#Samuel because I think he should have stayed gone the whole first season. I like it when absent fathers haunt the narrative
quietwingsinthesky · 2 years
the Gabriel/Loki episode of the winchesters was good though. That one can stay.
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probably-writing-x · 4 years
Knocked off guard.
Arón Piper x Reader
Request by @isthatmaryanna : the other one is with aron where he is like super stressed on the filming of season 4 and he ends up bumping the female reader on the set, she apologizes and he got very mad and stuff like that just because he is stressed, and then he finds out she’s new to the cast and is chris new love interest and he starts to get a crush of her and gets jealous when she’s filming scenes with christian till one day he kisses her when they are recording (Wrote this with Samuel instead of Christian so that it matches season 4🤍)
Gif is not my own
Requests are closed🤍
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You’d never known nerves like this until today, they’d been basically eating away at you since you’d first woken up and they hadn’t ceased yet. You were terrified of the impression you’d make on your first proper day of filming for Élite and even more terrified of all of the things that could go wrong. You’d made sure to wake up early enough and try to get onto set within enough time but already found yourself rushing to catch up with the hectic schedule.
“Shit,” You mutter to yourself as you try to find your way back to where they’d told you to meet for your first call to makeup and hair.
You’re so busy trying to make sense of the timetable they’d given you that you don’t notice anybody else around you. Only stopping when you knock into one of them abruptly.
“Fuck!” They exclaim as the drink in their hand spills all down their outfit.
You recognised the clothes instantly as the Las Encinas uniform and realise painfully that you’d just made a first impression on one of your cast mates by knocking into them.
“I’m so so sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going-“
“Clearly!” The boy scoffs, trying to pat down the wet patch now covering the front of his crisp white shirt.
“I’m so sorry, I’m-“ You stop as you glance up and recognise him as Arón, who played Ander in the show.
“I’m going to be late,” He rolls his eyes, “Just please try and keep your eyes ahead of you next time.”
With that, he takes off in the opposite direction as you try to regain composure and continue in the direction you’d been previously heading towards.
You reach hair and makeup and it relaxes you when the team are genuinely nice to you for the whole time. They ask you about your new role as Samuels love interest and you chat to them about everything they felt you should know about working on the show.
“No I don’t think we need to-“ A new voice speaks as the door opens and two guys walk in to have their hair and makeup done, “Hey! I don’t think we’ve met before.���
You stand up and recognise the boy as Omar, who played his same name character on the show, “Yeah, no, I don’t think we have. I’m (Y/n), I’m playing Savannah.”
“Yes! I completely forgot you were starting today!” Omar exclaims, “Well, I’m Omar, and this is Arón.”
You glance to the boy that had entered with him and notice him instantly as the boy you’d knocked into earlier. His eyes fall to his feet to avoid eye contact as he instead turns to sit down in one of the chairs to get his hair done.
“Dont worry about him,” Omar rolls his eyes, squeezing the boy’s shoulder, “Someone’s being a little grumpy today. Anyway, tell me about yourself. Have you done much acting before?”
Just like that, the impression you’d made on the cast so far seems to clearly improve. You chat to Omar and get up to the stage where it feels as though you’ve known each other for a lot longer than a matter of minutes.
“When are your first scenes?” Omar asks you, “I’ll walk you down to set if you like.”
“I think I have to be there in ten minutes, that would be great thank you!”
He agrees and the two of you head out to start walking towards where you’d first be filming for the day.
- - - - - -
You’re introduced to Itzan who was going to be your main love interest in the show. It’s a relief when he’s genuinely lovely to you and makes it easy to feel natural around him.
“I wouldn’t worry, this place is full of second chances,” Itzan shakes his head as he speaks Samuels line, “All of us here, we’re on at least our fifth chance.”
“Maybe I won’t do so bad then,” You smile, “Thank you, by the way.”
He readjusts his grip on his bag strap and nods bashfully to you, “It was nice to meet you, (Y/n).”
The director yells cut and somehow you find yourself finishing your first full scene of the day. It had gone a lot more smoothly than you’d expected. Especially having started the day by spilling hot coffee over one of your cast mates.
“Omar and Miguel to set for next scene,” One of the crew calls, you think they introduced themselves earlier but it was already becoming overwhelming to remember all of these new people.
You take your seat on one of the black canvas chairs and prepare to watch the scene unfold in which Guzmán and Omar share a heart to heart about Nadia, where Guzmán confesses everything he regrets about what happened between them and what he would’ve done if he’d have had another chance with her before she left. You’re soon joined by someone beside you in the next seat and glance over to recognise Arón on your right hand side.
“So, you’re the new cast member,” He comments, twisting open his water bottle, “You didn’t introduce yourself earlier.”
“I didn’t really have the chance,” You return, shifting a little in the chair beneath you.
He scoffs, “I was too busy being late and covered in coffee.”
“I did apologise,” You defend, still slightly nervous despite your hope of appearing somewhat confident.
“And I was stressed.”
The conversation falls flat and you let the silence remain as you watch the scene unfold.
- - - - - -
Over the next couple of days, you’re starting to get settled into the motions of things. You’re starting to remember everyone’s names and the crew have been complimenting you on some of your scenes. Itzan was a good screen partner to have, always making you laugh and giving you tips whenever he felt like you were uncertain.
You’re walking through the different sets when you stumble upon Arón in one of the rooms. Nobody was filming at the moment so you found yourself slightly bemused as you watch him flop face down onto the bed beneath him that was normally used as a bedroom in the show.
“You know the cameras aren’t rolling?” You comment, unsure as to why you bother speaking anyway, “Or did you just need to practise that scene?”
He turns his head and looks in your direction. The two of you had spoken very minimally over the past days as he’d clearly continued that stressed attitude ever since you first met. You’d gotten to the point where you simply treated it as him being completely rude. Even if you didn’t want to accept that.
“I just needed some peace,” He mumbles, shuffling on the duvet of the bed as his arms fall at either of his sides.
“Sorry, I’ll leave you,” You comment bashfully, going to walk away.
“How have you been finding it so far?”
It surprises you. Of course it does. Up until now you’d assumed that he simply just didn’t like you. Perhaps not.
“It’s been good, everyone’s been really friendly,” You smile, “And I think my scenes have been going well.”
“Yeah, they won’t stop telling us how great you are,” He scoffs, “Seems like you’ve made a good first impression.”
“Well, on most people.”
He’s silent this time.
“I should go,” You say, not wanting to say anything more that might ruin the nicest moment you’ve shared with him.
“I’m sorry I’ve been so rude to you. I’ve just been a little stressed,” Arón admits, “I’m not really sure how to approach my storylines this season and I guess I’m just letting it get to me too much.”
“What do you mean?” You walk into the room and take a seat on the bed beside him as he shifts to sit up.
“I’ve always had such intense storylines, theres always something bad going on. But, this time, Anders actually happy - him and Omar are doing well for the first time in forever. I’m not really used to it,” He shakes his head, “Sorry, you don’t need to hear my acting problems.”
“Well, I guess I’m not the best person to give advice,” You start cautiously yet again, “But I would say that you should use exactly that. Anders not going to be used to it either, he’s never had that time where he’s simply been happy so he’d probably feel exactly the way that you do about having to act that story. Use that.”
He stays silent and you’re certain you’ve said the wrong thing.
“I’m sorry, I know that’s probably useless bu-“
“No, no, that makes sense,” He interjects, “Thank you.”
“Well, I should go, I asked Itzan if he’d run lines with me,” You explain, “See you later.”
“Yeah, bye (Y/n).”
- - - - - -
The next day, you’re filming your first kiss with Samuel. It sounded silly but you’d never been so nervous to film a scene - it would be the first time where you had to show that sort of affection on camera and it felt intimidating to say the least.
You’d been nervous all morning, for something so annoyingly simple.
You’re hurrying down towards your trailer when you knock into someone on the way.
“Fuck!” You exclaim as your water pours down you.
As irony would have it, it’s Arón stood in front of you.
“Looks like karma circled back round,” He smirks at the sight.
“Not now Arón,” You mutter, dashing off before he can say anything more.
It was harsh, you knew it was deep down. But you were so caught up in your own stress that you couldn’t really think of anything beyond that. You carried on towards your trailer and prayed they’d left you a spare uniform to change into if need be.
It’s ten minutes later when there’s a knock at your door and Arón is stood on the other side.
“Hey! Sorry about that, I should’ve been looking where I was going,” He comments, you’re too pressured to notice how he seemed slightly nervous.
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it,” You rush to say as you search for the right script amongst your stuff.
“Are you okay?” He frowns, “You seem a little-“
“Stressed?” You finish for him as you turn around, his appearance relaxing you a little, “I’m sorry, I’ve just got my first kiss scene with Itzan today and I’m really nervous about it.”
He laughs gently, “Why? Do you like him or something?”
“What?” You scoff, “Of course I don’t. I just don’t want to fuck it up.”
“Okay...” Arón starts, “Well, wouldnt your character be nervous too? Maybe you should take your own advice and use that.”
You smirk at his attempts at helping, “Well, this is a real role reversal!”
He steps inside from where he’d been waiting in the doorway and smirks, “Or... you could just practise.”
“Practise?” You cock a brow, “What? Ask Itzan to kiss me before the cameras roll?”
Without any further introduction, Arón takes a stride forward until he’s close enough for you to understand his real intention. He leans in only ninety percent of the way, waiting for your approval to seal the last ten percent. When you do, his eyes flutter shut and his lips curl into a smile against yours.
“Was that your plan all along?” You mumble against his lips as he pulls away.
“We all need ways of coping with stress,” He smirks a little, “Is that so bad?”
You laugh and try to fight against the bold blush on your cheeks.
“And you have nothing to worry about. You’re a much better kisser than Omar.”
“Well, I was coming to get (Y/n) to set but looks like I’ve seen and heard much more than I needed to,” Omar raises his brows from where he stood at your door, “I’ll tell them you’ll be a little late. Close your fucking door next time!” He laughs and walks off.
“Any less stressed?” Arón cocks a brow at you.
“Maybe let’s try that again.”
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ain-t-bovvered · 5 years
15x03 Commentary
  bunch of tired and caffeinated Europeans ( plus a sleepy American) scream together, and then die and try to get on with their day ( lol AS IF)
Hello and welcome:
@purpleskiesandcherrypies  (Nat)
@dean-winchesters-bacon  (Kat)  
@waywardbaby  (Zee)
@ain-t-bovvered  (Giulia)
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Opening my phone in the morning: 
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 What the fuck happened
Kat: You don’t wanna know
Kat: You’ll find out soon enough
Zee: Yeah ok I went to tumblr. Why did I do that ?
Kat: If you wanted to know I could have told you
Zee: I just opened the freaking thing and glanced at the first thing on my dash. Clearly, it was the wrong thing to glance at.  I yeeted out
Giulia: will I cry
Kat: Do you want the honest answer
Giulia: No
Kat: Didn’t think so
Giulia: Im so tired already
Zee: Oh shush
Kat: Don’t I know it
Nat : ok i'm read
Nat : or not . whatever
Giulia: I’m not!! Help
Giulia: Ok im ready
Kat: Question first!
Zee: Uh oh
Giulia: I don t like it
Kat: With the download, do y’all have the green CW screen first?
US: no
Giulia: * stressed* Why 
Kat: Because I watch my recording, I don’t download so I want to make sure I start in the same spot
Giulia: Oh ok.... Geez
Zee: Are we ready?
Nat : Are we all not ready
Kat: I think we are right?
Nat : 3
Nat : 2
Nat : 1
Nat : go
Giulia: Ghost’s town again yay
Nat : Unpopular opinon: I hope Ketch dies
Kat: Sames
Giulia: Well he done anyway so
Kat: ...
Giulia: GREAT
Nat : idgaf about Ketch
Nat : AH GHOST TOWN THE 3RD YAY I'm so happy
Kat: Love these random ass hunters
Giulia: I see white pants I think Jensen jib10
Nat : Legit wanna throw my laptop away
R: The "Rafforza l'incantesimo"
my italian ass: GASPS
Giulia: Look at Rowena pretty dress
Kat: Yyyeessss that dress
Giulia: Also she brought a change
Zee: Came prepared
Nat : She's the thing that keeps me watching at the moment
Kat: Of course, it’s Rowena
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Nat : UGH I felt that
Giulia: I felt dean
Zee: For me it’s deans legs and cas’s fed up face
Giulia: That place again
Giulia: What
Giulia: Noted
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oh look me walking with my tall friends
that door banging scared the shit out of me
R: Prendi cio che è debole, rendilo forte. D'una piuma d'oca, fai una spada.
Take what’s weak and make it stronger. Of a duck feather make it a sword
Zee: Is she speaking Italian?
R: Dalla nebbia, cemento possente, impenetrabile, inflessibile.
From fog, mighty concrete, impenetrable, inflexible
Giulia: SHE IS
R: Rendilo forte.
Make it stronger
Giulia: And pretty well too
Kat: It’s not working Sam
Zee: Connection lost. Check server
Giulia: Oh no
Kat: And down she goes
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Giulia: Thanks
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Zee: A real drink
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Giulia: Lol
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Kat: This look 🤣🤣🤣
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Giulia: Gotta use it
Kat: Love the silent conversations
Giulia: Fuck off belphy
Nat : Ah angry ghosts . What else is new
Zee: I kinda love his sass
Kat: Same but I still want to stab him
Nat : Wow, imagine this was the last three episodes. It's over in a freaking ghost town. I'm still salty, can you see?
Giulia: Yeah that would fucking destroy me
Kat: Not at all you hide it so well
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Giulia: That’s not who we are
Zee: Go Dean!! Tell them
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Giulia: AWE SAM
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Kat: Aw Sammy
Giulia: SAM
He’s so gentle . Such a big gentle giant, I love him.
Zee: Control your face Sam
Kat: That doesn’t happen. At all.
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Giulia: that strap tho
Nat : Not gonna give up
Kat: He never does. Take a knee
Nat : He's like a leave in the wind, give up not giving up give up not giving up
Zee: Is he us?
D: Oh, I'm not freaked. I'm angry, okay? I'm pissed.
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Kat: Jensen your Texas is showing
Giuls: And I’m loving it
Giulia: I need more then
D: Th-This... This sloppy-ass ghostpocalypse... that's Chuck's ending? No. No, I don't think so. After everything that he has put us through? I'll be damned if I'm gonna let some glorified fanboy get the last word.
Nat : Sloppy Ass Ghost Apocalypse. Yeah, that's about sums it up
 Zee: Glorified fan boy
Giulia: dean speaking up for the fandom 
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S: Anything useful in there? R: Not a thing.
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Nat : You don't have eyes
Nat : snorts
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Zee: You don’t have eyes
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Giulia: Ok that was funny
B: I got an idea, but, uh... you're not gonna like it.
Giulia: DON T
Giulia: TOUCH
Giulia: MAH BABY
Kat: You okay bb?
Giulia: no  I’m fear 
Kat: What
Giulia: Because i just remembered the season trailer. And i wanna be wrong
Zee: Surprised moose
Nat : Did he just say, minions
Nat : But that would mean that Belphy would stay on earth?
Kat: No he’d be in hell
Nat : Ah
Giulia: Ah
Giulia: ... I don t like this
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Nat : Dibs on Samuel
Giulia: Dibs on samuel
Zee: Dibs on Samuel
Nat : Hey
Giulia: AH sam witch confirmed
Nat : I'm calling Dibs on Dean then
Kat: NO
Giulia: Cas🙋🏼‍♀
Zee: Was waiting for Kat
R: Whoever does this, they'll be unprotected. No salt circles... all manner of angry spirits right up in their grill.
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Nat : So yeah, Belphy wants Cas
Giulia: NO Don t look at my bb
B: I want protection.Muscle.
D: Yeah, Cass’ll go.
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C: Well, it sounds like I don't have a choice.
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Giulia: DEAN
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Zee: Dean threw him under the bus
Giulia: ugh
Kat: Oh babe
Giulia: COME ON
Nat : Dean would literally do anything now
Nat : That's how desperate he is
Kat: YUP
Nat : I see more of Ketch than I ever wanted
future me: ain’t that right
Zee: His underwear are ridiculous
Nat : Kill him
Giulia: Jesus lady there is an apocalypse going on
random demon I don’t care about: And you won't give them up? Not for any price?
K: Not at any price.
Giulia: Aw ketch
Kat: ya happy Nat?
Giulia: Eh
Giulia: We are at 2 spn final season deaths already nice
Zee: Casually strolling the graveyard
B: You know, your part in all this is, uh, pretty dangerous.I mean, you could die, get trapped in Hell. Your friends might never see you again. Funny, 'cause, uh,they didn't seem to think twice about it.
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Nat :lol Cas
Zee: Ok
Kat: Hhhhhhhaaaahahhaaa
Giulia: witch stuff
Nat : And what's Dean's role in this?
Nat : I think I got distracted
Kat: Outside by the hole  
Giulia: Being grumpy 
Nat : Ah where he should be 😉
Kat: Ready and waiting lol
Giulia: Well you’d want him in
Nat : Well, not the whole of him
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Zee: so fed up
C: Yet you needed protection, "muscle", for this?
B: Okay, you got me. I wanted company. I wanted your company. What? Shouldn't we at least try and be friends?
Nat : Belphy is Giuls
Giulia: WOW
Nat : You would want Cas' company too
C: You are not growing on anyone. Sam and Dean are just using you. Don't mistake that for caring about you, because I can assure you they don't.
B: Wow. You learn that the hard way?
Kat: Cas should know
Nat : Sush
C: You're wearing Jack, who was like a son to me, like a coat.
Zee: Like a son to me
C: It's an abomination.
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Giulia: im sad. I’m so sad
Zee: I think you should wait
Kat: It’s gonna get worse bb
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Nat : Why does Cas has to go in first
Giulia: what else is new
Zee: The muscle
Nat : Ah
Nat : Do we trust him?
Zee: No
Giulia: I hate how I can recognize enochian
Giulia: I trust bel so little
Nat : I don't think he should say that out loud
Giulia: Oh
Zee: What?
Giulia: WHAT
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Giulia: OMG WHAT
Nat : Don't do it?
C: ♪ Toh-luh dah... ♪
Giulia: OH COME ON
Kat: That’s all you get lol
Giulia: fuck  Oh great that was the “musical”
Nat : Ah Dean's at the hole
Nat : snorts
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Kat: There might be a couple seconds more I can’t remember
Nat : Sam just thinks that he should be with Dean when this all goes to shit
Nat : And I cry
Giulia: ...great
Kat: Nope
C: ♪ ... mee ♪
Zee: Like an angel
Nat : WELL
Giulia: Oh fuck off
Zee: Oh fuck
Giulia: Well
Nat : Who is she again
Giulia: Ardat Some demon who wanted to kill bel
Nat : Ardat Lili is a dangerous storm spirit from ancient Sumeria, a vampiric succubus who visits men at night
Giulia: Thanks Hermione
Kat: Thanks google
Zee: Nerd
Nat : At least I know how to work google. Unlike the majority, it seems
Giulia: well I’m doing 3 things at the same time
Giulia: Everybody wants to rule hell. Nobody learned a thing from Crowley
Zee: It’s been a while since Cas got smacked
Giulia: He’s a fucking angel
Kat: Ugh he’s so annoying
 Zee: That close up Giuls ? 
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Nat : Ah the wind in Dean's hair
Nat : I need that close up Giuls   
Kat: The wind in Cas’ trench
Nat : lol in Cas' shirt
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Giulia: that hand holding
Kat: 😭
Giulia: I’m having anxiety
Zee: We see
Nat : Shouldn't Cas go out before it closes. Before Dean throws that bomb in?Ah, too late
Giulia: I can t take it
Kat: He’s got business
Giulia: CAS
Giulia: what
Giulia: What is happening
Giulia: I’m so angry at everyone
B: It's me... Jack.
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Zee: NO
Giulia: OH NO
The struggle Castiel going through is painful ok. I hate it , HATE IT.
Nat : Ah so Jack is gone?
Kat: His body I guess
Nat : For good?
Giulia: FUCK NO
Zee: WTF
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Well this destroyed me .
Kat: That wasn’t Jack
Nat : Because he's still in the empty, right? He's forgotten there
Giulia: FUCK
Kat: Death has plans
Zee: CAS
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Oh you can see the moment Castiel feels like he’s got nothing left . great.
Nat : What
Giulia: ROWENA
Nat : WHAT
R: Won't need that where I'm going.
Nat : Ah fuck
R: Magic can do anything, Samuel , can contain anything... even the vast multitudes of Hell.
Zee: WHAT?
Giulia: NO
Nat : If I pay the price
R:"Death Is an Infinite Vessel."  A spell so simple it draws its power from its caster.Just two ingredients.
S: Rowena, why didn't you tell us?
shut up Sam 
R: Because, dear, the first ingredient is my own still-coursing blood. And the last is my final breath.
Nat : Rowena loves them to much
Zee: Hold on HOLD ON
Giulia: i love her so much
R: I'll absorb the ghosts and demons and return them to Hell.In time, my body'll break down, and they'll be released right where they belong.
S: No, no. No. Rowena... no.
Giulia: GREAT
Nat : NO AH
R: To perform this spell, I have to die. And it has to be you that kills me.
Nat : Right, in every death book of Rowena, she's killed by Sam
Giulia: WHAT ?! YIKES 
R: My real, permanent demise is at your hands. It's in Death's books.
S: Yeah, well, you know what? Screw the books.
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D: Wh-What about the Crook?
C: It's gone. It was destroyed.
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That what is so ..... wow
R: I don't care about anything enough to take my own life.Not you, your brother... not even the world. But I believe in prophecy. I believe in magic. And I'm here, and you're here, and everything we need to end this right is in our hands.I know this in my bones...it has to be this way. Do it! Kill me, Samuel!
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Nat : I'm-
Kat: 😭😭😭😭😭
Giulia: I’m
Nat : Fuck, Sammy
Nat : Sam is too fragile for that
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R:   I know we've gotten quite fond of each other, haven't we? But will you let the world die, let your brother die, just so I can live?
Giulia: NO SHUT UP
Zee: Shut up Rowena
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Giulia: NO
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Giulia: NO
Nat : Dean's pissed. What else is new
Giulia: NO NO
Nat : NO
Giulia: SAM
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Giulia: FUCK
Zee: God damn
Giulia: STOP IT
Kat: She says Dean’ll die and Sam gets stabby
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R: That's my boy.
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Nat : Of course
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Giulia: FUCK OFF
Nat : OH NO
Giulia: SHIT
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Giulia: COME ON
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Nat : CAS
Giulia: CAS BB
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Giulia: oh dean is in the nude
Giulia: Oh he was crying In his room
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Nat : Does Sam actually fit in the bed?
Giulia: Ah yeah ketch too
Kat: Okay I know it’s super sad but these boys are looking GOOD
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C: How's Sam?
D: Not great.
Kat: Get ready babes
C: Sorry about Rowena.
Giulia: No i refuse
Zee: WHAT?
Nat : NO
Giulia: Fuck
Nat : Don't you throw this in Kat
D: You're sorry? Why didn't you just stick to the damn plan?
C: He wanted to eat every last soul to take over Hell, Earth, and every...
D: Yeah, and we would've figured it out... after. With Rowena.
OK but listen...figuring it out later could have been worse , although it’s true that Rowena was a real great asset. Idk man I’m hurting
Giulia: i can feel dean’s anger
Nat : Dean control your anger
C: Something went wrong. You know this. Something always goes wrong.
D: Yeah, why does that something always seem to be you?
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Kat: Oooohhhh boy
Nat : WHAT
Giulia: NO
Giulia: DEAN  U FUCK
you can see the shock and hurt and heartbreak on Cas’ face but it’s fine , it’s fine WE’RE FINE
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C: You used to trust me, give me the benefit of the doubt. Now you can barely look at me.
They both so hurt and I cannot bear this
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Zee: Can’t breathe
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C: My powers are failing, and... 
yeah can we talk about that ? becasue...why the fuck
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C: and I've tried to talk to you, over and over, and you just don't want to hear it. You don't care.
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Nat : The eyeroll
Kat: I know bb
C: I'm... dead to you.
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Nat : The eyeroll
Kat: I know bb
Giulia: I READ THIS 364830173 TIMES
C: You still blame me for Mary.
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Giulia: NO
C: Well, I don't think there's anything left to say.
D: Where you going?
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Kat: You knew it was happening bb
Zee: THE
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C: Jack's dead. Chuck's gone. You and Sam have each other. 
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Nat : I know
Kat: I know
C:  I think it's time for me to move on.
Nat : I knew it but I'm not happy about it
Kat: Group hug
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Kat: As per usual. He lashes out then is sorry about it.
Nat : That's human
Giulia: MEH
Nat : Yeah well, the next ep is kinky
Giulia: gag me
Kat: Yup
Giulia: My heart is broken. This ep destroyed me
Kat: I know bb
Kat: But Jensen directed
Zee: Dean was exceptionally assholy
Nat : We'll get Lumberjack Dean
Kat: That too
Giulia: dean is on a real fine thread
Giulia: I think that’s when there is samifer
Kat: Well the red was there And it was red when we see bearded!dean
Giulia: I currently don’t give a shit honestly
Kat: They’ll make up by the end
Giulia: Yeah i wanna see when
Giulia: Whatever I’m so tired
Giulia: Fuck off
Giulia: Im also pretty real sad.  And that hasn’t happened in long on spn
Kat: Jensen said in an interview it hasn’t happened yet so we’ll see
Zee: We all are
Kat: I know. I knew exactly how y’all would react
Giuls: Ok but it’s not even about destiel. I just hate to see them fight instead of working together
Giulia: My stomach hurts too now. I should go. Kat go the fuck to sleep. And nobody talks to me about the ep
Giulia: Hush i can still hear you over the sound of my soul crying
Zee: In my defense, I told her to sleep
Kat: Give your soul a tissue
Kat: She did. Many times. I didn’t listen like usual
Giulia: That vinyl now looks real good to ease my pain. Not gonna lie
Zee: Take me with you. I’ll probably be a mile back but still
Giulia: I rewatched the end briefly because I’m a dumb bitch.  And yep, i can confirm i screamed into my pillow and got actually teary eyed and boi am I dumb to get actually tears for a tv show jesus and it’s only ep 3 but the threat of the ending is getting tight around my neck already and this is stupid, and fuck. And bye
Giulia: People are hating over everything right now
Kat: Yup. People hate Cas, people hate Dean, people hate the town (@Nat )  Plus, I think it, being the last season, makes people lash out more.
Nat : Hey
Kat: Did I lie?
Nat : No but it still hurts
Kat: Well they’re away from it now At least there’s that
Giulia: Why, where are they Idk
Kat: Do I have to say it?
Giulia: Say what
Kat: Where people are. I don’t think you wanna hear it
Giulia: Exactly
Kat: So we won’t say it lol
Giulis: For what it’s worth all the people throwing hate at Dean and Castiel can all suck my dick.
If you want to get tagged send an ask HERE or to @waywardbaby or a smoke signal, idk whatever I’m tired af.
TAGS: @wayward-angelgirl  @destiel-honeypie      @mariekoukie6661      @dragontamerm       @closetspngirl    @rainflowermoon     @mattiecat       @bunnybaby121115  @aliaitee2    @jacks-word-of-the-day     @4evamc       @dammitsammy     @legendary-destiel   @winchesterprincessbride    @destielhoneybee     @ravenhg @evvvissticante @emoryhemsworth​
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shoober56 · 5 years
(So, first off, this is HEAVILY inspired by bojack horseman, specifically season 3 episode 15, so go watch it. This story is mainly about my character Alex, Now Alex...is one of the most depressing characters I've ever made. He has brain cancer, he constantly overdoses on pills, he had depression. Now, i made him for the same reason people make depressing things. The same reason people drink coffee in the morning but when they get home, chug another whole thing of it, the same reason you wake up and go' do i have to wake up? Why cant i just sleep? Nobody will notice anyway' Alex is...a filter, hiding the darkness of death and sickness, and speaking of death. This is Alex's vision..of death)
The party of the year folks, literally. Well, no, not literally, since im sure im the only one who actually goes, and everyone else is an hallucination, i know this, its a fact, because everyone whos in that party, that i fall asleep and suddenly go to once every year...is dead. It all started when Samuel died, poor bastard fell off a bridge, nobody could tell if it was suicide or if someone pushed him off, but the next night, i dreamt of going to this party...the next year, Roberts unit blasted open from heating problems, letting out the last of my lover that i kept inside, and again, the night after his death, i dreamt of this party, with him and Samuel in it. The party normally goes the same way, i meet my lost loved ones, we dance and party, we eat a huge feast..and then i wake up, without saying goodbye, and it hurts my soul every. Single. Time. During the feast, we normally talk about our worst and best moments in life, my worst changes every year, the years get worse and worse as i continue to swallow each and every pill i have, but the best one stays, no matter what. Back before Samuel and Rebert died, i met a girl, i think her name was Rose, but she helped me, alot actually, i could never repay her though, she left before i could, but i know shes not dead, shes never at the party but...where is she? I just wish to thank her for once..February 14, 2020. I chug another pill bottle and fall on my bed, i still see liquor bottles on the floor from this morning, its the last thing i see before i doze off..
"Great thing seeing you again Alex, i wish you would stay this time" Samuel asked me, it was weird, dying seemed to let him talk freely. We were both sitting in the kitchen, talking about the good days. "Dont worry sammy, i'll come one of these days, either from tumors or drugs, one of the two"I replied, taking a sip of beer. " Alex...dont think that way, i always thought you would die first but man, you're days are numbered, i can see it."Robert joined us, back as a human, not a piece of tin i was obsessed over. "Oh sammy, dont say that, he's a guest, and until hes not on, let him be himself." Samuel and Robert started talking, so i got up, deciding to talk to my mom...
The feast is always my favorite part, talking to everyone i care about, letting them know i still love them. "Best part? Meeting my lover, isnt that right alex?"Robert asked me, yeah, i mother never liked it when me or robert mentioned that i was gay, but i didnt care."and worst part, well, getting stabbed of course, i had to watch alex sob over me for the rest of my life, and i couldn't do anything, i didnt have the right mind to do it." We talked, Samuels was sad of course, and i was happy when my mom said the best part of her life was having me, but then it went to me."..well..worst part...uh...shattering ringmaster, is he here? I cant see him and...best part, meeting Rose." Samuel sighed "Alex, its always meeting rose, you never found anything better?" He asked. I shake my head slowly before somebody tapped on their glass with their fork, this is normally when i wake up, but this time it doesn't happen, i pause and my mother looks at me"um...Alex, shouldn't you be gone by now?" The person who tapped their glass stood up, and i see it, a hint of a green suit covered in shadow"oh, no, he should stay,he is part of our family now.."Ringmaster spoke before samuel looked at me "oh...Alex..."i stand up from my seat "..what happened?"The ringmaster walked up to me, his eyes glistening green"well...your pills caught up with you faster than your cancer did...im sorry.."he pat my shoulder. This cant be happening, i'll wake up. It cant be happening. It cant be. It just cant...
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dailyaudiobible · 4 years
05/21/2020 DAB Transcript
1 Samuel 29:1-31:13, John 11:55-12:19, Psalms 118:1-18, Proverbs 15:24-26
Today is the 21st day of May welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian and it is, like every single day, great to be here with you. What an honor to…yeah…just take our place around the Global Campfire, release everything else that's going on and just exhale and take this time to be at peace. So, our adventures been taking us through the book of first Samuel, which has introduced us to Samuel, to Saul, Israel's first King and to David, who Saul has tried to kill and number of occasions, forcing David to defect to the Philistines. Now the Philistines and the Israelites are gonna go into battle and David is expected to go and fight for the Philistines against his countrymen. While Saul, the king of Israel has visited us spiritist, a medium, and called up Samuel from beyond the grave who has told Saul that…well…in less than a day he will also be in the realm of the dead. So, how’s that for a set up for today's reading because that's right where we find ourselves. We’re reading from the Christian Standard Bible this week. First Samuel chapters 29, 30, and 31 today.
Okay, so the…the portion of road that we’re walking down right now through the book of first Samuel is very dramatic, for that matter, as is what's going on in the book of John in the New Testament. So, I mean, just today, Saul, the king of Israel, the very, very first King of Israel dies in battle. We’ve been walking alongside Saul since before he knew he was gonna be king back out looking for donkeys that had disappeared and coming back home finding out “you’re gonna be anointed the king of Israel.” The whole story. We've followed this story and we’ve just basically watched Saul disintegrate page by page. He's dead now. And David, the primary person that Saul wanted to kill was about to go into battle, right, and then they were sent away. And they were sent when they had to walk three days. Like that's how far it was and that's right. David was staying in Ziklag. This is a place down in the South in a transition zone by the desert. They had to walk all the way up into the Jezreel Valley near the Galilee. So, yeah, that's a long walk. This is the same…not exact same walk…but the same kind of walk Jesus would walk when He came down from the Galilea to go to Jerusalem. It's a long ways. It's a long ways to walk. So, David and his men. they get back to Ziklag and find out it's burned to the ground. Like the Amalekites have raided and everything is gone. So, he has to deal with that in the exhaustion from like a three day march up to the battle and a three-day march back. And, so, they have to go to battle on their own in the South with the Amalekites, even as the Israelites and the Philistines are doing battle in the north where Saul has been killed. David doesn't know this. Like David doesn't know yet that Saul is dead. And we can read the story and go, “well good. He's dead. Now David can become the king.” And we may even just assume, “like, that's just how it goes.” But that's not just how it goes as we'll see in the days ahead. The king has died. Three of his sons, successors have died. And you don't just elect a new king, right? It's the house of Saul. So, who in his family? And a lot of times what you see in these ancient battles, right, is the destruction of the house of the king, like the wiping out of the family altogether so that there can be a new dynasty established. So, to assume that the nation of Israel is just gonna fall in line with the David, that's…that's not exactly how it's gonna go. It's…there's some steps out in front of us and in those steps, we learn more and more things about ourselves.
Meanwhile, the religious elite in the book of John are looking for Jesus. I mean, after the resurrection of Lazarus and the rumors that are flying around and the eyewitness accounts that are happening, they decide that Jesus has to die basically, he's got…he's got to disappear. And they've even decided to see if they can do away with Lazarus and just kind of eliminate, right, sort of the wipe out the memory of these things that happened after the same fashion that new dynasties would wipe out the memory of the leaders who were before them. So, Jesus is kind of…kind of forced to be a little bit stealthy Himself, be very, very choosy about where He's moving. And yet, he does come. He does come to Jerusalem for the Passover and He’s staying in Bethany, where Mary anoints Him as we see in the book of John. But this is a Passover like none other because Jesus isn't leaving Jerusalem, not before a trial and an execution. And as I was mentioning yesterday, this…I mean where kind of at the front end of this story, but this is the last time we’ll move through this story and this year. So, let's immerse ourselves in…in the story and in contemplating the story. And yes, the time that we would normally really, really focus our attention on this story would be holy week, right, leading up to Easter, which is what, a month and a half ago now? But really, when…when should we not contemplate the gift, the sacrifice, the humility, the story of Jesus last days? And, so yes, once again, I remind us, like as we're going through this to understand that this isn't going to be repetitive. This is the final journey through this story this year.
Father we thank You for Your word. We thank You for just…I mean there’s so much drama in today's reading, it's just riveting to understand this and to begin to watch how things are shaping up and how the sort of…the next move for the nation of Israel will begin to materialize even as we watch Your next move in the gospel of John, the move that will lead You down the pathway to the cross. We are thankful. We are thankful for Your word in our lives. We are thankful for Your sacrifice that has brought us eternal life and hope. We are thankful for each other, that we can move through the seasons of life together step by step, day by day as You lead and guide us throughout the earth. Come Holy Spirit into this day, into every thought, every word, every deed of our lives. May we be honoring to You in all that we do and say and think. We pray this in the name of Jesus our Savior. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is the website and that is home and yeah, it’s home for a virtual community like ours. It’s the home of the Global Campfire. And, so, yeah, just be familiar. Stay connected in any way that you can.
Check out the Community section. Definitely contact points there, places to reach out and stay connected on social media as well as the Prayer Wall.
Check out the resources that are available in the Daily Audio Bible Shop including like our Windfarm coffee and tea. These…these are like a decade old part of our history, things that work, that pair well with the rhythm of life that we have. So, we set aside a part of our day each day and immerse ourselves in God's word and step away from the chaos that's going on and give ourselves permission to do that. And it's nice to have a cup of coffee or cup of tea and just have these little kind of…I don’t know…traditions that revolve around creating sacred space in our own lives, setting aside a little bit of space that we create as an oasis because life…yeah…life has its challenges, and there’s no…no shortage of things to distract us or pull us apart, like that we feel like we’re being pulled in a million directions. So, one thing that we've learned over many years is that this rhythm can be created to be a safe place, a sacred place. And, so, that's why we fill it with this stuff. I mean, most of us drink a cup of coffee. We might dash through a drive-through and drink it, you know, it might just be an afterthought, but what if it was an intentional thing? And, so, that's the idea. So, check out the coffee, the tea. We have it so you can just grind it yourself and enjoy. It's super fresh. We also have a…it’s exportable. We've got these little pouches and we’ve kind of made this little homemade…like you can dunk…like steep your…your coffee like you would steep tea and it's fantastic. Its Nitro sealed. It stays fresh. So, wherever you are you can enjoy a good cup of coffee, a good cup of tea, continue with the rhythm of the Bible. So, check that out in the Daily Audio Bible Shop.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, thank you, thank you humbly. We wouldn't be here if we weren't in this together. Thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, which is the red button at the top, or you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that's it for today. I'm Brian love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
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mashitandsmashit · 5 years
America’s Got Talent: Champions 2 - Final Results
Alright, I'll try to keep this brief, since there's not a whole lot to talk about aside from the results that I already knew ahead of time...
Let's start with the performances...First of all, why didn't Alexa get to do anything!? Were the dogs unable to show up or something!? Even Hans got to introduce that mash-up performance! Couldn't they have done a video of her or something...?
KISS is always a lot of fun, said mash-up gave Marcelito a chance to show off a little more range, and V.Unbeatable reprised their Quarter-Final performance from last season, but with the drummer from Blink-182 to jump over and snatch his drumstick! (And on a side-note, V.Unbeatable has helped me to appreciate Indian dance music!)
Kseniya's performance was as slick as ever, though the story (assuming there was one this time) was VERY hard to follow...So I guess we have a swan that turns into a princess falling in love with a king who is actually the moon...or something? Maybe it's just one of those avant-garde pieces...Meanwhile, Angelina gave some of her best vocals, and Tyler does seem to legitimately be developing his craft as a violinist! Maybe he'll be at Lindsey Stirling's level one day!
Speaking of whom, if I ONLY heard she was appearing in this episode, and not who she performed with, I would have guessed Tyler to be her co-performer...But I guess Silhouettes fits pretty well...Problem is, I think they both compromised each other a bit; Neither was at the top of their game here...But I ain't hatin'! Who do you think I am, Piers Morgan? And I can't help but wonder if the story being told was about her, or just some random girl whose dad is out at war...Either way, they sure know what kinds of imagery pulls at the heartstrings...They even had another dog in it! In fact, at first it looked like a cross between both of their previous performances this season...
Shin and Colin had a pretty solid trick, even if it wasn't the best we've seen from either of them...I guess they compromised each other a bit as well...Honestly, it was MOSTLY a Colin Cloud performance FEATURING Shin Lim...Still evoked the usual question of what methods went into bringing this all together...And also the question of how Howie never read Bieber's name before...
And finally Kodi Lee, giving his best performance since “Bridge Over Troubled Water”! He really is a treasure! I'm glad he didn't come back for this year's Champions, since we all know he would have won again...Best wait until there are more champions to compare him to, to even the playing field...
Which brings us to the results...As you can imagine, I am very happy for V.Unbeatable living up to their name this time! I guess this is AGT's way of making it up to them for not even making the Top 3 last season (as even other acts that deserved to win but didn't have done in the past). This also makes them the first official group act to win any kind of AGT season (even if it's not an official one).
That being said, I won't deny that a major factor that contributed to this victory is what AGT Champions viewers would refer to as “recency bias”. It's why most of last year's finalists were from the previous three seasons, and why the Top 3 this year were all from the previous two (two of them being just last season). Most of the show's current fans probably weren't even watching it during its earlier seasons...But acts like V.Unbeatable and Tyler Butler-Figueroa are still fresh in their minds!
It's also why Shin Lim won last year's Champions, as his victory from the previous season was also fresh in their minds, and why Kodi would have won this year if he was a contestant, and why it's a good idea for them to wait a year or two to bring back each season of the main show's winners...
V.Unbeatable was consistently the second most popular act last season, so they were the next one down...The only reason they ended up in Fourth last season is because everyone in the city of Detroit supported the choir, and I'm also convinced that Howie's getting all of the producers to give as many votes as they can to the comedians in the Finals every year...I mean, how else do you explain Ryan Niemiller SUDDENLY being more popular than V.Unbeatable, or even Samuel J. Comroe finishing over Courtney Hadwin and Ketterer the Batterer!?
Anyway, congratulations to them! They've done Vikas proud!
This season has been...well...quite strange...I'm happy that less singers made the Finals, though even as one of the few people who still enjoys both Hans and Boogie Storm, there's still no denying that if this was a regular AGT season, things would have been quite different...For one thing, Brian King Joseph might have been in the Finals ALONGSIDE Tyler, Voices of Service would have surely made it there as well, etc. I guess in the end, it's just like last year, where acts like Paul Zerdin and Kenichi Ebina would have fared better...
It's also interesting how we didn't have any comedians or magicians in the Finals this year...Instead, this was the season of acrobats! I mean, they weren't necessarily abundant, but the fact that three of them made the finals, they all made it into the Top 5, and one of them ended up winning with another as the runner-up, definitely shows a success with these types of acts that we've never seen on this show before! I suppose one may suspect some rigging on the producers' part, but I still can't help but wonder if this may serve as foreshadowing of what to expect in the following season of the main show...
Speaking of which, I am very curious about what to expect in Season 15...Will Heidi and Alesha stay as the two female judges, or will they get new ones? Will the winner of the season be the Golden Buzzer of the first episode again (as seems kinda common lately). What kind of act will it be, and will it check off any of my quota boxes (group, adult female or comedian)?
Nonetheless, I will see if I'm in a good enough situation by then to try the livestream idea that I've been going on about...I'd love to set an example of what a REAL judge should do!
Also, I hope to hear back from frankensteindr soon...It appears that he's been unable to post his own thoughts on this season lately, though his likes on my first two posts tells me that he's still around...Frank, if you're reading this, I'd love to hear your reviews...But I understand if life's being a little complicated for that right now...And if you wanna talk about anything, I'm here for ya!
Anyway, in conclusion, this was an interesting season with some pretty nice results...I guess it could have gone better, like if Brian made the Finals, or if Angelina and Marcelito ranked higher than they did, but still, I appreciate its departures from regular seasons...
Things are very complicated for me these days, but hopefully I'm still here to discuss Season 15...Hope to see you all then!
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blschaos3000-blog · 5 years
Its 3:31 pm
Welcome to a another edition of “8 Questions with…..” I’m pretty jazzed up for today’s interview with George Rother. I’m finally getting to talk with a fellow film buff and critic who is very much like myself. And just like most SERIOUS film buffs,George just doesn’t stick with the latest blockbusters or trendy releases,he isn’t afraid to explore quality foreign offerings or B-movie fun. If it can be seen on a screen,George is there to offer fair and quality insight and honestly,one can spend hours on his website Movie Guy 24/7. I know because the cheetah and I have spent a few visits checking out some classics from days gone by. George also has a crazy interactive Facebook page with over 10,000 followers who enjoy talking films in a respectful way which is rather refreshing to see. I’ll post a link down below after the interview. But for now,let’s go ask George his 8 Questions…….
  Please introduce yourself and tell us a little about Movie Guy 24/7
 My name is George Rother. I am a lifelong movie lover. I started Movie Guy 24/7 in 2010 after health reasons forced me to retire early. I’m primarily a film critic but I do more than review movies. If you go on the Movie Guy 24/7 FaceBook page, I post things daily. I offer up trivia, I ask questions, I give challenges, I put up songs, clips and trailers from movies. I do all sorts of things to interact with my fans/friends. 
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What makes film so important to you?
Film has been a constant in my life. I didn’t have a lot of friends growing up so I often went to the movies by myself. I got used to it actually. Film has always been a subject of interest to me. Even as a kid, I wanted to see adult-oriented films like All That Jazz, The Rose, Apocalypse Now and Kramer vs. Kramer. Of course, that pesky parental R-rated movie block kept getting in the way. LOL! Anyway, I just felt at home getting caught up in a filmed story. I became a regular filmgoer at 13 and always seemed to know more about movies than other people my age. 
Are movies better today then when you started watching them? What are the three biggest changes besides budgetsand special effects that you like/dislike from films of yesterday and today?
LOL! I hate to resort to cliches but they sure don’t make them like they used to. Most of today’s movies are so impersonal. They’re not art, they’re made by committee. A lot of them are derivative. Comedies aren’t funny anymore; they’re just foul, gross and vulgar. PG-13 horror movies are the cinematic equivalent of watered-down alcoholic drinks. Blockbusters are little more than convoluted, CGI-heavy noisefests. I don’t really care for CGI; it looks too fake. Give me old school practical effects any day. 
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What makes a movie a “classic” in your eyes?
 That’s a subjective thing. Everybody has their own ideas as to what makes a movie classic. If pressed, I suppose I’d have to say longevity. Will it hold up 5, 10, 20 years from now? Sadly, not many of today’s movies are future classics. 
Did you feel Hollywood has played a huge part in the rise of gun violence with so many violent shoot-’em ups?
 There has always been shooting in movies. Look at the old westerns from the 20s and 30s. Look at the gangster movies from that era. They seemed very violent at the time. Nowadays, filmmakers can get away with showing a lot more. However, I think the depiction of gun violence in film (and TV) has little to do with the rise in real life gun violence. I think it has to do with a person’s nature and/or their surroundings. 
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What is a difference between a movie critic and a movie buff?
 LOL! Why can’t somebody be both? OK, here’s my answer. A movie critic watches a film analytically whereas a movie buff is passionate about film in general. In other words, business vs. pleasure. 
What five films/five stars/five directors are you favorites and why?
 WOW! That’s a tall question. Let’s start with favorite movies. If you mean all-around cinematic perfection, perfect in every way, I’d have to say Casablanca. If you mean what movie gives me the most pleasure, I’d say the 1982 version of Conan the Barbarian. I can’t really give you a top 5 here so I’ll just give you my favorites in a few genres. Sci-fi: (tie) Blade Runner and 2001: A Space Odyssey, Horror: The Shining, Comedy: A Fish Called Wanda, Cop: Sharky’s Machine, Action: First Blood, Action-Adventure: Raiders of the Lost Ark, Drama: Gandhi and Western: Once Upon a Time in the West. Okay, top 5 (no particular order) lists coming up. My five favorite actors are Jack Nicholson, Clint Eastwood, Steve McQueen, Harvey Keitel and Samuel L. Jackson. My five favorite actresses are Bette Midler, Goldie Hawn, Scarlett Johansson, Audrey Hepburn and Ingrid Bergman. My five favorite directors are David Lynch, David Fincher, Quentin Tarantino, Alejandro Jodorowsky and Martin Scorsese. I don’t really have a reason why other than I like what/who I like.
 Is streaming going to kill both the theater experience and pyschical media in your opinion?
 I hope that there will always be movie theaters. Nothing matches the experience of seeing a film on the big screen. However, I think more and more small-to-medium budgeted films will premiere on streaming services. It will definitely cut into box office revenue. As for me, I will always see films at a theater.
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What five films/fiver stars/fivedirectors do you dislike the most and why?
 Ah, my dislikes. Okay, here’s my Top 10 Worst Movies starting with 1979’s Caligula, In my not-so-humble opinion, that is the absolute worst film EVER! It is a vile, disgusting, degrading, depressing and artless piece of crap. The rest of the list is as follows: (2) Basic Instinct 2, (3) Windows, (4) It’s Pat: The Movie, (5) Gummo, (6) Wild Wild West, (7) Baby Geniuses, (8) Knock Off, (9) Dangerous Game and (10) Born American. My five worst actors/actresses: Tom Cruise, Roseanne Barr, Rosie Perez, Ben Affleck and Steven Seagal. Five worst directors: (1) and (2) are Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer, the guys behind lousy spoofs like Disaster Movie, Vampires Suck and Meet the Spartans. The others are Michael Bay, William “One Shot” Beaudine (Billy the Kid vs. Dracula, Jesse James Meets Frankenstein’s Daughter) and William Shatner (ever see Star Trek V?).
Your Facebook page is rising fast in popularity,what makes it such a hot spot for fans?
 I guess I’m just lucky. I try to make the page fun for everybody. It’s geared towards movie geeks like myself but I also try to make it accessible for casual movie fans.
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What is your impression of TV in general?
 For years, I regarded TV as a cultural wasteland. I had no interest in it. As of late, it’s changed a lot. Episodic TV is rapidly becoming popular. Some stories just can’t be told in two hours. Look at Killing Eve and Big Little Lies. My wife and I do a lot of binge watching in the summer. Right now, we’re doing Stranger Things. It’s great. In May/June, we did all eight seasons of Game of Thrones. It was great too.  The other great thing is when a network cancels a good show like Designated Survivor, it might get picked up by a streaming outlet like Netflix. I’d say TV has come a very long way.
The cheetah and I are flying in to catch you hosting a film festival but we’re a day early and now you are playing tour guide,what are we doing?
 If I was to show you guys around Philadelphia, I’d probably take you to some places where movies were shot. Of course, we’d have to go to Philly’s best cheese steak joint, Jim’s on South Street. After that, who knows? Maybe we’ll catch a movie at one of the Ritz Theaters here in town.
I like to thank George for graciously taking the time to talk film and TV with us today. The cheetah and I seriously recommend following George’s Facebook page for Movie Guy 24/7.  Tell’em that we sent you…..you won’t be sorry and you’ll be very entertained! I should have asked George if Jim’s Steaks delivers……..
While the cheetah and I don’t have 10k fans as of yet,we too have a Facebook page called Have Cheetah,Will View which we hope you’ll drop by and join up…
Thank you all for your support,we have a whole new crop of interviews coming including two of my biggest names yet. Stay tuned…….
8 Questions with…………. film buff George Rother of Movie Guy 24/7 Its 3:31 pm Welcome to a another edition of "8 Questions with....." I'm pretty jazzed up for today's interview with George Rother.
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12x14 watching notes
this show normally never makes me cry except that 1 episode in season 7, but god dammit Berens got me TWICE I’m disowning him
Expectations - it's the 14th episode of the season. (This isn't snark, have you ever gone back and looked at the 14th episode of the season since, say, oh, season 9? Talk about a winning streak you don't want to break :P)
I woke up with a migraine which is getting worse after being up for like... half an hour... so I'm just launching straight into watching it before today is totally ruined.
At this point from the recap I genuinely can't tell if there's a meta point to make about Dean as a killer and vampires, or you can't recap it without implying it because vampires are just that tied to Dean's identity as a hunter/killer
- or, well, that arc that Buckleming anvil'd Mary onto last episode where Ketch told her SHE was a killer. 
For what it's worth, they picked 1x20 and 6x05/6x07 to use the most of instead of the sympathetic vamps from later. NOT any of the Gordon stuff visibly on screen. Missed the boat on using "see you next season" in the recap. Anyway, lots of reminders of vampires as a monster; the Twilight knock off vampires, the alpha vamp because duh but in his season 6, not 7, iteration, and of course mixed with Dean's reaction to vampires, him saying it gets funnier every time, and reminders of the time Dean WAS a vampire, to make it Dean-focused.
I guess Ketch using the rocket launcher was so expensive they're always gonna show it and you know what if every episode for the rest of the season starts with Cas staring down that explosion I'm all for it. Anyway, reminder that they blast vampires with radiation, which I'm sure won't cause any problems this episode, and a recap of why we don't trust them.
Season 1 Colt recapping - it's kind of terrifying to see tiny season 1 Sam n Dean on screen when you're not prepared for it at this point. It's like looking at their own children or something. John continues not existing in the narrative except for a faceless appearance of his arm handing the Colt to Dean. It's significant that vampires were the first reason to use the Colt, that John then gave it to Dean the episode after and passed on the revenge arc to him, and that Dean then used it to fulfil it. We also see Dean pointing it AT "John" in 1x22 and Sam failing to shoot Azazel in 1x21, and MARY'S repeat of of the "There's only 5 things in creation it can't kill" which blurs her, Samuel and Lucifer nicely >.>
Then of course the horror of 1x01 on screen (AAAH SMOLLEST WINCHESTERS) "You think Mom would have wanted this for us?" Sam asks, cut immediately to Mary like "Nothing comes before my family" before the only 3 lines you need from 12x13 about their argument re: Sam and Dean being a little suspicious of her and then Mary being like "hi you need to be a lot susicious of me".
The Margikugel beer is in pride of place in this shot
"Just hear me out." "Wow... Just, wow." Oh no, there Dean goes, freezing her out like he said they had in the promo from slightly later in the episode >.>
This angle on the war room table always makes it look like a coffin.
Mary makes some defences that she's aware that the BMoL kinda suck and Sam cuts into that with "When." Mary answers with exactly what he wanted to hear which was "exactly how much has this already screwed us over" so she phrases her answer by measuring time with common era as "the lake house" which I'm pretty sure was that time travel romance with Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves.
Mmmokay Dean uses "Cas almost died" against Mary and I've decided that's something I really hoped would happen but now I heard it it just feels terrible :P Like, it's weighing their stock against each other and Cas obviously outweighs Mary on found family points in almost infinite supply and now Mary's being tested not on abstract family love from blood ties, but the gritty stuff, and... yeah. Looks bad, Mary. Cas is their most treasured family for like however many years before you come back and then you get him hurt >.>
Oh and then Sam's like "a hunter died" I mean talk about the personal with Cas and Dean vs impersonal with Sam and some other perspective thing they do *all* the time. Is that like, the star example now?
"I watch him die every night" YOu weren't even theeeere
(Also Wally was married apparently... yikes. Piling on the angst.)
"Good." Oh dear, that's the "You're dead to me" look. Mary probably shouldn't start cataloguing these looks to chide Dean about...
[title card]
Ooh is this like the Campbell's compound? Looks like Mary's gone dark, literally, wearing her dark beanie hat and Mary-sized version of Ketch's going around killing things suit. I wonder if they also give her fancy tailored suits for their down time. Anyway I have no idea why the BMoL have access to such a thing - you'd have to assume they have internal help here, Muggle proofing if not, or are ready to deal with the problems of randomly making an armed compound in the wilderness in America.
Or they're on a remote industrial estate in Northumberland.
TBH if they're just bribing local authorities to look the other way while creating a massive armed compound full of foreigners I wouldn't actually be that surprised.
More random egg shaped BMoL devices. Some BMoL version of Q really has a thing for that shape. "Gonna spray paint it gold." "WHY. What about stealth?" "They ain't gonna need stealth with whatever this egg thingy does"
Mary and Ketch both space out remembering what the gold whistling egg thingy did. Ketch looks slightly turned on. Mary looks like she's having a bit of fridge horror about what her job currently involves. It definitely feels like she's washed up in a dystopian future and I think we should be treating her POV on it like "time traveller to the far flung future where everything is awful" and not like any continuation of the world she used to know >.>
Ah they're living in shipping containers. This is now definitely the Doctor Who vibe I got from the promo and didn't want to mention anything about because Tumblr vs Doctor Who these days, but shh I'm both nostalgic for RTD era and British, okay. It looks like those episodes where they just show up on a research base on some planet/under the sea/in space which is a bunch of shipping containers bolted together, with a high tech interior, and then shit goes down on the tiny enclosed shipping containers, with a great cast of random one off characters who usually get eaten >.>
Also this means the BMoL basically just shipped over a base and plonked it in the American wilderness and have a sort of razor wire over the fence keeping the monsters out mentality about it. They've seen just enough Doctor Who (it's a national passtime) to know what to do here, and America is all full of ikky monsters, and should definitely be treated like a hostile alien environment.
I suppose this is their "embassy" for their diplomatic mission and I am rabidly curious about how it looks to the locals, because the Campbell compound at least had that American survivalist weirdoes feel to it, where you kinda know there's a strange local family on their huge compound out of town and they all have guns but you just... don't ask questions and hope they're only waiting for the Rapture or something.
So it turns out Ketch is a total dick. Surpriiise. I hope Serena kills him and survives the episode. "I have three phds" - she's the hyper competent one who in Doctor Who would probably end up being the only one knowing how to press some button and stay behind to save everyone and get ejected into space or something. Or be the only survivor because she's smart and the Doctor appreciates her :P I have no idea why I'm making this into Dr Who cross over territory but I'm just waiting for the other personnel here to fit some of the usual tropes.
Mary in a tank toooop
Surprise surprise it's Dean she's been texting and is morosely checking her phone about instead of Sam, but if she tried him, the other promo video showed that he's attempting to make peace. Winchesters, I swear. *shakes head*
They do all look good in tank tops though
OH NO more conversation.
"Our whole lives, you've been GONE" Oh DEAN this is... the kind of stuff I have been expecting/wishing they'd say to Mary and it's so terrible that they CAN'T COMMUNICATE so it takes something so ridiculously messed up to make them talk about something like this.
They're FINALLY telling each other how hard it has been to deal with being back/having her back... and because they left it so long, it's all fucked up :(
*sits here misery-eating an apple* I might have go to get the giant box of waffles downstairs and eat them if it gets any worse than "How about for once you try and be a mom!?" "I am your mother!" (so they have 2 different definitions of this - Dean wants her to ACT like it, she's using it like a title, and to HER that has all that complicated and REAL love but it's all so abstract from what Dean WANTS and AAAH) "But I am NOT just a 'mom'" And that's all I wanted out of this season but it's so painful I just wanna find the receipt and return it :P "And you are not a child" "I never was" bonus thing I only hoped in my wildest dreams we'd get out of the season but I feel like every single Dean!girl just took a critical hit and is laying on the floor in agony...
brb finding the floor
"between us and them" "yeah MARY it is" 
oh great she's not "mom" any more with the title to Dean... 
"and you made your choice"
I can't believe there's actually a scene worse than 6x20's confrontation out there like how does that even happen
Oh Sam, sitting here watching all that while Dean speaks for the both of you :S
But he gets up and follows Dean
"You should go" It's more neutral, not judging her per say but obviously she can't be here while Dean has told her to leave and Sam can't take her side, he can just... not intentionally cast her out.
The stuff between him and Mary is stuff from the past - the stuff from 4x03. The stuff between DEAN and Mary is his early childhood vs what's going on NOW. Sam and Mary stuff is being dealt with another way - this is the Dean part of the arc and Sam has to give up his mother for it
Argh >.>
Well that was horrible but I really appreciate the BMoL compound set.
"We already have the best Winchester"
I have a pretty compelling argument for all 3 of the others (the third being Cas :P)
Obviously they did not see the footage of Dean in Purgatory
Or any time Sam does the shoulders thing
I mean Mary's great and all but... we've seen 12 years of Sam and Dean being incredible hunters so it's a bad argument to the audience :P
Ketch and Mick do have an interesting dynamic, I'll give them that. Mick made Ketch kinda smile. Mick's happy at his desk job. Please let him get menaced by a vampire and scream a lot. It's all I ask for after that heartbreak. Lighthearted goofy vampire episode.
(Okay Berens is like, angst central. I think he couldn't write goofy if he tried but that's not why we love him :P)
Anyway someone higher up wants Sam and Dean recruited - right when the whole Mary thing seems to have cut ties forever and lost all chance they'd EVER consider it since it's now the face of Betrayal and Families Being Shattered and all.
I guess 12x06 establishes that the Winchesters are semi-legendary themselves (although a very dubious look from Dean about the stories told about him) and Wally also seemed to idolise Dean in that diner scene. It's a fair chance the BMoL "Old Men" are right about this re: other hunters. Unlike Cas and his actions getting him kicked out of Heaven and losing all social standing with the angels, one way or another the Winchesters seem to have scraped by as admired figures in their community. Mom Winchester is not well-known and the Campbells lost all cred years ago after most of them were murdered by Azazel's lot and later Samuel's little group also ended up all dying and getting a lot of their hunters killed (6x07, which no one seems to remember or watch but DOES introduce alpha vamp so it's on my mind)... Not sure anyone knows them.
Okay Sam's fucking around with the rings on the table but he's assembled them in such a way they look like a kid's toy - that one where you stack all the rings. Sam seems like he barely moved since the Mary thing, still being at the Conflict Table. Dean stormed off but now he's stormed back and this is the promo scene, so let's pay much closer attention to the words now I know the context...
Ugh Dean not dealing. He just wants something to hit. While wearing that red shirt of his Mark of Cain murdery moments (10x10, 10x17)
What even IS Sam doing on his laptop if he isn't finding cases. 
Youtube. Happy dog videos.
"Do you want to talk about it" "Not really." *starts talking about it unprompted*
Dean's stewed on it, Sam has got all philosophical about it, once again putting his own feelings to the side to think about how Mary feels. "She must have had a good reason" Argh he's just... so good... I love him.. This episode is making me love all the Winchesters (Mary included) more than I thought possible. I am in paaain.
I'm totally gone on this family. I love them.
"For once why don't you pick a side?" FINALLY we see what Sam was hiding on his phone - that he's been staring sadly at all the messages from Mary. Who is not saved as "mom" in his phone as she was in Dean's, right? I should go check that.
oh god she was in 12x04, when Dean was still asking if it was weird to call her mom or not
and then he called her "mary" cold as anything
*I* need a drink
(went and got chilli hot chocolate)
Anyway yeah the trouble with telling someone to pick a side is that they may pick the one you don't want and Sam's last message from Mary was that she had urgent business to meet him, while Mary's last text to Dean was just that she wanted to talk to him in a way that was still clearly about the fight. "urgent" implies new developments, a reason to go... Does she KNOW that the BMoL want to snare her sons or is she walking into it by just wanting to reconcile?
Sam goes to at least give the other side a chance, even if he's not picking it.
Also is he driving a rental car. It doesn't look so much like the car Soulless Sam had but it's certainly not the junkers and stolen cars and vans Sam's used before.
Also did she just go and give Sam the address of this place??? Not even meeting at a diner or something? I suppose it is a cool set.
Sam gives the compound a weird look like "wtf" as a sort of incidental moment when Mary references it
Anyway ARGH Mary telling him she's working with the BMoL so that there's a world without monsters - the magical endgame where the world is totally normal (but how do you stop witches and ghosts and all the stuff that happens in a world which is not like "Our" one in the French Mistake, where no magic at all happened... you'll ALWAYS need hunters) if she doesn't want to be JUST their apple pie mom, but to be a hunter too, she's taking away her OWN way of living in an attempt to save them from their version of normal life
That Sam says he's chosen. Argh, after all that waffling about whether he wanted to, or that he was only doing it because Dean is... I think when he gets to Mary saying that, suggesting a world where it's not their life and no chance of going back... Maybe he really feels it for the first time? 
(”Normal life” ignoring, of course, ghosts and the fact unless you turn off magic and delete Heaven and Hell, there will ALWAYS be shit going on... Seasons 1-2 are the "normal" baseline type of this world, minus the extra demon activity attempting to destabilise it. And Sam and Dean mostly worked on ghosts, magic, and generic monsters, in a way that these things were just a part of the background of the world. Stuff like Provenance or Bloody Mary or Asylum were cases deeply rooted in their own history and with a long story behind them before the Winchesters stumbled into them, stuff John had been keeping notes on for years without tackling it, or had collected only half the picture. Or stuff which had been out in the world and would always have surfaced and kept on killing people if hunters hadn't helped. Stuff like that, you can't stop just by obliterating all the vampires. Monsters were isolated and stuff like the wendigo *takes a shot* were the sort of thing that just sort of happens, a horrible natural phenomenon along the lines of ghosts being created...)
I do wonder with Mary saying they can have normal lives, how much 2x20 is haunting this entire season as well, because the entire burden there that turned Dean to go save himself and go back to the shitty world where he was a hunter, was to hunt and save people. He even gave up being with Mary and Sam who was happy and with Jess and safe from the whole demon blood arc, because people had DIED. But Mary's djinn dream I think would be eerily similar to that one - one where the responsibility was off them and they could be themselves but not hunters. It's interesting to look at what she wishes - or the one that's been planted in her head, because she is echoing the "world without monsters" thing... She too has hunting in her blood and 12x06 showed that too, that she never could give it up. She's been paralleled to Dean a lot with that, and 2x20 is the episode where Dean is finally after wanting to give up all of season 2, brought to a point of decision and commits to, I guess, being a hunter for life and giving up that normal world where everyone's happy and at peace.
Same decision from season 5/6 - that "peace or freedom" talk Dean and Cas had.
Now it's Mary's turn to go through the same arc. She's going for, essentially, something we can parallel to the Archangels and their idea of paradise where everything is perfect. Dean kept talking about it being "stepford" then...
Oh noooo she brought up Sam going to school oh noooo
Why is every line in this dang episode just pure pain
where are my goofy vampires
"You've got to understand, things are going to change" Yeah, their plans are already underway and the threat is not going to be stopped by JUST talking Mary out of helping them. Have you seen the compound?
Uhoh Sam and Mary are walking in step. He's like... so much more leg than her
And Mary shows Sam the control room so he can SEE that the BMoL are already deeply underway with their thing.
Since he and Dean are separated the vibes I'm getting are 9x17 (maybe because Mittens was talking about it yesterday) but because at the end of that having seen Abaddon's soul mining operation, Sam comes back and sits with Dean and is way more onboard with taking her down than before and it unites them... Not saying that will happen here (more likely it will be subverted some way) but Sam's getting a peek behind the curtain at what the bad guys are up to while Dean's off drinking and moping around (see also, 10x17 although that time Sam was actively trying to save Dean while he was drinking also we now have at least 3 episodes were Sam and Dean were separated and the main reason given was that Dean was off drinking, this is getting PAINFUL)
"The Brits talk like they're roughing it" yeah you can't get the right fuckin' tea in America, you have to bring all your own teabags and then Americans make fun of you for it. And there aren't any jaffa cakes! What the hell!!
Sam sees Mick and is like "!!!" Mick sees him and is like "!!!" and then it's super awkward.
Yeah don't shake his hand, Sam.
"Yeah, um, I really dig the whole low budget Mission Impossible vibe, but I'm going to head back." I LOVE WHEN SAM DOES THE POP CULTURE SNARK
He's much quieter than Dean, so without him around he really gets to shine :P
Also amused at the budget comment because obviously Supernatural can not have the same budget as MI
"Sammeh!" I love it when he does that. I guess he's stumbling in drunk. The shot of the sword to introduce us back to the Bunker was actually TERRIFYING. It also had an empty glass and whiskey decanter so I guess the bros or at least Dean have been wandering around the Bunker drinking everything/everywhere. >.> 
Nice establishing shot.
Sam's note is not in upper case something is WRONG
Dean discovers MORE empty decanters and bottles. Wow you hit it hard. You should probably listen when Ramiel tells you you all have fucked up livers.
I'm assuming this is like 12x01 and the Bunker is "not safe" but this time the threat is real and not a fake out that it's Cas coming home
and also Dean doen't have his mom with him :(
Wait no apparently they knock
Heeeey it's the other people I was expecting from the generic Dr Who cast. Geek with long hair and curly haired dude. Serena to keep them all in line. Mick as the weird sketchy boss.
Sam is the Doctor in this scenario, FYI
Tall and knows better than them.
"Hello mate"
I mean at least he knocked
I love Dean and Ketch looking each other up and down.
Also Ketch doesn't think he's as good as Mary, so tension - and not just that he wants to recruit Dean, but that Dean has to pass his opinion of whether he's good or not.
This should probably end with Dean and Ketch like, grappling each other.
"how did you find us" "this is a Men of Letters Bunker"
Wow Dean being bribed with rare scotch. I'm reminded both of Crowley in general and how Dean won entrance with Rufus back in 3x15
but also think that his alcoholism needs to be addressed and he should, like, chill, because I swear he just CAME from getting a drink and he's already desperate for another, enough to let Ketch in >.> Bad idea, he’s like a vampire. The regular non spn sort.
I mean his alcoholism has been mentioned a few times, especially with the liver comment
Awww curly haired dude is an American hunter, so there's only like, 3 Brits here.
"Serena Coleman" - because of the twilight episode reference I'm just reminded of using the actor's names so blatantly. Serena was already dressed like whatserface played by Jenna COLEMAN as a Dr Who reference but now this? Like, I have no idea if this is just confirmation bias but I really hope someone else got such ridiculous vibes from it as me :P
I am really quite disturbed by how many different countries they're operating in
241 vampires in the mid west. That's REALLY not a lot when you think about it, I mean, comparing them to demographics of people. Assuming the BMoL have been wiping them out with a focused effort, still means there really aren't that many in general. I mean, back in season 1 & 2 they were recovering from being nearly hunted to extinction by hunters like Gordon and Dean spent a lot of season 10 killing vampires... I am reminded a lot of Eve talking about the natural order, about how a few of her children killed a few of the humans, and they killed a few but not ALL of them... a sort of equilibrium. And the natural order of how this world runs IS important and rarely mentioned. I've been thinking about Eve a lot in relation to this episode without knowing how to bring her into it really, but I guess this a good wedge to get her in >.>
ACK there's only 11 vampires left
that's just scary
*gratutious vampire flashbacks*
Oh they are so scary. I actually feel sorry for the vampires just for the fact the BMoL are so ruthlessly efficient and deal with the vampires this way, which makes you scared about how any organisation with the right resources could watch and profile in this way...
And we know the vampires can be SO much more complicated, like Lenore or Benny...
I mean they don't know about the cure, the whole case by case basis of dealing with vampires in case it IS more complex and there's still some humanity in them/can be saved from them, which the one on one process of the Winchesters treating them less like statistics has done... I mean sure the whole waiting for a trail of bodies thing isn't ideal, but... doing the job HUMANELY stands out here.
Sam looks like he's rooting for the vampires too. :S
Oh no, now some sympathetic vampires
*feels sorry for them*
Even while they're drinking human blood.
I mean I am literally in a blanket and have drunk hot chocolate to recover - she is very relatable
Always got to have a dramatic entrance
Oh dear, Dean and Ketch, savouring their drinks, the bottle in the neutral territory on the map between them. I've only watched them drink so far, and I can tell this is going to be a top 10 use of this table, ever.
"Not much for small talk" He is when he likes you
Ugh his face when he's talking about Toni. Ketch is not allowed to talk about women. He's disgusting and filled with hate, and this actually does make me like Toni a little better just because I resent him talking about her as a neurotic time bomb
Also Dean, I know you hate her but don't listen to this >.> Do not let him get to you a little by having a bonding moment over how awful she is. I know you are in a really dark place right now but don't make me go through this with you >.>
"We used to date" Ugh.
I actually now feel sorry for her :P 
Berens: most reliable un-Buckleming-er on the show.
Ugh, I really hate this :P I mean, for Dean, because Ketch is intentionally channelling all the worst in him. This is where 12x11 and where I was horrified about Dean as an attack dog when it was all stripped away comes back. 
But he has a dual basic nature - SAVING PEOPLE, HUNTING THINGS. He was a sweet goof who loved and cared about people who were kind to him even when he had no idea between Sam or Rowena. He has a HEART. Ketch does not, but Dean has enough darkness in him to feel like he doesn't have a heart, and he's dealing with having told his mom where the door is. But he DOES have lightness in him. Ketch is like, dark side seducing him, with the whole "Inclinations" thing cluing us in it's queercoded and a seduction... This has happened to Dean before. He's wearing a red shirt he bought during the Mark of Cain crisis after CROWLEY dark side seduced him.
Of course that all involved the love triangle with Cas who represented the good side of Dean's duality for having an angel and a demon on his shoulder, and feeling the pull between them... Dean here is taking on Ketch alone and there's no pull in the other direction because Dean is isolated in the Bunker and Cas doesn't have an opposing role to the BMoL so he has no narrative tug back in the other direction, on the side of them having a HEART.
(I just watched 9x22 last night and I'm still dying about how much Dean loves Cas)
Anyway Ugh. I don't like the queercoded implications about demon!Dean that it seems more overt when he's evil and I don't particularly like that this is all Ketch "seducing" Dean to the dark by linking killing to that SO queer word "inclinations" about the both of them - I mean enough that Dean has to comment on it and wow that's a moment and a half, for the bi!Dean annuls, but UGH.
Have to stop and meta in 3 paragraphs about how Dean has a heart and isn't evil but is still queer and not because he's a killer >.>
Jesus christ we're at the halfway point - this is like the opposite problem of a Buckleming episode. I know Berens can DESTROY me in about 2 minutes of screen time, so I'm just, like, permanently on edge.
Anyway aside from everything else I hope Dean got to ride on the motorbike
I mean that scene was just so harsh on Dean, with Ketch winning his way in with scotch, and then winning Dean out the door with the promise of vampires to kill that he couldn't find on his own earlier
(Big business came and stole all the work from small local businesses. They are a vampire hunting supermarket)
Yeeeee Rufus mention.
Aww poor terrible hunters. It's like Garth - "How are you still alive!?"
I'd say Pierce should probably be black if he's from Baton Rouge but honestly if he's meant to be a dingus, then all the good hunters are probably escaping this by bad association and we don't see a hapless idiot PoC hunter :P They're all the top shelf ones Ketch can't win over
The ones who take pride in their work and have enough confidence in their skills to not want to go work for the big supermarket >.>
*Dean disappointingly follows Ketch in the Impala*
They probably raced
Checking out each other's equipment. Ketch opts to take one of Dean's knives. You know, Dean has a corrupting influence on everything he meets, I swear :P Like, Ketch was complaining it was too easy, but still just going along with his job, he meets Dean, seems to be off-assignment because he's just GONE to do it, no idea Sam wasn't even there tbh, but gets Dean, lures him out, and then Dean just has to make the old school way of hunting look cool by waving a knife around and suddenly Ketch wants in and also has a go at flipping a knife... And he's already getting “where are you??” messages from Mick. I mean, just the compulsion to meet the Winchesters on honest ground - now everything's in the open. He didn't even like them as much as Mary? But once he knows they need to be won over he goes to get at least one of them... But now he's not answering his mobile, and Dean's handed him a knife aaand
they really are being reckless by going in here alone without checking to see if something like the ALPHA VAMP isn't here
Oh wait shit the vampires are coming to the BMoL
Maybe there really is nothing in the hotel
Oh no there's just the sad vampire I was sorry for
Ketch don't you dare kill blanket vampire
Okay, now Dean feels sorry for the vampires
That was a surprisingly short line to cross before Dean's like hey stop being mean to the monsters
I guess if we're subverting Bloodlust all you can do is make Dean not like the Gordon parallel even SOONER- in 2x03 he NEARLY fell for it... he WANTED to. He knows so much better now
This vampire looks EXACTLY like a girl I used to work with who coincidentally... was called Magda
"Hunting... they went hunting." "Hunting whom?" "The hunters"
This season, notable exceptions, is SO much on its A game. Almost every episode has been like, High Drama.
Vampire tiiiime
Sam taking chaaaarge
I love it
Aw no don't kill the one random black guy here. :<
Is it because sealing yourself into shipping containers sucks and is probably airless and stinky?
At least in space they wouldn't have this problem
(In a good Doctor Who episode even the random guards would have names and personalities and a decent story arc for a side character even if they get killed... In this episode the guards aren't exactly the only hired muscle to save them because there's at least 3 hunters in the building and one of them is Sam Fucking Winchester, so he'd be more likely protecting the hired muscle regardless :P Not like killing them did anything but remove characters to worry about rather than raise the threat level that would be in an episode when everyone else was nerds instead of trained killers)
Mick's got soft hands though
All I ask is one scream of horror
"Our intel has him in Morocco. He's been there for at least the last decade." Sam, with barely a side glance, "Wrong."
Yeah that's been a theme all season and as far back as "Cassiel" - their intel SUCKS
Read the Winchester Gospels
Or... don't. That actually turns you into an effective enemy
I love when Sam's got the snarky interrogation face on. It's a fun Sam
Mary's wearing basically Sam's red and black plaid but in a Dean way
Oh Mick is scared
And Sam has a headache at the stupid
Considering there's only 3 hunters in the room they managed to scrounge up a lot of weapons.
Not enough...
"Where is it?" *significant looks* Okay, Sam's going to find out now. He's been much kinder towards Mary, obviously, even if he's still got a ton of issues and meant to leave when shit started happening, but... yeah. Is he as forgiving or at least willing enough to hear her out when THIS is revealed?
*Mary side-glances at Sam*
*sword in the stone moment for Sam*
Who is literally crying to have such awful history returned to him. He knows this weapon is cursed.
I can't deal with Sam crying openly while writing the ingredients for the bullets and also the lore dump of how they make the damn things like AAH I ALWAYS WONDERED
And Mick's EYES. Like "what the fuck sort of hunters ARE these guys?"
This is what happens when you unexpectedly come across Legendary level hunters and you are all noobs
he's met the alpha, lived to tell the tale, and now is telling you how to make bullets that could kill him
Sam Fucking Winchester
(I just wanted to say that)
Oh the red flashy lights in the corridors is SO Doctor Who
It occurs to me that 11x14 also was the sort of episode that mimics the tropes of one of those but this one has the aesthetic.
I think Berens just wants to write for Doctor Who
Pleeease, two vampires against Sam Fucking Winchester
[slightly evil nyoooom] Nyooooom
Mick sounds scared while doing the incantation over the bullets. Hope it works.
Dude, don't stand with your back to the open door
... Amazingly that didn't take more than a second to pay off.
Noooooo Serena
I liked her :<
*Sam Fucking Winchester kills everything*
Can't believe the blatant disrespect for England that the alpha vamp doesn't like us
Actually starting to worry Mick's last episode is right here and now :P
Aww Mary is hurt and Sam's instinct is to be all "mom!" and help her
I am so emo about this family, help.
I am so with the alpha vamp
I mean I will miss Mick but nah. Byeee.
Aww nope fortunes change all at once
*Mick legs it away from the alpha vamp and goes and stands behind all the hunters*
"If that were true I'd be dead already" I bet the lore about the 5 things is both right and wrong at the same time - we KNOW it doesn't work on Lucifer, but I bet a ton of stuff pretends it won't work on them, and honestly Lucifer might not have been right about 5, and basically there's "recorded" like at least a dozen things it won't kill
but in this case Sam calls his bluff because the alpha vamp is still talking with the gun trained on him instead of just fighting them...
Anyway Sam's just like, ready to throw Mick to him
"Who said I was here to save all of us. My family and I, we kill vamps when they get outta line. And you've LET us." "I have many children, Sam. What's one, two, here or there..." "Exactly! So? Let my mom and me go. We'll walk away, go back to the way things were. To the way things are SUPPOSED to be. Hunters and vampires. Cops and robbers! A fair fight!"
Also that "the way things are SUPPOSED to be" is denying everything Mary said about a world without monsters, and calling back to Eve's natural order.
Poor old Mick
Maybe he'll turn him into a vampire
"What are you doing?" "Picking a side"
That was a badass montage of how Sam got a bullet in the gun
Bye bye Alpha Vamp, Dabb tidies up another loose end and sits back smiling to himself - not a plot hole so much as the itch of “see you next season” being for nothing
Serena nooo
All the dead people
Oh, wait, I'm having the same moment as Mick
Mary like "come on" to him, quite gently
aaand walk out and there's Ketch and Dean, 5 minutes late to the party.
Ketch lecturing Mick on his ivory tower and how people die...
Oh Ketch your attempt to get Dean didn't work.
Awwww Dean was worried about Mary and Sam's deducing it because Sam's all deduce-y and stuff. When he has to deal with things on his own, he really shines. You should do more episodes alone. I've really missed you, Sam :P I feel like I haven't seen you since 11x14
Are the Winchesters making up??
"It's not your job to make me lunch and kiss me goodnight" Help
Aww they all made up
Ooops and here's Ketch back being all awful and with the traitor hunter. Who's "gone rogue"
I suppose this compares to 12x06 AGAIN, where they let Bucky go because they don't kill their own, just ostracise them
but um
Still thinking about Samuel Campbell... is that ever going to come up? In this case the Winchesters seem to agree that killing this guy for selling them out to vampires is appropriate. Or, well, whatever Ketch does to him. Worse than death, maybe
Maybe Mary would understand despite the fact it was her father >.>
Had not considered that until after seeing this episode
Was Sam talking crap with the Cops n Robbers speech or did he change his mind about the status quo? He picked his side in the moment Mick helped get the bullet to him? Or? Thinks the MoL are such idiots the only way to protect Mary is to go with her?
Dean looks kinda isolated at the end with Sam and Mary standing next to each other but he has had reason to DISLIKE Ketch after he roughed up the poor vamp girl, and he still indicates he doesn't like Mary's decision but he loves her anyway...
Kinda feel bad pointing out if he doesn't go for it (and one of them needs not to) that kinda does mean he and Cas are left alone on this side :P
Don't feel bad enough NOT to point it out and end on that note >.>
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ios-hokkaido · 7 years
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The final four took a trip through memory lane for the Rites of Passage. Let’s see what they had to say!
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Drew: Coming right off of Sweden, I gotta say I wasn’t devastated that you didn’t make it to swap, but considering how things shook out since, it would have been nice to have a friend. Even one that I can’t trust as far as I could throw her. :P
Ruthie: I never got to play with you which makes me sad, I’m glad you were a part of the season!
Chris: we hardly knew ya! Sorry that you were the first to go.  
Samuel: You seemed lovely, it sucked that we lost the first challenge as I knew you were busy that weekend. Sorry it went down like that :(
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Drew: I was so ready to kiss up to you and Ruthie and hide behind your obvious duo pair for like a second but OG Haru was Sarahphobic clearly. You’re still a damn queen.
Ruthie: I LOVE YOU SO MUCH.  I remember when we applied for this around the same time and how excited we were at the thought of playing together!  I hate that we never had a chance to actually play together since we were on different tribes but you are my best friend in the entire world and you were ROBBED!  I hope this isn’t the last we see of you in the Island of Shade series, thank you for always being there for me through thick and thin!  Rushley for LIFE!  <3 
Samuel: You jumped into this game far too hard, far too hard and I could tell that you were gonna be a very powerful force in this game if you progressed, you were fun to talk to though :)
Chris: My love! It was so great getting to play this with you. You should've made it so much further. You're great
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Drew: Pass
Ruthie: I never knew you as Layla and I never knew you as Constance really either except for seeing you sometimes in the viewing lounges as both of them.  Um…. good luck with life or whatever, you should have gone home week 2 over Ashley Sarah, that queen was SO robbed. 
Chris: Called it that you were gonna be messy! Thanks for spicing the game up though.
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Drew: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1…………..do you even realize how much better this whole fiasco would have been if you’d just finished what you started, ya damn heaux?? Maybe this was our chance to actually be good to each other the whole way through. I mean probably not but. Maybe? #TeamFunIsWinning
Ruthie: You were another robbed queen.  I was so excited to get to work with you again, I remember how we planned to take out Drew (Sorry Drew :P) and take over the game!  It was SO fun playing with you, and you counted so high, I felt so bad for you for counting that high and not being able to come down.  It was great playing with you and I wish you would have made it further. 
Chris:  I never got the chance to talk to you. Maybe one day!
Samuel: all I know is that you fuck minions? stay iconic!!!
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Drew: OKAY BITCH BUCKLE UP BECAUSE I’M ACTUALLY MAD AT YOU because this was our CHANCE to #secretpairbeware this entire fucking game from both sides without anyone knowing but we both just HAD to be swapfucked on different tribes and barely/not make it out of that shit alive. I wish you were still here instead of S*m because as much as he and I fucked some shit up this season, you and me finally getting together would have been everything, we would’ve run the joint. Those freaks on swapped Haru didn’t even know what they did but it highkey broke my heart….easily the toughest boot of the season for me and I wasn’t even there to help.
Ruthie: This is definitely one of the votes I feel the most guilty for.  I really wanted you to stay over Amanda (Sorry Amanda, gosh I’m really not good at getting jury votes) but at this point in the game I was TERRIFIED.  I wanted to stick with the majority and I wasn’t brave enough to make my own moves.  I thought about this A LOT after I voted you out, Zack, and it made me decide to play a more risky game after you left.  I’m sorry you didn’t stay and I’m sorry I didn’t vote Amanda, I learned a lot in this game about how sometimes it pays off NOT to be a follower and I really wish that you would have stuck around longer because you, Nicholas and I would have worked great together.  
Chris:  I was SO bummed to see you voted out. You seem like such a nice person and I feel like you would've done well if given the chance. The numbers just didn't work out for you which sucks because I would've loved to work with you!
Samuel: That swap done fucked us over big time, you were fun to play with and it sucked to see you go! Our alliance was iconic even though it lasted like two tribals 
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Ruthie: We were on the same tribe for a little while and never talked and I hate that we never got to know one another.  You’re such a nice person and I feel like I could have learned a lot from you in playing this game!  I hate that you left when you did, that double tribal was something else alsflsjf.  
Chris: I was genuine when I wanted to put our past behind us, but I just had this gut feeling that you would've come after me I'd push came to shove, and it was a risk I wasn't willing to take. I tried to give you the chance to change my mind but I just..wasn't convinced. Sorry man
Samuel: The only vote this season I wasn't apart of, but I knew if we were in a tribe together I probably would've aimed for you as we never seem to be able to work together without something shady going down aha, you're great at this game though so Fuyu made a right choice
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Drew: King of Rocks, king of making my life hell, if only that purple rock had been rose gold ;) Hopefully we’ll get another chance down the road for you to kill me in two games at once and win one of them like V*r*n*ca
Ruthie: You definitely didn’t deserve to go when you did.  I had SO much fun playing this game with you, we were on the same tribe every time and you were the only person I could trust throughout the entire game when we played together.  I had so much fun talking strategy with you, keeping an idol chart with you to figure out where the idols were hidden (we sucked at that, didn’t we?) As happy as I am that Samuel has made it this far after you drew a rock to keep him in sometimes I beat myself up for not switching at last minute to keep you in this game or even giving you my immunity to keep you safe!  As much as I hate that you were rocked out, it helped make this an amazing season and season two is going to have a hard time beating this!  I love you so much and I’m glad we got to play together, it was SO much fun.
Chris: Another that I didn't get the chance to know. Cheers to getting rocked out though!
Samuel: You allowed me and Ruthie to join up in this game and become a powerful force throughout it, so thank you so so much. Going to rocks for me was an amazing thing to do and I'm sorry that they weren't on your side :(
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Drew: After me killing you in this, and then you killing me in Titans four days later, I’m ready for our time to shine as a power couple. Still have no idea what happened to flip the vote to you, but that game of telephone to try and figure it out with everyone who would have tried to murder me if we’d stayed on tribes was one of the highlights of the season
Ruthie: Like the Zack vote, I regretted this vote SO much.  I remember at was at freaking Disney World - ON MY FREAKING BIRTHDAY and my phone kept blowing up.  I was put into an alliance with like you, Samuel, Chris, Connor and Ian I think, and then I look back down at my phone and I see I’m in a NEW alliance with everyone I just mentioned but you!  All I wanted to do was have fun at Disney World and everyone changed the vote from Luke to YOU and like the Zack vote, I followed instead of doing what I felt was the right thing to do.  I love you girl and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you what was happening.  You are one of my favorite people in the world and things got a lot quieter without you around
Chris: Our little chatterbox! I really enjoyed getting to know you in this game. You're really sweet even if I'd get a tad frustrated when you'd be mad about the time differences. Unfortunately some last minute information came my way about you at the time of your vote and it was a move I felt was necessary to further my game. And it did! I hope there's no hard feelings
Samuel: Roxy omg you were such a messy queen it was so fun to have our talks in the tribe chat when everyone else was asleep lol, we were the fucked time zone buddies aha, I'm sorry that vote worked out how it did, but the paranoia mixed with the first merge tribal was ruthless, and the majority just didn't know where your head was at. I'm sorry :(
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Drew: We sort of became enemies by proxy in the swap, “the friend of my enemy is my enemy” style, which is sad because you were the only person who was truly new to me on our original tribes and I was excited for that, I don’t see too many new-to-me people in a season anymore. The reason I pushed so hard to get Ian nominated in the first place was to see if we could form anything without the influence of someone who was very clearly never going to want to work with me. But yay idols I guess.
Ruthie: I hate that we didn’t get to know one another very well, and I’m still salty that Ian came down and you went home over him on my HOH run.  You are SUCH a nice person and I hope that maybe we can get to know each other after the game ends, it’s been fun playing with you!  
Chris: I had a great time getting to know you. I wish I wasn't up against you during big brother week because I felt bad having to campaign against you. I hope we can be friends once all of this is said and done.
Samuel: Like one of the only people I knew coming into this game but we never really got to join up and work together which really sucked, big brother week was a mess as if there's one thing I'm really not good at it's big brother, but you were fun to play with for the short time we were together! P.S. Sorry I stroked out of Tonga if I play more than one game at once I have a psychological meltdown!!! :)
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Drew: fuck you ian <3
Ruthie: We never really connected but you are nice.  You know good and well you would have won the entire game if you got to the end, or I believe you would have.  It was fun playing with you and I hope everything is good in life. <3 
Chris: Man you definitely kept me entertained in this game. You were freaking hysterical to play with and talk to. Even though you almost destroyed my game, it was really great to be your ally. I was so sad to see you go. It wasn't what I wanted at all. You're great and I hope we can be pals after
Samuel: I think this vote is really when I started to bring out my post merge strategic game to be honest, I had weighed up my options and I figured out that we were in the minority and you had the votes to go, which honestly sucked because you were so so funny and I knew I could trust you right until endgame, but me voting for you allowed me to become closer with some of the og Fuyu, which is a cornerstone of my post merge gameplay. You were so fun to play with I hope we get to do it again soon!! 
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Drew: my HUSBAND, I’m sorry we couldn’t save you a fourth time this season, we had a 50/50 shot of crashing into an idol or not and we chose poorly. Highkey coming into the game we knew we’d have to distance from each other so we wouldn’t be immediately targeted as a duo like we were the entire time of Comoros, and we did too good of a job and never REALLY managed to be on the same side, but it was always amazing for my morale to have you there as someone I could count on
Ruthie: This vote had me feeling so alsjfdflj.  I didn’t vote for you, and I didn’t want to vote for you.  I voted for Connor but I didn’t want to vote for him this round either, I’m pretty sure at this point in the game I was either working with everyone or maybe I had just been exposed for working with everyone?  I don’t know but I was really hoping that night was going to tie and it was going to go to rocks, I really wanted to draw rocks when I could have been vulnerable to get one and go home, I don’t know, it’s just something about the whole Survivor experience, I wanted to try drawing WITHOUT an immunity necklace around my neck.  I’m sorry you left, you are SUCH a sweetheart and I hope we can talk more after the game ends!  
Chris: I was really threatened by your game. You're so sweet and loyal and I felt like you could've dominated going forward, so I had to take you out when I could. I'm glad that we got to play another org together!
Samuel: my British buddy!! Why we never fully linked up sucks so bad because I thought we could share our time zone frustrations together, but we were both in that rock draw tie which was iconic! You seemed like a pretty strong player but we just never got to work together :(
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Drew: Tbh I used Luke as a bridge to you instead of just outright talking to you and that was on me because it left us with nothing to build on when he left and no time to figure it out. Things might have played out differently if you and I had been more comfortable together just as us. With Dani, I was well aware that if the person in the middle of us left, there was a chance our relationship could be changed, but that same factor took me until it was too late to figure out with you.
Ruthie: We never really talked in the game, like AT ALL which kind of sucks.  I should have messaged you but every time I thought about it I realized…  we’ve never talked, she wouldn’t want to work with me.  Anyway, I was hoping you would vote with Drew and I during the vote that you went home, but when I got wind that you weren’t going to and I was told how many people were voting for you I needed to save my OWN behind after (stupidly) giving my immunity necklace to Drew so I voted for you.  I really wish we would have got to know each other better though because you love Disney AND I remember you love Prissy and Pop and as much as we have in common I’m irritated with myself that we don’t talk.  I’ve enjoyed playing with you after being hosted by you twice and it’s been fun! 
Chris:  I really wish I started talking to you sooner. I'm kicking myself for that because you're such a nice person, and I feel like you and I could have been great allies. You getting voted out wasn't what I wanted or planned to happen at all, and I'm sorry that you're on the jury when I actually think you deserve to be in the final 4
Samuel: like one of two people knew coming in to this season! I'm so so so gutted that we didn't get to work together because on House of Shade 12 I loved your existence to the max, which is why if we even got remotely close I would've considered you as a. Wet strong ally and if we were on the same tribe in OG Haru, I'm certain we would of been extremely close. I was sorry to see you go but by me telling Ruthie and Drew about the split vote devised by Pippa Connor and Chris it allowed me to keep Ruthie and Drew both in the game, two people that I knew I would be able to progress in this game with. Keep being iconic 
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Drew: nnnnnnnnnn we did it again, huh. I wonder if we’ll ever find a way back to the IHOS France magic of actually working WITH each other, instead of just next to each other while still keeping side-eyes on each other until it breaks. And it was me that broke it this time. But for what I was trying to do with myself this season, both initially in F8 and again at F6, I saw you as the biggest obstacle for me. You know how much I love you as a person, my musical soulmate. You lip sync is still everything.
Ruthie: I had SUCH a wonderful time playing with you and even working with you some (even though I know I betrayed you like a million times) on a personal level you are SO nice and such a sweet person, I’m glad I’ve gotten to know you better and thank you for keeping me in check so many times throughout this game  You’ve made me laugh and you’ve made me cry and I can’t imagine being in this game without you.  I have SO much respect for you it’s crazy, I hope we get to play together again one day.  You are a literal ray of sunshine and I can’t wait for you to drag me if I make it to FTC, I have my tissues ready. 
Chris: Even though we started working together later in this game, I'm glad we had the chance to! You played a killer game and I think you would've done well at this final tribal council. Your dedication for these games is so cool and I hope you continue to show people so invested you are. That lip synch video was still one of my favorite org moments!
Samuel: Probably the funnies people on this season, you just make me laugh with all of your snapchat stories which is why I've kept you a friend on there for like over a year whew, you're the same with Ashley really, I wished we could've linked up earlier and would've been able to create a stunning majority and just decimate the game together, but the time we managed to join up was just too late and I had already set my game up on a direct straight cause. Keep on snapping because you give me LIFE
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Drew: I want to apologize to you quickly because I was going through some shit yesterday that I couldn’t deal with and for I think the first time ever in my org life, I disappeared completely and wasn’t there to talk to and think everything through and play the game. I’ve gone out like that before, ignored and talking to brick walls, and it absolutely sucks, it was the cap on a really fucking fantastic day that I did that to you. I don’t know that it would have changed the outcome at all, but I would have felt a lot better sitting here today if I’d had the chance to think things through and be upfront with you, because I think we closed our rollercoaster of a relationship this season on a pretty fucked up version of understanding with each other, and if that was going to be our last cycle regardless, it would have been nice to go out on a good note, instead of ending like a trickass bitch ;)
Ruthie: My first thought when I saw that we were all playing together was “Ashley Sarah, Nicholas, Connor and I are going to be final 4, we are going to DESTROY this game.” My second thought was, Connor HAS to go before merge, someone has to cut him.  My third thought was Okay, we made merge… Nicholas and Ashley aren’t here but maybe… just maybe we can work together and we did!  We didn’t work like HUGELY together or anything but we told each other little tidbits here and there, I didn’t nominate you when I was HOH, etc.  I always thought YOU were going to be the first to turn on me, and then I realized when I voted you out to tie the game and how angry you got, that it was going to be over from there.  that was SO hard, and I meant it, I was glad you had an idol and were safe throughout the rock situation.  Yes, I should have warned you, yes after I DID still want to work with you and get to the end with you, but if you made FTC you would blow everyone else of the water, you have played such a good strategic and social game.  I’m so glad we got to play this game together and I really hope that we keep things said in done IN the game and can actually be friends after because as scary as you are in games you are one of the nicest, caring people in this community and I hope your prom was beautiful. <3
Chris: My ride or die in this game. I hated that you were voted out. I loved having you as my number 1. We had a really good run and I'm proud that you and I made it as far as we did. It would've been amazing to go all the way to the end with you but, some people don't know how to listen to common sense, and it got you where you are. You da bomb, and we'll be pals when this is all done :)
Samuel: Okay honestly I have to say that you were probably my big mistake of the game. I really took for granted how much trust you placed in me and I can realise now how hurt you must've been when I flipped the switch on you guys. I've explained why I done it already it just came down to who I felt more secure with going into the endgame with, and the answer was Drew and Ruthie. I'm sorry to have dragged you along but I didn't just stay aligned with you to keep up appearances, I genuinely liked talking to you and you were fun to be around. I'm sorry how it worked out in the end but just know I am so, so sorry for taking your trust for granted.
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auburnfamilynews · 5 years
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Matthew Emmons-USA TODAY Sports
The sprint to National Signing Day is underway.
The final dead period of the 2020 cycle started on December 16, 2019. The NCAA defines the dead period as the following:
During a dead period a college coach may not have face-to-face contact with college-bound student-athletes or their parents, and may not watch student-athletes compete or visit their high schools. Coaches may write and telephone student-athletes or their parents during a dead period.
Today it ends.
That means coaches and recruits can once again meet in person. Coaches will scour the country to visit their top targets not only in the 2020 class but in the 2021 as well. The top remaining prospects in 2020 will use these final 3 weekends to take official visits before making a final decision on Wednesday, February 5th.
For Auburn, most of the work is already done. The Tigers signed 22 players back in December and 10 of them are already on campus. The final number still hasn’t been reported but it’s somewhere between 25-27. That means that at most, Auburn can sign five more players next month which is where you want to be at this point. Auburn won’t have to reach for any players but can instead go get who they think are the best available to round out what should be another top 10 class.
Jonathan Buskey Update
On February 12th, 2019, Auburn thought they had landed their starting left tackle for the 2020 season in JUCO Jonathan Buskey. At the time, he was Auburn’s 2nd OL commit but was thought to possibly end up being their most important. As often happens though in the wild world of recruiting, things change.
When he committed, it was believed he would be an early enrollee. However, as December quickly approached there began to be concerns that would happen. By the time the early signing period arrived, it was 100% certain Buskey would not be on campus at the start of the 2020 spring semester. In fact, the question had gone from “would Buskey be able to enroll early to “will Buskey be able to enroll at all”. It appears he won’t.
Yesterday evening, AuburnUndercover’s Keith Niebuhr reported that Auburn and Buskey had officially parted ways. From all indications, it has nothing to do with Buskey’s talent. The staff would have loved to have him in this class, things just didn’t work out. You hate to see it happen but hopefully the nation’s #6 ranked JUCO OT will find a solid place to land. He’s good player and from all reports a good kid.
Broderick Jones’s Visit Plans
Regardless of what was going to happen with Jonathan Buskey, Auburn was going to go all in for 5* OT Broderick Jones. But this news makes it even more important the Tigers pull off the big time flip. Given the fact Kilian Zierer will have to sit out of spring practice with a knee injury and Brenden Coffey won’t be on campus until the summer, there will be ample opportunity for Jones, if he were to pick the Tigers, to win the starting job this fall. But there is a lot of work to be done for that to happen.
Jones initially announced he would take official visits to Tennessee, Georgia and Auburn respectively. However, those plans have already changed. Jones will not be in Knoxville this weekend, instead he will be in Fayetteville to hear what one of his former UGA lead recruiters, Sam Pittman, has planned for the Hogs. While Auburn and Georgia are likely the top 2, this is still a visit to watch. Pittman is an elite recruiter and played an important role for the Dawgs in landing Jones’s pledge just under two years ago. Seeing as all three of his finalists have gaping holes at tackle for next season, early playing time won’t be the deciding factor. It will come down to relationships and where Jones feels most comfortable.
So with relationships playing an important role, should there be concerns that J.B. Grimes’s departure will hurt the Tigers’ chances? Not necessarily. Jones told reporters at the Under Armour All-America game that the coach he has the best relationship with is actually Auburn’s tight end coach Larry Porter. Rodney Garner has also played a major role in his recruitment and those two relationships should keep the Tigers firmly in this battle. It will all come down to these final visits.
The Tigers will get Jones’s last visit on February 1st. That same weekend Auburn plays Kentucky inside Auburn Arena. Flipping Jones is a tall task because you don’t take many 5*’s from Kirby Smart. But I still think that as of right now, Auburn is the team trending. Let’s see if they can finish.
Jay Hardy Shuts Recruitment Down
As for Auburn’s other unsigned commitment, 4* DL Jay Hardy dropped some big news earlier this week. He told AuburnSports.com’s Jeffery Lee that his recruitment is over. He does not plan to take a visit to Tennessee like initially planned.
ICYM the huge news from Tuesday night: Auburn four-star DT commitment visiting soon. He's also "shutting everything down" -> https://t.co/9KTq3nvTbF pic.twitter.com/eTTBNecRB1
— Jeffrey Lee (@JLeeAURivals) January 15, 2020
This is obviously big news for the Tigers. Auburn’s staff has reported to have been confident the whole time he would stick to his pledge but you can never be too certain in recruiting. Tennessee (among many others) will likely stay in his ear in hopes of changing that decision. We will see if he pops up anywhere this weekend but I would be surprised if that were to happen. Hardy has been pretty open and honest about his recruitment up to this point. He’s a crucial member of this 2020 signing class and will have a chance to make an immediate impact next season.
Interesting Official Visitor
This will be a light weekend for the Tigers. They wisely planned for both big junior days and official visitor weekends to coincide with Auburn basketball home games. I expect to see some 2021 prospects stop by but for the most part, it won’t be a very busy day on the Plains. The focus will be squarely on one player, 3* TE Brandon Frazier.
Back in 2017, Auburn seemingly began to transition the 3-back position from a fullback skillset to a tight end one. They signed John Samuel Shenker in that class then last year landed two highly regarded prospects in Tyler Fromm and Luke Deal. In the early period, Auburn beat out the Tide for jumbo athlete J.J. Pegues. So would Auburn really be interested in ANOTHER tight end?
Turns out they are. Frazier was once a Razorback commit when Chad Morris was running things. That relationship didn’t end following his firing and Auburn’s new offensive coordinator has made Frazier a top target for the Tigers. He will take his first trip to the Plains this weekend and it’s hard not to see Auburn as the favorite at the moment. Texas Tech hosted him on a visit in December and Frazier could take trips to Arkansas and Alabama later this month. But as of today, Auburn is likely the team to beat.
Morris has a strong track record of utilizing the tight end and he’s selling Frazier on that history continuing at Auburn. With Spencer Nigh graduating, Auburn really doesn’t have a fullback on roster anymore unless they decide to move Malik Miller. It appears likely then that Auburn will be using 11 personnel (one running back, one tight end) more often moving forward. Frazier has the skillset that he could see time immediately in 2020. We will see if any booms come emanating from the Plains this weekend.
Top Target Visit Plans
With Auburn only hosting one official visitor this weekend, their remaining top targets will be elsewhere visiting their other finalists over the next 2-3 days. Here’s a quick rundown of who is visiting where this weekend:
5* OT Broderick Jones - Arkansas
4* DT McKinnley Jackson - No visit reported (originally scheduled LSU but moved to next weekend)
4* DL Princely Umanmielen - No visit reported yet
4* DL Deandre Butler - Oklahoma
3* DT Marquis Burks - No visit reported yet
4* WR Malachi Wideman was a name being linked to Auburn in December but he announced his visits would be to Tennessee, Oregon and FAU. I will update list above with any news on confirmed visits for Jackson, Umanmielen and Burks this weekend.
War Eagle!
from College and Magnolia - All Posts https://www.collegeandmagnolia.com/2020/1/17/21070765/2020-auburn-football-recruiting-end-of-dead-period-brandon-frazier-jonathan-buskey-broderick-jones
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