#Mercedes Fred and George
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Homecoming Daydream Part 2
Summary: With the power of Ferrari’s ghost, Enzo or whoever officiated me with a Charles Leclerc’s in Jesus’ form. I pronounce you, husband and wife.
Pairing: Toto Wolff x reader.
Genre: Romance, fluff and smut.
Author's note: This is a multiple-chapter Toto x Reader fanfic. Noted that English is not my mother tongue so there will be mistakes.
Part 1: Homecoming Daydream
Y/n hadn’t lied before. She wasn’t nervous about marrying Toto. Like at all. 
At that moment, as she walked towards him, down the altar, she was overcome not by excitement but was overwhelmed with the sense of love. The sight of someone, and not just someone, he is, the man in her dream standing at the end of the aisle, patiently waiting for her. She felt like she must have been trapped in a dream, one that she silently prayed to never be woken up from. But as her tipped French nails poked into the palm of her hand, she realised that all these things were happening and they were indeed, 100% true. As she neared him, she could feel the nerves and butterflies disappear and be replaced by a warm feeling of peace and serenity. Like a homecoming. And she is indeed at home now and forevermore. 
All she could do was focus on the heartbeat hammering away in her ears. Then, Toto’s warm hand wrapped around her own. Then, his face – his beautiful dark brown eyes so invitingly warm and intense, she felt caught in his gaze. Then, his gorgeous smile, told her just how happy he was. And slowly her heartbeat steadied, the deafening pulse quieted and she was gently grounded back into the moment with him. I am home, she thought. 
And not a second too early, because as she caught Fred’s expectant gaze, she realized that they somehow must’ve gotten to the part where they would exchange their vows. Y/n cleared her throat. The words came so easily – because they were true. 
“Toto. I must say this and I know it’s not a very romantic way to start a vow but I had a pretty much okay life before I met you.”
There was a low rumble of laughter in the crowd. Y/n smiled and took another deep breath before she continued.
“It’s not fantastic, just average like anyone else’s life out there can be, and I guess I was fine with it. With the thought of being a loner traveller in this lifetime. With the thought of never being the chosen one. Everything ate me up and made me believe it that way. Until I met you. I never expected to meet someone like you. I didn’t even think of someone like you to ever set foot in my life. Slowly, I get to know the beautiful person you are, inside and out. To be so lucky as to fall in love with you. I’ve found my new home, you – right here. And I couldn’t be more grateful to spend my life with you.”
She saw the moisture shimmering in his eyes and was sure that her own looked pretty similar. He smiled, before nodding at Fred and taking a deep breath. 
“ Y/n, my life was pretty much like yours before I met you. Except for all the noise, the hustle lifestyle and the demands of everything in my life,... Too much that there were days I thought it was going to swallow me whole. That was until we came across. I didn’t know I could ever admire one’s eyes this much, and just hearing your laughter and being with you made me feel at home. You called me your home, Schatz. Well, you are mine, too. As you have given me your hands to hold, so I give you my life to hold from this day forward.” 
Her heart beat steadily throughout his vows, but the tears that had been on the verge of slipping before now streamed freely down her face. There was nothing she could do about it. It was as though her love for this man poured out of her body because there was simply too much of it to be physically contained.
She was vaguely aware that Lewis stepped forward behind Toto and handed him something. Toto took the box and flipped it open, revealing two rings. Y/n gasped and swallowed an incredulous chuckle at the size of the diamond inside. Toto hadn’t proposed to her with an engagement ring, since he’d done it spontaneously one night, while they were still wrapped up in bed together. After, she’d told him not to get one, since she found a single wedding ring would more than suffice. Really, she should’ve expected that he would go above and beyond with it, knowing he would go feral in choosing her the perfect ring, with the biggest diamond, of course. He smirked at her reaction and picked the ring from the box, looking at Lewis expectantly. His friend chuckled.
“Okay, I feel kinda silly even asking after all of that, but here we go. Toto, do you Y/n to be your wife?” 
“I do”, Toto answered, his voice even and earnest, despite his smile. Then he slid the ring in place and lifted her hand to his lips for a soft kiss. 
“I love you” he whispered. 
That steady pulse from before was replaced by a frantic gallop, her heart almost jumping out of her chest at the touch of his lips. 
“And Y/n, do you take Grandpa Toto here to be your husband?”
There was another rumble of laughter from the audience, Toto however, acted as though he hadn’t even heard the quip, his eyes glued to her face, her lips. Waiting to hear her answer. As if he still couldn’t believe she’d agree. Silly old man. 
“I do“, she said. Then she plucked the other ring from the box, a simple gold band, and took Toto’s hand.
“And I love you too,“ she whispered and slid the ring onto his finger. 
They stood there and stared at each other, both smiling and silently crying, until Fred cleared his throat and even his voice sounded suspiciously tight with emotion. 
“Well, then with the power of Ferrari’s ghost, Enzo or whoever officiated me with a Charles Leclerc’s in Jesus’ form. I pronounce you, husband and wife. You may kiss your wife now, Wolff.”
And then just only waiting for that moment, her husband did what he was said to do. 
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 Everyone cheered, as Toto released Y/n just slightly, still holding her in his arms, as she grinned up at him. „Hey husband“, she whispered.
His heart felt like it had grown three sizes.
„Hey wife“, he answered, with a smile so wide it actually hurt.
The music turned up in the background and people jumped out of their chairs, charging towards them for hugs and kisses. Lewis was first since he stood right next to them. He clapped Toto on the back before twirling Y/n into one of his bear hugs, making her laugh as he lifted her off the ground. 
“Welcome to the fam, Mrs. Wolff or you prefer it as Mrs. Mercedes. Thank you for saving us from the wrath of him smashing  another pair of Bose’s headphones.”
“I’m more than happy too,” she answered with a wink towards Toto. 
Y/n’s friends and family were another matter, alternately sobbing blended with screaming here and there (happy scream, of course) as they essentially pried her from his hands. She looked over her shoulder at him and gave a little shrug while rolling her eyes, before trying to calm everyone down. As dramatic as them all, she felt whole with them here today. 
Half an hour later, most of the crying was done, and people had started mingling and dancing. And Y/n was finally back at his side, as he pulled her out onto the dancefloor for their first dance as wife and husband. 
„I missed you“, she murmured, sighing happily as she leaned into him, slowly swaying from side to side. 
He grinned.
„I missed you too, sweetheart. Almost broke that stupid rule and came to see you last night, but they almost sent a missing report so I pretty much couldn’t pull the trick of meeting at a secret place like Romeo and Juliet.“
“You want us to die. That’s not what I imagine a happily ever after ending is about, Toto. Did I just marry a crazy, old man?” 
“You did not say that.” He said, completely serious.
“Is that so?”
“Just so you know, wifey. This crazy, old man here fully intended to fuck you tonight. you look so perfect in this dress. Makes me wanna fucking ruin you.” 
She tilted her head as though she was weighing her options with a flushed face. 
“Hmm. That’s the kind of crazy I can handle. And you also aged just fine, husband. Also, you've already ruined me. I can't go five minutes without thinking about your hands on me, our bodies intertwined.”
Toto cursed quietly, already feeling himself harden in his suit. Not an ideal situation, with everyone watching them spin around in slow circles on the dance floor. 
“Oh, Schatz, you can’t say this in public without expecting me to get all hard up.”
Y/n hummed quietly and leaned closer, sliding her hand down his back and pressing her soft body against his torso.
“Rewards come to those whose patience, husband of mine. I promise you there will present for you to open tonight.”
After making the rounds, taking turns dancing with their friends and family, posing for photos and indulging in the food, Toto's patience was running thin. Although surrounded by family and beloved friends, Toto felt increasingly impatient. The wedding felt like an eternity and a huge distraction from the real reason they were all there: to witness Toto and his bride say "I do." He now started to wonder where his wife had gone since she disappeared 15 minutes ago. 
“Have you guys seen my wife?” Toto asked Lewis, Sebastian and George. 
“You really enjoy saying that, huh?“ George teased.
“I think she went upstairs to freshen up, maybe,” Lewis said.
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dittaturamonegasca · 7 months
yeah yeah cool cool but HAS SOMEONE CHECKED ON MAX ALREADY???
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aviscarrentals · 5 months
f1 x textposts p15 the yuki fanart was too adorable not to include
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melly-watches-racing · 7 months
Drive to Survive Episode 10 Thoughts…
Shout out to the cameramen/women for following Charles on his climbing thing
Sorry but Charles doing that climbing reminds me of a Bob the Builder special from when I was a kid
That title sequence was the most we’ve seen of Max this season
I’m glad to see the Redbull and Alpha Tauri guys having fun
The wedding chapel- how many people actually used it?
What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas right Charles?
Harsh Christian, Harsh
This race was created for the sole purpose of keeping Danny around I’m sure of it
Of course Lando was drunk
George being confused
Typical Max can we hide?
Fred has a man crush on Toto let’s be real
OMG we actually saw the Alfa Romeo and Max!
All that hype for the drivers to keep complaining about grip
Always the fucking drain cover
Still think Sainz getting that penalty was wrong
Love that sphere
I agree Fred
No he can not convert that pole to a win
I do I’ve the Redbull Vegas livery
I think he’s please with second place
“He maybe young but he’s not dumb” 🤣
Pierre looking like a walking French flag
I need to know what that text was…
Fernando trying to get Lando to turn on Oscar
Class photo time
That shocking pit stop for Lando
The little glimpses of Mick make me smile
All the happiness the Gunthers face comes and ruins the whole mood
Max finally getting the recognition he deserves… cause he truly deserves it
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starklyn · 8 months
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Georges giving us these like toto, Fred, Seb and him in karting??
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dellovestorant · 2 months
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theblackcatsaloon · 7 months
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justanotherdrfan · 7 months
Ladies and gentlemen the last instalment of DTS BREAKDOWN!
Spoiler below, open as you will!
S6E10 (Red or Black) 🔴⚫️♥️♠️♦️♣️
Charles in the snow (he is the snow angel)
They are quite literally fire and ice at Ferrari
It’s Mercedes vs Ferrari (but let’s use the Red Bull car for the pitstop intro because remembers it’s always RED BULL)
Red Bull have the best driver content
Look Danica I know, we know your full of shit when you say ‘there is so much put into the race’ (yeah just not in the drain covers to keep them screwed down)
Ohh you came to Vegas before with your bestfriends did you Charles? ( I do recall you went with Daniel so he’s a bestie then) 👬
Not Christian giving Daniel shit about leading a race for once
Daniel mentions Vegas and you can see him look off recalling the time with Charles in his memory (fortunately or unfortunately Charles can’t recall his time there 😂)
Not Lando and Pierre talking about Charles losing on the tables 😂
They are Fred who that think is the most vain team principle (Fred doesn’t even get to ask before DTS is already faded the scene and in comes Toto) like clearly you know the answer
Oh look practice 1 has arrived (cue drain fucking shit up)
IT’S MAXX THEY FINALLY INTERVIEWED MAX (like it’s not like he dominated the season)
There is no waiver. (Hold the fuck up let me put my non-existent glasses on and get real. If a car gets damaged due to a track issue (aka drain cover) F1 should cover the teams cost and all replacement parts should not be taken from team allocations set for the year. And no penalties should be applied. It’s quite simple. It’s not bad luck. It’s F1 and the circuit providers duty to have a safe, functioning and up to date track. Full stop.)
Cue press conference dialogue:
Tom Clarkson: ‘Well, let’s look bigger picture because….’(Enter Fred smack down time).
Fred: ‘But this one is a good one. I don’t need to have a bigger picture than this one.’ Tom: Okay. But, Fred, I did want to ask you about this event, if we can just talk about the Las Vegas Grand Prix.’ Fred: ‘Yeah, guys, but I [chuckles] I’m not sure this is the topic for me today. Not, uhh…We had a very tough FP1. This will cost us a fortune. With a fucked-up decision for Carlos. But we have to change the chassis, half of the car, or two-thirds of the car. Okay, the show is the show and everything is going well, but, uh I think it’s just unacceptable from the F1 today.’
Tom: ‘Okay, well, this is the last..’
Toto: ‘Fred is upset.’
Fred: ‘I am, Toto, but you would be upset in my situation.’
Tom: ‘ Fred, let’s look at 2024 as a whole, okay? Your first year as team principal of ferrari.’ (Mate will you fucking quit hounding Fred)
Toto: ‘Your putting yourself into more trouble. No, I can tell you. I’ve known him for 20 years. He has…’
Tom: ‘Fred, can we just…’
Fred: ‘Can I leave now or..’
Tom: ‘Can we reflect on the year?’
Fred: ‘No.Ask a question to Toto about something.’
Tom: ‘All right. Well, look, we’ll come back to you, Fred. We’ll come back to you. (NO YOU WILL NOT TOM, NO YOU WILL FUCKING NOT)
Fred: ‘Sure.’ (It’s giving very fuck around and find out mentality)
End press conference.
Also bat of king Fred don’t take shit from no one. I’m glad I wrote my opinion before I got to this part and Fred sounded off in the press conference.
THEY PUT CHARLES POLE POSITION ON THE DOME (I fucking forgot about the bloody thing) 😂
Look George I understand your good but Charles is the qualifying king
Toto chatting shit about naysayers to some lady (probably on some Las Vegas council or something). Mate you spend most of your time being the naysayer for everything or do you not remember the porpoising drama?
Will Charles convert pole to win (we all know the your ratio) but you do a hell of a job of damage limitation 👏🏽
Abu Dhabi grid school photo time
Ohh look Daniel flirting with Charles in front of Max (he’s such a attention baby girl) 😂❤️💙
Lawerence stroll looking like bad Santa
George why are so dramatic?
McLaren fuck up Lando’s pitstop (cue me clacking)
Not all the teams congratulating their drivers on the year and where the team sits in the constructor
Cue Hass at the bottom and bottom
Ferrari being a killjoy and won’t let Charles do burnouts (he just wants to go play with his bestie Max) 🥺
Ohh Charles you deserve better your too pretty not to
Lawerence was that you wheeling and dealing with James?
Here we go Max’s wrap sheet for the year! (Yes boy you one the whole damn thing on your own. No teammate needed!)
Ohh his last ‘Hi Gene.’
And they left his seat empty to end🥺
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russilton · 7 months
Georgerussell63: W15 here we go.
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lennies-blog · 2 years
Mercedes Junior Frederik Vesti on George Russell's support
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Source: X
„Have you ever got tips from George or Lewis?”
“Yes, I have! George has been the nicest guy this year, he’s really been helpful! In the times I’ve been struggling he’s been realy helpful when I met him, just cheer me up and give me a few ideas how I can improve. So George has definitely been a good help this year! And he’s texting me if I win a race and stuff, which is really cool! I am so happy to have that support from him!”
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russell-63 · 2 years
Six years ago, George joined the Mercedes Driver Academy on this day 🤍
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Is a requirement to work at Mercedes to be born at the beginning of the year? 😂
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hamilando · 4 months
ੈ✩‧ just friends (smau) ੈ✩‧
pairing : charles leclerc x hamilton! fem reader
summary : what happens when the official lunch turns to official hate. This is PART 2 ! PART 1 HERE Part 3
tw : hate, cheating, rude comments
a/n : This is a series ! anyways enjoy ! also feel free to drop in a request or a question ! TAGLIST IS OPEN !!
tag list : @tremendousstarlighttragedy @hiireadstuff @mayalove014
·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・ ・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚
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liked by lewishamilton, charlesleclerc, lilyhye and 162,643 others
otherhamilton 2025 IS HAPPENING !!! @ charlesleclerc @ lewsihamilton
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lewishamilton ❤️🇬🇧
↳ liked by otherhamilton
user 5 Toto be crying in his Mercedes
user 6 with his billion dollars user 7 with George Russell user 8 without his 8 wdc
charlesleclerc lovely meeting you 💪🏻
otherhamilton same here Charles !
alexandramalenart welcome to the fam ❤️
otherhamilton ty bbg 🤍
scuderiaferrari Welcome @ otherhamilton 🙌🏻
otherhamilton the offfical admin - scuderiaferrari the best for the best - otherhamilton who said you are the best ? scuderiaferrari ouch 😩 mercedesamgf1 “alexa play drama by aespa” otherhamilton well @ scuderiaferrari who is the better Hamilton ?scuderiaferrari this violates rights and we have to refrain from answering mercedesamgf1 definitely @ otherhamilton otherhamilton @ mercedesamgf1 correct ☑️ answer !
user 10 @ mercedesamgf1 forgot about Lewis -
user 11 toto sipping his wine laughing after telling admin to drop Lewis 🫷🏻
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liked by user1, user 2 , and 765,926 others
f1wags Someone was seen being cosy with @ charlesleclerc!
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user 1 home-wrecker 😌
user 3 she is literally his teammates sister -
user 6 she called alex bbg 🤢
user 7 SINCE YALL DONT UNDERTSAND ! She is Lewis Hamilton’s sister! She visits the paddock frequently and it’s common for her to have lunch with CHARLES AND LEWIS AND FRED AND THE WHOLE OF FERRARI TEAM !
user 8 They are literally just chatting in the first pic and the last 2 pics are of the official Ferrari Lunch !
user 9 why is she sitting next to Charles only -
user 10 here we go again !
user 11 ugh the famous kids wrecking relationships
user 12 never expected from @ otherhamilton
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liked by lewishamilton, charlesleclerc, lilyhye and 162,643 others
otherhamilton ITS HAMMER TIME AGAIN !! so proud of you @ lewishamilton and congrats to @ charlesleclerc for the 1-2!
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lewishamilton thank you sis ❤️ would have appreciated a better picture of me !
otherhamilton oh cmon you old person who can suprisingly party
landonoriss I came third !
otherhamilton congrats kid ig 🫷🏻
user 1 LEWIS IS BACK !
user 2 told ya it was the car, not Lewis 😤
user 3 love how she is posting after ruining Charles life !
user 4 MY POINT EXACTLY @ user3
user 6 just look at that, older brother winning hearts, little sister breaking hearts
user 7 home wrecker 🤢
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liked by lewishamilton, charlesleclerc, lilyhye and 162,643 others
otherhamilton just some Aussie gp things
@ lewishamilton @ charlesleclerc @ alexandramalenart @ lilyhye @ alexalbon @ francisca.gnomes @ heidiberger
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lewishamilton you bursted my heart after all that screaming in paragliding
otherhamilton I COULD HAVE DIED ! lewishamilton but you didn’t 🫶🏻
user 1 oh to have a sibling bond like them 😩
user 2 pls my brother won’t even take me to target
lilihye 🪽 GIRL NIGHT
alexalbon I got a picture in THE @ otherhamilton Instagram
otherhamilton it was all lily. We don’t know any Alex lilihye 💪🏻💪🏻
alexandramalenart such a fab time 💛
otherhamilton 💛
user 3 not her forcing herself to comment -
user 4 the forced comment -
user 5 she literally wrecked her relationship !
user 6 the audacity to tag alex after spooling her relationship !
francisca.gnomes LOVED IT ❤️
otherhamilton more nights coming up 🙌🏻
heidiberger the late night swim -
otherhamilton loved how all the boyfriends came running 😌
user 7 yall notice how Charles didn’t comment or even like !?
user 8 why would he like his mistress post -
user 9 THATS TOO MUCH @ user8
user 8 it’s the truth -
user 10 just go in hibernation
user 11 too much drama of this stupid girl !
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Part 3
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dellovestorant · 2 months
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justanotherdrfan · 7 months
Back again with DTS BREAKDOWN!!
Once again spoilers are below so proceed with caution!
S6E6 (Leap of Faith)
-Well hello Lewis (and no it’s not Charles saying this but me) 🥵
-Lewis referring to the 2023 car as the evil sister 😂
-Lewis is already fed up with Mercedes wasting his time on promo shoot
-Lewis saying he’s forgotten what it’s like to win (because you can’t recall over a 100 times you have?)
-Not Lewis being like fuck this and taking off in the car when told not too 👏🏽
-Why are DTS only at like 5 races so far?
-Claire Williams for president
-Yes Toto, Lewis is not impressed whatsoever
-Ohhh Lewis is trash talking Mercedes about them saying they know better then he’s feedback on the car 😬
-This is looking hella sour
-JACKKKKKYYYYY WOLFFFFFF (that kid which those parents is going places)
-Not little Wolff asking ‘why is my kart so slow?’ (Can I keep him?)
-A Toto/Lewis montage (this can’t end well)
-Toto asking Susie to put her hand on his shoulder like she has pity for him is pure gold 😂
-Let’s be clear Mercedes ain’t winning again until Jack Wolff is their driver
-Data doesn’t make decision you say Toto (why is James saying different if he went to your school of management then?) I’m joking but still
-Fernando Fernando
-Lando mate you ain’t winning
-Lewis and Ferrari rumours (PART 1)
-Ohh George Lewis doesn’t have to leave to team to lose hope he already has!
-No pain in Spain for Mercedes
-Ohh the we need to talk/breakup chat has arrived 🥺
-And we’re back at the photoshoot where he’s done
-Loyalty can only take you so far (and that’s to the end of 2024 clearly) 😂
-Toto’s going to eat he’s words with that Lewis wouldn’t look good in red overalls
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foul-milk · 2 years
no other f1 team fumbles social media like mercedes does💀💀
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