#Mike x Orbulon
ghostat7am · 11 months
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Messy Mikulon sketches for my WarioWare Followers
Still haven't played Move It yet so please don't spoil, came back from my Mortal Kombat brainrot for these
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toneinaflat · 2 months
man aint like. mike crygors son or somethin idk ....i see mike and crygor being shipped as weird . i guess i never rlly got the "i love my robot creation romantically" thing?????? i just see it as a father and son dynamic..COULD just be me though.
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like. example being kokoro. APPARENTLY people ship rin and her creator in that song and like....no!!!!!! i dont see it!!!!!! it seems more like father and daughter here!!!!!! ive never gotten that sort of dymanic!!!!! it feels like shipping callie x marie and its just weird.......i dont ship what seems to be family whatsoever. also mike and crygor act like father and son!!!! like?!?!?!?!?! mike acts like an annoyed teenager (he probably isnt even a teenager though but he acts like one...) and crygor is like a dad trying to understand mike and be caring or whatever but NEVER have i seen them nearly as close in a shipping manner. it doesnt make SENSE at ALL . i have crackships, sure! callie splatoon x gumi megpoid and balan and kaito and gakupo or whatever the fuck but DUDE. this just doesnt seem right.
and yes! i ship orbulon and mike! its ok if you dont! i get it! makes sense! am i being a hypocrite? MAYBE. but they dont nearly have a family similar dymanic whatsoever compared to crygor and mike. sure mike and orbulon havent really interacted whatsoever but thats every shipper of them coming up with ideas. thats half the cast with being friends anyways lmao (BTW hi non mikulon shippers i love yall as much as mikulon shippers u guys are cool :-]) but like. i do not wanna see mike and crygor like that on my dash ig. They r just very. Family coded to me !
sorry for the long ass rant art will come back soon
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slashtanaa · 2 months
me when i made a animation meme as a revebge on art fight just because my friend made a srupid video of me x human mike x human orbulon for my birthday 🥰
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himikkoshi · 3 years
I’ve seen you come in to the warioware fandom and I want to tell you something that might get to your interest (if not that’s fine)
alien and robot guy from said fandom
There’s a ship for them 😳
Oh my god the minute they became my favorites the ship already got to my interest HDKDFG I was like “haha what if they’re friends haha what if they were lovers haha jkjk………unless—“ and thus my new comfort ship was born💙🤍 I’m so happy to find others that ship them!!!🥺🥺
With that being said here’s some art of these two gay dorks👉👈
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I also got hcs for them! ;w; I’ll share a few of them since they’re tied to the art (I’m so sorry you literally never asked for any of these AHDKDNF I just wanna give some more context to the art, you don’t have to read them if you don’t want to!):
• Mike is really good at dancing, and they love to dance together! Orbulon especially loves it when Mike dips him fjhdk<3
• Orb genuinely admires Mike's singing bc while others find it abhorring, he simply doesn't and describes it as "strong, fun and unique" (Mike's singing does improve over time but that's a whole different story lol) just like his fellow alien bunnies, he supports his passion for singing and his dream to become a famous singer and karaoke machine!!
• Orbulon also loves Mike’s cooking! Additionally, he apparently doesn’t know how cooking works (as seen from his Gold scene hdkdkf) so Mike teaches him how to do so, especially his favorite foods! They also like making up recipes together; they come out either really good or really bad, there is no in between—Dr Crygor and Penny are usually the ones that taste tests their recipes!
• When Mike is off work, sometimes Orb takes him out to travel and discover different places of the world/outer space together since Mike has been stuck in Diamond City most of the time (the only time he gets to go out of town is when Crygor brings him along for assisting in his research) The two always have the best adventures together🥺 I can totally see em doing karaoke a lot as they travel so besides the song fitting them well I drew them singing A Whole New World lmaooo😭
If u read these holy hecc thank you so so much and I hope you like em!!🥺💕💖💞💕💖 I have more hcs and I’ll share them when I feel more comfy to👉👈
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anaroisonline · 3 years
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yeah I have too much time on my hands
I dipped them in glitter
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trickydaclownn · 4 years
hi besties
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blackhakumen · 3 years
Mini Fanfic #859: Meeting the WarioWare Gang (SSBU X WarioWare)
4:23 p.m. at WarioWare Inc.....
Ashley: (Fixes Up Lucas' Bow Tie) How are you feeling, Lucas?
Lucas: Nervous.....Shaky.... Maybe even a little terrified.....(Turns to Wario) I-Is there a word for all of this?
Wario: (Shrugs) I don't know. Fidgeted?
Lucas: Yeah. That's the one. Fidgeted. I am feeling definitely fidgeted right now.....(Turns to Ashley) Hey, how do I look by the way?
Ashley: (Smiles Softly) You look very handsome today. You really didn't have to wear the bow tie though.
Wario: Yeah. We're only having a picnic at the park.
Lucas: ('Sigh') I know. But Big Sis Ann insisted that I need to look my best for the occasion. This.... isn't too much, is it?
Ashley: It isn't. (Gently Grab Both of Lucas' Hands) And you have nothing to worry about here, Lucas. Everything is going to be just fine.
Wario: Ashley's right, squirt. I known these people for as long as I can remember. They're the most annoying and gullible- (Gets Startled Once He Notice Ashley's Dark Glare Is Pointing Directly at Him) I-I mean, they're the nicest people I know! A-And you don't need to worry about making a bad impression on them or anything. Just stay calm, be yourself, and everything will go good from there.
Ashley: (Genuinely Surprised) Wow, Wario. That's.... actually good advice.
Lucas: Yeah. (Smiles a Little) Thanks, Wario.
Wario: Eh. (Wave his Hand While Rolling his Eyes) It's whatever. I only did it to stop you from being a wuss. (Starts Picking his Nose)
Lucas: (Gets A Bit Grossed Out By Wario)
Ashley: (Gives Wario a Deadpinned Look on her Face) Stop picking your nose, Wario.
Wario: I do whatever I please. (Starts Wiping his Hand on the Side of his Pants)
Ashley: ('Ugh') (Starts Rolling her Eyes) Horridness aside, you think you're ready to do this, Lucas?
Lucas: (Sighs While Nodding) As I'll ever be. (Turns Towards the Office Door)......Y-You don't mind if I count to three before going in, do you?
Ashley: (Giggles Softly) Not at all, Lucas.
Lucas: Thanks! (Takes a Deep Breath) Okay. One......Two....T-
Wario: (Walk Past Lucas to Open the Door) One, two, three. We're going in. (Shoves Lucas Inside the Office) Move it already.
Lucas: Okay! Okay!
Wario: Wahahahaha!- (Gets Stomped on the Toe By Ashley Before Wincing in Pain) YEOOUUCH!!! (Starts Hopping on One Toe) You.... little....yauughh!
Lucas' eyes begins in widened in genuine surprise at the sight of everyone present in the office. Each of which are as colorful, energetic, and lively as Ashley described them to be.
Lucas: Are they really the employees of this company?
Wario: Yep. Each and everyone of them.
Ashley: Pretty lively, aren't they?
Lucas: Yeah..... They're so cool.....
Wario: (Already Getting Impatient) Hurry up and say something already!
Lucas: (Immediately Comes Back to Reality) R-Right!....U-Um!
Everyone in the office came into a complete halt at what they were respectively doing while turning their heads at the timid boy with a bowtie.
Lucas: I...u-um...(Smiles Nervously While Waving Hello to the Employees) H-Hi. I'm not sure if Ashley and Wario told you about me beforehand, but....my name is-
Everyone: LUCAS!!~
Without any hesitation, the employees excitedly rushes over to Lucas and pulls into a group hug/gathering.
Ashley: (Sighs While Having a Deadpinned Look on her Face) So much for toning the excitement.....
Wario: Yep.
Mona: (Giggles Awkwardly While Making her Way to the Duo Along with Penny) Sorry about that, guys.... They've been excited to see Lucas since we first heard about him.
Penny: (Smiles Sheepishly While Watching the Scene Play Out) It's kind of changeling for most of us to maintain our excitement for this long, ya know?
Ashley: It's fine. (Starts Smiling a Little at the Crowd) I'm glad they're taking a liking to him at least.
Mona: Us too.
5-Volt: (Makes her Way to the Trio While Holding a Megaphone in her Hands) Do you mind covering your ears for a second, dears? I got this covered. (Clears Her Throat Before Screaming her Heart Out on the Megaphone) QUIIIIIIEEEETTTTT!!!!!
Everyone stopped what they were doing and have their attention directly towards 5-Volt while letting Lucas go.
5-Volt: ('Sigh') Look, I'm happy to see our guest here as much as you guys are right now, but could you please start settling yourselves down before you give this poor boy a panic attack?
Everyone: Yes, ma'am......Sorry, Lucas.....
5-Volt: (Gives Lucas a Hand With a Soft Smile on her Face) We're sorry about all of that, sweetheart. Are you okay?
Lucas: (Smiles a Bit Sheepishly While Getting Back up on his Face) I'm okay, ma'am. A-And there's really no need apologize for all of that. You all just took me by surprise is all.
5-Volt: Well, as long as you're okay, allow me to properly introduce myself: My name is Mrs. 5-Volt.
Mona: (Smiles Brightly at Lucas) And I'm Mona!
Penny: (Happily Salutes to Lucas) Penny Crygor, at your service! Ashley here told us quite a lot about you as of late~
Ashley: (Eyes Widened While Blushing)
Lucas: She has?
Mona: (Happily Nodded) Mmhmm~ She told us about how much of a sweetheart you are, how much she admires you since day one....
Penny: Ooh! She even told us she has dreams of marrying you som-
Ashley: (Already Flustered in Bright Red) OKAY! How about we introduce everyone else in this room, yeah? (Gives Mona and Penny a Dark Glare) Before my patience starts to dwindle....
Mona: (Shivers in Fear by the Glare Before Giggling Awkwardly) Y-Yeah....That uh....seems to be a good idea right now, right Penny?
Penny: Yep! L-Let's Introduce everyone! (Turns to Lucas with a Bright Smile) Lucas, we want you to meet our whole gang!~ Jimmy T!
Jimmy T: Yo.
Penny: Young Cricket and Master Mantis!
Young Cricket: (Bows Towards Lucas in a Polite and Martial Arts Like Fashion Along with his Master) Please to meet you.
Penny: 9 and 18-Volt!
9-Volt: Hiya!
18-Volt: How's it going, little dude?
Penny: Dribble and Spitz!
Dribble: 'Sup, kiddo!
Spitz: Nice meet ya on this fine day, squirt!
Penny: Kat & Ana!
Kat/Ana: Kon'nichiwa!~
Penny: Our alien friend, Orbulon!
Orbulon: Greetings, young, timid youngling.
Penny: A little girl from Luxeville name Lulu!
Lulu: I'm the hero of my hometown!~
Penny: My grandpa, Dr. Crygor and his assistants, Mike and Doris 1!
Dr. Crygor: It is such a pleasure to finally meet Ashley's future hus- (Gets Startled Once He Noticed Ashley's Dark Glare) I-I-I MEAN boyfriend! Yes.... That's what I meant to say.
Mike: Greetings, Ashley's Boyfriend.
Doris 1: Hello.
Penny: And this is our new addition to the team: Pyoro!
Pyoro: (Happily Squeaks at Lucas)
Lucas: Aww~ Hi, little guy. (Pulls Out his Hand) Nice to meet- (Suddenly Felt Pyoro's Tongue Touching the Palm of his Hand For a Few Seconds Before Putting Back in his Mouth) You.....
Pyoro: (Claps his Arms Happily)
Penny: He can shoot his long tongue to any direction he wants! Neat, huh?
Lucas: (Smiles a Bit Sheepishly) Yeah. He...kind of reminds me of Yoshi in a way.
9-Volt: Hey Lucas! (,Shows Lucas a Tiny Yellow Figure Standing on the Palm of his Hands) I want you to meet my pet: Fronk!
Lucas: Oh uh. Hello, Fronk. (Pulls Out Finger as a Friendly Gesture) It's nice to meet you.
Fronk: (Uses Both of his Hands to Hold Lucas' Finger While Shaking Him Up in Down in the Mid Air Must to His Surprise) The pleasure is all mine, Master Lucas. (Finally Lowers Lucas Down) And I must say, that bowtie of yours looks magnificent on you.
Lucas: T-Thanks, Mr. Fronk....You look great too. (Turns to 9-Volt While Whispering to Him) How is he THIS strong?
9-Volt: (Smiles Sheepishly While Rubbing the Back of Head Back and Forth) I.... might've modified him to have superhuman strength.
Lucas: Woah......B-But anyways, it's really nice to finally meet you all today. My name is Lucas a-and after today......(Closes his Eyes and Shout) I-I HOPE CAN WE BE THE BESTEST OF FRIENDS!
Everyone: (Cheers in Rejoice) YEAH!!!
Ashley: (Sighs While Smiling Sheepishly at Lucas) My darling Lucas~
????: Awwwwwww~
Ashley quickly comes back to reality as her eyes begins to widened before turning around to see Mona and Penny smirking at Her In a teasing fashion.
Mona: Staring at him with that lovey-dovey eyes of yours already?~
Penny: Hmmmmmmmmm?~
Ashley: (Groans in Annoyance While Walking Away) Let's just get this picnic over with.....
An Hour and a Half Later at the Diamond City's Picnic.........
Lucas: Wait. So..... You're telling me that Wario set an entire stadium contest, mistakenly stole a portable potty, and almost cheated all of you out of your money....just to order pizza?
Penny: Yeah.....It was pretty chaotic in those a two and a half days. But at least we had good time regardless. Even after Wario tried to steal our share of the deal afterwards.
Wario: Hey! In my defense, that Gold Challenge was all my idea from the very beginning.
Mona: Yeah, but we still helped.
Everyone (Except For Lucas and Ashley) Yeah!
Lucas: I...gotta agree with them, Wario. That was a pretty jerkish move on your part.
Wario: (Crosses his While Looking Away in Annoyance) Ehh Whatever! I can always scam you losers anytime I want....
5-Volt: (Place her Hand on Wario's Shoulder While Giving him the Dark Glare Herself) What was that?
Wario: (Gets Startled) AHH! N-N-Nothing!! W-Wario didn't say anything! I swear!
5-Volt: (Sighs While Calming Herself Down) I sure hope not....
Everyone: (Giggles Softly at Wario's Dispense)
Lucas: If you don't mind me asking, when was the first all of you have met each other?
Mona: On the day we first started working with Wario. It was supposed to be one time thing, but.....oddly enough, the more we started working on the company together, the more we got more closer to one another than we ever thought we would.
Ashley: (Nodded in Agreement) It's true. While Red and I met them shortly after, our entire relationship with one another has gotten more close overtime. In fact.....(Starts Smiling Softly) Besides the Smash Family, everyone here is.... practically like a family to me. Even if they do get on my nerves sometimes.
Penny: (Heart Begins to Melt in Pure Happiness) Oh, Ashleyyyy~ (Pulls Ashley into a Loving Hug) Thank you!~
Everyone (except for Wario and Lucas) begins to join in on the group hug. Showing Ashley how much she means to each and everyone to them as well.
Ashley: ('Sigh') Thank you so much, everyone.....Now, get off.
Everyone: (Chuckles Lightly as They Pull Away From their Group Hug)
Lucas: (Chuckles Lightly) Even as co-workers, you guys managed to form a close bond with one another. You really are amazing.
9-Volt: (Smiles Brightly) Thanks, man. Ooh! Speaking of which, what's your family like back home? You know, besides the one back in the Smash World.
Wario: (Starts Choking Up on his Food a Little)
Ashley: (Eyes Widened in Horror) Oh no.....
Lucas: Oh. Well, umm....Back at my universe, I have a dad, grandfather, a really great dog named Boney, and a mom and twin brother......(Slowly Starts Frowning Sadly) Or.....at....least I used to have mother and brother.....
9-Volt: Wait. (Starts Frowning a Little in Worry) "Used to"?
Mona: (Frowns as Well) What do mean, Lucas?
Lucas: Well.....um....My mother and brother uh.... They're......gone.
Everyone: ('Gasps')
Penny: (Almost Speechless) G-Gone?
Lucas: Yeah...W-Well, I mean.... They weren't.... "gone" per say. They were....killed if anything.....
Everyone: ('GASPS')
5-Volt: (Covered her Mouth in Anguish) Oh my god.....
18-Volt: H-How!? What happened!?
Everyone: (Starts Rambling On About What is Happening Right Now)
Ashley: Everyone!
Everyone: (Stops at What They Were Doing and Turns to Ashley)
Ashley: ('Sigh') Look, I know all of you have questions in all of this, but... could you please not overwhelm Lucas here? He's been through a lot....
Lucas: (Gives Ashley a Sad Yet Reassuring Smile) It's okay, Ashley. I don't mind telling them what happened.
Ashley: Are you sure you wanna go through with this?
Mona: Yeah. You don't have to force yourself to tell us.
Lucas: (Simply Nodded) I'm sure. It's....not gonna be easy to tell, but... I'll do my best to stay strong throughout it all. (Takes a Deep Breath Before Speaking Again) Okay. So....it all started back in Tazmily Village, my hometown, it was morning time and.....
Regardless of how challenging it was in a few areas, Lucas continues to tell everyone almost everything that happened to him in the past. About Porky, the night that took his mother's live away, the disappearance of his twin brother and the sacrifice he took for Lucas in the later half of his tragedy adventure. As he told them each details, it wasn't long before tears begins to fall down on everyone's faces. Even Ashley started to shed a tear or two as she held Lucas' hand throughout the whole process. The explanation itself only lasted around fifteen minutes as Lucas mentally sighs in relief for lasting this long without breaking himself down.
Lucas: ......And that just about sums up everything that happened. It was.....a rough time for me back then. Losing love ones, getting out of a near death experience....It was a miracle dad and I managed to pull through till the very end without losing our minds. But....on the bright side....(Starts Smiling a Little) It....did taught me to be more brave and mindful over the years. And in a way, I'm kind of thankful for that, cause.... I don't think I would've become the person I am right now it weren't for that and all of the new friends and family I've made along the way. Kuma, Duster, Ness, Red, the Smash Family....(Smiles Down at Ashley) Even you, Ashley. I can't thank you enough for everything you've done for me.
Ashley: (Smiles Softly at her Boyfriend) It's really no problem at all, Lucas. If anything, I should be thanking you for being my friend to begin with....(Starts Blushing Again) A-And for being my boyfriend afterwards~ I love you for that....
Lucas: (Smiles Brightly) I love you too, Ash-
Before Lucas could finish saying his girlfriend's name, him and Ashley suddenly gets pulled into a hug by Penny, while she's still in tears.
Lucas: P-Penny!?
Ashley: (Glares at the Gender Girl) What has gotten into you!?
Penny: Sorry! ('Sniff') Didn't mean to ruin the moment. ('Sniff') My emotions are already running all over the place. So....('Sniff') I thought maybe hugging it out....('Sniff') Would help it go down a little, you know? ('Sniff')
Ashley: (Sighs While Rolling her Eyes) Whatever helps you feel better, Penny....
Penny: Thank you! ('Sniff') And Lucas?
Lucas: Y-Yeah?
Penny: ('Sniff') I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that in past and I'm so happy you're doing a lot better now. ('Sniff') And I know what it feels like to lose someone who's close to you, so....('Sniff') If you ever need someone to talk you, I'll always be there to listen and help, okay?
Dr. Crygor: (Joins in on the Group Hug) That goes for me as well, young man.
Mike: And me.
Doris 1: And for I as well.
Young Cricket: We would be honored to help you anyway we can as well.
9/18-Volt: Don't forget about us!
Kat/Ana: And us!
Lulu: And me!!
Mona: And me as well. We'll always be there for whenever you need us, Lucas. Promise.
Ashley: You guys are too helpful....Can you believe them, Lucas?.....Lucas?
Lucas: (Already in Tears) I know we just met and everything, but.... ('Sniff') I'm so glad.....('Sniff') THAT WE'RE FINALLY FRIENDSSS!~
Penny: Oh buddy! Don't cry!~
9-Volt: Yeah! Of course we're friends!~
Ashley: (Sighs Once More as She Hears her Friends Rambling on About Their Newfound Friendship) (So this is where my life has gotten to at this moment.... Being surrounded by a bunch of hyperactive fools and a cute, emotional boyfriend.....) (Smiles Softly) (I love it already.)
5-Volt: (Smiles Tearfully at the Kids Getting Along) ('Sniff') This is do sweet.....
Mantis: (Happily Nodded in Agreement) Agreed. I believe this will be a start of a beautiful friendship together.
Dribble: (Noticed Wario is Sniffing Right Beside him) Hey man, you getting emotional there too?
Wario: N-No! ('Sniff') I-I'm not crying! ('Sniff') I just got something in eye!
Spitz: Yeah? Like what?
Dribble: (Starts Snickering) So much for not caring.
Spitz: (Snickering as Well) Yeah. Guess you really do have after al- (Felt Wario's Snot Coming Out on his Sleeve Before Sighing) Nevermind.....
Ness: So.... Lucas met these guys yesterday and you're saying that ALL OF THEM wants to join the squad as well?
Ashley: (Sitting Next With All of the WarioWare Crew While Giving Ness Simple Nodded) Yes. All of them.
Mona: (Smiles Softly at the Boy) I hope you don't mind.
Ness: N-Not at all! I was just.... surprised by how many of you are there, you know? But....(Sigh Slowly Turns to Wario) Are you sure letting him join is a good idea?
Wario: (Glares at Ness) HEY! I can be nice and trustworthy as much as any of you losers in this stupid mansion! (Starts Eating his Chips While Looking Away)
Mona: (Smiles Sheepishly) W-We'll make sure he's on his best behavior.
Ashley: Yeah. (Slowly Starts Moving Herself Over to Ness) We'll...make definite sure about that....(Whispers into Ness' Ears) Write his name in the Unofficial category. I don't trust him one bit.
Ness: (Whispers Back to Ashley) Neither do I. (Writes Down Wario Name Down his Clipboard Before Smiling Brightly at the Gang) Welcome aboard, guys!
Everyone: (Happily Cheers in Rejoice)
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yaspup9000 · 3 years
Ayo real talk, the space bunnies and Doris 1 is underrated as heck!!!
I love them so much! I also really love Doris 1 she’s adorable 
Also Mike x Orbulon is a underrated ship, if I see ship art of them it warms my heart.
Mike and Orbulon are rad!!
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Doctor Crygor for the character ask thingy?
favorite thing about them
He pulls off the wacky scientist stick extremely well. I mean this is the guy who made a karaoke robot to clean his place.
He's amazing.
least favorite thing about them
Much like Dribble, I feel Crygor was hit with one of the weaker Gold onwards redesigns, possibly my least favorite. It has grown on me though.
favorite line
His ''You know how I miss you.'' to Mike in Gold. It's adorable.
I like to think him and Orbulon work on experiments together as science pals.
Crygor x Mike is not for me. Doubly so because Mega Man has conditioned me to view the creator of clearly sentient robots as a father figure.
random headcanon
Wario's golf pack jetpack from Super Rush is something Crygor made for him, just for the occassion.
unpopular opinion
Not too big on the pink he had in his Touched design.
song i associate with them
His original theme from Mega Microgames and Mega Party Games.
favorite picture of them
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I love this outfit so much.
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ghostat7am · 5 months
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Gonna try to post more WIPS & sketches here
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Hey me again, I just wanted to say that again, the art is cute as hecc! Please keep up the good work and please bring more Doris 1 fanart in the world, we’re staving here lol.
Also no joke the concept of mike x Orbulon but for the ladies is respectable! After all Doris 1 needs some love too ya know. I hope my tags didn’t discourage ya or anything, keep up the awesome art!
your tags werent discouraging at all and i appreciate them so so much!!! i rlly appreciate you supporting my art even if the ship isnt rlly for you👍
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ghostat7am · 7 months
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Haven't drawn the humanised versions of Diverged Mike & Orbulon in a while so here's them in their redesigned looks!
Mike is African-Japanese (like his dad) and his human name is Masaaki, but he goes by Mike & MC for nicknames. He's nonbinary and uses he/they pronouns (same thing goes for robot Mike)
Orbulon is Indonesian & has albinism, he goes by Orion for his human name. They're genderfluid & uses any pronouns, but mainly he/they too (same thing for alien Orb)
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ghostat7am · 1 year
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A drawing I did for Team Love during the Splatfest! Even though we didn't win, I had fun with it all! Love will always win in our hearts 🤍💙
My Splashtag: MikeCrygor #2706
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ghostat7am · 1 year
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Robot that is gay + autistic
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ghostat7am · 2 years
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I uhhhh kinda fell off drawing for a bit but I'm slowly getting back into it!! I'm just v rusty atm orz -While you wait, enjoy this shitpost I made
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