#Mike sweep
arche0ps-moved · 1 year
can you please tell us more about your cool earthbound (or mother in general) headcanons. . . one's already mentioned are so cool I WANNA KNOW!!! ps YOU ARE COOL IN GENERAL TOO!!!!!!!
OHHH MIKE YOU SCAMP .. TWIRLS MY HAIR!! This could be long so. Under the cut !
okay first guy: ness I love ness.
Ness is a trans kid!! he doesn't know the right terminology for any of it but he knows he never felt like a girl. his family all support him ofc, but Tracy got a little sad thinking ness wouldn't play dollhouse with her anymore (he still totally does)
Ness looooves gross stuff. Bugs, mud, bones, etc. Call me autistic the way I study those bugs (<- ness)
oh also he's autistic 👍 very sensitive to loud noises and the cold, and wears almost the same outfit everyday because 1. different outfit everyday is HARD . 2. He likes his outfit!!
his special interest is baseball :)
him and pokey play on the same Onett baseball team and have an unofficial rivalry with the Fourside Fogies . one time they trapped pokey under the bleachers. it was a whole ordeal (hc from soypeople thank you bestie)
ness was their number one player!! until. yk. giygas. after all that he quit going to school and became a shut in for a good while (he'll be okay)
Paula helps teach him the PK moves!! Fire freeze thunder etc etc. In return him and pu teach her how to heal and such (none of them manage to learn starstorm, though ..)
Ness is overall an overly caring kid. he'll often put others before himself, especially in the line of danger. But he can also be very stubborn if he chooses to (if he's angry, he'll most likely give you silent treatment until he simmers down)
Ness and Paula date in the future :]
ok paula now.
Paula is a transgirl!! she knows the terms bc she's a fast learner (with gifted child syndrome)
When she grows up she most likely takes over the Polestar preschool
Funnily enough, her favorite color isn't pink. It's green!
Her parents are a bit overprotective of her .... Ness and her had to practically beg to go fight Giygas
Much like Ness, she cares a lot for her friends. Unable to heal them with her PSI, she resorts to carrying around lots of healing items for her pals! (And wet towels for Jeff, since he overheats easily)
She doesn't mind any temp, but sweat is an unpleasant sensation for her (it's gross, it smells, and ew, it's wet! Jeff shares the same sentiment)
She isn't a damsel in distress, obviously. She probably would've beaten up Montoli and Carpainter all on her own if she didn't have the brain to accompany her (though, an hour longer in the cage at Happy Happy and she probably would've started a fire ..)
OK JEFF TIME I LOVE JEFF :) copy pasting some jeff-tony hcs from my personal discord teehee
When Jeff couldn't stand in class Tony would take his assignments to the teacher when they both finished (albeit a bit later as Tony took more time on his)
Tony signs the end of the Y in name with a small heart when writing Jeff. Jeff was oblivious to it's meaning till he got older
Tony will sometimes break stuff on purpose when Jeff has nothing to tinker. Just little things that they won't miss if Jeff can't fix them (he always fixes them)
Jeff shares what he doesn't eat with Tony (tony has a bit appetite!)
Jeff carries Tony's bag in his lap when in his chair
Neither of them use air fresheners or perfumes. It irritates Jeff's nose and Tony has asthma. Win!
They don't have the same taste in music but like to listen to each other's music when working in their dorm. They take turns putting in tapes
Jeff prefers classical music .. Tony calls him old for it (it's endearing. He's memorized Jeff's favorite artists)
Jeff falls asleep in class a lot .. tony makes sure to write plenty of notes if he does
Non Tony related ones:
Jeff is autistic! And physically disabled. His legs were injured in the novels boat incident, so he uses a cane(or crutches) and a wheelchair depending on how well he feels
He doesn't like being babied or carried around much, but if it's necessary he'll allow someone to lift him (mostly ness or tony)
Distant relationship with his dad obviously. It gets a bit better but they never get as close as they could
Jeff modifies his chair to have rockets on them. Because it's fun!
Even after getting his prosthetics he'll still use the chair whenever he feels tired
As stated in my fic he hates the heat so so much. He'd rather run around in the snow butt naked than spend a minute at the beach
Okay that's enough Jeff sorry for the favoritism <3 pu time!!
I spell his name as Pu thanks to mysthlarey (thank u bestie)
Probably very stressed. It's hard being the newest king and also 14
His hair is shaved on the sides and tied into a long braid. No reason behind it he just likes it that way tbh
Despite his resting-mean-boy face, he's super sweet under that Princely attitude! (He's got a lot on his shoulders, it's hard to relax)
Much like in game he's very . Uh. Physcially weak. Most people don't expect that because of his "fighter" look, so they don't usually mess with him
He's a picky eater bc of sensory issues. What do you MEAN you guys can eat rice? Yuck! (It tastes fine, but the feeling is .. bad. very bad)
Water enthusiast :) often the one to remind Ness (water hater) to drink some water
Tallest of the group (sorry jeff)
Funnily enough he doesn't grow once he hits his current height. Sooner or later Paula matches him in height and he finds it p funny
Uses his future kingly status to mess around with his friends. (Ex: DEAR NESS. THIS IS THE KING OF DALAAM. COME OKAY WORLD OF WARCRAFT WITH ME OR ELSE I WILL START A WAR WITH EAGLELAND. signed ur bestie xoxoxox :) )
bonus time oh goodness oh me oh my! Random character's!
Tracy uses she/they
Picky uses he/they. they match!
Picky loooves spiders (<- he doesn't know about pokey)
Tony's family actually live in Scaraba- they sent him off to Winters since it has the best school in the 3 major continents (he was eligible, so why not take the chance!)
Pokey and Ness liked to draw comics together :) they're probably super cringey now
Picky, Tracy, Ness, and Pokey all used to walk to school together. Sometimes pokey had to carry picky since he was half asleep
Ness doesn't actually eat trash burgers okay it was ONE TIME you can STOP BRINGING IT UP POKEY
pokey needs glasses due to his bangs fucking up his vision. will he ever get them? probably not
aloysius minch is bisexual. win I guess
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loubetcha · 2 years
this is ATROCIOUS please vote for mike!!! since when has steve ever been the protagonist anyways, i’m sorry i love him but bruh???
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the-sharpest-lover · 2 years
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psychicwound · 4 months
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bikelane · 4 days
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hellinhawkins · 1 month
(if i didn’t include one feel free to tell me in the comments or tags instead! i ran out of room for a see results)
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puella-peanut · 2 months
Got bored and decided to make pics of Daniel and his karate boyfriends on Picrew!
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lastmidtownshowmp3 · 6 months
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Cosmic kisses
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lesbianturtle · 2 years
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blusandbirds · 7 months
kk2 and kk3 really make you appreciate the simplicity of kk1. like johnny lawrence was literally just some guy meanwhile chozen is ziplining down a string of lanterns to murder daniel and his crush and terry silver is out here psychologically torturing the poor dude. johnny's goal was to beat the shit out of him because daniel was annoying and johnny was a mean kid who liked karate a little too much and i can almost respect that.
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carcrashscike · 9 months
mike discourse is interesting because of how polarizing he is as a character in td fandom . either he is ascended to the ranks of angels or he shot your dog and stole your grandmoms ashes
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dixidin · 1 year
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Gegg is gonna wipe the competition
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starsarefire824 · 7 months
“Stranger Things is about at the core - Mike Wheeler coming off age gay.”
And it’s the bI mIke TrUtHeRS who can’t analyze a show? 🫠
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henrysglock · 1 year
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my favorite gay boys <3
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i need you to pull ovah. take your other cd outta your radio and put this in.
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wheelercore · 2 years
Every day I curse the fact that the wheeler family issues are so subtle in the show because there are debates in this fandom like whether Karen is a narcissistic abuser or is a totally 100% perfect mother who has never done anything wrong ever. or if Ted would call Mike a fag.
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