#Michael Putz
horseweb-de · 1 year
Mitgliederversammlung der GWP: Michael Putz zum Ehrenmitglied ernannt
Michael Putz, zu Hause im mittelfränkischen Buckenhof, in seiner aktiven Zeit erfolgreicher Reiter in allen olympischen Disziplinen bis Klasse S, Pferdewirtschaftsmeister, Träger des Goldenen Reitabzeichens, Turnierrichter, mehr als 15 Jahre lang Leiter der Westfälischen Reit-und Fahrschule in Münster, und noch heute gefragter Ausbilder und Fachbuchautor, wurde auf der Mitgliederversammlung der…
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andromedaexists · 6 months
WUPDATE: Desecrate
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𝚆𝚎𝚍𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚍𝚊𝚢, 𝙰𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚕 𝟷𝟶𝚝𝚑 || 𝟼 𝙼𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚑𝚜!
After the chaos that was last week, the fact that I not only got my laptop fixed (with no data missing!!) but also reached 20k in revisions on Desecrate???? Magic.
Now that everything is back in balance, I will be returning to Incorrect Eyes. I just needed to stick with my baby boy Kit while I lost my mind lmao. Kit Beloved has such a tender start to his story that I honestly don't want to leave it, but that's okay! I'll be back!!
We're about 1/4 of the way through this trash draft rewrite, meaning I'm expecting it to be ~80k words. That is 10k longer than Call Me Icarus, and it will only get longer when I truly draft it!! Desecrate is going to be a chonker!!
I will also have another post coming out today, a 6 month update on the release of ΔΆΙΟΣ (the first book in the Call Me Icarus series). It has been 6 months to the day since release, and hoo boy have there been updates!!
OH AND ONE MORE THING I HAVE AN OFFICIAL DAY FOR DESECRATE'S COVER REVEAL!!! Come say hi on 𝚃𝚑𝚞𝚛𝚜𝚍𝚊𝚢, 𝙼𝚊𝚢 𝟿𝚝𝚑, otherwise known as the feast of Ascension in the Catholic Church. This year, we're celebrating the Ascension of Christian Amadeus Michaels, the beautiful main character of Desecrate!
Anyways, snippes for yous!
Kit parks the truck in his driveway, turning it off but not getting out. Benny doesn’t get out for a moment either, but when it’s clear that neither of them are going to say anything she opens the door and steps out into the crisp night air. Kit’s eyes track her movement, watching as she crosses through the beam of his headlights and as she leaves his peripherals. He expects her to go inside, to leave him wallowing by himself, but he’s shocked out of his thoughts when his door swings open. Benny pulls him towards her, her arms wrapping tight around his head and holding him to her chest as she whispers, “Don’t go where I can’t follow you.”
And another one:
They fall into a comfortable routine as they enter the home, Kit throws his backpack on the couch before heading to his room to change and Benny starts putzing around the kitchen. He doesn’t say anything until he hears a loud clatter. Throwing on his oversized cutoff, he rushes out into the kitchen to find Benny standing in the center of the room with a handful of metal mixing bowls strewn around her. Kit busts out laughing, having to stabilize himself on the counter from the force of the laughter. Benny’s pouting where she stands, a beautiful red blush dusting her cheeks and the bridge of her nose. “I was trying—it’s not that funny—Kit~—I was just trying to get some bowls out, you didn’t tell me you booby trapped this place,” she pouts, bending down to pick up the scattered bowls. When Benny turns her back to him to set the bowls down on the counter, Kit walks up and wraps his arms around her waist. He buries his head in her hair and sways her side to side as she giggles before using the momentum to swing her to the other edge of the kitchen. She kicks her legs out in front of her as he swings her around, her giggles growing louder. When her feet touch the ground again, she turns in Kit’s hold and wraps her arms around his shoulders. “It’s really hard for me to make dinner from over here, silly cat.” “Well then it’s a good thing you’re not making dinner, huh?”
And another for good measure:
Pushing those thoughts out of his head, Kit rolls Benny off of him and sits up. He throws his legs over the edge of the bed and stretches his arms above his head, yawning as he pops the soreness from his back. The bed behind him shifts as Benny sidles up to his back, her legs framing his on the edge of the bed and her arms sliding around his waist. Her lips are warm against the nape of his neck, Kit thinks he could stay right here for the rest of his life and never want to leave.
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tomorrowusa · 1 year
Apparently Ron DeSantis feels that science is "woke" and therefore needs to be suppressed.
Ron DeSantis has been accused of a “catastrophic” approach to the climate crisis after he launched his campaign for US president by saying he rejects the “politicization of the weather” and questioning whether hurricanes hitting his home state of Florida have been worsened by climate change.
DeSantis, the Republican Florida governor who announced his bid for the White House via a glitch-heavy Twitter stream on Wednesday, has previously dismissed concerns about global heating as “leftwing stuff” and he expanded upon this theme during a Fox News interview following his campaign launch.
“People tried to say when we had [Hurricane] Ian that it was because of climate change but if you look at the first 60 years from 1900 to 1960 we had more major hurricanes hit Florida than the 60 years since then,” DeSantis told his interlocutor, the former Republican congressman Trey Gowdy.
“This is something that is a fact of life in the Sunshine state. I’ve always rejected the politicization of the weather.”
DeSantis is telling Floridians, "Don't believe your lyin' eyes – or your wet feet for that matter."
Environmental groups have also taken aim at DeSantis over a record on climate they say is no better than Donald Trump’s, his rival for the Republican presidential nomination.
While governor, DeSantis has adopted bills banning Florida’s cities from adopting 100% clean energy goals and barred the state’s pension fund from making investment decisions that consider the climate crisis due to what he called a corporate attempt to “impose an ideological agendaon the American people”. He has also attacked the US military for being “woke” for warning about the national security risks posed by climate impacts.
DeSantis is a ruthlessly ambitious putz who is fixated on accumulating power at all costs.
Warm seas act like jet fuel to tropical cyclones. The temperature of the North Atlantic has unmistakably increased over the past hundred years.
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Maybe DeSantis will try to blame "woke thermometers".
The problem for Florida is not so much the number of hurricanes but the intensity of hurricanes.
Category 5 storms making landfall in the US used to be rare. But two (Hurricane Michael, Hurricane Ian) have hit Florida in just the past five years.
Maybe DeSantis cut his high school physics class to watch far right porn. So he may have missed the lesson about warmer air being able to hold larger amounts of moisture.
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While wind speed gets the most media attention, it's moisture in the form of rain and storm surge which kills the most people in hurricanes.
We all remember how Trump tried to use a Sharpie to modify a map showing the path of Hurricane Dorian. DeSantis would probably burn the map and close down the National Hurricane Center for being "woke".
DeSantis as president of the US would be a danger to the planet.
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anthonybialy · 6 months
Aging Biden Not Much Worse
A ghastly liar whose appalling ideology inflicts tremendous harm on the nation and this world has had a high quantity of birthdays.  Joe Biden is older than you, almost certainly by percentage.  Take comfort in knowing he was a jerk when he looked like the photo on his driver’s license.
Biden would’ve sucked as president in 1988.  Does that make today feel more bearable?  The observable decline began in law school, where the incumbent began flaunting his fondness for filching the work of others.  A thorough phony got derailed like his beloved Amtrak by plagiarism, which was a hobby he began in law school.
Present depressed primary followers should’ve remembered why even Michael Dukakis was more plausible.  The technical village elder repulses for reasons beyond a scandal too mortifying even for career politicians, namely demonstrably woeful results.
Biden was a dreadful moron during the Nixon presidency.  Age is about 17th on the troublesome issue list with a expert inflation creator and putzing leader.  The truly frightening moments during his regrettable moments speaking in public aren’t when he’s shrouded in mental fog: it’s what he believes during those rare glimpses when he’s coherent.
Fossils who suffer from memory issues sometimes show who they were before losing sharpness.  In Biden’s case, he lashes out over his own shortcomings.  A full-time yapper’s disheartening speeches would be incoherent either way.
A hoary ideology is worse than the geezer who adheres to it.  Biden’s obtuse take on human nature was discredited since even before he entered politics.  
Our president is consistent.  Biden has been a prick in every decade.  An empty life spent being fully unpleasant is reflected in results, which is why he despises them.  The educated dunce’s obsession with letting graduates learn to duck responsibility is partly ideological, but he’s deeply committed personally to unaccountability.
It’s tough to understand others without doing what they do.  The president has no idea.  Empathy might help if he possesses any, so forget it.  Biden put the practice in law.  Those few sketchy years before running for the Senate showed his connection with commoners.
An ostensible president’s struggles with words and thoughts has been reflected in his personality long before the traditional quitting age.  Nastily nonsensical political takes aren’t something he unveiled at his 80th birthday party.  The simpleton-in-chief’s deterioration was only partially in effect when he calmly and rationally claimed Mitt Romney was hellbent on reinstating slavery.
Every single thing Biden has ever believed has been proven wrong.  If he claims the Sun will rise tomorrow, count on perpetual darkness.  Biden eclipses common sense.  The presidential cretin’s decrepitude didn’t just start when he entered his ninth decade.  Anyone who’s endured the misfortune of hearing him speak before he somehow ascended to the government’s highest office can testify.
The president’s lickspittles wish they could preserve his awful ideas without having to deal with the awful person.  Amateurish professional political scientists are unable to change the status quo despite claiming to be good liberals.  Aside from the irony that alleged upheaval aficionados have gotten everything they’ve wanted while holding power, they just don’t have anyone new to sell anciently terrible notions.
The 2020s are the decade where emboldened elderly show they’re still capable of being power-hungry inept fools leading particularly woeful cults.  As a result of their dedication to refusing to release the grasp on authority, this is shaping up to be the worst election possible.  It’s not just because their combined ages sound made up.  The alarming number is 159 counting the miserable challenger’s pending joyless birthday.
Terribleness is bipartisan.  There would’ve been dreadful consequences for America if Trump had commandeered the Republican Party 36 years ago despite having no principles aside from wanting to boss around people.  The only upside would’ve been getting this horrendous bout out of the way so we wouldn’t still be dreading another root canal of a term.  Saddam Hussein would presently be residing in a palace in Kuwait too gaudy for everyone except Trump.
I simply can’t believe an all-time nitwit is diminishing.  It’s not a far fall.  Biden has always been wrong about everything even before he lost count of how many grandchildren he is.  Pop-Pop has always wanted American power invested in the IRS, not the Defense Department.  As a throwback, he was wrong about how to win the Cold War and resisting Ronald Reagan’s tax cuts.  A supreme failure got the dreadful policies he wanted just like he would’ve in the previous century.
Biden helpfully illustrates why being president is not necessarily an accomplishment.  Conservatives who hope to diminish executive power can at least thank him for showing why concentrated power is frightening.  Biden’s sole contribution is making that goal more likely.  Of course, the doltish head of state is only helpful inadvertently.  You’ve seen the consequences of his deliberate attempt at assistance, and Americans remain more broke than when he decided to make everyone rich.  
The real president will continue to be marionettists who are as bad at manipulating their ostensible boss as they are leaving Americans alone.  The pushy scheme of furtive will editors revolves around keeping their figurehead in place.  He cooperates, sort of.  For someone loath to work, Biden won’t retire.  That’s because he’s never tried hard.
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elefantebu · 8 months
E arde o olho?
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Por Djenane Arraes
O título em português não faz justiça ao título original. Aquela noite não mudou o pop. Por outro lado, como o título em inglês diz respeito a um fato: foi sim uma das grandes noites da música pop. Seja lá a memória que você tenha da música, por gostar genuinamente dela, ou por ter cantado a exaustão a escrachada versão “e arde o olho” quando criança, não há dúvidas de que We Are The World te marcou de alguma maneira. O documentário recém-lançado na Netflix, “A Noite Que Mudou o Pop” fala do impacto que a canção composta por Lionel Ritchie e Michael Jackson teve no mundo da música pop, no sentido de que foi uma iniciativa endossada por um bando de astros da primeira metade dos anos 1980 em prol de uma boa causa.
A maneira como a música precisou ser feita às pressas não é o ponto mais interessante. A logística que envolveu a reunião de todos aqueles artistas em uma única noite para gravar We Are The World foi inacreditável, sobretudo porque os envolvidos nesse projeto em particular assim agiram de forma voluntária. Além de Lionel, o principal articulador, e Michael Jackson, a música foi produzida pelo lendário Quincy Jones, e ainda contou com a participação de Cindy Lauper, Bob Dylan, Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles, Bruce Springsteen, Billy Joel, Tina Turner, e de uns artistas cuja memória demora a localizá-los, como Kenny Loggins (o cara que fez Footloose e Danger Zone) e Huey Lewis (???). Bom, você pode acessar o Wikipedia e ver a lista completa de todas as pessoas envolvidas. O que o documentário mostra, e de um jeito fascinante, é que colocar todas essas pessoas juntas em um estúdio foi nada simples, e por isso mesmo que a história é tão fascinante.
Há muitos detalhes na produção que são inacreditáveis. Por exemplo, os artistas reunidos fizeram naturalmente um coro lindo. A inteligência musical e treino vocal deles fez com que a bela harmonização saísse como mágica. Mas daí a câmera foca em Bob Dylan, e o compositor, que nunca foi lá bom cantor, estava absolutamente perdido. Dylan teve dificuldades inclusive de fazer as linhas de solo dele, e precisou da mágica de Stevie Wonder para guia-lo. Cindy Lauper quase desistiu de participar por causa da opinião do namorado dela à época, que achava que a música não era boa e não seria um hit. Na gravação, os penduricalhos que Cindy usava estava atrapalhando na captação do áudio. Uma voz fantasma interferiu no solo de Dionne Warwick, e foi preciso diversos takes para que o trio formado por Dionne, Willie Nelson e Al Jarreau se acertasse porque o último estava bêbado. Stevie Wonder queria fazer alterações de última hora na música. Não deu certo, porém isso provocou a desistência de um cantor de country music.
A ausência de Prince foi lamentada. Prince estava no auge a época por ser um artista multi-instrumentista, sofisticado e talentoso. Eu sou indiferente ao Prince. Quer dizer, pegue um ouvinte regular de rádio. É provável que essa pessoa faça uma lista de hits da Madonna, do Michael Jackson e até mesmo da Cindy Lauper. Mas eu duvido muito que essa pessoa seja capaz de fazer uma lista de hits do Prince, e até mesmo que se lembre de alguma coisa além de Purple Rain.
Quincy Jones tinha apenas uma noite para fazer a música, e para tudo funcionar, além do profissionalismo e da colaboração dos envolvidos. Ele escreveu um cartaz na entrada do estúdio: deixe o seu ego na porta. Ou seja, um lembrete que se alguém fosse agir como estrela e dar pitacos, nada funcionaria. Ninguém agiu assim, apesar de que, como é dito no documentário, foi como ensinar uma classe de crianças na escola tamanha a excitação desses artistas ao se verem juntos num mesmo ambiente para fazer um trabalho em comum. Particularmente, eu não gosto da letra de We Are The World, mas que produção, meus amigos.
Em tempo: já viu a versão feita 25 anos depois em prol do Haiti? Aquela que começa com Justin Bieber? Putz... sem comentários.
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derschandstaatinfo · 1 year
Das Netzwerk Lead Horizon und die derzeitigen Anschuldigungen!
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Gegen Michael Putz, den Mehrheitseigentümer von Lead Horizon, dem in der Corona-Pandemie bekannt gewordenen Anbieter von Alles Gurgelt-Test-Kits, wird bereits seit Dezember 2022 von der Staatsanwaltschaft Wien ermittelt, bestätigt die Behörde.
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https://www.northdata.de/Putz,+Michael,+Wien/gle Lead Horizon steht unter Verdacht der Untreue, Urkunden- und Beweismittelfälschung. Ob bei der Untreue ein Schaden über der Wertgrenze von 300.000 Euro in Betracht kommt, ist noch offen. „Das ist Gegenstand der laufenden Ermittlungen“, stellt Behördensprecherin Nina Bussek fest. Wäre dem Beschuldigten ein angerichteter Vermögensschaden von mehr als 300.000 Euro nachzuweisen, hätte das im Fall einer Verurteilung Auswirkungen auf den Strafrahmen. Der liegt dann bei einem bis zu zehn Jahren Haft. Für den Verdächtigen, der die Vorwürfe bestreitet, gilt die Unschuldsvermutung. In einer Stellungnahme betont Lead Horizon, es werde nicht gegen das Unternehmen ermittelt: „Es handelt sich um eine Auseinandersetzung auf Gesellschafterebene.“ Lead Horizon sei bereits 2021 in dieser Angelegenheit von einem unabhängigen Sonderprüfer bis ins kleinste Detail geprüft worden, ohne dass dabei jegliche Unregelmäßigkeiten zutage gefördert werden konnten. Die Ermittlungen beruhen auf einer Sachverhaltsdarstellung, die einer der Gründer von Lead Horizon, Christoph Steininger, bei der Wiener Anklagebehörde eingebracht hat. Steininger ist nicht mehr in dem Unternehmen tätig. Konkret ermittelt wird unter anderem, weil der Beschuldigte in mehreren Fällen Gelder aus dem Unternehmen genommen haben soll und somit andere Eigentümer und die Firma geschädigt haben soll. Es gehe etwa um Umbauarbeiten in einem Büro des Verdächtigen. Von einem Schaden in der Höhe von fast einer Viertel Million Euro ist die Rede. Auch soll der Mann eine seiner anderen Firmen um mehr als 80.000 Euro beauftragt haben, obwohl die gar nicht über die notwendige Gewerbeberechtigung verfügt haben soll. Ein weiterer Vorwurf: Der Verdächtige soll ein Angebot einer Beratungsfirma verändert haben, somit wird auch wegen Urkunden- und Beweismittelfälschung ermittelt. Als der Virologe Steininger das Unternehmen verlassen hat, soll der Verdächtige auch dessen Sicherheitsagenden übernommen haben, obwohl er weder Virologe, noch Arzt oder Pharmakologe ist. Das Medizinproduktegesetz schreibt vor, dass diese Funktion nur eine Person mit der zur Ausübung ihrer Tätigkeit erforderlichen Sachkenntnis und Zuverlässigkeit ausüben dürfe. Der Beschuldigte soll diese Funktion monatelang weiter behalten haben. Dazu teilt Lead Horizon mit, der Sicherheitsbeauftragte sei nicht für die Entwicklung des Medizinprodukts oder die Bewertung dessen technischer Eigenschaften in puncto Qualität und Wirksamkeit verantwortlich gewesen, sondern nur für die Bearbeitung von bekanntgewordenen Risikohinweisen. Insofern habe der Beschuldigte die damaligen gesetzlichen Voraussetzungen an den Sicherheitsbeauftragten erfüllt.
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https://www.firmenabc.at/lead-horizon-international-gmbh_zrCE "Die Ermittlungen gegen den Eigentümer der Corona-Test-Firma Lead Horizon zeigen, dass sich die Stadt Wien - in der Landesregierung der SPÖ und Neos - einmal mehr mit fragwürdigen Partnern umgeben hat", meint ÖVP-Generalsekretär Christian Stocker. Von der Staatsanwaltschaft untersucht wird weiters auch noch der Umgang von Lead Horizon mit der Sicherheit der eigenen Tests. Als Mitte 2022 überlegt wurde, die Pufferflüssigkeit im Probenröhrchen mit dem roten Deckel einzusparen, äußerte Virologe Steininger bei der Generalversammlung heftige Zweifel. Weiters befürchtete Steininger, die zu erwartende Virusstabilität sei deutlich unterschiedlich, wenn das Gurgelat in phosphatgepufferte Salzlösung (PBS-Puffer), Kochsalzlösung oder ein leeres Röhrchen gespuckt werde. Es besteht die Gefahr, dass Testergebnisse falsch-negativ ausfallen könnten. Zwei Millionen Tests sind laut Unternehmensangaben ausgeliefert worden. Dazu merkt Lead Horizon in der Stellungnahme an: „Es befand sich zu jeder Zeit eine Pufferlösung im Testkit. Die Stabilisierungswerte mit der neuen Pufferlösung sind nachweislich ident oder besser.“ Unternehmen seien gesetzlich für die Richtigkeit und die Vollständigkeit ihrer Meldung verantwortlich: "Die Nichteinhaltung oder die Meldung inkorrekter Angaben stellt eine Verwaltungsübertretung dar, die von der zuständigen Bezirksverwaltungsbehörde entsprechend geahndet wird." Nachdem das Bundesamt für Sicherheit im Gesundheitswesen (BASG) über die Vorwürfe gegen den Mehrheitseigentümer von Lead Horizon Kenntnis erlangt hat, sei zur Klärung des Sachverhaltes ein entsprechendes Ermittlungsverfahren zur Überprüfung, wer dort die Sicherheits-Agenden hatte, eingeleitet worden, teilte das Ministerium mit. Dazu merkt das Gesundheitsministerium an, der Hersteller eines Medizinprodukts müsse vor dessen Inverkehrbringen eine Konformitätsbewertung durchführen. Diese erfolge in Eigenverantwortung des Herstellers, eine behördliche Einbindung ist zu diesem Zeitpunkt rechtlich nicht vorgesehen. Wenn diese erfolgreich durchlaufen wurde, kann der Hersteller eine CE-Kennzeichnung anführen und die Produkte am Markt platzieren. Mit Anbringen der CE-Kennzeichnung bestätigt der Hersteller, dass alle zutreffenden Anforderungen erfüllt wurden. Die Testkits hat Lead Horizon entwickelt und hergestellt, ausgewertet werden die Proben in den Laboren der Firma Lifebrain.
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https://covimedical.de/ Zudem wurde auch bekannt, dass eine Millionen-Klage gegen Lead Horizon am Wiener Handelsgericht anhängig ist. Das deutsche Unternehmen CoviMedical hat am Wiener Handelsgericht gegen Lead Horizon eine Klage mit einem Streitwert von 3,3 Millionen Euro eingebracht. Lead Horizon sieht die Vorwürfe als unberechtigt. CoviMedical ging im März 2022 eine Geschäftsbeziehung mit Lead Horizon ein. Die Wiener PCR-Test-Kits sollten an 200 Standorten in Deutschland flächendeckend ausgeliefert werden. Ein Kaufvertrag über eine Million Test-Kits wurde abgeschlossen, den CoviMedical nun allerdings für nichtig erachtet. Unter der Geschäftszahl 31 Cg 93/22v ist am Handelsgericht Wien eine Klage auf Rückabwicklung des Kaufvertrags anhängig. Für Lead Horizon sind die Vorwürfe gleichermaßen unberechtigt wie unhaltbar.
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https://at.linkedin.com/in/claudia-gessler-zwickl-43848a46 Auf der Seite von Lead Horizon wird im Impressum die Geschäftsführerin Claudia Gessler-Zwickl angegeben, die wiederum auch Geschäftsführerin von Fertilabs GmbH ist. Man sieht hier eindeutig, dass sehr viele Firmenverflechtungen stattfinden und stattgefunden haben. Es wurden mehr als 60 Millionen Tests mit Lead Horizon durchgeführt! Allein in deren Referenz-Projekt "Alles gurgelt!" wurden 25 Millionen Tests innerhalb eines Jahres durchgeführt.
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https://www.northdata.de/Gessler-Zwickl,+Claudia+Maria+Elisabeth+Margareta,+Wien/17u7 LEADHorizon_Produktdatenblatt_Gurgeltest_V01Herunterladen Es gilt die Unschuldsvermutung https://der-schandstaat.info/das-schlimmste-steht-noch-bevor-da-covid-spike-proteine-das-endokrine-system-langsam-belasten-warnt-dr-cadegiani-vor-einem-anstieg-hormonbedingter-krankheiten/ Read the full article
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trmpt · 2 years
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rnewspost · 2 years
Ex-RNC Chair Michael Steele Rips 'Putz' Tucker Carlson After Racist Meltdown
Specifically, Carlson seems to think Biden isn’t appointing enough white men. “Out of 97 federal judges confirmed under Joe Biden, total number of white men: Five,” he griped on Monday night. “Twenty-two are Black women, so this is race-based hiring. It’s illegal!” The federal judiciary is overwhelmingly white and male. The American Bar Association said last year that 70 percent of all sitting…
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newswireml · 2 years
Ex-RNC Chair Michael Steele Rips 'Putz' Tucker Carlson After Racist Meltdown#ExRNC #Chair #Michael #Steele #Rips #Putz #Tucker #Carlson #Racist #Meltdown
Specifically, Carlson seems to think Biden isn’t appointing enough white men. “Out of 97 federal judges confirmed under Joe Biden, total number of white men: Five,” he griped on Monday night. ��Twenty-two are Black women, so this is race-based hiring. It’s illegal!” The federal judiciary is overwhelmingly white and male. The American Bar Association said last year that 70 percent of all sitting…
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crazycrackersworld · 2 years
So I watched the Halloween movie that came out in 2018, and while I was watching it that same old feeling started rumbling in my stomach that same old feeling that I've I felt so many times before, you know of being a putz an idiot I'm just always going to be in the friend zone it's just like repeating high school over and over again. Anyways I got that feeling in my stomach so after that movie. I decided to go out and go for a 2 mile jog/walk while also playing my Pokemon Go game, and although being out for about an hour and a half two hours alas still no Pikachu in a Halloween costume, and I've never gone this deep into the month of October without finding one so I'm a little confused and irritated.
So I was out of the house for like I said about 2 hours and now it's nice and dark and I'm back in my room and I'm going to watch Halloween Kills for a second time and then I am going to watch Halloween Ends, and after that I'm not sure.
But as I watch these movies and I watch this hulking like ghost original ghost-faced non-speaking silent force of nature obliterate everybody in his path it's got me to thinking, maybe that's what I need to strive for.
I think maybe I need to just strive to be as cold, as unfeeling, as uncaring, as in human I suppose as the man known as the shape, the boogeyman, Michael Myers. Maybe if I can achieve that level of just inner nothingness I won't have to worry about my mushy insides ever getting hurt again. Ever. So perhaps just an empty soulless shell and indomitable will to eliminate anything in my way is exactly what I need.
And perhaps if I continue to exercise and eat right and work out while achieving that mental state I'll be able to shave off this annoying 25 lb that I'm trying to get rid of before I turn 50. Also I am highly considering signing up for the Rock 'N Run 5K again this year. And even though my dear cousin didn't seem interested in signing up for it I'm really considering signing up for it just myself this time I actually want to run it so yeah changes are going to be made.
And now hopefully even though I'm f****** sick and tired of everything. Much I'll be able to finish off these movies and maybe just maybe tonight I'll get some sleep.
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jayther · 2 years
There are two types of smoke alarm. One of 'em ain't so good. Which one is better? Now that's a burning question. Also, don't start tearing apart smoke alarms and playing with the americium. It's mostly harmless when outside your body but if it gets in there can be trouble. Links 'n' stuff: The 60 minutes programme; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LT6pFzyAov8 Technology Connections on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TechConnectify The TC Subreddit https://ift.tt/9v0ETLH This channel is supported through viewer contributions on Patreon. Thanks to the generous support of people like you, Technology Connections has remained independent and possible. If you'd like to join the amazing people who've pledged their support, check out the link below. Thank you for your consideration! https://ift.tt/DVqUkPl Oh, and look at these wonderful patrons! Hargrimm , jay, Syber-Space, Todd Johnson, Nuki Chau, Chris & Anne Nash, Jordi Pakey-Rodriguez, Jim Moores, Ryan Wallmow, Roger Melo, AuroranFilms, RegalRegex, Michael Lehenbauer, James Manes, Mihaly Barasz, Potatoots, Mark Johansson, Lee Dedmon, Berwin Xie, Grey Hodge, Jim Kropa, Tony B, David Collins, Alex Carbone, Ben Golus, Tim Doering, Jonathan Grayum, Kodi , Colin Chan, Mark Komarinski, Jeff Groves, Ryan McLaughlin, J.P. Stewart, NADAV GERBER, Zac Schmitt, Bryce Swearingen, Nathan Fenner, Rittycat , Huub Heijnen, Joseph Dion, Jim Sells, Dustin Gilyard, KoolJBlack, nils m, Damione Moore, Jeremy Weeks, Carolyn Gerakines, Cameron Ross, samukaisan, Kyle Boreing, Ben Waxler, Jason Fortezzo, Andreas Neidlinger, Jason Stonehouse, Andy Warren, Rowan Parker, Steven Dubnoff, Keaton Mowery, Brett and Eric, Alexander Koch, Alipasha Sadri, Jimmy2Guys , Dash Buck, Christopher Schreiber, R. Anthony Lorensen, glw, Adam Zaner, Bob , Emil , Dad , Holden Higgins, Zach Orum, HJ, michael waddle, Tayler Heaney, Ryan, Nate Tangsurat, Jim Cavoli, Scott Waldron, Lars Naurath, Mike SoRelle, BabyET, Nick Blair, Richard Stephens, Ken Kasal, Bryce Chidester, Philip Buonadonna, BoneDepot, Barbara Ganschow, Amanda , Andy , Inkydink , Colin Mutter, Ray Everett, Connor Taffe, Nope, Todd Hawk, Rich Delgado, Brian Hamilton, Caius Worthen, Justin Byers, Falldog , Scott 'Funnyjk', David Guerrero, John Feldman, Ted Ledbetter, Tobias Putz, Caytlin Vilbrandt, Alex Rich, Geo (Overand), Nikhill Rao, Robert Fletcher, William PS, Douglas Geusz, Alexane Desbiens, Nick Kourpias, stateless.eth, Benhart, Sammy Newton, Lew Zealand, Shaitageth, Mason DeBord, Jarocks, Benjamin Richards, Chris Brosz, Stewart , Kyle Burton, Jonas, Woofy, Russell Grant, Dan Simon, cparks1000000 , Kyle, false, David Glover-Aoki, iPaq, Peter Murray, probnot, Mike West via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DuAeaIcAXtg
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justineportraits · 3 years
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Michael Putz-Richard      Le Trône de Paon
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Michael Putz-Richard - Orpheus and Eurydice, 1868.
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gutachter · 2 years
St. Michael in schlechtem Zustand: Gemeinde Peißenberg „sollte sich wesentlich mehr um die Kapelle kümmern“
St. Michael in schlechtem Zustand: Gemeinde Peißenberg „sollte sich wesentlich mehr um die Kapelle kümmern“
Peißenberg: „…Der Erzengel Michael wird als Himmelsstreiter dargestellt. Mit Feuerschwert, Lanze und Schild wehrt er den Bösen und das Böse ab“, heißt es auf einer Info-Tafel, die an der Kapelle von St. Michael aufgestellt ist. Doch gegen die Witterungseinflüsse am Osthang des Hohen Peißenbergs ist selbst der Himmelsretter machtlos. Die Wetterseite der Kapelle ist ziemlich in Mitleidenschaft…
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shield-o-futuro · 3 years
Qual foi o sonho mais estranho que vocês já tiveram?
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Scarlett: Eu tenho tantos sonhos bizarros o tempo todo, que nem sei escolher qual foi o mais estranho.
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Logan: Acho que eu fico na mesma. Do nada eu tenho uns sonhos muito nada a ver.
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Aiden: Uma vez, enquanto eu estava passando uns dias com meu pai e os Guardiões, eu sonhei que eu tinha uma planta-vaca de estimação. E aí eu ficava andando com aquele treco pra todo lado e uma hora ela atacou o Drax e ele ficou puto e foi quando eu acordei.  
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Sam: Deixa eu ver... eu acho que o sonho mais estranho que eu já tive foi um em que eu fazia parte do clube dos otários de IT, e nós estávamos caçando o Michael Myers . Apesar de ter sido um pouco estranho foi um sonho bem legal.
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Megan: Não sei se quero contar meu sonho mais estranho aqui.
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Connor: Por que, Megan? Sonhou com o que ou quem? Bom, de qualquer maneira, já sonhei que um hamster gigante de gelo tava comendo minha perna, aí quando acordei eu vi que era o hamster do Mason que tinha escapado da gaiola dele durante a noite e tava mordendo meu dedão.
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Mason: Putz, eu não costumo me lembrar dos meus sonhos. É frustrante porque as vezes eu sei que tenho sonhos legais e interessantes mas ai eu acordo e já era.
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Abby:  Sou igual ao Mason, me esqueço rápido dos meus sonhos legais, engraçados e estranhos, mas infelizmente consigo me lembrar com clareza dos meus pesadelos.
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Hazel: Já aviso que o meu é bem estranho e até agora eu só tinha contado pra Scarlly. Depois daquele dia em que e o Mitch e eu acidentalmente acabamos no meio de uma missão com o Doutor Estranho e a Magia, eu sonhei que nós dois éramos de uma gangue de motoqueiros e caçadores de monstros mágicos, e que trabalhávamos junto com a Alex, o Matt, e o Draco Malfoy, com quem eu era casada.
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