#Maybe I can write Kara better now? Hopefully :P
You'll be doin' all right, with your Christmas of white But I'll have a blue, blue, blue, blue Christmas~
Rating: T (swear words, canon-typical violence, there’s at least one dirty joke IIRC) Relationships: Kara & Oso, Kara & Todo, Kara & Jyushi, Kara & Ichi, Kara & Choro, Kara & Allmatsu Characters: Kara, Oso, Totty, Jyushi, Ichi, Choro. Chibita, Dekapan and Dayon show up too. So do a few OCs! Summary: Six stories featuring everyone's favorite painful blue Matsuno having some holiday fun with his brothers!
Merry Christmas Karastmas to the lovely @suiirikus, my giftee for the Mr. Flag’s Holiday Spectacular Secret Santa event run by @oso-san-artchallenge!! :’D 
Sharon wanted something where Kara has a fun and angst-free time with any of his brothers, especially if they’re food-themed or winter-themed. Any one of the brothers with Kara would’ve been fine, but I maaaay have gone a little overboard and written a little story for every Kara duo (+ all of them)... >v>;;
I poured in a lot of time and effort in writing everything, and now that it’s posted I have to say, I’m quite proud of myself! I was able to finish all six stories with just a few more hours before the deadline to spare. Kara isn’t exactly my strongest point when it comes to writing, so I’m still a little unsure if I got everything and everyone right ^^; But nevertheless, I hope everyone enjoys it!
Many many MANY thanks to @slowpinesan for being my beta and for being so patient with me every time I bugged you for questions/comments!! I couldn’t have done it without you :’D/ And thank you also to everyone who I’ve consulted with in regards to characterizations, scenarios, etc. as well!! I’m very thankful for your help ♥
Please do tell me what you think! And have a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥
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bliphany · 6 years
For the character meme: Kara and/or John from POI
Thanks Ara :))) Sorry for this belated reply. I’ll answer John’s later (hopefully within this week lol. Here’s Kara’s!
How I feel about this character
I fear her, but she’s also very enjoyable to watch. She’s manipulative with a firm belief that she’s right, and sometimes for a moment we’d believe that maybe she is. I think Kara is an excellent villain material. In some other stories, maybe those told from the CIA or similar group’s pov, whose premises are it’s okay to kill one to save a million, she’d be the hero in those stories, just a bit reckless.
I also think she’s the kind of character who knows what she’s doing. She has some of the best-written power playing scenes/lines in the show imo. The whole scene of her first meeting with John is so good I can imagine how she plans all that the moment she knows she’s appointed with a new partner. Each line she gives has a purpose behind it. She’s that collected and needy in control. Same with the revealing of she walking out of the closet in the hotel, the whole sequence plus the music and John’s quote “The problem with trying to be the bad guy is there’s always someone worse” is A++++, Kara in a nutshell.
But at the same time, she isn’t manic or just hurting people for hurt’s sake imo. She does care about her partner or whoever works with her when they’re working for the same aim. Of course, if there’s an order, she’ll kill whoever even once her partner without a second thought, but she’s also the one who says “We understand,” when they’re given the Ordos mission and John being disobedient to Mark. I know it can be interpreted as she dismisses John’s wish, but at then she doesn’t know why John wants to refuse the mission. And idk why I have such a soft spot for her in that scene, my first instinct is that she tries to soften the situation because there’s no way Mark’ll allow John a leave and to her John’s being “stupid” again for giving Mark an excuse to pick on him/them later. Weirdly, it’s her way to look after a partner in her team, before someone tells her the partner is compromised and now a threat to the country, of course.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Yeah, you might already know. It’s such a rare pair, but I’ve gone too far to go back lol.
Apart from Jessica, I think conceptually Kara/Mark has potential, too. Especially considering the sceneriao where Mark has been Kara’s handler for a while before Kara has John as a partner. And Mark sees all the act Kara does to try to control John including the sex (yeah to be the whole part between Kara and John in Paris is all about control and later, control and pressure release if their sexual relationship continues) And then the government wants Kara and John dead, so Mark gives the order because it’s his job and also because of his jealousy, and then, well, she doesn’t die, and she’s back to average whoever does this to her. So angst and fucked-up but yeah… I think there’s potential. :p
My non-romantic OTP for this character
I have no idea actually. Not sure if it counts as non-romantic OTP but I do always hope in some life her relationship with John can develop into a better partnership, not perfect of course, but not that fucked-up, either.
My unpopular opinion about this character
Kara is reckless, but she’s not crazy or a pure sadist. The reason why she’s reckless, imo, is that she doesn’t care about which mean she applies to reach her aim, so if torturing a guy to almost death can reach the aim she’ll do it. She might enjoy the torture process when she’s doing her job, but it’s like a side benefit and not the primary purpose. And her “setting” is to do whatever things to get the primary purpose done, so at least to me, some behaviors of her that shows she enjoying hurting people too much that it gets in the way for her to finish the job doesn’t make sense to me. Also, as I say, I feel she’s a very collected person. So personally, it looks more like she as a character takes all the shadows to be a mirror opposite to the CIA!John, which is a good way of writing in a sense because it can show how John’s CIA career might be like without darkening the main character too much for our liking, but I’m just not convinced Kara can survive her career this long if she always acts that crazy.
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon.
That she didn’t die, probably. I really think she’s a good villain material. Also, although I never believe she’ll want to work for someone like Greer, I can be convinced that she works for Greer shortly to get the name. After that, she might work for SAM, since SAM shares the “kill this bad guy, so the world is safer who needs trial anyway we have ASI” value similar to the CIA. There could be a great parallel between her loyalty lies in distrust in individual and John’s lies in trusting a good man after years of being mistreated by people claiming his trust, too. BUT I’M AT CONFLICT! I’m still a bit disappointed about how Peter Collier’s character and his motivation are taken over and cheapened by the writing choice that Greer’s the one main boss behind it. Maybe it’s still better for Kara to die in the car bomb instead of the ending where it turns out she’s just a puppet, and she does all the thing for SAM just because Greer is too good at manipulating.
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sapphicscholar · 7 years
Prompt 1: Could you write a fic where Alex and Kara are de-aged into teenagers physically, not mentally, so they just have to deal with still having adult brains while being too young to drive anymore, or drink (poor Alex :P), and general teenage awkwardness?
Prompt 2: I really loved the de-aging fic that you wrote a while back. Could I request another fic with de-aged Alex, except this time Winn has to babysit her (because I think that would be really hilarious)?
A/N: I don’t know if you’re the same anon or if you two strangers happened to catch the same idea in the same hour (if so, that’s neat! Maybe y’all should try to find each other cause you’re weirdly on the same page), but in any case, I combined these two into de-aged Danvers sisters – they’ve got their adult memories and such, but have the brains and hormones of their new young selves (aka teenage brains, which aren’t fully developed, so things literally feel and seem different) For another de-aging fic, feel free to check out Chapter 14 of Stronger Together!
Chapter Text:
“Agent Schott!” came J’onn’s booming voice.
“Yes?” he squeaked in response, quickly minimizing the game of Minecraft he’d so definitely not been playing on a government computer.
“I need your help.”
“Oh, yes, sir! What can I do? Need me to hack the unhackable? Slip on under some firewalls? Type my way into—”
“Just come with me,” J’onn sighed.
“Right, yes, on it.” Winn hurried to catch up with the brisk pace J’onn had set as he strode through the DEO’s long hallways. “What’s up?”
“Supergirl and alpha team went out on a routine containment mission, but while team members were bringing in the alien, Supergirl and Agent Danvers came into contact with some of the technology that had been left behind in the alien’s lair.”
“Did they switch bodies again?” Winn sounded positively delighted by the prospect.
“No, Agent Schott. They are…well, they’re younger.”
“Are we talking baby young or like just shaving a couple of years off younger?”
“The medics seem to think they’re 13 and 15, give or take about a year.”
Before Winn could ask any more questions, they arrived at the med bay, where he was confronted with the sight of two teenage girls sitting side-by-side on one of the examination tables wearing slightly baggy clothing that had surely been scrounged up from the XXS bins of DEO uniforms. Alex had a phone out and headphones jammed into her ears, while Kara was sitting with her hands folded in her lap, leaning slightly into Alex’s space.
“Wow,” Winn whispered, startling slightly when Kara’s gaze immediately jumped to him. “Oh, uh, hey, Kara,” Winn waved. “My name is Winn Schott.”
“I know,” Kara responded simply, her voice quieter than it usually was.
“Oh.” He turned to look at J’onn.
“They seem to still have all of their memories,” J’onn explained. “I need you to watch them.”
“What? You think he’s gonna do a better job?” Alex scoffed. “Let me guess, you found him playing video games.”
“It’s city-building,” Winn huffed, biting his tongue when he realized that he was about to argue semantics with a kid.
“We’ll be fine on our own.”
“As adults, yes. Not in your current state, Alex,” J’onn told her, ignoring the eye roll he received in response.
“This is bullshit.”
“Language!” J’onn and Winn both called in response.
“Whatever,” Alex scoffed, stuffing her headphones back in her ears.
“Alex. Alex! Can you take those out?” J’onn asked, finding himself growing increasingly exasperated with the surly teenager who had replaced his capable second-in-command.
“I’m going to need you to go with Winn here. He’ll watch you until we have an antidote ready.”
Alex looked ready to argue, but then the corners of her mouth twitched upward for a moment. “Alright.”
“What…what does that mean?” Winn hissed. “J’onn!”
“You’re perfectly capable, Winn.” He didn’t add that James and Maggie both happened to be out of town; surely Winn would be just fine for a day or two. He liked kids, could relate to them. J’onn convinced himself that young teenagers would work just as well.
“You’re the Papa Bear here! You should probably, you know, be the one to play papa.” Seeing the resolved look on J’onn’s face, Winn conceded, “Fine.”
“Perfect. You can take them back to your apartment—less to get into there than here at the DEO.” With a clap to Winn’s shoulder, J’onn strode out, yelling over his shoulder that he’d send some supplies to them that night if it looked like it wouldn’t be an easy fix.
Winn nodded grimly. “Alright!” he announced, his voice strained with fake enthusiasm at the prospect of trying to watch over an Alex that lacked the self-control of the already somewhat angry agent. “You two ready to come hang out at my place?”
Alex stood up, and Kara followed in her wake, standing slightly behind her and looking cautiously around. As much as she remembered liking Winn, she didn’t yet feel the same friendship she remembered, couldn’t drown out the loud footfalls all around her, the loud whirring and beeping of medical equipment, the sound of people’s hearts beating, their feet tapping, fingers drumming.
“Do you need to get anything? If not, my car’s just down in the garage.”
“I’ll take my bike,” Alex said, skirting past Winn.
“Oh, no you won’t.” Winn quickly side-stepped his way in front of Alex. “You’re not 16 yet! And wait, no, you have to be 18 to drive a motorcycle, so you’re definitely not able to do that.”
“I have the memories of a 30-year-old.” Alex crossed her arms across her chest and glared up at Winn, who didn’t budge.
“And would you suggest I let your little sister go off and fight aliens just because she remembers doing it?” Winn countered.
“That’s different.”
“One is dangerous.”
“Do you even know how many people die in motorcycle accidents each year?” Winn couldn’t even care that he sounds like every sitcom mom in that moment.
“That’s because they’re not doing it right.”
“Maybe we should just go in the car,” Kara whispered to Alex. “I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“Ugh, you’re such a goody two-shoes.” Alex stormed ahead, her phone out and in her hands. She didn’t really have anything to do on it, but she wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone else.
“Alex,” Kara pleaded, trying to get her sister to look at her again. She raced to catch up to her, tapping her lightly on the shoulder. “C’mon, Alex, talk to me.” But Alex just shrugged her shoulder, pushing away Kara’s hand and steadfastly ignoring her.
“Hey, it’s alright,” Winn assured Kara, who hung back, staying a few feet away from Alex. “It’s just, you know, a lot to deal with all at once.”
“I’m going through the same thing, though.” Kara’s voice was smaller than he’d ever heard it, and Winn fought the urge to hug her, figuring that was probably only good to do with grown-up Kara.
“I know. But hopefully we’ll have you two back to your normal selves in no time! And while we wait, you can totally come have fun at my apartment. I’ve got video games and lots of movies.”
“Can you get us pizza and potstickers for dinner?”
“So that part of your personality was pretty constant throughout your life, huh?” Winn teased. “And yes, we can get them.”
Kara beamed up at him and looked significantly happier than she had just a few minutes ago, though Winn wasn’t dumb enough to comment on the mood swing there.
By the time they got back to Winn’s apartment, his nerves were already feeling slightly frayed from a less than relaxing car ride. Between Kara’s squealed warnings when she heard a horn or screeching breaks—often miles away from where they were—and Alex’s snorts of condescending laughter each time Winn tried to stick out the “mom arm” when he had to break hard to convince Kara that they were safe and he was listening to her warnings, Winn was ready for a nap.
“I’m hungry,” Kara stated bluntly, plopping down into the same chair adult Kara always claimed when she hung out at his place too.
“Well, lucky for you, I always keep Kara-sized amounts of snacks around—just in case.” He ignored Alex murmuring something about his lingering crush showing and rustled through his cabinets until he found the jumbo tub of frosted animal crackers. “Can I get you anything, Alex?”
“Oh-kay.” Eventually he cleared his throat. “Um, did you two want to…do anything? I have games or television? We should probably order dinner soon—it’s getting late.”
“I want Thai,” Alex offered, breaking her general silence.
“I still want pizza and potstickers!”
“I—well, I guess we can get both,” Winn shrugged, picking up his phone to call not one, not two, but three different restaurants for delivery. At least they were somewhat familiar with getting large orders from him for the nights Kara and the rest of the superfriends came over.
After dinner, J’onn popped in with a bag of clothing, as well as toothbrushes and phone chargers for the Danvers sisters.
“How’s it looking?” Winn asked, his tone pointed, anxiety radiating off of him like waves.
“We’re working, but it’s…slower going than we’d have liked.”
“I could probably fix it within the hour,” Alex pointed out, barely looking up from her phone.
“Mm, yes, and think about the headlines now – covert government organization exploiting child labor.”
“Hi, J’onn,” Kara waved. “Do you have any of those noise-dampening headphones?”
“I can look. Are you alright? Were your powers affected?”
Kara shook her head. “I don’t think so…it’s just, sometimes when there are big changes, like, oh, I don’t know, getting much smaller and younger, it’s harder to control my powers.”
While J’onn talked to Winn about ways they might be able to minimize the stress, Alex turned to Kara, her phone suddenly forgotten. “Hey, can I help?”
“No, it’s just…really loud. And when I can’t focus there, it’s harder to control everything else.”
“Well, why don’t you try just focusing on my voice or my heartbeat like you did when you were still getting used to it here, huh?”
“Yeah…yeah, okay,” Kara agreed, settling her head against Alex’s chest and closing her eyes as she focused in on the steady beating of Alex’s heart, willing herself to drown out the rest of the world.
When J’onn left and Winn caught sight of the two of them curled up, he was tempted to tiptoe away, leaving them be, but Alex’s voice startled him back to the present. “I can feel you hovering.”
“Ah, yes…did you want to watch a movie?”
“Sure,” Alex shrugged. “But I get to pick.”
“I guess that’s alright…”
She ended up choosing Jennifer’s Body, much to Kara’s chagrin, and within the first half hour, Kara has singed burning holes into his coffee table and plant after getting spooked and accidentally sending bursts of heat vision through his furniture.
“Perhaps we should find a new movie,” Winn suggested, only to have his concerns rebuffed. When Jennifer began stripping, though, Winn called it quits and paused the movie. “That’s enough. This isn’t appropriate for you.”
“I’ve seen literally everything that could be shown here,” Alex countered.
“But this isn’t an appropriate context.”
“I’ve had sex, Winn. Lots of it. I remember it all,” Alex argued with him.
“Not at your current age!”
“You don’t know that,” Alex shot back, crossing her arms defiantly. She was so sick of hearing that she couldn’t do this or that, all because she happened to be in a smaller body.
Winn stammered until Kara cut in, giggling softly: “She’d only ever kissed a boy at 15.”
“Shut up!” Alex yelled, her face flaming bright red as tears prickled at her eyes. She hated that she couldn’t simply tamp down on her emotions the way she normally did, hated how everything felt so much closer to the surface, like one small crack in the façade was all it would take to bring her control crumbling down around her. Grabbing her phone, Alex stormed off into the guest bedroom where Winn told them they could sleep and slammed the door behind her.
She sniffled, refusing to let the tears fall. She just wanted Maggie, wanted her life back. Figuring it was late enough that Maggie might be done with her training, she sent her a text: “Shitty day. Wish you were here.”
A few minutes later her phone chimed back with a response: “Miss you too babe. Just one more day.”
Realizing that Maggie didn’t know, might be the one person who would treat her normally, Alex happily fell into a routine, texting back and forth about Maggie’s training and her own day, only mentioning that the containment mission had gone poorly and that Winn was being particularly frustrating without going into the specifics.
About an hour later, there was a soft knock on the door. “What?” Alex yelled.
“Can I come in?” Winn’s tone was even, though she suspected that no wouldn’t be an acceptable answer.
“Fine,” Alex huffed, standing up and unlocking the door.
“Hey,” Winn greeted her, sitting down on the chair in the room, leaving the bed to Alex. “I know this is tough, but we’ve gotta be really careful until we have you back to your normal self, okay?”
“Alex,” Winn sighed, rubbing at his forehead. He was good with real kids, the ones who didn’t have 30 years’ worth of memories shoved into their heads, coexisting uneasily with the emotional volatility of an adolescent. His attention snapped into focus at the sound of her phone’s text alert. “Who are you texting?”
“None of your business. It’s my own damn phone.”
Winn grabbed the phone from her, grateful that she was still small enough that hopefully her threats about all that she could do with her index finger were empty. “You can’t text Maggie! She doesn’t know! It’s—it’s unethical!”
“She’s my girlfriend!”
“She’s 30-year-old Alex’s girlfriend!”
“It’s not like we’re sexting!”
“Did you tell her you’re 15 now?” Winn demanded.
Alex just glared at him.
“So you didn’t,” he concluded.
“What? Is it really so bad that one person might treat me like a normal fucking person?”
“Just…you can’t be talking to Maggie like that now. I’m keeping your phone.”
“What the hell! J’onn didn’t give you permission to cut off my ability to communicate with him.”
“If it’s an emergency, you can use my phone.”
“Get out of my room!” Alex ordered, and Winn finally gave in, taking Alex’s phone with him.
An hour or two later—Alex couldn’t quite be sure without her phone, she heard Winn wishing Kara a good night and showing her where towels and toothbrushes were to get ready for bed.
“Do you want to take my bed? I can take the couch,” he offered.
“No, Alex will be fine.”
Winn sounded unconvinced, but he figured Kara had memories of teenage Alex, so he’d let her serve as the subject expert there.
After a bit, Alex heard the door creak open, and she pretended to be asleep, unwilling to deal with whatever heart-to-heart conversation Kara thought they might have had together. The mattress dipped slightly when she crawled in, and she felt the weight of Kara’s gaze as she peered over at her big sister before finally dropping her head down to the pillows.
Once enough time had passed that Kara appeared sound asleep (and Alex figured Winn would surely be passed out, exhausted from his afternoon of parenting), Alex crept out into the living room, poking around for her phone until she found it in the menu drawer. Rookie mistake, she thought.
She sent a text to Maggie, only to have it ignored. She wondered if Winn had called her, told her not to speak to Alex. Increasingly frustrated, she pulled open cabinet doors until she spied a bottle of whiskey she’d left at Winn’s place after their first game night there when she found out he only stocked beer and some old bottle of gin that tasted more like nail polish remover than something she would voluntarily ingest.
She turned the TV on, keeping the volume low, and settled in with a glass of whiskey to watch something without having it censored mid-viewing.
An episode and a half of some vaguely remembered legal procedural and another glass or two of whiskey later, Kara wandered into the living room. “What are you doing?”
“Isn’t it obvious?”
“I mean, why aren’t you in bed?” Kara asked. “And why are you drinking. It’s bad for you.”
“It’s fine. I’m fine,” Alex retorted, ignoring the fact that her words slurred together against her best efforts.
“You don’t sound fine.”
“Can you just stop—stop trying to be so damn good for one second. This sucks. It’s shitty. Can you not admit that?”
“I…yeah, it does,” Kara finally conceded. “I miss having control over my powers that doesn’t feel like hard work all the time. I miss, ya know, not accidentally shooting lasers from my eyes,” she chuckled softly, eyeing the coffee table that had, at the very least, stopped smoking.
“What if we did something to feel better?”
“Like what?”
“What if we went flying?”
“I don’t know, Alex…that sounds like the kind of thing we definitely got in trouble for when we were this age.”
“What are they gonna do? Take dad away again? Drag us into the DEO? Guess what, both of those things have already happened.”
“Um, yeah, okay…I guess.”
“It’ll be fun. You can let loose, not have to worry.”
Alex was always convincing, and Kara found herself nodding, even though her stomach still twisted with nerves. But when Alex carefully pried the window open and the cool night breeze hit her, Kara relaxed slightly. “C’mon,” she whispered, motioning for Alex to clamber up around her the way she had when they were younger and had to fit through small bedroom windows.
With a few less-than-coordinated movements, they managed to get outside, and Kara shot up in the air gleefully only to find Alex yelling at her to stop.
“What? This was your idea, Alex.”
“The world is spinning. Everything is spinning,” Alex whimpered, closing her eyes tight and trying to take deep breaths to soothe her churning stomach.
“I told you that you drank too much,” Kara scolded, carefully lowering them back down with as little back-and-forth movement as she could manage.
“I’ve never gotten that drunk from just a few fingers of whiskey,” Alex whined, letting herself sink down to the ground and pressing the back of her head against the cool wall, willing the room to stop moving around her.
“I bet you would have back when you were 15,” Kara countered.
“Who’s here?” Winn yelled, stumbling out of his bedroom in Supergirl pajama pants and a Superman t-shirt—as if to prove how unbiased he was—and looking completely unthreatening. He flicked on the lights, spotting Alex sitting on the ground and Kara hovering beside her, the window still open and a bottle of whiskey out on the counter. “What the hell, guys?” he whined, feeling the weight of responsibility falling heavily back on his shoulders. “It’s nighttime, time for sleeping. Could you not let me have just this one thing to myself?”
“Alex is drunk,” Kara informed him. “Like, really drunk.”
“Please don’t throw up on my floor.”
“I won’t,” Alex gritted out through clenched teeth.
“Here just”—Winn took a deep breath, trying to wake up fully—“Kara, you go close the window. Alex, you stay there or move to sit on the couch.” He walked into the kitchen and filled a tall glass with water, then pulled down a bag of pretzels, pouring a few handfuls into a bowl. “Sip slowly, and eat carbs—it should help you from being too hungover tomorrow.”
Alex nodded, gratefully accepting the food and water from him. Once she finished the glass of water and had eaten enough of the pretzels to feel her stomach settling slightly, she offered to go to the guest room and let Winn get back to sleep.
“Not a chance. Another glass of water.” Kara grabbed the glass and quickly refilled it for her. “I’ll sit up with you until you’ve sobered up a little more. Don’t need you laying down and getting the spins.”
“They’re the worst,” Alex agreed.
“Yeah…yeah, they are.” After a few more minutes of silence, Winn spoke up again. “Remember that night Mon-El, uh, went missing from the DEO for a bit?”
“You mean when you too him out drinking?” Kara corrected, remembering just how dead to the world Winn had been the next morning.
“Yeah, alright, fine. Well, he’s pretty much immune to Earth alcohol, like Kara, though we didn’t know it yet. So I was matching him drink for drink, and suddenly the whole world was spinning. He thought it would be the nice thing to do if he carried me home…”
“Oh god,” Alex groaned. “Did he do the leaping bounces the whole way?”
“He did. God, I feel sick just thinking about it,” he mused, pulling laughs from Kara and Alex as well. “I sat up the whole night just drinking water after I let my head drop for just a second and felt I was on a tilt-a-whirl ride. Point being: I’ll sit up with you as long as it takes, Alex.”
“Thanks,” she mumbled. “You don’t—I know we’ve not really been the easiest on you.”
“You haven’t,” he admitted. “But I imagine it’s frustrating—knowing everything but not really being able to do anything about it.”
“I wasn’t one of those kids who thought high school was the best time of my life. In fact, I decidedly did not want to go back to those years.”
“You were popular before I showed up,” Kara volunteered.
“But if the people I hung out with were such jackasses to you, I think that’s proof enough that they’re not the people I’d want to go back and spend even more time with now.” Kara smiled up at her and dropped her head to Alex’s shoulder.
“Now it’s just like prom,” Kara murmured. “You—drunk and dizzy. Me—hanging out alone.”
“You weren’t old enough for prom. Don’t make it sound like you were Carrie or something,” Alex snorted.
“Wait, I think I need to know about drunk Alex Danvers at prom,” Winn cackled.
“Someone spiked the punch, then we had an afterparty on the beach. Lots of really cheap beer. But my date got—well, I didn’t want to, you know, so I stumbled home. We lived close by.” Alex paused for a moment in tipsy contemplation. “A lot of things make so much more sense now.”
“Like why you shouldn’t drink cheap beer?”
“Like why I wanted to ditch my date and spend all night with Vicky.”
Winn and Kara laughed at that, nodding in understanding. They chatted for a while longer, finally heading back to bed around the time the sun began to rise.
Over breakfast, J’onn called, informing Winn that they hoped to have an antidote to test by that evening. Yesterday Winn would have been horrified by the idea of having to babysit for another full day. But after last night, he felt like they had reached an uneasy truce. And since J’onn had given him the day off, he found he had more than a few ideas.
“Well…you know how there are some things that kind of require a kid…or are less awkward if you bring a kid?”
“What movie do you want to see?” Kara asked, knowing Winn well enough to know what he was thinking before he even voiced it.
“There was that new Cars movie,” Winn suggested. Kara looked pleased by the idea, though Alex remained unconvinced. “And then I thought maybe we could head down to the gocart track…not quite the same thing as a motorcycle, but you’re just the right size for those carts.”
“I’m in,” Alex quickly accepted the offer, figuring enjoying a day or two without the weight of adult responsibilities might not actually be the worst thing in the world. And the greasy egg and bacon sandwich Winn made her for breakfast, paired with a side of advil, had already done wonders for the wicked hangover she’d managed to incur during her overnight adventures.
Maggie got back to National City and rushed over to the DEO just in time to see teenage Alex for a few minutes before she went in for the antidote. Even with just a hug from Maggie, Alex had managed to flush a deep shade of red, stammer over her words, and stumble over her own feet on her way in between her girlfriend and the med bay. Luckily when she came out a few minutes later looking much more like her adult self, she had sense and composure enough to loudly threaten anyone who had seen her awkward teenage self within an inch of their lives if they ever brought it up or told any of the new recruits a word about it.
“Very convincing after the whole lovestruck teenager look,” Maggie teased.
“Oh shut up.”
“C’mon, Danvers, let’s get you home. I hear you’ve got quite the hangover to sleep off.”
“Winn!” Alex roared over her shoulder. The sound of his laughter echoed all the way down the DEO hallways.
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SuperCorp Prompt 1:
Prompt (from @sheishergirlfriend):  
Red K ! Kara is mean to everyone but getting soft and awkward around Lena
Author’s Note: I really hope this somewhat close to what you had in mind. This is rated K+ and hopefully everyone enjoys it. Lemme know what you think!
Kara checked herself out in front of the mirror: short, gray pencil skirt with a slit that went slightly more than halfway up her thigh; black blouse with one too many buttons undone, enough so one didn’t have to leave much up to the imagination; shiny, black stilettos that stretched out; loose hair teased to perfection, and--of course--her trademark glasses.
Yeah, she was good to go for another day at work.
It was weird though, ever since she saved those firefighters she’s felt more confident, and as she gave herself another once over in the mirror, she even felt a little bit sexy with her new look.
Either way she had to get going before she was going to be late. She grabbed her black purse, placed her phone inside, and got her keys; today was going to be interesting.
She was halfway through her work day, and she was absolutely dreading it. She was absolutely dying to get outside of this increasingly hot office so that she can fly around the city. She needed to feel the wind carry her and her stress away, she needed to be free for a little bit.
Kara rolled her eyes, stood up with a slouch, and didn’t even bother grabbing her notepad. Hell, she didn’t even grab a pen.
Kara sauntered her way to the front of Cat’s desk which was covered with prints, and strewn with copies at the edges of her desk.
“I heard you the first time, Ms. Grant.”
Cat, who was steadily focused on making the prints bleed, placed her pen down and looked up at Kara. Like, really looked at her.
She saw the way the women in front of her was standing: arms crossed in a way that allowed her right hand to be poised midair so that she can see her manicure, blood red nails trimmed to perfection. In Cat’s eyes, that one hand should have been poised on a notepad, ready to write down her every whims. However, it was at that instant that Cat realized that her usually docile and responsive assistant was posing an unusual defiant pose that was oozed with a wayward demeanor.
Cat pursed her lips.
“Would you like the day off, Kiera?”
Kara looked up at Cat, stared her straight in the eyes; unwavering. She moved her hands until they landed right on top of Cat’s desk, right on top of those prints that were in the process of being murdered merciless by Cat’s keen eyes, and arched her back. Angled her head up and looked down at Cat.
“Hmm, what makes you say that Ms. Grant?”
Cat looked up at her, the vein at her reddening neck straining against her smooth skin. She swallowed all while maintaining eye contact.
“Well, I don’t know.” Her eyes shifted across the room. “Maybe it’s the way that you so nonchalantly walked into my office as if you had nothing better to do.” She motioned her left hand pass Kara and towards the glass doorway. “Perhaps it’s the way that you have completely invaded my personal space by placing your germy hands on my desk.” Cat shifted her eyes down and stared down at each of Kara’s hands, trying to incinerate them away with just a look. “Or maybe--now, this may be a stretch--it’s the fact that I don’t like the attitude that you’re displaying, the same attitude you’re directing towards me, no less.” She lifted her eyes up from Kara’s hands and stared at her without faltering.
However, their intent staredown was interrupted by a knock against Cat’s glass door and a clearing of a throat.
“Um, I’m sorry to interrupt, Ms. Grant, but I need you to take a look at these photos before I send them down for printing.”
It wasn’t until Cat finally broke her gaze, picked up her glasses, and gave a slight nod that Jimmy even decided it was safe enough to approach either one of them. Kara took a deep breath, straightened up and recomposed herself until she reclaimed the same pose she had when she first walked into Cat’s office.
After handing Cat his photo layouts, Jimmy gave Kara a wary look while Kara seemed completely intent on ignoring him. Cat, unbeknownst to either of them, was observing this slight interaction. She sighed, gave Jimmy his adequate photos back (as usual) without even giving them another glance, and told him they were just fine.
That was his cue to leave.
“Kara, I don’t know what medications you’re on or if you finally decided to grow a pair over the weekend,” Cat took off her impeccable glasses. “But, I think that for the sake of maintaining your job for the next three months until you completed your first full year here at Catco, that you should take the rest of the day off.”
Kara scoffed.
“No questions asked, now go before I change my mind and decide to fire you here on the spot.”
She carelessly flailed her hands at Kara in a shooing motion--not even bothering to look at her--which spurred the woman in front of her to simply spin on her sharp stilettos, flip her hair and to sway her hips back to her desk. She collected her things: her bag, her keys, her espresso, and her phone. In fact, when she picked up her phone she saw that she had one missed call and two text messages from her sister Alex. She unlocked her phone with her thumbprint and read the two messages.
Hey, wanna catch lunch together?
I hear that JJ’s having a special today :)
Kara was ready to reply back, set on going since she didn’t have anything else to do, but decided better on it and left Alex on read. She had no intentions of spending her lunch at some dingy dinner, especially since she wasn’t even hungry and would rather spend it flying around.
So, she made her way to the nearest obscure window, and undid the rest of the blouse that was patiently waiting all morning to be ripped off.
The sun was almost setting; the sky painted with light pink and dark orange hues that swirled around a yellow core near the bottom of the skyline. At the very top of the atmosphere was an unlit figure who’s cape would flap back and forth, morphing to the strong currents of the brisk wind that high up: Kara Danvers.
She stared down at the illuminated city, the numerous yellow boxes on the tall buildings that would obstruct the view of the sunset, the blue and red lights from the police cars swirling around the perimeters of the city, and the honking from the cars caught in traffic. It was all so, so quaint.
She flew around a little bit more, bypassed the crime scene at the perimeters of the city, and landed on the small balcony of her apartment.
It was weird. She spent the last five hours just flying around the city, and she still wasn’t hungry. Either way, she quickly changed into a pair of some comfy sweatpants and a blue cotton t-shirt. After that, it didn’t take too long for her to throw herself on her couch and turn on the television. She flipped through a few channels until she landed on reruns of Friends.
She was about to rest her head on the arm of the couch when she heard her phone vibrate from the end table of her bedroom where it laid charging. At first she wasn’t considering picking it up, especially if it was just Alex worrying about her for no reason, but for some reason she decided to get up and see who needed her, like always.
Lena did, apparently.
I probably don’t know what the chances are that you might be available at the moment, but I decided to take a chance and ask.
I’m kinda lonely at the office and I really wish to have some company. Please?
I’ll have my assistant get us some take out. I swear, I will literally die if I have to spend another minute here alone.
God, I’m so clingy.
Kara laughed. She stared at her phone a bit longer, waiting to see if Lena would keep sending her messages. Yet, when she saw the message bubble forming again she decided to pull Lena out of her misery.
I guess it depends on where the take out will be from.
Kara sent the message and brought the side of her right thumb up to her mouth where her teeth were waiting to preen on the supple skin near her red nail.
JJ’s, of course! It’s your kryptonite ;p
Ha. If only she knew.
Well, I guess not all heroes wear capes, right?
This conversation has officially become the most ironic dialogue of the century--at least the one of the decade.
She put her phone down, and decided to change into something a little more lively than what she’s used to. That’s why when she opened her closet and saw the end of the rack, her face morphed a smug grin with her mouth.
Lena was finishing up a part of her budget plan when her assistant politely knocked on her door and walked in as quietly as possible.
“Miss Luthor, there is a Kara Danvers here who says that she has an appointment with you but she doesn’t--”
Of course, Kara was feeling a little bit angsty and decided to take matters into her own hands: she barged in without waiting for permission. The impulsive action caused Lena to raise her eyebrows until eventually she felt that it was more amusing than arrogant.
She looked at her assistant one last time, “don’t worry about it, and feel free to take the rest of the night off.”
Kara smirked and gave a condescending look at the flabbergasted assistant. Lena didn’t notice though because she was too busy looking at what Kara was wearing: a tight, strapless, bright red dress that seemed to fit Kara like a glove and made her blonde hair look like a yellow flame from the way it was teased by the breeze of the city. She was definitely a sight for sore eyes at this stage of the night.
“Wow, did you just come from somewhere important? I wasn’t expecting you to get all dressed up, but wow... you look stunning!”
Lena’s eyes were trying not to devour the image in front of her but she tried to maintain a modicum of decency, even though the brightness of the dress was demanding her eyes to rake them over Kara’s figure. When she finally saw Kara’s face, she noticed the slight pink tinge that was coloring the upper half of her cheeks and the way her blue eyes were looking at any point in the room but Lena.
“Would you like to take a seat? I already had my assistant order from JJ’s Diner so it should be here sometime soon--hopefully.”
Kara went over to the couch and sat down at the edge of the couch--back straight and legs crossed--all of her previous confidence almost gone. When she looked down at herself, the red dress and the unnecessary cleavage that stared back at her, she realized how dumb she must look.
“I should almost be done soon, and then I’ll--”
“I look ridiculous, don’t I?”
At those words, Lena snapped her jaw shut. She just sat there, processing what she just heard. Kara wasn’t even looking at her, she just kept on rambling.
“I look ridiculous, and I don’t what I was thinking when I picked out this dress, and--god, I’m cold--and, and… why are you looking at me like that?”
Lena was smiling, she placed her pen down, stood up and carefully walked her way over to Kara until she finally sat down right next to Kara, neglecting the rest of the long couch, and grabbed the fidgeting hands in her lap.
“I don’t know what you’re going on off about, but I think you look marvelous.” Kara looked up at Lena. “Sure, it was more than what I was expecting, but you’re still gorgeous.” Lena raised one of her hands and placed an untamed flame behind one of Kara’s ear. “Plus, now I have an excuse to officially call this meet up a date.” At that, Kara blushed and looked down at her lap again. Lena simply looked at her, dropped her hand to Kara’s cheek and felt Kara rest the weight of her head on the palm of her hand.
Then Lena’s phone rang.
She cleared her throat and hesitantly stood up, “that must be the take out.”
Lena picked up the phone, “yes… just have them come up… yes… yes… okay, thank you.” When she hung up, she looked over at Kara and noticed that she seemed more relaxed until she saw her hands rubbing at her arms--that must simply not do. She surveyed behind her and took the black blazer draped around the back of her impressive leather chair. When Kara heard Lena’s heels clicking against the stone of the floor, she looked up to see that Lena was carrying her blazer; the simple thought alone managed to warm her up already.
Lena sat down next to Kara, much in the same way she did earlier except this time she came prepared and wrapped the blazer around Kara’s arms taking the chance to wrap her arm around her shoulder in the process. Feeling content, Kara grabbed Lena’s hand hanging off the end of her shoulder and angled her face towards Lena.
“Delivery for Miss Luthor.”
Lena chuckled and Kara smiled. When the delivery girl didn’t receive a response she ended up knocking on the dark wood of the door. Lena stood up--again--grabbed the wallet on her desk and opened the door.
“Here is your delivery Miss Luthor: two milkshakes, cookies and cream, and chocolate, with curly fries and--”
“Yes, here’s your tip, now have a good night.”
The young girl gaped at the cash in her hand that she didn’t even realize the door gently pressing against the tip of her nose.
However, Lena didn’t notice that someone crept up behind her and when she turned around, take out bag in one hand and shakes in the other, she wasn’t expecting to be caught off guard by cherry lips against her lips. Now, if only she can actually use her hands apart from holding food.
Closing her eyes would have to do for now.
When Kara finally relented, Lena reluctantly opened her eyes to find stormy blue eyes staring at her intently, waiting.
“Well, aren’t you full of welcoming surprises tonight,” Lena grinned.
“I guess I just couldn’t take the chance to have this date end up with silly interruptions that would prevent me from doing what I’ve been dying to do since I met you.”
“Then, by all means…” Lena smirked.
Kara leaned on her toes, face angled towards Lena’s, but then slipped her hands on the take out, spun around and threw herself on the couch.
“...Let’s eat!”
Lena laughed, “tease!” But followed soon after, finally getting to see Kara so carefree... and hungry.
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alo-piss-trancy · 7 years
Okay I found one of the super/girl drafts on my laptop and was relieved for a minute and prepared to start writing, only to find that all I had saved was the prompt itself c':
I don't have the energy to try and recreate what I had rn (it was at almost 1000 words so far and about Cat and had great sassy lines I am dying) so instead take these ideas for Winn and Kara omo bc their bff relationship gives me life and no one talks about it even in general much less in omo and also I really want Winn to soak himself bc he's cute and I'd kiss him<p>
1. Consider the day when Kara first started working at Cat/Co. Ah yes, the cute new assistant who sits right next to Winn and they have a nice enough time chatting with each other while he gives her a general idea of how things work around the office. They have a few more conversations between projects throughout the day, and towards the last hour or so of the day Winn realizes that Kara hasn't left her desk for anything ALL DAY except to bring Cat lunch and some papers (and maybe you could have guessed that she'd gone then, except he'd admittedly been unable to take his eyes off of her whenever she walked by, so he knew she hadn't gone near that direction), and he naturally gets a little concerned that she's probably dying by this point and oh crap maybe no one told her where they were and she's just been too nervous to ask? He's super embarrassed to even bring it up but finally manages to blurt out a casual (aka not casual at all but awkward af) "Hey, uh, you know the bathrooms are just down that hall, right? Like, in case no one told you...". Kara, of course, with her superhuman bladder of steel, hasn't even felt much of an urge yet, and just casually nods with a "Yeah, I know, thanks." before she goes back to her work. Winn probably looked her over just to make sure she wasn't just faking casual because he knew some people were shy enough to deny it even if they were about to burst, but she honestly looks just as unbothered as she sounded, so he drops it and wonders how on earth this girl is fine when he's had to take at least 3 breaks today.<p>
Throughout the rest of the week Kara continues to last the entire workday from morning 'till night without bathroom breaks, and Winn is probably impressed but it also makes him kind of self-conscious to be the only one getting up and drawing attention to himself multiple times or interrupting their conversations. So the next Monday he decides to try and start holding back and hopefully match Kara's unholy endurance, because if someone as normal as her can do it then maybe it isn't actually that hard and he's just kind of weak (he's already the office nerd, it probably isn't much of a stretch now that he thinks about it). He makes it through the first few hours and his first break okay (well, not okay, but he can keep still), but about an hour after lunch he's starting to really feel it, pressing his legs together or crossing them at the ankles or scooting his chair around as a distraction. Kara probably gets a little concerned by the soft moans under his breath that her superhearing picks up and asks if he's sick or something, but he manages to brush off her worries and insists he's fine. It works, but only a half hour after that he's absolutely DYING and he can't sit still and nothing is comfortable and he decides to cave and get up because he really can't do this except the second he tries to stand he feels a leak into his boxers and sits right back into his chair with a strained squeal. And by this point Kara is definitely worried because poor Winn is all sweaty and blushing and she definitely heard that leak and figured out what was going on, so she casually scoots her chair over to try and talk to him without drawing everyone else's attention, and he finally admits that he's never had to pee this badly in his l i f e but he really doesn't think he can stand much less move and oh gosh every breath is slicing into his bladder and he has to stop whispering to her so he can grab himself and hunch over with a nervous little moan bc holy shit he can feel it running right up to the edge of his dick and he doesn't know what to do and what if Cat comes over how on earth is he going to explain this and he's just rocking in the edge of his seat trying to hold on and shaking like a leaf. Kara really has no clue what to do either because she can't exactly justify using superspeed to rush him to the bathroom bc there's no way to explain suddenly teleporting there or even just scooping him up bc you don't just do that to your coworkers, and helping walk him there isn't even an option since he can't stand.<p>
There are two ways this could play out.<p>
Either A. she tells him to try and hold it in for just a few minutes while walks out as casually as possible before whooshing around the different floors looking for something useable, and if they're lucky she comes back and manages to sneak whatever the object is (like a large soda cup or a personal trash can or smth) under his desk and Kara finds some loud distracting way to keep everyone in the room from hearing (maybe she sets off an alarm in another part of the building or just 'accidentally' bumps someone else's computer to play music really loudly while they struggle to shut it off) while Winn gushes into the makeshift toilet with the force of a firetruck's pressure hose.<p>
Or B. Kara really can't think of anything to do to help and before she can think much further Winn starts leaking harder and gasping and groaning and he's trying to keep quiet but it's hard when the feelings are so strong and painful and he loses complete control a second later in the chair, warm piss completely flooding his pants and running down his legs into his shoes and it's pooling in the seat and drenching the carpet and it's hissing loudly enough to draw attention and it's honestly all Winn can do to keep from crying bc it hurts but it's also SO relieving and also completely mortifying he's going to be the laughing stock of the office and once it's over Cat pipes up from where she'd arrived in time to witness the last of the event and makes some kind of snarky remark comparing him to a toddler before snapping at him to go get cleaned up, change at home if he needs to, and then come back to work bc he's still got half a day left and she isn't paying him to hide under a rock in shame. Once Winn slinks out and people go back to work Cat's probably about to call the janitor but Kara insists she'll clean it up bc she doesn't want more people to find out about it ('Kara you should know I'm not paying you overtime for doing someone else's job') and Cat relents bc as long as that mess gets cleaned up before the germs multiply she really doesn't care who does it. Kara probably uses a smidge of secret superbreath to make sure his spot is as dry as can possibly be when he gets back and she probably got him some kind of sweet treat to brighten him up a bit.<p>
No matter which ending happens Winn is absolutely beyond mortified bc he just almost/actually pissed himself in front of Kara and everyone else and he probably looked completely pathetic and gross and she's never going to want to talk to him again jfc. Of course then Kara is nothing but sweet and understanding and tries her very best to help take his mind off of it and get things back to normal and makes him feel a lot better about the whole incident. She also takes the hint after that and starts taking more frequent bathroom breaks at work even though she doesn't really need them, just so he's more comfortable about it.<p>
Okay this was intended to be a whole list of cute scenarios but look at my wordy ass getting WAY out of hand with number 1 jfc I guess I'll save the rest for more posts lmao at least you get this one for now I'll do the rest later
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theworstbob · 8 years
yellin’ at songs: 4.1.2017, 3.31.2007
the songs that debuted on the billboard chart this week and ten years ago this week.
42) "With Love," Hilary Duff
This was thoroughly unpleasant. Hold up, before I check Wikipedia, I'ma guess Kara DioGuardi was in on this one? I think I've listened to enough 2007 at this point that I can recognize Kara DioGuardi's trademark blechery in here. /checks the credits/ OH MY FUCKING GOD WHY IS SHE SO TRASH. Kara DioGuardi has written plenty of bad songs, including the two most disappointing songs I've heard as part of this project. She's given a credit on "Be Good to Me," which you'll recall was a travesty, and she's given a credit here, on this bad imitation of a Timbaland song. I won't do a Worst 10 or anything like that, because why would I think about things I don't like any longer than I have to, but I guarantee, there’d be multiple Kara DioGuardi joints on a Worst 10. I'm not going to look at her Wikipedia page, for the same reason other people find it difficult to watch Hannibal, but also to keep life full of surprises.
68) "Survivalism," Nine Inch Nails
a fun thing about listening to political songs from 2007 is how quaint they seem now. remember when the problems we have today were still problems but like 1% as bad as they are now? say what you will about dubya, he never flew into a rage on a saturday morning and accused bill clinton of wiretapping the texas rangers. there was some shit being pulled in 2007, like f’rinstance remember that one time the president suspended habeas corpus for undocumented immigrants? that was pretty unchill. but at least he wasn't gleefully racist. at least he didn't propose we spend billions of dollars to build a monument to racism.
76) "Get It Shawty," Lloyd
I didn't hate this! This song is incredibly 2007, but it's 2007 in a way that's somewhat timeless, if that makes any sense. Like, in 2014, I wrote about Nico & Vinz's "Am I Wrong?" that, yeah, there's a few things in there that will mark it as being from 2014, but if you wrote this song in any era, it could have blended in with that era's trends and styles with aplomb, and we would have loved it all the same. There's a lot here that's very 2007, but at its core, this song is kind of perfect, could have been released today and sound like a hit from today and still occupy the same space in my heart. It's like "Absolutely (Story of a Girl)," or Amerie's "One Thing," just a solid song which'll make you go "Oh yeah! This! I loved this!" when it comes on.
90) "You Know I'm No Good," Amy Winehouse ft./Ghostface Killah 91) "Rehab," Amy Winehouse
It is uncouth to speak ill of the dead. It is also uncouth to write that sentence in this context, prolly, but let us be known for what we are. I hope she's doing better. (That bass on "You Know I'm No Good," tho.)
94) "Beautiful Liar," Beyonce & Shakira
Listen, team, we need to talk about restraint for a second, because there are a thousand ways this project could have gone wrong. You get two superstars on the track together, there's absolutely the risk of putting something completely overcooked on the market, some showy vocal battle, but everything here is so understated. The Middle Eastern-y sound could have been laid on too thick, but it's doled out in this tiny, almost imperceptible dose, and that sets the tone for the rest of the track. No one belts anything, because it's understood that there's nothing to belt about, just a dumb boy that isn't worth the effort, and Beyonce and Shakira are compelling singers who don't NEED to be belting all the time to get the point across. This is such a fascinating song! You would expect a song from two titans to attempt to set fire to the world, but this merely simmers, doesn't even boil, just simmers, and it's an agreeable choice.
96) "Like This," Kelly Rowland ft./Eve
The synth track on this song kind of, kind of sounds like the main menu theme of Yoshi's Island, at least sounds close enough to Yoshi's Island that I can completely fuck with this, even if I think the drum track is kind of illogical. (Bob! you should be making jokes, what is this music criticism thing.) UGH FINE oh wow kelly rowland follow beyonce much. you know how like you two used to be in destiny's child but beyonce had a much more successful solo career. hey where's the michelle williams one. um, michelle williams much? that's a person also who was in destiny's child as well, also. she's very less successful! how about that! having fun living a full life and hopefully retiring early after having made smart investments with the money you made from your time in a popular music group? what a putz!
2007 Top 20 In Progress, Except Not Really, Because 2007 Is Kinda Over if You Haven’t Noticed? But I’m Still Ranking These Songs as I Go Because I Don’t Know What Else to Do. 20) "Outside Looking In," by Jordan Pruitt (2.24.2007) 19) "Like a Boy," by Ciara (3.17.2007) 18) "Grace Kelly," by MIKA (2.17.2007) 17) "Get it Shawty," by Lloyd (3.31.2007) 16) "Break 'Em Off," by Paul Wall ft./Lil' KeKe (3.10.2007) 15) "My Oh My," by The Wreckers (1.27.2007) 14) "Mr. Jones," by Mike Jones (1.27.2007) 13) "Settlin'," by Sugarland (2.17.2007) 12) "Movin' On," by Elliott Yamin (3.17.2007) 11) "U + Ur Hand," by P!nk (1.13.2007) 10) "Doe Boy Fresh," by Three 6 Mafia ft./Chamillionaire (1.20.2007) 9) "Beautiful Liar," by Beyonce & Shakira (3.31.2007) 8) "Cupid's Chokehold," by Gym Class Heroes ft./Patrick Stump (1.13.2007) 7) "The River," by Good Charlotte ft./M. Shadows & Synyster Gates (2.10.2007) 6) "Say OK," by Vanessa Hudgens (2.17.2007) 5) "Alyssa Lies," by Jason Michael Carroll (1.13.2007) 4) "And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going," by Jennifer Hudson (1.13.2007) 3) "Candyman," by Christina Aguilera (1.13.2007) 2) "Because of You," by Ne-Yo (3.17.2007) 1) "Dashboard," by Modest Mouse (2.17.2007) Jordan Pruitt, hanging on for one more week! Can she keep the miracle run near the bottom of the chart going? TUNE IN NEXT WEEK TO FIND OUT HOW MUCH I ENJOY “WHO KNEW.”
14) "No Frauds," by Nicki Minaj, Drake, & Lil Wayne
This was a very boring song, most of which concerns a topic in which I'm not particularly invested? Like I guess it's kind of interesting to drop a diss track where you sound completely disinterested in the beef, the response is perfunctory and you're only responding because your opponent's name carries some weight and people'll give you shit if you completely ignore it. I’m down for a diss track where the participant is hella bored by this nonsense, but that probably wasn't the intended interpretation. I dunno. If there's one thing I learned from digging through just three months' worth of 2007 hits, it's that there are songs meant to be forgotten, and I have a feeling, if there is a 2027 and we're all still free, there's gonna be another obsessive white dude who's made poor life choices and poorer facial hair choices digging through the 2017 vaults, coming across this song, and realizing sometimes things are forgotten because they're forgettable.
61) "Regret in Your Tears," by Nicki Minaj
I'm of two minds on this. The first one doesn't think we put Nicki Minaj on this earth to make Drake songs. But also, I had a good time! It sounded inspiring, and the idea of a Nicki Minaj break-up song is so inherently interesting to me that I'd almost put it in the "down for this no matter what" category. I just think it could've been a touch more creative than "here's Nicki doing a sad song."
71) "Changed It," by Nicki Minaj & Lil' Wayne
That thing Nicki does at 1:45, "I am Billie Jean and the bitch is my SON," that's why we never stop believing. That's why we listen to this nonsense with entirely too much modern-day Lil' Wayne, because Nicki Minaj will ocassionally do things like that with her voice.
72) "Chanel," by Frank Ocean ft./A$AP Rocky
I DON'T KNOW WHY FRANK DECIDED TO START BEING BREEZY AND MAKE SONGS THAT ARE FUN TO LISTEN TO BUT I APPRECIATE THAT HE'S ZAGGIN' ON 'EM. It feels shitty to give this song a couple of spins and then form a loud all-capsable opinion about it, because that feels like giving the intricacy and depth of Frank Ocean's songs short shrift. But it's his own damn fault for making this song so breezy! It's not necessarily lighthearted, it's not like Frank Ocean is ever gonna take us to his happy place, but it's airy and soft (you know, soft, like air sometimes is), it feels good to just let these sounds envelop you, and I haven't quite yet figured out how to express what I love about the transition to Rocky's verse, but trust that I loved it. (Maybe this doesn't need to go up the date the chart drops?) nah, we’re good
78) "Liability," by Lorde
This feels like a song that's probably going to be really dope in the context of the album, where it can play the supporting role it is clearly meant to play, but as a standalone track, I dunno. It's definitely more interesting than the average piano-'n-strings song, you can really hear that Fun. sound clear as day. It's just not particularly substantive on its own. Though, I suppose if it's being released as a teaser, it performs the job admirably, giving just a hint of what the album could sound like. I'm stoked.
95) "Prblms," by 6LACK
sadness is not the only valid emotion. darkness cannot exist without light. fucking christ, you people won't listen to "Run Up," but you'll listen to a parade of fucking dudes bleat about how shitty their relationships are. i don't get it.
The 2017 Top 20, Which Actually Is in Progress! 20) "Regret in Your Tears," by Nicki Minaj (4.1) 19) "Way Down We Go," by Kaleo (1.14) 18) "Everyday," by Ariana Grande ft./Future (3.4) 17) "Light," by Big Sean ft./Jeremih (2.25) 16) "Draco," by Future (3.11) 15) "Guys My Age," by Hey Violet (2.11) 14) "Good Drank," by 2 Chainz ft./Gucci Mane & Quavo (2.11) 13) "Yeah Boy," Kelsea Ballerini (3.4) 12) "Selfish," by Future ft./Rihanna (3.18) 11) "Slide," by Calvin Harris ft./Frank Ocean & Migos (3.18) 10) "It Ain't Me," by Kygo x Selena Gomez (3.4) 9) "Now & Later," by Sage the Gemini (2.25) 8) "Shape of You," by Ed Sheeran (1.28) 7) "That's What I Like," by Bruno Mars (3.4) 6) "Chanel," by Frank Ocean ft./A$AP Rocky (4.1) 5) "Green Light," by Lorde (3.18) 4) "Run Up," by Major Lazer ft./PARTYNEXTDOOR & Nicki Minaj (2.18) 3) "Despacito," by Luis Fonsi ft./Daddy Yankee (2.4) 2) "Issues," by Julia Michaels (2.11) 1) "iSpy," by KYLE ft./Lil Yachty (1.14) “iSpy” is a freshly-minted Top 10 hit, and I’m so excited for that. Light the way forward, KYLE. Show the world it’s okay to be happy and make fun songs.
Who won the week?
Frank Ocean had the best individual song, and that is to be commended, but oh my stars does 2007 ever take it. “With Love” would sink weaker ships, but we had “Beautiful Liar” and “Get it Shawty” on this one, along with the Yoshi’s Island sounds and the bass line in an Amy Winehouse song. “Chanel” took to the seas with one pretty cool Nicki song, two bleh Nicki songs, fucking 6LACK, and a Lorde song not meant to live on its own. It falls to the bottom of the ocean, and future underwater anthropologists (prolly a thing?) will find it in the wreckage and ask how..
Official Standings 2007: 1 2017: 0 (it kinda won last week, but I’m not counting that as a win, because honestly that was more scouting report than battle.)
Rough week for 2017, but hey: Drake made a new thing! If nothing else, at least this week wasn’t that.
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s2ep9: be considerate of others!*
This week’s moral is brought to you by Ichimatsu the Good Brotherly Relationships Cat!
* You better do it, or else Ichimatsu the Good Brotherly Relationships Cat will come into your bedroom at night and make sure you do.
Before we begin, I’d just like to report that no, this episode is not a rehash of S1Ep9, i.e. it’s not a tragic/heartbreaking/otherwise feelsy ep. Instead, it’s a lot sillier.
The first skit is “Campaign Starting Now!”, and if anything it’s more similar to “Please Let Me Sleep” from S1Ep3. It’s bedtime, and the brothers are all lying down on the futon already. Ichi wants to sleep, but the others - specifically Oso, Totty and Choro - are too busy doing things and won’t turn off the light. Ichi tries to put up with it, but he really can’t sleep with the light on, and the others absolutely refuse to turn the light off, and they even have the gall to call him “selfish” for wanting the light turned off - that gets Ichi absolutely livid, and eventually he decides that the others should all be more considerate of the others. So he starts the “Since We’re Brothers, We Should Be More Considerate Of Each Other” campaign, which he follows up with very strictly. It’s a pain for everyone at first - but in the end, as it turns out Oso is the one who gets hit the hardest. And everyone's okay with it when Oso’s the one getting the short end of the stick :P
Basically this skit made me think of this:
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Honestly I don’t have much to say about this one ^^; It’s a pretty interesting relationship study between the brothers (as well as a scathing callout for people who tend to be inconsiderate of others in their lives. Including myself, I’m ashamed to say orz), and the funniest bit for me was at the end when nobody sided with Oso against the campaign :P
It’s the smaller things for me that are of note, I think - we have Oso, Choro (yes) and Totty being the biggest banes of Ichi’s existence in that moment; we have Choro crying over light novels (He’s such a sap!! I love him ;v;) and not using tissues for shiko-ing; we have the Iro dynamic still being the same; we have that little bit of Suuji when Ichi tries to get Jyushi to go back to sleep (and then that part where they’ve become too considerate with each other to the point that “they’re practically strangers now” broke my heart a bit :’( ); everyone silently picking on Oso with their decision at the end... There’s a lot to take note of when you look more closely at it.
(Also, Shouei-san made a small cameo in Ichi’s cat counting! It was nice but also disturbing!)
The second skit is “Arcade Iyami”. After fishing under the vending machines for some coins, Iyami goes to the local arcade looking as if he was trying to get with the cool kids nowadays.
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But then he actually does some cool stuff - like getting the highest ranking on the hardest level of the arcade’s Whack-a-Mole, then doing the same with another arcade game that I didn’t recognize, then winning all the tokens from the arcade’s rock-paper-scissors game! All the kids are amazed and even want to be adopted by this cool old man! But then Chibita and Hatabou (who work in the arcade for some reason) give Iyami a challenge - to win the prize from an impossible claw game. And Iyami does it, proving himself to be the Arcade God!!!
...except he doesn’t really and in reality all he’s doing is desperately clinging onto the machine and pretending he’s doing it. It’s very pitiful, really :P
There’s been a lot more Iyami in this season, and that’s pretty cool! They’re doing a lot more with him, and so far it’s been fun. I can’t help but wonder if this entire skit is a shout-out to something; it feels like it. Iyami practicing rock-paper-scissors by losing to everyone in the main + main secondary cast (as well as random people, and even a crab) was pretty silly, too.
Finally, we have the second “Totoko and Nyaa” skit. Nyaa has Instagram and uses it to announce to the world that she is having oden. Totoko then blinds her with oden broth and uses her Instagram to broadcast Nyaa’s pain as a funny cat video. They continue to fight, and being Chibita continues to be suffering. It’s pretty short, and not much to write about either. But it’s a “To Be Continued”, so we’ll see. (The use of #hashtags is pretty funny though, and somewhat satirical as well.)
Honestly, I... didn’t feel this episode much? I dunno if it was because I was feeling bad (over a personal manner) while I was watching the ep, but I didn’t feel much of a connection with this one. I did feel called out in the first skit (maybe I should start going to sleep earlier so everyone else can sleep better, for starters... orz), but other than that I felt a little emotionally cut off from this ep. as a whole ;; I feel bad about that... Maybe I can try rewatching the whole thing again later the week when I’m not feeling bad? And hopefully that emotional connection will be back come next week, too. Sorry about how short this week’s review post is orz
But if I’ll be painfully honest, next week has got me a little worried. “Karamatsu and Buraza”... Don’t get me wrong, I’m not against a Kara-centric skit, and on it's own I’m okay with a skit that's gonna explore his relationship with his brothers; but... I’m worried that it’ll cause another surge of “pwecious & sad overly-woobified Kara” fanon misinterpretations, especially if it’s gonna be a feelsy episode of any sort orz I’m really, really hoping that’s not the case here... *sighs* Next week can’t come any sooner.
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