#Michard Mouse in the mirror: um. hello????????
Ruggie, Rook: How Tongues Twist
I was late for Vil’s birthday but on time for Ruggie’s ✨ By chance, the third chapter of the Episode of Savanaclaw manga dropped (in Japanese) today. It’s like the TWST fans also got a birthday present!
It sure must suck for Ruggie to be stuck with Rook as an interviewer 😂 (At least his bouquet isn't all yellow like the weirdness of Trey's/Sebek’s all green bouquets-) Ruggie’s Groovy though 🤡 You see where his feet are???? How the pitch of the heel is riding on the broom handle… Dude’s livin’ life on the edge there, I worry he’ll topple off!!
***Note: I use the Japanese term "madol" for TWST's currency; it is the same as "thaumark" (EN). I also use "Magical Shift"; it is the same as "Spelldrive" (EN).***
A Boy in Bloom, and his Flowering Future.
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"How do you spend your spare time, Monsieur Dent-de-Lion?"
Ruggie stiffened, his eyes narrowing with suspicion. "... This isn't some kinda trick question, is it? Knowing the weird stuff you do for fun, you already know the answer."
In spite of the pointed accusation, Rook's grin persisted. "Non! All that I am aware of is your enduring loyalty to Leona-kun. I've witnessed you many a time headed to the cafeteria or to the Mystery Shop to fetch his desired goods.
"Why, just yesterday, you obtained a deluxe menchi-katsu sandwich at 12:43 pm, only to spend 2 minutes and 31 seconds picking out the lettuce shreddings from it--on account of Roi du Leon's aversion to vegetables. On the way to deliver the meal, you happened upon a 1000 madol bill and so giddily swept it up, humming a merry tune on the rest of the walk."
"Dude, talk about a crazy amount of unnecessary detail!!"
"Fufu. I can see that you like to keep yourself busy. There doesn't appear to be much spare time to speak of in your daily life."
Ruggie sighed, but he didn't press the matter further. Protesting never did him any good with the huntsman. "I guess you could say that. Between my part-time gigs and Magical Shift practice, that doesn't leave me a lot of wiggle room for myself. I do manage to squeeze some in though, 'specially if there's free stuff involved. Gotta take what I can get, nishishishishi!"
"Oh la la~ What dedication to your work. Your tenacity is truly something to behold. It's as though you were a single red rose blooming in a barren desert in defiance of Mother Nature's harshness."
The birthday boy shot Rook a confused stink eye.
"Anyway," Ruggie continued, "I have to beef up my resume if I wanna land a good job after graduation. Extracurriculars and work experience will definitely help with that."
Rook gave a brief laugh. "No doubt that your linguistic abilities will also be a great boon to you. You already possess proficiency in a number of animal languages, as well as knowledge of common phrases in some human tongues from the jobs you've taken up at resorts and hotels over school breaks."
Ruggie's eyes bulged. "... And how exactly do you know that?"
The huntsman's lids lowered, his irises concealed half-moons. His smile, too, turned just as mysterious, even if his tone was still bright as day.
"Call it a lucky guess!"
"There's nothing 'lucky' about that!" Ruggie cried out in exasperation. Sheesh, this guy's nothin' to sneeze at.
He took a breath, settling his frazzled fur and wrangling his nerves. Calm collected, Ruggie threw an impish response at his interviewer.
"You're not too shabby with animal languages yourself. Not surprising, seein' as you spend so much time around animals. You know the language of the City of Flowers too--I heard it when you were talkin' to some of the street vendors on our outing." He brought a curled hand to his mouth. "So you have a connection to that part of Pyroxene or what? Go on, I'm all ears."
Again, Rook gave a laugh. This time, it was accompanied by the slight furrowing of his brows.
"Oh, it's just something I picked up," he said dismissively, then pivoted. "Language can open up new avenues of exploration and communication. In learning such skills, you're thinking of the future, not solely your immediate needs."
"Obviously. Cuz if I get a fish, then I'll eat for a day--but if I learn how to fish, then I'll never go hungry." A corner of Ruggie's mouth went crooked. "Back home, we had to get by day-by-day, but here at Night Raven College, I've got the chance to prove my mettle and make something of myself. If I work hard, then Granny and the neighborhood kids can..."
He didn't finish the statement, but his face shone like a star, as bright as the yellow of dandelion petals.
"Ah, Monsieur Dent-de-Lion!!" Rook gushed, clasping his hands together. "Your heart is as big as your appetite!!"
"Hah?! N-No way, lay off with that!!" Ruggie frantically waved his broom at him, as if sweeping the suggestion under a rug. "The financial security's just nice! I don't wanna worry about where my next meal comes from ever again!!"
"Fufufu, d'accord. I hope that you are able to recognize that dream of yours, remembering your roots and all."
Ruggie rested the handle of his broom on his shoulders. He leaned into Rook, cocking a brow, teeth bared in challenge.
“I got this in the bag.”
Rook's eyes glittered with wonder. "Come then! Show me the unconventional flying technique you've gleaned from your hometown. I wish to engrave your skyward visage into my mind!!"
“Do you really have to make everything sound so dramatic? No matter how many languages I learn to speak, I dunno if I’ll ever fully understand you.”
There was a soft chuckle. “Perhaps that is next on your list of languages to acquire!”
“Not from you for sure though.”
Ruggie shrugged and dropped his broom. It landed with a clatter on the stone staircase, red and purple and yellow petals flittering into the air.
He grinded his heels on the handle, determination welling in his chest. Ruggie gave Rook a look full of cheek.
“Whatever! If it’s a show you want, it’s a show you’ll get. Check this out… a new move I’ve been workin’ on!!”
The birthday boy threw his arms out to his left and to his right. On cue, his broom ascended in a sea of warm, golden sparks.
Rook’s hair flew in his face from the kickback of the takeoff. Clutching onto his feathered hat, he raced after Ruggue. Bewildered, bewitched.
Joyful howling filled the huntsman’s ears. Ruggie teetered only slightly on his ride, arms still splayed wide as he expertly balanced atop of it.
Colorful petals rained down on him like pieces of confetti. Fur and fabric swaying in the wind, Ruggie was like a dandelion seed, the fluff of it dancing in the breeze.
Living life, loving it, and wondering where the wind might carry him.
A hyena surfing throughly the sky, spotlighted and celebrated by sunshine—imagine that, Rook mused.
His tongue, tied at the very sight of it.
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