#Medicine Delivery Script
prameethsd · 10 months
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kishanthr · 2 years
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Online Medicine Ordering And Delivery Software like 1mg Clone
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darlingkirstein · 6 months
eremika in any sort of romcom setting hehe
i think this is romcom-y enough??? idk it's a silly little meet cute in fantastically cheesy unrealistic scenario so i think it fits the romcom vibe Teehee🩷 hope you enjoy my pookie wookie vic <3
actor au / fluffy / rated e for everyone / 3.6k
Mikasa toils over the counter, sifting through the different orders — many have rather well-renowned names attached — to decide which ones to tackle first. Being a barista proves more difficult than she initially imagined. All she needed was a simple job to help pay the rent; the coffee shop being on a movie studio lot has been an added bonus, a chance to mingle with stars.
And by mingle, she means floundering interactions with the latest growing stars with their persnickety drink orders, some quick to complain at the smallest errors. Whenever she gets the opportunity to see someone whose likeness is stamped on a poster in her room, Mikasa mangles all attempts at compliments. Trying to praise their work only culminates in rosy cheeks and baffled looks shot back in return.
Exhaling, she gets to work, going through the orders in a procession ascending from least complicated to most tedious. Everyone seems to want extra toppings these days, extra pumps of artificial syrups that turn their 'coffee' into little more than an excessively-priced milkshake. Whatever gets them through the day, she supposes. Making a movie is tricky work.
Mikasa understands this. Sorta. Or at least, she's attempting to. The acting jobs haven't exactly been falling into her lap, though basic probability encourages her that at least one of these countless auditions have to turn into something. She's desperate for anything — at one of her past attempts, an audition for a medicine commercial, the casting agent giggled midway through her delivery of some poorly-written script. The best Mikasa's ever gotten was being an extra for an episode of a new television show — which was promptly cancelled after a first season.
She finishes an affogato and a raspberry danish for Marilyn Lawrence, lounging around on her lunch break from shooting Saturn's Divinity. It apparently takes too much effort to acknowledge Mikasa's calls of her name, too preoccupied by whatever's on her phone to pay much attention.
"Marilyn!" Mikasa repeats, nervous for yet another celebrity interaction. Lawrence only just won a BAFTA for her performance in This Holy House.
With a scoff, the actress strolls to the counter, barely mouthing a thanks before sulking back to a table, carrying all her actress-y things with.
It's hard not to feel like pond scum when the upper echelons of the acting world are hardly willing to spare her simple pleasantries, yet alone anything resembling kindness. Mikasa brushes it off, moving onto the next order.
She just gets started before Marilyn returns.
"This isn't gluten-free, is it?" The spiteful manner in which she asks has Mikasa stammering even before she attempts to answer her question.
"I, uh— I actually don't know. Let me check."
Flustered, she ducks down, foraging for a paper or manual that lists the ingredients. This is something Mikasa knows she should remember, but this job has squeezed out so much of her brain capacity that little else remains.
"You really don't remember?" Marilyn laughs, and Mikasa can hear her continued click-clacking on the phone keyboard, probably complaining to a friend. "You could've killed me, y'know. People have this little thing called celiac. It's important."
Mikasa suspects that Marilyn Lawrence does not have Celiac disease, but she isn't willing to invite even more wrath. "I'm sorry, ma'am, you're—"
"Whatever. Just figure it out and fix it."
When Mikasa falls quiet to continue her search, she expects the frustration to simmer; it doesn't, and Marilyn continues to berate her, though most of her comments are utterly nonsensical. Mikasa's manager is nowhere to be found, useless for getting her out of this less-than-lovely situation.
Her savior comes in the form of a grey-haired gentleman in a suit, bewildered as he bursts through the door, scanning everyone inside — until his gaze falls on Mikasa. He smiles, cell phone pressed tightly against his ear. Though she cannot pin down his name, Mikasa recognizes him as some movie producer, a real big shot.
"You there! Barista! Come with me."
Stunned, Mikasa points to her chest. "Me?"
Marilyn scoffs again. "Uh, hello? What about me?"
The man ignores the Hollywood A-lister, brushing past her to reach the counter. "Yes, you. We need you. I'll explain when we get there. Come on."
Head in a tizzy, Mikasa cocks her head — squinting her eyes, unsure that she isn't fast asleep in the clutches of a dream. What did some movie executive want with some barista?
"I— I think you have the wrong person."
"Jesus, there's no time for this." He turns to the side, muttering harsh words into the phone. "Yeah— I found someone. Just give us a second."
He turns his attention back to Mikasa.
"Are you gonna come with or not? We need you."
At this point, Marilyn has surpassed the angry-scolding-stage and lands in stunned silence. Mikasa still doesn't know what she's needed for, but angering a Hollywood exec is a surefire way to get blacklisted from any future opportunities. They don't want any dead weight in a cast.
"Uh, yeah— No, I'll— I'll go. I'll go."
Opportunities like this are so rare. Mikasa gets so consumed by this fleeting chance that angering her boss isn't even a concern she consciously entertains. As the executive's eyes burn a hole through her head, she feels hypnotized to untie her apron, tossing it aside. It's tempting to pinch her arm, still convinced of a REM-induced trick, but before she can ponder it, Mikasa is crossing the counter, calling her co-worker's name.
The coffee shop's manager finally appears, and as Mikasa is whisked away by the executive's firm grasp, his protests join Marilyn's, though both go utterly unanswered as Mikasa jumps onto a golf cart waiting outside the doors.
It's hard not to feel like Cinderella climbing onto that pumpkin carriage, ready for the ball.
Mikasa's heart races. She tries guessing what possibly awaits her at the end of this ride. Some secret meeting? An agent, excited to tell her that they've been monitoring her auditions and love what they see? All options feel like a pipe dream.
They arrive at an outdoor filming set, and Mikasa wonders over the absolute chaos going on, the cameramen adjusting their equipment, the mousy-haired director shouting commands through his microphone, guiding the team. She recognizes from the lovey-dovey set design that this must be for Before Affection Retires.
"Hey," the executive barks, snapping his fingers, breaking her free from her daze. "Go over to that trailer. Get in costume and then get back here."
Costume? Mikasa is dazed. She can't produce any discernible response, tumbling out of the cart, speedwalking toward the right trailer. She's never done something requiring a costume, only her plain-old, regular street clothes, blending in easily in the background. This is all new.
Before she knows it, Mikasa is donned in a pretty dress that stops just below her knees, its color somewhere between plum and maroon, the shoulders flowy and graceful. The makeup process was even more foreign — Mikasa's daily makeup routine is simplistic to the core, but the stylist here wanted her eyelashes to pop, seductive and primed for romance. A curling iron turns her hair into bouncy, bombshell waves.
She feels so unlike herself, but adrenaline sends her speeding back for the scene of the action, toward the director still barking out commands.
"You!" He cries, pointing. "Get over here! We're starting a shoot in five minutes. Get a script."
Mikasa wonders if every movie set is this hostile, or if everyone here is just having a bad day. One page from the script gets pressed against her chest, along with one order. "Memorize this."
But before she can begin, a frazzled assistant debriefs her on the whole debacle, leading her to the side and gesturing around wildly.
"You know what you're doing? Can you act?"
Mikasa blinks. "Uh, yeah? I can, yeah."
It's clear that answer doesn't instill a whole lot of confidence in the assistant, but regardless, there's apparently no time to waste on nonsense.
"Diana Baldwin is a no show. There's no time in the schedule to skip her scenes today. You'll be filling in for her for the kiss scene. Got all that?"
Diana Baldwin? That's who I'm filling in for?
There's no time to be starstruck. "Got it. Yup."
"Alright, good. You'll say the lines, and they'll do the ADR in post production. You're just a stand-in. That's it. Don't expect overnight fame, yeah?"
Mikasa nods fervently, still so confused. "No fame. That's— I'm no— Why am I here?"
The question comes out without thinking, but that thought hasn't left her mind since the coffee shop, never able to ask in the swirl of chaos.
"You look like her from the back. Same height, same build. The editors can work their magic."
She'll be little more than a green screen, but the thrill of being on a big movie set, stepping in for an actress she's long admired, is worth it.
"Where do I go? Do I— How much time?"
"Three minutes. Get studying."
Mikasa sends herself into a corner to study, scanning the swoonworthy dialogue for the upcoming scene. A big scene. Important, crucial as the romantic climax for a major Hollywood production, and it depends on her.
The words sink in slowly, as best as they can. The last thing Mikasa wants is to earn a director's ire by flubbing the script to a laughable degree. She prepares herself to be flirty, desirable.
"You! Get ready to shoot."
Mikasa scoots into the filming area, finding the mark on the grass guiding her position. As she assumes the position provided by the script, glancing absentmindedly toward the side, she catches glimpses of camera operators approaching, microphones getting closer.
As directed, Mikasa tilts her eyes upward — finally catching a view at her co-star. Damn near jeopardizing the sanctity of the shoot, she struggles hard to keep her jaw from dropping.
Eren Jaeger. A total heartthrob. Mikasa's harbored a subtle (not really) crush on him for the last few years, just when he began his ascent into Hollywood relevancy. She's seen most of his movies, praising multiple as her favorites. God, Mikasa knows she'll even watch the less-than-savory options, the ones without glowing reviews — independent films with tiny budgets and screenwriters that need fine tuning. She has his films ranked by her favorites, but even that is a difficult list to maintain. Though his social media presence isn't huge, Mikasa keeps up with him.
And now she gets to kiss him.
He wears an outfit so casually suave, a dress shirt with the sleeves rolled to the elbows, the first couple buttons undone for an alluring effect. His shoulder-length hair is something you'd seen on a 1990s teen pop culture magazine, harkening to the age of 'effortless' hairstyles, so swooshy. Mikasa chooses Eren over a young Leonardo DiCaprio any day of the week without hesitation.
The lines nearly slip from Mikasa's memory. She's supposed to be flirty with Eren Jaeger; now, her tasks feels all the more insurmountable to live up to, the standards raised to their highest level.
As Eren approaches, he grins. Mikasa has to remind herself that it's the character he's smiling so pretty at, not her. Some fake girl. Not her.
The tragedy of that causes her to almost miss her first line, but she pulls it together. "You came?"
"Obviously," he replies, laughing, his palms immediately cupping her cheeks. Mikasa's glad the camera isn't focused on her face — which has turned a humiliating shade of red. "You didn't think I'd really leave you behind, did you?"
Mikasa swallows. What was the line? She exhales, as propositioned, smiling, mustering up as much desperation in her tone as she can. "I don't know." This young actress has never been this nervous. "You seemed like you were in a pretty big hurry."
Here comes the most swoonworthy dialogue, the part that'll send Mikasa into cardiac arrest. Eren, or whatever his character's name is, draws her closer, their noses rubbing together. The cameras are almost intrusive now — just like they've always been in her screen tests, her daunting auditions, the technology recording her failure.
At Eren's advancing touches, Mikasa recalls another direction from the script — touch him. She nervously rests her shaky fingers on his waist, clutching his shirt. Eren Jaeger's shirt. His smell is intoxicating this close, subtle but unbelievably attractive. Potent. He continues.
"No. Never. C'mon, El. Can't leave you. You know I can't leave you. Don't give a damn about all that."
Without context, Mikasa has no idea what all that even means, but it's irrelevant. Eren has his hands grasping her face, ready to confess his deepest feelings. She swallows hard, clearing her throat.
"Don't make promises you can't keep. You'll wanna leave again. I can't keep you here."
Her delivery has a shakier quality to it than a professional actress might have, but Mikasa's just proud of herself for not melting to a puddle.
Eren, formidable in his role, just as strong as he looks on the silver screen, pushes her back until they've stumbled into the stone railing behind them — a totally improved move that catches Mikasa off guard, her breath hitching.
Before she can process anything, his lips are latched onto hers, hungrily, his character so desperate to prove his affections to this El girl. He tastes just as good as he has in Mikasa's most shameful dreams, the ones where she gets to do exactly what she's doing now, standing tall as Eren's co-star, the recipient of all his perfectly-acted kisses across an excessive number of takes.
Happy to indulge in this fantasy, Mikasa loses herself in the scene, determined to live up to the expectations placed onto her. She clutches onto Eren, brave enough to engage her mouth, providing her own energy to the kiss. Good God. I'm kissing Eren Jaeger. This is all real.
"Not going anywhere," Eren mewls, too convincing in his 'acting', slipping into this character with so little effort. His hands find Mikasa's thighs, squeezing as she's hoisted into his strong arms, legs with no destination but to wrap around his waist. "I need you. I need you."
Mikasa can't contain herself. Her poor heart is close to giving out, and her stomach flips and clenches and every tumultuous sensation between. She forgets this is a movie, on a set, surrounded by strangers watching them kiss.
One more line. "Stay here. Stay with me, please."
"I will, you goddamn, gorgeous idiot. I'm here."
They kiss longer — so much longer — until the immersion is decimated by the director calling cut, leaving Mikasa in the unfortunate reality where Eren swiftly drops her down to her feet. Through the megaphone, the director praises them — before asserting that they would return for a second, precautionary take.
"Hey," Eren starts, his regular, out-of-character tone somehow so different from his voice during shooting. He's more relaxed. Mikasa's used to this voice from all the interviews she's seen.
"Hi." She keeps her eyes averted, too flustered to even dare looking at him after that. He's famous. She's a nobody, wannabe actress that's stuck working a part-time throwaway job. Still, her awkward smile seems to endear her to him.
"Are you alright? I'm sorry for surprising you like that. Felt like it might help the scene." He sounds pleased with himself for concocting the idea. "I didn't hurt you or anything, did I?"
As if he couldn't get anymore perfect. He's a massive sweetheart, too, not some prima donna.
"No— not at all. It was— it was clever."
"You think so? I worried it might be too much."
She's unsure how to reassure him of the move's success without exposing her gigantic crush.
"I think the women watching will be happy."
Eren laughs and it's sublimely charming. "Well, then I'm happy with it. You're all hard to please."
Behind her back, Mikasa fidgets with her fingers, cracking her knuckles like crazy — anything to relieve the what-is-happening-right-now energy coursing through her bloodstream and incapable of exiting any of her brain's fixated thinking.
"Ah, well— I doubt you could disappoint them."
Instantly, she wants to slam her palm so hard into her forehead that it sends her flying. He doesn't need another weirdo fangirl. I've seen the comments on his Instagram. There's enough of those already. If he's annoyed, Eren conceals that frustration with ease, accepting the vote of confidence with a gracious simper.
"Thanks." He exhales deeply, finding his place beside her against the railing. "Are you an actress? How'd you get wrapped up in all this?"
Calling herself an actress in Eren's presence seems rather reductive of his talent. Mikasa shrugs, biting the inside of her cheeks. "Sorta? Not really. I'm— I'm trying to be, at least."
Eren smiles. "Have I seen anything you've done?"
He's much easier to talk to than someone like Marilyn Lawrence. He's more— more human.
"If you watched Avalon Harbor, you might've caught me in the background for a second. I think it was at 36:20, if you feel like double checking."
Pathetic as it sounds, her jokes makes Eren snort, and Mikasa considers that a win. "You know what, I'll have to give it a rewatch sometime."
A different production assistant brings them bottles of water while they wait to reconvene. There's a painful silence between them — a silence that Mikasa wishes to fill with a million questions about his acting, his roles, his journey from child clothes model to big screen cash cow.
Somehow, though, he's equally interested in her.
"So, Ms. Avalon Harbor, you didn't really answer my question. Where'd they find you?"
Mikasa sighs. Now he'll really know I'm a loser.
"The coffee shop down the street. I work there."
He laughs again. "I— I didn't expect that one."
Just as she's about to attempt another joke, anything to hear his pretty laugh again, the director cuts their conversation short, summoning the cast and crew back into position.
"It was nice to chat with you— Wait, what's your name? Just realized I have no idea."
She swallows, lump building in her throat. You're about to be on a first name basis. "Mikasa."
"Eren," he replies, a formality more than anything. "Maybe we'll get to work together again one day."
Don't get your hopes up, she tells herself. "I'm happy to just be in the audience, really."
He smiles as he backpedals back to his starting position, and that smile lingers on Mikasa's brain all the way until the director calls action.
Returning to her barista job after the previous day's events is harder than she anticipates. Getting a taste of a real actresses' life didn't quench that dream — it only thickened her thirst to be on more movie sets, to experience the thrill of producing something from nothing, to turn a script into a visual manifestation for audiences.
Kissing Eren Jaeger played a big part, obviously.
It's hard to keep her mind off their scenes while cleaning the counter during a lull in customers. Her eyes fixate onto the speckles hidden into the quartz countertop, utterly lost in a daydream, replaying the kiss in her head just like she's rewatched some of Eren's movies on repeat.
A gentle voice cuts through her folly.
"What do you recommend? I can't decide."
Startled, Mikasa gets ready to issue so many apologies for being so ditzy, so inattentive. The last thing she needs is a customer complaint.
When she catches the man's eyes, she's even more startled to see Eren standing there.
"Oh! It's you, I— I'm so sorry, I didn't—"
"No need to apologize. Did I scare you?"
Behind Eren, some customers look up from their coffees to gawk at him — the penalty that comes with achieving some stardom (and the unfortunate consequences of being blessed with unnaturally beautiful cheekbones).
Mikasa laughs, flustered. Her cheeks give away just how unprepared she is for this encounter.
"A little, yeah. Thought I was gonna get an earful."
"Nope. Just wanted to stop by and see you."
See me? It's too good to be true.
"Uh, you did?" Mikasa chides herself. This flirting isn't very good, considering that their tongues were practically wrapped together just yesterday.
Eren leans across the counter, gushing his voice to avoid any pesky eavesdropping.
"Sure did. You're a fun co-star. That's rare these days. Plus, you're a pretty good kisser, too."
Instantly, Mikasa's hand covers her face, the redness flushed across her features too much to bear — Eren Jaeger likes my kissing. Me.
Undisturbed by her inability to accept his compliments with any decorum, Eren continues, glancing quickly at the clock on the wall.
"Do you have a break coming up? I'm done for the day. Thought we could go for a walk. If you want."
It's starting to dawn on her how quickly her life has been rocketed off its predicted trajectory because of a resemblance to another actress.
Is he actually asking me out? She hasn't felt this giddy in— well, since his last movie came out.
"I'm off in ten minutes, actually. I'd— I'd love to."
"Great. Then it's settled. I'll take you on a tour."
A lackluster shift becomes the second-best she's ever worked, just trailing behind yesterday's. She smiles so brightly, hard enough to hurt her cheeks, straining the muscles that she usually saves for pretending to tolerate customers.
"Do you still want that recommendation? I can make something for you while you wait."
He grins, amused. "Oh no, I don't like coffee. Just needed something cute to get your attention."
Unwilling to let her get the last laugh, Eren sticks a bill into the tip jar and slinks off to one of the tables, smiling at her from hidden his hand.
Mikasa blushes.
He might be a good actor, but he's just as terrible at hiding a crush as I am.
— (Hope you enjoyed reading! It would be so fun to imagine how they'll spend their walk and how their little courtship would develop into a relationship 🩷 eremika wholesome moment was very fun to write after so much angst!)
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chiaraav · 30 days
Things I've learned in my first month as an over the phone spanish interpreter:
All the nurses and receptionists called Karen that I've encountered have been SO nice! Always understanding and forgiving if you make a small mistake and very willing to help out, not racist at all and many of them actually have learned a little bit of Spanish to help their patients! So nice, so cute, hope I keep encountering them on the job.
The Sharons though, I've had 5 Sharons and all of them were awful, treated the patients horribly and they also treated ME badly!! Like wtf Sharon, I'm here to help YOU. Racists all five of them.
Also this is specifically for the fourth Sharon, I may be able to call your patients for you, but I'm not your secretary, I CAN'T make calls where interpreting services are not required, no I don't care how busy you are, no I'm not lazy this just isn't my job, pick up the phone and make the english calls you need jfc
No kidding, they're the nicest of them all, always happy to help and happy to see their patients! And so am I! I'm not someone who particularly likes babies or kids but honestly the cutest appointments. Everyone is so nice, EVERYONE: receptionists, nurses, doctors, everyone in between the absolute best, always a pleasure to receive a call from you.
Labor and delivery nurses are so nice too!!!! May be a little less enthusiastic but overall so nice and kind, love y'all!!!
On the other hand we have neurosurgery, god I hate this calls, it's not that the terminology is hard (it is, but I can look it up) but is2g neurosurgeons are SO unwilling to help out, they get annoyed of you can't do things quickly and perfectly, and if I ask for a repetition or a spelling they get annoyed and I'm like hello???? Your patient NEEDS to understand this and as such you should HELP ME understand otherwise we are all losing our time. Not racists tho, just assholes. Hope I find some nice ones.
Urologists! Please, you shouldn't be uncomfortable talking about penises and prostates with a female interpreter! You are a physician! But if you truly think that it would be better to have a male interpreter ask for one!!!! So there won't be any awkward silences, that just makes it way worse!!!!!!
Male nurses I love all of you, you are so kind and willing to help! Always saying please and thank you in a soft voice, love love love!
Actually tbh most of the nurses are very very nice, especially as I said pediatrics, labor and delivery and oncology!
Not u neurosurgery nurses, y'all are not exactly nice, can't blame you tho you have to spend so much time around neurosurgeons, there's no way you will stay nice around them.
Oncology you guys are the best, such a difficult specialty and so hard to give bad news, you deserve the best.
Family medicine! It's obvious that you guys are on a rush, so much respect for you really, you also deserve the best!
Don't even know what to say about gastroenterologists, you guys are really strong, definitely not for the weak
And that's all that I wanted to say about providers! Though here's a list of things that annoy me:
So hey, I know that some of you are in a rush, but could you PLEASE at least tell us when you are going to hang up? We don't want to be reporting calls as disconnected, it's annoying.
In the same line, hey I don't have this problem with my company but my friend's company has as goal to finish calls with their scripted goodbye if not those are detractor, so could you guys please at least allow us to say goodbye I know that it doesn't feel necessary (it isn't) but it may impact someone's income
Please could you speak a little slowly, some of us are relatively new and can't keep up with accents if you guys are running with your words
For some of y'all it's not even to speak slow, just at a normal pace! I can't understand terminology that way!
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donnerpartyofone · 1 year
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I don't know when this started happening, but it seems like I increasingly cannot get certain medications by just going to my pharmacy anymore. There's a whole bunch of stuff that my doctors now have to (for some reason) route through a "specialty phramacy", which is actually a startup-y online business with a cute little app I have to use, and they take care of both delivery (meaning every time I need my meds I have to add $5 to the price tag in order to tip the delivery guy, since I can't just go to a place and I refuse to not tip) and also they seem to have a lock on insurance pre-approvals, like if my insurance company needs an OK they can't or won't get it straight from my doctor anymore. In June, I didn't deal with any of these companies, just my regular old pharmacy. As of a month later, I have to deal with THREE of these "specialty pharmacies" if I want all my meds, so I have to keep track of different apps and logins for individual scripts basically. And I mean, TWO of these companies are connected to ONE of my doctors, so that's how well this whole thing is going. Here's today's adventure with the latest one of these things:
I get a text message from the actual physical pharmacy (also new to me) compounding my new medication, and the message includes a link to log into the specialty pharmacy so I can pay for the medication and schedule delivery. The specialty pharm is called Nimble. I open the link in a browser and get all the way to the part where I give them my email address "so we can send you your receipt", and I can't go any further because apparently my email address is already attached to an existing account. It wasn't clear to me that I was setting up a new account, I thought I was just completing a transaction...and also I don't remember Nimble, but I guess I must have used them a long time ago, so ok fine, I'll start over and try to log in first. Now the text message link just opens an error page. So I go to Nimble's home page and try to log in from there, and it asks for my email address so it can send me a "magic link". Every single magic link it sends me is preemptively "expired", and it also appears that I'm not actually getting a new one when I request it, it kinda looks like they're just forwarding the first email over and over again? 15 minutes later I receive a text telling me to download the Nimble app, which I REALLY don't want to do just on principle--plus apparently the app shows fucking ads, so they're getting paid to force me to do this--but like, maybe this is the only way to get my medicine? I won't even describe all the complications I had just downloading the app, we can just skip to the part where the inside of the app is exactly the same as the browser version and it is magically sending me the same expired "magic link". So I click into the help chat thing in the app, and I learn that:
Whenever the fuck I used Nimble before, it was under my maiden name. My email address is locked to my maiden name. My current script is under my married name. I am still using the same email address, but there is no technical way to merge the accounts and apparently there is no way for a customer to simply update the spelling of their own name that they use in real life, even though this might have to happen at any time for many reasons including typos. I could have given them my private email address instead of the old one that I give to scammy businesses when I'm forced to, but since WHY THE FUCK would I do that, the solution was for customer service to go into the back end and put a fake email address in my old account, and add my real email address to the new account. No online account I've ever had has been set up like this, where you can't put in your email address or phone number and update something like a password. There was also no way for me to independently enter my name first, even though that is the key unchanging piece of information the way phone/email is normally, and ultimately, there was no way for me to find out what the problem even was without like penetrating to the center of the labyrinth to have it explained to me why I wasn't allowed to get my meds.
I'm on Tumblr like 24/7 and it's obvious that I'm no luddite, but I'm really angry that the whole world has bought into the idea that as long as some system is based on new technology, then it is automatically more efficient and superior to whatever we used to do. This entire experience is NOT superior to me physically walking to my pharmacy and getting all my meds, and it is STILL NOT superior to me calling the physical pharmacy to pay over the phone and book a courier. We need to stop pretending that shit like this is making our lives better just because it feels shiny and new; now it's just like, if I wanna do something totally normal that I'm dependent on doing--like getting drugs that I might need to live as far as all these assholes know--I have to appease some 3rd party alien entity that does not contribute in any way to the success of the process or the quality of the outcome, it's just this random extra burden that takes so long to get through that they should honestly pay me to do it. Because right now I'm fucking sitting here doing this shit like it's my job, and it absolutely is not.
In this case customer service was actually helpful when I finally got to them, but basically they shouldn't have been necessary at all. Everything else about the situation was so fucked up that it reminded me of the single worst customer service experience I've ever had: I used to have a REALLY shitty Lenovo laptop (I didn't realize that "basic" and "simple" now just means "doesn't work"), and one day the Start menu got stuck open. It was fully expanded across my entire desktop, so I couldn't get to any of my shit. I had to spend about an hour talking to a service person who, it turned out, had NO IDEA what I meant by "desktop". I could not get the idea into her mind. I did a screenshare with her and she was like "Yeah I see all your applications, everything is there, what's the problem?" I could not get her to understand that it was INCORRECT for the menu to be permanently open and I couldn't get her to understand what it was blocking. I found myself typing crazy shit like "So the Desktop is like, ya know, it usually has a picture you picked out as the background, and there's little icons for programs you use or stuff you downloaded, there's always the little trashcan thing there..." and she just would not admit that she knew what I meant. It was as if she had never used a computer before. And like I don't even remember how I fixed the problem, I stopped using that machine obviously--but to this very day, there's a part of my brain exclusively devoted to running an endless background process that asks, "What's the best way to describe a computer desktop display to someone who has never seen or heard of one before?"
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Fucking military health insurance.
I pay $260 a month for health insurance. Fairly good coverage, but for a lot of meds they want me to use express scripts hime delivery. Which is fine for most of my meds but I have a migraine prevention medication that is newer and technically a specialty drug.
I take it every other day. So in October they sent me a 32 day supply. 16 pills sent on 10/17/22. I stupidity assumed that it would do automatic refill like my others. I also thought that it would send me a 3-month supply like they boast. But nope. So when I checked to see when the next 1 month supply was coming, it wasn’t. So I tried to refill it. They wouldn’t let me until 12/25/22 which is far after I need it.
I tried several times over my last week of meds. I tried to call but their automated system is really frustrating. I ran out on Sunday. I finally got through on Monday. They pushed it so that the meds would be sent out today. But that leaves about a week for me to not have my medicine.
They sent it to the hospital pharmacy but I called to check on it, and they said that the hospital pharmacy is not contracted to fill this medication. Which is fucking crazy because they could fill other meds.
They offered to send it to the base pharmacy because it’s a military insurance and military base. I called them just to check that they had the medicine, I was on hold for 40 minutes. They could order the medication but that would take just as long as waiting for my express delivery.
So I called Walgreens, they didn’t have it.
I called smiths (Kroger) and they have it, which is wonderful but it took more than an hour to get it resolved.
I had to call my doctor to get it sent to that pharmacy.
So I had a total of 5 calls.
And smiths will not be in network at the end of this month.
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health-views-updates · 2 months
Emerging Trends in the Online Pharmacy Market: Future Projections
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Online Pharmacy Market Outlook, Scope & Overview:
Industry reports indicate that the global online pharmacy market was valued at USD 112.88 billion in 2023 and is projected to reach USD 399.10 billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 17.1% over the forecast period 2024-2031.
Technological Advancements to Drive Growth of Global Online Pharmacy Market
The adoption of online pharmacy platforms will continue to influence global market revenues. Consumers are increasingly turning to online pharmacies for the convenience of ordering medications, enhanced accessibility, and competitive pricing.
As a service segment, prescription medicines currently hold a significant share of the global online pharmacy market. This segment is anticipated to grow at a year-over-year rate of 17.1% in 2024 over 2023 and reach USD 399.10 billion in revenues by 2031. The rising adoption of e-commerce in healthcare, along with the growing acceptance of digital health solutions, is expected to drive market growth.
Get a Free Sample Report: https://www.snsinsider.com/sample-request/3092 
Online Pharmacy Solutions – Market Dynamics
Online pharmacy solutions are witnessing significant growth in the global market due to their ability to provide convenient access to medications, especially in remote and underserved areas. The increasing penetration of the internet, the growing use of smartphones, and the rising demand for home delivery services are key factors driving the adoption of online pharmacy platforms worldwide. Additionally, the shift towards digital healthcare and the rising awareness of self-medication and over-the-counter (OTC) products are further propelling market growth.
Despite the growth potential, challenges such as concerns about the authenticity and safety of medications, regulatory hurdles, and the complexity of ensuring timely deliveries are hindering the widespread adoption of online pharmacy solutions. Moreover, the need to protect patient data privacy and the risk of counterfeit drugs pose additional challenges to market expansion.
Online Pharmacy Solutions – Market Outlook
The proven benefits of online pharmacy solutions in enhancing access to medications, reducing costs, and improving patient compliance have contributed to the market's growth. Online pharmacies are expected to witness increased adoption across major markets, including North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific, driven by advancements in digital health technologies and the growing focus on consumer convenience.
Global Online Pharmacy Market
The rise in demand for online pharmacy solutions in developed and emerging markets is expected to drive market growth over the forecast period. North America currently holds a significant market share in the global online pharmacy market, with the US being a key contributor to market revenues. Europe and Asia Pacific regions are also experiencing rapid adoption of online pharmacy solutions, supported by increasing internet penetration and favorable regulatory frameworks.
Key Players in the Online Pharmacy Market
Leading companies in the online pharmacy market include CVS Health, Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc., Express Scripts, and 1mg Technologies. These companies are at the forefront of providing advanced online pharmacy platforms and services, offering a wide range of prescription and over-the-counter medications.
In conclusion, the global online pharmacy market is poised for substantial growth over the forecast period, driven by technological advancements, the expansion of e-commerce in healthcare, and the increasing adoption of digital health solutions across diverse consumer segments.
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miracuve · 3 months
PharmEasy Clone Script: Build Your Own Online Pharmacy Platform
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Miracuves presents the Pharmeasy Clone, an innovative solution designed to revolutionize the online pharmaceutical industry. This robust platform replicates the successful model of Pharmeasy, offering users a seamless experience in ordering medicines and healthcare products from the comfort of their homes. With a user-friendly interface and comprehensive features, Pharmeasy Clone ensures easy navigation for customers to browse a wide range of medications, place orders securely, and track deliveries efficiently. Emphasizing convenience and reliability, this clone script promises to empower pharmacies and healthcare providers to reach a broader audience, enhancing accessibility to essential healthcare products with just a few clicks.
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bhushans · 4 months
Beyond Borders: The Global ePharmacies Market Offers Hope for Millions
The ePharmacy market is on the brink of an extraordinary expansion, with projections indicating a staggering Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 14.3%. From a market valuation of USD 81.5 billion in 2022, the ePharmacy market is forecasted to reach an impressive USD 351.9 billion by the end of 2033.
This exponential growth trajectory underscores the increasing consumer preference for online pharmaceutical services, driven by factors such as convenience, accessibility, and the digitalization of healthcare. As ePharmacy platforms continue to innovate and expand their offerings, they are poised to revolutionize the way individuals access and manage their healthcare needs.
Get your PDF Sample Report : https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-14334
easing Furthermore, ePharmacy businesses offer prescription drugs at a lower cost than conventional brick-and-mortar pharmacies. Over the course of the projection period, the ePharmacy market is anticipated to grow at a rapid pace due to the growing investment in the healthcare sector by significant e-commerce companies. Because certain prescription prescriptions are not available at retail pharmacies, a significant portion of the global patient population opts for doorstep delivery of medical supplies. ePharmacies significantly reduce the need for elderly people and people with chronic illnesses to rely on outside parties to get their prescription medications and medical supplies. Similarly, it is anticipated that increased ePharmacy market sales will come from increased internet awareness and usage.
Competitive Landscape:
industry players are investigating a variety of growth tactics in an effort to obtain a competitive advantage and strengthen their positions in the industry. Growing customer needs are projected to drive considerable expansion in the global ePharmacy industry. Indirectly driving market expansion are online retail platforms’ convenient access to regulated prescription medications such analgesics, stimulants, and hypnotics that cause sedation.
Recent Market Developments
In September 2022, a partnership was formed between Walmart Canada and Canada Health Infoway. In 14 Walmart Canada pharmacies, Infoway’s PrescribeIT computerized prescribing service is now available.
In May 2020, Pharmeasy announced the acquisition of Medlife to broaden its product offerings and clientele in India. The company’s market presence has been expanded due to this acquisition, and sales have increased.
Similarly, recent developments have been tracked by the team at Future Market Insights related to companies in the ePharmacy market, which are available in the full report.
Key Companies Profiled:
Netmeds Marketplace Ltd.
Amazon. Inc
The Kroger Co.
Walgreen Co.
Giant Eagle, Inc.
Express Scripts
CVS Health
Optum, Inc.
L Rowland & Co (Retail) Ltd
Zur Rose Group AG
McKesson Corporation
UK Meds Direct Ltd.
Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc.
Key Segments Covered in ePharmacies Industry Research
By Product:
Over the Counter Product
Prescription Medicines
By Region:
North America
Latin America
East Asia
South Asia
Middle East & Africa
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imagelightningstrikes · 4 months
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erewkjrthw · 7 months
PharmEasy Clone Magnificent Medicine Delivery - Miracuves Solutions
Pharmeasy Clone Script - Get started with Medicines on-demand solution just like netmeds the solution comes with admin panel along with apps.
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merckindiasposts · 9 months
Unveiling the Future: Revolutionising Medicine with mRNA Breakthroughs
As a significant moment in medical history unfolded, the world saw the real effects of a remarkable COVID-19 vaccine built on mRNA technology. This has opened up a new path to exciting medical opportunities for the future. The very fabric of healthcare is being rewoven, not by distant promises, but by the tangible potential of Messenger RNA (or mRNA). Beyond being a mere genetic messenger, mRNA is the sentinel of cellular communication, holding the reins of protein synthesis and rewriting the script of medical advancement.
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mRNA has stepped into the spotlight as a messenger of hope. Its role is simple yet transformative: to serve as a blueprint that guides our cells to craft specific proteins. With this power in hand, scientists orchestrate a symphony of health by designing synthetic mRNA sequences that trigger the production of crucial proteins. It's like a finely tuned performance, meticulously arranged at the tiniest level.
This technological symphony is not without its complexities. Challenges of stability, delivery, and immune response arise, akin to hurdles in a grand performance. Yet, as the world witnessed the swift development of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, these challenges are being met head-on by brilliant minds determined to unveil the full potential of this technology.
Imagine a future where cancer is challenged with personalized mRNA therapies, where infectious diseases are met with agile and adaptable vaccines, and where genetic ailments bow before the might of tailored treatments. This is the promise of mRNA technology, a doorway to personalized medicine and a stage where science and innovation take centre stage.
Messenger RNA (mRNA) technology is a groundbreaking approach in biotechnology that involves using synthetic mRNA molecules to instruct cells to produce specific proteins. mRNA serves as a messenger that carries genetic information from DNA to the cell's protein-building machinery, the ribosomes. In the context of mRNA technology, synthetic mRNA is designed to encode a protein of interest, and when introduced into cells, it prompts them to produce that protein.
How mRNA Works:
Design: Scientists create synthetic mRNA sequences that mimic the naturally occurring mRNA found in cells.
Delivery: The synthetic mRNA is delivered into target cells, often using lipid nanoparticles as carriers.
Translation: Cells recognize the synthetic mRNA and use it as a template to synthesize the encoded protein.
Protein Production: The newly produced protein serves various purposes, such as triggering an immune response or fulfilling a therapeutic function.
Advantages of mRNA Technology:
Rapid Development: mRNA vaccines and therapies can be developed faster than traditional methods. Once the target protein's genetic sequence is known, creating synthetic mRNA is relatively quick.
Versatility: mRNA can be engineered to produce a wide range of proteins, making it suitable for vaccines, therapeutic proteins, and even potential treatments for genetic disorders.
No Need for Live Pathogens: Traditional vaccines often require using weakened or inactivated pathogens. mRNA vaccines don't use live pathogens, enhancing safety.
Precision: mRNA technology allows precise control over the protein produced, enabling tailored therapeutic interventions.
Lower Manufacturing Complexity: Compared to traditional protein production methods, mRNA-based protein synthesis can be more straightforward.
Limitations of mRNA Technology:
Stability and Delivery: mRNA molecules are inherently unstable and can be degraded before reaching target cells. Developing effective delivery methods is crucial.
Immunogenicity: Synthetic mRNA can trigger immune responses, potentially leading to adverse effects or limiting repeated dosing.
Cold Chain Requirements: Some mRNA vaccines require ultra-cold storage, posing logistical challenges for distribution, particularly in resource-limited areas.
Prospects and Advancements:
Vaccine Development: mRNA technology gained widespread recognition with the development of COVID-19 vaccines, showcasing its potential to create rapid and effective vaccines against emerging infectious diseases.
Cancer Immunotherapy: mRNA-based cancer vaccines and therapies are being explored to stimulate the immune system to target cancer cells specifically.
Infectious Disease Prevention: mRNA technology could revolutionize vaccine development for various infectious diseases by rapidly generating tailored vaccines.
Genetic Disorders: mRNA therapies hold promise for treating genetic disorders by providing cells with the instructions to produce missing or defective proteins.
Personalized Medicine: mRNA's ability to produce specific proteins opens avenues for personalized treatments based on an individual's genetic makeup.
In conclusion, mRNA technology represents a revolutionary approach to biotechnology with the potential to transform medicine and vaccine development. While it has advantages in terms of speed, versatility, and precision, challenges related to stability, delivery, and immune responses need to be addressed for its full realization. Ongoing research and advancements continue to expand the horizons of mRNA technology, offering promising prospects for innovative treatments and vaccines across various medical fields.
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latestindustryreports · 10 months
Mail Order Pharmacy Market Analysis, Segments, Key Players, Trends by Forecast till 2028
The latest market research released by The Insight Partners- “Growth Projections on Mail Order Pharmacy Market - Statistics and Facts” is the one-stop solution for all Mail Order Pharmacy market-related queries. Companies willing to excel in the competitive Mail Order Pharmacy market are foreseen to face some challenges. This report offers a thorough picture of those challenges to prepare businesses to tackle them in the forecast period. This meticulous research is the result of primary and secondary research methods. Investor's viewpoints have been taken into consideration while integrating the scope for products and services in the forecast period. This report presents an unbiased analysis of the Mail Order Pharmacy market to help companies make informed decisions.
Mail Order Pharmacy Market Dynamics Analysis
The supply and demand curves are impacted by market dynamics; therefore, policymakers have to figure out how to effectively employ different financial tools to heat up or cool down the Mail Order Pharmacy market. Our analysts offer unbiased views on the current market situation. This section further includes a forecast of the forces that are likely to influence on prices and behaviors of consumers and manufacturers. In the Mail Order Pharmacy market, forces shape price policies and may result in the fluctuation of supply and demand for products. This further delves into supply-side economics to determine the growth potential for Mail Order Pharmacy market participants.
Competitive Mail Order Pharmacy Market Landscape
In a highly competitive space, companies need to keep discovering new products and features. This chapter on competitive analysis will offer ways in which companies can improve their customer journey. Knowing the advantages and disadvantages of your rivals is a necessary component of comprehending the competitive environment. By learning from an analysis like this, the business can better position itself in the market and comprehend how others have achieved success. Key companies in this market are- Canada Drugs Online, WellDyne, Walgreens co., eDrugstore.com, Zur Rose Group AG, CHI Health, Optumrx Inc., Express Scripts Holding Company, CVS Health, PillPack
Mail Order Pharmacy market research report, which contains proof of findings and provides the best opportunity for businesses to fulfill their objectives, might serve as the cornerstone of your business strategy.
Key objectives of this research are:
To uncover factors influencing the business environment.
To analyze the current Mail Order Pharmacy market share, market size, and CAGR
Navigating through opportunities and challenges in the Mail Order Pharmacy market.
To measure the impact of marketing, supply chain, and production strategies.
To gauge consumer behavior to better delivery of products.
To know pioneer profit and identify lucrative growth segments.
What are the Perks for Buyers of this Report?
Cost analysis and performance by regions, customers, and products
Insights on developments in foreign markets, competitor moves, technological changes
Regional market insights for investors
Competitive Analysis
Access to PDF, and PPT formats of this research.
Consultation and customization
Mail Order Pharmacy Market Segmentation
Based on Drug Type of Mail Order Pharmacy Market Research report:
Prescription Drugs
Nonprescription Drugs
Based on Product of Mail Order Pharmacy Market Research report:
Blood Pressure
Cardiovascular Medicines
Cold and Flu
Dermal Care
Based on Mode of Order of Mail Order Pharmacy Market Research report:
Online Store
Pharmacy Apps
Based on Regions:
North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico)
Europe (U.K., France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Central & Eastern Europe, CIS)
Asia Pacific (China, Japan, South Korea, ASEAN, India, Rest of Asia Pacific)
Latin America (Brazil, Rest of Latin America)
The Middle East and Africa (Turkey, GCC, Rest of the Middle East and Africa)
Rest of the World…
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realdataapi1 · 1 year
Medicine Delivery App Data Scraping | Extract Medical & Pharmaceutical Data
Medicine Delivery App Data Scraping Services - Extract Medical & Pharmaceutical Data
Looking for a reliable and efficient way to extract medical and pharmaceutical data from different countries? Our medicine delivery app data scraping service can help you obtain valuable insights from USA, UK, UAE, China, India, Australia, Germany, and Spain. With our advanced data extraction tools and techniques, we can collect and analyze vast amounts of data from various sources, including websites, social media, and other online platforms. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing you with accurate and up-to-date data that can help you make informed decisions about your business. Contact us today to learn more about our data scraping services.
Get Started
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What is Medicine Delivery App Data Scraping?
Medicine delivery app data scraping refers to extracting information from mobile applications that offer medicine delivery services. The data scraped from these medicine delivery apps can include details about medications, prescription drugs, over-the-counter products, prices, availability, pharmacies, delivery options, user reviews, and other relevant information related to medicine delivery services.
Data scraping from medicine delivery apps involves using automated scripts or bots to interact with the user interface and retrieve the desired data. This data can be used for various purposes, such as market research, price comparison, pharmacy analysis, and improving medicine delivery services.
List of Data Fields
Mobile App Scraping' Medicine Delivery Mobile Apps Data Scraping Service is designed to extract a wide range of valuable data related to medicine delivery. Here are the types of data that can be extracted through our service:
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Medicine Delivery App Data Scraping Use Cases
Medicine delivery app data scraping can offer valuable insights and support various use cases for businesses, consumers, and the healthcare industry. Here are some practical use cases for medicine delivery app data scraping:
User Feedback and Reviews
Scraped data from user reviews and feedback allows medicine delivery apps to address user concerns and improve service quality.
Medicine Subscription Services
Medicine delivery apps can utilize scraped data to offer subscription services, ensuring regular and timely medication deliveries to users.
Medication Availability and Pricing
Consumers can use scraped data from different medicine delivery apps to check the availability and prices of medications from various pharmacies, helping them find the most affordable options.
Market Research
Pharmacies and healthcare analysts can scrape data from medicine delivery apps to conduct market research. This data can include information about medication demand, pricing trends, and user preferences.
Pharmacy Analysis
Data scraping allows pharmacies to analyze their competitors' offerings, prices, and customer reviews. This analysis helps pharmacies improve their services and pricing strategies to stay competitive.
Prescription Drug Tracking
Medicine delivery apps can use scraped data to track the availability and demand for prescription drugs, ensuring they maintain adequate stock levels.
Personalized Medication Recommendations
Medicine delivery apps can use scraped data to offer personalized medication recommendations based on a user's health history and previous purchases.
User Behavior Analysis
Data scraping enables medicine delivery apps to analyze user behavior, such as preferred medications, order frequency, and medication adherence. This data helps in enhancing user experiences and medication management.
Pharmacy Location and Availability
Users can benefit from scraped data to find nearby pharmacies offering specific medications and their delivery options.
Drug Interactions and Safety
Medicine delivery apps can use scraped data to provide information on potential drug interactions and safety warnings to users.
Inventory Management
By scraping data from medicine delivery apps, pharmacies can track inventory levels and manage stock efficiently to avoid out-of-stock situations.
Compliance and Regulatory Monitoring
Medicine delivery apps can use scraped data to ensure compliance with local healthcare regulations and medication delivery guidelines.
Find Inspiration: Explore Sample Product Data
Discover websites that Actowiz regularly scrapes to provide valuable product data samples to customers.
Scrape Medicine Data List
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to medicine delivery app data scraping:
Is data scraping from medicine delivery apps legal?
Can unauthorized data scraping from medicine delivery apps result in account suspension or legal action?
Are there alternative methods to access medicine delivery app data without scraping?
How can I ensure ethical data scraping from medicine delivery apps?
What types of data can be scraped from medicine delivery apps?
How can pharmacies and businesses benefit from data scraping?
What precautions should I take when data scraping from medicine delivery apps?
Why Choose Mobile App Scraping for Mobile App Data Collection?
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Guaranteed Data Quality
We are committed to delivering consistently high-quality data. With our guaranteed 99.9% accuracy, you can rely on us to provide accurate and reliable Mobile App data scraping services.
Efficient Anti-Blocking Measures
To ensure uninterrupted Mobile App scraping and data extraction, we employ multiple proxies, implement suitable delays, and effectively solve Captcha challenges in real-time. These measures minimize the risk of blockages and enhance the efficiency of our data extraction processes.
Know more >>
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pnovick · 1 year
IT / OT SPECIALIZED APPLICATIONS LEAD - 202302-104997 Location: Oceanside, California
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Industry: Pharmaceutical / Biotech Job Category: Information Technology - Other IT Are you passionate about Information (IT) and Automation Technology (OT) and aspiring to make a meaningful impact? Are you curious to shape a digital manufacturing architecture, ready to advance competitiveness on the market? We Make Medicines!​ ​Behind every product sold by the company​ is Pharma Global Technical Operations (PT). Starting with Phase I of the development process and continuing through to product maturity, PT makes lifesaving medicines at 11 locations, with the support of partners from around the world. Information (IT) and Automation Technology (OT) teams are key in producing and delivering medicine to patients. The organization is currently transforming towards digitalization, advancing fundamental elements to meet future needs, such as using new technologies. We are looking for a highly motivated engineer to take on the role of IT / OT Specialized Application Lead as part of the Site IT / OT Organization in a 24x7 Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) environment. The successful candidate will be: Site Owner of “Customized Applications” that interface with Manufacturing System Platforms such as OSI PI (Plant Historian), Syncade (MES), DeltaV (Distributed Control System), PLC's, Lab Data Systems (Smartline Data Cockpit) using OPC or other middleware. Examples of custom applications include: reports/reporting tools, dashboards Skilled at scripting and programming preferably in a manufacturing systems environment (Java, C++, Python, PowerShell) Support Lead for custom applications but also knowledgeable in Operational Technology Systems May eventually expand the role to become a Regional role for multiple sites supporting IT / OT operating model evolution What you will be working on: Development and Lifecycle management of the customized applications and related systems Support the implementation of OT standards and best practices across all sites Support commissioning and startup activity of new process control systems and manufacturing systems (Syncade, DeltaV, PLC’s, OSI PI historian, etc.) Support the execution of computer system validation and control system lifecycle management Develop and maintain GMP/Non-GMP design documentation and engineering diagrams Execute testing and installation of system/database patches, upgrades, and new releases Troubleshoot and resolve incidents and problems associated with the system/databases and applications Execute implementation and delivery of projects on-site IT OT Product Portfolio Operate and execute change control process for system deployment and release management of system/database software across Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) validated and non-GMP environments Requirements / Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Engineering, Computer Science, or equivalent experience A minimum of 5 years systems engineer experience involved in the design, implementation, and/or support of automation systems, preferably in a regulated (Pharmaceutical) industry. Candidates with 8-10 years of relevant experience are preferred. 24X7 support, participate in an on-call environment to meet business continuity requirements, including weekends and holidays as required Extensive experience with scripting and programming in various languages (Java, C++, Python, PowerShell) preferably in a Manufacturing Systems environment Experience with scripting and programming in various languages (Java, C++, Python, PowerShell) Experience with Microsoft Windows Server operating system, Microsoft SQL Server, and development tools Experience with Emerson DCS DeltaV, MES Syncade, OSIsoft PI, Rockwell Automation AssetCentre, and various OPC architectures Onsite at Oceanside, CA, required (no remote) Relocation assistance will be considered for exceptional candidates Security Clearance Required: No Visa Candidate Considered: No Read the full article
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delvenservices · 1 year
Digital Pharmacy Market Trends & Forecast Report
This Digital Pharmacy Market report will Increase your understanding of the market for identifying the best and most suitable strategies and decisions on the basis of sales or revenue fluctuations in terms of volume and value, distribution chain analysis, market trends, and factors. Qualitative and quantitative data utilization to discover arrays of future growth from the market trends of leaders to market visionaries and then recognize the significant areas to compete in the future.
Get free sample report: https://www.delvens.com/get-free-sample/digital-pharmacy-market-trends-forecast-till-2030
Delvens Industry Expert's Standpoint:
The National Institute of Health (NIH) research states that buying goods and services online, including prescription drugs, has become standard practice with community pharmacies increasingly implementing digital health strategies. An increase in internet users, easier access to the internet and online services, and an increase in the use of digital prescriptions in hospitals and other healthcare facilities are all factors contributing to the growth of the digital pharmacy market. Doctors are now available with just a few clicks of your mouse making it easier for patients to get proper care and consultancy for their health problems.
Inquire before buying the complete report: https://www.delvens.com/Inquire-before-buying/digital-pharmacy-market-trends-forecast-till-2030
Key Findings
Digital Pharmacy is a digital platform also known as internet pharmacy or online pharmacy, involved in the sales of drugs, or medication to consumers. The platform is designed to provide online pharmacy services, including drug delivery. Digital Pharmacy allows prescription refilling and delivery over the counter as well as specialty medicines to patients.  
Significant increase in the number of online service providers has enhanced the accessibility to internet pharmacies in developing nations. In recent years, a considerable increase in the number of internet users has further led to a high adoption rate. Therefore, ease of access to internet pharmacies through smartphones and the availability of a range of pharmaceutical products are major factors driving the growth of the Digital Pharmacy market.  
During COVID-19, the Digital Pharmacy business has witnessed significant growth across developing countries including India. Regional lockdowns and movement restrictions have led to the adoption of Digital Pharmacy mobile applications providing online medicine delivery services. Further, government initiatives supporting digital technologies to improve medicine access have positively impacted the Digital Pharmacy market growth. Therefore, several industry players operating in the Digital Pharmacy business experienced an increase in the number of application subscriptions amid the pandemic.  
The market is also divided into various regions such as North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, and Middle East and Africa. North America accounts for the largest share of the studied market. This can be primarily attributed to the more significant number of internet users and higher adoption of online services, which are expected to augment the market's growth over the forecast period.
Direct Purchase for the report: https://www.delvens.com/checkout/digital-pharmacy-market-trends-forecast-till-2030
According to the regional analysis: North America to Dominate the Market
North America accounts for the largest share of the studied market. This can be primarily attributed to the more significant number of internet users and higher adoption of online services, which are expected to augment the market's growth over the forecast period.
The Key Players of the market are:
The Kroger Co, The Walgreen Company, Express Scripts Holding, CVS Health, DocMorris, Giant Eagle, Wal-Mart Stores, OptumRx, PharmEasy, 1mg and Netmeds are the major players operating in Digital Pharmacy Market.
Recent Developments
In 2021, Walgreens Co. (US) launched nationwide contactless same-day delivery services (in under two hours) for more than 24,000 products.  
In 2021, Rite Aid Corp. (US) partnered with Uber to deliver Rite Aid products nationwide through Uber Eats, allowing customers to conveniently order and receive essential healthcare and grocery items directly to their homes.
Read trending reports of Healthcare Industry: https://www.delvens.com/industry/healthcare
About Us:
Delvens is a strategic advisory and consulting company headquartered in New Delhi, India. The company holds expertise in providing syndicated research reports, customized research reports and consulting services. Delvens qualitative and quantitative data is highly utilized by each level from niche to major markets, serving more than 1K prominent companies by assuring to provide the information on country, regional and global business environment. We have a database for more than 45 industries in more than 115+ major countries globally.
Delvens database assists the clients by providing in-depth information in crucial business decisions. Delvens offers significant facts and figures across various industries namely Healthcare, IT & Telecom, Chemicals & Materials, Semiconductor & Electronics, Energy, Pharmaceutical, Consumer Goods & Services, Food & Beverages. Our company provides an exhaustive and comprehensive understanding of the business environment.
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