námi (1987) N
Kam čert nemůže (1959)
Všichni musí být v pyžamu (1984)
Křtiny (1981)
Milenci v roce jedna (1973)
Dým bramborové natě (1976) N
Byl jsem mladistvým intelektuálem (1999)
Smuteční slavnost (1969)
Hra o jablko (1976)
Městem chodí Mikuláš (1992)
Shoky & Morthy: Poslední velká akce (2021)
Lesapán (2015)
Výbuch bude v pět (1984)
Pějme píseň dohola (1990)
Zločin v šantánu (1968)
Klec (2019)
Na vlastní nebezpečí (2007) N
Srdečný pozdrav ze zeměkoule (1982) N
Kočár do Vídně (1966)
Jak ukrást Dagmaru (2001)
Ohnivé ženy (1984)
Smrt talentovaného ševce (1982)
Černý Petr (1963)
Pojedeme k moři (2014)
Valentin Dobrotivý (1942)
Když Burian Prášil (1940)
Skřítek (2005)
Čas sluhů (1989)
Invalid (2023)
Pánská jízda (2004)
Kdo probudí Pindruše...? (1989)
Na střeše (2019)
Erotikon (1929)
Vražda Ing. Čerta (1970)
Deváté srdce (1979)
Andělská tvář (2001)
Ikarie XB-1 (1963)
Roztomilý člověk (1941)
Nikdy neříkej nikdy (2023)
Učitel tance (1994)
Vy nám taky, šéfe (2008)
Případ mrtvého nebožtíka (2020)
Hrdinný kapitán Korkorán (1934)
Dáma na kolejích (1966)
Poupata (2011)
Chata na prodej (2018)
Svatba upírů (1992)
Úsměvy smutných mužů (2018) N
Kočičí princ (1978)
Královský slib (2001) N
Morgiana (1972)
Něco z Alenky (1988)
Anton Špelec, ostrostřelec (1932)
Je třeba zabít Sekala (1998)
Mazaný Filip (2003)
Colette (2013) N
Otesánek (2000)
Instalatér z Tuchlovic (2016)
Sestřičky (1983)
Venkovský učitel (2008)
Knoflíkáři (1997)
Český sen (2004)
Drahé tety a já (1974)
Upír z Feratu (1982)
Jen ho nechte, ať se bojí (1977)
Tři životy (2007)
Vyšší princip (1960)
Metráček (1971)
Kdo chce zabít Jesii? (1966)
Katka (2009)
Kouř (1990)
V peřině (2011)
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hulkowaaa · 1 year
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Kouř/Smoke (1990), dir. by Tomáš Vorel
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martinvorel · 6 months
Martin Vorel: A Snapshot of Creativity
Early Passion
Born in 1983, Martin’s love affair with photography began during his childhood. Armed with analog cameras, he embarked on a journey to capture memories and experiences in still images. Little did he know that this passion would blossom into a remarkable artistic career.
The Essence of Minimalism
Martin’s work is a celebration of simplicity. In a world that often urges us to accumulate more, he chooses to pare down. His photographs evoke calmness and clarity, revealing the essence of everyday objects and landscapes. Through his lens, we see the poetry in simplicity.
Portfolio Highlights
Martin’s portfolio spans a wide range of themes, each infused with his signature minimalist touch:
Landscapes: His black-and-white landscapes transport us to serene vistas, where every line and curve tells a story.
Abstract: Abstract shapes and organic forms come alive in his compositions, inviting us to explore beyond the obvious.
Silhouettes: The interplay of light and shadow creates captivating silhouettes, leaving room for our imagination.
Architecture: Martin captures architectural marvels with an eye for clean lines and harmonious geometry.
Nature: From delicate flowers to sweeping vistas, nature unfolds in its purest form through his lens.
Fine Art Prints
Martin collaborates with Fine Art America, renowned for its exceptional print quality. You can own a piece of his art by purchasing fine art prints in various sizes and styles. Whether you prefer acrylic, canvas, metal, or wood prints, Martin’s work is ready to adorn your walls.
Personal Approach
As an independent artist, Martin maintains a personal connection with his audience. Each photograph is a unique creation, devoid of mass production. By supporting him, you contribute to the continuation of his creative journey.
Explore Martin’s World
Visit Martin Vorel’s website to immerse yourself in his captivating imagery. Browse through categories like black and white, abstract, landscapes, and more. Perhaps you’ll find a piece that resonates with your soul—a quiet reminder to embrace simplicity and find beauty in the ordinary.
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jcmarchi · 6 months
How CO₂ Price Affects Development of Electricity System? - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/how-co%e2%82%82-price-affects-development-of-electricity-system-technology-org/
How CO₂ Price Affects Development of Electricity System? - Technology Org
Price is a key factor in purchasing decisions – this also applies to the CO₂ price and the transition to climate-neutral energy. Ariadne researchers at the Institute of Energy Economics and Rational Energy Use have investigated the effect of CO₂ price fluctuations on the development of the electricity sector.
The analysis by Ariadne researchers at the Institute of Energy Economics and the Rational Use of Energy (IER) shows, for example, that the use of renewable energies will increase by 2030 if the price of CO2 rises.
Although it is associated with higher costs than a low CO2 price trend, the energy transition is progressing faster, which is why the cost-benefit balance of early high CO2 price signals is positive overall. Additional financial burdens on private households due to a rapidly rising CO2 price should also be compensated in order to reduce social inequalities.
Reverse engineering jet fuel from carbon dioxide could contribute to developing carbon circular economy. Image credit: Martin Vorel via libreshot.com, CC0 Public Domain
The development of CO2 prices is often depicted as linear in various scenarios – but in fact the historical trend shows that prices are subject to fluctuations and are anything but linear. The assumption behind the linear price trend is that certificate volumes decrease continuously over time.
However, this this fails to take into account other influences on the price, such as the fact that certificates can also be “stored” and used at a later date, i.e. quantities can be used at a later date. Among other things, this can lead to considerable price fluctuations.
Due to these price fluctuations, the effects on the expansion of renewable energies and the continued use of gas-fired power plants are not constant, but adapt to the actual CO2 price: In the event of a temporary slump in the CO2 price, for example, the expansion of renewable energies may be delayed due to there being less pressure to act.
Among other things, analysis shows that a low CO2 price causes investments in wind and photovoltaics to be postponed, while at the same time the flow of money into gas-fired power plants and thus also the volume of emissions from the electricity sector increases.
The researchers argue for the necessity and advantages of early high CO2 prices on the emissions market by 2030 in order to steer the transformation of the electricity sector towards a climate-neutral energy supply in a targeted manner.
Source: University of Stuttgart
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tomjamesmn · 10 months
Sham Books: The latest generative-AI scam
AI-generated junk is flooding book markets now - misleading consumers, damaging authors' reputations and cheating them of fair value for their genuine works. Here is an article I wrote about it.
Photograph by Martin Vorel, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons. The image has not been modified. No suggestion is made that the licensor endorses this author or this use. Copyright issues raised by generative-AI (artificial intelligence) have been receiving extensive coverage and discussion lately. Generative-AI has given rise to another kind of problem, too, though. People are generating books…
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Attribution (not required by the author but appreciated) for the photos I cropped and used as my profile Avatar and Header were gathered under CC0.
1. INVISIBLE GIRL - FREE IMAGE FOR COMMERCIAL USE | Martin Vorel, CC0 | https://libreshot.com/invisible-girl/
2. BACK TO SCHOOL - FREE IMAGE FOR COMMERCIAL USE | Martin Vorel, CC0 | https://libreshot.com/back-to-school-3/
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virtuallyinsane · 4 years
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Traditional cottage house in Slovakia 
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yama-bato · 1 year
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Martin Vorel
Flying birds
Photographer from Prague
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soaveintermezzo · 3 years
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Gabbiani della città di Praga
Foto di Martin Vorel
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yo24hua-base · 3 years
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Ohne Drogen geht es nicht!
Ein Faden von Dr. Pierre Tailleur:
Keine Drogen zu nehmen kann auch schädlich sein:
1.) Wer bei langanhaltenden Schmerzen keine Schmerzmittel nimmt, kann sein Schmerzgedächtnis negativ kalibrieren.
2.) Wer in gewissen Situationen keine Beruhigungsmittel nimmt, kann seiner Psyche nachhaltig schaden.
3.) Wer bei hoher/langer Belastung keine Stimulanzien nimmt, kann leicht einen Unfall durch Unaufmerksamkeit provozieren.
4.) Wer mit Freunden keine Rauschmittel nimmt, kann u.U. nicht zu dem sozialen Wesen werden, welches er/sie gerne wäre (und im Herzen auch ist).
Bei Drogen nur über Tod & Verderben mit statistischer Rechtfertigung an der Signifikanz-grenze zu sprechen ist m.M.n. schädlicher als Menschen die Tools für Risikomanagement in die Hand zu geben, die sie brauchen (vgl. Drogenmündigkeit).
Totale Abstinenz ist ohnehin ein Mythos dem praktisch niemand nachgeht. Spätestens wenn im Alter die Kräfte nachlassen, man die ersten richtigen Schmerzen verspürt oder gar eine OP ansteht, lässt man von dem Gedanken der Abstinenz ab. [27.09.2020,Twitter].
Alle folgend benannten Stoffe weisen in irgendeinen sinne Psychoaktive Eigenschaften aus - Auflistung in Stichworten:
Schmerzmittel (Analgetika): * Opioide (natürliche Opiate): Codein, Morphin, Thebain; * Synthetische: Diacetylmorphin, Fentanyl, Methadon, Tilidin; * (höher dosiertes) Cannabis (als Arznei);
Narkose, Narkotika (Anästhesie, Anästhetikum): * Barbiturate; * Ketamin; * Propofol;
Beruhigungsmittel (Sedativa): * Benzodiazepine (Alprazolam, Diazepam (Valium), Lorazepam); * (niedrig dosiertes) Cannabis (als Arznei); * Mitragynin (Kratom); * Neuroleptika (Anti-Psychotikum, Psychopharmaka); * Alkohol; * Opiate;
Stimulanzien (Stimmungsaufhellung, Aufputschmittel, Doping): * Koffein (Kaffee, Tee, Cola, ...); * Kokain; * Nikotin (Zigaretten, Tabak); * Amphetamine, z.B.: Methylphenidat (Handelsname u.a. “Ritalin”);
Titel: Dr. Fabian Pitter Steinmetz [Ab: 11.12. 2020] * (ehem.: “Dr. Pierre Tailleur”, bzw.: “Dr. Peter Taylor“). * Faden: “Keine Drogen zu nehmen kann auch schädlich sein ...” [27.09.2020].
Bild: https://libreshot.com/de/pharmacy/ * Lizenzdetails - Ersteller: Martin Vorel, Creative-Commons-Lizenz via Google Suche.
Wikipedia (DE): Droge - Klassifizierung nach Wirkung.
Erstellt am: 28.01.2021, Bearbeitet am: 14.03.2021.
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cysnews · 3 years
Kanoista Martin Fuksa vybojoval na mistrovství světa stříbro, čtyřkajak přidal bronz
Kanoista Martin Fuksa vybojoval na mistrovství světa stříbro, čtyřkajak přidal bronz
Kopl loď do cíle, ale ze sil se vydal tak, že už se v ní neudržel. Kanoista Martin Fuksa však proťal cílovou linii dle pravidel a popáté v kariéře získal na olympijské kilometrové trati na mistrovství světa v Kodani stříbro. Čtyřkajak Jakub Špicar, Daniel Havel, Jan Vorel a Radek Šlouf vybojoval bronzovou medaili. Kajakářka Anežka Paloudová byla na neolympijské kilometrové trati čtvrtá. Další…
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camerondent-blog · 6 years
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-Harvey, John. “A Close up Shot of a Palm Tree Trunk Texture.jpg.” Wikimediacommons, 3 Jan. 2013, commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:A_close_up_shot_of_a_palm_tree_trunk_texture.jpg.
-Tangsri, Lerkrat. “Bottom View of Green Leaved Tree during Daytime.” Pixels, 8 Apr. 2016, www.pexels.com/photo/wood-light-nature-forest-91153/.
-Vorel, Martin. “Tree Trunks.” Libreshot, 12 Apr. 2018, libreshot.com/trees/.
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altajackuniverse · 4 years
19 of the Best Royalty-Free Stock Photo Sites for You to Use
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19 Free Stock Photo Websites for Royalty-Free Images
  I got the terrific image above for free on Pixabay.  I don't know why, but for some reason many publishers continue to use cheap stock photography to represent their brand.  High-quality stock photos don't have to come hand-in-hand with a hassle or high price tag.  To prove it, we've compiled a list of 19 awesome resources for free, high-quality stock images for websites, blogs, and similar online properties.  From enviable office spaces to stunning scenery, we're certain you'll find exactly what you're looking for with the help of this royalty-free image website roundup.   Pixabay   Pixabay offers over 990,000 quality photos that are all released under Creative Commons CC0 into the public domain.  The site is clean and intuitive, making it easy to navigate your way through their free photos, vector graphics, illustrations and videos. The main search bar even allows you to filter your query down by factors like media type, orientation, category, size, and color.  Enjoy navigating through this site finding the perfect image for your next project.   Click here to view the full license details.   Gratisography   With new photos added weekly, Gratisography is an awesome website serving up high-resolution photos covered under the Creative Commons Zero license.  With new photos added weekly, by photographer Ryan McGuire, a "whimsically creative visual artist, based in Ithaca, NY."   While Ryan's photos are a bit more quirky, covering everything from monster feet slippers to Vespas to bananas, they are entirely usable for your next project.   Click here to view the full license details.   StockSnap   Being different begins with their tag line.  StockSnap proudly claims that it's "not your typical crappy stock photo site."  I couldn't agree with them more. It's selection of images is both so interesting and versatile that it's almost too easy to "lose yourself while checking out the images" and come to twenty-something scrolls later.   Click here to view the full license details.   SplitShire   SplitShire offers lots of awesome royalty free photos for you to use without commercial restrictions.  Photographer Daniel Nanescu's images show that they are "made with love", and it shows. From business images to stunning portraits, I've got a feeling you'll be able to find the perfect photo for your next project or blog post.   Click here to view the full license details.   Stokpic   Every two weeks Photographer Ed Gregory generously dishes up 10 new photos that you can use on your website, as part of a template, in an ad, and well, pretty much anywhere you'd like. Check out his latest 100 pictures here, or browse through categories like landscapes, people, and technology until you find the perfect fit for you.   Click here to view the full license details.   New Old Stock We all understand how a great black and white photo can grab attention and make your point.  This collection of vintage photos comes from the public archive via Flickr Commons.  According to the website, the photos are free of any known copyright restrictions. While it's likely that they are safe to use for things like blog posts and hero images, you'll want to read up on the rights and usage below before you use them for any type of commercial project.   Click here to view the full license details.   Freerange   In-house photographers and external contributors produce all of the photos on the Freerange website.  The site hosts a wide variety of images and the photos are good quality, too.  Images provided in-house by Freerange Stock originate one of two ways.  "They are either digitally photographed on Canon DSLR cameras or they are a high resolution Nikon scan of an original 35mm slide," according to the site's 'About Us' section.   Click here to view the full license details.   Startup Stock Photos   "Take 'em, these things are free. Go. Make something."  That's a strong Twitter tagline that makes it tough not to scoop up what Startup Stock Photos has to offer.  They provide plenty of professional options to use no matter what industry you're operating within.   Click here to view the full license details.   Death to Stock   When they noticed how challenging it was for businesses, bloggers, and creatives to find free high-quality images that fit their "vibe and tribe," founders and photographers, Allie and David stepped in.  That resulted in the birth of Death to Stock.  Just submit your email and enjoy a new batch of photos delivered to your inbox every month. Death to Stock also offers a Premium membership for $15/month or $180/year if you do have some extra budget to spend.  The cool part about the paid membership is that a percentage of the profit is used to fund photography trips and other creative projects to keep the resource moving forward.   Click here to view the full license details.     Picjumbo   Do you need free images for your next website design or blog post?  You don't have to look and further than picjumbo.  Adding new photos daily, they offer a wide selection of high-quality images to fit a variety of different topics. The photographer, Vicktor, also offers unique paid packages for bloggers, designers, and agencies which start at $10/month.  He also has a handy plugin for Photoshop and Sketch for just $7.99.   Click here to view the full license details.   ISO Republic ISO's Republic's stated mission is to "provide high-quality images to be used by designers, developers, bloggers, marketers, and social media teams."  All it takes is one quick scan of the website to know that it succeeds in doing that.  It's hard to believe that their professional quality images are free. If you're looking for access to more exclusive free photos, ISO Republic invites you to sign up for its email list and receive photos right to your inbox.   Click here to view the full license details.   Kaboompics   A web designer from Poland, Karolina is the creative eye behind this awesome resource for high-quality photos.  Ranging from fashion to food to landscapes, her images cover a wide variety of different scenarios. Her users have the freedom to use them for anything they'd like, commercial use is freely allowed. While there are no formal attribution requirements, Karolina does ask that you include photo credit with a link back to the site when possible.  Doing this will help her grow the website, allowing her to provide even more awesome photos for everyone to use.   Click here to view the full license details.   LibreShot   The creative force behind the stunning photos available on LibreShot is Photographer and SEO Consultant Martin Vorel.  Vorel's collection of photos contains some of the most unique selections we've come across.  Including images ranging from crisp architectural shots to vibrant florals, you'll find the perfect image for your next project.   Click here to view the full license details.     Negative Space   Every week, Negative Space offers up new free stock photos.  Shared without copyright restrictions, these photos are free to use however you decide.  Negative Space's continuously growing collection of images ranges from architecture to technology, images you'll find yourself tapping into again and again. The best thing about this collection?  It's easy to filter through the gallery of photos, which are sortable by category, copy space position, and color.   Click here to view the full license details.   Jay Mantri   An impressive gallery of professional quality images has been built by Designer Jay Mantri has been built up just for you and me - and everyone else.  If I had to describe Mantri's photos in one word, it'd be "scenic."  But don't just take my word for it.  Check them out for yourself.   Click here to view the full license details.   Life of Pix   Leeroy Advertising Agency in Montreal and its network of talented photographers brings you, Life of Pix and it's awesome collection of high-resolution photos.  All of the images are donated to the public domain, and are available for personal and commercial use. Topping that, Life of Pix also has a counterpart, Life of Vids.  According to its website, Life of Vids serves up free footage videos, clips, and loops, weekly.  Like the images, the video content contains no copyright restrictions, and can be easily downloaded on its Vimeo account.   Click here to view the full license details.   Fancy Crave   The photos on Fancy Crave are free of copyright restrictions, but they're also pretty remarkable.  I can almost taste those green grapes?  All they ask is that you never advertise the photographs as your own, and provide attribution when and if you can. Uploading new photos daily keeps things fresh making this a bookmark-worthy resource for great photos if we've ever seen one.   Click here to view the full license details.   Pexels   Pexel's photos are handpicked from a number of free image sources to ensure that you're getting only the best of the best.  The photos that make the cut are under the Creative Commons Zero license.  This means that they are free for personal and commercial use with no attribution required.  And thanks to its search functionality, finding the perfect photo for your next project is super easy.   Click here to view the full license details.   Visit Our Web Accessibility Blog Visit Our Business Sustainability Blog Why Pay for Your Images?   We all know that conventional stock agencies charge from several hundred to several thousand dollars for images in their collection.  They "base their fees on the published size of an image, circulation and other factors."  Most professional photographers place their images with one or more stock agencies with a defined commission basis and specified contract term. The websites I have catalogued above break free from this model, with photographers offering their images for your use royalty-free.  I hope that this list provides you with the alternative you have been searching for.  Happy searching, I hope you find just the right free images for your next project.   Read the full article
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