#Marx mention
chaosites · 7 months
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stardustshimmer · 5 months
Magolor working at Mcdonalds
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What ever happened to “the customer is always right?”
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Bonus Poll!
Inspired by mod telling one of their cousins about Kirby lore >:D /silly
Explaining Kirby lore was. extremely fun ^-^
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ionthezeraora · 4 months
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going through old messages in my friend group's discord server was a mistake
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ghostlyfirn · 2 years
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i saw this fuckin meme and i lost my shit to it. therefore i had to draw it. heLP
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scorchrend · 1 year
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the full doodle page from my first day of irl classes
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yuri-alexseygaybitch · 8 months
Also re: antisemitism in the 19th century, it's important to keep in mind racial antisemitism in its full-blown Nazist form hadn't really been invented yet, and Jewishness was primarily conceived of as a religious rather than ethnic identity (hence why Marx was not seen as Jewish by his contemporaries despite coming from an ethnically Jewish family, since they had converted to Christianity before his birth). The "Jewish question" was the granting of citizenship rights to Jews who had not converted to Christianity, which Marx ultimately argues for in "On the Jewish Question" on the basis that religion is a private practice which should not determine citizenship in a secular state.
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Today in Julius Caesar and the Roman People: How reliable are Caesar's Gallic Commentaries? Why were they written - for propaganda, or something else? Does the war constitute a "genocide"?
Caesar is very good at misleading you without outright lying. This might mean shuffling details around to make his enemies look like they betrayed him instead of vice versa, scapegoating a subordinate for losing a legion, distracting the reader from a bad year with unrelated infodumps, and neglecting to mention his own strategic blunders. He's sometimes also unclear about distances and numbers of combatants. If you read him, make sure to read a critical commentary, too, or else he will sneak bullshit past you.
However, he's quite reliable for observable, concrete events. Caesar was only one of many Romans and Gauls communicating with the Senate during the war, so he couldn't outright make shit up without getting called on it. His reports strongly correlate with all our other sources for this time period.
He was aiming to make himself look good, but the books probably weren't intended as mass propaganda. Why not? Because Cicero and his correspondents show no knowledge of the Commentaries existing until 46 BCE, long after civil war had broken out, and the format of each book is too long to easily recite at public assemblies. It's more likely that Caesar wrote the books first as a collection of "notes to self" at the end of each campaign season, then later expanded on them with the intent of literally "putting his name in the history books." Many other Roman politicians, like Scipio Africanus, Sulla, Augustus and Marcus Agrippa, wrote similar memoirs.
Caesar didn't start the war, and Transalpine Gaul (the province) was rebelling even before he became proconsul, but he did escalate the conflict and exploit it. For most of the war he was definitely an aggressor.
Was it a genocide? Uhh...sort of? At some points. By modern standards. The tricky bit is that wiping entire tribes off the map was considered a normal (if horrific) part of war back then, rather than a crime against humanity. If we condemn Caesar for slaughtering the Nervii and Eburones, well - most ancient wars also had entire towns or tribes killed at some point, including civilians.
That said, calling the war as a whole a "genocide" may be misleading. Caesar was not attempting to wipe out the Gauls in general or erase their culture. Roughly half of his army were allied Gauls, and another big portion were Romans of Gaulish ethnicity. Much of Caesar's success came from playing Gallic tribes against each other, and granting citizenship, power and plunder to select Gallic allies. He would even promote some of them to the Roman Senate. Like most Roman conquerors, his aim was to subjugate the region and turn it into a taxable province, with local aristocrats collaborating to enforce Roman dominance.
Caesar was definitely an imperialist, he committed atrocities for personal glory and wealth, and he deserves censure for that. Robert Morstein-Marx believes that Caesar's estimate of a million people killed, and another million enslaved, is probably accurate. He notes that Caesar's famous clemency didn't extend to non-Romans. And, just speaking for myself, this is the part of Caesar's life I've always judged most harshly.
(Adapted from Robert Morstein-Marx, Julius Caesar and the Roman People, pp. 192-257.)
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nyaagolor · 2 years
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chaosites · 7 months
Marx propaganda: He's very funny,very sillayy and he kins almost any jester there is. Jevil? Yep. Dimentio? Yep. Harley? Some of em! That jester from glitter force,Rascal? Yep. Marx? Yes indeed! Grape enthusiast also. Sometimes he's a little mean but he means well.
Mattie propaganda: He's got a lot going on. We dont see it much and most of us don't get along with him but he is the first split. The og. He can be funny sometimes?
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chowmoon2 · 12 days
Guess who was just chilling in School after doing the major English test and thought “Hey,I want to write a Kirby fanfic Oneshot using ceaser cipher text with zalgo corruption as some of the dialogue,that would be fun” then started to write without thought on Google docs
Me,I did
(Btw,it’s connected to one of the Kirby fanfic ideas I posted here but not one of my aus,also it’s mostly horror,I think? Don’t take that aspect too seriously since I’m just writing this for fun,expect it to be out tonight or tomorrow)
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txttletale · 1 year
I'm considering joining a communist party but I'm maybe too young and not sure if I have enough experience or awareness of the current state of my country. I've also only read 3 of Marx's works so far and I don't know if that's enough. On one hand the experience might help me get a better grasp on politics, but I could also just not be taken seriously and waste time instead. What do you think?
do it. there is no level of political education which is necessary to join a party. if they laugh you out for not having read anti-duhring or whatever that's not a communist party, that's a snobby book club. any party worth their salt will be happy to have helping hands and any communist worth anything will be happy to teach you whatever you don't think you know. hell, even if the party turns out to be a glorified book club--you will develop a better understanding of whatever texts you have read talking their ideas through with other communists.
in the worst-case scenario, it can be a learning experience--if the organization is ineffective or dangerous, you will be better able to spot red flags for those things in the future. in the best-case scenario you will go from reading a couple of books to actually helping make change happen in the world. join a party!
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solarpunkani · 5 months
"Tankie" refers to people who glorify violent autocratic communist regimes. Tankies dismiss all criticism of these regimes as "western propaganda."
Tankies deny the ecocide and starvation that occurred under Mao and Stalin. They deny that 20th century communist movements were as ecocidal as capitalism. 20th century communists and socialists deliberately ignored ecological concerns. Marx himself wrote about ecology but 20th century movements deliberately sidelined that writing. They regarded those ideas as unimportant. Books on ecology like Silent Spring were restricted by many communist and socialist regimes. And so China and the USSR destroyed the ecology of half the planet while Capitalists destroyed the other half.
An ecological economist knows that growth economics is universally destructive regardless of who owns the means of production. An ecological economist knows how to engage with history and science.
A tankie only knows how to engage with propaganda and ideology.
There should be zero overlap between solarpunk and tankblr.
Okay word I didn’t know that.
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hazmatmaid · 1 year
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A bunch of collaborative shitpost doodles made with the help of @val-of-the-north and @coffilover. Unfortunately due to the image upload limit, this is but a mere fraction of the mess we made.
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stardustshimmer · 8 months
HC: Magolor wakes up in the middle of every night because either Marx or a Waddle Dee will sneak into the Lor for food.
Have a good day, Stardust! :D
He’ll be woken up by something falling and be like, “welp, time to get the broom again…”
(Thank you! You too! <3)
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scorchrend · 1 year
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it's a dream friends thing
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