philosophybitmaps · 18 days
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quotessentially · 2 years
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From Epicurus’s Letter to Menoeceus
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bowofbalance · 1 year
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Also if you want to give Meg siblings she has four in mythology, three brothers and one sister. Menoeceus (Megareus), Lycomedes, Haemon, and Pyrrha. Maybe give a reason why she wasn't connected with her birth family and she can give them some family drama.
Oh wow! Nice!!!
I might do that lol! As you know, I love me some fictional family drama lol!
I do like the idea of Meg having a couple of brothers who might be overprotective of her, so once they meet Herc they’re like “You better treat my sister right, buddy!” Lol!
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filmcentury · 10 months
Death, therefore, the most awful of evils, is nothing to us, seeing that, when we are, death is not come, and, when death is come, we are not.
Epicurus (341 – 270 BCE), Letter to Menoeceus, as translated in Stoic and Epicurean (1910) by Robert Drew Hicks
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Disney Hercules Film Theories
Trying an experiment here, but what are your obscure down the rabbit hole conspiracy theories about Disney Hercules?
I'll start:
Megara having a fear of heights was NOT something the writers came up with on the fly. Okay, granted, probably not, but I'm gonna go out on a limb here and give them the benefit of the doubt.
Meg is afraid of heights b/c that's how her brother died in myth. If you look at her family tree, Meg is part of the royal bloodline of the kingdom of Thebes. Does that make her a princess? You bet your golden apples she is. One of her brothers Menoeceus sometimes called Megareus, died by throwing himself off a tower to stop the curse that had been inflicted on the royal bloodline of the house of Thebes that started when Cadmus, the patriarch of her family ticked off Ares, his future father-in-law, for slaying a water serpent.
And so, to appease Ares, Menoeceus sacrificed his life to end the curse that was inflicted upon his family line.
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As much as I dislike academia and the over-analysis of classic literature, I’ve recently been reading some ancient Greek tragedies, and I do have something to say about the sons of Oedipus real quick. Just as a casual observer:
In Seven Against Thebes I did not pity Eteocles that much, even though he was depicted as the victim of an unjust siege at the hands of his brother, because he was kind of a jerk. But I did pity the chorus, as completely innocent citizens in danger of being raped, killed, or enslaved if the siege succeeded.
In Phoenician Women, I did not pity Polynices that much, even though the text made it implicitly clear that his siege was justified and Eteocles was the one being unjust, because in their every interaction, he just kept matching Eteocles’ jerk energy. I didn’t feel that strongly about the chorus either way because I was mostly just confused as to why they were there, narratively speaking.
The only aspect that really broke my heart the way a good tragedy always should was Menoeceus’ death, and Creon’s reaction to it.
Incidentally, I never pitied Oedipus himself that much, either, because although what happened to him was terrible, and he genuinely did not know what he was doing, he did kill four people in a traffic dispute on his way to Thebes, and then he was never punished for that...
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infirmux · 2 years
Check out this lofty citadel btw...surely a bird menoeceus must throw himself from such walls as these
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hedansc · 11 days
"First of all, believe that a god is an incorruptible and happy being, as the common opinion of the world dictates; and attach to your theology nothing which is inconsistent with incorruptibility or with happiness; and think that a deity is invested with everything which is able to preserve this happiness, in conjunction with incorruptibility. For there are gods; for our knowledge of them is distinct. But they are not of the character which people in general attribute to them; for they do not pay a respect to them which accords with the ideas that they entertain of them. And that man is not impious who discards the gods believed in by the many, but he who applies to the gods the opinions entertained of them by the many. For the assertions of the many about the gods are not anticipations, but false opinions. And in consequence of these, the greatest evils which befall wicked men, and the benefits which are conferred on the good, are all attributed to the gods; for they connect all their ideas of them with a comparison of human virtues, and everything which is different from human qualities, they regard as incompatible with the divine nature."
- Epicurus, Letter to Menoikeus
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rgraves1 · 1 month
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The Seven Chiefs Against Thebes by Angelique Mongez
The Seven Against Thebes
Now, the emblem of Thebes is a lion, and the emblem of Calydon, a boar; and the two fugitive suitors displayed these devices on their shields. That night in Adrastus’ palace, they began to dispute about the riches and glories of their respective cities, and murder might have been done, had not Adrastus parted and reconciled them. Then mindful to the prophecy, he married Aegeia to Polyneices and Deipyla to Tydeus, with a promise to restore both princes to their kingdoms; but said they would march first against Thebes, which lay nearer. (The Seven Against Thebes, The Greek Myths by Robert Graves, pp 377-383).
Adrastus was King of Argos, with two beautiful daughters, Aegeia and Deipyla, and was beset by suitors wishing to marry them. Chief among these were Polyneices, son of Oedipus, and banished from Thebes by his brother, and Tydeus, banished from Calydon after accidentally killing his brother while out hunting. Following a prophecy that suggested to Adrastus that he should yoke the lion and the boar together to solve his suitor problem, the King offered Polyneices and Tydeus his daughters in marriage. Adrastus recruited a further four champions to lead his army against Thebes: Capaneus; Hippomedon; Amphiaraus and Parthenopaeus, which, including Adrastus himself, comprised the Seven.
The attack on Thebes did not go well for the Seven. Capaneus was struck down by a thunderbolt hurled by Zeus as he attempted to scale the walls; a Theban sally then succeeded in killing Polyneices and Tydeus, despite Athena’s attempt to save the champion with a magic elixir. Amphiaraus was swallowed by the earth, chariot and all, while fleeing from the battle. Thebes stood, despite their king, Eteocles being killed by his brother Polyneices in combat and a prince of the royal house, Menoeceus, killing himself as a sacrifice to save the city. As for Adrastus, he also fled, eventually appearing at the court of Theseus in Athens, who agreed to march on Thebes and secure the return of the Argive dead for decent burial.
The Classical Greeks were of the view that the Theban wars were the Gods’ means of thinning out the Hellenic heroes, repeated for the next generation by the war at Troy. The myth of the Seven also provides numerous examples of the sacred king’s replacement by his brother/tanist.
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philosophybitmaps · 9 months
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thetorturedmusesdept · 8 months
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Was that [ELIZABETH GILLIES]? Oh no no, that was just [MEGARA], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [DISNEY’S HERCULES]. They are [TWENTY-SEVEN] years old, use [SHE/HER], and [ARE NOT] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.
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FULL NAME: Megara Chloros AGE: 27 SPECIES: Human FANDOM: Disney’s Hercules GENDER IDENTITY: Cis female; she/her SEXUALITY:  Bisexual NATIONALITY:  Greek ETHNICITY: White HOW LONG HAS YOUR CHARACTER BEEN HERE?: Three Weeks JOB: Personal Assistant WHERE HAS YOUR CHARACTER BEEN PULLED FROM IN THEIR FANDOM?: The end of the movie, after Hercules saves her from death and renounces being a God to be with her. She doesn't remember any of this right now though. HAS ANY MAGIC AFFECTED YOUR CHARACTER?: Yes, Meg currently believes she's been in DC all her life, with memories of home replaced with Washington.
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FACE CLAIM: Elizabeth Gillies SPECIAL / RECOGNIZABLE FEATURES: Striking blue eyes. HAIR COLOR: Dark brown EYE COLOR: Blue ACCENT: American
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SIBLING(S): Menoeceus, Lycomedes, Haemon, and Pyrrha PARTNER(S): None atm. CHILDREN: None atm. PARENT(S): Creon and Eurydice
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- Megara is terrified of heights. She does not do well with being up high at all. She gets extreme anxiety and has even gotten sick from the stress before. There isn't much that scares Meg, but heights is definitely one of them. - In the past, Meg used to be a romantic. (tw: death) She had a boyfriend whom she loved dearly, so much so that when he passed away, she sold her soul to Hades just to bring him back to life. The asshole wound up leaving her for another woman, ruining Megara's ability to trust as well as her faith in love. She's cynical and jaded now, swearing off love and romance altogether. -Meg is a fan of theatre. She enjoys seeing live plays. She'd never admit it, but she's also fond of a good musical. Her favorite is Wicked, particularly the song No Good Deed. - Back in her school days, Meg was on the cheerleading squad as well as in the Glee Club. As such she's pretty agile and athletic, as well as a talented singer. She thinks about singing full-time occasionally, but views it as a silly dream. - Meg is very fond of nicknames. She enjoys giving people nicknames, she kind of views it as a way to stay casual with someone. So it's safe to say, if she uses your real name, it's most likely because she is being serious or feels close to you. - Purple is Meg's favorite color. She's also a gold girly. So you'll see her sporting purple and gold quite often, and her home has quite a lot of those colors as well. - She knows it's sort of silly, but Meg likes flowers. She likes making floral arrangements and she enjoys getting flowers as a gift. She usually keeps fresh flowers in a vase on her kitchen table. Her favorite flower is a lily. - Meg is not much of a pet person. She doesn't mind animals, and has no real opinion when it comes to cats vs dogs, she just doesn't have the desire to care for an animal. She prefers her solitude.
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platonic connections: Friends, please. Meg has never really had good friends. She could definitely use a good, strong, platonic connection. more platonic connections: Anyone from Hercules, but especially Hades! Hercules would be nice too, and I think Pain and Panic or The Muses would also be a ton of fun! gym buddies: Meg works out a few times a week, so a gym buddy would be nice. fwb/hook-ups: Since Megara is a philophobe (fear of love,) she's definitely more prone to just hooking up. Not to say something can't build off of that, of course. Her trust issues just make it hard to connect sometimes.
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jesslynndiaz · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 70Pc Natural Dried Pampas Grass Bouquet 20-White 20-Brown 30-Reed Boho Decor.
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quotessentially · 2 years
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From Epicurus’s Letter to Menoeceus
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philosophybits · 4 years
Let no one be slow to seek wisdom when he is young nor weary in the search thereof when he is grown old. For no age is too early or too late for the health of the soul.
Epicurus, Letter to Menoeceus
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One must practice the things which produce happiness, since if that is present we have everything, and if it is absent we do everything in order to have it.
from Letter to Menoeceus by Epicurus
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