#Mealtime Efficiency
yuurei20 · 5 months
Idia Info Compilation part 12: Idia and Food
Epel describes Idia as a picky eater.
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Idia prefers “efficient methods of energy intake to keep boring mealtimes as short as possible,” saying that he likes soup as a rational meal and does not care much about flavor.
Idia says he does not like raw fish as “it stinks, it’s lukewarm, it’s all slimy and clingy and sticky...who cares how you get nutrients, as long as you get them? Just eat an energy bar with vitamins and minerals!”
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Idia says that his favorite food is snack foods but he Iikes DIY candy kits in particular, and he gives a set to Vil for his birthday.
Idia also likes instant noodles, saying it is basically the only thing he eats. “It’s less about liking them and more about how convenient they are.”
He buys himself a box of a limited-time release of a certain instant noodle brand, giving one to Deuce for his birthday.
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Idia says he loves brightly-colored candy (offering the prefect a gummy worm), and throughout the game we see him drink both tea (in card art) and grape juice.
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He says he only eats fruit if it is canned or already sliced and peeled.
When Idia talks about the nutritiousness of the grape juice he drinks during Glorious Masquerade, Silver comments, “You could use all the nutrients you can get.”
People saying that Idia is childish is a running theme, said by Trey, Ortho, Malleus and Vil.
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ross-hollander · 6 days
Now, when it comes...
...to dining, particularly in the military sense- armies march on their stomachs, after all -it can be broken down, from slowest to fastest, as follows:
The DCMS troops eat the slowest, or at least take the longest. The reasoning goes that troops who receive sufficient time to fraternize, relax and eat will be more loyal and more effective soldiers. The claws of the Dragon must remain strong, after all, and solid meals are what strengthen them. A great general who nobody seems to remember the name of (but they certainly aren't just inventing the quote, it has a tradition behind it, be assured) said that everything has one side soft and one side hard; thus, turn your soft side to your soldiers' needs, and they will turn their hard sides against your enemies' ranks.
FedCom military dining culture still holds sway in the FedSuns and the Commonwealth. The philosophy is that feeding your troops is nowhere as important as letting them eat with dignity, and therefore, while not as extensive as the mealtimes allotted to Kurita soldiers, they tend to have a good-sized break.
The FWL, on the other hand, treats feeding troops as a vital but troublesome activity that keeps on needing to get done, and done, and re-done all over again. Troopers are expected to shut up, get in line, eat, return their tray and leave. The dining hall is not for social events and in stricter units there are actually proctors who ensure the troops keep the chatter to a minimum.
The Confederation can be considered paranoid, but if you were in their shoes you would be too. Meals are more or less restricted to dinner, in terms of proper dining. Troops get by on snack bars and cigarettes in short breaks allowed over the rest of the day between duties. Vigilance is necessary, and dining is less important than the nation's security. The faster it can be done, the quicker the watches can be cycled through, to keep every eye looking outwards for the next invasion.
Then, there is Clan dining protocol, except that to call it 'dining' is verbal corruption, because 'inhaling' is more likely the proper term. It has to be seen to be believed. You will not witness a meal tray being scoured clean in exactly eight minutes with such efficiency anywhere else in the galaxy. The Mongol Doctrine did not dictate attacks of such ferocity. It is like a very well-ordered shark feeding frenzy, with forks.
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senselessviolets · 5 months
"So come on, mess me up."
Cassian Andor x Fem!Original Character
Rated M (Smut/Angst)
Word Count: 4.1k
AO3 Link
Unprotected sex, age gap/difference, power imbalance, rough sex, oral (f recieving), taunting, lots of arguing.
Author's Notes:
Song title (and fic very loosely inspired by) "Come On Mess Me Up" by Cub Sport. I'd let this man snap me in half like a toothpick, what more can I say?
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Nyla Haccard is the 23-year-old daughter of a high-profile senator from Ralltiir and has secretly joined the Rebel Alliance fight against the Empire. She figures her overly-protective mother would annihilate her for joining the band of rebels, but Nyla knows she'd absolutely implode if she knew the kind of man her daughter had been working closely with for months now.
There was something delectably frustrating about him. It was innate as if his sole purpose in life was to throw me off balance. Our relationship hadn’t begun to take shape until we started being assigned to the same missions. We were efficient and always managed to get the job done relatively unscathed. Our case officer, General Draven, saw value in Cassian taking someone like me under his wing. I’d shown enough promise or they wouldn’t have recruited me in the first place. My family ties to the Senate gave me access that they couldn’t afford to lose. 
We represented Ralltiir, hailing from a long line of masons who became wealthy mining the endless deposits of marble embedded in the planet’s core. Regardless of what riches we’d come into; a long successful lineage was the truest indicator of wealth in the Inner Core. It’s why my parents shelled out every last cent they had to send me and my five other siblings to the finest educational institutes across the galaxy. My brothers and sisters all attended university on Coruscant. They dreamed of securing cushy jobs in the Senate all the while playing dress-up as politicians. I made a point of getting as far away from that way of life as I could, begging my mother and father to let me attend Theed University on Naboo. I’d said I wanted to pursue the arts and embrace my creativity. Of course, this was all a lie and a cover to join the Rebel Alliance in the fight to overthrow the Empire.
It was a relatively simple facade to maintain. Due to me being the ‘middle child’ and the most average of the family, I was able to fly under the radar rather easily. The vast amount of space in between us didn’t hurt either. I would have to take the occasional holotransmission and pray they couldn’t hear the loud metal clanking sounds of X-Wings being repaired in the background. Every family gathering—a bornday, Life Day, or some Imperial soiree—was an opportunity. At least that’s what General Draven told me back when I initially joined. Did part of me feel some intense pang of guilt in my stomach every time my mother would wrap me in a big embrace, knowing I was secretly siphoning intel off of her personal datapad? 
Of course. But that was a small price to pay for the cause. 
Gods know people had given up far more to get to where we are now. Cassian never let me forget that. Any hint of ungratefulness from me and he’d chew me out like there was no tomorrow. This latest briefing was no different. Me, him, and several other rebels were summoned at mealtime. We were meant to be discreet and to keep things strictly on a need-to-know basis which Cassian also hounded me for on the way to the briefing.
“...Draven means it, Ny. He does not want any chatter about this. It stays on the ground floor so no gossiping to your friends about it. Do you got it?” he chastises. 
“Oh, I’ve got it,” I say, my eyes finding their way to the ceiling, “Thanks for the much-needed reminder though.”
I pivot through the doorway of the mostly vacant strategy room. Draven, Vesti, Amon, and Zu-Lee stand waiting quietly around the holotable. A figure adorned in white walks into view, right out of the corner of my eye.
“Senator Mothma, I-I wasn’t expecting to see you,” I say, caught off guard by her appearance. 
Her presence was rare due to her being an incredibly busy woman but when she was here, you could feel it everywhere else. The energy becomes different. Things felt more certain and objectives became clearer. Mothma was more than pivotal; she was practically the lifeline of the cause.
“...how is your mother?” she asks, giving me a modest smile. 
“She is well,” I nod, “Thank you.”
Draven stands up straight, casting the blueprint of an unknown building onto the holotable. 
“Well, now that we’re all accounted for…let’s begin.”
“This is not gonna work,” Cassian mutters to himself, moments after exiting the strategy room.
I don’t think he had intended for me to hear him because when I intercept him in the hallway, Cassian feigns ignorance. 
“What did you just say?” I frown. 
“I didn’t say anything,” he says, even quieter.
“Don’t do that. Don’t be like that,”
“Don’t be like what?”
“Like a damn child! If you’ve got a problem with something, how about you speak up and come at it like an adult? Instead of this grumbly mumbly shit you love to pull whenever something doesn’t go your way,”
I can see something snap behind his eyes. I’m sure being deemed a child by someone so much younger than him had to be a major blow to his ego. He takes me by both shoulders and pulls me out of the flow of foot traffic and over to the side. We’re better secluded in the nook we find ourselves in. He briefly looks over his shoulder, ensuring we haven’t caused any disturbance. 
“I’ll have you know I didn’t have any expectations for this mission! Any! I didn’t know what base we were meant to infiltrate or which Imperial Officer we were supposed to track down!” Cassian says through gritted teeth, “How could I have any idea what this would entail?”
“Gods, you know what I mean. Just say you don’t think I can handle it. Just say you don’t think I’m good enough for the job—”
“You know that’s not how I feel!” “Then stop acting like that’s how you feel, asshole!” 
I storm away from Cassian, not giving so much as a glance back at him. But suddenly my movements are halted and I find a firm hand around my wrist. It’s tight, not enough to hurt or bruise but hard and swift enough to send a shockwave throughout the rest of my body. 
“Let go of me,” I say, lowly.
I hardly struggle. His jaw is clenched and brown eyes attempt to pry open my soul. We’re so close, that our breaths repel off of each other. A loose lock of umber-colored hair falls in front of his face—just above his eyelashes—and I try to suppress any sort of expression that follows. I’d be panting from the sheer tensity of the argument but pride tells me to keep it together. I can’t afford to unravel in front of him. Then I’d only be confirming his seemingly preconceived notions of me; that I’m not good enough. 
That I’m not cut out for the job. 
“Let go of me, you bastard!” I yell, far too loudly.
Silence overtakes the hallway and several passerbys stop in their tracks. I recognize one of them being a sentry from the recon-tower above base. He must be off for the night. I bet this altercation he’s just witnessed will worm its way into his and his pals’s topics of discussion in the Mess Hall later on. My mind is going a mile a minute. I can feel the blood thumping in my ears and the warm red hue that floods my cheeks. Embarrassment was an understatement. 
“I said, let go…” I say, sighing as he releases me. 
I speed off in the other direction, heading straight for my quarters. I don’t look back until I’m safe and secure behind the sliding door of my barracks. My heart still beats with vigor. A puff of air escapes my lips as I take a few steps forward and let myself fall face-first into my sleeper, groaning into my pillow. Cassian must really be that exhausting because, after a moment, I find myself drifting off. 
And away I go.
“Ny…Nyla? I-It’s me. Are you in there?” a haggard voice asks behind the door of my quarters, “Nyla?”
My eyes snap and I lift my head begrudgingly. 
“No, I’m not. Come back later perhaps?” 
“We need to talk. Sooner would be preferred,”
“Maybe I don’t care about what you prefer. Or what you want. So piss off.” I spit. 
The doors slide open before I even have time to react. I scramble to my feet as a silhouette–a mere blur in my peripheral—strides towards me. I pivot so I’m facing him. In my sleep, I must have shed a few layers. I’m only left with my bare essentials; attire he’d seen me in plenty of times before aboard his ship during particularly long journeys. I’m not entirely sure how much time has passed since we last saw each other but Cassian’s still wearing the same clothes. His jaw is clenched. There’s a fervor behind his eyes. 
Clearly, he came with an agenda.
“Oh, did you not hear me correctly? I believe I said…‘scram’,” I mock, making dramatic gestures in front of his face. 
“Enough of that,” he grunts, “You did a real good job making a fool of yourself back there. But then again, you’ve never been the most subtle, have you?”
“Subtle? You wanna talk about subtlety? How many bodies have I had to drag out of sight because you couldn’t show some damn trigger discipline, hm? And you want to paint me as the brash, impulsive one. That’s cute,”  
He paces across the room, letting his emotions drive his movement. 
“I should never have taken Draven’s offer. Evidently, it was a mistake. Us being assigned together. You’re impossible. You’re immature, spoiled, selfish, and have no grasp of what we’re up against,”
“Don’t you say that! Don’t you ever say that! I know what’s at stake. I know the risks. I’m not in it for the same personal glory you are. Who are you trying to impress seriously? No, seriously. Who? The other girls on base?” I scoff, “Please. If only you knew what they had to say about you,”
“I don’t care about that,” Cassian tries to convince himself.
I saunter closer to his position. His feet stay firmly planted. He doesn’t turn away. Our eyes are locked on one another. I don’t think I’ve ever held someone’s gaze for this long, much less a man’s.
“Sure you don’t,” I say in a drawl, “...y’know, it’s a big galaxy, Cass, but word travels fast. I know your type. I know how the second you see a married woman…you do cartwheels. You’re a complete and total skeeze. Through and through,”
Something shifts within him.
“...what else…what else have you heard about me, hm? Do you think a man like me…the type of man you think I am…would be able to stand this close to a beautiful woman and not be able to resist her?”
“W-Well, I’m not married so…I wouldn’t do it for you, I don’t think,” I say, lowly. 
I notice a stray piece of lint on the shoulder of his jacket. Nonchalantly, I go to brush it off of him but Cassian’s reflexes beat me to it. In a split second, his hand has encased itself around my wrist. His reaction startles me so much, that I laugh from the brief terror.
“Gods, would you relax! There was something on your jacket, I was just–”
“Don’t laugh at me like that.”
“...why not? I thought you didn’t care about what women thought of you. Mm, but maybe…maybe I’m the exception…am I just that irresistible, huh?”
I notice his eyes dart slightly down several times. It wouldn’t be until later that I’d realize he was fixated on my lips. His grip on my wrist doesn’t loosen but I’m not exactly itching to get him off of me. 
“Well…,” he begins.
“Well, what, Cass?”
“...aren’t you going to yell for me to let go?”
Ignoring the heat from somewhere deep within me, I decidedly pursed my lips, simultaneously sealing my fate. Leading the way, I pull us in the direction of my sleeper. He follows along as if my wrist were his guide. I sit on the edge of my bed, scooting back until we’re both completely on it. He props himself up with his free hand, pinning my hand to the mattress. A slight roll of my hips brings my thigh right into the front of his pants. This simple manuever has rendered him breathless it seems. Those frantic eyes don’t know whether to land on my own or my lips. I choose for him, leaning upwards into a firm but passionate kiss. His eyes flutter shut and I feel his lashes brush against my own. I swear I hear the slightest rasp of a whine in the back of his throat but before I know it—his two hands have found purchase on both sides of my face. He takes charge, his tongue ghosting across mine. I swear I feel lightheaded, even though I’ve done nothing strenuous enough to warrant such a symptom. 
“We…,” he moans in between kisses, “...we can’t be doing this,”
My lips find their way into the crook of his neck, grazing my teeth against the firm flesh. 
“Why?” I immediately challenge, “Because you’re older…because you’re my superior…because if they found out, they’d find the nearest moon and dump me there? No chance. They don’t give a shit. Are you even listening to yourself right now?”
“Less talking,” he says slowly, dragging his cold calloused hands up my stomach, “...fuck. You’re warm.” 
The fabric of my tank top catches on his fingertips and he pulls the shirt above my chest, exposing myself to him. Maybe a more decent man might take a delicate pace but Cassian wastes no time exploring my body. His hot wet mouth is everywhere. I don’t stifle my whimpers in the slightest. 
“It’s wrong….it’s wrong to want the things I want from you,” he growls, mouth full of flesh.
“What do you want from me then?”
In an instant, he’s off the bed and using my hips as handgrips to tug me to the very edge so my rear is hanging limp off of it, only held up by his shoulders. It’s a swift and seductive show of strength that I quickly try to take a mental snapshot of, knowing I’ll be thinking about it later. I wonder briefly if it's a technique he mastered over the years spent with many lovers. Beyond the obvious slick gathering between my thighs, my level of excitement only blooms at the thought of what else he might have in store.  He makes quick work of my bottoms, speckling my thighs with kisses all over as he traverses upwards to where I want him the most. Sometimes those kisses turn into gentle little bites. I practically squeal at the sensation, giggling as I feel him smile against my skin. I’m too shy in the moment to look down in his direction but I let my hand wander until I feel his umber locks, stroking softly when I find him. And then two chilled fingers run from the top of my mound downwards, pausing to circle my opening.
“This wet already, hm? What? Am I just that irresistible?” he playfully mocks me. 
I yank on his hair roughly in protest, to which I receive a light slap on my thigh.
“Hey. Behave,” Cassian says, dipping his tongue into me.
The whine that emits from my lips is so pathetic, that I expect him to give me a hard time about it—maybe do another hilarious impression of me. Instead, he has found far more productive uses for that mouth of his. That mouth I’ve wanted to slap him because of more times than I can count. The same one I’ve fantasized about absolutely devouring me ever since we first met. It was exactly as I’d imagined it.
The heat of his tongue, followed immediately by his cool breath as he inhales before diving in again. Before he inhales me. His head locked between my thighs, driving my lower half upwards as his strong shoulders rise. Clearly, his confidence is growing. I finally am feeling bold enough to look down. All I can see is a head of hair moving rapidly, desperate to keep up with the gyration of my hips. As if he can sense me looking down, he looks up, palming around for my other hand. I give it to him and our fingers interlock.
The intimacy brings me even closer to the edge. Before squeezing my palm tightly, Cassian then brings my hand to his scalp. For a moment I’m confused but then I realize that he wants me to use both of my hands to drive his head further into my cunt. So his hair momentarily becomes reins that I use at my discretion. I’m not gentle, but I’ve more than gotten the impression by now that he doesn’t want me to be. I’m erratic. I’m frenzied. I’m certainly not doing anything to dispel the “selfish” accusation he lobbed at me maybe ten minutes prior. 
That feels like a lifetime ago at this point though.
The pleasure growing from my depths is a warm and angry one. I didn’t know I could feel like this; I didn’t know I would like feeling like this. That same pleasure nearly spills over before Cassian positions me once again using my hips. This time he turns me over onto my stomach. The hand he has pressed into the small of my back keeps me in place. His other one is trying to free himself of his trousers desperately. Struggling to undo the buckle one-handed, I sit up, reaching back to offer him a hand of my own. My head bounces down onto the mattress as he swiftly pins both of my wrists to my back and with a grunt, manages to finally rip the belt and his pants off. 
“Not going to lie, I figure you’d make me finish,” I pant, “...but only so you could lord it over me ‘till the end of time,”
“Oh, baby. You think I’m done with you?” The combined use of baby and the intrusion of his cock entering me have me moaning wantonly. Cassian slowly bottoms out, jutting his hips so he’s as deep as physically possible. He’s almost flattened himself on top of me, the scruff of his beard prickling at my left ear. 
“Would the type of man you think I am go slow like this?” he coos, “Huh, baby? Or would he fuck you hard and rough like he paid for it?”
Cassian’s teeth nip the edge of my ear and I gasp. But the sudden punishing pace that he rails into me with practically has me winded. Every time he collides with my core, I’m left seeing stars. It’s indescribable. Like a flick of spark a flint and steel would give you. It’s hot and blinding and gone in an instant. Over and over again. 
“Touch yourself if you need,” Cass rasps, “but I’m not stopping.”
He gives me back one of my hands and I immediately go for my clit. My smaller more acute thrusts are a nice contrast to his more broad, all-encompassing ones. Meanwhile, he’s now moved on to grabbing my shoulders and using those to propel himself rapidly. It’s all so blissful and brutal. I don’t want it to end but I know if he continued like this for an eternity, I’d be broken down to a speck of nothing in no time.
It was almost a guarantee that I was going to be sore tomorrow. Future-Me was probably cursing the Present-Me for allowing him to go at it so hard but that was her problem to deal with. My only objective was to finish myself off before he could. I did not want to give that bastard the satisfaction. But the scent of myself in his facial hair made me realize what a lost cause that was. Before I know it, I’m spasming around him, cursing his name in a series of sobs. My mind goes blank and I’m pliant as he continues pushing into me. 
“Where d’you want me?” he says in a tone so husked I can barely understand him at first.
“Want you?”
“Want it. Where do you want it?” he reiterates.
“In me,” I murmur. 
“In you? Are you sure?”
“Did I stutter?” 
Cassian presses down on me hard as he cums and I groan. I can feel him throb inside of me. His hands now trace along my jaw, finally halting his movements whilst giving me a bit of reprieve. My quarters’ steady silence is soon deafening. We can hear everything; our rampant heartbeats, the wetness connecting us, the sound of skin simply brushing against skin. If he were a lover, it would be a beautiful moment. A moment of reflection, mutual understanding even. A reminder that what we were doing was okay and that we both cared for one another and we were safe.
With Cassian, these were partial truths. I have to suppress the part of me that wishes we were whole, that we had something beyond this shared neverending fight for survival. He gives me a feather-light kiss on the back of my neck. Something so tender that could only come from a partner. Maybe we could pretend. Maybe we would pretend. Show each other a brief devotion and chase off the doubts that swarmed us constantly. Outflank the regret and shame and make them both go darting off in the other direction.
Our greatest fears would fear us instead.
It was a nice escape from the happenstance. Is it strange that it wasn’t until this very moment that I fully processed Cassian being inside of me? Witnessing my most inner self. The man who I’ve wanted to punch more times than I can count. I burst out laughing at the thought. 
“What? What is it?” he smiles, lifting off of me.
“Nothing,” I giggle, “It’s nothing, it’s just…you.”
I turn over, sighing a sigh that could only be sighed from a girl who’d just gotten her brains fucked out. Cassian rolls out of my bed and I’m able to finally get a good look at his physique. He’s about as toned as I’d expect him to be and his chest hair is trimmed and neat. It’s a brief spell of sightseeing as Cassian is quick to redress. I hardly have the energy to make myself neat again, instead opting to use my bedding to obscure my lower half. Once I get the notion that he’s about to depart, I stop to query him. Not because I was hoping we would cuddle afterward (I never saw him as the type), but because I was curious what kind of shenanigans he was going to get up to before we’d have to leave in the morning. 
“...the U-wing. There’s some upkeep I have to do if we’re to make it off the surface successfully…for the mission,” he answers with a small smirk.
Color me surprised.
“W-Wait, so…you’re gonna let me go through with it? You’re not gonna blab to Draven like you said you would?”
“After having some time to reconsider…and to…cool off, I have had a change of mind,”
“Yeah, I wonder what spurred that,” I scoff, bringing the sheets up over my chest. 
“That’s not what I meant, Ny. I-I hold out on you sometimes…because I don’t want you getting hurt. Or killed. I have a lot I carry with me but…I’d rather not add you to that list if you know what I mean,”
I swallow thickly. Finally, some insight. Some clarity into this man’s thought process and psyche. But part of me questions if it’s unveiled itself too late. The damage was done. I lean forward and swing my legs off the side of the bed, looking up at him with doe eyes. He tenderly brushes a few stray locks of hair away from my face. 
“...t-that’s fine, Cass. But for this to work, I need you to believe that when the time comes and it's down to the wire and things are looking dark…that I’ll be able to handle it. Handle myself. Handle whatever gets thrown at us. I’d ask you to trust me but...we both know how little weight that word holds in this pursuit. So I’ll ask you instead…can you believe in me?”
A moment of stillness passes.
“Yes,” he says, firmly, “but that doesn’t mean I’m still not gonna do everything in my power to save your skin when the time comes. No matter how much you drive me crazy.”
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nightfurylover31 · 2 years
Sonamy - One Shot
To me, Forces kind of felt like it could be a bit of a turning point in Sonic and Amy's relationship. Him being less reluctant and her toning down her feelings.. Just making things easier for them to be around each other, be it game or even the IDW comics. So I wrote this with that in mind of how Sonic became more open around Amy.
How long had it been since Sonic was thrown into that cell? What day was it? Or rather, what week? His injuries from the fight had healed, now dealing with the ones from his cuffs. For just energy rings, they were surprisingly tight. He could feel them rubbing over his fur onto his skin. 
One careless battle, and now the whole planet was at war. His friends were fighting, and Sonic was trapped. Granted, Eggman had captured him before, but never this efficiently. He had never been held longer than a day, but even with no windows or clocks he knew he had been here for a long time. What he wouldn’t give to be free again. The energy in his body screaming to be used, to run. He never stayed still this long before. He was going to go crazy at the rate. 
Suddenly, Sonic heard bashing in the next room. A familiar sound of smashing robots behind the closed doors.  The unmistakable “piko” echoed. The doors fell right over, and a pink hedgehog emerged. 
“Sonic!” Amy cried out. She ran right up to bars, smiling ear to ear at the sight of her hero. Though this time she was the one doing the rescuing. 
“This feels oddly familiar,” Sonic teased. 
“You mean when me and Tails rescued you from Prison Island? Though you ended up busting out of the cell on your own back then.” “Well, my hands are a bit tied at the moment.” He lifted his arms, indicating the blue rings keeping them, as well as his legs, bound together. 
Amy lowered her head. She averted her gaze slightly. “I’m sorry we took so long in finding you.” 
“Don’t sweat it,” Sonic tried to reassure. “You had your own problems to deal with.” Eggman had been showing him video footage of the war, and he knew it was taking all their efforts to fight back. “You’re here now, and that’s what matters.” 
The comfort managed to cheer Amy up a bit. She smiled gently, looking back at him. With that, she lifted her hammer. “You might want to try to step back.” 
“Not gonna say I owe you a date for busting me out?” 
Amy shrugged. “I think you spent enough time being locked up. I’ll let you off easy for once.” She swung her hammer as hard as she could, knocking the bars down with a single hit. Sonic winced a bit as the metal on metal rung throughout the room. Once the sounded dissipated, he looked back at the pink heroine and grinned. 
“Shame, I was half-tempted to agreeing this time.” 
Amy blinked in response, then puffed her cheeks a bit as her hammer vanished into thin air. “Well then,” she spoke with hands on her hips, “guess I have to settle for a hug!” 
She ran at Sonic with outstretched arms and… 
“Wake up, rodent. Mealtime.” 
Sonic stirred from his sleep and slowly opened his eyes. A dream… 
He sat up as Zavok opened the cell slightly and left a tray on the floor. By the time Sonic managed to make his was over, as fast as he could with his legs barely allowed to move through the restraints, the cell was closed once again. As usual, a glass of water, a stale sandwich, and a small cup of yogurt.
“Egghead still hasn’t upgraded his menu, huh?” the hedgehog sassed. “Just saying you guys could give a little more variety. Make a chili dog special or something.” But Zavok did not respond. He just turned away and let Sonic eat. 
This was all too strange. Zavok working for Eggman again was weird enough, but the Zeti hardly ever made conversation with him. Just dropped off his food and left. Or occasionally, gave Sonic a knuckle sandwich right to the gut. Eggman’s way of keeping the hedgehog from getting any bright ideas about escaping. But the lack of dialogue from Zavok didn’t make him feel real. Did Eggman find a new way to control him? Sonic hoped for his sake he wasn’t the next test subject. 
Moving on, Sonic sat down as comfortably as he could and started to eat. The food was gross, and he hated succumbing to Eggman’s terms, but what choice did he have? He already tried the hunger strike thing, and when it became clear his friends weren’t coming right away, he had to scrap that plan and make do with what he had. They were fighting against all Eggman’s forces, so a rescue op probably wasn’t soon. They might not even know where Sonic was being held. Heck, he sure didn’t. At this point, he could only dream of rescue. 
The dreams varied. Sometimes Tails being his savior, Knuckles with a small army, or Amy. Lately, it was usually the latter. They all ended the same way; with him waking up just before she could reach him. Sonic was never really an affectionate guy, but even he was beginning to long for that comfort. Something that felt real.  
“Amy…” the hero spoke in a hushed voice. He missed her smile, the way she would take charge when she set her mind to something, and how she would do everything in her power to help others. He missed all his friends immensely, but the dream left Amy as the lingering thought. All those years he spent running from her felt so small. He really wished she was here now. “When I get out of here, I’ll start treating you better.”  
He would get out of here, he knew it. Until then, Sonic had to keep his spirit and confidence up. No matter how difficult it got. 
It almost felt like a miracle to see everyone again. Sonic still couldn’t believe he was locked up for six months. You’d think he would want to take it easy, but nope. Sonic needed to get back in action. To burn off all that energy he still felt trapped inside him. But he could wait a bit for that to see his friends. He was hurt to find out Tails wasn’t with the Resistance, but he knew his brother would find his way back.
“You sure you’re ready for this?” Knuckles asked just as they got off the ship. He was the one who offered a chance to get Sonic back out in the field, but he didn’t want to push the hedgehog too much. 
“Just get me a decent chili dog, and I’ll be good.” With the world literally falling apart, Sonic didn’t have time to rest. It burned him up knowing everyone was fighting and he couldn’t help.  
“Alright, I did ask. But let us know if any-“ 
Sonic turned to see Amy standing in the doorway. He heard her voice on the new guy’s communicator but seeing her in person made something in his mind freeze. 
Suddenly he felt like he was back on the Death Egg. Was this another dream? he thought. Everything then just felt detached. Maybe he wasn’t saved. Maybe he was still locked up, and this was just more wishful thinking. When was he going to wake up? When will these delusions stop tormenting him with false hope? 
But then, Sonic found himself in Amy’s embrace. It was tight, but not suffocating. She was crying into his shoulder. “You’re alive!” she sobbed. “It’s really you!” 
Sonic’s dreams never made it this far. He would always wake up before she could even touch him. Was this really happening? Slowly, he raised his arms and wrapped them around her. He could feel her, hold her. He felt her quills against his cheek, the fabric of dress against his chest, and the tears soaking his fur. It wasn’t a dream. He was really back. She was really here. 
“I thought I’d never see you again!” 
Sonic relaxed himself against Amy’s form. It took him until just now for him to realize how tired he actually was (not that that was going to stop him). Still, he held onto her, almost as if letting her go would take away the sense of safety he felt. 
A light chuckle escaped his lips. Is this the first time I hugged her back? It was nice. It made his heart feel content. He’d make a better effort not to brush that off in the future. He’d let her know how much he truly appreciated having her in his life. 
“It’s good to see you too, Ames.”
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Describing a people/tribe questions
Physical description
Eyes (shape, color)
Skin (color, texture)
Hair (color, texture, style)
Body (shapes, sizes)
Other (wings, tails, anything not on this list)
Stories or games
Divine topics
Objects/places of power
The people
How are the different genders treated? How do they act?
Coming of age stuff?
Who's in charge? Why?
Are the people human?
How do they raise their children?describe a family unit.
Pets? Livestock?
Describe some of the people in your tribe. How do they interact with the rest of the tribe?
Taboos/rules/forbidden topics?
Where do they live?
What do their houses look like?
Have they adapted well to their environment?
Describe the land around them and how they interact with it. Are they using their resources efficiently?
Are they near other tribes? If so, what are the relationships between the tribes? Are they allies?
Trade and economy
Do they trade? With whom?
Do they have a currency? Describe how it works.
Describe the technologies, if any. This includes farming equipment and simple tools!
Animals/beasts of labor?
Paths and roads?
Which locations are the least accessable? The most accessable? Why?
What languages do they speak? How many? What types?
What Earth languages are most similar to their languages, if any?
Are they literate? Describe.
Describe body language, if any.
Describe curses or rude gestures.
What are some phrases? What do they mean?
What are some laws?
How are wrongdoers punished?
Who's in charge of punishment?
Are wrongdoers tried?
How do they fight?
Describe the last war, if any. Who was it with? Who were they fighting against? Who were their allies? What was the cause/reason for the war?
Describe their fighting methods. Are they martial?
Describe their weapons. Melee or range? Both?
How are veterans and soldiers treated?
How successful are they in war?
What are the requirements to fight, if any?
Describe some myths or lore.
What is your favorite myth from this culture?
What are some recurring themes?
Who are some recurring characters?
What is the most famous/well known myth from this culture?
Describe a normal day in the tribe.
Describe a house or building built by/used by the tribe.
Normal meals
What do they eat?
Delicacies, if any?
Mealtime etiquette?
Do they eat alone or together? In big groups or small groups? Who do they eat with?
Crafts? Arts?
Recurring colors or patterns?
Recurring figures or objects?
Recurring characters or themes?
Do they believe in gods?
What type of gods? Destruction or creation gods? Nature gods?
Is there a ruler of the gods? Who? How did they become ruler?
How does one become a god, if possible? Can anyone become a god?
How do the gods work?
Is there an afterlife? How does it work?
Describe some gods. What are they the gods of? Who are they the patrons of? What are their goals? Do they have many worshippers? Why or why not?
What pantheon are your gods based on, if any? Why?
Where are the places of worship, if any? Why?
Other deities?
Color scheme
Main colors
Metal color
Glow/magic color, if any
Tone range
Reasoning behind color choices
Weave, if any
Comfort, fashion, or work?
Reasoning behind those choices
(This is a wip and needs to be reorganized.)
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alphaketoglutaricacid · 4 months
In my mind palace… i think as toshiro gains more confidence and finds his own voice, he gets less strict abt his gender expression
as an aside: he has a mildly interesting relationship to masculinity in the ways he seems to have cannibalized his own individuality to better embody an ideal japanese man. This seemed to have led to strict gender conformation for him. Interesting in that hes in a foreign country where most ppl would not pick up on it n yet he doesnt loosen up on it nor does he try to express masculinity in da way the ppl on the island do to fit in. Vis a vis the fact it makes him boring in many ppls eyes at home. vis a vis differentiating himself from his father who does not give a fuck. And also in relation to laios who seems to have failed in that way (left home, left the military, doesnt fit in w the other boys) who just thinks toshiro is just the coolest in the world for supposedly effortlessly embodying the cool samurai archetype. Who despite his supposed indifference to not conforming still makes some clumsy attempts at it (rarely expresses vulnerability, I LOVE WOLVES, DRAGONS, AND THE COLOR RED whole thing….) i think bc deep down he wants to fit in and be liked…even tho he thinks its stupid.
Interesting that kabru who completes their lil rpg protag trio doesnt seem to have particular feelings on masculinity probs bc he feels detached from the tallmen concept bc he was raised by elves but also doesnt conform to the elf concept of masculinity. But ill have to reread his parts. But also he dresses like a knight in the dungeon rather than getting canary armor that seems like it would be more efficient (whether thats personal choice or he literally cant get access to it despite his mother) and wants to be the guy who can effortlessly slay monsters. Whats up w that. He seems like hed have a different view of it being from the west n also being punted into a culture he has complicated feelings on.
Toshiros foil izutsumi being indifferent towards it and punished for it. Tho she seems also to have an extremely complicated relationship with her own humanity and history of dehumanization that i bet her gender plays into. Like maybe she just hasnt put much thought on it bc her concept of self is so scrambled. Maizuru, their teacher w a strange relationship w motherhood to both being a pretty strict conformist that holds others to that standard, but wears the clothes of a nobleman (probs cuz of the onmyoji iconography, tho id be curious to know what the gender split in universe is. Historically, it seems to be a position held by men. Tangent that for the island, magic users seem to be predominantly female for tallmen. Gnomes n elves neutral on this. Marcille whose from the norths mother was a court magician. ) Also seems she got stricter about it with age. Hien no care about it, doesnt wear makeup and is fine with being abrasive. Nevertheless berated shuro as a kid for crying bc its unmanly but seems like its just that thoughtlessness u have as a kid. That in the spread abt the doors having their greatest desire having the characters in varying times (namari in the present with tansu, marcille at the present w falin or maybe in a future where she reunites w her(but the bookshelf reminds me of their academy days), senshi either in the present or maybe even in the future taking care of children..?, izutsumi in the present with chilchuck, laios as a preteen (?) holding kensuke (interesting tie in to his greatest desires and how he views monsters)) and shuro seems have sent him furthest into the past to a time where he was a child and could cry freely and where his relationship w maizuru was less complicated. Benichidori conforms so strictly that it interferes w her mealtimes and makes her hangry and neurotic and she has developed body dysmorphic disorder . But in the modern day sketches she seems to have her own style at least. Inutade seems to be trying real hard to conform but also in a way where she cannot be viewed as a threat (presents extremely girly and young. And she is! But hien was not like that when she was 17. Nor is izutsumi) and seems to be insecure about the fact most clothes dont fit her well. Much to think about.
Tho im extrapolating I dont think most of this is intentionally written. But some of it probably was!
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stargazer-sims · 1 year
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three’s company
It’s mealtime for the triplets. Fox and Takahiro should probably get a medal for handling it this efficiently.
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skincare-product97 · 5 months
Weight Loss and Wellbeing Solution! Supplements - Health
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Shedding Pounds and Feeling Great: My Experience with Weight Loss and Wellbeing Solution Supplements
I've always struggled with maintaining a healthy weight. Yo-yo dieting and fad exercises left me frustrated and discouraged. That's when I discovered the Weight Loss and Wellbeing Solution Supplements, and I have to say, they've been a game-changer!
Boosting My Metabolism Naturally
Prior to these supplements, my metabolism felt sluggish. I could eat a salad and still gain weight! But the Weight Loss and Wellbeing Solution includes ingredients known to naturally boost metabolism, like green tea extract and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). Since incorporating them into my routine, I've noticed a significant difference in my energy levels. I don't experience those afternoon slumps anymore, and I can actually feel my body burning calories more efficiently.
Curbing Cravings and Controlling Portions
Another challenge I faced was constant cravings. Unhealthy snacks were my downfall! The supplements contain appetite suppressants like glucomannan, a natural fiber that expands in your stomach, keeping you feeling fuller for longer. This has been a lifesaver! I no longer reach for sugary treats between meals, and I find myself naturally eating smaller portions at mealtimes.
Sustainable Weight Loss and Increased Well-being
The best part about these supplements is that they promote sustainable weight loss. It's not a quick fix, but a gradual, healthy approach. The combination of ingredients not only helps with weight management but also supports overall well-being. I've noticed improvements in my digestion, sleep quality, and even my skin!
Finding the Right Supplement for You
It's important to note that I consulted with my doctor before starting these supplements. They helped me determine the right dosage and ensured they wouldn't interact with any medications I'm taking. It's also worth mentioning that I haven't relied solely on the supplements. I've incorporated some healthier habits into my lifestyle, like walking for 30 minutes most days and making smarter food choices.
Overall, I'm incredibly happy with the results I've achieved with the Weight Loss and Wellbeing Solution Supplements. They've been a valuable tool in my weight loss journey, and I highly recommend them to anyone seeking a safe and effective way to shed pounds and improve their overall well-being.
Disclaimer: As with any supplement, individual results may vary. It's important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.
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umichenginabroad · 7 months
Madrid Week 5: I been in the kitchen, whippin, whippin (cheffin?)
Holaaaa a todxs otra vez! Niko back here with week 5 of the Madrid blog, sorry that I’m a day late :). This week’s blog will have less to do with Madrid/Spain/Europe/culture, and more to do with a little personal project of mine while abroad: learning how to cook (well).
I’ve always had cooking as a part of my life, and that’s thanks to my Mom, who always made the most delicious meals growing up from all sorts of cuisines. On a typical Sunday evening, my Mom would pick a recipe — either something new, or a family classic — and enlist me and my sister’s help in preparing it for the whole family. I learned a good amount this way: how to dice an onion, how to chop an onion into slivers, how to caramelize an onion… along with various other skills that don’t have anything to do with onions.
In high school, right before COVID hit, I decided to teach myself how to bake bread. It seemed like a kind of impossible task, of sorts — something that only professional bakers who woke up at 5am knew how do to, or grandmas who somehow always had the skill. I don’t remember how my first loaf turned out, but I’m guessing it was just good enough, because I found a new passion in baking from that point onward. I kept challenging myself to go for more complicated pastries, culminating in my proudest buttery achievement: a 3 day baking marathon that yielded some perfectly flaky homemade croissants.
In baking, I found joy in the precise imprecision of it all. 
Many people I know have told me that they see baking is a science; All of the ratios have to be perfect; There’s no room for error. While it’s true that if you add too much flour you’ll dry out your dough, or if you overload on the butter you’ll end up with a crispy puddle instead of a cookie (that also destroys your baking sheet) (speaking from firsthand experience), the more I practiced, the more I was able to bake using feeling and intuition instead of trusting a recipe. I could tell what dough felt like when it needed a little more kneading, or what it looked like when it had risen just enough. Through baking traditional Greek breads and desserts, I also found a new avenue for connection to my heritage. The gratification I received when I got a delicious final product — and one that I could share with family and friends — was all that I needed to continue having fun with the hobby.
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Now, flash forward a few years, I’m a freshman in college. I’m in a dorm (Bursley T_T ), no kitchen access in sight, and eating exclusively in dining halls. Baking fell to the wayside, aside from the casual holiday cookie produced during breaks. Flash forward another year, I’ve got an apartment with a very functional kitchen — but now I’ve overloaded myself with classes and other extracurriculars, bought a dining plan, and treated mealtimes as activities to be completed as efficiently as possible so that they wouldn’t interfere with everything else I had to do in a day.
Needless to say, I wasn’t doing much baking, and the same was true with cooking — once a week I’d maybe make some dry chicken breast in a pan with some crudely chopped red bell peppers and call it a night. Last semester, fall of Junior year, at the peak of my business with school and extracurricular responsibility, I found myself in the kitchen even less.
I was satisfied with this rhythm. I enjoyed dining hall food for the most part (much to the surprise of most friends), and I really was saving time that I spent on other things. However, part of me looked at friends that were regularly home-cooking delicious, healthy meals for themselves (or for their entire co-op) and felt a pang of jealousy. Mealtime can be a sacred ritual for connection — both with yourself and with others — if you want it to be, and that was something I wanted to be able to foster.
The turning point in this cooking journey revolved around Monday night game night, the CFB championships, Michigan vs Washington. My cousin had invited me and my sister over to watch the game, with the promise that he would chef us some of his world famous confit chicken wings. My cousin is probably one of the best freehand chefs that I personally know. If you give this man some simple ingredients and a couple of spices, he’ll pull out some random cooking technique I thought only existed in high end French bistros and make some truly creative — and delicious — food, based solely on his experience and earned intuition. I think of him and flavors kind of like Remy from Ratatouille with the cheese and the strawberry, y’all know what I’m talking about.
This was the type of cooking that I had always sought after but never figured I was capable of without going to culinary school. Impressive, but something that only professional chefs who woke up at 5am knew how to do, or grandmas who just always had the skill…
Before leaving my cousin’s house (and after Michigan had won the natty 😎), I asked him how he learned to cook freehand so well. He told me that, although he had always been around cooking in his family, his skills truly blossomed when he was abroad in London for a year — when he was forced to cook for himself. He mastered simple dishes, without using recipes — pan seared chicken breast, roasted vegetables — which served as a launching pad to trying more and more complicated dishes, each time committing the cooking experience (and result) to memory and drawing upon it for the next plate.
So, flash forward to present day. Essentially, I said “Bet.”
I’ve got a bunch more time now that I’m abroad, and groceries here are significantly cheaper — meaning I can get more ingredients at a higher quality and set aside a few hours to truly explore. The first week or two, I was pretty much just doing chicken and red bell peppers, and maybe some rice. But since then, I’ve started exploring a little more — risotto, Bolognese, spatchcock chicken, basted steak — and the process has been incredibly enjoyable. I can feel some sense of intuition forming, and I find myself relying on recipes less and less with each meal cooked — having my baking experience as a backdrop gives me confidence that I'm on the right path.
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dishes from my first week or two cooking freehand
Those that know me well know that I find a lot of pleasure in learning a new skill. To be honest, I do a lot of random stuff that doesn't really have much of a common thread, which is why I’m somewhat of a “Jack of All Trades, Master of None”. Cooking freehand is the newest addition to that list of random skills, but I think it’s one that’s here to stay. Not only is it fun and delicious, but incredibly utilitarian. 
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In the words of my cousin: “It means you’ll never have to eat bad food... Not everyone wants your homemade candles or scarves, but everyone can f*ck up a home cooked meal.” 
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The biggest item on my food to-cook list is to make Avgolemono soup with homemade chicken broth, which is a Greek soup dish that holds a special place in my heart — one that my grandma made all the time. Stay tuned for the results in a future blog. Per usual, check out the image descriptions for a little inside scoop on the meals I've cooked so far.
In other news this week, I saw one of my favorite DJs Interplanetary Criminal, continued on with classes, and some friends from Arlington VA, my hometown, visited for the weekend from their other study-abroad-cities in Europe (including Emma, who's house I stayed at in Granada!).
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See you all again next week!
Hasta ahora,
Niko Economos
Aerospace Engineering
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Madrid, Spain
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cdfreak · 2 years
i have a tendency to eat and drink very very fast just so i can like focus on talking or reading or whatever im doing during my mealtime and it works fine for me its very time efficient. except now that my mom is letting me drink during special occasions i keep forgetting how alcohol works and downing whatever is put in front of me in about 30 seconds
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Expert Pediatric Feeding Therapy in Aledo and Weatherford: What You Need to Know
Feeding challenges in children can be a stressful and overwhelming experience for both the child and their caregivers. Many children face difficulties with feeding due to medical conditions, developmental delays, or sensory issues, making it essential to seek professional help. At Beelieve Pediatric Therapy, we offer expert Pediatric Feeding Therapy in Aledo and Pediatric Feeding Therapy in Weatherford to support families dealing with these challenges.
Understanding Pediatric Feeding Therapy
Pediatric feeding therapy is a specialized form of therapy designed to address a wide range of feeding and swallowing issues in children. This type of therapy focuses on helping children develop the skills they need to eat safely and efficiently, while also encouraging a positive relationship with food.
Children may struggle with feeding for various reasons, including premature birth, developmental disorders, sensory processing issues, or medical conditions such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or oral motor dysfunction. Our experienced therapists work closely with families to create personalized therapy plans that address each child’s unique needs.
Signs Your Child May Benefit from Feeding Therapy
Parents and caregivers may not always recognize the early signs that their child could benefit from feeding therapy. It’s important to note that feeding challenges can vary greatly, ranging from difficulty with sucking or chewing to a complete refusal to eat certain textures or types of food.
Common signs that a child may need Pediatric Feeding Therapy in Aledo or Pediatric Feeding Therapy in Weatherford include:
Difficulty chewing or swallowing food
Gagging or choking during meals
Food refusal or a very limited diet
Slow weight gain or poor growth
Frequent vomiting or reflux
Extended mealtime durations (over 30 minutes)
Sensitivity to certain textures, smells, or tastes
If any of these symptoms sound familiar, it’s crucial to consult a pediatric feeding therapist. Early intervention can significantly improve a child’s feeding abilities and overall health.
What to Expect from Pediatric Feeding Therapy at Beelieve Pediatric Therapy
At Beelieve Pediatric Therapy, we take a child-centered and family-focused approach to feeding therapy. Our goal is to create a supportive and stress-free environment where children feel safe and encouraged to explore food.
When you begin Pediatric Feeding Therapy in Weatherford or Pediatric Feeding Therapy in Aledo, we start with a thorough evaluation of your child’s feeding abilities. This assessment helps us identify specific challenges your child may be facing, whether they involve oral motor skills, sensory sensitivities, or medical conditions that affect feeding.
Once the evaluation is complete, we develop a customized therapy plan tailored to your child’s individual needs. Therapy sessions may involve:
Oral motor exercises to strengthen the muscles used for chewing and swallowing
Sensory integration techniques to help children tolerate different textures and tastes
Behavioral strategies to encourage positive feeding behaviors
Family education to support caregivers in creating positive mealtime experiences at home
Our therapists work closely with parents and caregivers to ensure that progress made during therapy sessions continues at home. We also collaborate with other healthcare providers, such as pediatricians and nutritionists, to provide comprehensive care.
The Importance of Early Intervention
Feeding challenges can lead to nutritional deficiencies, poor growth, and social-emotional issues if left untreated. By seeking Pediatric Feeding Therapy in Aledo or Pediatric Feeding Therapy in Weatherford at an early stage, families can prevent more severe complications and improve their child’s quality of life.
At Beelieve Pediatric Therapy, we are committed to helping children overcome their feeding difficulties and thrive. Our expert therapists use evidence-based techniques and a compassionate approach to ensure that each child receives the best care possible.
Contact Beelieve Pediatric Therapy Today
If you are concerned about your child’s feeding habits or have noticed signs of feeding difficulties, it’s important to take action early. At Beelieve Pediatric Therapy, we provide expert Pediatric Feeding Therapy in Aledo and Pediatric Feeding Therapy in Weatherford to help children build the skills they need for successful and stress-free mealtimes.
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itnseo87 · 10 days
Italian Modular Kitchen In Faridabad
Discover the elegance of an Italian Modular Kitchen in Faridabad with Regalo Kitchens, a brand known for combining modern style and utility. These kitchens are carefully crafted, with clean designs, quality finishes, and ingenious storage solutions that highlight Italian workmanship. Whether you choose a simple design or a lavish setting, Regalo Kitchens makes sure that each component is customized to your specific space. Improve your mealtimes with a kitchen that is both attractive and efficient, located in Faridabad.
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Boost Efficiency and Communication with a Leading Childcare App
The development of feature-rich childcare app has simplified the management of daycare centres, as running them without them is a difficult task. The features that enable monitoring various data and activities in an easy way allow teachers to spend more time instructing and connecting with the pupils. Kindergarten and preschool applications, childcare centre applications, OSHC program applications, etc designed by leading companies, all contain several components that make administrative work easier.
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A Quick Look at the Kids App’s Features That Are Very Effective
The purpose of the greatest preschool and childcare apps is to help daycare centre managers manage several issues at once. The best apps manage a variety of issues, such as daycare sign in app, reservations, CCS submissions, online payments, online invoicing and billing, enrolment and waiting lists, and reporting.
The software utilised in OSHC management programs helps to manage several locations and facilities in addition to keeping an eye on sign-in and sign-out procedures. Operators at OSHC can undertake a lot of jobs that would have been very hard to execute otherwise. Parents may use the software to keep an eye on their kids' activities during and after-school care. Parents are able to keep an eye on their children's daily development and understand their learning portfolios, and teachers who are in charge of planning the kids' daily routines, are helped by maintaining mealtimes, diaper changes, and portfolio completion.
These apps increase productivity overall by giving the staff access to a wealth of information and features that simplify the management of child and family data. Child enrolment forms facilitate the development of comprehensive profiles for each child, ensuring prompt access to essential information. The initiative helps parents comply with the No Jab No Play legislation by encouraging them to provide recent Immunisation History Statements. Numerous daycare facilities operate multiple locations, necessitating the use of specialised software that makes managing the administrative responsibilities of various locations simple.
Contact the leading companies offering childcare centre apps and other similar projects to arrange a demo and buy the product for the childcare centre.
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shylver · 25 days
Shylver MealGuard Set of 3 Vertical Lunch Box
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🍱 Elevate Your Meal Prep with the Shylver MealGuard Set of 3 Vertical Lunch Box! 🍱
Experience the perfect blend of style, convenience, and functionality with our MealGuard lunch box set. Featuring 3 stainless steel containers designed for maximum freshness and leak-proof security, this set is your ultimate companion for healthy, on-the-go meals. Whether it's for school, work, or a day out, pack your meals with confidence and enjoy them just as fresh as when you made them. 🌟
✨ Ready to make your mealtime more stylish and efficient? Visit Shylver.com to shop now! ✨. . . Shop Now: Shylver MealGuard Set of 3 Vertical Lunch Box . Website: Shylver . Email us: [email protected]
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ainews · 29 days
Unicorns, known for their magical powers and majestic appearance, continue to captivate the imaginations of people all around the world. While there are many aspects of a unicorn's life that remain a mystery, one thing is for sure - they need to eat, just like any other creature.
However, what sets unicorns apart from other animals is their ability to teleport. This unique ability allows them to transport themselves from one place to another in an instant, making them one of the fastest creatures in the fantasy world. And when it comes to mealtime, their speed plays a crucial role.
One of the main reasons why hurrying is portable for meals for unicorns is because of their busy schedules. Being magical creatures, unicorns are often sought after for their powers, and they have many responsibilities to attend to. From granting wishes to playing with rainbows, their days are jam-packed with activities. This leaves them with little time to sit down and eat a proper meal.
This is where hurrying comes in handy. By teleporting to their meal destination, unicorns can save a significant amount of time that would otherwise be spent on traveling. This allows them to have a quick meal and get back to their duties without any delay.
Moreover, unicorns are also known to be highly efficient creatures. While they may have a sweet tooth for treats like candies and cupcakes, they also understand the importance of a healthy and balanced diet. With their busy schedules, hurrying to meals allows them to consume proper nutrition without sacrificing their time.
Another advantage of hurrying for meals is that it allows unicorns to be more flexible with their meal locations. As creatures who enjoy exploring and discovering new places, they may not always be near their usual grazing spots or magical gardens. By being able to teleport, they have the freedom to teleport to different locations where they can find a variety of food options.
Additionally, hurrying also helps unicorns to avoid any potential dangers or obstacles that may arise during their travels. Being able to teleport away from danger is a crucial survival skill for these graceful creatures, and it also ensures that their meals are not interrupted.
In conclusion, while hurrying may seem like a chaotic and hurried way to have meals, it is actually quite essential for the well-being and lifestyle of unicorns. Their busy schedules, efficient nature, and adventurous spirit make it the perfect way for them to have a quick and fulfilling meal. So, the next time you see a unicorn hurrying off to a meal, just remember that it's all part of their magical and unique lifestyle.
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eatossolutions · 29 days
AI Food Ordering: A Gourmet Guide to Digital Dining Innovation
In the bustle of gastronomy, AI food ordering systems are rather the sous chefs in the digital domain. Precise and efficient, they're slicing through wait times and dicing inefficiency, serving up a digital revolution that's as tantalizing as the aroma wafting from your favorite eatery.
Feast in Intelligent Ordering
Powered by the power of artificial intelligence, AI food ordering systems are seamless, swift, and sophisticated in executing this whole dining process. But it's not just about speed—it's about creating a personalized and engaging experience that keeps patrons wanting more.
The Art of Instant Gratification
With our fast pace of life, waiting to order sucks the zest out of mealtime. AI-enabled food ordering changes the waiting game into a dance for instant satisfaction through intuitive interfaces that engage customers in real-time and take their orders with conversational ease.
Personalization—the Spice
Imagine a system that recommends dishes based on your dietary preferences, your past orders, or even the weather. AI-enabled food ordering allows machine learning to understand and anticipate the guest's desires, providing recommendations that are tailored to a person's taste buds, just as a personal chef would.
The Ingredient of Efficiency
Wrong orders and miscommunication? Left behind with yesterday's leftovers in the wake of AI-enabled food ordering. Orders through AI systems are accurate and clear; they reduce errors and ensure that your kitchen runs at peak efficiency.
Cooked to Perfection: Features of AI Food Ordering
To truly appreciate the delectable benefits of AI-enabled food ordering, we must probe into the essential features that these systems bring to the table.
Menu Automation and Optimization
AI systems analyze vast reams of data to figure out which dishes are crowd-pleasers and which are duds. This lets restaurateurs fine-tune menus in light of customer preferences and even current culinary trends.
Dynamic Upselling
By smartly hinting and suggesting, AI-enabled food ordering tantalizes diners into ordering that extra appetizer or splurging on a premium dish, subtly tacking on average ticket sizes with every encounter.
Streamlined Staff Workflow
When staff are not tied down to the order-taking process, they can become much more attentive. This means that as servers provide an unforgettable experience, the chefs in the kitchen can create culinary masterpieces.
Whetting Your Digital Appetite
Integrating AI Food Ordering Into Your Restaurant
For restaurant owners and managers, it is not about jumping on a bandwagon, but the ability to lead a transformation in how food businesses meet with customers.
Setting Up, Tech Savvy
The first course in integrating AI-enabled food ordering is choosing a system that works cohesively with your current setup of the restaurant and future goals.
Staff Training– A New Digital Cuisine
But just like training your staff on a new menu, you should train on new technology. A well-trained team will be able to walk the diner through the AI ordering process, making for a seamless and enjoyable experience.
Couple with Marketing
Build some noise around your AI-enabled food ordering by matching it with a strong marketing plan. Share your news via social media, on your website, and with in-house promotions to get your patrons excited about this new digital dining experience.
Feast on Feedback: Refining the AI Dining Journey
The key to perfecting the AI-enabled food ordering experience lies in the sauces – the sauces of customer feedback. Make diners feel encouraged to share their experiences with the new system and make adjustments to ensure it's the perfect complement to your restaurant ambiance and service style.
Conclusion: Start a Culinary Tech Adventure with AI Food Ordering
AI food ordering in the banquet hall of innovation is that central dish—a savored intersection between convenience and culinary delight. This concoction promises to revitalize the dining experience through one simple yet intelligent interaction at a time.
The message is loud and clear: pioneering restaurateurs and hospitality managers need to spice up hospitality service with a sprinkle of the latest technology. Embracing AI-enabled food ordering, in essence, redefines hospitality, enhancing the customer journey and placing business at the very top of the budding digital dining revolution. Start cooking up your digital transformation today with eatOS, and let your business taste the success that AI promises.
Here's to a future in food ordering—where every meal served comes with an extra helping of innovation!
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