#Maureen Johhson
road2nf · 1 year
I found their work at a time when I was starting to accept my approaching adulthood and willing to admit my life was mine to change.
As an avid book reader and nerd, I discovered John Green and his books through the ‘Top 100’ lists the internet loves to produce.
After months of hearing his name, I succumbed to reading his books, within a week I had read ‘Looking for Alaska’ through to ‘Will Grayson, Will Grayson’. I was hooked.
This experience did not lead me to Vlogbrothers though, that privilege rests with Maureen Johnson, a recommended twitter account as an author who uses twitter for fun, not promotion (I forget where I read this).
Anyone that follows Maureen Johnson knows how easy it is to find John Green on Twitter and then, from there, find Hank Green (I also found @sportswithJohn, which I am less happy with, as an avid Everton F.C fan). Around this time, I was becoming aware of my impending twentieth birthday and the ending of my teenage years.
My birthday would also be the start of my second year away from home (September birthdays, ay), studying for a physics degree I didn’t think I was equipped to complete. Watching the Vlogbrothers videos helped me to become aware of the bigger problems our society faces and they helped me to look at myself.
I also rediscovered my passion for science and physics through SciShow, Hank Green’s enthusiasm for discovery helping me to rediscover my own (I now own the lunar module SciShow t-shirt).
From watching the videos and reading their quotes, from wandering (via the internet) Nerdfighteria and discovering new authors, my opinion of depression shifted and I began to see the signs in my own life.
Sadly, I found Ned Vizzini’s book ‘It’s a Kind of Funny Story’ after his death, from reading the tributes of those who knew and admired him.
From his book, I accepted my parents’ reaction wouldn’t be perfect but I could ask for their help, especially when I realized I couldn’t go to a doctor without some support.
I’m working on getting better now.
I am a believer in the right book at the right time but I also think this can apply to John and Hank Green, the right people at the right time.
I found their work at a time when I was starting to accept my approaching adulthood and willing to admit my life was mine to change.
During Project For Awesome 2013, I chose the coin as my perk.
I received it around a month ago and I have carried it in my pocket ever since.
It is a reminder there is a community with values to aspire to, that I am a good person even if I sometimes slip up and, because it is a rule of the internet, the coin is a reminder to Don’t Forget To Be Awesome (I’m being sincere, I swear).
-kathrynlaa (@KathrynAmbrose)
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