#Matt Morgan
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savageandwise · 6 months
Not saying it means anything but Noel consistently called Liam 'our kid' this podcast episode. Matt made a mean comment about him and Noel didn't jump on it
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starshapedoasis · 1 month
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oacest · 1 day
for those who wish to hear noel doing a heinous american accent and also saying "thaaang"
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Speaking of epilogues, can you make a lil blurb about what happened when Zach and Cam got home after the engagement? Thank you 🫶
The ring on Cammie’s finger felt so heavy and yet light at the same time. She found herself staring at it, tilting her hand so that the stone would catch the light just right. She was speechless.
“You okay over there, Gallagher Girl?” Zach asks as he parks the car in front of their apartment complex. He turns off the ignition and looks at her.
Cammie nods and unbuckles her seatbelt. “Why wouldn’t I be?” She asks and Zach laughs.
“I mean, you’ve been pretty quiet over there. You haven’t said a word since we left the mansion,” Zach takes off his seatbelt, directing his full attention to his new fiancé.
Cammie’s eyes widen as she realizes she hasn’t talked to Zach the entire ride back to Georgetown. (Which was exactly 65 minutes and 37 seconds with minimal traffic) God, what an amazing girlfriend—-fiancé—-she was.
“Sorry!” She blurts out, making Zach arch a brow. “I just… I was just thinking.” She says.
“Thinking about…?” Zach asks. He looks at her, worry settling in his stomach. Was she going to break off the engagement? Did she realize that this was a mistake? Was she worried that—-
“My dad.” She says softly.
All of Zach’s worries drifts away in a flurry of emotion. How could he have been so careless?
“Who’s going to walk me down the aisle, Zach?” Cammie says seriously. “You’re supposed to get his permission and he’s supposed to give my hand to you with tears running down his face. He’s supposed to be…”
Zach watches as tears form in her eyes. She meets his gaze, the tears falling down her cheeks in a quiet stream. He reaches a hand out, catching one with his thumb. “He’s supposed be here, Zach…” Cam whispers.
Zach takes a moment to even reply because he’s speechless, just like she was only moments ago. He pulls his hand away and reaches for hers. He looks down at the ring that Macey and Bex helped him pick out. “I asked your mom before I picked this out. She was so excited she was jumping around. I thought it was only fair since I couldn’t ask your dad for his permission, that I asked her. You know what she said?” He looks up at her, searching her face. “She said that if he were here he would have said yes without a second thought and that I was welcome into the family long before I dipped you in the middle of the foyer at school…”
Cammie pulls away and wipes her tears away. She goes to speak before he cuts her off again. “I did ask him though…” And all the air is gone from her lungs. “When I said I got called away I wasn’t lying. I really wasn’t here. I was in Rome.” His voice is soft and if there’s anything that Cammie needs in that moment it’s this.
Zach had flown to Rome. He had gone back to the grave that they searched so hard to find all those years ago. Even though there was a newer cemetery with a headstone that actually read gone but never forgotten… Even though he didn’t need to…
Out of all the things that Zach has given her and done for her, this meant the most.
Neither of them says anything as they climb out of the car and go inside. Neither of them is hungry so instead, they grab a bottle of wine and Zach pours the two of them a glass. Zach leads Cam over to the couch in the small living room and the two of them sit down. Zach kicks his feet up on the small table and Cammie curls up beside him, resting her head on his shoulder.
They turn on Covert Affairs, content to just enjoy each other’s company. It’s quiet. It’s perfect. It’s not so lonely anymore.
Even though Zach didn’t know Matthew Morgan, he still definitely won some brownie points for this.
(Written by: @cammie-morgan-goode)
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elise-51-blog · 1 year
Update 3/2023 "Now and Then"
New chapter on this little fucker.
He reaches for Jason’s cigarette. Jason pulls away, and then makes a contemplative moue. He then places it directly in Damian's fingers.
“You’re like, thirteen, right?”
He’s not. He’s eleven. Jason’s not great with math.
“Sah’ha , bitch. Please tell Dickhead I let you smoke.”
“Sah’ha,” Damian nods and allows a small smile in spite of himself. He takes a deep inhale. He’d been sneaking Dusan’s hand rolled cigarettes for years. Mother didn’t disapprove. “He’ll smell it on me anyway, and you know it. These are terrible, by the way. You should purchase real tobacco.”
“Okay, Mom.” Jason nods, reaching for the cigarette again. “Now where were we?”
Damian sits up straighter. He always feels less of a child around Jason. “The nature of Robin.”
“Right. So, basically, it’s a mantle.”
“Of that I was aware.”
“So it’s inherited.”
“So. Naturally. You’re filling someone else’s shoes.”
“Someone else’s tiny, useless shoes.”
Jason barks out a laugh. “You’re one to talk.”
“He’s got smaller feet than me.”
Jason makes a face. “Liar.”
Damian doesn’t give anything away. Besides, it’s true. He checked. “Drake wears a seven-and-a-half.”
Jason’s mouth drops open. “Fuck off.”
“It’s true. A perfect European 40. He wears the same size as Kate Moss.”
This snippet is dedicated to the little-footed men of the world. Like this one right here. He's the proud owner of a pair of perfect European 40s.
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bruce-wyatt-burner · 9 months
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Matt: God, give me patience.
Joe: I think you mean 'give me strength'.
Matt: If God gave me strength, you'd be dead.
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storyshark2005 · 3 months
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savageandwise · 7 months
They mention me! ahhhh
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Sometime after united we spy- Joe and Rachel facing Matt's birthday without him. Sad fluff. I hope yall like it!
The knock at the door was quick and concise. Before Rachel had a chance to answer Joe stepped into her office. It had been a busy day at the Gallagher academy. Rachel had been trying to get a head count on how many girls would be staying over the brief break for Thanksgiving and Joe was cooking up the hardest semester final he could think of. He kept telling her that he had "a reputation to uphold of being the scariest teacher."
If they were being honest it was just a distraction. They had barely spoken since they had awoken that morning, it was a quick check-in, a quick kiss and off to work. Neither of them had to much to say on days like this.
"How are you doing?" Joe asked her.
How was she doing? She shuffled some paperwork on her desk and gave a brisk "I'm fine, Joe."
She didn't want to talk about it right then. She had things she wanted to do before she mentally checked out for the day. She needed at least another two hours of the work day.
"So, you don't want to talk about it"? He asked with a small smile.
"I've got things to do here. It's not easy to run an entire school. I don't know if you've ever heard anyone say it's easy being married to one of your teachers because let me tell you it's not!" It's--
"It's harder to run away from feeling things when best friend and husband makes you think about them?" He cut her a look that said he knew that she was distracting herself, and that it was ok.
He sat down at the desk in front of her. Watching her, waiting.
"I'm not running, I've got other things to think about why is that not okay?!"
He suddenly looked tired. "It's totally fine. I dont want to make you feel anything, I just wanted to check in on you. See if we could eat dinner, just the two of us? On days like today it's normally something we do."
She didn't respond right away. She didn't want to tear up or talk about it. She had to make sure that 41, 42? Girls had guidance, food and warm beds to stay in. Matt wouldn't want her to brush them off.
"I know. I know. I just..... I just need to do this, ok?" She sounded upset. They locked eyes for what felt like way too long.
He stood up slowly and told her that he was going to be upstairs in their little staff quaters apparement. That when she was done he'd hope she'd join him. He walked over, kissed her on the top of the head and walked out of her office without another word.
She felt terrible. The second Joe left she felt like she screwed up, and badly. Yes, he was checking on her but not 3 minutes had passed when she realized that he might have needed her. Not only was she being plagued by her first husband's death but she was also very concerned that she had hurt her now husband. She looked back down at her paperwork and suddenly felt tears prick her eyes. She had been so focused on avoiding her own feelings about Matt's birthday that she had inadvertently shut out everyone else.
As she started to lock her office door she called Abby. She got her voice-mail. Not a huge surprise to Rachel but she left a message anyways. She hoped, gosh, she couldn't believe she was even thinking this, that Agent Towsend was with her. She wasnt sure how much sympathy he would lend but she was certain that he loved her. As long as Abby wasn't alone today.
She didn't knock on their door, she just stepped into the small living space that she and Joe now shared.
The lights were on and there was a wonderful smell coming from the tiny kitchen. She called out "Joseph?" There was no response. She walked through the tiny living room kitchen combo and opened the door to their bedroom.
He was sitting at the small desk in the corner with the desk lamp on. He had a bunch of papers spread out and he was reading. Both his journal and Matthew's. He didn't look up as he said
"so you decided to join me finally? That was barely 10 minutes, your normally more stubborn than that."
She couldn't take it anymore. She teared up and sat on the edge of the bed. Hearing her sit he turned around to face her. She was still staring at the baseboard when she spoke.
"I'm so sorry. I should have just told you that I'm upset and that I'm not doing well. I miss him so much. I.... I just... I really miss him and to add to that I was so flippant about how you were feeling. I didn't even think"...She started to choke on her tears and before she knew it she was just crying.
Joe moved from the desk and sat beside her on the bed. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to his chest. They sat like that for a few minutes until Rachel's tears started to subside.
"I'm so sorry, Joe"
He backed away a little bit to look her in the eye.
"It's ok, Rach"
"No, it really isn't. I know you miss him too and what's worse is you take it in a personal way cause..."
He became serious and removed his arms from around her waist.
"Because I what?  Was involved in pulling him into this. Because the wrong guy went to Rome that day?"
She looked at him squarely, saw the tears just behind his eyes that she knew he wouldn't let fall. She reached out and put her hand on his jaw. Tilting it down to really look at her.
"Because you think it's somehow your fault"
He lightly sniffed and started to stand but she was expecting this maneuver and was quick to pull him to her.
He was a little stiff so she continued,
"We have been over this before, wise guy. I know the entire story start to finish. In no way shape or form do I think you're responsible. Abby doesn't think it's your fault. Cammie doesn't think it's your fault. I love you. I know you. I dont want you to carry it with you all the time.
I also know, she said with a small laugh, that I have said all of this before in greater detail and you're still too stubborn to listen."
He whispered a barely audible "I know. On days like today....."
"Ya days like today can really suck but I have you. Thank you, by the way."
"For being miserable with you? Ya, ok there Ace."
He was starting to tease. That's good.
"I love you, Joe."
"I love you more".
She couldn't help herself. So she said "actually you know what I might love more than you? Whatever it is your cooking right now. I haven't eaten since breakfast and that smells amazing."
"It's a casserole and chocolate cake"
"I was so smart to remarry a man that could cook. Chocolate cake, huh? Matthew's favorite."
He chuckled as he kissed her softly. When he kissed her like that, they could forget what day it was just for a minute. 
The timer went off for whatever was in the oven. Joe went to the kitchen and Rachel walked to the desk. She cleaned up the pile of papers. She put the journals in the top drawer and she looked at the photo on their desk. Matt, Joe, Abby and Rachel, holding a very tiny Cameron. She smiled softly.
Wait. Cammie.
"Joe, I didn't reach out to cammie today."
"I'm sure it's fine hon, she's in Prague with Zach. They are working. They'll keep eachother safe. He'll distact her."
"I know, but I wanted to say something to her. Its too late in Prague now."
He looked at her half amused and half guilty.
"Would now be a good time or a bad time to admit I used the dead drop saying that I hoped she was doing ok, we love her, that we both missed Matt too and that he would be really too proud of her?"
"Wait. You did?"
"Ya, you were so quiet about it all day that I wrote to her and signed both our names. I hope that's ok."
She laughed "ya, thats more than ok. Thank you"
The rest of their night was spent peacefully. Each switching between being reminiscent of the good things and shaken up by the loss. That's how November 19th normally passed.
As they laid in bed, Joe started playing with her hair she couldn't help but thinking that today was hard but that it was nothing compared to the days when they spent  them apart. At least they still had each other to lean on and to miss Matthew together. November 20th was always a much easier day for both of them she thought as she drifted off to sleep.
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What do you think are the hidden talents of each of the main characters?
I had to call in reinforcements for this one. @lylilorden
Cammie can do a handstand
Macey can hold her breath underwater the longest. She can also do that singing/talking with your mouth closed thing
Liz is really good at impressions. Celebrities, crying babies, random sounds, whatever. She's really good at it
Bex is the best photographer of the group
Zach is really good at origami
Preston can do sleight of hand magic tricks (someone remind me to come back to this idea) and he can sweet talk machines into running correctly
Grant can do bird calls according to my answer in a previous ask lmao
Jonas is really good/fast at spinning pens and doing little tricks with whatever he's fidgeting with
Rachel great at throwing small snacks (m&m’s, grapes, etc) across the room into someone’s mouth. If you’ve ever wondered what Joe, Matt, and Rachel did in their free time it’s this
Abby is our flexible queen
Joe is really good with animals. Or rather they just all really like him. He doesn’t know why. Matt get the deer away from him.
Townsend can say the alphabet backwards. The freak.
Matt is really good at doodling flamingos specifically
Catherine can walk on ice in street shoes without slipping
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cammie-morgan-goode · 10 months
Do you think Matt had ever seen blackthorne?
Hi friend!
I do not believe that Matt ever actually saw Blackthorne and here's why.
He had his suspicions and then we find out in the fourth and fifth books that Matt was so close to taking down the circle. He had dedicated so much time and effort towards this mission. He found out that Joe had been recruited and then they decide to work together.
I truly think that Joe was afraid for Matt and I think he wanted to protect him as much as possible and that the only way to do that was to work together, and Joe would handle everything on the inside while Matt handled the outside.
I don't think Joe would have let Matt get anywhere near Blackthorne. it was too risky. I think he gave him clues to it but I don't think he ever showed it to him. Blackthorne was a part of Joe's past, and he didn't want to Matt to think of him like that. He didn't want Matt to hate him.
Which is also why Joe never told Matt about his part in the Circle. He didn't tell him that he had been recruited. He didn't tell him anything. He let Matt figure it out on his own.
So no. I don't think Matt ever saw Blackthorne. I don't think Joe had any intention of showing it to him. Not in the slightest.
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nogoinghomegame · 2 years
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Has anyone ever seen this ? Interview between Matt Morgan and Noel Gallagher. Matt says, “With the chorus being “How does it feel when you’re inside me?” , should we consider Up In The Sky being a gay anthem?” And Noel responds, “If you want. Absolutely.”
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