#Mary and Latika my beloveds
emisirrelevant · 1 year
Well, now that The Winchesters seems to be done with, I can post this. (and even if it does somehow come back, I'm still leaving this here anyway)
I know that there was quite a bit of discourse between the ships from this show. This picture was from Meg Donnelly's instagram story a while ago but still.
How I personally believe SPNWIN should have ended, from a very sapphic-tinted lens:
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quietwingsinthesky · 2 years
the Gabriel/Loki episode of the winchesters was good though. That one can stay.
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mybrainproblems · 2 years
oh my god we have supernatural carlos and latika tomorrow
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castielscarma · 2 years
Just a quick thought about 1x01 and 1x02 of the Winchesters. I don't really know what's going on still lol except some Akrida monsters wanting to destroy everything and our beloved Dean is narrating as we see young Mary and John. But something is off... I mean... I see all the parallels with Dean. Like, that monster in episode 2 ( >.> I need to google her name again) is imo basically a mirror for John and Dean's lived experience with him when Dean himself was a kid. And we get the background with John and how he was in Vietnam and that he has stuff that he's going through, and how that affects him still now. But he's much more.... adjusted and more mellow than I pictured him to be lol. I also note all the people <3 (I love Latika, Carlos) that surround Mary and John. It seems that the hunter community is much more.... a community than in Supernatural. We know that, it's pointed out in Supernatural too, and that Dean and Sam's stance and life is kind of an anomaly, (at least in regards to the community aspect), probably due to John keeping them out. And to know that John does that, when he so far in the Winchesters has used that community and really found family for help, and strength and purpose is... bad. So... I'm still kind of narrowing my eyes at John and how he acts. Honestly, the best thing I could explain it as is that sometimes I get an AU feeling (not in the sense that, oh Jensen fucked up and doesn't know the Spn Universe, he does) but that these are not quite the same Mary and John we know from Dean's and Sam's supernatural world.
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spn-lesbian · 2 years
so I finally watched the pilot and
- I had no idea what was going on 90% of the time
- John/Latika is actually much cuter then John/Mary (wich is very adorable too tho)
- ngl Carlos making out with Mary’s ex boyfriend and fucking up the hunt because of it is the most biconic move in the history of ever
- Latika is so cute I love her holy shit
- I really liked the episode it was great!!
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lediz-watches · 2 years
Art of Dying
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It's now official: I adore Latika. She was written specifically to make me, personally, very happy.
I’m liveblogging The Winchesters as a Supernatural!virgin. Please keep my lack of knowledge in mind if you continue...
In episode thoughts:
This week appears to be a slasher or zombie movie, maybe?
Except the zombie can pull victims into the ceiling, cool
Thank you, Dean, for vocalising what I was saying these people are supposed to be. There shall all be darkness in everyone grah!
Side note – after taking a break, I realised just how tiny Mary’s actor is. I mean, she and Carlos are usually wearing kick butt heels so you never notice, but they’re actually like ridiculously short compared to the others. Mary is kind of adorable despite being a gruff cop.
Oh, werewolf. That tracks.
Oh for god’s sake, show, do not give me a character who managed to get out—that Mary knew about—and then tell me she was scared to get out. Pick a goddamn lane.
Side note. Carlos and Lata are always so fabulous compared to every other hunter. Carlos obviously more than others, but –
Also, wasn’t Lata only just getting into academic hunting theory? How can she identify marks ‘consistent with werewolf attacks’? Or the fact that it’s not actually a werewolf claw? I’m not complaining, I like her whole academic hunter vibe, it’s just one of those things I have come to question a bit belatedly.
Okay, Lata worrying about her pacificism is exactly the sort of character I want in this show. I want her to stand by it, but I want it to be her weakness and her strength. I love how much she doesn’t suit the world she inhabits.
Ohh, Carlos, you’re so twitterpated, that’s adorable.
John’s eyeshadow is working overtime this episode, just by the bye. I wonder if he’s supposed to be tired or falling dark or if it’s just an accident. It’s also making him look very Jared Padaleki, which is a nice accident.
And speaking of makeup, you would think that a show that’s based in supernatural creatures would spend more on making their monsters look… less um… yes. Let’s move on, because I’m not judging. X-Files definitely had worse and I rolled with that for like, seven seasons. I’m just noting it.
I like Mary trying to be a good boss. I also like the line “I don’t need you using me as an excuse to avoid your issues.” That is a good line. That is a GOOD line. Well done, Mary.
But while it’s in character, and very 70s, and very consistent, GET OFF IT, JOHN. She’s been hunting since you were like 8 years old, she’s essentially your boss, you just called her ‘coach’ in a deferential manner, how DARE you pull this patronising paternalistic NONSENSE. I am SO MAD he even TRIED IT.
…this episode seems to be trying to call forward to that theory I had about John being redeemed by death. That or it’s talking about some other character that gets ‘wielded like a weapon’, but again, it’s another time that this show feels like it’s talking to an audience that isn’t me.
I mean, there’s always another choice than murdering a partner. Even one that scares you. Especially when you’re all like, professional scary people. Scaring people is just the vibe.
Oh. John got possessed. Kay.
I like John better as an evil ghost. Weird.
YES, LATA. I like this story. I LIKE your story. There is ALWAYS a choice, and you have to keep making it, and it’s not going to be easy, and GOOD ON YOU, MY GIRL, I love you so much.
AND YES, the old hunters DID screw up, and they should feel bad, and -
GODDAMMIT going back into hunting IS NOT MAKING UP FOR IT, WOMAN.
I mean, I like the comparison with Mary’s future choices, and it feels narratively appropriate, but the messaging is just… so… ugh. UGH.
But we have Lata and Carlos to be my beautiful beloved model hunters! My heroic heroes! Hugs for the OCs.
Okay. Not to get personal on main here, but Lata speaks very much to my worldview here, so of course I’m going to love it. It’s okay to be angry, it’s okay to feel betrayal and hurt and want to lash out, but we all make a choice, every day, about whether we are going to contribute more anger to the world, and possibly hurt others, or whether we are going to move through the world in our own way.
I like fantasies to be about heroes. I like stories about (actual) good guys. I like that sometimes being a good guy is hard, or means you have to make choices that may not seem good to other people, or that sometimes, the only person who will thank you for what you do will never know you were the one who did it. Because we shouldn’t be good for praise or celebration, or for any reason other than we want to do and be good.
I hate that most fantasy these days is soaked in darkness and violence and anger. That you have to be bad to be good. You have to be a monster to fight the monsters. I don’t want to believe that, I don’t want to endorse that, and I certainly don’t want to watch entertainment that celebrates that.
So yes. John upsets me. There we have it. I'm accepting this as fact, and it will probably affect my liveblogging going forward: John and his character and his main character energy upset me. I want heroes, and saviours, and thank everything for Carlos and Lata for being the positive heroes and the heroes I want to watch.
I want Carlos and Lata to save Mary through their friendship. I want Carlos and Lata to drag John back to the light.
I’m not sure yet if I’m gonna get it, but it’s what I want.
Let’s see where it goes on chapter seven. (or back to chapter one if you care.)
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emisirrelevant · 2 years
The Winchesters 1x06 Brainrot
Okay so I'm actually invested once again in another mid CW show, are we surprised??? Lol
I know that people have mixed opinions but I'm actually kind of digging this show. As someone who never watched Supernatural in the beginning/wasn't an OG fan, it's a good show in the sense of having something to watch.
I wouldn't say this was my favorite episode out of the ones we've got so far, but I like how it showed more of John.
But the fact that they wrongly identified the monster twice, I had to laugh a bit. We went from thinking werewolf, to a vampire witch thing.
I'm sorry. but that just made me think of Vampire Diaries (I MISS TVD 😩😩😩)
Other random things that stood out to me this episode:
Where was Ada? Wonder what she was up to during this episode.
Carlos being a disaster!bi around Anton.
Seeing Carlos being absolutely useless around a hot guy was FUNNY.
He did get that dinner date in the end though.
Also, John's life paralleling what Mac (Mack?) went through? I liked that Like, Mac saying "I chose my team. When I needed them, they turned their backs on me."
And finally, Lata.
Have I mentioned this yet?
The way she talked EVERYONE out of a violent option???
Latika did what she had to do. I loved her speech. And the ending scene when John comes in and asks to meditate with her.
I loved it. I was living.
Looking forward to 1x07 and the appearance of Samuel Campbell- apparently I heard he's being played by Tom Welling?? So that's fun. *having flashbacks of Tom Welling as Cain from Lucifer*
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