#Microsoft Next Gen Console 2026
tumblerweeding69 · 1 year
Microsoft Expects Next-Gen Xbox And PS6 To Launch In 2028, Claims It's Losing The Console War: Report
Microsoft He believes the next generation of gaming consoles should arrive in 2028, court document in ongoing FTC trial over attempted acquisition of Xbox parent activism blizzard revealed. Documents reviewed by IGN detailed what the next Xbox and playstation 6 Will likely be released in 2020, eight years after the current launch. The timeline from 2022 coincides with Sony’s statement that the…
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telodogratis · 2 days
L’Xbox next gen sarà sia tradizionale che una console portatile, con uscita forse già nel 2026, per un report
L’Xbox next gen sarà sia tradizionale che una console portatile, con uscita forse già nel 2026, per un report Secondo un nuovo report di Windows Central, Microsoft avrebbe intenzione di lanciare sia una nuova Xbox tradizionale che una console portatile nella prossima generazione, forse già nel 2026. Powered by WPeMatico Secondo un nuovo report di Windows Central, Microsoft avrebbe intenzione di…
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magpiejay1234 · 4 months
Anyway, it seems Zen 6 will have 2 nm.
Zen 7 probably won't be that different, due to how slow AMD is when it comes to node changes (they prefer I/O gains), so despite the likely 2 year gap between PS6, and next Xbox, the difference probably won't be big.
(There is the possibility of PS6 using ARM due to recent job listings, but that is most likely for mobile ports. The new handheld will likely use AMD, so there isn't much reason to switch to ARM outside of possible machine-learning performance gains, and more uicker node shifts for energy consumption.)
2032 might be different, since Xbox will likely have full new console, and Sony will likely only have mid-gen upgrade, so the initial difference will be bigger. Zen 9 with a smaller GPU, and Zen 7 with a much bigger GPU would be a bigger difference, especially considering the possible NPU additions mandated by Microsoft's new machine learning software products.
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aux1 · 4 months
I hear there are rumors that Microsoft is going to be releasing it's next system in late 2026. I feel like that might be a bit too soon for next gen to start.
I feel like the Xbox Series consoles haven't really been fully utilized. We are only occasionally seeing games that would've needed to use Series hardware like Hellblade II or Alan Wake 2. Most of the games that we have now are just last gen games at better frame rates. (In some cases, they don't look different at all from last gen games.)
I feel like current gen hasn't even really started because most developers and publishers have been targeting Xbox One. So when the next system does come out (allegedly) in 2026...I think I am going to just stay on my Series X for a few years instead.
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magpiejay1234 · 7 months
I dug around for the recent console rumors, and here's the tidbits:
**Apparently the reason Microsoft scrapped their long-planned mid-gen refresh is because of the slim versions of the SKUs, with Xbox Series X slim version being buffed up, like Xbox One's slim variant (Xbox One S, or Xbones), to be more like a pseudo-mid-gen refresh.
***I guess this will be the standard for Xbox now, much like the Slim models for PS since forever. This trend technically started in Xbox 360, which also had the multiple versions of the same console at start.
****This would further imply they will have a new variant of the next gen Xboxes once PS6 releases.
**The main reason Xbox is taking a two year priority from PS6 seems to be the fact that Zen 5 is facing difficulties, and Zen 6 will have a different architecture because of it. This means despite the likely two year gap, PS6 will likely not be in Zen 6, but Zen 5 as it needs (more ideal) backwards compability.
***Either way, the two year gap will cause a weird situation where Sony's first, and second party developers will have no games, but third party developers will have a proper library of games.
**As RedGamingTech, and some others speculate, the fact that Surface team will be working on handheld version suggests this new Xbox will not just become a multimedia device, but will also feature mild business/office features, like allowing you to use Office applications.
**Moore's Law is Dead's rather dismissive comments aside, the two year gap he stated Vita 2 would need would be consistent with the usual two years prior to main console release date, ie. 2026. Since he doesn't know better when it comes to handhelds, he seems to assume it will release in 2028 concurrently with PS6. That is not how Sony operates, as we discussed before.
***Vita's reveal was in E3 2011, so most likely next PS handheld will be revealed on June 2026, and target a December 2026 release date for Japan, with the international being in Japanese Q4 2026 (January-March 2027) like PSP, and Vita.
***Main reason for this MLID claims is PS5's lackluster sales in Japan, and overall worldwide, but MLID forgets that the main reason for this was that PS5's form factor made it difficult produce (having incredible cost-per-computational power), thus difficult to distribute.
****Also ignoring the huge fact that Sony is a Japanese company attending to a Japanese audience to appease Japanese stockholders, and all of its Western parts including Sony Pictures are just glorified branch offices, Sony's second biggest market, Europe, outside of UK, also prefers handhelds over home consoles, though less obviously so.
***Though the thing will obviously not have a disk drive, Sony is a physical media company, so they will likely make a new memory unit for it.
**PS Vita Slim was two years after PS Vita with PSTV coming out a month after, and PSP's first revision was three years after, so this will likely get a revision for PS6's release, most likely in 2029, a year after PS6's release.
Edit: Corrected MILD to MLID.
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magpiejay1234 · 7 months
Anyway, assuming rumors about Vita 2 are true, and it releases in 2026 alongside new Xbox, and its handheld, then it would mean Vita 3 would be in 2033 (since PSP to Vita was 7 years), which means PS7 for 2035, which then retroactively means PS6 for late 2028 most likely, rather than late 2027.
So Microsoft's assumption would be correct, it would be after 2027.
This would also mean new new Xbox would be in 2032, which is around when PS6 Pro would be in.
I thought the idea would be to have the handheld be the general consumer model, and the main console to be elite model, which is apparently the actual intention:
This really gives me bad Sega Saturn to Dreamcast feeling. I can't really see Xbox surviving multiple console generations like this, unless Surface team comes up with a really wicked design, or they just push Viva Pinata, and Age of series really hard.
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magpiejay1234 · 7 months
Some insane rumors I dismissed previously seem to be coming true.
For handheld stuff:
The insanity of these rumors aside, and they do come from incredibly credible sources, if we get the next gen Xbox in November 2026, then KH4 would have to release in January-March 2026, before the end of Japanese fiscal year of 2025 (April 2025-March-2026), and not only that, Nomura would have to release two different spin-offs for Vita 2, and Switch successor.
We might unironically a get a revived BBS Volume 2, in addition to another Digimon game, and maybe another YGO game for the lesser trio of main series (ZEXAL, ARC-V, VRAINS).
Vita was released two years prior to PS4, so Vita 2 would like release in 2026, which would further support the Xbox rumors.
Rumors of Vita were around since 2009, two years before its release (2011 in Japan).
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magpiejay1234 · 4 years
So, the next gen consoles.
As I said before, I expect the next gen consoles to last 8 years, with mid-gen updates for each. PS5 Pro will likely come in 2023 and Xbox Series X’s updated version will likely come in 2024.
Next Switch successor will likely come in 2023, with the mid-gen update for Switch likely coming in 2021. Assuming the successor lives for 6 years as well, the successor’s successor would be in 2029.
This means we will see something like this for chips:
2020: 5 nm in phones, 7 nm in computers
2022: 3 nm in phones, 5 nm in computers
2024: 2 nm in phones, 3 nm in computers
2026: 1.5 nm in phones, 2 nm in computers
2028: 1 nm in phones, 1.5 in computers
This means there likely won’t be another generation of consoles after tenth, which would end in 2035 (7 years gap for Sony/Microsoft, 6 years gap for Nintendo).
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