#Who authorised this
itstimeforstarwars · 2 years
I have started doing snake in a basket as my warm up drawing exercise and mostly what’s happening is that I’m getting good at drawing snakes in baskets.
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neon-vocalist · 1 month
Most of our VTubers love to watch their own streams and have tons of fun watching their VODs and collabs and catching themselves live. Unless they’re me, apparently, in which case they experience horrible soul-crushing discomfort and fear and confusion instead
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the-winter-witcher · 2 years
They've taken Sweet Virginia off of Netflix how am I meant to accept this
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bbbrianjones · 10 months
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gilles villeneuve, 70s/80s
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randomfandoms234 · 9 months
So apparently in one of the comic continuity’s of transformers bumblebee was mad to kill rouge primes???
This idea has not left my head for other continuities like TFA so behold my TFA prime killer au:
Bumblebee got this coding implanted into him when he was young and was a child experiment (come on animateds cybertronien government was baaad ) this while gave him a lot of strength was only given to him when he went into a sorta sleeper agent mode which would activate when one of the codes were said out load different codes inpliment him to do certain things in this mode and makes him significantly more powerful in battle but he remembers nothing of this nor his time as a child experiment.
The only ones who know about the coding are the primes and ultra Magnus which includes longarm and Optimus
Longarm/shockwave tells Megatron when he gets back in communication with him slightly mad that he didn’t know this back at boot camp
optimus knew about the coding but didn’t know it was bumblebee whom was placed on the repair crew to keep an eye on Optimus.
Sentinal activates the coding that would have had bumblebee restrain Optimus in the episode where he tries to bribe optimus to lie.
The other autobots are disgusted by what the autobots done to bumblebee all those years ago
Bumblebee is also known as experiment B-127 the only one who survived the experimentation
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sorry what
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vicku · 1 year
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Im sorry but there was almost nothing in this series as uncomfortable as the sight of Data with Brent Spiner's eyes
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wheat-privilege · 6 months
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Hey. HEY. Why are you growing in circles? Stop that! D:
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sidetongue · 2 years
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what a crazy critter 
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esoanem · 1 year
Jesús Christ the number of supposed leftists bending over backwards to cheer for a literal slave state as if it's fully automated luxury gay space communism in the recent Mandalorian episode just because they call themselves a direct democracy is horrifying
In other news guess who just caught a 3 day mute from a leftist star wars group for pointing that hypocrisy out
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lattesqueeze · 7 months
GIRL!! I can’t function thanks to the gifs you’ve just reblogged 😩😩😩 holy moly, what a sight he is 😵‍💫😵‍💫
You’re welcome babe 😌🫶🏻
(Did you see the black and white ones because 🫣)
He’s so pretty I am UNWELL
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whatudottu · 7 months
The interesting thing about Shattered Glass using TFP as the base is figuring out idk the resource management? Probably the wrong word for it but essentially, what happens with the humans and sometimes asking about Vehicons, if Autobots have their own or if the Decepticons are lacking.
Let's discuss-
What seems to be the main consensus here is that Fowler and Silas are each other's opposite, but it entirely depends on whoever's making the Shattered Glass AU on what that means for the mecha. I've seen Agent Bishop and M.E.C.H leader Fowler, I've seen Decepticons working with a benevolent M.E.C.H, I've seen the bots not have any human interaction at all.
Well I think, if you're gonna Shatter the human para/military involvement, you Shatter the way they're implemented.
If baseverse Autobots have government backing and security, even if just a small division of the military that keeps the cybertronian war secret from the rest of the country, the SG Decepticons could have the paramilitary ex-soldiers of M.E.C.H in their corner. Given that a large majority of Decepticon altmodes are war machines, they would benefit from the protection of a human military in order to not be hassled for being caught flying undocumented in someone's airspace, but given the rampant paranoia of any military let alone one as jumpy as the American military, the next best thing would be to fly under (or over) the radar with a group of ex-military engineers and technicians and soldiers and avoid at least a little suspicion.
Silas wouldn't so much be a liaison in this instance, given that he would hardly stand to represent humans or at least a human government, but hold a little more common ground with the Decepticons than Fowler started with with the baseverse Autobots. Perhaps a little fragile, it's not as if there is much opportunity to prove himself and M.E.C.H in the scale of the cybertronian war before the events of the series unfolds, but if he is to be the Shattered Glass equivalent for Fowler he doesn't need star spangled underwear to do it.
The military on the other hand are not and will not become anyone's ally - not for longer that C.Y.L.A.S did (at least in so far as if it DID go for long, everyone else besides [insert x leader who allowed walking corpse onto the team] would be incredibly uncomfortable and upset) - and will truly be that Shattered equivalent for M.E.C.H, a force that discovers transforming robots and is motivated to steal replicate that technology. It can still work as a small unit rather than an entire military system, just so that the threat level stays relatively the same and the Decepticons aren't being blasted at while the Autobots roll around in their civilian vehicles, they just certainly have more budget to blow than baseverse M.E.C.H ever could; seeing as how despite that they were still able to make C.Y.L.A.S, just imagine the level of ego this SG military would have in cracking the code.
Fowler, not being directly connected to anybot good or bad, would probably be tied up in a LOT of redtape to 1) keep any and all information of (hypothesised) military grade 'robots in disguise' outside of the public eye or the public thought and 2) keep any and all dialogue of said (thought to be constructed) military grade 'robots in disguise' within the special unit he leads/serves and prevent any and all personnel from discussing shit with other servicemen. Might be a R&D based Area 51 inspired type military unit where information is only shared by and to authorised personnel and must not spread to open government channels in order to prevent pandemonium.
Whether a C.Y.L.A.S moment takes place at all depends.
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hey-hermy · 1 year
building huge massive ikea shelves all on my own I'm so so cool and smart and brave
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hellofanidea · 1 year
You know I never thought I'd turn into Harry Welsh
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avid-idiot · 1 year
It's so weird. In a year I'll be 18 😐
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fascinationex · 11 months
having one of those "can't believe that in order to have actually created fic I have to sit down and write it," days
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