#Michele Medda
afnews7 · 3 months
Sergio Bonelli Editore: tornano gli albi BIS!
Anche quest’estate prosegue la tradizione Bonelli, iniziata nel 2021, degli albi BIS che nel mese di luglio affiancano le uscite regolari della casa editrice milanese. Vediamo insieme gli albi “extra” che potrete trovare in edicola dal prossimo 5 luglio: Nathan Never 397 BIS – Terra selvaggia In edicola venerdì 5 luglio, quest’albo scritto da Michele Medda e disegnato da Massimiliano Bergamo,…
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fireworkss-exe · 2 years
I saw Newsies at a community theater! Here are my thoughts (possibly slightly nonsensical):
I wasn't fond of this Jack at first. It felt like he was trying too hard to emulate Jeremy Jordan instead of putting his own spin on the character, but eventually he grew on me
Davy sounded EXACTLY like Ben Fankhauser- the speech patterns, the way he enunciated his words- everything, but he still managed to make the performance unique and original
This Crutchie's speech patterns were nearly identical to AKB's, but his expressions reminded me of Marty Belafksy
Sadly, I didn't really like the Katherine. She reminded me too much of Lea Michele
There were TONS of female newsies! Race, Albert, Romeo, and pretty much every ensemble newsie were all played by female performers (therefore making wlw newsies canon)
Wiesel's desk reminded me of Lucy's psychiatric help desk from Charlie Brown
Les was genuinely really funny (and Not Annoying!!)
Medda reminded me a lot of Ursula from the Little Mermaid- she had white hair and a dark purple dress, so maybe that was what gave her Ursula energy
The Bowery Beauties wore black and danced with Medda during That's Rich
Pulitzer's assistants looked like corrupt 1980s businessmen
The newsies pretended to be asleep when Jack asked them about Brooklyn
Jack was really buff??
The newsies catcalled Katherine at Jacobi's
Jacobi was a hippie
Crutchie showed Katherine a nickel when she made the nickel comment
Davy improvised a little of the scene prior to Seize the Day
The Seize the Day dance break reminded me a lot of 92sies
Les looked at the other newsies during the Seize the Day dance break in the exact same way he looked at the Bowery Beauties
Jack fell to his knees at the end of Santa Fe and just fucking LOST IT. Bawling and stuff. It was definitely something
The other newsies mocked Race for the "erster" thing
Jacobi danced with the newsies in King of New York
Davy spun Katherine around and lifted her up during King of New York (weirdly enough, they had more romantic tension than anyone else in this show. And I don't even ship them)
Davy did a little dance after the "above the fold" line
The argument at the theater prior to Watch What Happens Reprise had major Marriage Story energy? Like that one scene where that guy punches a hole in the wall? You know what I mean
Snyder was Southern for some reason?
Hannah probably had a crush on Jack (she was super excited when he came to the office, always laughed at his jokes, etc.)
Jack spit on Pulitzer (king moment)
Spot was really tiny (yep, tinier than Gabriel Damon AND Tommy Bracco) and had a really soft voice
Jack hugged Crutchie and Spot during the finale
The Delanceys sang along with the finale
At the curtain call, the actor who played Jack said "I love you mom <3" and I thought that was really sweet
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comicsart3 · 2 years
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Rebecca “Legs” Lawrence Weaver, an Italian futuristic private investigator cracks a case while nostalgising about her detective mother before interrogating and tying up the perp she has captured.
Rebecca was the creation of Michele Medda, Antonio Sera and Bepe Vigna. Starting as the female sidekick to Nathan Never in Agente Speciale Alfa #1, she appeared in her own title, Legs Weaver, between 1994 and 2005.
This panel is from the astounding collection of Mats Karlsson.
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year
La stand-up dei comici italo-stranieri e il concorso per comici emergenti “La Cicala d’Oro”: gli appuntamenti della rassegna bolognese “Cuor Leggero”
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La stand-up dei comici italo-stranieri e il concorso per comici emergenti “La Cicala d’Oro”: gli appuntamenti della rassegna bolognese “Cuor Leggero”. Nuove comicità nel Parco dei Pini per “Cuor Leggero”, la rassegna di stand-up di Teatri di Vita: 4 spettacoli con i rappresentanti della risata italo-straniera Nathan Kiboba, Horea Sas, Xhuliano Dule e John Modupe, e 16 concorrenti da tutta la penisola, da Torino a Catania, dai 27 ai 58 anni (selezionati tra oltre 60 partecipanti), che si sfideranno nella seconda edizione del concorso “La Cicala d’Oro” per stand-up comedian emergenti, presentata da Alessio Genchi e Innocenzo Capriuoli. L’appuntamento è dall’11 al 15 agosto a Teatri di Vita (via Emilia Ponente, 485, Bologna; tel. 333.4666333; teatridivita.it), nell’ambito di “Bologna Estate 2023”, il cartellone di attività promosso e coordinato dal Comune di Bologna e dalla Città metropolitana di Bologna - Territorio Turistico Bologna-Modena, con il sostegno della Regione Emilia Romagna e il contributo della Fondazione del Monte. Gran finale il giorno di Ferragosto, che inizia con il pranzo delle Cucine Popolari, prosegue tutto il pomeriggio con le esibizioni dei concorrenti, per concludersi la sera con i 5 super-finalisti. La stand-up comedy di “Cuor Leggero” passa attraverso la comicità degli artisti italo-stranieri, che sollecitano con le loro battute non solo la risata, ma anche l’invito a uno sguardo diverso sui migranti, sugli stranieri e sugli italiani stessi. Si inizia venerdì 11 agosto con “Black Friday” di e con Nathan Kiboba, originario della Repubblica popolare del Congo, e attuale amatissimo volto de “Le Iene” su Italia 1: uno spettacolo che il comico definisce “in nero, come la maggior parte del lavoro in questo Paese”. Sabato 12, tocca a Horea Sas, originario della Romania, che è comparso su “Comedy Central” fin dal 2020, e che in “Stand-up” coinvolge il pubblico in un viaggio alla scoperta della sua vita privata, tra storie di droghe leggere e aneddoti sull’Europa dell’Est. Domenica 13 è la volta di Xhuliano Dule, drammaturgo e sceneggiatore, ma soprattutto, come dice il titolo del suo spettacolo, “Un albanese asintomatico”, che attraversa le tappe dell’integrazione e si sofferma sulla... disintegrazione che ne deriva. E infine lunedì 14 si esibirà John Modupe, di origine nigeriana, e autore di irresistibili podcast sui social: a Teatri di Vita presenterà “Il cugino di Carlo Magno”: un travolgente gioco di rovesciamenti di prospettive. Ogni giorno, dall’11 al 14 agosto, si svolgerà una tappa del concorso “La Cicala d’Oro”, giunta alla sua seconda edizione (la prima, nel 2022, fu vinta da John Vincent): 4 concorrenti a sera, da cui ogni volta uscirà un finalista votato dal pubblico. Nel pomeriggio di Ferragosto, dopo il grande pranzo solidale all’aperto, predisposto dalle Cucine Popolari, si esibiranno nuovamente i 12 non finalisti, tra cui il pubblico potrà ripescarne uno. La super-finale con i 5 comici si svolgerà la sera di Ferragosto, questa volta di fronte a una giuria qualificata, con la proclamazione del vincitore. Maestri di cerimonie: Alessio Genchi e Innocenzo Capriuoli. I 16 concorrenti di quest’anno sono Stefano Campagnolo “Virgigno”, Marco Passarello, Altea Bonatesta, Silvio Perfetti, Alberto Grezzani, Carlo Alberto Montori, Matteo Picardi, Giulia Trippetta, Silvia Priscilla Bruni, Annalisa Dianti Cordone, Alessandra Ricotta “Ale Tonda”, Serena Bongiovanni, Michele Breda, Filippo Rizzo, Valentina Medda, Graziana Allegra.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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telodogratis · 2 years
Nathan Never-Justice League in anteprima a Lucca Comics & Games 2022
Nathan Never-Justice League in anteprima a Lucca Comics & Games 2022
Read More Nathan Never-Justice League: Doppio Universo è pronto ad arrivar in libreria e fumetteria, ma prima ancora al Lucca Comics & Games 2022. Gli universi narrativi dei personaggi di DC Comics e di Sergio Bonelli Editore si incontrano nello storico team-up scritto da Michele Medda, Bepi Vigna e Adriano Barone, per i disegni di Sergio Giardo e Nathan Never-Justice League in anteprima a Lucca…
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wurmstuggu · 5 years
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Nicola Mari
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Nathan Never Rinascita: tutte le copertine (by Germano Bonazzi)
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Welcome to the World, Little One
This is a continuation of my “Life in the ER” series. To catch up on the series, you can click here. This is the story behind baby Kelly's birth.
Warnings include: cursing, hospital, needles, mentions of surgery, blood, pain, and the emergency room.
July 5, 2020 4:00pm
“Do you boys need anything before I take off for the afternoon?” Plums tossed a chart on the counter, giving Albert and Spot a glance, leaning against the counter, rubbing her heavily pregnant belly.
“Pizza, beer, cheetos, need I go on?” Spot raised an eyebrow, grinning at Plums.
She leaned over and swatted him, cursing her big belly for getting in the way. “Smartass. Do you need anything related to the job?”
“Nah I think we’re good.” Albert said with a grin. “When do you start maternity leave?”
Kat looked around the busy room, feeling comfortable with the constant beeping of monitors and the quiet murmurs of conversations around her. Looking between the two, she sighed. “Not soon enough. I’m working until this baby comes.”
“Have you figured out names yet?” Spot asked, knowing that was a hotly contested debate between Jack and Katherine.
Sighing, her eye caught the clock as she shook her head. “We’ve got middle names figured out but a list a mile long with first names. We figured we’d see them first before figuring out a first name.”
“Can we know? Are you telling people?” Albert leaned forward, full display of puppy dog eyes on display.
A commotion at the bay doors caught their attention as Kat grinned brightly. Jack walked over to where she stood, leaning over to kiss her before shaking hands with Spot and Albert. “Afternoon boys.”
“You’re not letting her drive, huh?” Spot asked, looking at his brother-in-law with a grin.
Kat sighed while Jack nodded. “He took away my driving privileges thus he is my chauffeur now.”
“So what was with the serious looks when I walked in?” Jack asked, mimicking his wife’s stance.
She grinned. “They were asking me if they could know the middle names we picked out.”
“I don’t care. Share if you want.” Jack shrugged as Spot and Albert both turned to Plums with their puppy dog eyes.
Kat smirked. “Charlotte and Robert and that’s all you’re getting from me. Ready, Jack? See you tomorrow boys.”
And with that, the two of them headed out of the hospital, leaving Spot and Albert grinning at the desk.
Soon there were several ambulances at the door, causing Spot and Albert to spring into action, busy for the rest of the afternoon.
Leaning back in his chair, Spot sighed loudly. He was eight hours into his 12 hour shift and the last four hours had been a nightmare with more gunshot wounds and a heart attack victim than a normal night. This was the first time he was able to sit down and catch his breath. Hearing his stomach growl, he looked over at Albert, who was sitting next to him charting.
“Wanna go grab some food? I’m starving.” Spot pushed back his chair and stood, not waiting for Albert to follow suit.
The two headed towards the cafe, each lost in their own thoughts. They broke off, each getting their own food before meeting up at the table. “I feel like I haven’t even gotten to talk to you today - why does the day after fourth bring all the crazies out?”
“Because people think they’re suddenly smarter after drinking and partying and celebrating the birth of this country!” Albert explained dryly as he savored his mac and cheese.
Pointing his spoon at Albert, he didn’t get to say what he was thinking as Michelle, another nurse in the ER, skidded to a stop in front of their table. “Plums was just brought in. She’s in labor.”
Pushing back from the table, Spot and Albert both stood, quickly throwing their trash away before following Michelle back down to the Emergency Room. Spot took a deep breath before pushing through the doors, not knowing what was waiting for them on the other side.
“Spot, Albert, Plums is in Bay 3 getting checked out.” Romeo pointed out. Spot gave Albert a nod before heading in that direction.
Ducking through the curtains, he smiled seeing Jack and Plums along with several doctors and nurses around her. “Spot!”
Jack’s head quickly turned to him as Plums yelled out, holding out the hand that Jack wasn’t holding. He quickly was at her side, leaning over and kissing her already sweaty forehead. “Hi Spottie. Michelle said you were down at the cafe.”
“Yeah . . . it was the first time Al and I could get away to eat something.” Spot said, reaching over to clasp Jack’s hand with a grin. “But I hear we’re on baby watch now.”
Plums sighed, squeezing both his and Jack’s hands as a contraction hit. “That’s what they tell me.”
Jack pressed a kiss to her forehead before looking over at Spot. “Can you call Medda, Race, and Smalls and let them know?”
“Do you want them to come down?” Spot asked, raising an eyebrow at them. “Do you want me to call your parents?”
Jack looked at Kat with a grin before quickly nodding. “Tell them they can come down. I’ll call my parents later - you guys don’t need to be dealing with them. Are we heading upstairs?”
Spot looked over his shoulder at Dr. Smith, grinning at them. “We will be moving you upstairs shortly. We’re going to do a quick exam to see where you’re at then we’ll get you upstairs. Do either of you need anything?”
“Ice chips and an epidural.” Kat grinned, raising her eyebrows at her colleague.
“Slow your roll, Plums.” She grinned. “I’ll get your ice chips but let’s see how far along you are before I order an epidural.”
Spot chuckled at Plums expression before pointing out in the hallway. “I’ll just go make those phone calls.”
He quickly made the phone calls to Smalls and Medda before dialing Race’s number. “Spot, hey what’s up?”
“You need to get down to the hospital. Kat and Jack are in and Kat’s in labor.” Spot said, walking over to the nurse’s station and taking a seat.
“Did you call momma and Smalls?” Race asked.
Spot smiled. “Yeah, I called them first. Just make sure you get here quickly - I don’t have any details yet. Just that they’re in the ER, probably being moved upstairs.”
“I’m on my way. Do you need anything?” Race asked as Spot paused.
Spot watched Dr. Smith make her way out of Plums’ room. “Can you bring me a change of clothes? Sweatpants, hoodie, and tennis shoes. Might want to bring a deck of cards or a board game. I have a feeling we’re in for a long night.”
“Okay. I’ll see you in a bit, Spottie. Love you.” Race said as Spot echoed the words back to him.
Walking back to room, Spot entered Plums room with a grin. “Race, Smalls, and Medda are all on their way - I told them they’d be moving you upstairs.”
“I’m 6 cms along and they’re going to be moving me upstairs in the next few minutes.” Kat grinned.
“That’s good to hear.” Spot grinned. “I’m going to go make some rounds but I’ll send the crew up when they get here.”
Kat looked at him, reaching over to grab his hand. “You’ll be up there?”
“I wouldn’t miss it.” Spot promised, squeezing her hand and grinning before pressing a kiss to her forehead. “Do you need anything?”
Holding up her cup of ice chips, she grinned. “I’m all set. Go see your patients and we’ll see you upstairs.”
“Love you too Plums.” Spot grinned, blowing her a kiss before walking out of the room.
Stopping at the nurses’ station, he grabbed two charts, flipping through them as Albert gave him a long look. “Everything okay with Plums?”
“She’s six cms dilated and they’re about to move her upstairs. But Race, Smalls, and Medda are on their way so can you keep an eye out for them?” Spot asked as he grinned.
Albert nodded. “Let me know where they move Plums and I’ll send them up.”
“Sounds good.” Spot smiled before heading towards the hub of the ER to make his rounds.
Thirty minutes later, after catching his replacement up with what was going on in the department, he was back sitting at the nurses’ station, taking a moment to himself. “You okay?”
Looking up at Albert, Spot nodded. “Just taking a moment to myself. Didn’t think this night would go this way.”
“Plums got moved up to maternity, room 1184.” Albert smiled, clicking a few things on the computer. “I sent Race, Smalls, and Medda up about twenty minutes ago. Race asked about you.”
Spot grinned. “Of course he did. Alyssa’s here so I’m heading up. Did you let Finch know?”
“Not yet but now that I have a moment to breathe, I’m going to text him.” Albert held up his phone, giving Spot a grin. “We’ll both be up when I’m off work.”
Spot grinned. “From what Race texted, they’ve got us in a private waiting room. It looks like they want to keep the noise levels down.”
“Thanks, Spottie. I’ll be up there soon.” Albert promised, looking up from typing on his phone.
Spot slapped the countertop before making his way over to the elevator before pressing the up button. He texted Race that he was on his way up. Watching the elevator open up, he quickly entered before pressing the 11th floor button.
Soon he was walking off the elevator, looking for the waiting room where his family was. A nurse grinned at him. “Well lookie what the cat drug in? Mister I don’t do babies.”
“Haha, Alicia. It’s good to see you too.” Spot grinned. “Where’s Plums’ family?”
She pointed down the hallway. “We put them in the private room, just down there. Plums is in 1184. I take it you’ll be heading to the waiting room before going to her room?”
“You got it in one.” Spot grinned. “It’s good to see you Alicia. You should come back down to the ER every once in a while.”
She laughed. “And why would I do that? It’s nice and quiet up here.”
A yell came from one of the rooms as Spot raised an eyebrow in her direction with a smirk. “Sure.”
He waved at her before walking down the hallway to the private waiting room. He pushed open the door, peeking his head in. He grinned walking into the room, letting the door close gently behind him. Medda looked up, a grin crossing her face. “We were wondering when you’d get here.”
“Sorry momma, had to wait until my cover got here so I could get her up to speed.” Spot smiled, letting himself get pulled into a hug. Smalls quickly pulled him into a hug before Race hugged him before placing a kiss on his lips.
“Have you checked in on Jack and Kat?” Race asked, bouncing on his toes, eager for news.
Spot shook his head. “Not yet. I thought I’d check in with you guys before going to see them. Do you guys need anything?”
“No, I think we’re good. The nurse has been in here a couple of times checking up on us.” Race grinned. “Why don’t you go check up on them and let us know what’s going on?”
Spot kissed Race once more before leaving the room. He walked down the hallway before pausing in front of the room. He sighed, before walking into the frenzy of the room. He hung back, watching the nurse and the doctor look at the sonogram machine as they ran the doppler across Kat’s stomach. “Katherine, we need to prep you for emergency surgery - you have a Prolapsed umbilical cord and right now we need to get you down to surgery to save both you and the baby.”
With that, the room came alive and soon Katherine’s bed was on the move as Spot and Jack ran behind him. “What’s going on? What’s happening to my wife?”
“Spot, Jack.” Kat cried as they pushed the bed through double doors.
The nurse put her hand up, stopping both men in their path. “You can’t come in here. You’ll have to wait out here.”
Jack watched the nurse walk through the double doors as he carted his hand through his hair, turning to look at Spot, pain, worry, and frustration across his face. “Spottie . . . what’s wrong? What’s happening? Is our child going to be okay?”
Spot pulled Jack into a hug, letting his brother-in-law collapse into tears. “Shhh, Jack. She’s going to be okay.”
“And the baby?” Jack asked, looking up at him with worry in his eyes.
“Do you want it straight?” Spot sighed, leading him over to a set of chairs, looking at Jack dead in the eyes.
Jack collapsed into one before looking at the ground, nodding. “Yeah.”
“Katherine had something called a prolapsed umbilical cord, which is when the umbilical cord drops through her cervix into the vagina ahead of the baby.” Spot sighed. “It can be dangerous for the baby and that’s why the emergency surgery is necessary.”
Jack sighed, throwing his head back against the wall. “Can you go in there with her? I don’t want her to be alone.”
“I will try.” Spot said, pulling out his phone and shooting off a text to Albert and Race, letting them know where Jack was. “Let me see if they’ll let me in there but you have to stay out here.”
Jack nodded, as another round of tears fell down his face, worry evident across his face.
Spot glanced behind Jack at the closed doors before giving him a hug, slapping his hand to his shoulder before walking through the doors. He quickly scrubbed in, throwing on a surgical mask, before looking in the big bay window. “Spot, you can come in.”
He walked into the room and grinned behind his mask at Dr. Smith. “Thank you. I know this is unusual but . . .”
“I figured you’d weasel yourself into this room.” She nodded to him. “Stay up by her head - reassure her and soon we’ll have a baby party.”
Taking a seat on the stool, he reached over and kissed Kat’s forehead. “How are you doing, Plums?”
“Ready to have a baby.” She grinned, looking over at him, worried evident in her eyes. “How’s Jack?”
Spot sighed. “He’s out in the hallway. The family is on their way down to be with him. He’s kinda freakin’ out, Kat. But I told him everything will be alright.”
“Thanks, Spot.” Kat grinned, eyes bright. “Thank you for being there for both of us.”
“There’s no place I’d rather be. Now what do you think you’re having? Final bets.” Spot smirked, as she laughed.
“Jack thinks boy but I think a girl.” Kat sighed, wishing it was all over so she could see her husband and baby. “What do you and Race think?”
Spot laced his fingers with hers giving them a squeeze. “I think girl but Race can’t make up his damn mind and keeps changing. Yesterday was a girl but today was a boy. I think he’s just ecstatic that he’s going to be an uncle and doesn’t really care.”
“That’s what everyone keeps telling me. I’d be happy with either.” Kat smiled. “I just can’t wait to hold them.”
Spot pressed a kiss to her forehead. “You’ll do that in a few minutes.”
True to his word, while gripping her hand, a cry rang out through the surgical room. “Congratulations, Katherine, you have a healthy, beautiful baby.”
Kat looked at him with tears. “Will you go make sure they’re safe and healthy?”
Nodding, Spot stood walking over to the bassinet as they weighed the wrinkly mess of a baby. It was the sweetest sight Spot had ever seen. Just as he turned to tell Kat the gender, monitors started blaring. “We’re losing her.”
Spot abandoned the baby, sitting next to Katherine, leaning close to her ear, his heart pounding rapidly. “Dammit Plums, you better pull through. Jack and your baby need you!”
The next few seconds were tense as the team worked on her. Spot whispered a prayer under his breath as he held tight to her hand, squeezing it every few seconds. Finally the monitors stopped blaring and a collective sigh sounded through the OR. “Get a few bags of O+ blood and get them hanging. She’s good for now but not out of the woods.”
Spot looked over at Dr Smith as she took off her mask. “Spot do you want to introduce this peanut to the family? We’re going to get her down to recovery.”
Unable to speak, he pressed a kiss to Kat’s head, promising he’d be back before standing. Clearing his throat, he looked up at the team. “What are the baby’s stats?”
“Seven pounds, eight ounces, 22 inches long, born at 10:15pm on July 5.” Dr. Smith smiled, handing over a blanket wrapped baby with a blue and pink striped hat on its head.
The team quickly moved Kat into the recovery room. Dr Smith hung back, giving Spot a look. “Once you tell the family, bring the baby and Jack back to recovery.”
He nodded as he pushed through the door of the OR, before walking down the hallway, precious cargo in his arms. “Now baby there’s a lot of people waiting on meet you, but your daddy especially.”
He pressed a kiss to the baby’s forehead before pushing through the double doors, eyes searching for Jack. Race caught his eye first, as he reached over and nudged his brother. “Jack, look.”
If the situation wasn’t so tense, Spot would’ve laughed at how hard and fast Jack’s head snapped up. He staggered to his feet as Race steadied him as they made their way over to Spot with Medda, Smalls, Albert and Finch behind them. “How is she?”
“First things first, Jack, I’d like to introduce you to your daughter. She was born at 10:15pm and she’s 7lbs, 8oz and 22 inches long. She’s got your lungs.” Spot said as Jack peered into his arms and a smile crossed his lips.
The group crowded around Spot to look at the precious baby in his arms. “She’s precious and adorable.”
“C-can I hold her?” Jack asked, clearing his throat. Spot would’ve laughed but it got strangled in his throat.
Nodding, Spot steered him over to the chairs. “Sit down first - it looks like you’re going to fall over.”
Once he was situated, Spot placed the baby in her father’s arms with a grin. “There you go - you look good with a baby, Jackie.”
Jack ran his finger over her hands and face before looking up at Spot. “Thanks. How’s Kat?”
Spot sighed, the weight of the situation catching up to him. “She lost a lot of blood but they’re giving her a transfusion. We’re just waiting on her to wake up. When you’re ready, I’ll take you both back to recovery.”
“But she’s going to be okay, right? I can’t lose her.” Panic was evident in Jack’s voice as he looked at Spot.
Spot bit his lip. “I’m not going to lie - she’s got a tough few days ahead of her but if anyone can pull through, it’s Plums. You have to believe in that Jack. She’s strong and she’ll be yelling at you soon enough.”
Nodding his head, he looked at his daughter before looking over at Medda. “Momma, wanna hold your granddaughter?”
Medda laughed, holding out her hands as Jack expertly transferred the baby out of his and into hers. As soon as Medda had her, Jack pulled Spot into a hug, tears and worry melting away as the two embraced. Spot rubbed Jack’s back as the last two hours frustrations, worries, and scariness came pouring out in tears. Soon Race and Albert embraced the two of them, causing Spot to join in the tears.
Soon Spot tried to step back, wiping his eyes as he looked at Jack. “You okay?”
“Yea.” Jack sniffles, wiping the remaining tears from his eyes. “Thanks.”
Spot grinned. “Anytime. Do you have a name for your daughter?”
“Kat and I had it narrowed down to two. Can we wait until she’s awake?” Jack bit his lip, worry stretched across his face.
Spot nodded. “Of course. I’ll let Dr Smith know. Do you want me to take you back to Kat?”
“In a few minutes. Your husband is getting antsy about holding her.” Jack smirked, watching Race bounce beside Medda. “I’ll grab her if you want to settle Race.”
“Give me the hard job? I see how it is.” Spot complained before looking at his husband. “Race come ‘ere.”
Race left Medda’s side before joining his husband. “Spottie, our niece is freaking adorable. Can we have one?”
“Slow your roll, Race. One step at a time.” Spot gave him a look. “Come sit down beside me.”
Race obliged, immediately lacing his fingers with Spot. “I’m so proud of you - have I told you that lately?”
Spot looked at Race, who’s eyes flowed with sincerity and love. “You haven’t said that lately but what brought this on?”
“Just seeing you walk out here confidently and holding everything together, even though I’m sure you wanted to curl up on the couch and cry your eyes out from exhaustion and fear.” Race leaned over and kissed him. “I love you and am so proud of you for being there for Kat, Jack and our niece.”
Spot swiped at his eyes as additional tears fell down his cheek. “Damn you Racetrack. Making me cry but I love you too.”
“Sap.” Race chided, before leaning over and kissing him. “Now what’s the plan?”
Spot sighed, lowering his voice as he watched Smalls hold the baby. “I’ve got to take the baby and Jack back to recovery then we’ll see what Jack wants to do. He’ll probably want to stay the night so we might need to go get him some clothes and anything else he may need.”
“Do you want to change before you go back?” Race asked, motioning to the duffle bag that was shoved under the chair.
Biting his lip, Spot shook his head. “Eventually, yes but I’m letting Jack dictate what he wants us to do. I think as soon as he sees Kat, it’s going to come crashing down on him. She’s going to be moved to a room in about an hour so you guys will be able to visit.”
“Momma and Smalls said something about going home but Albert and Finch will stick around. I’ll be around for as long as you are.” Race laced their fingers together as Spot gave him a small smile. “Jack needs to call her parents.”
Sighing, Race shook his head. “Is he gonna be up for that?”
“Who knows. Maybe momma will do it.” Spot suggested, knowing Medda had the patience of a saint.
Soon Jack had made his way over to where they sat, baby girl in his arms. “Baby girl, these are your uncles. You already met your Uncle Spottie but this is your Uncle Race and he’s going to spoil you rotten.”
Spot grinned, watching Jack expertly pass the sleeping baby to his brother. Race went still as he adjusted the baby in his arms. “Breathe Racer. We don’t need you passing out. She’s asleep and not looking to wake up anytime soon.”
“Look at your doling out the dad advice already.” Spot smirked as Jack collapsed into a chair beside him. “You need to call Kat’s parents.”
“Momma said she would do it as soon as you came up with an update.” Jack said, sighing while running a hand over his face. “She’s going to be okay, right Spot?”
Spot nudged him with a small smile. “She lost a lot of blood during the c-section so her body is in shock. Once everything regulates she should be awake and fine. She’s tough. Do you want to go back and see her?”
“You’ll stay?” Jack asked, a subtle pleading in his eyes.
Spot nodded. “Race and I aren’t going anywhere. We’ll hang around as long as you want us to. Finch and Albert might as well.”
“Let me see if I can wrestle my daughter back from Race and we can go check up on her mom.” Jack said pushing himself up from the chair before standing in front of Race. “Time’s up Race.”
Looking up from whispering with the baby, Race groaned. “I’m not done telling her all of the secrets.”
“You’ll have the next 18 years to do that.” Jack rolled his eyes, a chuckle escaping his mouth. “Hand her over.”
Spot watched Jack take back the baby before going over to talk to Medda and Smalls as Albert and Finch ventured over to Race and Spot. “What’s the plan?”
“I’m going to take him back to Kat. Race and I are hanging around until he kicks us out.” Spot shrugged.
Jack stopped at the group. “Momma and Smalls are heading out - Finch, Albert don’t hang out, go home. Come back tomorrow. We’re just hanging out until Kat wakes.”
“Will you text us updates?” Albert asked, looking between Spot and Jack.
Nodding, Jack smiled. “Absolutely. Thank you both for being here.”
“As if we’d be anywhere else.” Finch shook his head, pulling Jack and the baby into a gentle hug before Albert did the same. “Let us know if you need anything. You can only eat so much hospital food.”
Nodding, Jack smiled, watching them walk down the hallway before turning to Spot and Race. “Can Race come back with us?”
Nodding, Spot watched Race pick up the duffle bag before motioning them to follow him. Tapping the badge reader with his badge, the door opened and he led them down a hallway before stopping at the desk. “Hey Alicia, have they moved Plums yet or is she still in recovery?”
“They’re getting ready to move her. I don’t know if she has a room number yet.” Alicia said, clicking a few keys on the keyboard. “Looks like she’ll be in her original room - 1184.”
“Thanks Alicia. Will you let Smith know we’re heading that way?” Spot grinned.
Walking down the hallway, he looked at his watch and yawned loudly. He looked at Jack and Race. “You’re the only four people that I’d be up this late for.”
Jack and Race laughed as Spot stopped in front of Kat’s door. “Do you want us to go in?”
Jack nodded, adjusting the baby in his arms. Spot pushed open the door as a nurse gave him a bright smile. “Spottie it’s good to see you.”
“Hey Helen, this is Kat’s husband Jack and brother-in-law, Race. How’s our girl doing?” He asked, eyes on the monitor she was hooked to.
The nurse fiddled with something before giving the men a smile. “All her stats are good. We just need her to wake up. Do you guys need anything? Food, drinks?”
Spot looked at Jack and Race, both who’s eyes were glued to Kat. “I think we’re good now but I’ll let you know if that changes. But could you bring some formula, little miss is going to need to eat soon.”
She nodded and without another word, she left the room, only to return a few minutes later with the premade bottle. Spot grinned at her as she left them alone. “Jack, Spot, take a seat. We’ll be here for a while. Do you want me to take her?”
Jack handed the baby to Spot before collapsing into a chair next to Kat’s bed grabbing her hand, before whispering to her.
Spot sat down, cradling the baby as he got Race’s attention. “Race, go sleep on the couch. You look like you’re gonna collapse.”
“What about you?” Race looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
“I’m a master of sleeping in chairs.” Spot grinned. “I promise I’ll wake you if anything should happen but Jack’s gonna crash within an hour. Little miss and I will hang out while everyone sleeps.”
Race flopped on the couch. “You need to sleep too, Spottie. Are you working tomorrow?”
“Nope, I'm not scheduled again until the 8th. Go to sleep Racer. I’m going to put a little girl in the bassinet and go change.” Spot stood, did that before escaping to the little bathroom to change.
Opening the door, he surveyed the room. Light snores were escaping Race’s mouth as he slept on the couch while Jack was slumped over the bed, clutching Kat’s hand while he slept. Checking on the baby, he smiled seeing her puckered lips as she snoozed. Settling himself in the chair, he scooted himself down so the back of his head rested on the back of the chair and let his eyes close, the comforting beeping rocking him to sleep.
Hours Later
Cracking open an eye, he heard something shift in the room. Letting his feet drop from where they were propped up on the bed, he quickly stretched, groaning as his muscles loosened from the awkward position they were stuck in. His eyes quickly moved around the room. His niece, husband, and brother-in-law were all sound asleep. The door was still shut so it couldn’t have been a nurse. Looking up at bed, he grinned seeing movement.
Pushing himself off the chair, he walked to the other side of the bed and grinned at Kat. “Welcome back. How do you feel?”
Her eyes fluttered open as she took in her surroundings. “Sore. What happened?”
“You lost a lot of blood, they had to give you a blood transfusion. We were just waiting for you to wake up.” Spot grabbed her other hand, giving it a squeeze.
Her eyes flew up to him. “And the baby?”
“Sound asleep, like her daddy and uncle.” Spot grinned. “Sorry, these two are making all kinds of racket.”
She smiled, reaching over running her hand through Jack’s hair. “It’s fine. How worried were they?”
“They were pretty worried. I didn’t find out until afterward since I was with you.” He grinned. “Do you want to see your little girl?”
Her eyes lit up and she nodded. Spot quickly adjusted her bed before walking over to the bassinet and picking up the little girl, who stretched before settling down. “Here you go, mommy Kat, your little girl.”
Once Kat and the baby were settled, Spot walked around the bed to rouse Jack. Crouching down, he put a hand on Jack’s back before rubbing it gently. “Jack, hey Jack.”
Groaning, Jack lifted his head to look at Spot. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, Kat’s awake.” Spot whispered as Jack’s head flew up and looked at his wife and daughter.
Stepping back, he let the three of them have a moment while he went to rouse Race. He crouched beside Race’s head, running his hand through his hair. Race hummed before a groan was released from his lips. “Spottie, stop.”
“Hey, hey. Kat’s awake.” Spot murmured while looking between Race and the new family on the bed. “She just woke up and is meeting her daughter.”
Race’s eyes popped open, looking between his husband and the bed. “She okay?”
“She said she’s sore but other than that she’s fine.” Spot grinned. “I should go let them know but I’ll be right back.”
Pushing himself into a stand, he grinned at Kat and Jack before motioning to the door. “Hey Spot?”
“Yeah Kat?” He paused in his step with a grin.
“Thank you for everything.” She gave him a look as he nodded. “Jack was just telling me everything.”
Redirecting his steps, he headed to the bed, leaning over and pressing a kiss to her forehead. “Anytime, I know you would’ve done the absolute same for Race and me. I’m going to let the desk know you’re awake. Do you need anything?”
“Coffee?” Kat grinned as Spot shook his head.
“I’ll check but I’m guessing you already know the answer to that one.” He gave her a look as Jack and Race both laughed. “But I’ll get you three some.”
Quickly letting the desk know that she was awake, he returned to the room with four coffees before collapsing into a chair with a sigh. “So I’m very happy that you’re awake, but I’ve got to know. What’s our girl’s name?”
“So Jack and I decided we were going to wait until the baby was born before actually deciding on a name as we had it narrowed down to two.” Kat grinned, looking up at her husband. “So, Jack are we going with A or M?”
Jack looked at his daughter with a smirk. “You know I always leaned towards A so I’m voting for that name.”
“Uncle Spot and Uncle Race, may I introduce you to Adelin Charlotte Kelly, Addie for short.” Kat looked between her daughter and the three most important men in her life. “What do you think?”
Race grinned. “It’s perfect. A perfect name for a perfect little girl.”
Jack leaned over, first pressing a kiss to his wife’s forehead before dropping one on his daughter’s cheek. “Welcome to the world, Adelin Kelly.”
This is 5500 words of pure love and written over the last few weeks. Feedback would be much appreciated and I'd love to hear your thoughts!
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lesjacobs · 4 years
Bringing back my Spider-Man AU cause I like it
Jack Kelly as Peter Parker/Spider-Man
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Crutchie Morris as Ned Leeds
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David Jacobs as Michelle Jones/MJ
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Medda Larkin as Aunt May
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Bryan Denton as Tony Stark/Iron Man
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Hannah as Pepper Potts/Rescue
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Okay guys, you wanted mutuals as casts, and I couldn’t think of one specific show or movie, so I casted you guys as some of my favorite characters from shows and movies. The mutuals that I know best have a description by them, and as always, feel free to start talking, I love new friends! Hope you all enjoy! 💓💜💙
@luv-ya-hun: Katherine Plumber (Newsies), Hermione Granger (HP), Jo March (Little Women): Have you all read her writing? She’s freaking talented, also a good friend and super kind. She will change the world, mark my words
@your-lover-crutchie: Crutchie (Newsies), Peter Parker (Spider-Man: Homecoming/Far From Home), Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter): Lily is the absolute SWEETEST and gives us so much content. She is literally an angel, too precious for this world. You always make people feel better about themselves, and you are amazing!
@romeomahbromeo: Sonny Carisi (Law and Order: SVU), Tom Branson (Downton Abbey): You fight injustice on your tumblr and care so much about people.
@myslightobsessions: Abby Suso (Love, Simon), Wanda Maximoff (Marvel), Eliza Hamilton (Hamilton) *Sharon Tate (Once Upon a Time in Hollywood): Chloe, you initiated our conversation, and it just took off! You’re such a kind person, and I love you so much! You’re such a sweetheart and listen to my rants about Margot Robbie, which is greatly appreciated, which is why I honorary casted you as Sharon!! You’re also such a good hype woman, and have done so much to help me through a lot! Love ya lots!
@snakeyboimusical: Racetrack Higgins (Newsies), Fred Weasley (Harry Potter): You’re super funny and chaotic, also very lovable.
@nerdy-gay-shit: Janis Ian (Mean Girls), Ned Leeds (Spider-Man: Homecoming/Far From Home): The sweetest, funniest, and sassy friend everyone deserves. An absolute icon!
@thtvscoboi: Damian Hubbard (Mean Girls), Tony Stark (Marvel): Clay, you are freaking iconic! You’re super funny and care a lot about your friends, and you also make everyone laugh
@crutchie-with-a-y: Sarah Jacobs (Newsies), Natasha Romanoff (Marvel): Okay, you’re super tough and don’t put up with shit, but you’re trustworthy and so kind! You have such a big heart, and I love it!
@ohyes-abovethefold: May Parker (Spider-Man:Homecoming/Far From Home), Sybil Crawley (Downton Abbey): Okay, we started talking, but you are literally the sweetest! You care about everyone so much, and I’m so thankful to have met you
@thespacegeranium: Davey Jacobs (Newsies), Mary Crawley (Downton Abbey): You’re very efficient and smart!!
@homemadebiscuts: Ginny Weasley (Harry Potter), Spot Conlon (Newsies): You are sweet, but super tough!
@disney-princess-sized: Minerva McGonagall (Harry Potter), Medda Larkin (Newsies): Okay, so we started talking, and I know you’re older than me, so you're like a mother figure to me. You’re also so warm, welcoming, and supportive!
@tha-woild-is-yer-erster: Leah Burke (Love, Simon), Elmer (Newsies): An absolute sweetheart!
@pulitzers-world: Olivia Benson (Law and Order: SVU), Michelle MJ Jones (Spider-Man: Homecoming/Far From Home): You want to change the world, and will do great at being a political correspondent.
@withsome-payback: JoJo (Newsies), Anna Bates (Downton Abbey): You are such a sweetheart, and very supportive.
@thewoildisyaerster: Fiona Gallagher (Shameless), Ron Weasley (Harry Potter): Okay, you are an absolute sweetheart and saint! You talk to me, and deal with me not responding for a bit when life gets tough! The sweetest friend.
Okay, you guys just started following me and I want to get to know you more because you all seem amazing, so I just casted you guys! Hope to talk to you more!
@buttonsdelaguerra: Anya Romanov (Anastasia), Sam Wilson (Marvel)
@hermionejacobs: Angelica Schuyler (Hamilton), Pepper Potts (Marvel)
@canstonesbestoned: Les Jacobs (Newsies), George Weasley (Harry Potter)
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afnews7 · 4 months
Il Deserto dei Tartari di Medda e Frisenda e La Strada di Larcenet un "Non Confronto" fra due belle interpretazioni di due classici letterari
Finalmente l’adattamento a fumetti del “ Deserto dei Tartari “,  di Dino Buzzati realizzato da Michele Medda e Pasquale Frisenda è arrivato nelle nostre mani,  A lungo spiato attraverso il web, grazie alle belle note di Frisenda, studiato, atteso… Molto a lungo. Non si è scelto di  fotografarlo insieme al numero 340 della rivista Fumo di China – dedicato all’ edizione italiana, opera di Coconino…
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grouchality · 7 years
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portraitsofivy · 6 years
@we-dont-sell-papes (main blog)
@rightwaytowriteit (writing blog)
blackflowercrowns (ao3)
These will be sorted by fandom, then by type. All are complete, unless otherwise indicated.
*Canon Era
^Modern Era
Umarked means you can figure it out yourself, or it’s ambiguous.
If You Would Like To Request a Fic Please Click This Link First (Requests are 1.5k words or less)
If You Would Like to Commission a Fic, Click Here (Commissions are works of 1.5k words or more)
Calligraphy Request/Commission Guidelines
Fandoms I Will Write For
Anon Hate Policy
Like / Reblog / Comment on This Post To Be Added to my Tag List
King of New York Rant
Full Fics:
*Why. (ao3) / Self-Projection in the Form of Spot Angst (tumblr)
*Davey Has Left the Group Chat (ao3)
*Pin The Tail (ao3)
^It Takes a Village. Or at Least Two Boroughs (ao3) (tumblr)
^Typewriter (ao3) (tumblr)  
^A Speech to Change the World (ao3) (tumblr)
^Michelle and Patrick (ao3) / Until Girls Are Taken Seriously (tumblr)
^Guttersnipes (ao3) (tumblr)
^Fifty-Cent Piece (ao3) (tumblr)
^The Deed to Irving Hall (ao3) / A Deed (tumblr)
^The Suffragette Rally (tumblr)
*Hair Dye (Platonic Race & Katherine) (tumblr)
*If We Get Caught, You’re Deaf and I Don’t Speak English (Platonic Sprace) (tumblr)
*Sprace Angst (Can Be Read as Romantic or Platonic) (tumblr)
*In My Dreams (Race x Reader Soulmate AU) (tumblr)
^Jewish Kid Ruins Christmas (Group Fic, focus on Les and Crutchie) (tumblr)
^Hide and Check (Platonic Davey & Mush) (tumblr)
*Kisses Meant to Distract the Other From Whatever They’re Doing (Davey x Reader) (tumblr)
Newsies Avengers AU (ao3) (incomplete) / (Winter Soldier Snippet) (tumblr) 
*Red the Barista (Albert x Mute Reader) (tumblr)
The Storm (Spot x Reader) (tumblr)
Kisses (Davey x Tall Reader / Davey x Short Reader) (tumblr)
*Modern Davey x Tough Reader (tumblr)
^Brooklyn’s NOT Here (Angsty Spot x Reader) (tumblr)
*Racetrack Higgins Definitely Read (and Cried at) TFIOS Pt. 1 (Jerk!Race x Reader) (tumblr) 
*What They Told Me About You Was Right (Sprace) (tumblr) 
^Davey x Brooklyn!Reader (tumblr)
Spot x Sick Reader (tumblr)
*Newsies As YouTubers (feat. @sqecs ) (tumblr)
^Southern Davey Headcanons
^Ralbert (A.K.A. the Nightmare Twins) and Blush
Hogwarts Houses
Spot the Spotlight Operator
Headcanon Format With the Length of a Fic:
^Albert x Higgins! Reader (tumblr)
^JoJo x Kelly!Reader (tumblr)
*Race x Badass!Reader, Kid Blink x Badass!Reader (tumblr)
ABCD Headcanons:
Tommy Boy
Elmer (1, 2)
*I Can’t Make Love To A Mush! (1, 2, 3, 4)
Avengers AU (1, 2, 3)
Girlsies Week:
^Typewriter (ao3) (tumblr)  
^A Speech to Change the World (ao3) (tumblr)
^Michelle and Patrick (ao3) / Until Girls Are Taken Seriously (tumblr)
^Guttersnipes (ao3) (tumblr)
^Fifty-Cent Piece (ao3) (tumblr)
Medda Moodboard (tumblr)
^The Deed to Irving Hall (ao3) / A Deed (tumblr)
^It Takes a Village. Or At Least Two Boroughs (ao3) (tumblr)
^The Suffragette Rally [bonus piece] (tumblr)
Medda Crusade:
*A Crush (Medda & Smalls) (tumblr)
Art / Moodboards / Gifs / Edits:
Medda Moodboard (tumblr)
The World Will Know Ultimate Edit
The World Will Know At Half-Speed
Katherine + Purple
Albert & Smalls Aesthetic
race + albert + orange
albert + elmer + the paranormal
brooklyn davey (aesthetic) (arguably cursed edit)
modern newsies aesthetic  📰☕🌁🗽
Hufflepunk Crutchie aesthetic
Max’s mom brought cookie cake for everyone gifset
The Newsies Banner gifset
Smile Boi (Jack Kelly Sante Fe prologue gif)
DaVEy HeLP gifset
Crutchie Cuffs Snyder gifset
So This Is What They Print the Papes On? Race gifset
Buy a Pape From a Poor Orphan? Les gifset
Are You Blind? She Got No Clothes On! Les and Davey gifset
Art Dump
Drawing of Albert
You Know I Had to Do It To ‘Em Spot Conlon Edit
Newsies As Dogs
Marvel Cinematic Universe:
*Stucky Modern AU (tumblr)
Riordan ‘Verse
Percabeth Headcanons
Thomas Sanders
Thomas Sanders + My Horse Prince Edit (Highly Cursed)
OG Writing
Nov. 3, 2014 (tumblr)
Two Girls In New York TV Show Idea (tumblr)
I Don’t Need A Limp to Sell Papes
Can’t We Be Seventeen?
It’s Free Real Estate
Move I’m Gay
Disrespect Women, Gain Currency
X is Greater Than the Value of Y
This Bitch Empty . . . YEET
Crazy = Genius
Jack Kelly is One Thicc Bih
Snyder is One Thicc Bih
Poor Guy’s Head is SPINNING
I’d Rather Be Me Than Be With You
Just Pay Me Back With One Thousand Kisses
The Woild Is Ya Erster
Short Bitch + Spot Conlon is a Punk Ass Bitch
Like, uhm All of Hamilton?
Death Doesn’t Discriminate Between the Sinners and the Saints
Hey Guys. It’s Me, The Biggest Disappointment You Know
Salad Salad Y’all Are Valid
I’ll Write My Way Out
thiS ISN’T 1994
Spot Conlon for President
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i-got-personality · 6 years
Smalls or Snipeshooter? Top ships you're shipping? Guilty Pleasure ship(s)? Favorite character(s)? Favorite Bway or movie version of a character? A character you'd protect with your life? A character you'd kiss? Character you'd marry? A character you'd kill? Character(s) that deserve(s) better? Actor(s)/Actress(s) you'd love to meet? Actor that played a specific character the best? Favorite fanfiction you've read? Favorite theory? Favorite headcannon? Favorite quote(s)? //dunno, just,, curious
Smalls or Snipeshooter?Uh both? Maybe Smalls though. But mostly both.Top ships you're shipping?Everything, pretty much! Lately I've been reading a lot of fluff for Ralbert, Sprace, and JackCrutchie though.Guilty Pleasure ship(s)?I don't really know if anything is a guilty pleasure ship, maybe Romeo/Darcy just because they're so weird?Favorite character(s)?I can't choose! Davey, but also Jack, but also Crutchie, but also Katherine, but also Elmer, and Buttons, and Finch, and Specs, and Romeo, and Medda, and Albert, and Spot, and GOD I LOVE THEM ALLFavorite Bway or movie version of a character?Joey Barreiro is an A+ Jack.A character you'd protect with your life? Les.A character you'd kiss?...Jack...Character you'd marry?...Still Jack...A character you'd kill?I don't think anyone deserves to die! I'd definitely smack Snyder upside the head though!Character(s) that deserve(s) better? This is a story about a bunch of homeless kids, they all deserve better. Especially Crutchie though.Actor(s)/Actress(s) you'd love to meet? Kara Lindsay! I saw her in Wicked once and I just really love her, she's amazing.Actor that played a specific character the best?JOEY JOEY JOEYFavorite fanfiction you've read?I actually really like your stuff (even though it's on the angstier side of what I read)! I also love From The Nothing on AO3 but I haven't checked it in a while so I don't know how things progressed.Favorite theory?Jesse Tuck is secretly Roger the cryptid newsie.Favorite headcannon?Mike (of Mike and Ike fame) is actually Michelle. Also, that headcanon that Kid Blink always makes up ridiculous stories as to how he lost his eye.Favorite quote(s)?The entirety of Seize The Day. And naturally, "I got personality!"
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wurmstuggu · 5 years
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Nicola Mari
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hqetc · 4 years
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Dylan Dog’s Back in Action! Um quadrinho de terror da Bonelli. Dylan é um detetive particular que só resolve casos sobrenaturais, usando como cenário a Londres atual. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Horror Paradise coloca Dylan Dog dentro de um cenário onde ele acaba sendo perseguido por monstros clássicos do cinema. Um quadrinho cheio de referências para quem gosta de cinema de Terror. A história têm texto de Michele Medda, Antonio Serra e Bepi Vigna e até certo ponto, ela é bem construída. Tem bons diálogos, a narrativa apresenta bem os personagens e a loucura em que Dylan Dog se meteu. Um final cheio de reviravoltas, mas que falha em explicar a motivação de um dos personagens. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Por fim, temos uma obra belíssima com arte de Claudio Castellini, com uma boa narrativa gráfica, destacando principalmente, a expressão facial de todo elenco de personagens presentes na obra. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Bom material que volta a mãos @mythoseditora #Mythos #bonelli #Fumetti #HQ #DylanDog # ClaudioCastellini, #MicheleMedda, #AntonioSerra #BepiVigna https://www.instagram.com/p/CBek1RfHukL/?igshid=17e2ge73gtb1w
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