#Masala Dani
buy-desi · 1 year
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aurora--sky · 1 year
10 potraw od RobinKLocksley | Polskie Tłumaczenie
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Tłumaczenie 10 potraw od RobinKLocksley
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Nie lubię tłumaczyć tak krótkich modów, ale tak zbiorowo jest o wiele wygodniej.
🍲 Miso Soup - To zupa miso, tradycyjna japońska zupa, która może składać się z wielu różnych składników, ale najważniejsze są bulion dashi i pasta miso. Ta wersja wykorzystuje wegetariański bulion dashi i jest wypełniona tofu, aby wszyscy twoi wegetariańscy Simowie mogli się nią cieszyć.
🍗 Chicken Katsu Curry - To kurczak katsu, japońskie danie curry (czasami znane jako kurczak panko lub tori katsu). Danie składa się ze smażonego kurczaka panierowanego w bułce tartej panko, podawanego tutaj ze smażonymi warzywami z cudownym sosem tonkatsu (zrobionym ze smacznych pomidorów, soku z cytryny, marchewki, cebuli, suszonych śliwek, daktyli i selera).
🍛 Thai Green Curry - To tajskie zielone curry, danie pochodzące z Tajlandii. Główne składniki składają się zwykle z zielonych papryczek chili, ziaren białego pieprzu, szalotki, czosnku, galangi, trawy cytrynowej, skórki papedy, kolendry, kminku, mleka kokosowego, pasty z zielonego curry i cukru palmowego. Ta wersja jest zrobiona bez pasty rybnej, aby Twoi wegetariańscy Simowie mogli się nią cieszyć!
🍚 Vangi Bath - To południowoindyjska potrawa, która prawdopodobnie pochodzi z regionu Karnataka. Jest zrobiona z proszku masala i miąższu tamaryndowca zmieszanego z bakłażanem i czasami innymi warzywami, zmieszanymi z ryżem.
🍝 Linguine al Pesto - Tutaj mamy linguine, klasyczny włoski sos. Oryginalnie stworzone w Genui pesto jest wytwarzane z połączenia oliwy z oliwek, czosnku, orzeszków piniowych, soli, bazylii i sera, a wszystko to zmieszane z oliwą z oliwek. Ta konkretna wersja dodaje odrobinę pietruszki. Doskonałe danie, które zasmakuje każdemu.
🧄🌶️ Spaghetti With Garlic, Oil and Chilli - To danie jest świetne, gdy Twoi Simowie chcą po prostu opróżnić lodówkę i nie mają zbyt wiele do gotowania. Dokładnie to, co jest napisane w tytule: spaghetti, czosnek i olej. Pochodzące z Neapolu „Spaghetti Aglio, Olio e Peperoncino” to tradycyjne danie z makaronu w okolicy. To proste, ale gdy zrobione z wprawą, bardzo smaczne.
🍮 Lemon & Ginger Crème Brûlée - Crème Brûlée (czyli palona śmietana) to deser na bazie budyniu. Jest podobny do crema catalana i creme caramel, ale z kontrastującą twardą warstwą utwardzonego cukru dodaną na wierzchu, nadając potrawie niemal twardą skorupę. Tutaj jest aromatyzowany cytryną i imbirem.
🍪 Pumpkin & Spice Cookies - Ciasteczka z dynią i przyprawami to kruche ciastka zrobione z ciepłych jesiennych przypraw (gałki muszkatołowej, imbiru, goździków, cynamonu i ziela angielskiego) oraz z puree z dyni, aby stworzyć bogatą, lepką i smaczną sezonową przekąskę, idealną na początek jesieni.
🥮 Pumpkin Spice Macarons - Makaroniki to słodki przysmak na bazie bezy z Włoch i Francji, dostępny w wielu smakach i rozmiarach, te są aromatyzowane mieszanką przypraw dyniowych, podawane z małymi ozdobnymi dyniami.
🥚 Egg Drop Soup - Chińska zupa z jajkiem to zupa z delikatnych ubitych jaj gotowanych w bulionie z kurczaka. Rzeczy takie jak tofu, szalotki, sól i pieprz są często dodawane do zupy, aby nadać jej dodatkowy smak. To krzepiące danie dla bardziej mięsożernych Simów, którym mogą się cieszyć, gdy nie czują się najlepiej.
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Miso Soup
SFS | 13.4.23
Chicken Katsu Curry
SFS | 13.4.23
Thai Green Curry
SFS | 13.4.23
Vangi Bath
SFS | 13.4.23
Linguine al Pesto
SFS | 13.4.23
Spaghetti With Garlic, Oil and Chilli
SFS | 13.4.23
Lemon & Ginger Crème Brûlée
SFS | 13.4.23
Pumpkin & Spice Cookies
SFS | 13.4.23
Pumpkin Spice Macarons
SFS | 13.4.23
Egg Drop Soup
SFS | 13.4.23
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allied-materials · 6 days
Pakistan is a land rich in culture, tradition, and craftsmanship. Among the many items that showcase the nation’s artisan heritage, traditional spice boxes, particularly those made from wood, stand out for their functional use and intricate designs. These spice boxes, or Masala Dani, are a staple in Pakistani kitchens, reflecting the country’s vibrant culinary culture and the artistic skill of local craftsmen.
The Cultural Significance of Spice Boxes
In Pakistan, spices play an essential role in daily cooking, and the traditional wooden spice box is a common household item.  small tables for craft .
Each compartment in the spice box holds a different spice, symbolizing not only the diversity of flavors but also the richness of Pakistani cuisine. More than just storage containers, these boxes are often passed down through generations, becoming family heirlooms, laden with memories of shared meals and celebrations.
The intricate designs of these boxes often reflect the region they come from, with different provinces of Pakistan showcasing unique patterns and styles.
Handcrafted Wooden Designs
One of the most remarkable aspects of these spice boxes is the craftsmanship involved in making them. Skilled artisans, using local woods such as Sheesham (Indian rosewood) or Deodar (Himalayan cedar), carve intricate patterns by hand. These designs often include geometric patterns, floral motifs, and even calligraphy, turning each box into a piece of art.
Traditional techniques, passed down through generations, are employed to ensure the boxes not only look beautiful but are also durable and functional.  The wood is seasoned to prevent cracking, and natural oils are applied to enhance the grain of the wood while ensuring that the spices stored inside remain fresh and fragrant.
The Role of Regional Styles
Pakistan is home to various artisanal traditions, each contributing its own style to these spice boxes. For instance:
Kashmiri Designs:
 Known for their intricate floral carvings and use of lighter woods, Kashmiri spice boxes are often painted or lacquered for a polished finish.
Sindhi Craftsmanship:
 Sindhi artisans favor bold, colorful patterns, often adding small mirrors or beads to the design, creating a vibrant aesthetic.
Punjabi Simplicity:
 In Punjab, the focus is often on sturdiness, with simpler designs emphasizing functionality over decoration. However, Punjabi boxes are still beautiful in their subtlety, with fine wood grain and precision craftsmanship.
Use of Spice Boxes in Modern Kitchens
Though modern kitchens often feature more utilitarian storage solutions, traditional spice boxes have made a comeback in recent years, with many people embracing the charm and craftsmanship of these handcrafted items. The boxes not only offer an elegant way to store spices but also serve as decorative pieces that bring a touch of heritage into the kitchen.
In many homes, these spice boxes serve as a reminder of traditional cooking methods and the importance of spices in Pakistani cuisine. spice boxes Whether used daily or reserved for special occasions, they continue to play an important role in preserving cultural heritage.
Sustainability and Eco-Friendliness
In today’s world, where sustainability is becoming increasingly important, handcrafted wooden spice boxes are an eco-friendly alternative to plastic or metal containers. The use of natural materials, coupled with the longevity of these boxes, makes them a sustainable choice for households. By purchasing these handmade items, people are also supporting local artisans and helping to preserve traditional crafts that are at risk of being lost in the face of modern mass production.
Traditional spice boxes in Pakistan are more than just kitchen accessories; they are a testament to the country’s rich artisanal heritage. Handcrafted with care and adorned with intricate designs, these wooden boxes not only serve a functional purpose but also tell a story of tradition, culture, and craftsmanship. As they continue to be cherished and used in homes, these spice boxes bridge the gap between the past and present, offering a tangible link to Pakistan’s culinary and artistic traditions.
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salesmake · 9 months
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blogposts004 · 1 year
WickedGud Instant Noodles
Instant noodles have been a go-to meal for many people worldwide, thanks to their convenience and quick preparation time. However, these noodles are often criticized for their lack of nutritional value and high sodium content. 
Enter WickedGüd, a brand founded by Bhuman Dani, Monish Debnath, and Soumalya Biswas, to provide consumers with nutritious and delicious instant noodles. In this article, we'll delve into WickedGüd's nutritious pasta and noodles, its founders, and what sets it apart from other instant noodle brands.
The Founders of WickedGüd
Bhuman Dani, Monish Debnath, and Soumalya Biswas are the brains behind WickedGüd. They founded the brand intending to provide consumers with a healthier alternative to traditional instant noodles. Dani, Debnath, and Biswas all have backgrounds in the food industry, with Dani and Debnath having previously founded a healthy snack company called Eat Anytime. Biswas, on the other hand, has experience in the marketing and advertising industry.
WickedGüd's Nutritious Pasta and Noodles
WickedGüd's pasta and noodles are made with whole wheat flour and are fortified with essential vitamins and minerals such as iron, zinc, and calcium. They also contain no added MSG, preservatives, or artificial flavors. WickedGüd's pasta and noodles are available in a variety of flavors, including Classic Masala, Tomato Twist, and Peppy Paneer. The brand also offers a range of instant soups, including Tomato and Basil, Sweet Corn, and Hot and Sour.
WickedGüd's Unique Selling Proposition
WickedGüd sets itself apart from other instant noodle brands in several ways. Firstly, the brand uses whole wheat flour instead of refined flour, making its products more nutritious. Secondly, WickedGüd's products are fortified with essential vitamins and minerals, making them a healthier option than traditional instant noodles. Additionally, the brand offers a wide range of flavors to cater to different tastes, making it a popular choice for consumers who want variety. Finally, Shark Tank WickedGüd's products are vegan, making them suitable for those following a plant-based diet.
WickedGüd's Sustainability Efforts
WickedGüd is committed to sustainability and has taken several steps to reduce its environmental impact. Firstly, the brand's packaging is made from paper, making it biodegradable and compostable. Secondly, WickedGüd's manufacturing process is designed to reduce water usage, and the brand has also implemented a waste management system to minimize its waste generation. Finally, the brand sources its ingredients locally wherever possible, reducing its carbon footprint.
WickedGüd's Customer Reviews
WickedGüd has received positive reviews from customers, with many praising the brand for its taste and nutritional value. Customers have also appreciated the brand's commitment to sustainability and its vegan options. The brand's products are available on popular e-commerce platforms such as Amazon and BigBasket, making it easy for customers to purchase them.
WickedGüd's Future Plans
WickedGüd has ambitious plans for the future, with the brand aiming to expand its product range and distribution network. The brand plans to launch new flavors and also intends to introduce healthier snacks to its product line. Additionally, WickedGüd is looking to expand its distribution network to reach more customers across India.
One of the significant advantages of WickedGüd's products is that they are made with whole wheat flour, which is more nutritious than refined flour. Whole wheat flour contains more fiber, vitamins, and minerals than refined flour, making it a healthier option. Additionally, the brand fortifies its products with essential vitamins and minerals such as iron, zinc, and calcium. This makes WickedGüd's products a great option for people who want to incorporate more nutrients into their diets.
Another advantage of WickedGüd's products is that they are vegan. Veganism is becoming increasingly popular in India, with more people choosing to follow a plant-based diet for ethical, health, or environmental reasons. WickedGüd's vegan options make it a great choice for people who are looking for a convenient and nutritious vegan meal.
WickedGüd's commitment to sustainability is also worth mentioning. The brand's packaging is made from paper, which is biodegradable and compostable. This helps reduce the brand's environmental impact and also provides customers with an eco-friendly option. The brand's efforts to reduce water usage and minimize waste generation are also commendable.
WickedGüd's customer reviews are another testament to the brand's success. Customers have appreciated the brand's commitment to nutrition and taste, with many praising the variety of flavors available. The brand's commitment to sustainability has also been well-received by customers, who appreciate the eco-friendly packaging and the brand's efforts to reduce its environmental impact.
Looking to the future, WickedGüd has ambitious plans to expand its product range and distribution network. The brand's focus on introducing healthier snacks is a great idea, as it will allow customers to have more options when it comes to healthy snacking. The brand's plan to expand its distribution network will also help reach more customers across India, making it easier for people to access healthy and convenient meals.
WickedGüd is a brand that has managed to create a niche for itself in the competitive instant noodle market. The brand's commitment to nutrition, sustainability, and taste has helped it become a popular choice among customers. With its focus on expanding its product range and distribution network, WickedGüd is poised to become a significant player in the Indian food industry. If you're looking for a healthier and more sustainable option when it comes to instant noodles, WickedGüd is worth a try.
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anantradingpvtltd · 2 years
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] The rack will look stunning and stylish in the kitchen. Design and Comfort The good thing is that you can use all these spices easily as there are sprinkling perforations at the top of each lid. The food grade plastic used to make this lovely spice rack is durable and safe for storing spices. Deck up your kitchen in a novel way by including Classic Spice Rack Set of Eight Pieces. Classic Spice Rack lets you arrange the boxes compactly and make sure that your kitchen is clutter free. Designed in attractive colors, this revolving masala rack is made of ABS plastic that makes it easy to clean and durable too. Color: Selected Color, Material: Plastic Can be used to easily store and retrieve spices, herbs and condiments and more, highly durable and compact design Specially designed revolving base for ease of use, secure locking system for bottles to avoid spillage Care Instruction : This Item Is Dishwasher Safe, Wash It Easily. | A Perfect Gift Item For Your Friends, Relatives On Any Occasion KeyDus 360 Degree Revolving Round Shape Transparent Spice Rack, Container Spice Stand For Kitchen Storage Container Rack Sets Spice Racks Containers Namak Dani Tikka Pepper Oregano Chilli Flakes Storage Spices Box (Black) [ad_2]
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consulaaris · 2 years
top 5 fave meals (that you like to cook or get as takeout) and/or top 5 drinks you like making at work 💕
[ask for my top 5 of something]
mwah ty dani! 🤍
top 5 fave meals (in no particular order):
1. thai yellow curry w/ chicken + egg rolls + thai tea (takeout)
2. vodka sauce spinach pasta (home-cooked)
3. teriyaki chicken bowls + edamame (home-cooked)
4. spicy ramen <3 (takeout + home-cooked)
5. chicken tikka masala + vegetable samosas + mango lassi (takeout)
honorable mentions include: poke bowls, corned beef hash, lox bagels, eggs benedict, etc.
top 5 drinks i like making as a barista:
1. fruit + iced tea shaker
2. black tie (cold brew + condensed milk + chicory syrup + half & half)
3. cold brew oat latte
4. iced matcha latte
5. caffé macchiato
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buy-desi · 1 year
Stylish Wooden Masala Dabba (Spice Boxes)
The wooden masala dabba: a traditional Indian spice box crafted from high-quality wood, featuring labeled compartments for organized storage of aromatic spices, adding elegance and preserving flavors.
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srishtinanda · 4 years
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Spice Box (Masala Dani)
• Salt (Namak)
• Cumin seeds (Jeera)
• Red Chilly Powder (Lal mirch)
• Dry mango powder(Aamchoor)
• Turmeric (Haldi)
• Carom seeds (Ajwain)
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guptadeeksha · 4 years
Spice Box (Masala Dani)
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Cumin seeds (Jeera)
Turmeric (Haldi)
Fennel powder (Sauf)
Coriander powder (Dhaniya)
Dry mango powder (Amchoor)
Red chilly powder (Lal mirch)
Carom seeds (Ajwain)
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salesmake · 1 year
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A Real Man - Bucky Barnes Oneshot
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Angst, Comfort, Fluff, and Some Curse Words
A/N:  This was written for @stuckonjbbarnes​ Dani’s 250 Writing Challenge. My prompt was “If I Were A Boy” by Beyonce. Congratulations again!!
Word Count: 1.3k
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IIf one were to look at James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes, Winter Soldier, ex fist of Hydra, you would think he has it all. After all those decades of torture, Bucky was finally starting to move forward. He had a promising career, fighting those who inflicted years of pain on him. He had a group of friends who loved and supported him. They put up with his nightmares and triggers. But more importantly, he found you. His darling girl, who he loves with all his heart. He can see himself starting a family with you, in a few years, because he isn’t ready. He doesn’t feel ready. But, the universe has a funny sense of timing. 
You sit, waiting for a little stick of plastic to cooperate. Waiting for either a single blue line or, the dreaded 2 lines. You were late, and it scared you. Because you were quite sexually active. With how Bucky looks, who wouldn’t be. But you never took precautions. Both of you were tested and were clean from any STDs, and SHIELDS and Hydras files both showed that Bucky was infertile. So there was no reason to use protection if there was nothing to protect against. But now, as you counted down the seconds, you were terrified. A thousand questions racing through your mind. If you’re pregnant, how did it happen? You definitely didn’t cheat on Bucky. Would you keep it if you were carrying a child? What will Bucky think? You get dragged back to reality when your phone alarm goes off. Hesitantly grabbing the test stick, you look to be faced with two dreaded lines. 
Well, shit. Guess life is taking a different path. You send a quick text to Bucky, asking him if he could grab some dinner and bring it home, that the two of you needed to talk. And in the meantime, you had to think. 
After a few hours of hard thinking, you’ve reached your decision, you were keeping the baby. You knew of your options and you respected the women that did exercise their right to choose, but you just couldn’t do it. Not knowing that a little person was growing in you. That your son or daughter is in there. You just now needed to tell Bucky. And that scared you. Sure, you’ve talked about the idea of adopting a kid, but that was still years down the road. Now, he’s going to know that they’ll have a little kid in 9 months and that it’ll be his. 
Bucky rushes out of work, picking up the chicken tikka masala that you just loved. And an extra order of the naan that he loved. Food was just so much better now than it was in the 40′s. Bucky hurries home to find you taking a little nap on the couch. He can never get tired of looking at you. You are beautiful inside and out, and he hardly believes that he can call you his girl. That you chose to be with him. Bucky gently wakes you up.
“Y/N, dinners ready.” And the glorious smell of Indian food hits your nose, and it’s acting as the best alarm clock in the world. 
Your dinner is quite. Just small chatter about Bucky’s day at work, how Sam is being a pain in the ass, like always. He talked about how he finally feels ready to go and visit the “new” Steve. Bucky starts to clear the plates and the table, and you decide now is the time to tell him. Rip the band-aid off, Y/N. 
“Buck,” you call out to your boyfriend, getting his attention. “I’m pregnant.” Bucky drops the plates in the sink, stares at you for a moment, and burst through the front door, running, full speed ahead, down the corridor. It takes a few moments for your brain to process the events of what just happened, and when you finally register what happened, you chase after him. Running into the now empty corridor, you break down into sobs. Bucky ran away. Not a single word. 
Sam, Steve, and all the resources of SHIELD put together couldn’t find Bucky. It’s been three days, and they still can’t find him. And it’s putting your body through the wringer. You couldn’t eat, you couldn’t sleep. All you could do is worry. That’s why they brought in Wanda. She came and stayed with you. She encouraged you to eat, if not for you, for the baby, she also used some of her powers to lull you to sleep. And luckily, it worked. Thanks to her, you were able to get a few hours of sleep. It lets you leave your worries about being a single mother, and you worry about something really bad happening to Bucky. 
But thankfully, one day, Steve Rogers, got a phone call. 
“Steve Rogers,” the older super-soldier answers. “Buck! Where are you? Don’t move, okay? I’m coming.” Steve looks up to meet yours and Sam’s eyes. “That was Bucky, I know where he’s at.” This makes your heart jump. Not only do you know where he is, you know that he is safe. 
“Well then, let’s go!” You start to grab your coat, and your purse ready.
Sam grabs your arm, “I don’t think you should meet with him, Y/N.”
You yank your arm out of his grasp, “Like hell, I won’t Wilson! This is my fault, but I’m going to fix this! Steve, let’s go!” You open the door for Steve and you stubbornly head out the door. 
Steve pulls into a grungy alleyway. Boxes and trash everywhere. Bucky couldn’t possibly be here, could he?
“Steve, are you sure we’re in the right place?” He just gives a curt nod and allows you to step out of the car. You hear a noise and a thump coming from the dumpster, and you follow the noise. You’re met with messy hair, tired, and dirty Bucky sitting on the floor. Your presence startles him, and he immediately backs away from you. 
“Y/N, w-what are you doing here?” 
“What do you mean, ‘what am I doing here’. I’m here to talk Bucky. Why did you run?” You crouch down to Bucky, getting your jeans dirty. 
Bucky turns away, tears running down his face. “I got scared, Y/N. I can’t be a father. What kid wants a murder to be his father? I can’t even go to a bar with Sam without freaking out. I’m a broken, hollow shell of a man. Do you really want that as the father of your kid?” You see the points that he’s making but you really wish that he could see how much worth he has. 
“Buck, you aren’t broken. You are healing, and you are allowed to have good days and bad days. And yes, I want you as the father of this kid. Because I love you. I can’t imagine it being anyone else's. Now let’s go home, have a nice bath, and we can keep on talking, okay?” You help him up, and walk back to the car, just grateful that he’s safe and back home. 
13 months passed since Bucky ran away. And you are now the proud parents of a healthy little 3-month-old boy, Steven James Barnes. Things are still rough, and Bucky still has his doubts, but the way he is with your son melts any fear you might have had. How every look is filled with love, and how he would fight to the end of the world for this family, makes you fall in love with Bucky more and more. 
Sure, Bucky had his bad days, but with his girl, and boy, he really did have it all. 
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ben-trovato · 4 years
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Masala dani : The Spice Box
Contents : 1-6 (Clockwise)  7 (Center)
Salt (Namak)
Dry Mango Powder (Amchoor/ Khatai)
Coriander Powder (Sookha Dhaniya)
Red Chilli Powder (Lal Mirchi)
Turmeric Powder (Haldi)
Jeera (Cumin Seeds)
Hot Spice Mixture (Garam Masala) 
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thiswasinevitableid · 5 years
indruck - you brought in a stray and keep checking in
“you bring in a stray mama cat/dog/etc. and keep coming back in to check on their progress.”
It’s pouring outside as Duck sits behind the check-in counter at the vet. Half an hour before he can head home, and he’s dearly ready to eat leftover pizza and fall asleep after some of today’s adventures.
Fucking chihuahuas.
The door swings open and a figure in a rain jacket hurries through, holding a box.
“Excuse me, I found this rabbit and I don’t think she’s well At the very least I don’t think she belongs outside on her own.”
The person sets the box on the counter.  Duck tries not to sigh too heavily; it’s spring and more than one person has brought in an wild cottontail thinking it was a lost baby rabbit.
“Uh huh, well, lemme take a look.”
He opens the box, finds a mid-sized white rabbit with black and brown spots on it. Definitely a stray.
“I assume she’s someone’s pet, but there’s no collar and there was no house or anything nearby…”
Duck looks up from the box, is met with red glasses half-covered by white hair. The man looking at him is definitely distinct looking, though Ducks hasn’t made up his mind if that’s cute or unnerving.
“Where’d you find her?”
“About a mile away from the westwinds trailer park, hiding under a bush.”
Duck carefully reaches into the box. The rabbit honks, but lets him lift it out.
“Well, one things for sure; she’s gonna be a mama.”
“She’s pregnant? Oh goodness, I’m glad I found her then.”
“We’ll check her over, see if she’s microchipped or if anyone in the area’s posted a rabbit missing that matches her description. Thanks for bringing her in mister…”
“Cold, Indrid Cold. Just happy to help.” He stands awkwardly for a moment before giving a small wave and departing back out into the storm.
Duck doesn’t see Indrid for a few days, and then he comes back during one of the biggest rushes they’ve had in weeks. Mercifully, he settles into a corner and sketches in a notebook (stepping outside once, not that Duck’s paying attention) and waits until things calm down.
“Hello again.” He smiles shyly at Duck.
“Checkin’ in on the bunny?”
“Yes, is she alright? Has she had her babies yet? Oh, here.” He hands Duck a white paper bag.
“It seemed like you might’ve skipped lunch what with all the commotion. So I brought you something from the food truck across the street.”
Duck inhales the familiar smell of Tikka Masala and is about ready to fall to his knees in gratitude.
“Thanks, man, that was awful nice.” He smiles and Indrid blushes, “Oh, uh, right, the rabbit. She was a little malnourished, but she’s getting better. Probably won’t have her kits for a week or two still. They oughta all be happy and healthy thanks to you.”
Indrid smiles, and this time Duck knows for sure what he thinks of his face: it’s stunning. Weird as fuck, but stunning.
Indrid becomes something of a fixture at the clinic, visiting Duck more days than not. He always comes under the guise of checking in on the rabbit, and to his credit he does seem genuinely interested in her well-being.
But he’s equally interested in Ducks. At least if the food he keeps bringing him is any indication. He and Duck chat when they can, and Duck learns that Indrid works the night shift at a 24 hour coffee stand, that he hates the cold weather, and that he’s single. He’s sweet and awkward and has given Duck the eye more than once.
So Duck cannot wait to tell him the good news.
Indrid walks in the door, smiling as soon as he sees Duck. Leans across the counter when he talks, Duck mirroring the gesture to bring them as close as is professional.
“We got baby buns.”
“Really!? Oh, that’s wonderful.” Indrid chirps
“And even better, we actually got a call from the folks who lost mama. Turns out her name is Buttercup and they were so relieved she was okay that they nearly started cryin’. So she’s goin’ home as soon as the little ones can be weaned, then the shelter will adopt ‘em out. Know Dani’s girlfriend’s already called dibs on one; got a name picked out and everything.”
Indrid makes another happy sound, and then his smile falters.
“I guess now there, uh, there won’t be any reason for me to come and check in on them.”
Duck reaches out, takes his hand.
“Naw, but wouldn’t mind if you kept checkin’ on me.” He rubs a thumb softly on the top of Indrids hand.
“I’d like that so much, Duck.”
He leans his head forward and Duck gets the hint, gives him a brief peck on the lips.
“Can’t do anythin’ more while I’m at work.” He whispers.
“Can I buy you coffee when you get off?”
“How about you let me buy this time?”
Indrid grins, gives him another quick kiss.
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buy-desi · 1 year
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