#Maybe If I Sew With The Radio On I Will Calm TF Down
the one Random Tiny Detail in the MCU that will never cease to bug me is that line. “you used to put newspaper in your shoes”. ....aS SOMEONE WHO IS 23 YEARS OLD AND WEARS A KIDS SIZE 2. Steve. Honey. Sweetie. Why newspaper. The ink will ruin your socks, it itches, it wears out almost immediately and also shoe inserts are??? so easy to sew custom to your needs (ie, making big shoes fit smol feets)... like it was the 1930s, the “guy buying and selling rags out of a cart on the street” was common enough to be a LITERAL FILM AND ANIMATION TROPE, Steve my man my dude my fellow Rage-Filled Tiny Irish Trans Boy, go out to the rag man, buy some rags, and sew some shoe inserts that will last you more than five hours. srsly fabric inserts have MONTHS if not YEARS of life, can be repaired, and don’t even require a pattern. Can... can Steve Rogers not sew. ESPECIALLY taking the trans boy hc into account, wHY DID HE GROW UP IN THE 30s AND NOT LEARN TO SEW. WHO IS FIXING THE STRAPS AND SEAMS ON HIS ARMY KIT. BC THAT SHIT TEARS. STEVE YOU ARE FROM THE NINETEEN FUCKING THIRTIES PLEASE LEARN TO SEW A FUCKING SHOE INSERT
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