#Maybe it’s the VTuber thing but that doesn’t make much sense
neon-vocalist · 1 month
Most of our VTubers love to watch their own streams and have tons of fun watching their VODs and collabs and catching themselves live. Unless they’re me, apparently, in which case they experience horrible soul-crushing discomfort and fear and confusion instead
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astralfuchs · 2 months
Given how “unique” a Miku concert would be I’m surprised Crypton themselves didn’t send some team members or equipment personally to make sure things are set up right bc other than some performers that might hide their face/wear disguises idk how many usual concert locations have something prepped for “holo” projections compared to Japan and their Vtuber boom (although I’d rather buy a plushie from a booth but hopefully at least the theatres would have good sound quality)
Sucks for any workers scrambling and getting hate/hope it doesn’t affect the sales of any other indie ppl performing their concerts
The weird thing is it worked before. I went to miku Expo 2018 in cologne and 2020 in Berlin. Both times it was an actual hologram concert with the same band as magical Mirai. Neither of these two locations had a concert like this before, I'm pretty sure. All of the equipment must've been toured around with thew Miku Expo crew. Going against advertising and expectations (basically all of these concerts, and like all of them in recent years were holographic) without notifying buyers beforehand and also not even afterwards when people keep asking is, to put it lightly, customer unfriendly at best and a scam at worst.
I arrived a bit late in 2018 since I only had standard so I don't know how it was there, but in 2020 people went around giving out free stickers and badges, or general stuff they got from other miku events. One of them seemed to be a huge meiko fan so when she gifted me something I gave her the meiko badge I got from the random gacha button bags. Stuff like that really made it feel like a community coming together, so reading that giving out badges, stickers, etc. wasn't allowed this year, even for people who specifically got an okay from cfm and also got their stuff stolen from is surreal.
I had vip in 2020 and as far as I know everyone got their vip merchandise, which doesn't seem to be the case this year, which makes no sense because you would know how many people at this location have the vip ticket. Another thing I read is that vip ticket holders were supposed to be let in earlier for merchandise and the concert hall but it didn't happen, which also worked flawlessly before in my experience.
Merchandise being not enough for everyone is sadly not new, I was in line for it in 2018 and when I was three people away the store people shouted they were all sold out, which was very much a bummer but I thankfully bought the penlight and t-shirt beforehand in the online store so it wasn't too bad for me and as I said I was quite late to the so definitely in the latter half of the people that got in. Still should've been more but I would chalk it up to being the first concert in Europe and them not having expected such a huge crowd maybe. How this is still the case 6 years later and in America where there were concerts way before 2018 is beyond me.
I don't know if this is because of crunchyroll (it probably is tho) but I can't say cfm is innocent either since they partnered with them and it's their job to ensure everything is up to standard, which clearly didn't happen.
For me, I was really happy to hear there was going to be a Europe one again, especially since I really loved it, it is such a magical experience so the last year's being online only made me super sad since it isn't the same in the slightest, but seeing it's also partnered with crunchyroll I decided against it. It's because I loved it so much that it really saddens me to see what is currently going on (also probably why I wrote so much, very sorry). Miku Expo is one of the best, magical and insane events you can go to as a vocaloid/piaproloid fan and I wish for all fans, people who've been in the Fandom longer and already have been to Miku Expo, and newer fans that didn't have the chance yet, to have that same experience but this is not it. This being someone's first miku expo experience is just a sad thing to think about considering what a massive downgrade the experience is. I hope there will be official statements soon and that the people who are currently experiencing it still have a good time.
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bbbeowulf · 6 months
I have a lot of art resolutions that I wanna get through this year so I figured I would share them with all of you… VIA BINGO CARD!!
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Bingo card inspired by AlmaKRowan on Twitter/X!!
List and explanations below the cut!!
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Architecture: I want to learn how to draw buildings, rooms, etc.!!
Adopts: I want to make adopts!!
KOI character refs: Reference sheets for the characters in my story “Knights of Irene”!!
ArtFight: I’m gonna aim for 20 attacks/revenges, but we’ll see!!
GraVT piece: a group picture of the indie VTuber group I’m in, GraVT!!
Animal studies: learn how to draw animals better
PNGtuber+ comm: I made one for myself (see it HERE) but I want someone to commission me for one >:,(
VTuber redesign: potentially maybe redesign my VTuber (even tho I literally just killed myself making the PNG+ model but WHATEVER IM ON DRUGS IG)
Leo TOTIKFR animatic: animatic for my OC Leo to the song “The Only Thing I Know For Real” by Tyson Yen
Holiday YCH: YCH comms for major holidays!!
Snow Fairy MAP: I have a part in @jurygarroth’s Snow Fairy MAP so I need to get that done :D
Bug studies: I wanna learn how to draw bugs :3c
OC sticker sheets: I wanna make (AND SELL) sticker sheets of my OCs (and maybe other fandom characters like MLP and stuff!! We’ll see.)
RP movie posters: movie poster style illustrations of my active role plays!!
Emotes: re-do my twitch/discord emotes
Sell canvases @ gallery: I have an art gallery in my town that I wanna apply for and sell some irl artwork!!
YCH comms: more YCH comms!!
Lobelia lore animatic: lore animatic for my VTuber
Pose studies: learn how to draw poses better
KOI cover: book cover for “Knights of Irene”
Abaddon Webcomic: this is a HARD maybe, but I’ve tried to make this webcomic happen 2 or 3 different times and I always got sick and tired of it before I got ANYWHERE with it. I think if I take it in more of a mini comic approach like Shen or Merryweather!!
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There are a few more ideas I had that I didn’t put on my bingo!!
Leo’s Final Form: conceptualize Leo’s final form and draw the finalized version
Backgrounds: get better at drawing backgrounds
Foliage: get better at drawing foliage
Color Theory: learn color theory
Interesting shading: play around with colors and shade with different colors perhaps to make it pop?
Aphmau art: draw more Aphmau art
KOI: Finish planning out KOI and potentially start writing it? It’s not art in the sense of it being written not drawn but whatever I wanna do this
Commissions: keep doing commissions! I wanna try to do at least 20 this year 👉👈
Art trades: do some art trades with people outside of ArtFight!!
Art raffle: do an art raffle 🧍
GET HIRED BY YORUNOMACHI: *on my hands and knees sobbing, begging, throwing up*
Do Aphtober/Cringetober/some form of tober AND FINISH: I doubt I’ll finish lmfao
Make OC profiles on UnVale: it’s like toyhouse but it doesn’t make me want to kms when using it
Learn VTuber Rigging: I just wanna know how to do it :3
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Anyways I’m sure there’s more but this is just a list of everything I can think of off the top of my head! A week from now I might decide to not do any of this LMFAO! But we’ll see how much I actually do this year!! Yippee!!
Happy new year everyone!!
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northwest-cryptid · 2 years
Tumblr is such an interesting website because if you ask me as someone who frequents a lot of old websites, forums, and the like; it’s actually extremely similar to those sorts of “closed groups” in that it’s entirely user curated to the point 90% of the people who I interact with or who interact with me are part of at least 1 if not more common interests; for me it’s mainly ProjMoon related media. But it also almost entirely, though sadly not completely; lacks the toxicity we so often see on those sites, or even other social media sites; this is going to go a little all over the place but if you’re curious you know the drill by now here’s a little “keep reading” thing and my thoughts on everything will be below it:
We see this in a lot of forums on the internet that take up almost cult like “us vs them” motifs where even the admins involved will intentionally scare away or bully newcomers who get too comfortable and start actually, you know; using the website. However what’s really cool about tumblr is that because it’s such a diverse web of these sorta closed groups, we don’t see that here.
We totally do in some fandom spaces don’t get me wrong, but I genuinely feel comfortable just posting whatever random stuff comes to mind. I don’t believe any of my mutuals or even followers would randomly decide to say I’m no longer welcome or allowed to post in ProjMoon tags simply because “you also posted about some other random thing one time” it’s cool because in a sense this site functions as a way for us to get to know one another on a deeper level if desired, but while it gives me the power to DM someone, or send them an inbox message it also gives them the power to simply not answer it, to block me, or to go about their business as if I don’t exist and the thing is; doing so won’t effect how the site functions for them.
As a content creator albeit a casual one, using twitter was so strange because if I didn’t have enough followers for someone, they might not give me the time of day. Which yea it sounds scummy, because it is. However that doesn’t mean it wasn’t so commonplace that it was normalized and greatly accepted by other content creators who would often justify it with saying things like “we need to focus on growing our brand and if you’re not going to help us grow our brand then we just don’t have time for you because this is work this isn’t socializing.” Which man, this is why I literally go on record saying “I don’t like vtubers” I don’t mean Hololive or Nijisanji or any professional studio, I literally mean up and coming vtubers on twitter who have around 1,000 followers and think they’re such hot shit that they don’t have the time for someone with say 200 or so followers simply because “mah brand” 
tumblrs system functions in such a way however, where my follower count, and your follower count are things that are entirely nonimportant. Like, how many followers do I have? Take a guess? Here’s your answer: does it matter? At the end of the day no matter how many followers I have it doesn’t really change anything about me. It doesn’t gauge my ability to make a “banger post” or to fit in with a community, it doesn’t give you any understanding of how well I can joke around or put on a show. All it does is give you an arbitrary number to judge my worth by. 
What always amused me so much about my time actively trying to grow an audience via twitter was that so often I’d see these streamers with 1000+ followers only getting about 2 - 5 active viewers, and the best part about that is that genuinely a majority of the time that was them asking myself or the others they were in a collab with to also view their stream to help boost ratings, the people watching weren’t from their thousands of followers, it was literally maybe their 1 regular and the other people streaming with them or half the time literally themselves on a phone or in a different window. However they still looked at their flashy 1,000+ follower count and said “I’m better than you.” 
This is how we’re raised on the internet, we’re raised and conditioned to believe if my number is bigger than your number I am socially better and that I should be held in a higher regard than you, that you should desire to be my friend because I have an inherent worth that you do not. 
I mean okay hear me out real quick, when I tell you “I’m a vtuber/streamer/content creator” if that excites you at all, does it excite you because “my friend is a content creator and I would love to see what kind of silly content they make having got to know them and enjoying my interaction with them!” Or perhaps does it excite you because “maybe I could get popular by being their friend! They must have a huge following who would give anything to talk to them like I do!” While posing it like this absolutely does make it seem like a very “selfless vs selfish” reasoning, I promise it’s not that cut and dry; but at the end of the day I always find it interesting how people often find my more interesting when they hear I’m a streamer and content creator, but lose all that interest the moment they hear that I average between 5 - 15 active viewers. They don’t care that those regulars are really cool people who I’ve genuinely enjoyed getting to know and who I am always happy to see in my chat, and who I don’t address as “chat” but rather have gotten to know well enough that I can address them by their name or at the very least their username because I feel it’s a level of respect that should be shared when my audience is still small enough for me to do so. I understand if you have literally tens of thousands of messages scrolling by, you would have to distance yourself a degree from every viewer of course; but when I see someone with 3 viewers refer to their audience as “chat” it bothers me because it feels so subhuman to simply disregard the idea that there’s another living breathing person on the other side of the screen who is giving you their time and attention.
What does this have to do with tumblr? Well simply put tumblr is no different, I know it sounds silly or maybe even stupid for me to say this but I don’t enjoy looking over all my notes because “oh man I’m so popular and I get so much validation from seeing everyone interacting with me” but rather I really enjoy reading through everyone’s tags on posts they reblog from me because it’s a way for me to get to know them a little better, and it leads to me actually checking out their blogs and enjoying their original content, and this allows me in turn to piece together a little more about who they are as a person, and it makes me feel interested in reaching out and saying hi even if it takes a while for a conversation to really get started or even if they don’t respond right away or at all. I find that this site gives me a way to interact with others while being able to do my own thing and they get to in turn choose exactly how much of their time and attention they wish to give me, but they can always learn more about how I think and how I feel about things by looking through what I reblog or checking out my personal posts so they also have an idea of who they are talking to.
tumblr is a website that doesn’t ask me to fully identify myself, it doesn’t ask me to give you my first and last name, birth place, mothers maiden name, and my social security number; it asks instead for all the information you might need to start a budding friendship with someone, what am I into? What sort of things do I enjoy doing, engaging with, eating, listening to. This means you can latch onto any one aspect of those things and go “oh hey me too!” It helps break down intimidating walls and barriers.
I enjoy vtubing as a streamer because I don’t have to put MYSELF out there, I don’t have to be on camera, if I’m not having a great day and my hair is messy it doesn’t matter, if I don’t want to wear a shirt that’s okay too. However I still get to put everything that makes me who I am out there. I still share my opinions, I still play my favorite games, I still discuss my favorite music or joke around with my community.  It’s why I was offended on behalf of their viewers when a vtuber I was collabing with started outright ignoring the individuality of their audience distancing themselves harshly from the maybe 3 or 4 people who bothered to come out and support them.
I am not about to tell someone what boundaries they can or can’t set for themselves, but it does feel a bit rude to not give people the time of day, when they have given you theirs. It’s why I tell my community outright “the chat box is your domain, the live stream is mine; and all my streams are a collaborative effort between you and I to have a good time.” I once admitted on stream that the entire reason I enjoy streaming has nothing to do with the potential of fame or fortune but rather because it’s simply fun to feel like I’m sitting on a couch with good friends playing a game I enjoy and having everyone sitting on the couch with me going “wait who’s this Netzach guy? I thought we were talking to the Purple dude? I LEFT FOR 2 MINUTES AND NOW HE’S DEPRESSED” 
At the end of the day I’ve grown up as “the little guy” the person who didn’t have friends, the person who wasn’t good at music, art, or media; I’m not even great at playing video games or telling jokes. But what I am good at is treating people with genuine respect and kindness because I know all too well what it feels like to be judged by a number, whether it be your age, your follower count, or how much content you make. 
A friend of mine always tells me they feel a little sad when their art doesn’t get as many notes as they hoped it would; and we once had a discussion about how we have been conditioned by living on the internet to desire outside validation rather than being able to genuinely be happy with something. We have to not only be happy with the creation ourselves, but also see that others also deem it important and good, otherwise the imposter syndrome kicks in pretty hard.
I still remember when I once befriended a few people in an old mmorpg only to have their guild officer ask me why I was always hanging around with their guild, I explained that I was friends with some of the members and I felt like I fit in; he then told me I was an arrogant asshole and it’s something that stuck with me because I literally didn’t know the guy. Yet to this day I always favor putting myself down rather than building myself up, and tell people that “I used to be an arrogant asshole” which is funny considering I used to be, and still am; actually a very depressed idiot who just wants to make friends with people and has an extremely low self esteem. However whenever I try to feel confident or catch myself feeling good about myself I’m reminded that I’m just “an arrogant asshole” and that’s specifically why I’m careful about the company that I keep these days. 
That’s how the internet is, everything becomes a matter of “survival” where you feel a need to put yourself first even if it hurts others, and you might not even realize you’re doing it. It’s a sort of culture where we are so hardcore focused on “us vs them” that we have no idea that “they” are part of us, just a part we vaguely don’t agree with and therefore we divide ourselves off from. I have found that I walk a very fine line between “protect yourself and your mental health, block people who you don’t wish to interact with or who have wronged you, and never be afraid to set boundaries” and also “be kind to others and give everyone a chance because you never know if inviting a friendship today could be something you come to cherish in 10 years when you’re now very good friends with people all over the world all because you allowed yourself a moment of indifference and understanding.” 
On one hand I believe everyone deserves respect and to be heard and to be given the time of day, but much like how a streamer might distance themselves from their audience for the sake of setting boundaries; I cannot fault someone for being even overly cautious on the internet because I have surely been burnt far too many times for opening my arms to the wrong people and inviting friendship when I didn’t realize it would end in ruin. 
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ichika27 · 3 years
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Time to get to the final battles. (I forgot to take a non-spoiler screenshot)
Anyways, spoilers for the game below.
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Inside the Shibuya River (the sewers, I guess), they find Minamimoto who couldn’t go forward anymore due to a barrier he can’t break. He then tells them where Konishi is (inside Beat’s shadow which the show had hinted last time) and the two reapers talk.
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They make a deal: Konishi gets rid of the barrier and when Minamimoto becomes the new Composer, he’d promote her to Conductor. Minamimoto agrees and goes forward.
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Our duo is now left to battle Konishi. (she looks like a furry-bait I wonder if a certain vtuber would think she’s hot lol).
They get transported to some kinda invisible platform in the sky where they proceed to fight. She’s pretty difficult to defeat though.
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Beat, upon seeing Neku in distress and that they might lose, remembers Rhyme and how he couldn’t protect her. He resolves that he’d not let that happen again and attacks. This somehow lets him summon noise!Rhyme who immediately reunites with her brother.
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Neku and Beat powers up Rhyme. I don’t think this powerup was in the game (I don’t remember much of this part). I do remember her pin being in use but this powerup, not sure. Pretty cool though.
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Technically, Rhyme defeats Konishi feat. Neku and Beat lol. She might have become noise but she’s still badass.
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I had to get this with the subs. Konishi, before she finally disappears, decides to tell Beat that Rhyme’s memories of her big brother is Beat’s own entry fee and not Rhyme’s. She says that maybe Beat wasn’t as important to Rhyme like he thought.
She then gets erased while Beat is having some sort of crisis asking himself what Rhyme’s entry fee might have been.
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Shiki finally appears! She says Rhyme’s entry fee must be her dreams since Rhyme mentions not having any. (I don’t remember this detail completely but Rhyme’s entry fee being her dreams was just a popular fan theory back then as they never really outright mention it in game so this being included either meant it was right all along or they thought that the theory was okay and they should add it).
Neku and Beat realized that Week 3 is over, they won, and so Shiki’s back. Neku apologizes to Shiki as she became his entry fee and Shiki is surprised by this cause of the implications. Someone else pointed it out elsewhere that it’s strange that she’s surprised when she hasn’t disappeared yet when Neku was told that she’d be his entry fee. She disappeared in the game before Neku was told this so it makes sense she didn’t know in the original story. Did the staff forget or something? I mean, they kinda forgot they let Neku and Shiki have a keypin way back in Week 1 and then made Neku surprised that keypins existed in Week 3.
Oh and they also don’t visit Dead God’s Pad (the bar HQ of the reapers).
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They find Minamimoto in the white void they’re now in and he’s impaled instead of crushed underneath a bunch of stuff like a vending machine. Is Joshua not capable of summoning vending machines in the white void?
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The white void breaks apart to reveal The Room of Reckoning where they see Kitaniji waiting for them and he explains the Composer isn’t here.
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Whose happiness though? Is it for himself? Cause Joshua doesn’t seem happy.
So Kitaniji tells them that the personality/mindset of those in Shibuya - like Neku’s and Beat’s - is going to be cause of it’s downfall so he’s gonna fix it.
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And then he brainwashes Shiki using the red skull pin. It’s now a battle between noise!Kitaniji and Shiki vs. Neku and Beat. As if the game version wasn’t hard enough lol. They skipped battling them at Dead God’s Pad and just combined the first two battles by having Shiki be brainwashed after Kitaniji has transformed. The duo now has to face Kitaniji as some kinda giant snake plus a horde of Mr. Mews that can fly.
They win, of course, with a bit of difficulty since they don’t want to hurt Shiki. After the fight, the other two are passed out.
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Kitaniji refuses to go down and in their exchange, Neku notices the timer on Kitaniji’s hand (which is earlier than in the game since they originally find this out when the whole truth is being revealed at the ending). He explains his plans using the pins.
Meanwhile, Neku gains an epiphany regarding the character development he had been getting throughout the Reaper’s Game.
Kitaniji slowly transforms in a gross way with his body slowly changing shape. They went out of their way to make it creepy.
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Last battle with Kitaniji coming up next episode!
Joshua didn’t show up unlike in the game which makes this kinda weird. I always assumed Kitaniji got a more powerful form because he captures Joshua and hijacks his Composer powers but here, Josh hasn’t arrived and Kitaniji transformed on his own. He didn’t even capture Beat and Shiki so it makes me wonder if he just has another noise form.
Wait... does this mean the final battle would be Neku, Shiki, Beat (and Joshua if he arrives in the middle of it) vs. Kitaniji instead of just Neku (and then using some powers of the other three) vs. Kitaniji in the game? That actually sounds like a pretty exciting idea and they could showcase using multiple characters that will be the mechanic of NTWEWY (assuming that wasn’t their plan all along).
I wonder how Joshua will show up though? In the middle of the battle? Near the end when he’d join the four-combo attack? At the start and would go “No time to ask questions”? I’m excited haha. I though he’d appear in this episode though but I guess they’re gonna place the Composer reveal at the very end (even though they gave so many hints throughout Week 2 that Josh isn’t what he seems).
Oh my god... the finale is next week, isn’t it? I pray they’d use “A Lullaby for You” as the last ending song as they show the epilogue. I might end up crying if they did that. Are they gonna add Neku’s entire ending monologue? One of the things the anime does that I thought is nice is that they really make the dramatic scenes hit hard. How they’d animate Neku’s monologue might end up hitting me in the feels really bad if they do it right.
Are they gonna animate the secret ending? Gonna hurt me more by showing Josh is unable to be with Neku and the others? And before all of this... the final duel. We’re gonna see Neku cry next episode lol oh no.
I do hope Eri gets to be in the final scenes though. They gave her a bit more screentime in the anime so it’d be really cool if they show Shiki and Eri getting reunited. And Beat waking up to see his sister human again and they’re alive. They never showed those in the game so it’d be nice to end their personal arcs with those.
I’m excited and also sad. We all waited so long. It was a dream that TWEWY would one day get an anime and even a sequel but here we are. The anime is about to end and the sequel will come out next month. After all this time, it feels like it was just a blink of an eye and now it’ll be over.
*sigh* I should really save all of this for the actual last episode.
Either they’d have another episode for “A New Day” or they’re gonna have an OVA for that. Sad cause had that not existed, maybe there’s a possibility of “Another Day” getting an OVA. But then again, they took away tin pin for the main story.
Okay. That’s all for now, I guess. Next week is pain and also happiness. XD
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protagonistheavy · 3 years
I gave the new hololive giantess vtuber an earnest attempt but I couldn't gel with what was going on. Having not been too deep into any vtuber before, all this uh council stuff was overwhelming by itself. I'm just, really lost lol. I guess it's all just flavor to encourage fanartists and the like, so I'm not dwelling too much on it, but it is a point that makes getting into hololive a little awkward.
I guess what I'm trying to do is get a feel for the person's natural personality, but it all feels so hindered by the weight of their own character. It's hard to tell what's "part of the show" and what isn't, I guess. And maybe that's part of the experience, but the awkwardness, it's so much... The sense of humor is extremely random so, that doesn't appeal to me very well unfortunately. So it's like, an uninteresting personality listing off scripted, uninteresting jokes...
Vtubing is so interesting to me, I keep saying this but I WANT to like a vtuber, but so many miss the mark for me. You know, I think a big point with me is that I don't like all the "bait" in these vtubers... it comes in different strokes. Like this Sana character, I can't help but feel is given the trait of being gigantic as mostly a quick way to reel in the size enthusiasts of the internet; it worked on me lol. Or like, how she goes on for a bit saying "I love round things," I can't help but get this itch that she's baiting chat to be like "ohohoho! do you BOOBS too?!?!" and then she can be all like "haha wowwww!!!! boob reply!!!" and people go NUTS because haha anime girl like boobs... You know what I mean? So much stuff just feels like that, it feels like quick pulls to try and get reliable reactions out of the audience.
Ughhh these gut feelings of mine are just so... obnoxious lol. I feel like an earlier me EASILY could have ignored elements I don't care for, but nowadays it's like I ask myself, why put up with it. What's wrong with meeeeee.
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welcometomy20s · 3 years
February 8, 2021
Welcome to the final part of the Introduction of Nijisanji. Thanks for going through all of them, if you did. It was pain to work with so much and so little. This part would cover everyone who has debuted in the year 2020.
Nijisanji IN 1st Gen
Aadya - The name means beautiful. 21 year old, who likes to play games and sing. Does dancing as a day job, so acts as a gaming nightingale. She has a knack for games in my cursory view, but that might be just the competitiveness.
Vihaan - The name means breaking dawn, kind of. Likes gaming very much, and plays them very loudly and complaining... which to be expected from this crew.
Noor - The name means light. Likes BL, coffee and beer, BL to the point she learned chinese from watching a BL drama. Basically a middle-aged man at heart, including a very nice husky voice. Does talks and games. Sings randomly and looks up to Rion, of all people. Ange mentioned her, Ange likes to mention foreign people.
Nijisanji KR 1st Gen
Min Suha - Knows the culture through their parents and has a nice voice. Sister Claire likes him, and who doesn’t? He’s freaking cool, man!
Shin Yuya - College student in virtual Seoul. Always has a smartphone at hand, does self-searching on a constant basis. Definitely has otaku knowledge, likes singing, drawing and cute things. Doesn’t like horror games, but played a lot on stream.
Plays a lot of different games, including FPS like Apex, and this is where she gets to collaborate with Japanese senpais, which is always fun to see.
Gaon - Originally Moarin’s brother, but Moarin left, so the lore changed. Has a twintail for attention purposes. Only member of Nijisanji KR to work as a job, but quit as the end of 2020. He’s pretty cool. Not nice, but definitely not a mean person either.
Han Chiho - He’s a time-displaced psychic, and so speaks with a high register. High register is usually seen as old, people don’t use it anymore, but it’s usually perfectly understandable... it’s an interesting quirk. Other than that, pretty normal streamer.
2020 Part 1 (Jan-Apr)
Furen E Lustario - During debut, expressed a liking choking oneself... so we know who we are dealing with. Has to add using fingers, as to illustrate her math prowess. But overall a fun person to watch, and has a pretty good variety of streams.
Melissa Kinrenka - Wants to be a songwriter, but still needs help. But she is a great singer, and can write and mix songs. Usually called Meli. Has a deep side, basically.
Ibrahim - Originally an oil prince, but now runs an onsen. Acts like a child at times due to his supposed past, and he is muslim, as the lore and name implies. But overall, fits right in with the child-like male of Nijisanji... kind of.
Nagao Kei - He’s an exorcist, but really does any job. Pretty good at all kinds of fighting. Pretty old in terms of human member at the age 26. Very much like Ibrahim, but much more bishonen, which melts a woman's heart. Oh, he’s good at learning stuff. Like he tries to learn morse code, and completely memorized the KTANE manual. Just to make Fumi, one of his seniors, happy for a while. That’s some big dedication.
Genzuki Tojiro - Works as a secretary for the gods. Has that unmatching haircut. Very good at making songs and does mixing for Nijisanji events.
Kaida Haru - A demon researcher, but too lazy. Quiet and nice voice leading the viewer to see him as a mother figure, but as you guess, he doesn’t like it due to the work. Oh, said a slur on stream but got banned less than Yumeoi, which is quite sus.
Nijisanji ID Gen 3
Azura Cecillia - An alien angel. Has a sword with a really long name, but calls it Chonsuke for short. She’s pretty cute and a little bit ditzy, from what I remember. Got mistaken as a boy, which is such an odd thing, but maybe it’s the deep voice?
Nara Haramaung - A princess of a tribe. Originally released as part of 1st gen, but got delayed here, but the gen mates fit together very well. Sings spontaneously sometimes.
Layla Alstroemeria - Time-traveling history major. Definitely more airheaded of the group and most child-like of the generation. But she’s pretty fun to watch, regardless.
Nijisanji KR Gen 2
So Nagi - Traveling virtual Japan, speaking fluent Japanese with a nice clear voice. Likes Ange Katrina, which she readily repriocates. Seen as the top seed in Nijisanji KR.
Lee Siu - A female kitsune, and yes from the same illustrator as Fubuki. Likes dad jokes and an endurance player and does speak three languages. Roha likes her. Occasionally can hear the apartment announcement, which is always a fun moment.
Chae Ara - She’s an angel, and a great singer. And likes to people-watch. Has a cute voice, and good at hosting. I really liked her in the streams that I watched. There’s something about her personality that speaks to me.
2020 Part 2 (May-August)
Sorahoshi Kirame - Made her name through twitter, and traded fan art with KR members. Has the same illustrator as Kanata. Couldn’t stream due to money purposes for four days, got his PC after a month of hard work. Overall a poor and diligent girl.
Asahina Akane - 1st year high-schooler. Very energetic and follow people well. Likes a Jpop band, and likes to travel as well. Also does a lot of collabs with senpais.
Suo Sango - The youngest member of the theater club, which is the theme of the latest generation. Has a wide range, and likes Sanrio and tomato. Very motherly calm voice.
Like girly anime, you know Pretty Cure and stuff. Likes western pop music as well.
Todo Kohaku - Third-year high schooler. Said she’s a lady, but she’s definitely just a normal girl. Had a good cover of Mela, and overall a decent streamer.
Kitakoji Hisui - Middle-school transfer student. Likes a lot of different things, but Minecraft is what she is most known for... I guess it makes sense.
Nishizono Chigusa - She’s the troublesome one of the theater group. Very frequently makes sexual quips. Also I thought she was a boy when I first saw her. Definitely my favorite of the newest group, and also did a stream with Matsuri as well.
And that actually has a history. You see this is not Chigusa’s first rodeo... as it is apparent, and during her previous life Matsuri and her did a sleepover, and was quite close as well... so this is actually a really nice reunion. I didn’t know that until now.
Nijisanji KR 3rd Gen
Nun Bora - A second-year high schooler, likes drawing and playing the recorder which she has a battle with So Nagi. Quick learner, apparently. Plays APEX and Fall Guys, but is competent in pretty much any game. Definitely top tier APEX player.
Akina Ray - Japanese streamer who streams in virtual Seoul. Does a morning talk show, likes baseball, since she’s from Hiroshima, and Shadowverse. She’s actually an art student and a meat lover. But overall, the most seiso art student of Nijisanji.
Lee Roha - Idol trainee from outer space, a mixed race. A bit of a ditz, with the appropriate thumbnails. Streams in Japanese on YouTube, in Korean on Twitch. Does a lot of League of Legend on twitch, and does evening piano stream. Likes Lee Siu.
Nijisanji ID 4th Gen
Etna Crimson - Half supernatural, likes to make everyone happy. Definitely not Amber from Genshin Impact, because Amber is Kizuna Ai. Okay, bad joke. Yeah, she’s good.
Bonnivier Pranaja - Originally a fisher, but quit after being swindled. Usually appears with KR streams, actually. Maybe likes Hana? Who knows.
Siska Leontyne - Security officer for shady company. Pretty good at games involving killing... make sense considering her profession. Pretty cool and laid-back.
Nijisanji KR 4th Gen
Ryu Hari - Likes to collect nightmares, likes reading and playing the electric guitar.
Shin Kiru - A 25-year old NEET, has an odd way of speaking and strange topics. Likes Rock and horror movies. He seems pretty laid-back as well.
Yang Nari - 19-year old girl from a different world who now lives in the countryside. Pretty good at hosting with her cute voice. Likes sewing, and talks in high status. She has a thing of suffering, and that kind of comes out from lore.
Oh Jiyu - She’s a female vtuber, although she looks and sounds boyish. Third-year college student representative. Speaks Korean and Japanese, and like gacha and also singing... so maybe a boyish Suisei? I’m sure she’s more normal, though.
Nijisanji ID 5th Gen
Nagisa Arcinia - Wannabe fashion designer, speaks a bunch of languages... but that’s normal for ID... yeah, she’s cute and might be a little psychopathic. Typical.
Derem Kado - 16 year old girl going to magical school, always looking for a cat, but a special cat that makes contracts and stuff. High pitched scares and gets lost.
Reza Avanluna - He’s a world chronicler, he visits and chronicles worlds in his dreams. Has a ship going on with Hana, I think? I’m not sure. Please correct this, if untrue.
There you go! All 139 extant members as of February 8th, 2021, which is the third anniversary of Nijisanji... that was a long post... even though it was in three parts. Sorry for filling the days with this... I have been busy with collecting data and so on. But I hope you have a good inkling of the landscape that is Nijisanji.
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nyrator · 4 years
Mind’s a bit better than previous nights, but just feel like rambling again before bed- Just random thoughts stirring in my head with no one to say them to, I suppose
I think a lot about current events and the tragedies they’ve been creating- and also how twitter is such a terrible platform for my mental health. I don’t really have any power to do anything about it, nor the willpower to avoid it, but it just has me thinking and wishing people were different.
Of course, things I can’t reasonably say to anyone about my thoughts, which is a bit sad to me. All I can do is hope people hate each other less, that’s the only thing that really matters to me.
Been thinking of my sister randomly, what a crazy time that point in my life was. How insane and unpredictable she’d be on heroin and fentanyl, how many times she attacked me and could have murdered me. From nearly blinding me in high school by clawing my face, to trying to stab me with a used syringe when she was filled with all kinds of hepatitis and who knows what else. She’s been gone for six months, and it’s amazing how easy it is to loosen my shoulders and breathe without that paranoia lingering over me that she could murder me at any moment, without all the lies and rumors she’d spread about me to friends and neighbors to spite me, without having to have everything secured beyond locks and locks for fear of it being stolen and sold for drugs, or people breaking into the house looking to get revenge on her.
Yet now I still suffer from anxiety, for other reasons now. But that burden has passed, at least. Lately it’s been feeling like my body has been weakening from anxiety- like it’s trying to fuel itself, but has no energy to. Feels kind of like my blood is just shivering in my veins, vibrating and trying to muster up energy to curl me into an anxious mess, but it’s basically run dry.
I just need to keep it at this level- in the position I’m in now, which is too hard to talk about, I can’t afford to let it boil to a full anxious level. It’s still very uncomfortable, anxiety that’s running on empty, but I just need to endure it. I don’t have any other option for now, and probably not for a long while, unfortunately.
Hoping this virus goes away soon. At the very least, that things are loosened up soon. Going back to work sounds nice. Being able to get my Kuja figure would be really nice. And the border being open would be fantastic- I really wish it were open while work was still closed, so I could just hang out in Canada for six months. It sounds really nice to be with Kresna right now. I don’t think I blog enough about how much he means to me, but he really is my better half.
Also, if people have immigration advice in general, that’d be really appreciated, honestly. We’re in a particularly interesting situation, but hopefully things can figure themselves out some way or another.
On a random note, I really want to try to start reading books again. I wonder if I’m better off just reading them digitally- I’m a purist for the physical format, but I’m too glued to the computer to take the time to read them. Doesn’t help that I have that kind of addictive personality- if I start reading a book, it’s hard to stop. And then afterwards I usually have days of a sore neck and eyes and don’t want to endure it again.
But I have some Murakami books lying around that I still need to read, and I recently got No Longer Human after getting a few recommendations for it. I really want to give that a read. But man, reading is a hard commitment.
Ended up killing time while doing laundry watching some random cartoon I’ve only heard about in passing, and only vary briefly, but somehow decided to just start watching it, and it’s honestly pretty good. Something called Cybersix, watched four episodes tonight.
Also been thinking about video games- I like the idea of them, but I really can’t think of any I’d like to play- especially in a multiplayer sense, since I’m looking for things to play with friends. Nothing really speaks to me or comes to mind- Fortune Street though, what a great game. Same with GX and EDF, honestly. And most games I’m decent at, but never feel the drive to get really good at them, I guess. Cave Story’s one I think of- I enjoy it, but I’ve only beaten Ballos once, and never again. Meanwhile, I have friends who speedrun that Sacred Grounds section, and I don’t think I could ever commit myself to getting that good at something.
Kresna shines in this regard, though- In games we play, he’s the perfect partner for me. He’s highly competent and highly skilled, and he won’t hold back- we can be cutthroat with each other. Say the Switch Mario Party, and how he can just stare someone dead in the eyes as he refuses to high five them after a minigame, solely to not give them an advantage- he gets me. Of course, cutthroat things like that are hard to find a third or fourth player who also enjoys it, but Kresna knows how to pull it off while still having a great time and good bants- without being mean or superior about it, just by making beautiful power plays and having a good time. We’ve been playing MKWii together recently, and he destroys me, but even then it’s great- His item placement is remarkably dirty, and he’s such a good guy to bant with, but it’s one of those games I can’t imagine becoming a challenge to him, which I guess is what prompted this conversation. This is a gush-over-Kresna post, but I realize I don’t really do it often and I don’t state enough publicly how good he is.
But yeah just need to find more games where the games are fun and the playing field is good for other people as well
Got one of my last four art fights started, but I’m scared that I won’t be able to finish them all in time. Latest one basically just needs some coloring, but ended up losing interest in it tonight. I feel I might be able to do commissions confidently now, but drawing things for other people just feels like a chore, honestly. Still need to draw my local friends some characters too like I promised ages ago.
I feel that insatiable urge to talk about Rotten Nyan still, and yet still scared to work on the comic. Or maybe just intimated, I don’t know. I really just want to share it with people, I guess. And Middle Lave I’m especially obsessed with, I just don’t know why. Just want to draw them like I see artists on pixiv draw their characters, y’know? Have an ask blog, a vtuber, something where people can interact with the character and not just me, I think. I worry about people being afraid to get near that character given the connection to me, to treat it like any normal character distanced from me, but it is what it is
I really do wish I had the ambition to work and finish my projects, though. Wish there were better circumstances to inspire me, or something, y’know?
I should stop rambling into space and go to bed, though
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The “Other Epidemics” that Affect Everyone Else (not what you might expect)
Disclaimer: The following are just the author’s personal opinions and do not reflect the ideas and beliefs of the spiritual community, or of the society at large. Inasmuch as the effects of the COVID-19 are deemed as dangerous by the WHO, this post exists to remind people that even if the pandemic never occurred, there are still other epidemics that are still proliferating elsewhere, and that these only seem to be intensified due to extended quarantine periods. Lastly, I post this out of love, not because I want to shame everybody. I am just another person, who may be walking the path of personal development yet also has a shameless Fujoshi side every now and then. I am not immune to these epidemics myself, but at least I have this much guts to put this out there. I don’t think this information has been out, even within the spiritual community so I’m putting this here, regardless if some influencer already beat me to it.
Abstract: It appears that despite the pandemic occuring right now (as of writing, September 4, 2020), there are other epidemics that have been lying under the surface for even longer periods that haven’t been addressed, and yet are still wreaking havoc among people. These are, but not limited to: LONELINESS, ISOLATION, DISCONNECTION, and DISTRACTION. What are the implications of such unaddressed epidemics, especially in terms of the ascension process? Not much, except that as long as the people living in this planet keeps looking outside of themselves to fill in the void inside, then no matter how much the world burns, this emptiness cannot be filled. But this also creates great opportunities for those who wish to get more out of life, albeit at the cost of being scorned by society. But then again, in the greater scheme of things, which one should be deemed more important: what society says, or what the heart and soul truly believes in?
(Honestly this whole thing is just my opinion, a combination of what I have been experiencing first-hand, as well as what I have been observing so far, on the world that I have been looking at through other people’s eyes. Also how people have been acting ever since the “pandemic” started became amplified, and even though I don’t want to call it as it is, well for someone who doesn’t give a rat’s ass like me, I’d call a spade a SPADE.)
The title isn’t exactly a click-bait, but if I simply put NO SIMP SEPTEMBER in there, my blog might get blocked by people who go tl;dr because apparently that’s an actual thing? Tsk tsk tsk
OK, so here’s the gist, if you’re still reading this...
A lot of hate has been given to simping lately, and even though I live under a rock, I know what simping means, and no, it doesn’t even mean Squirrels in my Pants-ing (one of Candace’s best hits lolol). To put it in bluntly, it’s the act of uhm, giving, because apparently, people throw money at anything, and lately ANYONE that they deem enjoyable. Name it, you have it. But the simp thing gets pretty complicated when the ANYONE (whoever those would be, not naming anyone lol) demands the viewers to pay, even resorting to violent or verbally abusive tactics just for that to happen, even though originally the whole idea on the payment thing was an extra, a gift, not exactly a requirement. And, well, let’s just say that things can escalate quickly, thus the creation of a phenomenon that not only leads to decrease in self-esteem from the givers aka the simp due to being shamed by many people for giving probably a bit too much, because people can be like that, but this also has the potential to hurt the real-life relationships of said people, not to mention drain their accounts. Again, I am putting this out here not to shame but to release information, because honestly, such phenomenon do have probable causes, and I’m about to lay those out here, so please hear me out before you block me out.
Loneliness and Isolation leads to Disconnection and Distraction,  Possible Causes - Esoterically-Speaking
So if you’re going to ask me, under the assumption that you just couldn’t get it, why would some people throw money at other people, even to the point of leaving almost nothing for themselves just to give to other people that “make them happy”? Simple really, it’s like a drug, the other person probably makes the other person feel better about themselves, which is in essence a disconnection from the self, because in reality, a healthy person would have enough know-how to do self-care aka look inside themselves to find out what makes them feel low and then do something about it. But if you feel lost, afraid, having no sense of direction, not knowing what else is there, yeah, I feel you fam. That’s scary as heck, I too was lost for a very, very long time before I ended up awakening consciously. Don’t worry, you’ll get there somehow, you’re already on the way. =)
But what if the giver of donations has a high self-esteem but still does it anyway?
Well, glad you asked.
It is also possible that people resort to simping (there, I freaking said it, zero regrets) because they feel lonely, and wanted some sort of connection to others. Of course, in a perfect world this is easier done, but again, these are trying times, and because humans are genetically-wired to connect to their tribe, then no matter how many times they’re told to do social distancing, they’ll still find a way to be in a crowd. I still stand by following precautions, but I also understand the need to be with other people, on an energetic level. As an empath, even though it sucks to feel other people’s emotions, based on my own experiences, whenever I go out and do some window-shopping, it feels nice to be around people who are calm and enjoying themselves. I’d rather have that than watch anything depressing. But again, the world’s on a lockdown so apart from losing mobility, people are also feeling a sense of loss, which leads to some levels of isolation, thus ending up lonely.
This loneliness can lead to either a decrease in self-esteem leading to seek joys outside the self, in essence a distraction from the reality that the person is in. I mean, when you think about it, nearly everything that is labeled as “entertainment” is a form of distraction. News, TV, music, heck even books and other educational entertainment are simply distractions to what really needs to be solved. 
But really, what are we distracting ourselves from?
Many things, actually. It can range from experiencing the apparent reality for what it is, to having to deal with things in the real world that aren’t exactly fun and entertaining. But more than that, these are distractions from facing who we truly are. These are distractions from finding out our true selves. And the harshest one yet: these are distractions from finding and befriending the demons in our head (cue in Gurenge because you can’t stop me now lolololol).
I mean really, who would want to do adulting? Who would wanna enjoy finding the deepest, darkest parts of ourselves? Who actually enjoys just sitting down and drinking tea/coffee and doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING OTHER THAN THAT?
Yes indeed.
Modern society has conditioned people to keep working their butts off, anyone who doesn’t is deemed lazy, and shamed to be even more busy even though their bodies aren’t capable of doing more work. So when the stimuli of having to work gruelly suddenly stops, despite the fact that it gives people a chance to recuperate, the need to do something in order to be “productive” remains, thus causing anxiety to most people. Anxiety due to the extra time. Extra cash. Extra loneliness, extra emotions because for f***’s sake why am I having these jitters and nervousness I gotta get these out but I don’t know how...
And then, cue in the instant-gratification gravy train.
Choose your poison:
Games (I am guilty of this but I am doing my best to curb the need to get at least top 10 in Tetris)
Videos/Movies (I’m on an anime-boy detox right now so judge me however you want I don’t care lol)
Social-media drowning (some simps are probably here)
Watching other people do stuff (simps are here somewhere lol sorry this also includes Vtubers so...)
Doing more work as humanly as possible, no matter how mundane
Comfort-eating (I eat junk as needed so yeah, guilty)
Learning new skills just for the sake of it. Includes webinars
Books/reading materials just to while away the time
Meditating/Zoning out more than the usual (because spiritual communities aren’t truly immune to this shit 100%, those who say they aren’t affected by it are either lying or don’t know what Spiritual By-passing means, yeah I have the guts to call people out, and yes I have been doing  spiritual by-passing myself for sometime so I KNOW it’s an actual thing)
Anything that instantly brings a dopamine rush to the brain, however that works for you. Especially the not-so-wholesome activities. (No judgment though, we’re all humans with needs. See comfort-eating)
But really... What do we really need in these precarious times?
I hate to break this to you and admit this myself but.. The reality of this is that these are the times to find our way back into ourselves.... To find out who we truly are, and own that. To be free from the shackles that the brain holds us in. To go further, beyond what we think we can do. 
More than that, the entire world is crying out to have real, authentic, unconditional connections. Yes, there, I said it. I mean, really, why would simps throw tens, hundreds, probably even thousands of dollars to someone that they don’t even fully know? Because maybe, just maybe, deep inside, these people are craving to connect to someone, something, anything, to feel whole again. To feel complete. To feel like they have some place to belong to. I am not immune to such feelings. I used to waste time translating chat streams, moderating even though I’m not an official moderator, and not getting anything from it other than seeing other people saying thank you for translating/moderating. I can’t throw money so I throw my time instead lol
But there came a point where I just threw my hands up in the air and just left these groups cold-turkey. I mean really, I suddenly regained some form of self-esteem, and instead of throwing my time onto people who already have been receiving a lot of love from others, it suddenly hit me hard: Why can’t I do that shit to myself? I felt so angry, wasting my time when I could have just tended to my own issues. So I did, even though I have some degree of self-hate because of the time I wasted, I still did my best to come back to myself. Because I deserve it. Even if I can’t do much other than find my inner demons and befriend them one by one, if it means that I can love myself better later then that’s it. Slowly but surely, I found myself again, and even though the time wasted has been gone, at the very least, I felt more hopeful, more open to what the universe can bring.
Yeah, sure, it feels lonely at first, I felt re-isolated again, I wanted to talk to anybody, just to feel heard.. BUt then I realized that I had this blog so, instead of spreading toxicity elsewhere, I just contained it here, at least I can write as much as I want without the huge potential of being flagged/flamed/doxed lol hence the start of the monthly moon posts in here. Yeah, sure, they aren’t a lot but at least I have something to ground myself every so often. I re-read the stuff I write here myself, to remind me that at least, somewhere in time, I gave away my love and it comes back to me somehow. So if you felt that in some of my posts, thank you. =)
It sounds stupid but at least it’s something that helps me become less toxic, as if the world needs more of that now lol
Although I will say, every now and then I still get distracted, but at least I don’t drown myself for hours trying to beat the b******s that prevent me from getting tetris maximus like srsly give the dog a bone why won’t you lololol Also thank goodness this household never got hold of Fall Guys because I might do the same x_x And having sucky internet connection for now does have some perks, right now I am planning my drawing-comeback (I’ll start posting again in my main, soon) so I guess in a way, the universe still gives me some sort of entertainment. Also apparently my channeling got stronger, it only got tested after I isolated myself for a while. Scary, like riding a coaster scary.
But hey, these are just some of my suggestions I’m not a twat sitting on a cloud, I live under a rock in the middle of a rice field lolol
If you’re still reading this, then CONGRATULATIONS! I hope you can get through all of the text. You’re almost done! Don’t stop now lol
Possible Solutions - No Guarantees but at least it’s a possible start
Going within is one option. This just means finding all the hidden issues within yourself, and address them one by one. You can use the following questions to help yourself get started:
What am I distracting myself from?
What am I afraid to face?/What is my greatest fear?
When did this fear happen?
How could I have faced this differently?/ How could this have been a better situation?
What can I do to move past this?
You can either do this exercise alone, or with someone, but don’t exchange judgments, just be supportive of one another. And if you can call on someone like a counselor or a shrink, then feel free to do so. Only masochists like myself do shit like these alone, not recommended unless you want more pain in your life.
If you’re not on the spiritual journey yet, and you found this blog and you related to whatever the heck I wrote here, then good job, that’s one possible option for you. Or if you’re already on the journey but you got distracted like me, don’t worry, you can only go forward, I support you on that. Just go back to the basics of however you founded your spiritual practices on. I just rewatch the stuff that helped me awaken during my dark night of the soul. I also re-read some articles, or just search for updated ones. As always, treat yourself with loving kindness and patience. Only you can do that for you.
If you’ve done whatever you can, and already did everything, and yet you still want to simp, well, then do whatever the heck feels right and good and shameless for you. As long as you don’t hurt anyone, including yourself, and your checking account, then simp as much as you want lol I mean in the end, who am I to tell you what to do? I’m just here to give some suggestions...
Summary, Conclusion, Recommendation
Flu is not the only epidemic there is, aside from diabetes there’s also the invisible epidemic of distraction, brought upon by factors such as loneliness, isolation, and disconnection from the self. It’s easier to look for answers outside of the self, thus many people resort to throwing money at other people aka simping, hoping to fill in the empty feelings inside. But if these same people threw that money or time into their own selves, to find out what the missing pieces in their lives were, then maybe things could get better from there, and while simping will probably remain a thing, as it has been, at least, the simps would be doing that from a better standpoint. 
Honestly I am too tired to even think of a concluding statement as well as recommendations so I’ll go directly to disclaimer instead lol
Disclaimer, again: OK I am not against simping in the most wholesome sense, but heck this was posted on No Simp September so maybe this can provide some information to those who need it? I am not exactly the one making the rules here but hey, it’s my blog so do I look like I even care lololol
OK I’m just playing, feel free to do whatever you want, as long as you don’t hurt anybody, including yourself. 
Cheers to your well-being, fam.
Offering you my free hugs and love, while wishing you all the best that life has to offer, I remain your friend,
PS. If you found the information in this post to be very helpful, insightful, and of great value to you and your own personal journey, please feel free to reblog, share and heart/like, or if you feel super-generous, energetic exchanges are welcomed! Please click here and use this email address: [email protected]
Thank you so much and be blessed!
PSS. If you’re interested to get a personal card and energetic reading, for inquires please send an email or an anonymous ask in this page. Thank you! =)
PSSS. I don’t want to put this here due to embarrassment, but my sempai friend probably won’t know this anyway so I’m gonna put it here lol I dedicate this post to tomo-sempai who inspired me to make more posts, even if I don’t have a dedicated fanbase lol ok I’m probably gonna cry after this, like Zen-itsu because NEZUKO-CHAAAAAAAN~ you can’t stop me nowwwwww
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