sadakathaber · 1 year
İran'ın Urumiye kentindeki kız yurdunda yüzlerce öğrenci zehirlendi
İran’ın resmi ajansı IRNA’nın haberinde, Urumiye kentindeki Elborz Caddesi’nde yer alan kız yurdunda kalan 450 öğrenciden birçoğunun, gece saatlerinde henüz içeriği belirlenemeyen bir gazdan zehirlendiği belirtildi. Öğrencilerden 29’unun kentteki çeşitli hastanelerde tedavi altına alındığı, diğerlerine ise ayakta müdahale edildiği kaydedildi. İran’daki kız öğrencilerin zehirlenme…
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mormymoe · 10 months
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Day 4: Joy Ride
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mimirjoo · 2 years
POTO, but a little to the left
When I said saucy middle aged theater nerds I meant saucy middle aged theater nerds
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lincolnlogger · 8 months
Nadir: Hi Erik! Nice to meet you. I'm here to offer you a wonderful job as Court Jester at The Court of Mazenderan. It comes with full benefits, a retirement plan, and free lodging. Monday through Friday, nine to five, no weekends, no holidays.
Erik: This sounds a little too good to be true. You aren't hiding anything about this job from me, are you?
Nadir: Of course not!
Erik: I guess I accept --
Nadir: Wonderful! And BY THE WAY torture and assassinations are part of the job and you WILL suffer chronic life altering trauma as a result of it. Also I lied about basically everything to do with this job. We do offer dental though
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The Siren’s Song
A super quick one-shot I threw together after being inspired by this amazing art done by nipuni!
This takes place while Erik the siren/merman is in Persia and working for the Shah, and Nadir is charged with making sure he is cared for and ready to suit the Shah’s whims. I hope you all enjoy and thanks again to nipuni for the incredible art and idea!
Rating/Warnings: rated T, tiny amount of gore, references to murder
The sun dipped just below the west horizon, painting the Mazenderan sky a bright blood-red. From the window of the great Persian palace overlooking the Caspian Sea, the sunset’s glowing splendor made for a breathtaking view. A single figure stood at the window; Nadir watched the light disappear below the horizon with a heavy sigh. With the end of the day came one of Nadir’s most important duties, one that he either found mildly enjoyable or extremely unpleasant. The probability of either outcome was as unpredictable as the waves in the sea below him. 
Nadir tipped the last of his cup of tea into his mouth, letting the flavors cradle his tongue for a moment before turning away from the window. He then walked through the halls of the fine palace towards the kitchen. The Shah had spared no expense in the construction of the lavish building, which served as His Majesty’s personal home in the region of Mazenderan. Nadir Khan held authority of the property when the Shah was not present, and as such was in charge of the strange rituals that occurred within the building. Or, more accurately, below it.
In the kitchen, Nadir prepared two small baskets of sustenance, then took them and proceeded to the entrance to the palace’s cellars. Down the dark stone steps he treaded, so accustomed to the path by now that he could walk it without the aid of a lantern. He arrived outside a large wooden door with a ruby-encrusted doorknob. Willing his heart to stop beating so fast, he turned the doorknob and opened the door.
Inside was an enormous room, with dark stone walls lit intermittently with torches. The floor of the room was almost entirely missing, replaced instead with a great pool of black water. The surface of the liquid was eerily still and presented no indication of how deep it was. The stillness, coupled with the obtrusive feeling of unknown, gave any who entered it a chill along their spine.
Nadir felt the feeling wash over him again, but let it pass with a practiced air of calm. He stepped forward from the doorway onto the stone platform that formed the edge of the pool. The platform extended forward about three meters, before stopping at the water’s edge. However, a thin stone catwalk, wide enough for a single person to stand on at a time, extended out along the surface of the water, stopping in the center of the great pool. Simply standing on the platform near the door was terrifying enough, but many enemies of the Shah had found themselves being urged out onto the slippery catwalk to meet a ghastly fate. No one in their right mind would step foot on that catwalk, even if they were unaware of what lay beneath the water’s surface; even now, Nadir felt his primal defenses tensing and urging him not to step forward. But he had done this many times before.
He closed the wooden door and let the loud slam echo off of the stone walls. He then stepped forward across the platform with purposefully heavy footsteps: one, two, three, four, five. With a deep breath, Nadir then stepped forward onto the catwalk. He kept his movements slow and scanned the water carefully with his jade-green eyes.
Once he was almost at the edge of the walkway, he became aware of a strange sound surrounding him. It was so faint he did not notice it at first, but by each passing second it grew into a low droning note, half-breath and half-music. It seemed to rise from the water itself, the surface of which remained smooth and black as ink. The soft humming wove itself into Nadir’s mind, pulling him closer and closer, but he fought to keep his legs steady on the platform and his eyes fixed on the water. His voice called out into the chill air of the room, breaking through the humming with a single word.
At once the humming stopped. Nadir looked around for any sign of movement below the murky water.
“You’re late,” a voice called from behind Nadir. The Persian man jumped and almost slipped on the stone catwalk, hissing out a curse. He turned around to see the figure of a man—well, a man’s head and torso—sitting atop the edge of the stone platform. Where his hips would have begun, the pale skin faded into black scales: the beginning of a long black tail that at the moment remained hidden beneath the surface of the dark water. The top half of the siren’s face was covered by a sculpted white mask, and the bottom half was curled up in an unsettling grin, his yellow eyes unblinkingly fixed on Nadir.
“I had to finish my tea,” Nadir muttered. “But I am not one to forget my duties.” He held up the pair of baskets in his hands.
The yellow eyes shifted to rest on the basket. Erik’s eerie grin widened, his thin lips pulling back to reveal two rows of razor-sharp fangs. Without warning the siren plunged himself into the water, barely leaving a ripple in his wake as he disappeared beneath the surface. The room became deathly quiet again, until Nadir saw a shimmering out of the corner of his eye. He turned to look down at the water next to him, and watched the spiny points of fins dragging along just under the surface. The whiplike tail then flipped out of the water, sprinkling Nadir with a spray of droplets. The man grumbled and wiped his face bitterly.
He whipped his head around to the other side and saw the siren’s head poking out of the water a few feet off of the catwalk, the sly grin frozen in place. Nadir knelt down on the stone walkway and said, “You make this quite difficult. Although I’m sure that is the intention.”
Erik scoffed. “You offend me, Daroga. It is always my intention to make guests feel comfortable when they visit my home.” He brought his bony elbows up to rest on the stone catwalk and craned his neck to see what Nadir was rummaging with in the basket. “What have you brought for me to break my fast with today, hmm?”
Nadir let out a huff as he extracted a large fish, freshly caught. He avoided meeting Erik’s eyes as the siren’s tongue poked out from between the thin lips, dragging across the dagger-like teeth. In the other basket, Nadir revealed his own meal: seasoned lamb kebab with rice and flatbread. At the sight of the “human” food, the siren turned up his nose. “You’ll spoil my appetite, Daroga,” he whined, inching himself further away.
Nadir gave Erik an amused glare while he sat and took a bite of the bread. The siren made a face of disgust before turning his attention to his own meal.
The strange pair began to eat together; at one point, Nadir looked up at the siren, but immediately wished he hadn’t. Erik’s mouth was rimmed with blood, and Nadir’s stomach turned as he watched the long tongue swipe hungrily over his fangs, wiping them clean of fish. “How is your new invention coming along?” Nadir asked, attempting to distract himself from the rather frightening image.
Erik’s yellow eyes sparked. “Perhaps you could tell me,” he said mischievously. At Nadir’s questioning look, he added, “I just tried it on you.”
Nadir frowned. “The humming?”
The siren nodded. Behind him, the fins of his long black tail splashed excitedly in the water. “I have found a frequency of sound that most humans find relaxing, even intoxicating. Amplifying this signal allows it to pass through water with relative ease, reaching their ears without them realizing the source…until it is too late.” The fang-filled grin flashed across his face again.
Nadir nodded in understanding. He wouldn’t lie, it made him a bit disappointed inside to know that Erik was capable of such ingenuity and artistry, only for it to be exploited in the name of causing torture and death. He sighed to himself.
“What about you, Daroga? How are things faring in the world above?” Erik asked as he set aside the bones of the fish and began picking at his fangs with one slender finger.
“Well, the Shah is having trouble finding a replacement vizier, one that he finds more trustworthy than the last.” Nadir couldn’t help his eyes from glancing over to where the scaly black tail shimmered and swished beneath the water. The last vizier, after his betrayal to the Shah was discovered, had found his death in this very room not a week prior, his neck snapped within the elastic force of that same strong tail. Nadir inhaled a deep breath to clear his thoughts. “As such, His Majesty has found himself under a lot of stress. He questions the loyalty of almost everyone around him. Because of this, I imagine you’ll be getting more…visitors soon.”
At Nadir’s last statement, Erik’s eyes darkened. “Visitors,” he spat the word with disdain. He pushed himself off of the stone catwalk and sunk lower into the water. He began to effortlessly swim in a circle before Nadir as he spoke impatiently. “There is no need for petty euphemisms, Daroga. I know what my role is to the Shah. I am his royal executioner; he sends me those he hates the most, the ones he wishes to see die the most agonizing deaths. And much like you, I am not one to forget the duties assigned to me.”
Nadir met the siren’s burning yellow gaze. “That is not the only role you fulfill, Erik,” he assured firmly. “You are an architect, the greatest Persia has ever seen. Your creations have brought wonder and beauty to many, not just terror and destruction. Trust me, you are valued much more than as a simple executioner.”
Erik’s tail lashed through the water, and he practically leapt forward until he was in front of Nadir. “Then why does the Shah keep me in a shallow tank and feed me like an exotic pet? Do not dare lie to me, Daroga, for I know my true worth in this country.” He slowly slid back into the water, turning his black-spined back to Nadir. His hand drifted up to touch the edge of the porcelain mask that hid half of his face. “I know my true worth…in this world.”
Nadir watched Erik with great pity within his noble and generous heart. After a quiet moment, he reached a hand into the inner pocket of his coat. “I believe you requested this a few days ago,” he said softly.
Erik turned his head around, and his eyes widened as he looked upon the object in Nadir’s hands. It was a large book, leather-bound with gold letters forming a title across the cover. He eagerly swam closer to find out what it said. “Italian Architecture of the 16th Century,” he read. His fingers reached up and snatched it from Nadir’s offering hands; he opened it up and began looking through it quickly, paying little attention to the small drops of water from his wet hands soaking through the pages. “Fascinating.”
Nadir smiled at his eagerness. “I suppose I’ll leave you to it, then. Enjoy your evening.” He have a small bow before standing and waking back along the catwalk to the stone platform.
Just as he reached for the door handle, he heard the voice behind him again say, “Daroga.” Nadir paused, before turning back around.
Erik slowly swam forward, cutting through the water like glass without leaving a single ripple. He reached the edge of the pool and pushed himself out with his wiry arms, resting the base of his tail on the stone platform. In the torchlight, Nadir could see the scars that slashed across his chest and shoulders, the way his ribs and joints protruded plainly from under his greyish pale skin. Despite the nocturnal darkness that rimmed his golden pupils, Erik’s eyes appeared soft as they focused on Nadir. “You have my thanks,” he whispered timidly.
A warmth erupted in Nadir’s chest as he took in Erik’s quiet words. With the corners of his lips turned up in a smile, Nadir gave Erik one final nod before opening the door and climbing back up to the world above.
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twistedtangledfate · 29 days
Alias: The Opera Ghost, O.G, The Phantom of the Opera, Angel of Music, Master, The Red Death
Erik wasn't horrendously deformed when he was born but enough that his family were very much ashamed of him. It was obvious, something that could not be easily concealed, with his nose squashed in entirely on the left side and an upward tick to the corner of his lips on the same side that revealed more of his teeth and made him look like he was always snarling. He conceived to run away when he was young after a particularly brutal beating from his father who believed he should have been drowned at birth and brought them great shame through every moment that he lived. To spare his mother pain, when a travelling circus came through their town, he took his opportunity and joined them and was gladly accepted. However, he was very much ill treated there too and after a few years of dealing with that and the mockery, horror and scorn of others, he tired of it all. When they were in Paris, Antoinette Giry visited with some of the other girls from the ballet and he once again saw his opportunity. He attacked the ringmaster, strangled him to death but not before he was smashed on the head with a lantern. The wax and the flame burned the left side of his face and head and he felt even more of a monster than he had been before. Antoinette bore witness to it and she took hold of him by the hand and they ran, nobody really noticing them as the flames began to spread from where the lantern had been dropped. She took him beneath the Opera House and it was there that he remained for several years, putting into effect what he had learned in the circus regarding tricks and illusions and soaking in the beauty of music that remained ever his solace. It transpired that he was gifted musically and that he had a very sharp intellect.
When he reached his early twenties, he left the Opera House that had concealed him and attempted to travel whereby he ended up employed by the Shah who valued his knowledge and bid him to create the palace of Mazenderan. It was a huge achievement and Erik's designs were implimented perfectly. The Shah coveted him and his knowledge and skill and when Erik attempted to leave, the Shah instructed that he was to be blinded so he could not create as he had for anyone else ever again. Erik was slight, not of a particularly large build and that made him fast which proved to be invaluable.
He had caught wind of what was to happen and why and he caught the man off guard when he came to blind him. Erik emerged like a phantom from the shadows, blinded the man himself and then cut out his tongue so he could not speak properly again, could not utter the name of who had done this to him. He left immediately after and returned to the only place he had ever known any form of comfort; the Palais Garnier, whereby he resumed his prior residence, using the money he had earned from the Shah to furnish it in a manner appropriate to what he wished for. He created drawings and plans to improve the Palais that had fallen into a slight state of disrepair. His plans were submitted from The Opera Ghost and brought to the owner by the then Madame Giry. He had included a sum of money to assist with the renovations required and it was at this point that he began to make his demands. He would fund through Madame Giry the vast majority of the work on the basis that box 5 be reserved for him and his use and that he draw a salary. The agreement was made, the owner having only briefly caught glimpse of the Opera Ghost, thus knowing him to be a real being and not a superstitious story.
It was at this point that Christine came into his life, her singing captivating him, the pain and beauty mingling in her voice and he decided that he would be her tutor, that together they could create pure beauty from the ugliness and cruelty of the world through her with him once again playing the part of architect.
Tag; angel of the palais garnier (erik)
Faceclaim: Ramin Karimloo
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walkingshcdow · 6 months
@noblehcart | Erik & Rookheeya
“The Khanum has made me the offer of a wife,” Erik said, materializing on the terrace where Rookheeya sat, watching Reza play. Thin restraint held back the violence of Erik’s beautiful and terrible voice. The rage rattled the bars of its cage and, white knuckled, Erik gripped the back of a nearby divan. “It is meant as some sick game. I’m sure of it.”
He had asked Nadir on the ride back to Mazenderan only one question: what is the value of a wife? His companion had hesitated and Erik knew it was not because the other lacked appreciation for a wife and all her company might offer. Nadir saw Erik’s question as Erik saw the Khanum’s offer: a trap. Eventually he conceded that he was blessed (blessed!) to have married for love and that the worth of a marriage lay in the connection and communion between two, loving and consenting parties. (“Or more,” Erik had said waspishly. “You could have four wives, blessed as you are.”)
“Really,” Nadir concluded, ignoring Erik’s vitriol and thoughtful to the last, “I think the question you’d rather ask is what you could offer a wife.”
Erik had been insulted enough to shut his mouth and ride on. Now back at the estate, it had been an evening and most of a day. The springtime sun, bloated and golden like some overindulgent god, sank lower in the sky and cast a dark yellow. In the olive trees outside the garden walls, a pair of birds called to each other. The sound drew Erik’s thin lips to a sneer. He shook his head and fixed his cat-like eyes upon Rookheeya once again.
“Your husband was no help in the matter. What do you see in him, Madame Khan?” Erik sighed and fluttered irritably onto the divan beside her. “Surely you must require more in a husband than impudence.”
Pride dictated that Erik not ask outright what he wanted most to know. What did women want in a man besides a handsome countenance? He knew plenty of women in passing, but only one would deal with him in honesty and kindness. Rookheeya Khan was witty and lovely; kind and brave. Had she not been wed already, perhaps Erik would have been lucky enough to marry her himself. As it was, the Khanum would choose a woman from the harem for him. Erik would have to pray (if he were the sort to pray) that the woman chosen for him would be compassionate and intelligent. Anything less and this would just be a fine way for the Khanum to remind him of his place – not at court, but within the human race. Lowest of the low, he would not earn the love of a wife and this blessed week in the Khan household might be the last chance he had to learn to be someone worthy of not only admiration or intrigue, but love itself. He held his breath and blinked slowly, trembling slightly in wait for an answer.
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caginmumineleri · 2 years
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İran'da 22 yaşındaki genç bir kadının kıyafet kurallarına uymadığı gerekçesiyle gözaltına alınmasının ardından eğitim için götürüldüğü bir merkezde hastalığına bağlı rahatsızlıktan dolayı hayatını kaybetmesi sonucunda birçok merkezî bölgelerde prostestolar yapıldı.
İran'da bazı kentlerde protestocular, başörtülerini yakarak ülkedeki zorunlu başörtü kurallarına tepki gösterdi.
Mazenderan eyaletinin merkezi Sari'de göstericiler, devlet kurumunun duvarından devrim lideri Ruhullah Humeyni ve İran lideri Ali Hamaney'in posterlerini indirdi.
Müslüman bölgelerde Müslümanları katleden,Selefe küfreden, İslam’dan uzak nizamıyla Pers milliyetçiliğini savunan ulus devlet esasına dayalı İran rejiminin zulümlerini protesto etmek yerine İslam’a  ve değerlerine düşmanlık besleyerek protestolar yapılıyor.
İran'ın yarı resmi ajansı Tesnim'e göre, Gilan Emniyet Müdürü Azizullah Meleki, kamu güvenliğini tehdit eden kişilere yönelik polis ve Devrim Muhafızları Ordusu tarafından operasyon düzenlendiğini belirtti.
Toplam 739 kişinin gözaltına alındığını aktaran Meleki, "Bu kişilerden 60'ı kadındı. Bunların büyük bir kısmının Gilan'ın yerlisi olmadığı, kaos yaratmak ve kamusal alanlara ve özel mülklere zarar vermek için diğer kentlerden Gilan'a geldikleri tespit edildi." dedi.
Öte yandan Gilan'da bir sabotaj şebekesinin de tespit edilerek, tutuklandığını aktaran Meleki, operasyonda çok sayıda silah ele geçirildiğini kaydetti.
İran devlet televizyonu, olaylarda şu ana kadar güvenlik güçlerinin de aralarında olduğu 35 kişinin hayatını kaybettiğini duyurdu.
Görüyoruz ki yapılan protestolar özgürlük adı altında İslam'ın değerlerine saldırmaktır.
Bu düpedüz fırsatçılıktır, İslam düşmanlığıdır... Bizler biliyoruz ki İran’daki rejimin İslam ile uzaktan yakından alakası yoktur! Yanlış rejimlerin faturası İslam'a ve değerlerine kesilemez!
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entelektia · 7 months
Hasan Sabbah Kimdir? ve Alamut Kalesi
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Hasan Sabbah'ın Kökenleri ve Eğitimi Doğum Yeri ve Ailesi Hasan Sabbah, 1046-1047 veya 1053-1054 yıllarında Kum, İran'da doğdu. On iki İmam Şiiliği'nin merkezlerinden biri olan bu şehir, Sabbah'ın ilerleyen yıllarda dini eğitim almasında etkili oldu. Babası Ali bin Muhammed, On iki İmam Şiiliği'nin önemli isimlerinden biriydi, ve bu aile bağlamı Hasan Sabbah'ın erken dönem eğitimine önemli bir katkı sağladı. Dini Eğitimi ve İslamî Ilımlılık Hasan Sabbah, babası tarafından On iki İmam Şiiliği'nin öğretileriyle büyütüldü. Ancak, hayatının erken dönemlerinde dini bir öğrenci olarak, İslam dünyasında farklı bir mezhep olan İsmaililikle tanıştı. Kum'dan Rey'e gitmesi ve orada İsmaili mezhebinin etkisi altına girmesi, Sabbah'ın dünya görüşünde önemli bir dönüm noktasıydı. Dinî Eğitim Arayışları ve İsmaililiğe Geçiş Hasan Sabbah, din âlimi olma yolundaki arayışlarında Rey'den ayrılıp Irak'a gitmiştir. Irak'ta, On iki İmam Şiiliği'nden İsmaililik mezhebine geçiş yapmıştır. Bu dönem, Sabbah'ın dünya görüşünü değiştiren önemli bir dönüm noktasıdır. İsmaililik, On iki İmam Şiiliği'nin alt bir mezhebidir ve Hasan Sabbah, bu mezhepte derinleşerek farklı bir perspektif kazanmıştır. Irak Bölgesindeki Etkinlikleri ve Abd'ûl-Melik İbn Attaş'ın Tavsiyeleri Sabbah, İsmaililikle tanıştıktan sonra Irak bölgesi başdaisi Abd'ûl-Melik İbn Attaş'ın dikkatini çekti. İbn Attaş, Sabbah'ın yeteneklerini fark ederek ona Müstansır'ın yanına gitme ve İsmaililik üzerine daha fazla eğitim alma tavsiyesinde bulundu. Bu, Sabbah'ın öğrenim yolculuğunu derinleştirdiği ve İsmaililik öğretilerini daha fazla anlamaya başladığı bir süreçti. İsfahan ve İslam Dünyası Genelinde Propaganda Faaliyetleri Sabbah, İbn Attaş'ın yönlendirmesiyle İsmaililik propagandasını yayma misyonuna devam etti. İsfahan civarında iki yıl boyunca İbn Attaş'ın vekili olarak faaliyet gösterdi. Ardından, Azerbaycan, Musul, Sincar, Rahbe, Şam, Sayda, Sur ve Akka üzerinden 1078 yılında Kahire'ye ulaştı. Bu süre zarfında İslam dünyası genelinde, özellikle Deylem bölgesinde, İsmaililik propagandasını aktif bir şekilde sürdürdü. Gilân ve Mazenderan'daki Çalışmaları Deylem bölgesi, İslam'ı zorla kabul etmeyen, dirençli ve eski geleneklere bağlı bir halkın kontrolündeydi. Sabbah, özellikle Gilân ve Mazenderan bölgelerinde çalışarak dağlardaki savaşçıları etkilemeye çalıştı. Bu bölgelerdeki faaliyetleri, İsmaililik mezhebinin etkisini artırdı ve Nizârî-İsmaili Devleti'nin temellerini atmaya yönelik önemli adımlarını attı. Alamut Kalesi'nin Kuruluşu ve Özellikleri Hasan Sabbah'ın Alamut'u Seçişi Hasan Sabbah, faaliyetlerini daha etkili bir şekilde sürdürebilmek amacıyla Alamut Kalesi'ni seçti. Bu kale, geniş bir vadiye hakim konumda, büyük bir kayalık üzerine inşa edilmişti. Alamut, stratejik konumuyla ve doğal savunma özellikleriyle dikkat çekiyordu. Alamut'un Coğrafi Konumu Alamut Kalesi, Elburz Dağları'nda, İran'ın Kazvin kentinin yaklaşık 60 km kuzeydoğusunda yer almaktadır. Yüksekliği yaklaşık iki bin metreye kadar çıkan bu kale, yalnızca sarp ve dolambaçlı bir patikadan ulaşılabilen bir konumda bulunmaktadır. Kale Mimarisinin Özellikleri Alamut Kalesi, sadece doğal zorluklarla değil, aynı zamanda mimari özellikleriyle de ünlüydü. Kale, geniş vadiye hükmeden kayalık bir zirvede inşa edilmişti. Rivayete göre, kale Deylem krallarından biri tarafından inşa edilmişti. Bu efsaneye göre, kral, eğitimli kartalını salmış, kartal bu kayalığa konmuş ve kral da böylece kalenin yapımına başlamıştı. Alamut Kalesi'ne, "kartalın öğretisi" anlamına gelen "Aluh Amut" adı verilmiştir. Savunma ve Tahkimat Hasan Sabbah, Alamut Kalesi'ni ele geçirdikten sonra, kaleyi ele geçirilemeyecek ve uzun süreli kuşatmalara dayanacak bir şekilde tahkim ettirdi. Yüksek kayalıklar, sarp yollar ve sağlam duvarlar, kaleyi dış saldırılara karşı savunmasız hale getiriyordu. Ayrıca, yiyeceklerin uzun süre bozulmaması için özel depolar inşa ettirerek, kaleyi kuşatmalara karşı daha dirençli hale getirdi. Alamut Kalesi'nin İç Yapısı Alamut, Sabbah'ın liderliği altında Nizârî-İsmaili Devleti'nin askeri ve idari merkezi oldu. Sabbah'ın iddialarına göre, Alamut'ta 34 yıl boyunca dışına çıkmadan yaşamıştır. Kale içindeki yapılar, müritlerin barınması, eğitilmesi ve yönetilmesi için tasarlanmıştır. Alamut, Nizariler'in lideri olan Sabbah'ın merkezi haline geldi ve buradan yönetilen suikastçılar, Haşhaşinler, özel görevlerini gerçekleştirmek üzere eğitildiler. Alamut Kalesi'nin Stratejik Önemi Alamut Kalesi, stratejik konumu ve savunma avantajlarıyla birlikte, Hasan Sabbah'ın liderliği altında Nizârî-İsmaili Devleti'nin merkezi haline gelmiştir. Bu kale, düşman saldırılarına karşı dirençli olmanın yanı sıra, Sabbah'ın eşsiz liderliği ve öğretileriyle de tanınmaktadır. Marco Polo'dan itibaren, Batı'da "Dağın Yaşlı Adamı" olarak anılmıştır. Suikastçılar ve Hasan Sabbah'ın Taktikleri Suikastçılar, Hasan Sabbah'ın önderliğinde özel olarak eğitilmiş bir grup casustan oluşan bir istihbarat ekibidir. Alamut Kalesi'nin merkezinde faaliyet gösteren bu suikastçılar, Hasan Sabbah'ın benzersiz taktikleri ve liderlik stratejileriyle öne çıkarlar. Hasan Sabbah'ın kurduğu tarikatın suikaste dayanan askeri taktikleri, Nizârî-İsmaili Devleti'nin güçlü bir şekilde varlığını sürdürebilmesine katkıda bulunmuştur. Suikastçılar, özel eğitimleri sayesinde düşmanlarını etkili bir şekilde ortadan kaldırma yeteneğine sahipti. Bu taktikler, genellikle gizli ve beklenmedik saldırıları içeriyordu, bu da düşmanları korkutarak ve zayıflatılarak Nizârî-İsmaili Devleti'nin çıkarlarına hizmet etmiştir. Hasan Sabbah'ın liderliğindeki suikastçılar, Alamut Kalesi'nin savunulmasında kilit bir rol oynadı. Kale, stratejik konumu ve sarp coğrafyası nedeniyle doğal bir savunma avantajına sahipti, ancak suikastçılar, içeride ve dışarıda düşmanlarına karşı etkili bir şekilde hareket ederek bu avantajı daha da güçlendirdi. Suikastçılar, Hasan Sabbah'ın emirleri doğrultusunda hareket ederken, düşmanlarını öldürerek ve sabotaj yaparak Nizârî-İsmaili Devleti'nin güvenliğini sağlamak için faaliyet gösterdiler. Bu taktikler, Hasan Sabbah'ın liderliğindeki devletin varlığını sürdürebilmesi ve düşmanlarına karşı etkili bir şekilde direnmesi için kritik bir rol oynadı. 1124 yılında ölen Hasan Sabbah, ölümünden önce halefi olması için Kiya Buzrug Ummid'i seçti. Alamut Kalesi'nin liderliği, onun ölümünden sonra da devam etti, ancak Hasan Sabbah'ın etkisi ve liderliği unutulmaz bir miras olarak kaldı. Read the full article
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bunedycom · 2 years
İran'da Mahsa Amini isyanı sürüyor: Ölü sayısı 304'e çıktı
İran’da Mahsa Amini isyanı sürüyor: Ölü sayısı 304’e çıktı
Norveç merkezli IHR’ye ait internet sitesinde yayınlanan raporda, ülkede 50 günü aşkın süredir devam eden gösterilere ilişkin bilgi verildi. Ülkedeki 31 eyaletten 22’sine dair rakamların yer aldığı raporda en çok can kaybının sırasıyla Sistan-Beluçistan, Mazenderan, Tahran, Kürdistan ve Gilan eyaletlerinde yaşandığı belirtildi. Raporda, Sistan-Beluçistan eyaletinde 118, Mazenderan’da 33,…
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guzelhaber · 2 years
Protestolarda hayatını kaybedenlerin sayısı 304'e yükseldi
Protestolarda hayatını kaybedenlerin sayısı 304’e yükseldi
Norveç merkezli IHR’ye ait internet sitesinde yayınlanan raporda, ülkede 50 günü aşkın süredir devam eden gösterilere ilişkin bilgi verildi. Ülkedeki 31 eyaletten 22’sine dair rakamların yer aldığı raporda en çok can kaybının sırasıyla Sistan-Beluçistan, Mazenderan, Tahran, Kürdistan ve Gilan eyaletlerinde yaşandığı belirtildi. Raporda, Sistan-Beluçistan eyaletinde 118, Mazenderan’da 33,…
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ucretsizreklam · 2 years
İran ve Rusya'nın üre gübresi
Rusya ve İran üre gübre tedarikçisi şirket Alıcı tarafından talep edilen limanda LC, exchange ve CIF ödemesi İran, Mazenderan WhatsApp +989025683417 Read the full article
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aktuelhaberajansi · 2 years
İran'da tatil yapan 2 Türk, boğularak hayatını kaybetti
İran’da tatil yapan 2 Türk, boğularak hayatını kaybetti
İran‘a tatil için gelen 2 Türk vatandaşı, girdikleri Hazar Denizi’nde boğularak hayatını kaybetti. İran’ın Mazenderan eyaletine bağlı Ramser kentine tatil için gelen 2 Türk vatandaşı Miyanhale kıyısında girdikleri Hazar Denizi’nde boğularak hayatını kaybetti. Ramser kenti Kızılay Lideri Ali Muhammed Fazeli yaptığı açıklamada, “Dün akşam mahallî saatle 20.00 sıralarında Türkiye’den tatil için…
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chronasolti · 4 years
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Scarlet rage in the rosy hours ~
commission for @coatntails <3 
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klausscrimshaw · 5 years
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Phantom of the Opera, “The Rosy Hours from Mazenderan”
I finally read Phantom by Susan Kay and got inspired by the part set in Persia
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Ten First Lines Game
Rules: Share the first line of ten of your most recent fanfics and then tag ten people. Don't have ten? Not to worry, just share what you have.
Thank you so much @sadeyedlady-writes for tagging me in this game!!! I do not have anywhere near ten published fics, so instead I chose some of my favorite first lines of chapters from my two multi-chapter works and my one-shot. All fics are about Phantom of the Opera.
Live As You’ve Never Lived Before
Chapter 1: Little Lotte Thought of Everything and Nothing
Turquoise waves crashed steadily onto the rocky shore.
2. Chapter 6: Let Your Spirit Start to Soar
A young rosy-faced ballerina scurried into the corps’ dressing room. She quickly found a friend and tugged on her arm. “Did you hear? Someone saw the Phantom!”
3. Chapter 7: Promise Me You’ll Try
The Opera Populaire stood cloaked in shadow, every room inside completely silent as its workers and dancers slept peacefully. Every room, that is, except for one.
4. Chapter 13: Threaten and Adore
For what felt like the hundredth time that day, Christine sneezed.
5. Chapter 20: Anywhere You Go, Let Me Go Too
Three weeks. Never before had Christine realized how long such a time actually was. She seemed to feel each second passing, every moment seeping by as if time moved through thick honey.
An Eternity of Bliss
6. Chapter 1: What Followed
The Rue de Rivoli was quiet and cloaked in nighttime shadows, broken intermittently by the glow of a street lamp.
7. Chapter 8: Resurrection
As nighttime fell upon the small seaside village, the newlywed couple and their friend exited the church with a collective sigh.
8. Chapter 9: The Happiest of Woman (and Men)
Morning light seeped into the room past the half-drawn curtains, gentle and promising. It was not what Erik was accustomed to.
9. Chapter 12: You Will Understand In Time
“Good morning, my Angel.” The musical rumble of Erik’s voice against her skin pulled Christine from her dreamless sleep.
10. The Siren’s Song (one-shot)
The sun dipped just below the west horizon, painting the Mazenderan sky a bright blood-red.
No-pressure tags: @iseedeadsneeeple, @a-partofthenarrative, @maze-zen, @garnet-xx-rose, @emotionalmotionsicknessxx, @erik-carierre, @eriksdreamery, @shinyfire-0, @patron-minette, @granhairdo and of course anyone else who sees this post and wants to participate!!
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