road2nf · 3 days
most importantly it has taught me it’s okay to be me
It is a community where everyone feels welcome and we can all relate to each other, which is pretty great.
Vlogbrothers and the Nerdfighter community have made me a better person. Since becoming involved, I am not as socially awkward, at least online, and I have found many people who share the same interests as me.
John’s books are my life and Hank has helped me with many homework assignments.
I confess to binge-watching Vlogbrothers videos. John and Hank have taught me what it means to be awesome, and got me involved in decreasing world-suck as well.
Being a Nerdfighter has given me a sense of community, a sense of compassion for others (through projects), a sense of hope, and most importantly it has taught me it’s okay to be me.
This community has shown me how to be a human, and I think that’s something everyone can take away from the Green brothers.
-Karley (acciocumberbutt.tumblr)
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road2nf · 4 days
so much joy and laughter in the darkest times
John and Hank have been of great influence to me. They have taught me so many things, I don’t know where to begin. The knowledge, the wisdom and the happiness they’ve given me is too much for words. Just know that you both are brilliant and should always stay that way.
Soamli (tardis-in-221b-privetdrive.tumblr)
John and Hank have taught me that the world isn’t that small; that there are people everywhere that have the same interests as me and that we may only be an email away from each other.
The Vlogbrothers have also taught me to pursue knowledge that isn’t taught in a traditional school setting. Through the Nerdfighter community I now have more friends across more of the world than I would have ever imagined possible.
Nicole Marie (yt/music42380)
The Nerdfighter community and John and Hank have affected my life in an immeasurably positive way. This community has formed a lot of my values, and has made me a better person.
It has given me so much joy and laughter in the darkest times. Most importantly, it’s helped me meet some of my closest friends and bonds those friendships.
Ciara (@nevillelovegood & alittlelessixteencandles.tumblr)
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road2nf · 5 months
Still, they can flip me like a switch. It’s incredible that two nerdy dudes with cameras can make me okay again so easily. They reassure me that the world is still beautiful and magnificent, and I couldn’t ask for anything more.
This perspective I’m writing from is probably different from most.
I haven’t watched Hank and John’s videos for long, nor have I even watched all of them.
Some people put time in for these sorts of things and delve extraordinarily deep into groups and projects. I don’t. I tend to love and watch from afar.
My love is still deep and certain, if you have any doubt.
It’s not that I don’t care, but I just feel comfortable in a space just outside the edge.
It’s almost three in the morning, as I type this, to be honest, and either my sleep depravity or just the nature of these two guys has left me without words. I feel like I can’t even create a sentence that will even come close to resembling them in some written form.
They care and they write and they teach and they learn without compromising themselves, their standards, or the people they hold dear. Which is us.
I may be watching from a bird’s eye view, but I have never felt more accepted by people I’ve never even met. Whenever I’m in need of some humility and strength, I read The Fault in Our Stars.
When I feel like an idiot for my lack of common sense, I’ll watch Crash Course and Sci-Show until my eyes hurt.
When love and sex and how it will all play out starts to give me anxiety and extreme panic, I’ll sit down for a nice several hours of Sexplanations.
And at any point at all, and whatever mood I’m in, I’ll read Looking For Alaska.
That book means more to me than I can put into words.
Oh yeah, and LBD. That’s ruined me forever. In a good way, though.
That was just a rambling of compliments, but wow, I can’t get over all the things they do.
They’ve revolutionized what it means to be a good person, at least in my eyes.
I may not invest myself too deep, but they have given me so much.
They make me want to be myself and go wherever that may lead me.
I’m scared. Like, a lot. Like, more often than I’m usually willing to admit.
Still, they can flip me like a switch. It’s incredible that two nerdy dudes with cameras can make me okay again so easily. They reassure me that the world is still beautiful and magnificent, and I couldn’t ask for anything more.
-Maria Olivia (@mariaislost)
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road2nf · 5 months
It taught me that I should be proud to be who I am
Just being a part of such a large and amazing community of people, who are just like you, just makes me so happy, and supported, and that I’m not alone.
It taught me that I should be proud to be who I am, and that being a nerd is awesome. John and Hank are great inspirations, and I can only dream to be as successful as them one day.
Most importantly I learned to DFTBA.
So now, not only am I a Nerdfighter, but I’m awesome as well :P
Thank you, John and Hank, and the whole entire community for being awesome, and funny, and just super rad nerds! :D
-Ariba (ar1ba.tumblr)
I came across the Vlogbrothers when I first started high school and read some of John’s book through a friend. Now, five years later, I’ve grown so much thanks to them.
I’ve learned that me being weird is totally acceptable, and I should embrace it at all times.
They’ve also given out great advice that I’ve adhered to as I started college and getting a job. Also, thanks to John, I have a strong dislike for pennies and nickels.
-Katherine Simpson
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road2nf · 5 months
Now I try to make my writing mean something
The Nerdfighter community has affected me by showing that anything is possible. If you have the ambition and resources, you can truly do anything that you set your mind to.
For years, I would come up with ideas and then think about how I would never do it or succeed in doing it. I discovered the videos and community about a year ago, and I can honestly say that it has changed my outlook on the world and my own life.
Thank you for all the things that you two have done to create such a wonderful community.
-Dana (asphodellovely.tumblr)
‘John and Hank Green’.
A few short months ago, those names had no meaning to me. “I think John Green might be that one guy that I always see on tumblr with sharpie on his face. I guess Hank would be his brother.”
It’s amazing how much two guys I’ve never met in person can affect my life so greatly. I’ve always wanted to be a writer and John has given me the inspiration to write not just for fun, but to decrease world suck.
Now I try to make my writing mean something.
Hank has broadened my horizons so much.
His work with SciShow and Crash Course and all his other channels have showed me that there is so much more to learning. He’s showed me some of the different ways a person can express themselves.
I am forever thankful I decided to read The Fault in Our Stars, and that I was so enamored with the writing style and the meaning within such a beautiful sorry, I decided to read every John Green book he’s ever written. In this way I’ve found the Nerdfighters, who have forever changed my life for the better. DFTBA
-Siara (Hungerlames.tumblr)
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road2nf · 6 months
I just wanna go out and do things to change (at least a little bit) the things that are wrong in my city, and most important, I met people who also feel that way.
The Vlogbrothers have made me believe in myself.
Since I discovered Nerdfighteria, I have faith in humanity again.
I just love this community and I admire John and Hank for running all of this (besides, they are just awesome). I decided I could make something to decrease world suck from where I am. I started a Nerdfighter group in my country and I met many great people. I feel happier and positive. I just wanna go out and do things to change (at least a little bit) the things that are wrong in my city, and most important, I met people who also feel that way.
-Ana Lucia
Though I’ve only recently become a part of the Nerdfighter community, John and Hank have inspired me so much to pursue my love of knowledge and finding new things.
Their Crash Course on YouTube has helped me with school, and John’s books have inspired me to get back into my own writing.
They are two of the most genuine and interesting people in this world, and they strive to make a difference in so many people’s lives. It is an honor to be a part of the community. And an honor to be inspired by John and Hank.
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road2nf · 6 months
I thought this story was worth sharing, and whether it is read by none or one or twenty five, I’m glad I wrote it down, and I’m glad my brother read DFTBA from a bumper sticker on the highway. I hope someone smiles at the words on this page, before they are swallowed by the deluge of love and care sent by people all over the world with stories just like my own.
To be up front about it, your videos saved my relationship with my brother, Donovan.
He was my absolute best friend growing up, the person that everyone else had to live up to in order to be even considered a decent person.
He was my hero.
He’s three years older than me, and he was a protector as I went through the struggles that “high potential” kids have which aren’t always understood by those in authority positions.
All my teachers wanted to move me up a grade, which ruined the friendships I had cherished as ten-year-olds do. Fast forward six years, and my brother and I grew apart pretty quickly.
I was president of a couple of clubs at school and he was off to Vanderbilt that fall. We stopped telling each other everything, and I didn’t know what to do to keep talking.
We were driving to visit our grandmother who lived an hour away, and it was getting late.
We were keeping each other awake, blaring music and singing at the top of our lungs.
It was one of the best memories I had with him, and then it got better.
As a car passed us on the highway, my brother (pointing, reading a bumper sticker) yelled, “DFTBA!” And looked at me expectantly. I thought he was crazy, and he just kept repeating,
“Don’t forget to be awesome!...Vlogbrothers...John... Hank...none of this rings a bell?”
When I still didn’t understand, he just told me to go on YouTube on my phone and search “John Green pennies” because he couldn’t remember any specific title.
That was it.
Three minutes and fifty seven seconds, and I was hooked. We sat in my grandma’s living room until past 2:30 that morning watching any video that came up.
The most popular, related to the current one playing, and all of Hank’s songs. Since that day, we would run into each other’s room and talk about the videos for hours.
I also have a (totally healthy) obsession with Jane Austen, and watching all the Pemberly Digital projects with him has been second only to reading them in the first place.
We have read John’s novels together, and cried for hours.
This Christmas, my brother made a donation in my name for the P4A and it was the most amazing thing anyone could have ever done for me.
Without ever watching a video, our parents soon picked up on who we were speaking about when ‘John and Hank’ were mentioned, which is astonishing when they can’t even remember the names of our closest friends. I could list off one hundred other things about being a Nerdfighter, but most importantly is saying thank you.
Thank you for doing this and putting yourself out there which is so difficult to do.
Thank you for leaving your children something to be proud of when so many are left with nothing.
Thank you for turning Nerdfighters into Nerdfighters by decreasing world-suck.
And thank you to your wives and families who support you as you change lives on a daily basis.
Thank you for inspiring me personally, and showing me how easy it is to be passionate about writing and words. I thought this story was worth sharing, and whether it is read by none or one or twenty five, I’m glad I wrote it down, and I’m glad my brother read DFTBA from a bumper sticker on the highway.
I hope someone smiles at the words on this page, before they are swallowed by the deluge of love and care sent by people all over the world with stories just like my own.
Many good wishes and blessings.
-Kate Elizabeth
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road2nf · 6 months
beautiful books, thoughtful videos, and a zany community to share with
I have struggled with depression for around 5 years now.
John and Hank’s videos were always something that could get me through the night.
It made me feel like I could get through one more day; maybe things weren’t as dark as they seemed. I know I am my only cure, but John and Hank have kept me alive so that I have the chance to get better. I wouldn’t be here without them, I owe them so much.
It has given me beautiful books, thoughtful videos, and a zany community to share with.
-Megan (Andthenwedance.tumblr)
Tumblr media
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road2nf · 6 months
Vlogbrothers gave me something to look forward to three times a week; it is still something I look forward to. It also showed me how not alone I really was.
Hank and John saved my life and they don’t even know it.
It was 2009 and I was struggling.
Then, I stumbled upon Accio Deathly Hallows, my first Vlogbrothers video and my first introduction to the Wrock community. Hank and John helped me find a community who cared if I was alive or not. But it did much more than that.
Nerdfighteria gave me a purpose, to decrease world suck, to do good with my life, and so I slowly started to.
Vlogbrothers gave me something to look forward to three times a week; it is still something I look forward to. It also showed me how not alone I really was.
John struggled with mental illness and Hank suffered from an invisible disease: here were two people who understood what I was going through.
I have never met either of them and I’m not quite sure I want to.
I wouldn’t know what to say, besides thanks, and they wouldn’t understand what that single word means. Because there really isn’t a way to tell someone that they helped keep you alive in your darkest hour, that they taught you how to smile again, how to laugh; that they gave your mother her daughter back.
Hank and John changed my life, so now I change others. I coach people with special needs and spend as much of my time working with them as I can. I do good wherever I can, because that is what Hank and John taught me. That is how they affected me.
-Case (magischgal.tumblr)
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road2nf · 7 months
To the Nerdfighter community, thanks for all your support and love when times felt tough, for your company when it gets lonely, and for your laughter when it gets too quiet.
John and Hank have saved and continue to save my life.
They are my singularly constant ray of sunlight in this dark and depressing world.
I am very much in love with books and characters in general, but John’s novels are uplifting and funny and heartwarming and hopeful.
The world does not get enough joy so thank you for bringing joy into my life.
Your Crash Course videos have carried me through 3 years of Advanced Placement and I probably wouldn’t have been able to pass those tests without your thorough Crash Course and SciShow videos.
Thanks for all you have done and continue to do to keep us alive and living life.
To the Nerdfighter community, thanks for all your support and love when times felt tough, for your company when it gets lonely, and for your laughter when it gets too quiet.
If anyone else has gotten half the amount of support and love I have received from this community then they are lucky.
Thanks to all of you for making my world brighter and smilier and all round beautiful each and every day.
-whiteblankstare (@mcfay100)
The Nerdfighter community has made me feel more positive about myself and has made me more confident in talking to others.
Hank and John Green have made me realize that I’m not alone, the world is full of people like me and even better that those people are awesome.
They have also helped my extremely shy friend come out of her shell and I thank them greatly for that.
-Biddy (Thedancerwhofangirls.tumblr)
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road2nf · 7 months
Nerdfighteria is a community that centers around ideals, and a passion to change the world. John and Hank may have created the community, but they are not the focus of it.
The community that John and Hank formed brought me close to a group of the best friends I could ask for, even while we remain thousands of miles apart.
Hank and John have showed me that I am not alone, and that it gets much better.
The Nerdfighter community has opened my eyes to the potential of online communities. Before discovering Nerdfighteria, I thought online communities were just a bunch of people who were fans of a certain person, or thing, and collected around their interest in that.
Nerdfighteria is a community that centers around ideals, and a passion to change the world.
John and Hank may have created the community, but they are not the focus of it.
I feel overwhelmingly comforted by the support for each other in this community, and excited by the passion for decreasing world suck, manifested mainly in P4A, and increasing world awesome that every member of this community has.
The Nerdfighter community has been unlike any other to me, even though I have had little interaction with the people in it, I feel overjoyed to be part of such a supportive community!
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road2nf · 7 months
John and Hank put out fantastic energy into the world and have gotten it back. They’re not afraid to be themselves and the world needs more people like them.
Well, they made everything better.
God knows what and how they change my views and opinions on certain things. Vlogbrothers expanded my knowledge and helped me to get through tough times. Just when I didn’t have anything else on to turn to, I found them.
A blessing in disguise, a silver lining.
-Joezet (elimyelizar.tumblr)
The Nerdfighter community has reminded me to DFTBA, and it has shown me that there is hope for humanity to be a solid ass community.
It doesn’t matter who or where you are, the Nerdfighters accept you.
John Green's novels have changed my life. I’ve learned to live life to the fullest, and that you don’t “take” pot (TFiOS). I learned to not drive drunk, and that I should really make sure my friends are okay, and not possibly suicidal but hiding it underneath their sarcasm and deep statements (Looking For Alaska)
I have also learned that math rocks, and maybe every person I will date will have the same name, and they’ll all be wrong for me, and then I’ll meet someone great and be happy, and how to figure this out by using math (An Abundance of Katherines). My double may be gay and fall in love with my best friend, but that’s okay because my friend will never abandon me for said double (Will Grayson Will Grayson). Hank has made me laugh my arse off with his rockin songs, especially I F***ing Love Science. That song is life. Hank is like the cool cousin who will make the best speech at my wedding, except he isn’t my cousin, and I don’t think he’ll be invited to my wedding. I also think that John and Hank put out fantastic energy into the world and have gotten it back. They’re not afraid to be themselves and the world needs more people like them.
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road2nf · 7 months
The Nerdfighter community has given me lots of friends and interesting stuff to talk about.
John’s books have opened my eyes to a new genre and Hank’s views on the ecosystem has drastically opened my eyes.
The Nerdfighter community has given me lots of friends and interesting stuff to talk about.
-Carlie Scion (cancerperksofbeinggus.tumblr)
John and Hank are both extraordinarily clever, thoughtful and imaginative people who I adore and look up to. The first time I watched a Vlogbrothers video, I immediately subscribed and I swear to god (no exaggeration) I must have watched over 70 videos that day!
Now, John and Hank have helped me in many ways. For example, whilst taking my science exam, the song “strange charm” helped me a lot with remembering what a quark is.
John’s work has also helped me a lot, as without it, I wouldn’t have written my first proper song. After reading Looking for Alaska, I patiently awaited the release of The Fault in Our Stars. After reading, I was inspired to write a song about it. This then went on to me switching to a music course, which was one of the best decisions of my life.
Now, I once met the Vlogbrothers at a The Fault in Our Stars book signing, and they were so nice to me (even though I was a stuttering mess and nearly cried when John complimented me on my Hufflepuff scarf!)
I handed them a letter which explained how happy they make me feel, and the fact that they may have read it makes me feel like the luckiest person in the world.
The Vlogbrothers have made me happy, made me smarter and I am so glad I found them.
I owe them all of my thanks!
-Ellie Anderson (@lizardpoop)
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road2nf · 7 months
I have found communities in high school where I don’t feel like an outsider, who are filled with people who love me. Nerdfighteria has reminded me time and time again to love them back.
John and Hank have changed my life in so many ways.
They’re constantly opening my eyes to new experiences/issues/ways of thinking. I also learned about 90% of all my jokes from them.
Nerdfighteria is such a wonderful community and I am proud to be a part of it all.
My perception of the universe has shifted since I became a Nerdfighter. A fellow band student saw my fandom-covered shows a few weeks into my freshmen year of high school and said “You should check out the Vlogbrothers on YouTube.”
Before high school, I closed myself off from other people. I felt like I was lying about who I was. There seemed to be no hope for me to live the life I wanted to.
I took everyone around me for granted and didn’t realize how important my friends and family are in my life. Nerdfighteria reminded me to bring empathy back into my life, to see other people as human beings with beautiful complicated lives.
Hank and John told me to look at the universe as a complex and ambiguous place, but they reminded me to never be pessimistic about my future in my examination of the world.
And this community has always reminded me that I am worth something no matter how many mistakes I make. Thank you for helping me become a better person.
Sure, this is just one part of larger circumstances.
I have found communities in high school where I don’t feel like an outsider, who are filled with people who love me. Nerdfighteria has reminded me time and time again to love them back.
The Vlogbrothers have basically reduced the suckiness of my own personal world. They’ve helped me learn things I would not have otherwise known and John in particular has shown me that being an author is not an unattainable goal. Thank you, Vlogbrothers :)
-Brayden (the-plaid-princess.tumblr)
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road2nf · 7 months
All nerds need a community of other nerds. Otherwise we tend to allow the rest of society to convince us that there’s something wrong with who and what we are. We start to forget that we are awesome, which easily leads us to forget to be awesome.
I haven’t been a Nerdfighter for very long. It was probably about a year ago that a friend showed me Mental Floss, which I enjoyed and watched sporadically, clueless that John did anything else and that Hank even existed.
It was only late December 2013 that I discovered SciShow and thereby came to know and love Hank. I wouldn’t say I was a Nerdfighter though until February of this year, when I found the Vlogbrothers channel.
Prior to that, I thought John and Hank were cool dudes, but now I am addicted to Vlogbrothers videos, I own a copy of TFiOS that has collected my tears and been passed on to my sisters, I have pictures on facebook of me doing the Nerdfighter gang sign thing, etc.
So yeah, I’m kinda new here, but in my few months so far as a Nerdfighter, I feel like the world sucks a bit less just knowing that there is a community of people who proudly call themselves nerds, are committed to viewing the world and the people in it complexly, and work together to try and make the world suck less.
All nerds need a community of other nerds. Otherwise we tend to allow the rest of society to convince us that there’s something wrong with who and what we are.
We start to believe that we shouldn’t let our intelligence show and that we shouldn’t like things enthusiastically and that being weird is bad.
We start to forget that we are awesome, which easily leads us to forget to be awesome.
In high school, I didn’t know anything of Nerdfighteria, but I had an entirely insane best friend, who helped me to worry less about what people thought about me, and I had Dustin, who did the morning announcements on Fridays and always signed off by saying “Don’t Forget To Be Awesome.” and that is how I made it through.
Humans are extremely complex, but humans are extremely predisposed to ignore the complexity of other humans and of the things other humans do.
All this does is screw humanity over.
At the core of most of the world’s problems are people not actually understanding the problem and people not understanding each other.
Even though their videos are short, John and Hank never just hand us basic summaries and generalizations of things. Instead, they always give us something to think about and invite us to discuss it further and share our questions and insights.
They help us remember that the truth resists simplicity, and they have created places on the internet where intelligent discussions of complex issues can be had without all intelligence being lost and buried at the bottom of an ocean of hater comments and trolling.
Kids and young adults are used to being talked down to by less young adults. but even though John and Hank are about twice the age of most of their audience, the way in which they address their viewers makes them feel less like teachers (in the way one generally thinks of teachers) or any other sort of authority figures and more like really cool, really smart, older brothers.
They don’t belittle your intelligence.
They don’t make you feel stupid for asking a question.
They don’t make you feel foolish or weak for asking for advice.
They’re people to whom young adults can look up but not feel inferior.
I get very anxious in real-life social situations, but if I ever get the opportunity to meet John and Hank, I don’t think I’d be all that scared to approach them.
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road2nf · 7 months
John and Hank helped me to become the person I had always been afraid to be.
Being a part of Nerdfighteria has made me try to actively be a better person and it’s opened me up to world of really cool people that I wouldn’t have otherwise known about and that’s just added a lot of positivity into my life.
It’s fantastic that people all over the world have a place to go where being a little bit/very geeky is the norm. In fact, in this community geeky is COOL, and that is a great achievement. Rather than just within a select group of people in your friendship group there are huge numbers of people that share your interests and take joy in doing so.
Hank and John make me a better person and restore my faith in humanity.
They do so much for others and make the world a much more awesome place be in through educational channels or raising funds for charity.
I have realized that I can make a change in the world and they have pushed me to do my bit in decreasing world suck. I now participate in a range of activities to help those around me, whether it is small local communities or large online campaigns such as The Project For Awesome.
The Vlogbrothers created a community for those who didn’t fit anywhere else. Through being a Nerdfighter, I have realized that loving to learn and being ‘nerdy’ isn’t something to hide and be ashamed of. I now embrace my true passions and have made so many new friends and had so many new experiences because of it.
John and Hank helped me to become the person I had always been afraid to be.
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road2nf · 7 months
They helped me to understand that what I feel has value because I feel it.
The Nerdfighter community has taught me that if we all work together, anything is possible, and the Vlogbrothers have made me laugh perhaps too much, given me beautiful combinations of letters to read, brilliant songs that always seem to get stuck in my head, and also helped me to pass my science test (thank you so much for that).
Being part of he Nerdfighter community has shown me that there are so many other fangirls and fanboys that get as emotionally attached as I do to the characters in books.
It’s like finding a million friends that share the same view on life that even the most optimistic, charismatic, joyful person feels pain and eventually breaks.
And we shouldn’t have to fake our way through life. And we shouldn’t be judged when we crumble to pieces.
-MickyMimiA (the-criminatic-bi.tumblr)
The Nerdfighter community, as well as John and Hank, have changed my outlook on life. They’ve made me understand the world around me better, they’ve made me appreciate the small things, and, most of all, they’ve shown me that although the world can be a pretty sucky place, a very small thing can make a very big difference.
The Vlogbrothers have affected my life in a positive way by helping me to realize that I shouldn’t be ashamed of being young.
They helped me to understand that what I feel has value because I feel it.
-Grace Baker (suchincongruouscuisine.tumblr)
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