#Metal Sofa Set 3 1 1
helenmay · 2 months
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Hello everyone!
this month I am sharing a loft set with you. It has a bit of a masculine vibe. I hope it makes your gameplay more fun and adds a bit more personality to your Sims! :)
The set includes 16 new meshes, all gameplay-optimized and low poly:
1. Metal star light
2. Big mirror
3. Vintage floor lamp
4. Pallet table
5. Leather sofa
6. Cozy blanket
7. Functional trash can
8. Ceiling light (medium height)
9. Ceiling light (long)
10. Decorative item (cup)
11. Wall art
12. Vintage sketches
13. Decorative newspaper
14. Baseball (functional as a pet toy or as a decoration)
15. Baseball bat (decorative item)
16. Ceiling light extra long
All items are base game compatible. Only for the baseball, you need the Cats and Dogs Expansion Pack. 
To find the set in-game, type "Loft" or "hmay" in the game search menu. 
Have fun with the set :)
Cheers Lena
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fr0stf4ll · 1 month
Forge of Stralight - Part 2
here is the link for part 1 or part 3
paring; Azriel x reader
summary; In the heart of Velaris, a skilled blacksmith's quiet life is turned upside down when unexpected bonds begin to form with the enigmatic Spymaster of the Night Court. As she navigates the challenges of her craft and the complexities of newfound relationships, she discovers that love and loyalty may be the strongest forces of all in a world where darkness often lingers just beyond the light.
Word Count; 4k
notes; Hey everyone! This chapter is more centered around the IC. New clues and questions will arise while following Y/N from a different perspective. Also I already wrote a good part of the story, I will try to publish a new chapter every day/two day. I hope that you will like the part 2. Do not hesitate to comment. Bisous <3
Two weeks had flown by, and the long-awaited night of the Winter Solstice had enveloped Velaris in a festive blanket of snow and twinkling stars. Inside the stately townhouse of the High Lord, the inner circle—Mor, Armen, Cassian, Azriel, and Rhys—gathered around a roaring fire, the room aglow with the warmth of friendship and laughter.
Mor, ever the heart of any gathering, clapped her hands with a bright, infectious enthusiasm. "Alright, everyone, it's the moment we've all been waiting for—gifts time!" she announced, her eyes sparkling with excitement.
Laughter and cheerful banter filled the room as small, beautifully wrapped packages began to change hands. Azriel joked about how he hoped his gift was better than last year's infamous "invisible cloak"—which turned out to be just an empty box. Cassian roared with laughter, slapping him on the back, while Rhys watched on, a sly grin playing on his lips.
As the gifts made their rounds, the moment came for Cassian and Azriel to receive their gifts from Rhys. With a dramatic flourish that matched the occasion, Rhys presented them each with an elegantly wrapped, long, slender box. "For my brothers, who deserve nothing but the best," he said with a warm tone of brotherly affection.
Cassian and Azriel exchanged a look of curiosity and anticipation before tearing into the wrapping. As they lifted the lids, the room fell into an appreciative silence. Inside each box lay a masterfully crafted sword and dagger set, the metal gleaming even in the soft light of the fire.
Azriel’s set was sleek and shadowy, with subtle, intricate engravings along the blade that seemed to shift and move in the light. The hilt was expertly crafted to fit perfectly in his hand, and the syphon stone nestled at the base pulsed with a faint, mysterious glow.
Cassian's sword and dagger were robust and commanding, with bold designs etched along the blades and a heavier, more aggressive build. The handles were wrapped in dark leather that contrasted starkly with the bright gleam of the steel, and his syphon stone throbbed with a powerful, steady light.
"Rhys, these are... incredible," Cassian finally broke the silence, his voice thick with emotion. "Seriously, brother, they're more than I could have hoped for."
Azriel, ever the more reserved of the two, was quietly inspecting his blade, but his impressed expression spoke volumes. He looked up at Rhys, a question in his eyes. "Was this why you sent me to the new blacksmith’s shop? To deliver our old syphons?"
Rhys nodded, a satisfied smile lighting up his face. "Yes, I wanted Y/N to incorporate them into your new weapons. I knew she could breathe new life into those old stones."
Mor leaned forward, her interest piqued. "That was a brilliant touch, Rhys. Y/N’s craftsmanship is truly remarkable. Did you see how Az’s blade almost seems alive with shadows?"
"And Cass’s looks like it could lead an army on its own," Armen added, smirking as she felt back in her comfy sofa.
The conversation spiraled into a lively discussion about the craftsmanship, the battle stories that the old syphons had seen, and how these new weapons would soon make their own marks in history. Laughter and heartfelt thanks filled the room, creating memories that would warm their hearts for many solstices to come.
As the night wore on, filled with more stories and laughter, Cassian and Azriel handled their new gifts with something akin to reverence. It was clear these were more than just weapons; they were symbols of their brotherhood, their strength, and the silent, unbreakable bonds that held them all together.
As the Winter Solstice celebration unfolded in the warm glow of the townhouse, Rhysand and Azriel found a brief moment of quiet near the crackling fire. The High Lord, nursing a glass of wine, caught the spymaster's thoughtful gaze and smiled knowingly.
"Y/N, hmm?" Rhysand began, his tone light with a hint of intrigue. "I heard about her long before she set up shop in Velaris. It was during a meeting with Helion at his court. He couldn't stop boasting about the spear she crafted for him—it was truly magnificent."
Azriel, leaning casually against the wall, raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "Helion? That's high praise coming from the Day Court. She must be something special."
Rhysand nodded, a gleam of pride in his eyes. "Indeed she is. From what I gather, she keeps to herself, lets her work speak for her. Mysterious, but fiercely talented."
Azriel’s interest was clearly piqued. "She seems to have a knack for keeping a low profile. What do you know about her background?"
Rhysand’s gaze shifted to the fire, a thoughtful expression crossing his features. "She’s originally from the Night Court, Velaris to be exact. But beyond that, she’s a bit of an enigma. Not one to share her story readily."
Azriel nodded slowly, absorbing the information. "Her work speaks volumes, though. Each piece feels imbued with a story, a history."
Rhysand chuckled softly. "Sounds like someone else I know," he teased, nudging Azriel playfully. "But she’s different. There’s a depth to her craftsmanship that’s rare."
Meanwhile, across the room, Mor and Cassian were engrossed in their own revelry, their laughter filling the air as they enjoyed the solstice festivities with abandon, seemingly oblivious to the more serious conversation unfolding between Rhysand and Azriel.
Azriel’s gaze lingered thoughtfully on the flickering flames before returning to Rhysand. "Do you think she’d be willing to collaborate with us more closely? Her talent could be a valuable asset to our efforts."
Rhysand nodded in agreement. "I was thinking the same thing. Let’s give her time to settle in, though. If she’s as exceptional as we believe, she’ll find her place in our plans soon enough."
Their conversation shifted to lighter topics as the night wore on, but Azriel couldn't shake the intrigue Y/N had stirred in him. Her presence in Velaris promised more than just exceptional craftsmanship—it hinted at alliances, mysteries, and a potential for change that resonated deeply within the heart of the Night Court.
A few days after the festive celebrations of the Winter Solstice, Rhysand was deep in discussion with Madja, the esteemed healer of the Night Court. They were seated in a quiet, sunlit room in the House of Wind, poring over scrolls and plans aimed at enhancing the health infrastructure of their court. They debated new strategies and shared insights on how best to equip their healers with advanced resources.
As their meeting drew to a close, Madja, ever observant, shifted the topic with a hint of intrigue in her tone. "Rhysand, have you heard of the blacksmith Y/N?" she asked, her eyes sharp and probing.
Rhysand nodded, a hint of pride in his response. "Yes, I'm quite familiar with her work. She crafted the weapons I gifted to Cassian and Azriel for the solstice. They were exceptional."
Madja leaned in slightly, her voice lowering to a confidential whisper. "Keep her close, Rhysand. She bears a power that could save many lives, far beyond what her craftsmanship alone might suggest."
Rhysand's interest was immediately piqued, his strategic mind already turning over the implications. "What do you mean, Madja? What kind of power are we talking about?"
Madja sighed, and her gaze became distant as she recalled the day she visited Y/N's smithy, prompting a flashback:
The day had been unusually brisk for Velaris, the winter chill seeping through even the warmest of cloaks. Madja pushed open the door to Y/N's smithy, greeted by the familiar clang of metal on metal and the comforting heat that rolled out from the forge. The shop was lively, with customers admiring the array of weapons and tools displayed with meticulous care. The air smelled of iron and burning coals, a scent that Madja had always associated with strength and resilience.
Y/N emerged from the back, wiping her hands on a leather apron, her sharp eyes taking in the scene before settling on Madja. "Healer Madja," Y/N greeted with a nod, a small smile on her lips. "What can I do for you today?"
Madja reached into the folds of her cloak and pulled out an old, well-worn sickle. The blade, while still sharp, had seen many years of use. "I need a new sickle," she explained, holding the tool out for Y/N to examine. "Something similar to this, but I’d like it embedded with healing gems—something that can amplify my abilities when I work."
Y/N took the sickle, turning it over in her hands, studying the craftsmanship with a discerning eye. "I can do that," she said after a moment. "I’ll need a few days to gather the right materials, but I’ll make sure it’s exactly what you need."
As they spoke, the shop was bustling around them. Alexander, ever energetic and eager to help, was darting about, juggling several tasks at once. At one point, he was carrying an armful of swords, trying to show a client the finer details of a blade while managing the chaos around him. Madja watched with a smile, amused by the boy’s enthusiasm.
But then, in his haste, Alex’s foot caught on the edge of a carpet that had bunched up beneath the weight of all the activity. He stumbled forward, the swords in his arms clattering to the ground with a sharp, metallic crash. His wide eyes filled with panic as he lost his balance, teetering dangerously.
Y/N reacted instantly, her hand shooting out to catch Alex before he could fall, her grip steady and sure. But in the chaos, Madja’s old sickle, which had been resting precariously on the edge of the counter, was knocked off, plummeting toward the floor—and directly toward Alex.
Madja’s heart leaped into her throat, but before she could move, Y/N’s other hand lashed out, snatching the sickle by the blade just inches from Alex’s head. The sharp edge sliced through Y/N’s palm, blood welling up immediately. But the sickle never reached the boy. Instead, Y/N held it firmly, her expression more concerned with Alex than her own injury.
"Alex, are you okay?" Y/N asked, her voice calm despite the cut on her hand.
Alex, wide-eyed and shaken, nodded slowly. "Y-Yeah, I’m fine. I’m so sorry, Nana, I didn’t mean to—"
"It’s alright," Y/N assured him, her voice gentle. She set the sickle down carefully, then knelt to help Alex gather the fallen swords. "Just be more careful next time, okay?"
Madja stepped forward, her healer’s instincts kicking in as she moved to examine Y/N’s hand. "Let me see that," she insisted, reaching out.
But Y/N pulled her hand back slightly, shaking her head. "It’s just a scratch. I’ll be fine."
Madja was about to protest when something caught her eye—small, flickering blue flames that danced across Y/N’s wound, sealing it shut with a soft, almost musical hum. The flames vanished as quickly as they had appeared, leaving behind smooth, unbroken skin where the cut had been just moments before.
Madja stared, her mind racing. "What... was that?" she murmured, more to herself than to anyone else.
Y/N seemed unfazed, her focus still on Alex, making sure he was steady on his feet. "Nothing to worry about," she said, her tone casual. But there was a tension in her voice that didn’t escape Madja’s notice.
The healer hesitated, unsure of what she had just witnessed, but knowing better than to press the issue in front of others. "If you’re sure," she finally said, though the uncertainty lingered in her eyes.
Y/N nodded, giving her a reassuring smile. "I am. Thank you, Madja."
Madja left the shop soon after, but the image of those blue flames stayed with her. She couldn’t shake the feeling that what she had seen was more than just a simple healing ability—there was something deeper, something powerful about Y/N that she couldn’t yet understand.
Back in the present, Rhysand’s expression was contemplative, his mind turning over the possibilities. "Blue flames that heal… That’s not something you see every day. You’re sure it was real, Madja?"
Madja nodded, her expression serious. "I’ve never seen anything like it before, Rhysand. There’s a power in her that could be incredibly valuable. Her abilities could redefine healing, or perhaps... something more."
Rhysand leaned back, his thoughts racing. "This is something I need to look into further. If Y/N possesses such power, she could play a crucial role in the future of the Night Court."
"Be careful, Rhysand," Madja warned gently. "Power like that isn’t always easy to control. But if anyone can guide her, it’s you."
Rhysand nodded, the weight of this new revelation settling on his shoulders. He knew he needed to approach this carefully, to understand the full extent of Y/N’s abilities—and to ensure that whatever power she held, it would be used to protect and strengthen the Night Court.
The day had been kind to you, the steady hum of work filling your hours, and now, as night fell over Velaris, you decided to treat Alex to a well-deserved meal. The two of you strolled along the Sidra, the river reflecting the twinkling lights of the city, casting everything in a magical glow. The restaurant you chose was a cozy, yet elegant establishment with an outdoor terrace that overlooked the water. The warm, inviting lights and the soft murmur of other diners created a serene atmosphere that was perfect for unwinding after a long day.
You had dressed nicely for the occasion, opting for well-fitted pants and a tailored shirt that allowed you to feel both comfortable and presentable. Alex, too, had cleaned up well, his usual enthusiasm shining brightly in his eyes as you both took your seats at a small table by the river.
"This place is amazing, Nana," Alex said, his voice filled with excitement as he scanned the menu. "We should come here more often!"
You smiled, taking in the joy on his face. "We’ve had a good run lately, haven’t we? I figured we deserved a little treat."
The waiter arrived, and you both placed your orders— your young apprentice going for sugary drink and you for a glass of white wine. As you sipped your drink, Alex leaned in with a mischievous grin.
"You remember that client who came in last week?" Alex began, his tone full of amusement. "The one who insisted he needed a sword for 'taming wild beasts'? Turns out he thought the sword would actually talk to the animals and convince them to behave."
You nearly choked on your wine, giggling at the absurdity of it. "No! Did he really? I thought he just wanted a strong blade for hunting or something."
Alex nodded, laughing. "Yeah! I had to explain to him that swords don’t exactly come with instructions for bear negotiations."
Your laughter was soft and genuine, the joy of the moment spreading warmth through your chest. It was in that moment of shared humor that the door to the restaurant opened, and you caught sight of Rhysand, Azriel, and Cassian entering. They were dressed as impeccably as ever, their presence immediately commanding attention in the room. 
The three of them were clearly expected, as a table near the river, a bit more private, was promptly made available for them. However, before they were seated, Rhysand’s gaze fell upon you and Alex. His eyes lit up with recognition, and a charming smile spread across his face as he made his way over to your table, the others following behind.
"Y/N," Rhysand greeted warmly, his voice smooth as ever. "What a pleasant surprise to see you here." He turned to Alex with a grin. "And this must be the famous Alexander I’ve heard so much about."
Alex, never one to shy away from attention, beamed up at the High Lord. "That’s me! Nice to see you again, my lord!"
Rhysand chuckled, then glanced back at his brothers. "Y/N, allow me to introduce Cassian, our esteemed General of the Illyrian legions. I believe you’ve already met Azriel, our spymaster."
Cassian extended a hand with a friendly grin. "I’ve heard nothing but good things about your work, Y/N. It’s a pleasure to finally meet the master behind the blade."
You shook his hand, feeling a bit shy under the attention but managing a smile. "The pleasure’s mine. I’ve heard a lot about you as well."
Azriel, standing slightly behind Rhysand, gave you a nod of acknowledgment. "Good to see you again, Y/N."
Rhysand then motioned toward their table, his eyes twinkling with a hint of mischief. "Why don’t you both join us for dinner? We’d love the company."
Caught off guard, you hesitated, glancing at Alex before responding. "Oh, I wouldn’t want to intrude. This is your night out, after all."
Cassian waved away your concern with a laugh. "Nonsense! The more, the merrier."
You were still about to politely decline when Alex piped up, his eyes wide with excitement. "Please, Nana! I’ve always wanted to have dinner with them. Plus, I think they’ve got some cool stories to tell!"
You bit your lip, trying to hide your smile. Alex’s enthusiasm was hard to resist, and the idea of joining them, despite your initial reluctance, was becoming more appealing. Finally, you sighed playfully and nodded. "Alright, alright. You win, Alex."
Rhysand’s smile broadened as he gestured toward their table. "Perfect. Let’s make this an evening to remember."
The evening by the Sidra continued to unfold beautifully as you and Alex joined Rhysand, Cassian, and Azriel at their table. The atmosphere was warm and inviting, the city lights reflecting off the river, casting a soft glow over the terrace. The five of you settled in comfortably, and soon, food and drinks were ordered—a mix of hearty dishes and lighter fare, with wine flowing freely.
As the meal progressed, the conversation naturally turned to more personal topics. Rhysand, ever the curious and perceptive High Lord, leaned in slightly, his eyes twinkling with genuine interest. "Y/N, you’re a bit of a mystery. I’d love to know more about your story—where you’re from, your family, how you came to be the talented blacksmith you are today."
You hesitated for a moment, swirling the wine in your glass as you considered where to begin. The table fell into a quiet, expectant silence, all eyes on you.
"Well," you started, "I’m originally from Velaris. My father was a guard here, dedicated to protecting the city, and my mother came from a family of old politicians who eventually left Hewn City to make a life here."
Cassian nodded thoughtfully, sipping his drink. "Sounds like they were strong people. What happened to them?"
You sighed softly, the memories bittersweet. "My mother died giving birth to me. It was... hard on my father. They were mates, and the pain of losing her was too much for him. He passed away a few hours after she did."
Cassian’s brow furrowed, his voice laced with concern and curiosity. "He just... passed away? How?"
You took a deep breath, meeting his gaze steadily. "He killed himself. The bond they shared was so strong that living without her wasn’t an option for him."
The table grew solemn, the weight of your words settling over everyone. Rhysand reached out, "I’m sorry, Y/N. That’s a lot for anyone to bear."
You nodded, appreciating the gesture. “I never actually knew them so I’m fine with it I guess. After they died, I was raised by my father’s best friend—my master. He taught me everything I know about blacksmithing. We traveled to most of the courts and across the continent, honing my skills. Alex," you added with a fond glance at the boy beside you, "is my master’s son. After my master passed away, I took Alex under my wing."
Alex, who had been quietly listening, smiled up at you, his admiration evident. “Y/N's the best teacher. She’s taught me everything."
Azriel, who had been quietly observing, spoke up, his tone thoughtful. "You’ve had quite the journey, Y/N. It takes strength to turn pain into something as beautiful and powerful as your work."
You smiled softly, nodding in agreement. "It wasn’t easy, but it’s the only way I know how to honor them."
As the evening wore on, the conversation flowed freely, accompanied by the delicious food and the soothing ambiance of the Sidra beside you. After sharing your story, a question that had been lingering at the back of your mind finally surfaced.
“You three,” you began, glancing between Rhysand, Cassian, and Azriel, “are you truly brothers? I’ve heard stories, but I’ve always wondered how much truth there is to them.”
Cassian chuckled, exchanging a glance with Rhysand and Azriel. “Well, not by blood,” he admitted, “but in every way that matters, we’re brothers.”
Rhysand nodded, his expression softening as he looked at his two closest friends. “We grew up together in the Illyrian war camps. It wasn’t an easy upbringing, but we forged bonds that can’t be broken. Cassian and Azriel have been at my side through everything—through battles, victories, losses… they’re my family.”
Azriel, who was usually reserved, added quietly, “We’ve faced more together than most blood-related brothers ever would. That kind of connection goes beyond anything as simple as blood.”
Cassian leaned in, a grin spreading across his face. “And if you need proof, just look at how often we bicker like brothers.”
You laughed softly, understanding now the depth of their bond. “It’s clear there’s a lot of history between you. It’s… comforting to see that even in a place as powerful as the Night Court, family—however it’s made—still matters most.”
Rhysand smiled at you, his eyes reflecting the sentiment. “Family is everything to us, Y/N. And it’s something that grows—not just with blood, but with loyalty and trust.”
At this, Cassian turned his attention to Alex, who was listening intently. “Speaking of family, Alex, how about joining ours in a different way? Ever thought about training to be a warrior? You’ve got the makings of a good one.”
Alex looked up at Cassian, curiosity flickering in his eyes. “What time would the training start?”
Cassian grinned, leaning back in his chair. “Around dawn. What do you think?”
Alex wrinkled his nose playfully, causing everyone to chuckle. “Dawn? That’s way too late! By then, Nana and I have already finished our training.”
The table fell into a momentary silence, the surprise evident on the faces of the Night Court’s inner circle. Azriel raised an eyebrow, clearly impressed. “You train before dawn?”
You couldn’t help but smile at their reactions. “What did you expect? We don’t just create weapons; we know how to wield them, too. Alex is becoming quite skilled, actually.”
Cassian let out a low whistle, visibly impressed. “Well, consider me impressed. Maybe I’ll join you two sometime—if you’ll have me.”
Alex beamed with pride. “You’re welcome anytime, but don’t expect to keep up!”
Laughter erupted around the table, the earlier heaviness of your shared stories giving way to a light-hearted camaraderie that wrapped around you like a warm embrace. The night continued with more stories, jokes, and the easy flow of conversation that only comes when people truly connect.
As the evening drew to a close, and the stars twinkled brightly above Velaris, you felt a deep sense of belonging. This dinner by the Sidra had revealed not just the pasts of the people around you, but had begun weaving your own story into the fabric of their lives. It was the start of something new, something meaningful—both for you and for Alex—and you couldn’t wait to see where it would lead.
tag list: @annamariereads16 @hanatsuki-hime @elsie-bells
don't hesitate to comment if you want to be added to the tag list ;)))
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ladykailitha · 4 months
Paper Hearts Part 6
The sequel is coming along great I just have one more part to do and it'll be done. Sweet Home Indiana is nearing its end too.
Heads up! I will be going on vacation on Tuesday and won't be back until next week. So no WIP Wednesday this week as that is the day of my niece's graduation and I will be away from laptop all day.
I will still be uploading chapters and should be able to do WIP Wednesday next week. But if not I'll let you know.
In this we have the Corroded Coffin boys being silly and a wild Dustin appears.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Eddie rolled up to band practice fashionably late as always. The other three boys were doing a sound check and making sure everything was in order.
Gareth looked up first. “Did you bring the hearts?” he asked excitedly.
Eddie held up his bag and the other boys cheered.
“So how are we going to do this?” Eddie asked flopping on the sofa after gently setting his sweetheart to the side. “Do we want to do the hearts first or practice first?”
They all look around at each for a moment.
“Let’s get the heart thing out of the way,” Jeff suggested, “get it out of the way so we can focus on practicing.”
“Sounds good to me, man,” Gareth said. “In case practice runs over or some shit.”
Eddie pulled his backpack closer and began digging through it. He pulled out the hearts that he’d put in a plastic baggie so they wouldn’t get bent in the maw that was his bag.
He tossed the bag onto the table in front of them and then dug around for his notebook. He pulled it out with a bunch of pens.
“You don’t have to,” he murmured, “but I’d recommend changing up your handwriting a couple of times so he doesn’t realize they’re from the same four people.”
“We were doing anonymous and initials, right?” Brian asked, picking up the bag and opening it up.
Eddie lit up, a huge smile on his face. “I actually had an idea about that. I was thinking of famous groups with four dudes in it and I thought it would be hilarious if we mixed it up a bit with some of those to avoid the whole repetition thing.”
Jeff licked his top lip. “Show us what you’ve got,” he said jutting out his chin.
He opened up his notebook and flipped to the right page. “Alright, so I was thinking the Three Musketeers plus D’Artagnan.”
“Who would be who?” Gareth asked, wrinkling his nose.
“Gareth is absolutely D’Artagnan,” Brian said without hesitation. “No question.”
Jeff straightened up and looked over at him in confusion. “Why’s that?”
“Because my dearest Jeffy,” Eddie said with a grin, “because he’s the youngest and not an original member. Therefore D’Artagnan.”
Gareth and Brian glanced at each. Brian shrugged and Gareth blinked a moment or two before he shrugged, too.
“Yeah, that tracks.”
“I’ll take Aramis,” Eddie said with a grin. “The smooth talker with religious trauma.”
The other boys just cackled.
“I’ll be Porthos,” Brian said. “The compulsive liar with a flare for the dramatic.”
“Why am I left with the dude with serious romantic wo–” Jeff stopped. “Right, scratch that. I’m Athos.”
They cackled again. Eddie had had some wild crushes, but it was nothing on Jeff. He even had a slightly tragic love story. He’d actually dated Vicki Carmichael before she became a popular kid and hanging out with Steve’s crowd. They had both loved metal music, but Jeff was pretty sure she stopped listening to it once she joined the cool kids.
“And I have a list of other ones too,” Eddie said breaking into the resulting silence. “The four winds from Greek mythology. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles...um...let’s see...” he looked at the notebook again. “The members of Metallica. The four horsemen of the apocalypse–”
Jeff winced. “Probably not that one, man. It’s for Valentine’s day and that kinda screams the opposite.”
Eddie blinked at him for a moment and then scratched out that idea. “Fair enough.”
“The four hobbits from Lord of the Rings?” Gareth suggested.
“Yes!” Brian cried. “I get to be Samwise!”
Jeff cackled. “Gareth and Eddie are sooo Merry and Pippin!”
“Oh god! Yes! Which one is which, though?” Brian said joining in the laughter.
“I’m Merry, of course,” Eddie said proudly. “I’m the instigator and Gareth goes where I lead.”
Gareth grumped in the corner, crossing his arms and glaring at all of them. “But that makes Jeff Frodo though.”
Jeff straightened up, smug. “I could handle that.”
Eddie shook his head at his friends. “All right, also on my list are the Ghostbusters and The A-Team.”
The other boys shook their heads at either suggestion but they had a pretty good list anyway. Plus their D&D names sprinkled in here and there and they’ve got in the bag.
They spent the next half hour coming up with nice things about Steve. Eddie did have nix a couple of their ideas because they came off as stalker-esque. Which was not the look they were going for.
To say that Eddie got a kick out of seeing Steve light up every time he opened his locker and more pink hearts fluttered out of it was an understatement.
The goofy smile the former jock got on his face was worth every second of the time they’d spent on the project.
And it was working, too. That was the really impressive part.
Even Tommy H. was baffled.
“How the hell are you getting so many pink hearts, Harrington?” he said on Friday, just four days into Eddie’s plan.
Steve shrugged in that dorky way that made Eddie’s heart stop. “I guess people are deciding to hell with social constructs and stupid cliques and are telling me even if they don’t dare to be open about that they still like me.”
Tommy’s mouth open and closed like a goldfish then he turned around and stormed off.
Eddie lean against the lock above Steve. “Back to being king again, huh, Stevie?”
“Not really,” he said, closing his locker and standing up. “Most of them are anonymous or fake names. But there are a few that real names.”
“You think someone is stuffing the ballot box as it were?” Eddie asked, worried the jig was up.
Steve shook his head. “At least I don’t think so. But it’s sad that they think they have to hide who they are to tell me that they still think I’m a cool dude or whatever.”
“For what it’s worth,” Eddie said, pushing off from the locker, “I think you’re a pretty cool dude.”
Steve blushed and mumbled his thanks.
God, did Eddie just want to bite those flushed cheeks. They were just too cute.
“It’s worth a lot, actually,” Steve whispered. He stood up and shouldered his backpack. “Catch you later, Eds.”
Shit that little nickname had Eddie’s heart doing overtime.
Steve was outside the middle school waiting for Dustin to come out. His mom had asked Steve to pick him because she had to stay after hours at work for a meeting.
He drummed his fingers on the steering wheel as he hummed to the music in his head. He could have turned on the radio but Dustin hated his music didn’t like him blaring it for the whole school to hear.
His eyes kept flicking to the rearview mirror to see his backpack on the backseat. He wanted to go over the ones he got today. There had been some really good ones. Ones that melted his insides and turned them to goo.
He bit his lip and checked the mirror again. He looked at his watch and he still had a couple minutes until the bell rang.
Steve whirled around and grabbed the bag. He ripped it open and pulled out his trapper keeper. Tucked in the front pocket were the hearts. He ran his fingers over the outline the hearts made on the plastic pocket.
He pulled out the hearts and read over each one. Tracing the names of the givers, thinking about each name and wondering where they were from.
There was a thump on his window startling him. He looked up to see Dustin making faces at him through the glass.
Steve shook his head and unlocked the passenger door to let the twerp in.
“Looking at pink hearts, Steve?” Dustin asked with the shake of his head. “So pathetic.”
Steve rolled his eyes and tried to put the hearts back in the folder, but Dustin snatched them from him and wouldn’t let him take them back.
“Come on, man!” Steve whined. “They’re none of your business.”
“I want to see which girls are giving the Steve Harrington Valentine’s hearts,” Dustin said, wagging his eyebrows.
“Dude, give it up,” he growled. “The pink hearts are friendship hearts, the red ones are the romantic ones. So give it back.”
The younger teen cocked his head to the side and said, “No.”
Steve folded his arms and glared at him.
“Aren’t you going to take me home?” Dustin asked after they sat in silence for a minute or two.
“Not until you give them back.”
Dustin just shrugged. “It’s your funeral if we get home after my mom does.”
Steve threw his arms in the air, but turned the engine and started the car toward the Hendersons.
“These are actually really sweet, Steve,” Dustin said after a couple of minutes. “I like the idea of friendship hearts. That way you don’t accidentally send the wrong message.”
Steve just shrugged.
“You do know that some of these are fake names, right?”
Steve rolled his eyes and dared to look over at him. “Yes, of course I do. I am familiar with D’Artagnan after you named a fucking demodog after him, thanks.”
Dustin cocked his head to the side and then shrugged. “That’s fair. What you probably don’t know is that Aramis, Porthos, and Athos are the names of the Three Musketeers.”
Steve pursed his lips and nodded. “That’s cool.” They hit a stop sign and Steve looked over and pulled out one. “What about this one? Tommy H. thinks it’s short for Kassie, but none of the girls at our school spell it like that.”
Dustin took the heart and looked at it. “Kas. Kas. Yeah, okay. That does sound familiar. Can I get back to you on that one?”
“Sure thing, bud.”
Steve pulled up to curb to let Dustin out. “You got your key? If you don’t, you can hang out with me until your mom gets home.”
Dustin began rummaging around in his bag and Steve snatched the hearts away before he could bend them.
The kid pulled out his keys with a triumphant, “Eureka!”
Steve shook his head. “You are such a dweeb. Go on, get.”
“Bye, Steve!”
“Next time say thank you, asshole!” Steve called out the window.
Dustin turned around and gave him the double middle finger.
Steve shook his head and drove off. Why he loved that kid, he had no idea.
When he got home he pulled out the little notebook and placed the pink hearts in with the rest. All but the one from Kas. Those he kept in his wallet. He really couldn’t place why. There was just something about what they said that made him feel warm and not in the fuzzy friendship way that the others did.
There was the first one:
-Stevie I like the way you’re kind even when it doesn’t benefit you. Kas
Which Steve loved but the others were just as sweet.
-Stevie You have a great laugh, you don’t have to hide it. Kas
-Stevie That shirt today really brings out the color in your eyes. Kas
And Steve’s personal favorite:
-Stevie Each day is brighter because you’re in it. Kas
There was one for each day he got hearts in his locker so he assumed it was all the same person.
He slid it next to the other three hearts in the billfold portion of his wallet and put the wallet next to his keys on his desk. Then he put the little notebook back, careful to make sure it was well hidden.
He wasn’t sure what his dad would do about the mementos but Steve really didn’t want to find out.
He was really going to miss getting the hearts over the weekend. They really had become the highlight of his day.
He sighed and buckled down to work on his homework. It wasn’t as though he had anything better to do with his time. He wasn’t invited to any parties, he didn’t have friends to hang out with, and the people who would hang with him were fourteen year olds and they all had bedtimes.
He briefly thought about calling Eddie, but the guy had friends, unlike Steve and was probably doing something with them. Probably that nerd game that Eddie had a club for.
He buried his head in his hands.
Steve sighed. Fuck his life was depressing as shit.
With another sigh, he resigned himself to another lonely weekend.
Part 7 Part 8
Tag List: CLOSED
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id-element0 · 2 months
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Adele's Super Chouette for TS3
As promised, Adele's Super Chouette is ready for TS3. Everything is tested by Graf Sisters. The only problem that I can think of is that I had to clone an ITF table because I couldn't find another object with 4 mesh groups. So if you don't have ITF, the coffee tables may not appear in your game.
And If you're aware of any base game object with 4 mesh groups, please inform me so I can try to make a more BG-friendly coffee table.
As usual, a few things to know before download:
The Loveseat is the master of textures for the armchair and sofa. I tried to lower the polys in low detail lods but they're higher than what's preferable.
Loveseat, Armchair, Sofa -> 4 Channels - 4 presets
Loveseat Polycount -> HLOD: 2276 MLOD: 1483
Armchair Polycount -> HLOD: 1324 MLOD: 886
Sofa Polycount -> HLOD: 3348 MLOD: 2029
Coffee tables use the same textures, but they're not dependent on each other in case you want one and not the other. The one with the brick is the original; I'm not a fan. So I made another one with metal legs. If you'll have both and merge your files, texture resources will be merged perfectly - having the same instance numbers.
Coffee Table -> 2 Channels - 1 Preset
Polycount -> HLOD: 190 MLOD: 166
Coffee Table Leg Edit -> 1 Channel - 1 Preset
Polycount -> HLOD: 218 MLOD: 192
Huge Wall Poster: I decided not to use Adele's art for the poster. Instead, I used art by Pixabay user 1tamara2 licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0. Note that these images are ai generated. If you have a problem with that, say, it reminds eerily of a work of an artist you know, please inform me.
1 Channel - 5 Presets
Polycount -> HLOD: 80 MLOD: 62
Floor Lamp
2 Channels - 3 Presets
Polycount -> HLOD: 522 MLOD: 372
I’ve also included the collection file which comes with its own icon for easy recognition. As always, I might have missed something; if you find anything weird don’t hesitate to tell me so I can try and fix it. I hope you’ll enjoy this beautiful set by talented Adele. Happy simming.
- Credits -
Adele for the meshes and textures.
1tamara2 from Pixabay for the art.
Google Fonts Montez, Kurale
Made with: SimPE, GIMP, s3oc, s3pe, Blender, Texture Tweaker 3, and TSRW
@pis3update @kpccfinds @xto3conversionsfinds
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tudtuds · 2 years
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Hi! Time to open a bottle of Nectar and relax at a NCTR Cellar! To create this set I used all the skills that I learned in the past years. There are counters, modular items, hand-painted fabric textures, physic simulation, and some very detailed decor items.
You'll see some of your suggestions here. I hope you like it!
The items
- This set has 24 new items, 39 new meshes, and one wallpaper ;
- All items are base game compatible;
- All items have polycounts compatible with the game standards;
- All meshes and almost all textures were made on my own;
- The cork texture was made using a physical simulation in Blender. With this technique I was able to transform it into a complex texture with an accurate normal map that gives depth to the texture;
Decor Items
Barrel - 21 Swatches - $150
Big Box - 21 Swatches - $60
Small Box - 7 Swatches - $60
Small Box Opened - 7 Swatches - $60
Bottle Opener Vintage - 2 Swatches - $150
Decanter - 3 Swatches - $60
Nectar Tray with Cheese - 7 Swatches - $60
Cork Display - 21 Swatches - $60
Cork Vase - 1 Swatch - $60
Linen Armchair - 16 swatches - $195
Linen Loveseat - 16 Swatches - $255
Linen Sofa - 16 Swatches - $305
Modular Items
Counter - 18 Swatches - $231 - 5 Meshes
Counter Accent - 18 Swatches - $231
Counter Bar - 18 Swatches - $231
Island - 18 Swatches - $231 - 7 Meshes
Island Bar - 18 Swatches - $231
Cabinet - 18 Swatches - $231 - 7 Meshes
Cabinet Accent - 18 Swacthes - $231
Cabinet Accent, Over the counter - 18 Swatches - $231
Nectar Rack Wall, wood and metal - 28 Swatches - $71
Nectar Rack, Metal - 4 Swatches - $151
Nectar Fridge (decorative) - 4Swatches - $525
I tried to make it functional but the bar animations are rotated 180o. That's why I made a module for the counter and to the island that functions as a bar.
Best Search Terms
"Tuds NCTR", "NCTR"
patreon.com/TudTuds (Eary Access until November 25th)
Follow Me
Thank you so much! Tuds :D
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simstorian-blog · 1 month
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Residential Floorplan Suggestions
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New York City: TWO
(CC List + Links)
World Map: San Myshuno
Area: Spice Market – Waterside Warble
Lot Size:  30 x 30
A Dive Bar
An Internet Café
A Pizzeria
A Tattoo Parlor
Bonus: 6 residential rental units floorplans completed – not assigned
Gallery ID: Simstorian-ish
Packs Needed
Expansion Packs
Cats & Dogs
City Living
Discover University
For Rent
Get Together
Get To Work
Growing Together
High School Years
Horse Ranch
Snowy Escape
Game Packs
Dine Out
Dream Home Decorator
Jungle Adventure
Outdoor Retreat
Spa Day
Star Wars: Journey to Batuu
Stuff Packs
Crystal Creations
Home chef Hustle
Laundry Day
Castle Estate
Courtyard Oasis
Cozy Bistro
Desert Luxe
Recommended Gameplay Mods
(Please read through what each mod has to offer before deciding if it fits your gameplay style or not.)
Carl’s Dine Out Reloaded
City Vibes Lot Traits
Functional Tattoo Parlor
Functional Venue Lot Traits
Lock/Unlock Doors for Any Lot
Spawn Refresh
Use Residential Rentals shared areas as Community Lots & Create Multi-Purpose Community Lots
Build Mode
Chalk Pt.2 (Tiles)
Chateau Pt. 1 (Stone Foundation)
Chateau Pt. 2 (Doors, Metal Pieces, Tiles, Walls)
Colonial Pt. 3 (Fence 2, Plaster Foundation 2, Railing 2)
Florence Pt. 1 (Fresco Mural)
Grove Pt. 4 (Plaster Column, Plaster Floor)
London Interior (Dining Chair, Stool, Walls)
Paris (Cartouche Large, Corbel, Swag)
Schwerin (Terracotta Female)
SOHO Pt. 2
SOHO Pt. 3
SOHO Pt. 4
Brownstone Pt. 2 (Traditional Door Frame – Med, Traditional Door – Med, Traditional Window 2 - Med)
Coastal Pt. 2 (Column)
Klean Pt. 3 (Concrete Floor, Painted Walls)
Kwatei Pt. 1 (3x1 BiFold, Double Arch, Single Interior Door)
Stairs Add-on
Louer Collection (Iron Fence, Railing, Stone Stairs)
Bistro Expanded (Awning 1x1)
Graffiti Mural 01
Winter Garden Pt. 2 (Double Door High, High Window w Bottom x2)
Checkered Marble Floor
English Country Wall Set (Subway Tiles, Subway Tiles w Wallpaper)
Scandinavian Wall Set (Plain w Tiles)
Neighborly 1 (Ceiling Outdoor Light, Mailbox)
Neighborly 2 (Interphone)
Buy Mode
Laundromat (Seating x3 – Metal Base)
Tattoo Parlor (First Aid Kits, Gloves, Ink, Ink Display, Light, Saddle Stool, Tattoo Gun)
Functional Tattoo Chair
Berlin Pt. 1 (Curtain – Tall)
SOHO Pt. 1
Baysic (Coffee Table, container, End Table, Kitchen Cabinet, Kitchen Counter, Kitchen Island, Kitchen Sink, Kitchen Trolley, Kitchen Accent Counter 1-3, Sofa)
Jardane (Leather Pouffe)
Kichen (Cabinet, Cups, Glasses, Plant, Shelf)
Kichen 2.0 Pt. 2 (Glasses 2 & 4)
Shop The Look 1 (Armchair, Coffee Table)
Shop The Look 2 (Ceramic Side Table)
Shop The Look 3 (Circular Cushion)
Spoons Pt. 2 (2 Tile Glass Pedastal- Short & Tall, Counters, Espresso Bar, Island, Pastry Platter, Pizza Board, Shelving)
Blockhouse Dining (Booth Seating)
The Chilling Home (Module Bar Stool)
Greasy Foods (Napkins, Salt Shaker, Stalls Door, Stalls Wall, Vents, Wet Floor Sign)
Modern Kitchen Stuff (Soft Breeze)
Rise & Grind (Décor Mural 2, Décor Syrup Bottle, Décor Wall Painting Menu, Dining Tables – All, Wastebun Counter)
Happily Ever After (Sign of Attention)
Fashion Store (Ceiling Lamp)
Coldbrew Coffee Shop Pt. 3 (Menu, Paper Cup, Tea Box, Tips Jar)
MCM Pt. 1 (Simstudio Display)
MCM Pt. 4 (Kitchen Island)
Shake and Shimmy Dance Floor
Shop Chef (Drink Dispenser)
Industrial Light II
Clutter Dump Pt. 2  (Boba Notepad, Boba Stacked Cups V1, Cafeteria Straw Dispenser)
Toffee Pt. 1 (Art)
Catherine Sushi Restaurant (Wall Shelf 1 & 3)
Contemporary Haven (Armchair, Artworks, End Table, Sofa 3P Left)
Macaron (Counter Display)
Lilith Chilling Area Pt. 1 (Bartender Kit, All Drinks, SulSul Sign)
Cave (Panel Light 2 x 4)
IND 01
IND 03
Turn Couch
Fraxinus AIO Computer (DL on Patreon)
Tray Files: DOWNLOAD
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pugh-bug · 4 months
No.42 Chapter 3
Art Donaldson x reader slow burn friends to lovers
Sorry for the wait! The day I set aside to get loads done on this I ended up having to visit a family member in hospital, he’s much much better now. Anyway oversharing. I hope you enjoy this chapter! I loved writing it. Let me know if you wanna be added to my tag list 💕
Part 1
Part 2
You woke up on Saturday morning to a missed text from Art.
7:58am - text from Art
Sorry if I woke you when I left. Gone to play hard court today hope you slept alright on that couch.
The sudden realisation that you were not in fact in your bed hit you almost as hard as the loose spring in your back. You groaned, reaching for some leftover pizza. None left. You groaned again.
9:26am - text to Art
Did you eat all your pizza?
To your surprise the boy replied immediately, showcasing his ability to read your mind.
9:27am - text from Art
Afraid so :) Look in the fridge if you’re so hungry
The fridge, despite the tightness of your apartment, had never looked so far away. You’d rather wait the nine hours for Art to return and pass food to you through a funnel. He could create some sort of feeding tube, perhaps he could fashion it out of one of the dozen tennis ball containers Patrick left lying around. You hadn’t seen the floor in years.
It took you almost thirty minutes to peel your lifeless body off the sofa and trudge the eight metres to the fridge. Before all of your fingers had grasped the cold metal you caught it. The smell.
The month you and Patrick were flat hunting had been a difficult one, full of stress and disappointments. A week before you found the flat you now called home, Art had found crying outside your favourite pancake place. You didn’t know if Patrick had texted him, giving him a heads up of your less than stellar mood and where to find you, or if he had simply ran into you by accident but one minute he was there.
The two of you had shared your favourite, strawberry and kiwi pancakes with whipped cream, despite having never spent time alone together previously and it hadn’t been awkward. Any awkwardness had come from your inability to keep your emotions to yourself and not a mess for all to see. Art hadn’t minded in fact, unbeknownst to you, he’d greatly enjoyed your company and had had a shitty day himself before your talk.
10:02am - text to Art
Did I ever mention I love you living here??
Sitting proudly in the fridge, in between Patrick’s abandoned pasta and your pathetic amount of cheese, was a plate of strawberry and kiwi pancakes. You looked at the pile of washing up and noticed essence of strawberry still dripping from the chopping board next to a whisk and bowl.
‘God damn…’ you actually moaned aloud at the first bite. Not only were they delicious but they’d been made especially for you for no reason. No one had ever made you breakfast before, unless you counted the time Patrick threw a box of muffins at your head to wake you up for school. It often didn’t take a great amount of effort to impress you, something maybe a therapist needed to hear about, but you felt justified being impressed with Art for this. They were truly wonderful.
10:20am - text from Art
Come thank me in person if you want, Liam is taking another break
You couldn’t help but smile at his little dig at Liam, whether intentional or not it told you everything you needed to know: Art was the better player. Art was always the better player, he usually wiped the floor with anyone who wasn’t Patrick.
It was only a twenty minute walk to Stanford and although you were ashamed to admit it … you had nothing better to do on a Saturday morning. You decided to pack your laptop, so you could kid yourself that this was a productive thing and not just an excuse to watch Art sweat. The damn thing wouldn’t even get opened and you knew it.
It was a hot day, even for Summer it was unforgiving. You pulled at your tank top, attempting to negate any sweat stains by leaving a gap between your wet skin and the thin fabric. No such luck, the car window reflection of yourself showed you the harsh reality. How did Art do it? How did he look sexy whilst sweating? You felt like a drowned dog, heaving and panting in the back of a muggy car trying to see past the drops of sweat in your lashes.
You reached Stanford earlier than you expected and to your great satisfaction, saw no Art present. That gave you ample time to tidy yourself up in the toilets before meeting him. The college had crisp air con, much better than the pathetic excuse for a fan you and Patrick would crowd round on hot days.
Art didn’t text you directions because he didn’t need to. He knew you’d visited Patrick enough times to know your way around all the tennis courts, hard or otherwise. It didn’t take you long to find the right one.
You scanned the indoor courts for the source of the outburst. Art, third court from the left and he was not happy. For a moment you teetered on your feet, unsure if it was better to wait a bit before interfering with their clearly tense match. Before you could make a decision however-
Liam spotted you, putting his racket down immediately to wave you over. He’d once gotten drunk and told Patrick how much he liked you but that it had been so long ago that you’d almost forgotten and his new girlfriend was a tennis star. On the ‘up and up’ as Patrick’s dad would say.
Although Liam’s hug was intense, sweaty and pretty uncomfortable you were too focused on Art to cringe. He was rubbing his face with his hands, looking more pained than you’d ever seen him. You didn’t know why. He’d been playing well before you arrived.
Noticing the object of your frown, Liam suddenly grinned even wider. ‘He just lost the third set.’ Art took a large swig of water, not noticing the way you stared in awe at the angle of his jaw and the wet curls on his forehead. He was too focused on the racket he was clutching fiercely enough to force the veins of his forearm to pull your attention.
‘I know it’s not over yet,’ Liam panted slightly, clearly Art had still run him ragged. ‘But this never happens - never.’ In the years they’d played together, Liam had never beaten Art. Not in singles or doubles. Not on hard court. Not on clay or grass. Never. You were not convinced, however, that poor Liam had never won a set before so you voiced your opinion without thinking.
‘Art, you can still win. It’s fine!’
Art shot you a glare. It didn’t last long but it burned you a little, the intensity of it. He wanted so badly for you to be right, for it to not matter to him. ‘It’s just a game’ well it wasn’t to Art. It was his entire future and if he lost - if he lost ever - it was him throwing that future away.
‘You’ll win the fourth.’ You smiled, reassuringly. That lifted Art a little and bruised his partner.
‘I thought we were stopping for a bit since Y/N’s here.’ Art watched your face for a reaction, daring you to decide for the three of them. Without removing your eyes from Art you smiled. ‘No, no. I’ll watch.’
You watched them play for another hour and a half. Art just won the fourth set, by the narrowest of margins but that gave him the confidence boost he badly needed to destroy Liam in the fifth. Th-wack! Smash. Th-wack! Slice. Th-wack! Topspin. You were honestly confused why Liam bothered serving. If it had been you - well - let’s just say the floor would have made a more than sufficient bed. It was certainly making a sufficient seat for you to watch Liam get massacred. God was Art good.
‘You win…’ Liam was dripping, his white shirt almost see-through. ‘I need a sec…’ So did you. It was practically a workout just watching them. You clapped as Art walked over to you, looking very satisfied with his win. ‘You happy now?’
As Liam rung out his shirt, Art gestured to the court with his racket. ‘You and me. One game.’ His eyes were full of amusement.
You’d die.
‘One set?’ He smirked, desperate for you to humour him. Not today. ‘Absolutely not.’ You laughed, standing up.
‘Actually, I’d love lunch right now,’ Liam’s suggestion was a necessity. ‘After a shower.’ And so was his afterthought. They both needed one desperately. Art’s hair didn’t even look blonde anymore.
‘Yeah you two go, I’ll wait then we can get food. I’m not super hungry but I can always eat.’
Liam was already rushing to the showers, practically leaving a pool of loser evidence behind him but Art heard. He looked like he was waiting for something from you and for a moment, in your haze, you wondered what. Oh!
‘The pancakes,’
You could tell he was happier with your compliment than he was letting on. The truth was Art craved praise, mostly for tennis but for anything he accomplished. It didn’t matter if he’d made a three tier cake, organised a trip or won every set in a match he wanted to know he’d done good.
‘Seriously, how did you even find the recipe?’ The two of you walked together out of the hall. ‘I’ve been asking the staff for years, pretty sure they hate me now actually.’
‘I have my ways.’ He grinned. ‘Now, I’m gonna go shower-‘
‘Good, you stink.’
‘Fuck off.’
Chapter 4
Taglist: @gatorgirl007 @imblushingrn
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cityof2morrow · 7 days
CDK: Wellness Suite
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Published: 9-15-2024 | Updated: N/A SUMMARY Cubic Dynamics by John B. Cube and Marcel Dusims forged the future with furnishings that were minimalist in design and maximalist in erudite pretension. Generations later, the company continues to produce edge-of-cutting-edge designs. Use the Cubic Dynamics Kitbash (Simmons, 2023-2024) collection to set up corporate, exposition, and office environments. Envisioned as an add-on to the Cubic Dynamics set (EA/Maxis, archived at GOS), it features minimalist and retro-futuristic objects. Find more CC on this site under the #co2cdkseries tag. Read the Backstory and ‘Dev Notes’ HERE. The WELLNESS SUITE is a great set to download if you’re looking to set up a place for your simlish therapists, counselors, lawyers, and other independent practitioners. Perhaps you want to create a place for your sim to play matchmaker to the rich and famous, to comfort burglar victims, to help sims who won’t stop crying about that one time they saw roaches, or to offer financial advice. So many ideas…..get started with this set!
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DETAILS All EPs/SPs. §See Catalog for Pricing | See Buy/Build Mode You need the Company Expo (Mesh Pack) set (Simmons, 2024) for TXTRs to show properly in game. All files with “MESH” in their name REQUIRED for textures/models to display correctly in-game. Several objects in this series are oversized/offset. You may need to shift an objects upwards once to level it, and you may need “move objects” and “grid on/off” cheats to place them to your liking. When placing partitions/floating shelves and tables/desks/counters on the same tile, place the partition/shelves first. I recommend using this set with Object Freedom 1.02 (Fway, 2023), which includes Numenor’s fix for OFB shelves (2006), for easier use overall. ITEMS Desk (1728 poly, SEMI-HIGH) Desk Chair (1104 poly) Client Chair (856 poly) Sofa (320 poly) Cabinets in (Color/Metal/Wood) (664 poly) DOWNLOAD (choose one) from SFS | from MEGA COMPATIBILITY AVOID DUPLICATES: The #co2cdkseries includes edited versions – replacements - for items in the following CC sets: 4ESF (office 3, other 1/artroom, other 2/build), All4Sims/MaleorderBride (miskatonic library, office, postmodern office), CycloneSue (never ending/privacy windows), derMarcel (inx office), Katy76/PC-Sims (bank/cash point, court/law school sets, sim cola machine), Marilu (immobilien office), Murano (ador office), Olemantinker, Reflex Sims (giacondo office), Retail Sims/HChangeri (simEx, sps store), Simgedoehns/Tolli (focus kitchen, loft office, modus office), ShinySims (modern windows), SH (reverie office, step boxes/shelving), Spaik (sintesi study), Stylist Sims (offices 1,2, & 3, Toronto set), Tiggy027 (wall window frames 1-10), Wall Sims (holly architecture, Ibiza). *The goal is to link the objects to the recolors/new functions in the #co2cdkseries without re-inventing the wheel! Credit to the original creators.
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CREDITS Thanks: ChocolateCitySim, HugeLunatic, Klaartje, Ocelotekatl, Whoward69, LoganSimmingWolf, Gayars, Ch4rmsing, Ranabluu, Gummilutt, Crisps&Kerosene, LordCrumps, PineappleForest. Sources: Any Color You Like (CuriousB, 2010), Beyno (Korn via BBFonts), EA/Maxis, Offuturistic Infographic (Freepik). SEE CREDITS (ALT)
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lostneedcoopcake · 2 months
12 Clocks
My entry for this week's @flashfictionfridayofficial ! It's been a long time since I wrote, so hope you like it! Word count: 979
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When I went to my grandparents’ house, I always liked to sit at my grandfather’s office, decorated by hundreds of books above a warm fireplace. A comfy sofa was always there, waiting for me to sit on. I picked a book from the library and read it. It should feel lonely, being the only person in a huge room, sitting by the only light in the whole house. Well, there was an old hall clock across the fireplace, its constant ticking keeping me company. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. There were no distractions when it was noon or midnight, or nine or three or six o’ clock. Just the company of old, creaking wood, cogs rotating in it, telling the time to someone who was losing the feeling of time quite often.
I wonder whether it was chance or I was meant to pick up that book right above the fireplace. The moment I picked it up and was about to sit down, a bookmark slipped from its pages, just enough to show me the page it was resting on. I flipped the book at the page, finding drawn clocks on the pages. 12 clocks, drawn in various sizes on the paper with brown – or perhaps black that turned into black – ink, all telling different times. All of them being on different hours. I immediately, perhaps instinctively, turned towards the hall clock across the fireplace. I approached it and started looking for something. Nothing, at first. I took out my phone and shed its flashlight on the wooden body. The number “11” was marked on it. There was a clock drawn with the time telling 11:36. I turned to page 1136, which existed in the 1200 pages book I was holding and, to no surprise, saw words marked with the brown ink. “Knock on the wood 11 times and go to the attic.” read the words combined. Well, it was 17:45, so I had to wait until the time is right – that being 23:36 – so I can act this oddity.
In the meantime, I looked for the time of the 6 o’ clock clock. 6:18. That was much nearer, although I really wanted to see what was the hall clock hiding. Going to page 618, it read: “Lift the clock and shake it twice up and down and four times left and right. Blow the dust it has and go to the kitchen.”. So it was a small clock I had to find and rather fast in the large house that was housing more clocks than I initially thought it had. So, there I was, running around like a moron, looking at every easily pickable clock while taking with me all the numbered ones I could find. Those were clocks 2, 4, 8, 10 and 12 aside from clock 6. At 18:12, I managed to find the clock numbered “6”, a rather small, cream colored clock with intricate designs on. It seemed like it had fruit and pans on, although time had corroded its designs. I waited the few minutes remaining, using them to catch my breath and put down the other clocks. I acted the instructions and heard something falling inside of the clock. Going to the kitchen and leaving it on the counter activated some sort of spring, which made me jump and drop some plates. Slowly, I approached where the sound came from. A single drawer had jumped out with nothing more than a very fancy set of cutlery. I took it out and set it on a table. Antique, probably dating the 1800s.
The rest of the clocks followed a similar pattern, the even numbered clocks being small ones that included some sort of shaking in their instructions – although 8 had to be thrown on a wall until it broke – and the odd numbers being large clocks, hiding something inside their large bodies of wood, metal and glass – 9 was pure glass and had to use its reflections to find the object. All clocks were leading to an antique object in different locations, themed by the rooms they were found in. At last, it was time for the 11th clock to be examined. I looked at the objects that I had placed on the table, wondering if I’d ever get to 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. It did not matter, perhaps, only finding out what was the 11th hour hiding from me. At exactly 23:36, I knocked on its old wood 11 times. A small cog was seen stopping at the last knock and a key fell.
I took the key and went to the attic. In it was a very well lit table, a door and a clock, stopped at time 12:04. The room had multiple clocks in it, far from the light. I sat on the chair and, following the orders of the previous even numbers, I shook the clock. From one shake, a paper slipped through, tied in a crimson ribbon. I opened it, reading: “To whoever comes across this,
Hope you liked the treasure hunt in my house! Mary, my wife, gets quite annoyed finding random objects while cleaning, but I love making surprises when I help her around! For the guests and the family, of course. They always thought I was a magician, but, oh, what’s the greatest magic than a journey you went through? These treasures aren’t so valuable, they may be one day, but use them as you wish! And worry not for missing some hours, a broken clock says the time correctly twice. Unless you don’t want to find the objects, well where’s the fun of it, no? I do wonder, what else am I hiding? What did old me make again to keep you around and wonder not only of the journey of treasures, but the journey of your life, your treasure, too? Cheers, Grandpa John.”
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Lying In Between The Memories
You could call it paradise but it looks just like hell to me
Summary: Following the blood rite, Gwyneth Berdara can't shake the memories of a life long-gone.
The shadowsinger can't seem to move on after five centuries of loving the same woman.
Together, they'll have to carve a new path forward.
Read on AO3 | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4
[ongoing TW for Sexual Assault]
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Gwyn forced herself to take a breath—and then another. There was a door and a whole other room between them. She was fine. 
It’s only Azriel, she reminded herself. And though he may not want her with him, he wouldn’t do anything, either. She knew that. Oh, how she knew it—would have sworn it over her own grave. But seeing him standing in the doorway of that room was entirely another. Gwyn’s heart raced a miserable, anxious beat she couldn’t silence no matter how many times she reassured herself that Azriel was her protector.
Because he was still a male, and Gwyn hadn’t been so alone with one in her entire life. The only upside was that she wouldn’t have to track him down each night to find out what he was doing. And no one was going to try and get in her room when there was a six foot six Illyrian warrior sleeping behind a half closed door. 
Gwyn tapped her foot nervously against the pale white marble, listening to the sounds of Azriel cursing softly as he put his things away. The clanking of metal against wood told her he was hiding weapons anywhere within reach, a theory validated when he strolled into the lounge with several daggers held casually in his large hand. 
“Get up,” he ordered, stalking toward the black leather sofa she’d been sitting on. Gwyn scowled.
“Why? So you can hide a dagger beneath the cushion?”
“Yes,” he replied, holding her gaze. 
“And what happens when it stabs me the next time I sit?” 
Azriel smothered a cruel smile. “You’ll heal.”
“You trust them so little that this is necessary?” Gwyn asked, watching him carefully slide a silver hilted dagger beneath the cushion in between the seam. Easy enough to reach for if one of them needed to, but hidden well enough no one would think it was there. 
“I don’t trust anyone,” he reminded her with a bite of impatience. “Better to be prepared than dead.”
Gwyn had millions of questions for him, just like she always did. Who hurt you? It was always the top of her list and one she didn’t dare ask him. Just as she wouldn’t want someone prying into her own personal past, even if Azriel knew all the horrible details because he’d been there. He was still the only person who didn’t look at her with pity besides Nesta and Emerie. Of course, that was because he was too busy looking at her like she’d disappointed him.
Gwyn supposed she had. She’d stopped going to training and never told him why.
They both had their secrets. 
“What did you think of the royal family?”
She knew, though. She’d seen his face when she’d turn to look at him only once—because she hadn’t dared to look again. How Gareth and Kai didn’t cower at the sight of the cold disdain etched over his features was beyond her. Gwyn was certain she would have crumpled into a heap if he’d ever looked at her with half as much hatred. 
“Strange,” he murmured, turning his eyes toward the windows pulled tightly with curtains. Gwyn had to admit their aversion to sunlight seemed unusual, but they’d been politer than she’d first imagined. It was surreal that an actual king would want to meet her at all. “You can’t trust them.”
“Apparently not,” she snapped as Azriel slid another dagger behind a set of books shelved against the wall. He glanced over at her, brows furrowed but Gwyn walked to her room and closed the door with a satisfying snap. Azriel didn’t trust anyone. That didn’t make him right, just paranoid. She supposed that was why he was good at his job, but to her she found it frustrating.
Couldn’t he give them the benefit of the doubt? This culture was new and perhaps the curtained windows were some religious or cultural practice she and Azriel didn’t understand. Gwyn was willing to learn more—that was why she’d come, wasn’t it? An exchange of knowledge, even if what she was allowed to share was limited.
Case and point—Gwyn could not share any information about how the Archeron’s had gained their powers or any of the research Velaris had compiled surrounding the Cauldron. She wasn’t allowed to share the scope of power regarding any of the High Lords, or how their magic moved beyond simple bloodlines. 
She’d committed Rhysand’s list to memory thinking it would be better to just feign ignorance. She was only a priestess working far below the High Lord. Her scope was pretty limited, though even some of Merril’s research into multiple worlds was restricted. Her training was also not allowed, though Gwyn wondered if she could covertly try and see if Montesseres library contained anything interesting regarding the Valkyries. 
By the time Gwyn walked out of her bedroom, Azriel was gone. Likely hiding more daggers throughout the dark palace, if she had to guess. For one depressing moment, she wished it was Cassian who had come with her. At least he smiled. At least he was friendly. Azriel was none of those things.
Gwyn shoved him from her mind. She wasn’t going to think about Azriel and his brooding and penchant for violence, nor was she going to let herself wonder what it said about her that the High Lord thought she was the best choice to accompany him.
Gwyn could show them all—and she needed to, if she wanted to do anything but book running when she returned home. Gwyn needed to prove herself not just to Merril and Rhysand, but the Clotho, too. And maybe herself, though that seemed low on her list of people to prioritize. At any rate, she was here. 
“I’m here,” she whispered to herself, reaching into her pocket for her sisters invoking stone. Gwyn reveled in the cool, smooth rock rolling between her fingers until her heart slowed to normal again. She was okay. She was here. 
Nothing can break me, she reminded herself. She’d survived and maybe that just had to be enough for now. Everything felt like survival, though—and very few things felt like living. Nesta and Emerie did, but they weren’t with her. Taking a deep breath, Gwyn pulled open the door.
“Oh, for Cauldron’s sake!” she exploded, coming out of her skin at the sight of Azriel just on the other side. A near feline smile spread over his features.
“Did I scare you?”
“No,” she lied. What would he look like, she wondered, if he ever actually smiled. Gwyn tried to imagine it and failed—Azriel didn’t seem the type. Perhaps his friends had seen it and she bet he made them swear on pain of death never to admit he’d had such a show of emotion outside of brooding, icy anger. “You’re merely in my way.”
His eyes widened mockingly. “In your way?”
“Yes, my way,” she repeated, shoving past his big, muscular body. Azriel didn’t budge, forcing her to plant her hands against the leather plated armor on his stomach and physically push in order to get him out of the doorframe. Behind him, his wings flared for a moment while those curious shadows of his swirled between the pair of them. If they were angry or amused, Gwyn couldn’t tell. She wasn’t well versed in shadow speak the way he was. 
“Where do you think you’re going?” he asked in the low, gravely voice of his. Gwyn fought a shiver. She bet that look on his face, coupled with his dangerous, icy tone made people wet themselves. It was tempting to stop entirely, to buckle beneath the weight of his stare but this was Azriel.
And he wouldn’t hurt her. 
“I’m going to give myself a tour of the palace,” she said blithely, certain he wouldn’t join her. In truth, Gwyn just wanted to find the most expedient route to the library. She didn’t need Azriel escorting her every day given the way people couldn’t take their eyes off him—he was so striking, so absurdly handsome that everyone turned to look at him not once, but twice. The first time was just a passing glance at the large, winged male but the second was to ensure they were seeing him correctly. 
No one looked like Azriel. Certainly not here. The two royals she’d met were pale and exhausted looking. And though she would have rather died than admit it, Azriel was easily the best looking male in any room by virtue of his high cheekbones, his smooth, brown skin, and the way his inky, blue black hair flopped gently over his forehead. There was no mistaking Azriel for what he was—a born and bred warrior who could likely easily kill someone with one hand as he could with the dagger strapped at his thigh. And yet there was an elegance to his sharp features that suggested in another life, Azriel might have been a lord.
He was certainly handsome enough to be a prince. 
As it stood, he was a scowling, winged bastard still in her way. He’d stepped in the middle of the hall, arms crossed against his chest, wings touching either wall to keep her from pushing past again. She wanted to shout at him which would do her as good as shouting at a mountain. His whole job centered around pushing people’s buttons. Better not to let him know he;d gotten under her skin. 
“A tour.” He spoke the words tonelessly, hazel eyes searching her for some obvious lie. Gwyn held his stare, refusing to back down.
“Am I allowed? Because I thought you’d prefer to be rid of me.”
He scowled. She was certainly under his skin. Gwyn counted that as a victory. “If you get hurt, Nesta will have my balls.”
“That’s not my problem,” Gwyn said blithely. “Now, move.”
He spread his legs ever so slightly, spreading out those massive wings as he angled his head. He was accessing her like she was a threat. “Or what, Gwyn?”
“You’re not the only one who can use a dagger.”
He didn’t smile, though she swore his mouth twitched. “You think you could take me? When you quit training with me?”
“Cassian still teaches me,” she said, but her words didn’t sound convincing to her ears. Azriel’s gaze sharpened.
“Why did you quit, Gwyn?”
“Get out of my way.”
They were at a stalemate. Gwyn would never tell him why she’d stopped training with him and Azriel wasn’t going to budge. And rather than giving in or going back to the room and slipping away when he wasn’t paying attention, Gwyn merely rounded on her heel and took off down the opposite end of the hall.
Behind her, Azriel growled softly. Typical males, snapping and snarling when they didn’t get their way. 
Let him.
Azriel wasn’t in charge of her.
No one was.
Gwyn rounded the corner before Azriel tucked his wings against his back and went after her. Two of his shadows were trailing her, one because he’d ordered it and the other because it was merely curious. He could hear their whispering, convincing him to keep his distance.
I think she hates you.
She could get in line. Azriel had known being here with her was going to be difficult but he’d assumed she’d be…more afraid? Especially today, after the prince had been looking at her with such interest. And yet there she was, when he rounded the corner, stomping her feet as she marched away from him. Azriel kept his eyes on the syrupy cinnamon and penny colored hair swinging past her shoulders, the tips brushing just above her hips. His shadows curled around her shoulders, likely trying to whisper any number of secrets in her ears, those traitors. 
Azriel could not understand their fascination with her. Case and point: Gwyn waved her hand impatiently, trying to shoo them away when she realized he was trailing her both in body and spirit, which resulted in one shadow playfully braceleting her wrist.
Azriel sighed.
“Where are you going?” he called when she reached another of those miserable, spiraling staircases. Increasing his pace and tucking his wings closer to his body, Azriel caught up to her before she’d made it three steps. She might have been tall, but he was taller by a good head and shoulders. 
“I told you what I was doing,” she snapped. Azriel rolled his neck against his shoulders, biting the urge to snap back. Gwyn glanced back, eyes narrowed and he knew without any magic at all, that whatever words slipped from her lips next were going to start a fight. “I know you can’t read, but I assumed you still were able to comprehend words, shadowsinger.”
Azriel reached for her without thinking, fingers curling around the tops of her arms. They were at the bottom of the twisting stairs, alone on another dark landing. Whispering shadow told him there was no one lurking nearby—not even servants. He might have told them to scout for the library had he not pressed Gwyn against the cool wall, his temper getting the best of him.
She jutted her chin in the air, eyes blazing with defiance. “I don’t need to know how to read to end this mission for you. One word to Rhysand is all it would take to put you back where you came.”
Gwyn shoved at his chest again, for all the good it did. Azriel didn’t budge, crowding closer until he could smell the scent of viola and cinnamon. He’d forgotten what she smelled like, had forgotten that dusting of freckles over the bridge of her nose and her cheek. Up close, he could see flecks of gold in those teal eyes…and her anger. 
Azriel took his hands off her arms, though he merely braced them against the stone behind them to keep her from darting away again. 
“You won’t,” she said, crossing her arms again.
“Wouldn’t I? I work better alone.”
“Is that an option? Maybe you’ll be paired with someone far more loathsome than me!”
Azriel hid the truth of her statement even as Vanserra’s smug face floated in his mind. Gwyn was far better—and far prettier—than Vanserra, who was likely to try and kill him in his sleep if he pulled half the shit Azriel was pulling right then. Still, Azriel couldn’t back down.
“Want to find out?”
Gwyn inclined her head. “Don’t you have anything better to do?”
Not really. His shadows swirled between them, murmuring that someone was coming. Azriel pushed back, not wanting someone to think he was menacing the nice priestess. All Azriel wanted to be seen as was her protector, even if they privately didn’t get along. Because while she could snipe and scowl at him all she liked, if anyone else elicited that reaction from her, they’d find truth teller pressed against their jugular vein.
“Behind me, Gwyn,” he murmured. To his immense satisfaction, whatever she saw in his expression convinced her to stay where she was, half tucked behind his wing where, if he needed to, he could fully shield her with his body. Azriel felt tense, shadows darting to a nearby corner to watch and whisper.
It was only Kai. Uncrowned and casual, the prince seemed surprised to find them both standing tense before him. Those blue black eyes found Gwyn before they found him, dismissive as usual. “Lady,” he murmured, bowing so deeply Azriel wondered how he managed to stay on two feet at all. He glanced over at Gwyn, who seemed impassive. Unimpressed, at least, which helped the anger twisting in his chest. He wanted to roar at Kai to get away from her, though he wasn’t entirely sure why. Maybe it was that look on Mor’s face when she warned him about Gareth and Kai. “What brings you down to the kitchen?”
The kitchen? 
Gwyn’s cheeks darkened with embarrassment. “I um..” “Where is the library?” Azriel interjected. He wasn’t going to watch her be made a fool of. “Do you not have staff that can assist her?”
Kai’s attention was back on him. Good. Azriel was the threat and the person he needed to be wary of. Not Gwyn, who was here to do an actual job. Azriel, too, though Kai didn’t need to know that. Still, the princes gaze traveled over his body.
“I can show the lady how to get to the library from her bed chamber,” Kai said, his voice too silky for Azriel’s liking. Suddenly those adjoining rooms seemed necessary. He’d be keeping his door open at night…not that he slept most of the time anyway. Kai gestured for Gwyn, offering up a rather puny looking arm that she looked at with what Azriel interpreted as haughty disdain.
Had Nesta taught her that? Or was he misreading the expression on her face? It certainly dimmed some of Kai’s slick charm, at any rate, given his hand fell to his side.
And Gwyn still stepped forward. She didn’t touch him, reminding Azriel she was likely wary of the male. Azriel brought up the rear, once again making himself small to go back up those winding, narrow stairs.
Whereas before, Azriel worked to make himself seem smaller, once they were back on the landing, Azriel spread himself out for Kai’s benefit. He was big in comparison to the lean prince and he didn’t want that male to forget it. Let him think of Azriel as brute so long as Kai always thought twice when it came to Gwyn.
Or anyone from Prythian, for that matter. 
Azriel tuned out their chatter in favor of his whispering shadows. 
The king is on the grounds
Stained glass hides behind the curtains in the grand hall 
There is a tomb just outside the garden 
A large garrison on the outskirts of the city is only half filled
Little whispered pieces of information Azriel tucked away, uncertain if any of it was useful. It gave him an edge and answered some basic questions. His shadows were not with him, mapping the palace for him to later sketch out when he was alone. 
It was the sound of Gwyn’s laugh that pulled Azriel from his job. Her face was lit with a genuine smile the likes of which had never been directed at him. She tucked a piece of hair behind a delicately arched ear devoid of any jewelry before she slid that same hand into the pocket of her azure dress. There was nothing Kai could have said to elicit such a response and yet Gwyn wasn’t a practiced courtier. She didn’t smile on demand, nor did she laugh because it was expected of her.
There was genuine mirth in those teal eyes. It should have filled him with relief. She didn’t need him breathing down her neck. And yet that smile bothered him for reasons he couldn’t quite place. Maybe it was just Kai, who was grinning back, pale cheeks flushed from whatever she was laughing at.
A joke at his expense, Azriel hoped. He swallowed his irritation, following the path up another dark level toward the library Gwyn would spend the majority of her time in. 
“Why do you keep the windows covered?” Gwyn asked curiously, ducking her head when the prince turned his gaze to her fully. 
“My father is still in mourning,” Kai told her easily, reaching for a set of wide, golden handles attached to two double doors. “Anything beautiful reminds him of her, so the windows stay closed and he remains in doors.”
“And you?” Gwyn questioned, her voice rich with sympathy. 
Azriel recognized the icy rage that slithered over the prince’s face. “I miss her too,” he said, his breathless voice so at odds with the anger on his face. It was gone before Gwyn could look up and see what Azriel had.
He tucked that way, too. It was merely another piece in the strange puzzle of the Montessere palace. Maybe it meant nothing, but the thought of the queen flinging herself off one of those spires was an interesting mystery. 
“I’m sorry to hear about your mother. Was it recent?” Gwyn, the clever creature, asked. Azriel betrayed nothing, stepping onto immaculate wood floor so clean he could see his own reflection against the warm surface. The room itself smelled heavily of mahogany and dust, and was so small Azriel wondered how they justified calling it a library. Gwyn, too, seemed taken aback by the open atrium of worn, sun-stained red furniture long abandoned, centered around tables that were cracked and gouged by time. 
“Five years,” Kai murmured, reminding Azriel of what Mor had said. The Montessere royals were old. Five years was likely nothing to a male like Kai, who Azriel guessed had a few centuries on him. How had he spent it? “Is this what you’re accustomed to?”
Azriel thought of the lovely library Gwyn worked in and how carefully Rhys had expanded the knowledge within. There was, of course, no point in comparing anything to the library Helion had in the famed Sun Palace, but Rhys’s was a decent rival. Hell, Azriel bet even the Spring Court had more space than the narrow shelves of dusty, peeling books that travelled only two stories in the air, with shelves that were half empty. 
“Um,” Gwyn began, eyes scanning the room. “It’s very…”
“Small,” Azriel supplied. “Is this all of it?”
“Of course not,” Kai said with an easy smile. “But your High Lord assured me our two lands shared similar values.”
Neither Gwyn nor Azriel moved, both looking at Kai as they waited for clarification. What could that possibly have to do with anything?
Color flooded Kai’s cheeks again. Rubbing the back of his neck, he said, “Females in our territory ah…”
Gwyn looked up at Azriel, eyes wide. 
“Don’t what?” he asked, crossing his arms over his chest. 
Kai shrugged, the movement seemingly defensive. “Females are delicate.”
Gwyn’s mouth fell open. “Books hardly require that much physical exertion—”
“Ah, but reading is quite taxing, is it not?” Kai challenged with an earnestness that made Azriel want to bash Kai’s face in with his fist. 
“I’ve never thought so,” Gwyn replied, eyes flashing a warning Azriel could read all too well. Kai seemed content to concede his point. 
“Well, I suppose you have a lot to teach us. That was the point of your presence, was it not?”
“It is,” she said, offering him another tentative smile. It did nothing for his rising temper. Had Rhys and Mor known this? Why wouldn’t they warn him? 
Kai was beaming again. “I look forward to this exchange of culture. Tomorrow I’ll be sure to have a scholar sent up—if you require anything, he’ll see you get it.”
“What do the females of Montessere do, then?” Gwyn interrupted, clearly curious. Azriel wondered this, too.
Kai’s smile faltered. “Why…they’re mothers, of course. Wives, too. What greater calling could there be? Truly society would crumble without them.”
His eyes shifted to Azriel, clearly questioning what Azriel’s function was in relation to Gwyn. Azriel said nothing, content to let the male imagine a variety of scenarios, all false. So long as it kept his fucking eyes off Gwyn, Azriel didn’t care what Kai thought. 
“No priestesses?” Gwyn interrupted, unaware of the silent showdown. Kai glanced back at her.
“Some, but we prefer priests here.”
Yeah, Azriel bet they did. Wait until they learned of Feyre, he thought wryly. A female who rivaled her male counterpart in power and respect and ruled not beneath him, but alongside him as his equal. Azriel straightened himself at the thought, proud no one from the continent would ever be subjected to the same humiliation Gwyn was currently weathering. 
“Well. I’ll see the pair of you at dinner? I’ll have a servant sent up so you don’t end up in the dungeons.”
Gwyn smiled at the pathetic joke though Azriel didn’t bother to acknowledge it at all. He merely stood, watching Kai brush a kiss against Gwyn’s knuckles. She snatched her hand back quickly, cradling it to her chest, brows pulled together not with fear, but annoyance. The pair waited until Kai closed the door behind them, blowing out a breath in unison.
“Fuck that guy,” Gwyn whispered, taking Azriel by surprised. A laugh bubbled out of him, echoing around them. Gwyn watched, eyes bright with delight as Azriel smothered the rest of it, though his smile lingered. “Now I have to stay, just to prove him wrong about me.”
“Not everything needs to be a fight, you know.”
She turned toward the curtained windows, hands on her hips. “I know that. But maybe some battles are worth fighting.”
And maybe she was right.
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somediyprojects · 1 year
DIY Color Wheel Pouf
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Project by Brett Bara:
Add a burst of color to your room with this crafty pouf! At 17” wide and 10” deep, it’s large enough to serve as floor seating or a foot stool. (And if you have pets, I have a feeling they may want to make this their new favorite spot!)
This project is a little challenging to sew, but it’s not too difficult, so if you’re comfortable with the basics of sewing, give it a try. You can make a colorwheel effect with a range of solid colors, or choose a variety of patterned fabrics for a louder patchwork effect. Medium-weight cottons work well for this design (check out quilting shops for great selections of solids and prints).
I love the idea of making a set of these poufs in a range of sizes, for a sculptural stack of cushions that will become a room element in their own right. Or if a pouf isn’t your thing, you can make this in a smaller size for a cute throw pillow for the sofa or bed. Let’s get started! –Brett Bara
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Finished Dimensions: 17” diameter by 10” tall
What You’ll Need
¼ yard each 12 coordinating fabrics (I used quilting cottons)
1 yard muslin
3 pounds fiberfill stuffing
2 large buttons (approximately 1 ½”)
2 flat metal washers, slightly smaller than your buttons
12” upholstery needle (get this where upholstery supplies are sold)
fishing line
sewing thread
hand sewing needle
sewing machine
sharp scissors
1. Print the template
Download and print the template above. This template will work if sized to any dimension, so you don’t have to worry too much about getting it to print to the exact size specified. (And if you prefer a smaller or larger pouf, just size the template accordingly!)
2. Cut & Arrange the Fabric
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Using the template, cut 2 pieces from each of the 12 fabrics, and 24 pieces of muslin.
Arrange one piece of each of the 12 fabrics in the order you plan to assemble them.
3. Assemble the Wedges
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To stabilize the fabric and discourage stretching, a piece of muslin is sewn behind each piece of colored fabric. To do this, just align a piece of muslin on the wrong side of each piece of fabric, then sew them together as one as you assemble the pouf.
To sew the first two wedges together, make a little fabric sandwich with a piece of muslin, the first wedge right-side up, the next wedge right-side down, and another piece of muslin. Pin all four layers together along one side.
5. Sew the Wedges
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Beginning at the wide end of the wedge shape, sew the layers together using a ¼” seam allowance. Sew a gradual curve along the angle at the base of the wedge (rather than sewing a distinct point). Stop the seam when you reach the point.
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6. Iron
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Iron the seam, pressing the seam allowance to one side.
7. Sew the Remaining Wedges
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Place the piece you’ve just sewn right-side up on your work surface, and align the next color wedge right-side down, then place a piece of muslin on top of it. (Be sure to take a moment and double-check that you’re assembling the pieces in the correct color order; I found it was easy to get mixed-up and accidentally sew the pieces in the wrong order!)
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Continue to assemble the wedges in this order until you’ve assembled six wedges for a half-circle. Then, assemble the other half circle separately. When both half circles are assembled, place them together along the straight edge, and sew them together. (Assembling them in this way ensures that you won’t have a hole in the middle where all the points meet.)
8. Sew the Other Half
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For the other half of the pouf, you must arrange the colors in the opposite direction as you did for the first half. To test if you have the order correct, lay out the pieces in the reverse placement, then place the first half right-side down on top of the pieces to be sewn. If the colors are matched up, you’ve got it right.
Sew the wedges for the second half in the same way you did for the first half.
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9. Join the Two Halves
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Pin the two halves with their right sides facing together, aligning the pieces so that the seams meet.
10. Join the Two Halves
Sew the two pieces together around the perimeter, ¼” from the edge. Leave an 8” opening to stuff the pouf, backstitching at the beginning and end of the seam so that it doesn’t unravel during the stuffing process.
11. Iron the Seam Allowance
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Turn the fabric under ¼” on each side of the opening and press. (Folding and pressing this edge will make it easier to sew the opening closed after the pouf is stuffed.)
12. Stuff the Pouf
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Stuff the pouf, pulling off handfuls of stuffing and adding them in smallish clumps (to avoid a lumpy appearance, it’s best to add the stuffing little by little). Take care to spread the stuffing into the far edges of the pouf so that each nook and cranny is fully stuffed.
When the pouf is nice and firm, sew the opening closed using a hand-sewing needle and matching thread.
14. Make the Tuft
(SAFETY NOTE: Be very careful when working with the long upholstery needle. I nearly poked myself in the eye as I struggled to push the needle through the pouf while leaning over it to observe – yikes – NOT a good method! Always insert the needle AWAY from yourself, not toward yourself!)
In this step, flat metal washers are used to hold the tufting in place in the center of the cushion. The tufting is sewn with fishing line because regular thread is not strong enough to withstand the pressure of the tufting. The buttons, which are decorative only, are added later.
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Thread an approximately 60” piece of fishing line (here I’m using heavy thread since fishing line wouldn’t show in the photos) through the long upholstery needle. Tie both ends of the fishing line onto one of the washers and loop it through the washer twice.
Insert the needle all the way through the center of the pouf, so that the washer lies flat against the center point of one side the pouf. On the other side, loop the thread through another washer.
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Looping through the center and around the edge of the washer, insert the needle back through the pouf and out through the center of the other washer. Pull the fishing line tight while pressing down on the top washer to create the tufted effect. Keeping the tension, insert the needle around the washer and back through the other side. (It’s helpful to have someone else lend a hand at this stage, though it’s not impossible to do yourself!)
Make a few passes with the needle and fishing line, each time looping through and around the washers. Tie off the line on one side, knotting it onto the washer.
15. Add the Buttons
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Cut an approximately 30” piece of matching thread and loop it through the upholstery needle, doubling it. Insert the needle through the pouf, going through the center of the washers. Next, loop it through a button, then back through to the other side of the pouf. Finally, loop it through the other button. Tie the threads in a knot so that the thread is pulled taut and the buttons are nestled against the washers.
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And poof — you���re done!
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rainbowolfe · 1 year
Please a part three !
I was inspired to expand on this story, so I'm currently revising part 1 and 2. But here's part 3 in all its unedited glory!
When Does a God Lose Their Heart? Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Narinder stomped into his “base of operations” as he often called it, Kallamar in tow. The door creaked as it slowly closed itself, but didn’t fully shut. Shamura tentatively pushed it back open as they entered, not always sure when they were welcome when it came to Narinder.
Shamura often wondered about Narinder’s attachment to this abode, but knew better than to ask. They had vaults of their own sprinkled about the lands where they stored trophies and supplies, and recouped in as needed. But this comfy little cottage sitting out in the open was no vault. Crafted of wood and stone, with a roof that leaked when it rained, and no defenses outside of the simple protective-barriers Narinder himself setup. Without a doubt, this was a home, not a vault.
The living area was lit up primarily by the fireplace, but supplemented by candles hanging from the rafters. They were surprised to see the place so messy. Narinder wasn’t exactly a stickler for cleanliness, but the clutter decorating the floor, seating, and most other surfaces was uncharacteristic for him.
They entered the cottage and gently shut the door behind them. They lingered by the door for a moment. Less out of hesitance—if Narinder didn’t want them to come inside, he’d have shut the door—and more out of curiosity regarding the mess.
“What, are you a stranger? A servant? Settle yourself.” Narinder barked at them as he weaved through the items littering the floor. Shamura followed his lead to find a place to sit.
“Goodness, it’s like a desert in here.” Kallamar commented. “Aren’t you warm?”
“Quite comfortable, actually.”
Narinder set Kallamar on the sofa in the middle of the room with a surprising level of care. Kallamar had even braced for a sudden drop. Narinder’s half-lidded gaze lingered on him, causing their eyes to meet for just a moment when Kallamar went to scan his surroundings.
“The problem is my spine, I believe. My arms hurt as well, however, so I shouldn’t go anywhere until those are better as well! I wouldn’t want to have to defend myself with only two arms, if the problem arose…”
“I didn’t think you had a spine.” Was all Narinder had to say as he went to retrieve the necessary supplies. He stopped by the fire to put on a kettle of water.
“What? Of course I have a spine, how else would I—Oh.” He rolled his eyes. “Very funny.”
The more Shamura looked around, the more they hoped Narinder was eager to share whatever it was he was working on. On closer observation, they realized the items strewn about were positioned on top sigils painted onto the floor. Divining Sigils were used to glean the purpose or origin of an item—divine or otherwise.
Narinder had asked for Shamura’s assistance in how to use and activate the sigils, which they happily provided, but he hadn’t shared why he was suddenly inclined to learn about it. Shamura was pleased to finally know why—albeit only partially. It also explained all the random objects. Divining an object was a tedious process that required a lot of trial and error to discover the resources that would resonate with it. Shamura could recall the exasperation they felt after spending months acquiring rare gems and magical geodes to divine the purpose of a magical key they had found, only for the damn thing to resonate with a bowl of milk.
“Stop being nosy.” Narinder suddenly broke the silence.
“May I move this… toy?” Shamura gestured to what looked like a golden puzzle box resting on a seat. They knew it wasn’t a toy, but hoped it would provoke him into explaining.
“No.” He pointed to a different seat with a stack of papers on it. “You can sit there. Just throw the papers on the floor, they’re useless.”
Shamura went to the assigned seat, having to both step over a baffling, metal contraption and duck under a candle to reach it. They placed the papers on the floor with care regardless of their allegedly useless status, and had a seat on the plush stool that they usually preferred to sit on when they visited. Narinder thought the way they sat on it was strange, but they truly enjoyed it despite their odd posture.
“When I suggested decorating, piles of junk aren’t quite what I had in mind…” Kallamar hummed.
“What?” Narinder didn’t look up from the concoction he was brewing.
Shamura envied Kallamar’s ability to inspire people to engage with him socially, especially when it came to Narinder. Their conversations with Narinder were often insightful and thought-provoking, so it was a shame how little they actually conversed with each other.
They stretched their back, and in turn their claws—well, claw—before they settled back into a similar position, just no longer tensed to strike. They’d been fairly on edge since barely defeating the Green Crown, but now they could relax.
“It is inspiring though. How about piles of skulls? A bit macabre but, you like bones, don’t you?”
Narinder was swirling a liquid in a flask, but stopped to look at Kallamar. “What? They’re not—These aren’t decorations!” He stammered, confused and a bit offended. “Are you dull?”
“No, I was giving you the benefit of the doubt. What’s all this junk?
“It’s not junk.”
“The useless papers aren’t junk?”
“…some of it is junk.”
Narinder’s ears perked up at the sound of a soft ‘kh’ noise from Shamura—their equivalent of a snort. He snapped his head around to make sure they saw his annoyed look, which Shamura met with an embarrassed smile, before he turned his attention back to manufacturing his unique method of healing.
Shamura wasn’t aware that they made such a noise until they met Narinder. He had no reservations questioning them about what they found so funny whenever he heard it. Though now they could usually hear the sound when they made it, they had a hard time stifling it.
Kallamar thought for a moment, then warbled with excitement. Narinder gave him an odd look as he poured the concoction over Kallamar’s body. It had taken on the consistency of smoke, pink in color but thick like a polluted cloud. It sits for a moment before it suddenly seeps into the squids body in a blink.
“Did you acquire a stall at the market after all? You must be preparing your stock, yes? Am I right?”
Shamura’s eyebrows raised, causing their second pair of eyes to squint. Was Narinder in need of resources? Narinder’s brief hiss of annoyance made it clear that this subject was not meant to reach Shamura’s ears.
“Ah, Ah! You should let me help!” Kallamar sat up, clearly feeling better even if the color hadn’t returned to his cloak or crown.
“There a things I wish to buy, but I don’t have any money.”
“Oh, is Shamura finally cutting you off?” Narinder smirked.
“Yes, in fact, they did! I’m sure your petulant insistence that they were allegedly ‘spoiling’ me had everything to do with it, so it’s only fair that you help me raise funds.”
“That is not the reason why,” Shamura interjected, worried that Kallamar was missing the point. “It’s important that you know how to provide for yourself in case there comes a time that I am no longer able to.”
It was important for both their sakes, really. Shamura knew they had gotten far too comfortable with giving Kallamar whatever he asked for, they couldn’t even fully commit to cutting him off. They still fed and sheltered him, but had to force themselves to stop indulging in his more frivolous wants like jewelry and money.
Regardless of how valid the reasoning, Narinder and Kallamar scoffed in unison. For better or worse, if there was one thing that could reliably get them to agree, it was Shamura.
“If you are ever incapacitated, then we have already fallen.” Kallamar gestured dismissively.
“Likewise,” Narinder added. “It’s humorous how you pretend that this fool would not drop dead the second he could no longer suckle on your teat.”
Kallamar let out a gasp of offense.
Shamura would have liked to inquire further about the first half of Narinder’s statement. But they take far too long to choose what they felt would be the proper way to ask. Kallamar and Narinder had already bickered over the latter’s rude comment and moved past it to the next topic.
“Well, if it is not to sell, then why do you have all this stuff?”
Though Kallamar had successfully put Narinder back at the center of the conversation, he rejected the position with the finesse of a hippo on ice. Narinder stared at Kallamar, forcing his expression to be blank with limited success. There was silence as the two waited for his response.
“You seem to be missing something, Shamura.” Narinder said, abruptly changing the subject.
“Ah?” It took them a moment. “Ah, yes, yes. My claw. I… Underestimated Murmur. She ripped it clean from my body.”
“I take it you’ll be requiring my assistance to re-attach it?”
Shamura blanched, a rare demonstration of embarrassment from them that managed to surprise Narinder.
“…I… forgot to retrieve it.” They slowly said, processing the information for themselves in real time. They clear their throat. “Alas, that is my punishment for carelessness. It will be… awhile…” Their apprehension shows in their tone. “…but it will grow back in time.”
“Oh! Shamura, I didn’t even notice! When did that happen?” Kallamar gawked.
Narinder seemed upset, but Shamura couldn’t fully put together why. Was it disappointment in them? Annoyance with Kallamar? They briefly considered that he might be concerned for them, but they shooed the thought away as rather presumptuous—something Narinder often accused them of being.
Kallamar lit up at the sound of the kettle whistling. “Oh! Are you making tea? I’m parched—”
“I wasn’t.” Narinder said, a bit too quickly. “I merely forgot to remove the kettle from the fire before I went to investigate the intruders that crossed my barrier.”
“Then, Shamura, will you make me a cup of tea?”
“No, they will not. Make it yourself.”
Shamura did not understand Narinder. But, they wanted to. As much as Kallamar and Narinder postured in a way that would suggest they didn’t like each other, the two clearly understood each other, even if they didn’t always realize it.
“But I am injured still! You did not heal my arm!” Kallamar protested.
“And you have three others that are completely functional. Leave Shamura be, lazy brat.”
“Lazy? Brat?”
Before the two could launch into another petty bickering match, Shamura interjected.
“Kallamar, if you could, a round of tea before we set off would be most refreshing.” They stood with grace, their strength already beginning to replenish. “And I will prepare a snack to pair with it.” They turned their gaze to Narinder. “Consider it our thanks for allowing us to disturb you this evening.”
“Ah… Let us trade tasks. I must insist.” Kallamar bridged his fingers, a pose he often took up when he felt awkward.
“If you must busy yourself with something, then I would prefer you make the tea.” Narinder sounded exasperated as he finally took a seat, knocking an assortment of smooth stones off the coffee table as he propped his feet atop of it.
Shamura was a bit lost again, but quickly adapted. “Then tea I shall make.”
The trio fell into a comfortable silence. Shamura retrieved the kettle that had been hollering throughout the entire exchange while Kallamar sifted through Narinder’s cabinets to assemble snacks for them (mostly he and Narinder). Shamura continued to subtly snoop as they had to cross the room again.
Trying to narrow in on things that gave off some amount of arcane energy. But none of the items that stood out seemed like things Narinder simply couldn’t ask them about. Small statues, a beautifully preserved skull with a gem embedded into the forehead, a black card sporting a red mandala—
“Shamura, did you lose your sense of taste as a consequence of no longer needing to eat, or did you stop eating because you lost your sense of taste?” Narinder suddenly broke the silence, Kallamar’s scolding tone quick to follow.
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theartarium25 · 3 months
Timeless Elegance: Luxury Home Decor Items to Elevate Your Living Space
Luxury home decor items are not just about extravagance but also about quality craftsmanship, exquisite materials, and timeless design. Elevate your living space with these curated selections that embody sophistication and opulence, transforming your home into a sanctuary of luxury.
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1. Designer Furniture
Investing Luxury home decor furniture pieces is key to achieving a luxurious interior. Look for iconic designs crafted from premium materials such as Italian leather, solid hardwoods, or handcrafted metals. Pieces like Eames lounge chairs, Barcelona chairs, or Chesterfield sofas not only exude elegance but also offer exceptional comfort and durability. Online platforms and exclusive boutiques often showcase a variety of designer furniture collections that cater to different tastes and interior styles.
2. Artisanal Rugs and Carpets
Luxury rugs and carpets are more than just floor coverings—they are works of art that anchor your room with style and sophistication. Hand-knotted Persian rugs, Tibetan wool carpets, or silk rugs with intricate patterns and rich colors can add a sense of opulence to any space. Online galleries and specialty stores offer a wide selection of artisanal rugs, allowing you to choose pieces that complement your decor while showcasing the craftsmanship of skilled artisans.
3. Statement Lighting Fixtures
Illuminate your home with statement lighting fixtures that serve as both functional elements and artistic focal points. Crystal chandeliers, sculptural pendant lights, or minimalist designer lamps can enhance the ambiance of your living spaces. Opt for fixtures crafted from high-quality materials like Murano glass, brushed brass, or Swarovski crystals to create a luxurious atmosphere. Online retailers specializing in luxury lighting offer a range of styles from classic to contemporary, ensuring you find the perfect pieces to illuminate and elevate your home.
4. Luxurious Bedding and Linens
Transform your bedroom into a luxurious retreat with high-thread-count Egyptian cotton sheets, silk duvet covers, and plush velvet bedspreads. Luxury bedding sets not only provide unparalleled comfort but also elevate the aesthetic appeal of your bedroom. Look for renowned brands known for their craftsmanship and attention to detail. Online retailers often offer a curated selection of luxury linens in a variety of colors and textures, allowing you to create a sumptuous sanctuary for rest and relaxation.
5. Fine Art and Sculptures
Integrate fine art and sculptures into your decor to add a sense of sophistication and cultural richness. Original paintings, limited edition prints, or bespoke sculptures by renowned artists can become focal points that reflect your personal taste and style. Online art galleries and auction houses provide access to a diverse range of artworks, allowing you to curate a collection that resonates with your aesthetic sensibilities and enhances the luxury of your living space.
6. Antique and Collectible Decor
Incorporate antique furniture, vintage collectibles, or rare artifacts into your home decor to imbue it with a sense of history and exclusivity. Pieces such as antique French armoires, Ming dynasty porcelain vases, or Art Deco sculptures add a unique charm and timeless appeal to your interiors. Online auctions and specialty antique dealers offer a curated selection of rare and collectible items, making it possible to acquire treasures that enhance the luxury and uniqueness of your home.
7. Designer Tableware and Serveware
Elevate your dining experience with designer tableware and serveware crafted from fine materials such as bone china, sterling silver, or hand-blown glass. Luxury dinnerware sets, crystal glassware, and artisanal serving platters not only enhance your table settings but also reflect your refined taste and hospitality. Online luxury retailers often feature exclusive collections from renowned designers, allowing you to create memorable dining experiences with exquisite tableware that exudes elegance and sophistication.
8. Customized Home Accessories
Personalize your living space with customized home accessories that showcase your individuality and discerning taste. From bespoke throw pillows and embroidered linens to monogrammed bath towels and handcrafted decorative objects, customization adds a personal touch of luxury to your decor. Online platforms and specialty boutiques offer bespoke services where you can collaborate with artisans and designers to create one-of-a-kind pieces that elevate the luxury and uniqueness of your home.
9. Luxury Home Fragrances
Enhance the ambiance of your home with luxurious fragrances that evoke sophistication and tranquility. Choose from scented candles, reed diffusers, or room sprays crafted by renowned perfumers using high-quality ingredients. Luxury home fragrance brands offer a range of signature scents—from floral and citrusy to woody and oriental—that transform your living spaces into sensory retreats. Online retailers provide access to exclusive collections, allowing you to select fragrances that complement your interior decor and personal style.
10. Spa-Inspired Bath Essentials
Create a spa-like retreat in your bathroom with luxury bath essentials that pamper the senses and elevate your daily routine. Invest in plush bath towels, organic cotton bathrobes, and designer bath accessories crafted from fine materials like Turkish cotton or bamboo fibers. Online luxury retailers offer curated collections of spa-inspired bath essentials, allowing you to indulge in comfort and style while transforming your bathroom into a sanctuary of relaxation and rejuvenation.
Embrace the allure of luxury home decor items to create an environment that exudes sophistication, elegance, and comfort. Whether you're investing in designer furniture, artisanal rugs, fine art, or personalized accessories, each piece contributes to elevating the aesthetic appeal and ambiance of your living space. Online shopping provides unparalleled access to a diverse range of luxury home decor items, making it easier than ever to curate a home that reflects your refined taste and enhances your lifestyle. Choose wisely, and transform your home into a haven of timeless elegance and luxurious comfort.
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ladykailitha · 6 months
Icarus Part 5
And here we arrive at the second post today. I'm just trying to move through my backlog so that I'm down to my preferred three ahead. Glitters is at the rut, so only a chapter or two left to write, so that's almost done. Soulmates is to filling the gaps in the "In Media Res" scene and is nearing its end, too. Which means with any luck, I'll be down to just three WIP at the end of the month: Moonlight, Boy w/a Bat, and this one.
In this chapter, we have Eddie being a menace and giving Steve and Robin the fright of their lives. And because my Steddie never take anything slow, they kiss about it.
Pt 1 Pt 2 Pt 3 Pt 4
@mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @emly03
The last spot on The Fallen’s American tour was Pasadena just to flip Dustin’s shit now that he was in Hawkin’s, Eddie was sure.
Eddie bought nose bleed seats because he didn’t want to throw Steve off of his playing. The last thing he wanted was to embarrass him and take the spotlight off their music.
He tucked his signature locks under a hat, removed his face piercings, and made sure all his tattoos were covered. He wore an Abbadon hoodie over his regular clothes and got into place in his seat.
He watched the whole show with great enthusiasm, banging along to his favorite songs.
Eddie was most of the way through the show when the twelve year old boy next to him clocked him for who he really is.
He put his finger up to his lips and winked. The boy nodded solemnly and he turned back to spectacle in front of them, like he hadn’t seen the frontman for the biggest metal band in the world sitting in the nose bleed seats for The Fallen.
Eddie lucked out on that one. Boys that age were of two schools of thought regarding secrets, either everyone knew or no one did. He stumbled on the latter.
Thank god!
He really didn’t want this to blow up on him before he got a chance to surprise Steve.
The concert was even more amazing than the one in Indy and Eddie’s skin was just thrumming with excitement as he paid off a member of stadium staff to send the flowers to the dressing room.
They let him wait in the wings without telling anyone who he was. He wasn’t sure how long it would take for Steve to get his flowers. But he wasn’t bored. He watched the roadies and techs scramble about breaking down the set pieces.
He saw two of them carrying Astraeus’s wings and they were even cooler close up. He could that they weren’t just glittery blue, but actual galaxies and constellations.
He was about to ask if he could touch them when a woman in a stylish, black pant suit and sunglasses came storming over to him in a panic.
“Eddie Munson?” she hissed. “Come with me, now!”
Eddie grinned. “Right with you, darlin’.”
He followed her all the way to the dressing room, hands in his back pockets and a skip in his step.
Steve was tired. Fuck he was so tired. He scrubbed his face trying to get the sweat off.
The dressing room was heavily guarded so that he could get out his getup to shower and get the patina of being on stage off of his skin.
He would get back into Abbadon before he walked out, but he just needed to be him for a moment.
He stepped out of the shower and looked around at the gifts from fans. The management had put in the ones they thought he would want to see the most.
In the pile was the most striking blue roses he had ever seen. They were almost a midnight blue. His favorite color and his favorite flower. He walked over to them slowly as he dried himself off with the towel.
There was a simple note.
“I know your secret, sweetheart.
But don’t worry, it’s safe with me.”
Steve’s hand shook as he read the note over and over again. He made a dive for his phone, towel forgotten on the floor.
He sent off a quick text to Robin.
-Find Eddie Munson, now!
He got a message back with just one word.
He replied.
-He’s here
Steve dressed and then sat down on the sofa, settling in to wait. Ten minutes later there was a knock on the door and he put the mask up to his face while the door was open, intending to lower it again. But seeing Eddie standing there with a feral grin on his face.
He wavered, unsure.
“Hey, sweetheart,” Eddie said, his grin never leaving his face. “Did you like the flowers?”
The woman looked back and forth between them in confusion. “What’s going on?”
Eddie turned to her. “You see, Robin, I figured out that Stevie here is the lead singer of an up and coming metal band. And that you two have been keeping secrets.”
Steve dropped the mask in shock, revealing his face. “How?”
Robin took off her sunglasses. “Who told? Who the fuck do I have to sue?”
Eddie smirked. “No one.”
“You’re trying to tell me,” she said with a scoff, “that Mr Double Super Senior figured out something that had been so closely guarded for the last couple of years?”
Steve stood up and threw the mask on the sofa. He walked carefully over to the man he closely regarded as his best friend, the high heels of his costume clicking on the wood floor.
“How’d you do it, Eds?” he whispered when he got close enough. “How did you figure it out before the press, before our friends who are literal geniuses, before my own fucking parents?”
Eddie lifted up Steve’s jaw up with his fingers and then tapped on the two moles on the side of his neck. The ones Eddie always thought of as love bites.
“My moles?” Steve asked, unsure.
“I noticed them when I went to the concert with Dustin in Indy,” Eddie said softly. “That’s how I knew it was you.”
“Have you got some obsession with moles or something?” Robin sneered.
He shook his head. “Just Stevie.”
Steve gasped. “Oh.”
“Oh,” Robin repeated. “I’m still going to have to make you sign an NDA. I’m sorry. I know you won’t tell, but I have to be sure.”
Eddie nodded. “Send it to my lawyers.”
She nodded and slipped out of the door, barely opening it wide enough for her to exit. She put the glasses back on and decided she needed a drink. A big one. Maybe three.
“Sit down, sweetheart,” Eddie cooed. “I know how exhausting shows can be and you did it in high heels.”
Steve let out a watery chuckle but did as he was told.
“I never thought that someone would figure it out,” he said shakily. “I’m so scared right now.”
Eddie wrapped his arms around him and pulled him close. “Oh, Stevie. I didn’t think it would frighten you, otherwise I would have just kept my mouth shut.”
Steve looked him in the eyes. “I’m not frightened of you or that you would tell. It’s just that old adage of if you want to keep a secret between two people–”
“You kill one,” Eddie finished grimly. “I know, baby.”
After a few months of silence Steve whispered, “So you’re obsessed with me?”
Eddie burst out laughing. “Yeah. Have been for years.”
“How long?” Steve asked biting his lip and playing with the sleeve of his hooded coat. He looked away not sure he really wanted the answer. Was this new, because he was in a metal band? Was it recent, with Steve not being as readily available as he was before?
“Since high school.”
Steve’s head snapped up and he looked at up at him in awe. “Holy shit, Eds, that’s forever.”
A soft, fond smile spread out over Eddie’s face, his dimples deepening to sharp lines on his cheeks.
It was Steve’s favorite smile of his. And one he was learning might just be for him and him alone.
“Yeah, yeah,” Eddie breathed, “I know.”
They were so close, their breath mingled together, their noses brushed and Steve’s eyelashes fanned out, almost touching Eddie’s cheek.
Steve let out a gasp and Eddie closed the distance. Their lips met and Steve would swear for years to come that there were god damned fireworks. There had to be. Nothing and no one had ever felt like this. It was warm and soft and hot and sexy and bright and dark all at once. Every nerve ending lit up where just their lips touched.
And then Eddie cupped the back of his head and whatever thoughts that were in Steve’s head flew out the window. Every fear, every anxiety, every doubt went running for the hills. All he needed in this very moment was Eddie.
Until the end of time.
“Wow,” Eddie breathed when he finally managed to pull away.
Steve could only agree. “Um...can you meet me at my hotel?”
Eddie licked his lips. He wanted to take Stevie apart right then right there. But it would put Steve in danger of being discovered.
And that could not happen.
Now that he knew Steve’s secret, now that Steve was letting him in. Like all the way in, he would do anything to protect him.
“Yeah, baby,” he agreed. “I’ll meet you there. Message Celeste,” he winked, “and let her know to sneak me in.”
Steve relaxed that final increment. He kissed him fiercely. “Thanks for understanding, Eds. I love you so much.”
Eddie blushed, shoving a strand of hair into his mouth to hide his face. “Ah, sweetheart. There’s nothing to thank me for. I’d burn the world down for you if you asked.”
Steve kissed him again. “I think it’s best if I go out first and then message you when the coast is clear.”
Eddie nodded.
He was still in disguise. Only four people knew who he was. The kid, Robin and Steve, and the dude he paid to get the flowers in Steve’s dressing room.
Which Eddie would send his own team of lawyers to make sure the man didn’t so much as breathe the wrong direction.
He would then, of course meet with “Celeste” and “Abbadon” to construct the perfect cover story for Steve being on the tour with Corroded Coffin. Provided Steve said yes.
Twenty minutes later, Eddie emerged from the dressing room to see only a couple of roadies still milling around.
He blinked at one of them for a moment, but then the guy disappeared around a corner and he couldn’t be sure.
He would swear later it looked like Simon Olsen. Steve’s friend. But that couldn’t be right? Couldn’t it?
He shook himself off. He had a hotel to get to and paparazzi to dodge.
Eddie slipped into his old middle school persona. The one from before he moved in with his uncle, Wayne. The one where he could shrink in on himself.
Become... not invisible, per se. Not important enough to be worth a look at.
He removed the hoodie and handed it to fan lingering outside. He roughed up his hair, untied the shoelaces on his boots, rubbed dirt on his knees and hands.
Once his new disguise was in place, he shambled down the street and people moved right through him as if he wasn’t there.
Eddie had to fight down a grin. People were eaten up with curiosity on how he could avoid getting papped no matter where he went. And this right here was his secret. Appear homeless and no one would give a damn.
He got into position and texted ‘Celeste’ he had arrived. He took the time to smooth out his hair and stretch out his spine. Walking hunched over like that hurt as he kicked and screamed into his late twenties. Something he never thought he would reach.
He texted Jeff to let him know he wouldn’t be back to night and settled in to wait.
Soon enough he was led up through the back way and then into Steve’s hotel room.
As soon as the door closed, Steve was on him.
“Are you okay? Did anyone see you?” And then, “Why are you so dirty?”
Eddie burst out laughing. “Just a little thing I learned from dear ole dad about walking about unseen. So just let me clean up a bit and I’m all yours.”
Steve bit his lip and nodded nervously.
Eddie chuckled. “Unless you wanted to join me in the shower?” he said over his shoulder.
Steve perked right up and followed Eddie into the en suite bathroom, kicking the door closed with a grin.
Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
Tag List: @papergrenade @cryptid-system @counting-dollars-counting-stars @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @danili666 @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @val-from-lawrence @goodolefashionedloverboi @i-must-potato @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @vecnuthy @irregular-child @yikes-a-bee @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690 @anne-bennett-cosplayer @awkwardgravity1 @littlewildflowerkitten @genderless-spoon @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @y4r3luv @dragonmama76 @scheodingers-muppet @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt @useless-nb-bisexual @disrespectedgoatman @eyehartart @dawners @thespaceantwhowrites @tinyplanet95 @iamthehybrid @croatoan-like-its-hot
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id-element0 · 5 months
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Adele's Ramsay Living for TS3
2 years ago, on a fateful evening, I decided to convert this set to TS3. Although this had already been converted, I had my reasons to do my own conversion. Long story short, there were things that I didn't like and things that I liked.
One thing that I liked in the previous conversion was the effort to make the table tops glass. So I experimented with the Basic Shower which is supposed to have frosted glass. I don't know why EA use horrible textures; when you replace the NormalMap with a proper frosted glass texture it looks amazing.
So, using this knowledge as a base, I worked on the frosted glass table tops and after countless failures, I finally managed to have the effect I wanted. The key is having the right values for UVSelector parameters in the shader.
I also changed the textures for the bottle; tried to recreate it as a multiplier. Then made another version. Bottles are semi-transparent glass and recolourable. Don't ask me how I made them - I don't remember. But I if have to guess, there is this tutorial that I know of. The first part is about recolourable glass.
I wasn't feeling Adele's art for the painting. So, I used the recolours made by @timeparadoxsims. The artist is @len-yan and the art is amazing. If any of them want me to remove the painting from my downloads, I will do so but cry inwardly. 😢
I know people hate reading and just want to download but THIS IS IMPORTANT: Several items share textures. So you need to have the 'masters' in your game for the 'slaves' to work. I will group them and explain further.
The Loveseat is the master for the following objects: Armchair, Sofa, End Table (Solid Top), Coffee Table (Solid Top).
Loveseat, Armchair, Sofa -> 4 Channels - 2 presets with second being Adele's black overlay & metal and wood parts still CAStable.
Loveseat Polycount -> HLOD: 1746 MLOD: 702
Armchair Polycount -> HLOD: 1578 MLOD: 726
Sofa Polycount -> HLOD: 1962 MLOD: 1096
End Table, Coffee Table -> 3 Channels - 1 Preset
End Table Polycount -> HLOD: 710 MLOD: 444
Coffee Table Polycount -> HLOD: 1322 MLOD: 720
The Cushions for Loveseat is the master for following objects: The Cushion for Armchair, The Cushions for Sofa.
All Cushions -> 1 channel, 3 different multipliers - 5 Presets with 2 of them being overlays. You don't need moveobjects on to place them on their appropriate seating. If you use alt to place the seating you need to use alt to place the cushions as well.
Loveseat & Sofa Cushions Polycount -> HLOD: 160 MLOD: 80
Armchair Cushions Polycount -> HLOD: 80 MLOD: 40
The Glass Top End Table is the master for The Glass Top Coffee Table.
Both tables have 1 Channel & 1 Preset. Polys are same as the solid tops.
Decorative Bottles
Both have 1 Channel & 1 Preset.
Polycount -> HLOD: 242 MLOD: 119
Decorative Vase
3 Channels - 2 Presets
Polycount -> HLOD: 446 MLOD: 344
Large Frame Painting
1 Channel - 18 Presets
Polycount -> HLOD: 82 MLOD: 64
I've also included the collection file which comes with its own icon for easy recognition. As always, I might have missed something; if you find anything weird don't hesitate to tell me so I can try and fix it. I hope you'll enjoy this beautiful set by talented Adele. Happy simming.
- Credits -
Adele for the meshes and textures.
@len-yan for the art.
@timeparadoxsims for the ts2 recolours
Google Fonts Montez, Kurale
Made with: SimPE, GIMP, s3oc, s3pe, Blender, Texture Tweaker 3, and TSRW
@pis3update @kpccfinds @xto3conversionsfinds
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moderninterior2024 · 3 months
How Will Interior Design Evolve in the Future?
Interior design is a dynamic field that continually adapts to new trends, technologies, and cultural shifts. As we look ahead, the future of interior design promises to be even more innovative and responsive to the needs of a changing world. In this article, we'll explore the trends and technologies that are set to shape the interiors of tomorrow.
1. Embracing Sustainable Design
One of the most significant shifts in interior design is the growing emphasis on sustainability. As concerns about climate change and resource depletion intensify, designers are prioritizing eco-friendly materials and practices.
Eco-Friendly Materials: The future will see a rise in the use of sustainable materials like reclaimed wood, bamboo, and recycled metals. These materials not only reduce environmental impact but also add a unique aesthetic to spaces.
Energy Efficiency: Future interiors will incorporate energy-efficient lighting, smart thermostats, and solar panels. Homes and offices will be designed to minimize energy consumption and reduce carbon footprints.
2. Smart Homes and Integrated Technology
Smart home technology is revolutionizing how we interact with our living spaces. The future will see even more integration of smart devices, creating homes that are not only more convenient but also more efficient.
Voice-Controlled Systems: Imagine controlling your entire home with just your voice. From adjusting lighting to setting the thermostat, voice-controlled systems will make daily tasks effortless.
Automated Solutions: Future homes will feature advanced automation systems that can learn and adapt to your routines. This includes everything from automated blinds that adjust based on sunlight to refrigerators that order groceries when supplies run low.
3. Personalization and Customization
As technology advances, so does our ability to personalize our living spaces. The future of interior design will see a shift towards highly customized environments that reflect individual tastes and lifestyles.
3D Printing: 3D printing technology will allow for the creation of bespoke furniture and decor items. This means that you can have unique, one-of-a-kind pieces that perfectly fit your space and style.
Modular Furniture: Future homes will increasingly feature modular furniture that can be easily reconfigured to suit different needs and occasions. This flexibility will be especially valuable in smaller living spaces.
4. Biophilic Design
Biophilic design, which seeks to connect occupants more closely to nature, will become a central theme in future interiors. This approach not only enhances aesthetic appeal but also promotes well-being.
Natural Elements: Expect to see more use of natural materials like stone, wood, and plants. Large windows and indoor gardens will bring the outdoors inside, creating a calming and rejuvenating atmosphere.
Health Benefits: Biophilic design has been shown to reduce stress, improve mood, and boost productivity. Future interiors will leverage these benefits to create healthier living and working environments.
5. Flexible and Multi-Functional Spaces
As urbanization continues and living spaces become more compact, the need for flexible and multi-functional interiors will grow. Future designs will focus on maximizing the utility of every square foot.
Convertible Furniture: Furniture that can serve multiple purposes will be key. Think of sofas that convert into beds, desks that transform into dining tables, and walls that can be moved to create different room configurations.
Adaptable Layouts: Future homes will feature layouts that can be easily adapted to different activities. This could include movable walls or partitions that allow for seamless transitions between work, leisure, and living spaces.
6. Wellness-Centric Design
The future of interior design will place a greater emphasis on wellness. As people become more health-conscious, interiors will be designed to support physical and mental well-being.
Ergonomic Furniture: Expect to see more furniture designed with ergonomics in mind, promoting better posture and reducing strain.
Air and Water Quality: Future homes will incorporate advanced filtration systems to ensure clean air and water, contributing to overall health.
7. Minimalism with a Twist
While minimalism will continue to be a popular trend, future interior design will infuse it with more personality and warmth.
Warm Minimalism: This approach combines the clean lines and simplicity of minimalism with cozy textures and inviting colors. The result is a space that feels both serene and welcoming.
Functional Minimalism: Future minimalism will focus on functionality, ensuring that every piece of furniture and decor serves a purpose. This creates uncluttered spaces that are easy to maintain and live in.
8. Tech-Infused Spaces
As technology continues to advance, it will become even more seamlessly integrated into our living spaces.
Augmented Reality (AR): AR will allow homeowners to visualize changes to their interiors before making them. This could include trying out new paint colors, furniture arrangements, or decor items virtually.
Smart Kitchens: The kitchens of the future will be equipped with smart appliances that can help with meal planning, grocery shopping, and even cooking. This will make it easier to maintain a healthy diet and save time.
9. Cultural and Global Influences
Globalization and cultural exchange will continue to influence interior design, bringing diverse styles and ideas into homes around the world.
Ethnic Decor: Expect to see more incorporation of decor items from different cultures, adding richness and diversity to interiors.
Global Design Trends: Designers will draw inspiration from around the world, blending traditional and contemporary elements to create unique and eclectic spaces.
10. Focus on Longevity and Timelessness
In contrast to the fast fashion trend in clothing, future interior design will emphasize longevity and timelessness.
Quality Over Quantity: There will be a shift towards investing in high-quality, durable furniture and decor that can withstand the test of time.
Timeless Aesthetics: Interiors will favor classic designs and neutral color palettes that won't go out of style, ensuring that spaces remain elegant and relevant for years to come.
The future of interior design is exciting and full of possibilities. From sustainability and smart technology to personalization and wellness, the trends and innovations on the horizon promise to transform how we live and interact with our spaces. As we move forward, the key will be to embrace these changes while creating environments that are not only beautiful but also functional, healthy, and reflective of our personal values and lifestyles. The interiors of the future will be more than just spaces to live in—they will be spaces that enhance our lives in meaningful ways.
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