#Merle headcanon
sinsandsweetness · 9 months
I adore your mood boards. And honestly your guts to post all of the smutty goodness that you post. I still do some thing’s anonymously just because my anxiety. But anyways, someone posted an ask and a response fic to it in a different fandom and I just…. Guh. I have to send this to you. and
the boys… (yeah the boys: Rick, Daryl, Shane, Merle, Negan) catch you masturbating. In their shirt, or in their vest, shorts, or their bed, or in their truck, etc. how would they react? I’m curious to see the scenario. Or have I asked this before? I send in so many asks I’m surprised you aren’t sick of me already…. 🫣☠️
Or, their reactions to being referred to as, “My boyfriend.” (Or my husband? Hmmmmm I don’t think anyone really gets married in the apocalypse they just move in and take on a last name eventually? Or is that just a Rick/Michonne thing?)
shit, I should go write my own smutty goodness, but my dopamine is so unpredictable. Ugh.
I could never get sick of you! I definitely have a few asks of yours in my inbox that I want to expand on so don’t think I’m ignoring them!
I was definitely nervous at first to post such smutty filth, but it turns out there’s a decent amount of people who seem to enjoy it. I think fanfic in general can be such a great form of escapism. Even smutty stuff can be really healing so I definitely enjoy writing no matter how “adult” the content is. I also think the wonder of Tumblr is that it still is pretty anonymous:) no one here knows me irl so that definitely helps when it comes to being open and gutsy with what I post hahah.
As far as your concepts… I love. I actually have a masturbation fic already started in my drafts so I’ll use this to answer the second half of your ask.
Here’s a quick rundown of how I think the boys would react to you calling them your “boyfriend”:
Rick: he’d get that cocky little smirk he has and wrap his arm around you even tighter. Exuding that, “Yup. that’s right. You’re mine,” kind of attitude.
Shane: I think Shane’s reaction would be really similar to Ricks, he’d look at you with a sexy little smirk. Maybe grabbing your leg under the table and giving it a nice squeeze. Hinting that he’s definitely going to make you repeat it later in the bedroom.
Daryl: I think he would freeze up a little. Like his brain would stop for a split second and he’d look all confused. Thinking to himself, “Boyfriend? Did they really just say boyfriend?”. And at the realization that yes, you did just call him your boyfriend, he’d probably blush a little. Internally having heart palpationsa but trying to play it cool and not let you or anyone else see how giddy it makes him feel.
Negan: if you called him your boyfriend I think he’d feel offended. He’d interrupt the conversation and make you repeat what you said, only correctly this time. “Sorry, uh, my husband…” you’d stammer out, biting back a smile. Secretly loving how defensive he is about the title.
Merle: I think Merle wouldn’t say anything in the moment, but when you’ve left the function or are out of earshot from whoever you were speaking to, he’d turn to you and ask “Boyfriend? Thought you said you didn’t like labels.” “Yeah, well it’s a lot easier than saying I fuck you three times a week and put up with your bullshit so… yeah. Boyfriend it is.” And he’d just laugh in agreement, wrapping an arm around you as the two of you continue to walk home.
(Also, please do write some smutty goodness. I’d be happy to read it<3 )
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villifix · 3 months
merle was a creep at times but he was on his way to redemption. i love the idea of sort-of-brother-in-law merle that got to live a little longer and make an effort to be a better person.
this is assuming daryl's partner is a female, btw
❜ ─ more under cut ─ ❛
• merle realizing just how head over heels daryl is for you. he would give him HELL over it but at the end of the day he would be so protective over this little ray of light in his baby brother's life
• you think daryl can be scary when a guy's looking at you the wrong way? the guy's quite literally done for when merle finds out
• "merle, you can't say that, that's offensive-" "aw hell, y'all are some damn pansies!"
• "lemme know when you get tired of my little bro, i'll show you what a real man's like-" "you ever shut yer damn mouth, merle?"
• ^ he's not serious though. he just likes to get daryl riled up and thinks it's funny to see your nose scrunch up in disgust, even if he does end up getting clocked in the jaw for it
• when the brothers go on supply runs, merle points out necklaces or earrings they come across, encouraging daryl to take it for you because "women love shiny shit"
• he's always asking you when you're going to pop out a little boy so he can finally be an uncle
• "how ya know it wouldn't be a girl?" "ain't been a girl with dixon blood since i been alive, brother. ain't gonna happen." (if you and daryl have a baby, it definitely does happen)
• when the prison falls, you can't find daryl and there's no more time, so you end up running from the prison with merle
• he hates it
• like every second of it
• not necessarily because he minds your company, but moreso because this is a huge fucking weight on his shoulders
• your wellbeing is now his #1 priority because you're daryl's girl and that makes you family, and he has no intentions of letting his little brother down again
• so it's a lot of pressure
• plus you keep giving him that nasty ass side-eye like he pissed in your cornflakes any time he says something that he finds hilarious (it's actually just offensive), and he's starting to think your sense of humor is nonexistent
• you expect him to make some vulgar jokes or try to come onto you at any given minute, but to your surprise, he actually never does
• like i said, he was never serious and he only joked about it to mess with daryl. without daryl around, he's rather respectful of your space
• at night he tells you stories of his time in the military before he got discharged and went to prison
• please don't cry around him :) he likes you and all, but he would really rather cut off his other hand than have to try and comfort you - that's daryl's job
• the only time he manages to not be an ass when you're crying is when you mention worrying about daryl and missing him
• merle lets out a hefty sigh in response, ruffles your hair with his one hand, and admits that he misses him, too
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nonesenseushi · 10 months
My first time posting. I wrote a thing and got told to share it.
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The Walking Dead x Male Mute!Reader HC’s
Daryl probably didn’t trust or like you right off the bat:
• He didn’t like how quiet you were, like deadass you never made a sound, even while walking
• Doesn’t realize your mute at first and figured you just thought you were too good to talk to anyone
• Probably has beef with you because you use a bow and arrow
• He soon comes to respect you when you prove your willingness to help protect the group
• Even more so when he realizes you don’t talk because you just 𝘤𝘢𝘯’𝘵
Rick probably trusts you right away, although he isn’t much of a fan of how you just kinda do your own thing:
• He likes that you’ll usually do what he asks(orders) - little does he know that what he tells you to do, you were already planning on doing it
• Because of your quietness, you can easily get in and out of places without being noticed - be that by walkers or people - and he 100% uses that to the group’s advantage
• Rick doesn’t like that you disappear from the group at times, even when your hunkered down somewhere; the prison for example, you’d sometimes just vanish and no one could find you
• When you come back though you usually have stuff that the group needs or wants, so they can’t be too mad
Glenn is pretty neutral towards you at first, although you somehow become pretty good friends:
• He was really unnerved from you at first, with how quiet you were and the hard RBF you got
• Because you both were quiet and quick, you often got sent on runs together and he 𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘥 it
• Glenn realized you weren’t so bad when you made a joke one time on a run;
You both were in some sort of hardware store gathering supplies when Glenn bent down to grab something. A fart noised sounded in the store and with how quiet it was, Glenn heard it loud and clear.
He stood up and looked at you in embarrassment, truly believing that sound had come from him, only to stop when he saw the grin on your face and the playful glint in your eye. You repeated the noise, blowing a raspberry at him before your shoulders shook in silent laughter.
• After that you both became good friends
• He also realized that you weren’t some hardass that was constantly judging people
• Although he’s definitely caught you staring at the others when they did something questionable, definitely judging them.
• Glenn always found those moments funny, seeing the look of confusion or disbelief on your face
Carl likes you, he thinks your really cool:
• He thinks it’s really cool how you use a bow and arrow (something Daryl is totally not a little jealous of)
• Would beg you to teach him how to use it
• You would, only to grin and silently laugh when he somehow smacks himself in the face with the bow string
• You of course would apologize for laughing and properly teach him how to use it, although he can’t for the life of him draw it back at first
• Carl also thinks it’s really cool how quiet you are as he gets older
• Young Carl was definitely afraid to approach you because of your RBF
• As he gets older though he admires your stealth and will even ask how to be stealthier like you
Other characters:
• Merle was convinced that you were lying about being mute
• He probably followed you one day while you went for a hunt or something to confront you
• You beat his ass six ways till Sunday
• He didn’t pester you after that, although Daryl tried to kick your ass for beating up his brother
• She probably thought you were kinda weird at first
• But she was also really curious about you
• Her and Glenn both went to you about the other, Glenn to be an absolute simp, and Maggie to see if Glenn was truly a good guy
• Bro hated you from the start
• Because of how quiet you are, he felt like he was always being watched (he was)
• You always had this blank stare when you looked at him, it made him feel like you knew all his secrets (you did)
• You knew about him sleeping with Lori, at first you didn’t care for it but then Rick showed up and turned out to be her husband
• Shane was only a little thankful that you were mute so you couldn’t tell everyone what you knew
• He still knew that you could destroy him through, so he was very careful
• You only tortured him psychologically a 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦
• Especially after Otis died
• You had gone with them on the run and had supposedly gotten separated from them when the walkers showed up
• Shane knew better by that point though
• You seemed to know everything
• Just like the rest of the group, he didn’t want you on his farm
• He seemed to like you the most though because you didn’t carry a gun - at all - and you weren’t aggressive like Daryl
• It helped that you put your bow and arrows down whenever he asked for no weapons
• Overall you were just respectful towards the man and he appreciated it
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betyloca · 3 months
Imagine: the group meeting the Dixons' best friend when she is much younger than them.
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You were sitting near the group while you were helping to prepare the food, your friends were sitting on the other side of the camp.
Andrea: What a nice knife, where did you get it?
Y/N: Oh, Merle gave it to me on my birthday.
Andrea: What?
Lori: Are you his little sister?
y/n: no
Glenn: Your daughter? I wouldn't be surprised
y/n: ha not your friend
everyone:* in shock*
y/n: *looking* what's happening!
Amy: How old are you?
y/n: I'm 19, why?
t-dog: you are a girl what do you do by hanging out with adults
y/n: that's none of your business* while you're doing your thing*
t-dog: have they ever done something to you?
You turned to look at him with a frown.
y/n: excuse me, did they do something to me?
You began to move violently towards him, showing the knife.
Andrea took you by the arm, wanting to stop you.
t-dog: don't worry, it's not a big deal, just ask.
y/n: it's no big deal, you say you're a fucking idiot.
wanting to free you from andrea
Andrea: calm down
y/n: I don't calm down at all, I'm going to kill him
t-dog: it seems that spending time with them affected you
y/n: son of a bitch
You let go of Andrea and rushed to hit him right in his face.
lori: stop it y/n
Andrea: enough y/n
Daryl watching what happens
Daryl: What the hell is going on there?
Merle: Is that Y/N?
Daryl: Fuck.
Seeing what you're doing, he gets up quickly to stop you. Glenn tried to get you off T-Dog, but he only got hit in the nose.
Daryl: hey hey enough
taking you by the shoulders while merle helps you get off of him
Merle: wow look how you did it well doll
Daryl turned to look at him, rolling his eyes.
Daryl: Now is not the time.
Merle: Whatever.
Daryl: Let's go, darling.
While they were walking to their stores, Merle approached you, grabbing you by the waist.
Merle: Well done, we trained you well.
he said giving you a kiss on the cheek daryl vote to see them smiling
Daryl: leave it alone
Merle: Don't be jealous, Dalena.
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theheadcanonzone · 5 months
The reason why Merle kept trying to cast higher-level spells he didn't know is because he did know them during the Stolen Century. He kept forgetting that he had forgotten them, if that makes sense, he's more used to being able to cast them than he is not being able to.
Submitted by @dullahandyke
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channnel · 1 year
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Saw the new designs.. Might as well post this, thing has been on my tab for months.
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mx-pastelwriting · 1 year
TWD HC - How you started dating them.
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TWD x GN! Reader
Summary: How you started dating them.
Warnings: Fluff, Establishing a Relationship
Characters: Daryl Dixon, Merle Dixon, Negan Smith, Eugene Porter, Father Gabriel
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Daryl Dixon
-After the fall of the prison, you and Daryl got stuck together, and though it was a tough time, he always made you smile—and maybe cry too. You and him did flirt with each other when the prison was working, but neither of you made a big move till now.
-When finding the house, you and Daryl finally had a break, you two talked, and finally you had to make the move, no matter how shy you were at that moment, and it was well rewarded.
-You had told him how you felt, and you knew he felt the same, but he asked, "So what, were we datin now?" You laughed, but you ended up saying yes.
-Making it back to the group finally, you had kept it on the down low, but you couldn't help but get caught holding his hand or being close to him and quickly moving back when someone walked past.
-Everyone knew Daryl was dating you, but Carol was the only one who told him. He walked off to tell you, but you were happy, and over time, so was Daryl. Now he is kissing you in public, holding you close, holding hands.
Walking down the long road, you held Daryl's hand, hearing everyone else talk and joke about things. You and Daryl were quite looking forward, though you had a smile on your face now that you were able to hold his hand in front of the group. There was nothing stopping you, maybe just Daryl not wanting to be in another love story, but you liked it, and he did too, though not admitting it.
You had been tried by hiding behind trees to say you had to go to the bathroom, and by Daryl saying the same just to wrap around to meet you. But since that day you and Daryl started dating, every moment has been one to remember.
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Merle Dixon
-Meeting in Woodbury, you both crossed paths in the small community, One day he started to flirt with you; anyone would have been disgusted, but you felt something when he called you beautiful.
-You had asked him to coffee, and it turned into something else. He made you feel like nothing before, so you told him that you weren't going to sleep with him.
-He took it well, but he told you that's not why he started to talk to you, so he asked if you would be with him. Saying yes, he looked relieved and happy, his eyes lit up before kissing you.
-Walking around Woodbury, he would hold your hand and give you kisses on the cheek. He even cleaned himself up, wearing nicer shirts and showering every day; it was all for you.
-Would give you a little gift he found outside when he's off, knowing it was a hard time for you knowing he was out there.
Merle kissed you on the cheek before handing you what he was hiding behind his back: "I got this for you," he says in his voice, adding that you loved it so much. He hands you a bouquet of wild flowers, and you smile and kiss him. "Made me think of ya," he says shyly before walking with you back to your place to put them in a vase.
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Negan Smith
-You only entertained his flirting because he was a very handsome man, but you weren't going to be one of his wives. But he brought you gifts and even gave you points.
-All that made your feelings for him bloom more, but you told him you weren't going to be one of his many wives, so he told you that if you would date him, he would drop all of his wives, every single one of them.
-Without a second thought, you took him up on it. He did move you into his room, but it wasn't soon into the relationship, as he had been asking you to be his for months.
-He would treat you like royalty; anything you would ask for, he would gladly get it for you, and if they didn't have it on hand, it would be on the top of the list.
-Gives you kisses every morning when you wake up, and takes you with him when doing his work, but if you wanted to stay in, he would join you. He lived every day with a smile, looking into your eyes, and loving every part of you.
You felt Negan's arm pull you into his chest; he planted his face into your neck. He laughed soaking in the morning; you were glad there was no one to share Negan with, he had all of his love for you. "Good morning, beautiful," he says in a hoarse voice. You locked your hands, and he pulled them to your face, kissing them. "Are you coming to work with me?" He asks, whispering it in your ear.
"Can we just stay in?" You asked. Looking over your shoulder and seeing him laugh, he takes a breath. "Now that is a good idea," he says before kissing your shoulder and cuddling into you, his warm chest making you shake. He was another person around you, and you soaked it up every day.
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Eugene Porter
-Nothing really on his part, but little acts such as giving you gifts and saying he noticed that you liked them, and he would stick by you closely you could tell he had some romantic feelings towards you, but he never said anything.
-No flirting on his part, but if you were to, he would get all red and say "Thank you" and walk off.
-But you finally had enough; you knew he had feelings towards you, so you told him you had a surprise for him, it was a picnic, and he sat down shyly and watched you give him the food you had carefully packed.
-You told him you like him and hoped he felt the same, and you would like to see your relationship go farther. He pauses for a moment, taking in what you have just said.
-He said he would like that too before pulling out a little toy from his pocket again, telling you that he heard you liked them. You laughed getting out your celebratory dessert.
You had brought two cupcakes that you had to work tooth and nail to get the ingredients for, but it was worth seeing Eugene's face light up for. Seeing him all happy and speechless made you laugh. You handed him his and watched him carefully take a bite. He hummed with happiness. He was your now, and you socked up every moment, You took a bite of it, but you noticed he had some icing on his cheek.
Taking your thumb, you wiped it before licking it off your thumb. Eugene watched with cheeks that glowed red as you finished your cupcake with a small smile, thinking the same thing: he was yours and you were his.
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Father Gabriel
-He would invite you to his church every day and even bring you some treats every morning. Even if you were non-religious, he would love to have you there.
-One day you did go and stay through the whole service. He seemed more confident and happy when you walked in.
-After the service, he sits beside you and asks how you liked it. Whatever your answer, he tells you that he's happy that you were there.
-After he tells you that there was a silence before you said "Me too," he puts his hand on yours while looking into your eyes. He told you that he feels a different kind of love for you, and he wanted to take you on a date.
-You agree that you feel the same, locking your hand with his. From that day on, you spend every day with him; you bring him lunch while he brings you breakfast, then he comes over to cook dinner with you, making every day a date.
You watch Gabriel chop the ingredients for the dish you suggested tonight; you have decided that you want to make a move on him tonight. Not a big one, just to let him know that you love him more than you did.
Stirring the food in the pan before walking over to him and waiting for him to pause, you wrap your arms around his waist, putting your head on his back. "I love being with you," you whisper, with the food sizzling in the background, "I love you too." He says that, though not what you had said, you said "I love you more," kissing his back before slowly moving back to the stove.
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Hello, I hope you enjoyed if there is and grammar mistakes or misspellings sorry about that feel free to let me know in the comments, have a great day/afternoon/night!
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comixandco · 2 years
ik that taako’s voice in the first episode was because justin was still figuring out his character but i like to imagine that before joining bob taako put on fake accents to avoid being recognised, since he was wanted for the whole poisoning incident, but also for the bit
and then kravitz changes accents mid-fight in crystal kingdom and then drops them during their date at the chug ‘n’ squeeze and taako’s like oh 😳 same hat 😳
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deadgirlwalked · 2 months
Thinking about Parent!Daryl & how he'd be one of the most attentive parents ever.
He'd definitely have his issues, especially when it comes to his childhood & relationship to his family but I think if he ever got a kid he'd try no matter what to either get over it or try to handle it in an actual healthy manner.
He'd definitely be overprotective as hell & show it by teaching his kid everything about hunting & survival in the wilds.
I think Daryl would love for his kid & brother to meet, but he'd also be wary around Merle & know that he's not a good influence at all. Family & blood is important but his kid takes priority over that.
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twigg96 · 1 month
Merle X Reader HC/Fic
Sooo... I might have a thing for the Dixon boys lol.... Here are some HCs for Merle. Next in this series will be either Negan or Rick <3
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Merle didn't do relationships... he normally did flings. Hot, steamy, one night stands that meant nothing to either partner. That took no emotional effort at all on his part.
Merle didn't normally do emotions. Emotions were messy. Emotions got him hurt. His emotional bandwidth was taken up by family. Or what was left of it anyway...
But then he met you... when his normal coping mechanisms of harsh comedy and pulling away didn't work on you and you only drew closer to the crass man only wishing to know him further... Merle started to become intrigued with you and these new feelings bubbling up in him. Although he wouldn't dare label the emotions as anything more than curiosity. You would say you and Merle had become thick as thieves.
He brought you home to meet his brother. Something he often did with some of his long term flings but something was special about you. Something different. He hadn't fucked you... as a matter of fact he didn't really want to or feel a need to... he just wanted to keep you close. Watch you hang out with Daryl in their little trailer and watch a shitty movie with an arm around your shoulder... if you let him. It was a weird feeling that pissed him off slightly. He knew your body was fucking smoking hot. He knew he should be simply banging you silly in his room, listening to this movie in the background, before moving on with his life. Not dwelling on whatever the fuck this new feeling was. But as you laughed at the movie, handing the popcorn to Daryl and leaning into his own side more, sharing a joke Merle knew would soon become an inside joke between the two of you, treating the younger Dixon as an equal instead of a pest or a nuisance who didn't belong in his own home like so many of his partners had before... it peaked his interest to peer deeper into those unknown emotions he was experiencing.
Taking you out to go hunting was just one way Merle showed his... interest in you. It was his way of showing off his skills in the sport as well as teaching you vital skills he learned in his life. Skills he hoped you'd never have to use. Skills he could never know would end up saving not only your life but the lives of many in the future. Merle saved for weeks at his shitty dead end job (dealing wasn't always what it was cracked up to be) to pay for all three of your hunting licenses (just cause he lived life in the fast lane didn't mean he always felt the need to skirt the law... didn't help he used a fake ID to get the damned things though) and everything you'd need to go in the coming weeks. If there was anything he could pride himself in it was semi-legally bringing food to the table.
Inviting you over the night before he let you take his own bed and to the amazement of Daryl he took the couch. Merle had claimed it was so that when he got up to get ready he wouldn't wake you, but in the morning when he woke up at the ungodly hour before the sun rose to find you already awake, completely dressed and brewing coffee, Merle was damned tempted to call off the hunt to spend the day at home hunting you. But Daryl coming out of the bathroom with a toothbrush hanging out of his mouth and a tired far away look in his eye reminded him he had a duty to get meat for harsh winter ahead.
However Merle never had the patience to hunt normally... So he brought along entertainment and some accelerators that made the hunt go by faster and in his favor. Leading you through the woods the two of you walked silently saying a quick good luck to Daryl as he took off on his own. Merle knew his brother always did do better on his own and would probably out hunt you both, his proclivity to hunt from the break of dawn until the sunset baffled Merle. Settling you down in a small grove of oak trees Merle wrapped an arm around your waist pointing in the direction the deer would appear if he scouted right. The sun slowly rose into the sky turning it a deep red before it ascended into the sky. The cool fall morning never warmed above chilling and the eldest Dixon knew the deer were bedding down to keep warm. Pulling you to your feet Merle walked with you. He had bought cherry bombs from one of the dealers he associated himself with for a case such as this. Using a slingshot and a lit cigarette he shot them into the thick brush when he got bored. Laughing as they exploded spraying twigs and dirt into the air. He'd deal with the aftermath of Daryl's anger later when they got home... but for now he let the beaming smile on your face drive him. Handing the slingshot to you, he pointed to a different spot in the brush, lighting the bomb with the end of his cigarette. Thunk... BOOM. You both laughed as more dirt flew and several deer jumped from the brush. They each darted in several directions and before Merle could pull his gun up to take a good shot; a gun beside him went off. It was the first deer you ever bagged.
As time went on Merle started bringing you with him nearly everywhere. To the grocery store. To the gas station. But mostly to the bar. You didn't seem to drink that much. If you did drink it was only a few before you limited yourself. Merle never had that kind of restraint. He over indulged. He always did. He was loud, crass, and could be mean as a rattle snake when he drank. More so than normal. It seemed to only be exasperated when he was under the influence. But you never seemed to notice or care. Still connected to his hip all through the night. Laughing at his shitty jokes. Correcting his over crass behavior when he got too rowdy. Keeping him from getting himself killed by sneakily limiting his drinks through the night. Or simply diluting them with water or seltzer.
You truly were his angel.
When some guy with a death wish decided he wanted to try and force his way between you two. “Damn, girl. You got a nice ass.” The jackass growled shoving himself between you and the eldest Dixon. If you hadn’t given Merle a talk before you both left the house he might have killed the guy already. But you promised him you’d do your best to handle it and would flag him if you needed. So with all the strength Merle had in his his drunken body. He walked over to join his brother glaring holes into the back of the asshole’s skull who swayed drunkenly trying to whoo you off your feet. “Surprised you haven’t laid ‘im out yet.” Daryl drawled following Merle’s gaze, glaring daggers at the jackass. “Seen ya lay guys out fer less before.” He hummed taking a sip of the beer he’d been nursing through most of the night. Watching as you shook you head politely at the man’s advances, turning to the bar and drinking down your liquor uncomfortably Merle simply hummed. “Said I’d stay back this time. But if he lays a hand on her it’s fair game, little brother.” Merle growled shooting Daryl a look that spoke volumes. Merle watched as you moved your body further away from the man as he stepped a little closer keeping your arms tucked tight around your middle to keep from accidentally bumping into him. Merle watched as you shook your head again standing slowly and shaking your hand. But that’s when the asshole turned into enemy number one. The dick bag had the fucking gull. The sheer audacity to grab you by the wrist, shoving you into the bar, caging you there with his body. He stood over you stumbling only slightly as you shoved against him with all your strength. Merle didn’t have to say a word when Daryl sat his beer down, knowing exactly what was coming next following him willing across the country bar. Merle grabbed the bastard by the ear, dragging him out into the alley between the bar and the abandoned building beside it. Together he and Daryl made the fucker regret the day he was born.
The day the world fell into chaos Merle hadn't believed it at first. What a sick joke. Human beings returning from the dead. Human beings eating each other. The world falling apart. You had come over early in the morning before work. Cuddling up to Merle he somehow convinced you to stay home, call off. Even if he didn't believe the shit himself. He just had a... feeling. Now he was glad he had it. Daryl had been up on the mountain hunting. Watching as camera men risked life and limb to get closer to the action you both speculated it was only in the cities... and it was... at first. Then you heard the gunshots next door. And Merle's military training went into overdrive. Grabbing dusty duffle bag after dusty duffle bag of supplies he had stashed around the house Merle tied them tight to his bike.
It took three days for you and Merle to find Daryl out in the woods. Luckily for you both the geeks had just as much of a hard time. There were no biters out in the middle of no where. And if Merle had thought that an emergency would have lasted more than a week for three people, he would have packed more water. But he didn't and with the biters carrying some sort of disease. Merle didn't want to risk catching it in the water.
The three of you raided houses and small groups for a time. Daryl hated it. That much was evident. You hated it more. You had grown silent. distant. Though Merle couldn't tell if it was because of hunger or regret that had you pulling away. But he tried not to think about it. He just tried to focus on the survival of all of you.
When you all made it to the Quarry, Merle had origianlly wanted to raid it like the others and dip. But the kids... You and Daryl wouldn't let him. And so there he sat, a week later. Wittling a damned fishing rod for some broad he didn't know so she and her sister could go try and fish... Useless. Meanwhile you were being hounded by the big headed prick Shane. Every time he turned around he was nosing around you. If it were any time before three weeks ago he would have laid Shane out flat and thought nothing about it... But now... he had to act right... or Shane would kick them out... not that he would give a shit... but You were right. Even if he hated it. There was a safety in numbers.
Unfortunately... Merle could never keep his anger in check nor his mouth shut for long. The combination always seemed to get him in trouble. With the law - he was arrested more times than he could count and with more prison time than he probably deserved but let go because a fantastic lawyer. With ex-partners- he always said shit he would regret- it cost him a relationship with one of his maybe kids... he really should have looked into that before the end of the world... But now he was handcuffed to a roof. no hope to see you again ever again. All because his big mouth and bigger ego.
Finding the graves at the Quarry was the hardest thing he ever had to go through beyond war. Digging them up with one hand in the wet muddy ground coming down off of all his drugs to be certain none of them held you or Daryl... was his coming to religion moment.
The entire time he worked for the Governor Merle searched for you and Daryl. If Daryl had you he knew you were safe. Not that he doubted you. Merle trusted that you were out there somewhere now throwing cherry bombs into the woods to scare the deer into coming out for Daryl.
Walking in the woods one night on patrol Merle counted the stars. The moon. He never really looked at them before. You had tried once to show him the constellations. Where they all where at different times. Stars were your thing. Not his. He pretended to be interested. But you could tell he wasn't interested. He wished he could give you the time now.
Months into his service to Woodbury he was out doing the Governor's bidding. There had been a disturbance at the line apparently. He was deployed to deal with it. He hated his job but... it made the time pass. Better than in a jail cell he supposed... Searching under cars and in broken grocery store windows he disposed of a few walkers before watching a shadow scurry across the dusty glass of a hardware store window. "If yer looking to get a weapon yer out a luck... but if ya need a tool-" He froze. You stood in the glass staring back at him fear washed over your face before you ran to hide behind some shelves. Had you not seen him? Not recognized his voice?! Or maybe he was hallucinating again... it seemed to be a theme recently. He was seeing your face everywhere. Even in the paintings that Phillip had hanging in the halls. Walking into the store Merle growled rounding the aisles looking for you. This was ridiculous why- Oh... it was just a teen... Letting her slip past him he sighed pretending not to see them at all just willing to tell the teams that they were seeing shit again.
The trek to the prison felt like walking into death row. From one prison into another Merle thought walking beside Daryl. He didn't dare ask about you. Though the question burned in his mind so brightly that he nearly screamed it several times. It wasn't the time... wasn't the place. Not after the things Daryl had seen. Not after the changes he'd made. He wasn't the same Daryl that Merle left behind. More mature. Decisive. It was good to see in a way. It brough Pride to his chest in way that made him want to smile. It also brought tears in a painful way that made him want to scream and cry out for the time he lost. When the gates opened and only hostility came... you never did Merle looked desperately to Daryl who only could look to the ground. "Went out lookin' for ya." Merle shook his head turning towards the gate. "Merle." Daryl yelled. "I... I'll take ya too 'em." Daryl sighed looking very much like the boy Merle remembered. Leading Merle to a group of graves only marked with crosses not in a dissimilar way that the group at the Quarry used Daryl stopped. Feeling bile rise to the top of his throat at the sick feeling of Deja vu Merle shook his head. "Went out lookin' for ya every day... one day... didn't come back so I went lookin'..." Daryl sniffed gesturing to a cross with your name. "Found 'em turned and wandering back by Woodbury... not sure what happened... but we have our ideas."
Merle lived day by day and in a daze from then on. He lived for Daryl. Had to keep him safe. Like he always did. but it was different. Without you there to light up his life he was just existing waiting for what he couldn't put a name to it. So when the governor wanted to meet. A trade. Merle knew what he had to do. You died near Woodbury. The Governor knew... now... he would pay... he would know not to fuck with Rick... He'd stay the fuck away from Daryl and he'd regret ever letting you die on his land.
Impulsive. Merle had always been impulsive. and it always got him in trouble... but this time as his vison faded to black and a light shined in his eyes he was sure was the sun... he heard your voice... and he smiled.
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sinsandsweetness · 9 months
I guess this doesn't really meet the lines of your 1k celebration options but if I still may ask?
What do you think, would Merle flirt with pretty but chubby girl, or would he ignore her or be mean?
Okay for context, just so everyone knows how I’m attempting to characterize Merle or at least how I interpret him: I think he puts on the asshole front as a coping mechanism. This man has been in the military, grew up with abuse, surrounded by alcohol and drug addiction. Probably struggled with each of those things, leaving him with ptsd and substance issues of his own. He’s been through a lot soooo in the show, when he’s being an absolute asshole, I think it’s just to deflect from the actual stuff going on in his brain. Hardened by the trauma and all that.
So, to answer your question, I think that he’d probably surprise us all with how sweet he is to pretty!chubby!Reader. He’d see her in the garden, and notice how cute she is. Nudging Daryl from their spot up in the guard tower.
“Who’s ‘at?” He’d point over to you, on your knees in the soil, harvesting some tomatoes and cucumbers for supper that evening.
“No.” Daryl wouldn’t even give him the time of day. Assuming he’s going to act like his usual self. He’s already on thin ice, staying at the prison after all he’s done. Daryl doesn’t want him giving the group any more excuses to kick him out.
“Wha- I just asked for her name! That’s all!” He puts his arms up in defence.
“She’s a real sweet girl an’ I don’t wanna hear from Maggie that she’s been crying all night over somethin’ stupid that you let slip out of your big mouth.”
He’d scowl back at his brother. Jeeze. No faith in him whatsoever. He wasn’t going to be mean. He just wanted to know the name of the pretty girl in the garden. That’s all.
“M’ not stupid. I know how to talk to a damn girl…” Merle mutters under his breath. Feeling pretty offended that his brother immediately assumes the worst.
Daryl notices the change in tone. brows drawn together in confusion. Looking over to see the way Merle is watching you. Soft eyes and relaxed shoulders. It looks like he… likes you. Well, he likes the look of you anyway.
“If you hurt her-” the younger Dixon finally says, sighing in defeat. Ready to tell him your name and your cell block. Only on the account that Merle promises to be on his best behaviour.
Merle interrupts him with a smirk and a wink, “Oh Darleena, I ain’t gonna’ do nothing that she ain’t beggin’ me for. You just wait and see.”
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villifix · 3 months
it seemed a lot of people liked the brother-in-law merle headcanons and a couple of people like the idea of uncle merle, so... let's talk about how you and daryl make merle an uncle :)
• you get pregnant not long after the group settles in alexandria
• merle keeps his distance from you while you're pregnant
• your hormones are all over the place, you go from laughing to crying at the drop of a dime, and any time he opens his mouth around you, he's always saying the wrong thing
• daryl has to play mediator so that you don't kill him, even though sometimes daryl considers doing it himself
• like when merle mentioned how big you were getting during your second trimester... *sigh*
• you cried
• daryl snapped
• it was... not a good day
• so he stays away for the most part, asking daryl when he wants to know how you're doing. he occasionally brings you some snacks that he must have stolen from the pantry, but you're always too hungry to care about how he got them
• first time merle actually calls you his sister out loud is after you've given birth and he holds his niece for the first time
• "atta girl, baby sister. you did real good."
• his eyes are just a little wet because the air is dry, that's all...
• he had wanted a nephew so bad, but the second he sees her, his heart grows three times it's size
• he was convinced that dixons could only make boys, but here he is holding a little dixon girl, daryl's babygirl, and she's the most precious thing he's ever seen
• constant jokes about needing a paternity test
• "i'm just saying, that nose is lookin' more like mine than yours, maybe your girl slipped into the wrong bed one night-" "shut the hell up, merle"
• merle always gives you a little wink to show he's just being an ass and not actually accusing you of such a thing
• which daryl knows. it doesn't annoy him any less, though
• never allowed to babysit EVERRRR. if your daughter isn't with aunt carol or aunt maggie, then she's at the grimes house. merle always has choice words about it
• okay, well... he babysits a couple times. and your daughter was returned back each time covered in dirt. one time merle carries her up to the door with wet pant legs pulled up to her knees and bits of leaves still strewn in her hair
• "oh... you had a fun time with uncle merle, huh?" "damn right she did, mamas. taught 'er how to catch frogs. babydoll, tell yer mama what a frog says!" "bib-bit!" "she's learnin'."
• saying the name merle is too complicated for your daughter's limited articulation, so she just calls him 'unca' while she's learning to talk.
• when your daughter DOES start to articulate...
• "son of a bitch!" "bitch!" "ha! that was good! wait- nah, nah, don't say that- aw, shit..." "shit!" "no!"
• he refuses to own up to it
• "merle! why's my daughter cursin' like a fuckin' sailor?" "well, darleena, sounds to me like she's gettin' it from you!"
• he's the favorite uncle (after aaron - your daughter adores aaron)
• rick's lowkey offended by it and tries to subtly bribe your daughter into saying she likes him more
• "uncle dick!"
• ...
• "... are you kiddin' me?" "don't know where she learned that from. must be a good judge'a character."
little bonus that doesn't have to do with uncle merle: it's really up to you, but i like to think that you and daryl would have agreed to name your daughter beth 🥺 you would have suggested the name, knowing that part of daryl never really healed after her death, and he would freeze. forgets how to breathe for a second as the memories wash over him. and then he would blink really fast as he feels his eyes start to water and he'd give you that soft little nod he does when he's trying not to cry. PLEASE- 😭
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lulu2992 · 4 months
A few of Far Cry 5’s characters’ former names (according to the files)
Did you know that some characters used to have different names? Here’s what I found:
Adelaide Drubman - Penny Johnson (I’m not sure; it’s unclear)
Casey Fixman - Casey Seagal or Casey Storm
Chad Wolanski - Chad Gardetto
Faith Seed - Selena Seed
George Wilson - George Beel
Guy Marvel - Guy Martel (headcanon: it’s still his name but he thought Marvel was a cooler name for a movie director)
Hurk Drubman Senior - Wayne Senior
Joseph Seed - Daniel Seed
Merle Briggs - Merle Clinton
Wilhelmina Mable - Wilhelmina Maybelline
Tammy Barnes - Tammy Palmer (was she supposed to be Eli’s wife? Maybe!)
Tracey Lader - Traci West
Virgil Minkler - Virgil Knutsen
Wendell Redler - Wendell Darrah
Xander Flynn - Bob Johnson (again, like for Adelaide, not sure)
Also, I’ve said this before but Deputy Pratt’s first name is actually Stacy and not Staci. In the files, it’s only not spelled Stacy once, in the end credits... which is also, unfortunately, the only time players had a chance to see it written.
According to the files, Larry Parker’s first name is Laurence, the man we meet near Arcade machines is Morris Aubrey, and the fisherman is Coyote Nelson… but his description in the unreleased in-game encyclopedia also implies he died, so that might be inaccurate.
Below are the names of other Hope County residents (and where they live(d) and/or work(ed)) found in the deleted in-game encyclopedia:
Daniel Holmes — Holmes Residence
Doug and Debbie Hadler — Gardenview Orchards, Ciderworks, and Packing Facility
Rae-Rae Bouthillier — Rae-Rae's Pumpkin Farm
Niesha Howard — Howard Cabin
Emmet Reaves (in the late 1800s) — Copperhead Rail Yard & Prosperity
Will Boyd (from Far Cry: Absolution; his full name is William) — Boyd Residence
Les Doverspike — Doverspike Compound
Mike and Deb Harris — Harris Residence
Wolfgang Dodd — Dodd’s Dumps
Colin Dodd (Nadine Abercrombie’s grandfather) — Dodd Residence
Joe Roberts — Roberts Cabin
Dr. Kim Patterson — Hope County Clinic
Bobby Budell (in 1946) — Flatiron Stockyards
Doug Fillmore — Fillmore Residence
Orville Fall (found gold in 1865) — Catamount Mines
Mike and Chandra Dunagan — Sunrise Farm
The Redler family (Wendell’s) — Red’s Farm Supply
Andrew and Frances Woodson — Woodson Pig Farm
Don Sawyer — Sawyer Residence
Kay Wheeler — Kay-Nine Kennels
Jules Adams (and an unnamed husband) — Adams Ranch
Jerry Miller (and his family) — Miller Residence
Rick Elliot (his full name is Richard according to a message left by Eli) — Elliot Residence
Jay Loresca — Loresca Residence
"Lonely Frank" — Frank’s Cabin
Dicky Dansky — Dansky Cabin
Roy Tanami — Tanami Residence
Mr. Vasquez — Vasquez Residence
Mr. McDevitt — Misty River Gas
Darby McCoy — McCoy Cabin
Dr. Phil Barlow — Barlow Residence
Travis McClean (and his husband Brent) — McClean Residence
Jasmine Chan — Chan Residence
Jerrod Wilson (in the 1800s) — Throne of Mercy Church
Frankie Sinclair — Sinclair Residence
Lydia (in 1912) — Lydia’s Cave
Dwight Feeney (the chemist who worked with Eden’s Gate and dies in the mission “Sins of the Father”) — Feeney Residence
Lorna Rawlings — Lorna’s Truck Stop
Edward O'Hara — O’Hara’s Haunted House
Kanti Jones — Jones Residence
Coyote Nelson — Nelson Residence
Holly Pepper (and her girlfriend Charlie) — Pepper Residence
Nolan Pettis — Nolan’s Fly Shop
Bob and Penny Johnson — Johnson Residence
Melvin Adams Abercrombie — Abercrombie Residence
Steve McCallough — McCallough’s Garage
Dr. Rachel Jessop (who, and I’ll keep saying this every time I can, was never Faith and always another, entirely different person) — Jessop Conservatory
Dwight Seeley — Seeley’s Cabin
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betyloca · 4 months
twd characters with a silent s/o
daryl dixon
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• He noticed at camp that you were very quiet or shy.
• When you sat down to eat around the fire with the camp, everyone was talking but you just watched without making a sound.
• until one day you were sitting next to him while he was telling you random things.
until I asked you why you never spoke
- Hey, why don't you talk, are you shy or something?
when I noticed that you took out a notebook and wrote in it
-* showing what it says* I am mute due to an accident that damaged my vocal cords but I am not deaf
• Since then he has been more attached to you, teaching you how to use weapons.
• since you are mute you have the advantages of being more agile without being heard
• teaches you how to use his crossbow
• he starts to get attached to you and always asks to go with you when you have to go get supplies
Rick grimmes
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• He was an officer so he realized when he arrived at the camp that you weren't talking.
• By noticing that behavior more, I understood that you were mute.
• He would come to you if you needed help with something, which you always responded with a simple nod of the head.
• I started practicing sign language to communicate with you.
- If you need anything, let me know* communicating in signs*
- * while smiling * I am mute, not deaf, how do you think I can hear others when they talk to me * making signs *
- *signing* well the intention is what counts
• well this way they have an advantage when they have to make an ambush
• he likes how well you get along with carl
• whenever they go to look for supplies he has you by the hand so you don't get lost
Gabriel stokes
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• this man thought you were shy
• when he sat with you and talked to you you never spoke
• He thought you didn't like him until Carol told him you were mute.
• He started to get closer to you by asking if you didn't mind, you just answered no with your head.
• likes to spend time with you at church
• reads the Bible to you when you have nothing to do
- Are you sure you won't get bored?
- *Shaking his head*
- okay where was I?
• he likes to walk with you in Alexandria when it's night because he's so quiet
• gives you his bible when he goes to get supplies
• He worries when you leave but when you return he is very happy and hugs you.
Merle dixon
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• at first he didn't realize how quiet you were and he didn't even care
• Until I started flirting with you I noticed that you never complained but you did blush.
• so I started doing it more often until I made some jokes
• one night when the others were sleeping you were outside your tents while he was talking
• until he told something funny that he saw that you were laughing but you didn't make a sound
- Hey sugar, you're mute, aren't you?
- ohh I see that doesn't stop me from making you smile, don't you believe, sweetheart?
• He thinks it's an advantage that you're mute, so just like Daryln, he teaches you to be agile without being seen.
• teaches you how to use weapons while whispering double meanings in your ear
• he thinks it's better for you to sleep in his tent than in yours in case something happens and he can't hear you and why does he worry?
• fights with anyone who makes fun of your condition
• whenever they go by car to get supplies he has a hand on your thigh to calm you down
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theheadcanonzone · 5 months
post S&S, the THB pull a goof every year that every single birthday that angus has is his 10th birthday. it doesnt matter how old he ACTUALLY is, he's the ten-year-old-boy-detective and hes gonna STAY THAT WAY. it lasts long after he passes too, kravitz pulls him up from the astral sea to say "everyone says happy tenth birthday. double digits, very exciting!"
Submitted by @tabooraboo
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cyanidas · 1 year
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My take on the original Minecraft Origins!
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