#Mikey Glamour
Rise Characterizations Pt. 3!!!
Now that Leo and Raph are done, it's Donnie's turn for character analysis as a writing reference. So without further ado,
Donnie Character Notes
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Language Habits:
Straight up talks like a redditor who hasn't touched enough grass (affectionate)
Oscillates between very scientific paper polished, sometimes adding a dazzle of shakespearean for dramatics, or abbreviations/a shorter version of a word with a more fun connotation (i.e. "brekkie" instead of breakfast)
Uses food as surprised exclamations or curses, "oh my peaches and cream", "banana pancakes!"
Emphasizes each syllable of a long word when he's excited or trying to make a point. Conquered becomes con-qu-ered
Either exaggerates his speech or speaks in deadpan
The science terms he uses as battle cries aren't chosen at random, but rather are related to the action/subject at hand, i.e. yelling "fibonacci" when throwing his spinning tech-bo
Will overly describe an item or a situation, and often gets caught up in these observations before processing what just happened
Will repeatedly yell "help!" when he's distressed and/or outnumbered
Refers to Mikey as "Michael"
Refers to his brothers as "brethren" or "gentlemen"
Refers to splinter as either "father", "papa", or "dad" depending on the weight of the situation
Refers to his tech as his "babies"
Answers the phone with, "You're conversing with Donatello"
Uses "gesundheit" instead of bless you
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The fixer, he supplies the family with tech and resources. He always has a trinket made for the situation at hand and/or offers his knowledge/data collected. He's always prepared to help. Even with outside resources, he likes to feel useful in solving their problems (i.e., building Todd that dog park)
The theater kid, in a similar vein to leo, Donnie has his own style of dramatics. He often uses shakespeare-like language, is mentioned to regularly recite the jupiter jim musical soundtrack, and has a music mode for his battle shell. He belongs on a stage, or at least thinks he does
Not good at lying, despite the glamour he can put on in the spotlight. This may be due to the side of himself that over explains his thoughts
An over-thinker, who really tends to over-complicate things. His first theory or idea will always be the most extreme buck-wild concept. After some filtering, he still word vomits
A dreamer/big idea guy. He does have big ideas and goals. A lot of these he's able to put into place, although some go a little haywire (see Albearto). He doesn't do things in halves, and puts everything into a project
Meticulous, someone who's very detail oriented. As mentioned before he tends to over-complicates things. This may be impacted by his love for data and collecting information (he does record Everything for a reason)
Always on the edge of violence, which is surprising. Donnie's not known as being the angry archetype of tmnt, but he can get a little violent in his fighting style and does often cite his desire to use lethal force
Low empathy, which is mainly due to his issues processing and recognizing emotions. He's been pegged as unemotional, but in canon he's rather emotional and expressionate, just lacking the skills to process such emotion (he's just like me fr)
Praise motivated, as seen with his interactions with Splinter. Also desires the praise of his brothers, who he doesn't feel understand him with all the teasing that's sent towards his direction. This also pushes him to seek validation and acceptance in other groups (i.e. the purple dragons), to feel a sense of security or belonging
Ignores his own mistakes, and will often pretend like they didn't exist or ever happen. This most likely has to do with his desire for praise, so he feels bad when he fails. If he never made a mistake, he never has to feel bad
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Fourth to unlock mystic powers
Uses "Bootyyyshaker9000" as most of his usernames and passwords, with his alt. username being "Alpha-Bootyyyshaker9000"
Has a fear of bees, spiders, and of course beach balls
Breaks the fourth wall the most
Loves the smell of pineapple, hates the texture
Has a hobby of rooting around in the junkyard and dumpster diving
Uses cheat codes in video games
Mikey's next of course :)
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niphredil-14 · 9 months
ROTTMNT With a Witch! S/o
Just a quick reminder that requests are open!
- we all know that Leo is a magic nerd, though he may have a slight preference for stage magic over the actual, less show-y magick.
-i feel like Leo would love to have a witch as a partner, and would probably get into some basic, low energy types of spells as a result. He would be your biggest fan, and would want to help with most of your spells.
-he will be devastated if you say no, but sometimes it's just easier without this tease-prone ball of energy inside of the circle, you know?
-will BEG for you to do spells for him!! even for the smallest issue, he would be kneeling at your feet giving them the biggest puppy eyes with a matching pout.
-i can see him getting into glamour magick as a primary form of magick for him.
-all the magick-themed pick up lines. anytime you do anything he just tells you how you've enchanted him and how he's completely under your spell, how he's convinced that he must have drank a love potion, etc.
-not a fan for a good long while. will go on about his "science is fa superior to your little dumdum magic!!" until you hit him with the "magick's success and cause and effect has stood the test of time, people would not use it if it did not work. and btw magick is just science that we don't yet have the technology to understand."
-after that he would be like "okay challenge accepted!" and would probably conduct a ton of experiments on the movement and manipulation of subtle energies, and how the placebo affect effects spellwork, etc.
-i feel like he wouldn't participate in any spellwork outside of his experiments, at least not until he got his ninpo, at which point he would do a ton of studying about the occult.
-he'll warm up to it eventually, but i don't think it would ever be something that he ever really found a passion in.
-i could see him combine some of his chemistry knowledge with your occult knowledge to help you with potions though!
-he might like tech magick, or adding spells/sigils in with his tech, but i don't think you'd ever find him doing any more than that unless you get him to.
-loves magick, loves mystics, loves you
-would take any and every oppurtunity to engage with/ help with your magick! He wants you to teach him everything you know, and I feel like he would learn a whole lot on his own, and the two of you would just bounce ideas off of each other.
-we all know that Mikey becomes a super powerful mystic, so with you by his side?? power couple!! (everyone is afraid of the two of you.)
-supportive but does not understand. like at all.
-will bring you every crystal he sees, every rock, every branch, every flower, and (if you're a vulture culture kinda witch) every bone.
-he likes to watch you do magick if you're comfortable with it, but wouldn't dare try to participate in the spell. he's just a big ol' fanboy.
-i feel like he would love protection magic, it's very important as someone with a job as dangerous as his. if you were to make him some kind of protection amulet, he would probably cry. He's the oldest, he's used to having to protect everyone else, he's not used to anyone trying to protect him. He would never take it off, and if it ever did it's job as much as it could, and finally broke, he would cry, please make him another.
-he would probably crochet some blank poppets for you, that could easily be customized.
-(please help her make fun and flashy assignments that won't backfire like Donnie's tech does!)
-I think she would love to help out in your spells as much as you'll let her, but knows better than to overstep. This is your thing, she understands that you're the boss when it comes to mystic stuff, and just enjoys being along for the ride.
-would pay you to do spells for her, she isn't a fuckin freeloader (like LEO), she knows that it's a craft, and that the hard work you do deserves to be compensated, and if you don't let her paay you for spells because you love her, then she'll just insist on paying for your next date, or buying you that trinket you've had your eye on for a while. you can't stop her.
-she only cares if you can do spells to help her conquer the world (and if you can hex her enemies c:<)
-no but forreal i think she would love to have a witch lover, and would want to participate, she'd be the BEST at raising energy for spellwork and ritual!
-i think she'd actually make a super powerful practitioner once she learned how to direct her energy
-she would 100% collect bones, so if you're the type of witch to like that, then she may just give you a few from her collection.
-bitch would SLAY at baneful magick
Casey Jr.:
-an alt boy and his witchy partner, is there a better combo than that?
-seriously though, I feel like he would love to just sit around while you were doing magick, he likes to watch, and likes it even more if you teach him anything.
-i feel like he would really only ever use magick for others though. Like if he was struggling, the thought of doing a spell to help himself doesn't even cross his mind, but one of his friends or family members has even the slightest issues and he's jumping for his athame (he would def mainly use an athame, a pretty basic and minimalistic one though).
-another one who just brings you anything he can find that's even slightly related to your craft, and brags about how amazing you are to everyone, all the time.
-please teach him how to use tarot, he wants to commune with the spirits. he'll be responsible, he swears c:
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phoebepheebsphibs · 8 months
So I did a commission a week or so ago and it was for magical mid-twenties Mikey crying golden tears. Well I had a first draft sketch that I loved too much to discard, so I turned it into a full art piece and I really liked it so here ya go kiddies eat up the free food
I think I broke the sound barrier from how fast I ascended with this
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I did not mean to pop off that hard I was just honestly having fun experimenting with light effects and got lost in the glamour of future Mikey
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theimpalatales · 2 months
I adore the cinematography in Kin, particularly in the first few episodes of season 1 (directed by Diarmuid Goggins).
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There's a voyeurism to many of the shots that place things like furniture, doors or windows in the foreground between the characters and the camera, creating distance between us and them – like we, the audience, are privy to family matters we shouldn't be seeing.
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There's a sense of intensity and a fight for control to the extreme edges of the frame the characters are painted into.
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And, as intense and powerful as the characters can feel, there is always the sense that the world is bigger than them. The characters are, ultimately, swallowed up by the world.
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I think this is so clever because it feels like such a fresh way to shoot a show about gangsters, and it completely fits with many of Kin's themes. Throughout Kin, we see a fairly humanistic exploration of gang families and how difficult it can be for the characters to become free from the criminal endeavours they're surrounded by; once you dip your toe in the pond, you're sucked in. Events have a way of spiralling out of an individual's control, and actions have severe consequences that manifest like falling dominoes.
The world the characters inhabit is bigger than them; the house always wins. It doesn't matter that Mikey wants to stay clean to better his chances of seeing his daughter again, or that Amanda doesn't want her son having anything to do with the family's criminal activities. Even as they wrestle for control of their lives, it's made apparent that they're up against forces bigger than any of them. They are Kinsellas, they exist within this criminal world, and they will have to face the consequences of that.
But neither are these characters helpless. They are in constant conflict with each other to shape the world how they want it to be. They are characters fighting for their survival, for their right to live the way they want to (whether we agree that's morally acceptable or not). We even see explicit examples of characters like Mikey and Amanda being in a position to walk away from the family business and leave it all behind. But this isn't truly what they want.
The Kinsellas go up against Eamon Cunningham. We watch Amanda orchestrate assassinations to hit back at the men who killed her son. Eric is the first Kinsella we see carry out an execution. Mikey (briefly) engages the legal system to be able to see his daughter, and then he and Anna disregard the court's orders for them to have no contact. And the Kinsellas are constantly butting heads with each other as they reap the rewards of their criminal activities. They each have agency and power that they use to try to stay afloat in this treacherous world. The characters' conflict and struggle are visually apparent in the framing and composition of the shots.
Finally, going back to the first point I made (and, wow, I had no idea I'd be making a post this long, I am so sorry!): the voyeurism. From my (little) understanding, gang members in Ireland have almost a reality star-status. The public know who they are, the papers are constantly reporting on them, and their lives appear to be glamorous and, to some, enviable in some ways. Kin almost entirely strips this perspective away to look at the individuals behind this sense of celebrity, to examine the traumatic impact of being involved in a world so deadly and dangerous.
The wealth and glamour is present, but it isn't the focus of the show. Instead, what we get feels like an exposé, a peak behind the curtain into the true lives of these gangsters. Mikey suffers from epileptic fits often brought on by the stress of the job. Amanda and Jimmy lose their son and we watch them grieve. Eric goes to prison and his girlfriend struggles with the drastic change to their relationship. The list goes on as we are treated to the serious and real consequences of being part of this criminal world.
The colour grading and lighting also help hammer this home. It's neither highly saturated or overly desaturated. Rather than having the contrast bumped up, it almost appears soft. Against a backdrop of criminality and drama, the visuals of Kin invite its audience to view these characters as people first, to view them and their actions with empathy, if not always sympathy.
Kin is a show with something to say, and it knows how to use its cinematography to deliver that message to its audience.
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wolftozier · 3 months
12 for any/all of the losers?? whoever inspires you in whatever iteration
12. fashion sense
eddie: very glitz and glamour. brand names for the sake of brand names. the gaudy ruby pinky ring... his gucci loafers... eddie dresses how he thinks rich successful people should dress, which means he isnt dressing like that at all. three different luxury brands at a time. chunky ass rings. wears both silver and gold jewelry at the same time. hes so tacky <3
richie: okay first of all i dont think richie is bad with fashion. obviously i love subscribing to the idea of him having silly shirts and funky patterned socks and joke ties but like... its a facade... my guy builds himself a mask to hide behind... i think this was in a fic i read but the way he dresses to me shows that he knows too much about fashion, not too little. he knows exactly how to exaggerate the flaws he doesnt mind showing to the world. dont take him seriously!! treat him like hes a childish manbaby!! just like he wants you to. youve fallen for his trap.
mike: mikey and his librarian sense of fashion... sweaters. vests. little glasses that have a chain. shoes that make clicky noises when he walks. i just want him to wear comfortable things i think he deserves comfort!!!!!!!
bev: she is a natural tomboy to me i Think... adam sandler type tomboy, with the oversized stuff. however, i think she learnt from a very young age that people (adults, men, etc) dont like her if she isnt feminine. and sadly i think shes very susceptible to what that crowd thinks of her. shes hyper feminine as an adult because of this. worries people will think differently of her without the makeup. without the nice clothes that show off her figure.
ben: i think for a long time into adulthood, even when he loses weight, ben wears oversized stuff. and its not fashionably oversized, its dont-look-at-my-body oversized. and i think hes more forced outta the habit instead of growing out of it. because he needed nice clothes for job interviews etc. i dont think hes ever comfortable all dressed to the nines like he is for work and i dont think hes comfortable dressed down in pajamas, because it just makes him feel like hes hiding again. he doesnt really have a solid taste in fashion because hes never really allowed himself to feel good in what he wears
bill: sorry i love bills 2019 fashion. guy who goes into the nearest. like. walmart or whatever you americans use and heads to the mens section and just buys whatevers there. like yeah he looks good but dude. we can afford better than 7$ shirts i think
stan: i love baby stan and him being the worlds smallest adult. this means. to me. that stan never has much of a fashion evolution. he wears his adult clothes just as pressed and neat as he did his little kid clothes. tucks his shirt in. buttons up neatly. hes very methodical when he puts everything on.
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boxfullaturtles · 10 months
I want to know all the things about your KH AU. Please just tell me things, because I love it.
oh Kingdom Hearts AU, how i have neglected you…. UnU what can I say about KH AU hhhmm (aside from having Raph's ref sheet half done and then getting distracted by a million other things lol) let's see........
Donnie loses his heart at some point. Not because of a Heartless or other enemy, but because he pushes himself too hard and too far.
He does create a Heartless. I don't know what kind of Nobody he leaves behind
The rest of the family do end up finding--and fighting--Donnie's Heartless. How do they know it's Donnie's? Well, aside from Mikey being able to sense Donnie's Heart, buried and smothered in Darkness, there's a certain...Donatello flavor to the way the Heartless looks.
I have not finished designing the Donnie Heartless.
How do they get Donnie back? I dunno. Maybe it involves the piece of his Heart he left with Shelldon.
What's in the half of Donnie's lab that no one ever gets to see? That's a secret. For now.
Casey's Future Leo only had one Keyblade and it wasn't Arc Hope, so Future Leo didn't have portals. In fact, Future Leo's Keyblade didn't seem like it fit him at all. A heavy hitter with a reverse grip didn't really fit his fighting style. But he made it work.
Future Mikey was so powerful that his Keyblade kind of just...floated around him, like an extension of himself. He wielded it kind of like how Sora's Final Form uses Keyblades in KH2.
Casey Junior gets a shock when he sees the present day Keyblades. And an even bigger one when Leo portals. And then the biggest one when Leo gains Synch Blade and dual Keyblades.
I love the design of Before the Fall so damn much. But I don't think it fits Leo very well overall. I think after the Krang, the whole thing is weighing heavily on his Heart and he can't let it go. So while he has a lot more faith in his family (After the Rise), he's struggling with keeping that faith in himself. It's letting doubt and Darkness creep into his Heart and it's going to take some work and character development for him to overcome this. Before the Fall is a little too heavy with Darkness for him.
When Leo DOES find himself in a better place, Before the Fall will change. To what? I haven't decided yet. I just don't think Leo should be forced to carry a burden like that Keyblade. He deserves something better.
April's Keyblade is the only one I haven't figured out a name for yet.
In the silly TMNT AU Competition comic I did, Donnie mentions a "Worlds We Are Banned From" list. This is a real list. They have been forbidden from returning to some worlds for...reasons. The reasons may or may not be because of shit they've done.
Raph and Leo sort of co-lead the group, but Raph still acts as the big brother most of the time, trying to wrangle his siblings into behaving. Except when he's acting out too, and then it's April's job.
April getting a Keyblade was an accident. Donnie accidentally did it when they were little.
What's Draxum doing in this AU? Why did he make the turtles? What are the Foot Clan doing? How does The Shredder work? Fuck if I know. What, you think I planned this or something?
Yes, there is magic that alters their appearance depending on what kind of world they land on. Most of the time, it's like a surface level glamour that only affects the eyes of the inhabitants (this is my headcanon as to why no questions why a duck and a dog are following Sora around 90% of the time, they look human on worlds with humans). There have been a few worlds where they've had to deal with physical transformations. Suffice it to say that those have been an absolute riot for everyone.
And...that's all I got. For now anyway. There is still some stuff I'm working on, but it's sort of taken a back seat to everything else...
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dalekofchaos · 4 months
Life Is Strange characters as D&D Classes
Max Caulfield:Human Temporal Sorceress Chloe Price:Elf Barbarian Rachel Amber:Elven Bard of Glamour. Kate Marsh:Harengon Cleric of Life Warren Graham:Dwarven Wizard Bladeslinger of Fury Victoria Chase:Tabaxi Bard Of Whispers Nathan Prescott: Dragonborn Thief Rouge Samantha Myers:Half-Elf Cleric of Solidarity Dana Ward:Elven Paladin of Redemption Brooke Scott:Gnome Artificer Alchemist Steph Gingrich:Human Warlock of The Archfey Mikey North: Human Wizard of Abjuration Mark Jefferson:Tiefling Mastermind Rouge Frank Bowers:Orc Beast Master Ranger Samuel:Human Primeval Guardian Ranger David Madsen:Human Battle Master Joyce Price:Human Cleric of Protection William Price:Human Paladin of Devotion
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starsfic · 4 months
Random HCs in DotTMNT
(For those who don't know, DotTMNT stands for Dawn of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, my attempt at making my own TMNT incarnation.)
The boys, excluding Donnie, do attend school! Yoshi arranged a lot to get some very good tutors to homeschool the boys online (with any meetings requiring the cameras to be turned off.)
Donnie is excluded because he graduated early and isn't interested in college yet.
The show starts in the summer, so April and Irma are about to become juniors. Casey is about to become a senior.
Tang Shen's parents died when she was young, so she started living with her grandfather, a Chinese filmmaker named Tang Zǐmò.
Zǐmò is still alive and dotes on April.
Draxum mixed some of his DNA at Yoshi's request, so the turtles do have some minor sheep characteristics- like baaing when frightened.
Also, when glamouring to look human, the boys look like a mix of Draxum's human form and Yoshi.
However, Raph and Mikey actually look like their grandparents more than they do Draxum/Yoshi, with Raph resembling Haruto Draxum (Draxum's father) and Mikey resembling Hamato Atsuko, Yoshi's mother.
April and Donnie get matching jackets, with April's jacket being in her mother's distinct shade of lavender.
Tang Shen retired from movies after the Hamato brothers disappeared, instead starting and running multiple charities. She met Benjamin at a museum gala, with his dodo exhibit supported by one of her charities.
There were six Hamato siblings in all- Saki was the eldest, Kouki was the third eldest, and Yoshi was the youngest.
Yoshi cannot sleep until he knows for certain that his sons are home and safe.
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tblsomedoodles · 1 year
Imagine if the turtles did play D&D
Yess!!! They did this for 2012 and it's, no joke, my favorite episode of that series as a result. It was literally just Leo forcing his brothers to play D&D, and then go Larping in the sewers lol.
but the Rise boys playing would be absolutely rediculous!
I could see either Donnie or Mikey DMing the game. Donnie b/c i could see him going all out learning the rules and being very adiment on making sure everyone follows them. Mikey b/c i could see him being brilliant at weaving a story for his players to go through...and both would have far too much fun having that much power over the narrative. Maybe they co-dm? or switch back and forth between campaign arcs? probably the second so they all have a chance to play as characters.
Mikey's character would, i imagine, be a Wild magic sorcerer, specifically for the chaos the wild magic surges would bring. and b/c magic. He would definitely play them as a very silly character and absoutely loves how annoyed Donnie gets whenever those wild magic surges end up messing with his campaign.
Raph would be a little out of his element as far as D&D goes, but would enjoy playing none-the-less. I could see him basically just recreating himself as a character (maybe as a protection fighter.) I imagine his character would end up dying many times throughout the campaign and he just brings the same character sheet out and changes the name, claiming their the child/sibling/varying relation to his last character.
Donnie would take hours building his character, making sure every stat is as good as he can get it. I could see him having either an Inquisitive rogue (if he's still holding a grudge over mystics) or an Artilleriest artificer (if he's not.) (maybe he starts as a rogue and then multiclasses? or he just has multiple characters ready in case Mikey kills one lol)
Leo's character, is, in fact, a straight up Glamour Bard with stupidly high charisma that keeps derailing Donnie/Mikey's campaigns. Both Donnie and Mikey have it out for this character, but, for some stupid reason, this Bard is damn near unkillable. either by luck or by talking his way out of trouble, he always escapes. They once got this bard caught by a dragon, and was certain it was the end of him (finally) but this bard ended up talking the dragon into eating his captors instead and letting him go. (bard is still penpals with the dragon too, since he made a very good impression.)
April's character is probably a cleric (b/c she figured someone should have healing magic and she knew Leo's bard would not). But she keeps forgetting she has the healing magic and tends to just rush in with a hammer whenever there's trouble.
anyways, Rise kids would have a blast playing D&D and no one can convince me otherwise lol : )
Thank you!
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mr-wrestlemania · 10 days
Living Legends(Monster Au)
"Shawn Michaels had a boyhood dream of carving his name into wrestling history and live forever in the same vein as other champions. Except for one problem, He already will live forever as an immortal energy vampire. Personal issues only grow as he discovers he is far from the only one posing as a human. Will he succumb to his hunger or will he come out on top?" AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/58924921/chapters/150201388 Main pairings: Shawn Michaels/Marty Jenetty(Implied), Shawn Michaels/Bret Hart Chapter One: First Steps
(Content Warning: The Intro scene depicts a vague scene of an overdose caused by an unspecified substance. While not graphic in detail, desecration is advised. The rest of the chapter is free from such scenes. Nobody dies and they recover just fine.)
The night life was The Rockers’ bread and butter, especially for Shawn Michaels. What vampire wouldn’t love the glamour of the cities turning on their alluring lights for humans to party? Except he wasn’t like the old boring vampires you’d see on the theater screens though, his main source of food were emotions. Traditional Vampires wish they were him, because he could walk in the sun and not burn to a crisp. Food was still off limits sadly, but that was a small price to pay in Shawn’s book. As a tag team, he found solace in his longtime friend Marty Jenetty. He was far from the same type of monster as Shawn, a satyr, but he had the gusto to stay on the same page as Shawn both in the ring and out. Masking his hooves was tricky but nothing he couldn’t handle. Monsters and wrestling wasn’t new anyway. Werebears were rumored to have made killings posing as actual bears for people to wrestle back in the day. However it still had to be kept secret, for the talent’s safety. At best, the two knew it'd be easier to hide themselves in performances until they knew for sure the rumors were true. For their run in the WWF, they pretty much passed as humans and no one was the wiser. Shawn would feed off the energy of the crowd but sometimes it just wasn’t enough. Every now and again he needed blood to keep his body in tip top performance. 
It was that exact hunger that shattered his world apart.
The rehearsals were long and wore on the young men’s bodies. Marty took his “medicine” out on the table of their hotel room and Shawn was sipping some cheap wine on one of the beds. If he couldn’t eat, he at least could ingest liquids. Still, he wished the shit he was sipping at the time was better tasting. It sat on his tongue with a bitter after taste. Marty was humming to himself until he nearly fell over. He glanced over at his partner and raised a brow, “Marty? Go easy on that stuff, you’ll send yourself to the moon.” Marty’s sigh was shaky, “Y-Yeah.. Thanks. I just needed something to help with the aches.” He tried not to stomp his way to his bed, even though they were on the first floor of the hotel. Poor guy was heavy footed, or heavy hooved. “Oh god. Oh god.. Mikey, I think I’m too high..” Shawn sat up and quickly moved over to Marty to look him over, “Relax.. relax…Its alright. I’ll wait it out with you okay? I’m not letting you do any more.” His partner’s presence made it easier to calm down. His warm hands on Marty’s shoulders helped ground him as he took some deep breaths. “Yeah. Yeah… Thank you Mikey. I’m sorry..” “I’m not going anywhere.” He pat Marty’s back as he helped him lay down. 
Admittedly, he was more worried than he gave off but he had to keep Marty calm. He turned on the tv to help keep Marty distracted while he cleaned up the mess. Less evidence left behind the better. Shawn was used to the routine, but it was starting to get old. His eyebrow twitched as he wiped his hands on a random towel on the floor, but Marty was not in the right state to yell at. 
All Shawn could do was run his hands through his hair and wait it out. The sounds of the soap opera he turned on could hardly distract him from his hunger. Marty said he’d let Shawn feed off him after the show, but the way things were looking he’d have to wait longer. Again. He could last longer than a traditional vampire but his hunger was just as agonizing.
The sound of something heavy falling to the ground snapped Shawn out of his thoughts. He bolted upright and yelled in horror, “MARTY!!” He scooped Marty up and checked for a pulse. Still beating. Marty’s eyes were very dilated and it sounded like he was trying to talk. Shawn looked at the phone in their room and considered calling for help. No way, they would recognize he wasn’t human right away. Shawn bit his lip and started to feel around for a vein in Marty’s arm. Once Shawn found his spot, he quickly tied his hair back and sunk his fangs into Marty’s arm. He was on a time crunch to get the substance out of Marty’s blood and he hardly cared what would happen to him. Marty wasn’t going to fade in his arms if he could help it. Marty’s blood was worse than the cheap wine he had moments prior. Drugs and alcohol could completely change the taste of someone’s blood but Shawn kept up the pace. The dry taste of Marty’s blood made his nose curl. Before he knew it, he could feel his skin crawl and his vision blur. “Ugh…Shawn…?” Marty’s eyes could finally focus and he looked down to his horror, “Oh god-” He pulled Shawn from his arm and lightly pat Shawn’s face. “Mikey??? Dammit!! Hold on. Just hold on..” Marty hopped back onto his feet and grabbed a necklace that helped conceal his hooves and horns. Then dove back onto the floor to hoist Shawn onto his back. “You had my back, so I’ve got yours.”
The guilt tightened around Marty’s throat as he ran through the hallway. He nearly collided into Bret Hart but even then he didn’t stop. He couldn’t stop. “Marty?! The hell you doing?!” Bret called out. Jim shook his head, “Rockers must have had too much to drink.” Bret frowned, “No. Something was off. Marty looked scared, Jim.”
Everything was a blur on Shawn’s end beyond hearing Marty sob and his jerky driving. He trusted Marty to make the right decision but the panic in Marty’s voice was more painful to listen to. He closed his eyes and everything around him was drowned out by a slow beeping noise. “Oh..you’re coming to..” Marty was by Shawn’s bedside, looking Shawn all over, “Please don’t be mad..I didn’t know where else to take you.” “Marty..? What are you-” Shawn looked around him, “A hospital? Fucks sake-” Marty tried to quiet Shawn but kept his hand away from Shawn’s mouth, “Hey don’t bite me again! Listen, you have enough blood in you to at least have a heartbeat. So they didn’t get suspicious.” He slumped back and wiped his face, “I’m so sorry… None of this would have happened if I just dialed it back like you said.. I’m no better than any other Satyr.” Marty shook his head, “But! You’re the one who needs attention right now-” Shawn looked away from Marty, “You’re right about that. I can’t keep doing this for you.. It could put us both in danger if it doesn’t kill us Marty. I care about you but something has to change man.”
“I know.” Marty sighed and hesitantly reached for Shawn’s hand, “I’m sorry..” Shawn didn’t react. His eyes were cold and very, very tired. A knock at the door startled Shawn but relaxed when he saw it was just a nurse, “Oh! Mr.Michaels, you’re awake. Good. You have a visitor. He..says he’s your employer?” “What?! How does Mr.McMahon know already..?” Shawn looked at Marty. Marty frowned and shied away from Shawn’s eyes, “It’s morning already. We probably missed our wake up call..” Shawn pulled his hand away slowly from Marty but softened his gaze a little. Then he turned to the nurse, “Can you let him in please?” “Of course, we’ll do another run on your vitals here soon, so it will have to be brief.” She smiled as she exited the room. It wasn’t long before the big man himself entered the room. Normally, Mr.McMahon wouldn’t get directly involved, but the bizarre story Bret told him raised far too many questions and he had to get to the bottom of it before any information could get to the public. He closed the door behind him and walked over to Shawn’s bed. “How are you feeling? I’ve heard quite the story this morning.” He was nearly impossible for Shawn to read but so far from what he could sense, there was some genuine concern for Shawn. Shawn sighed, “Foggy, but I’m here. What did you hear..?” Mr.McMahon’s mouth frowned as he paced, “Bret said he saw Marty running like a bat out of hell with you on his back. It was the mention of blood around your mouth that raised more than a few flags. I can get you help, but be straight with me dammit.” He stopped and looked at both of them, "What the hell happened???” Marty looked at Shawn with fear, silently pleading with him not to tell McMahon but Shawn’s mind was made up. “Sir, Marty nearly overdosed and I had to help him-” His eyes widened a little and glanced over at the heart monitor. It was a bit slower than it should’ve been.. Mr.McMahon then turned to Shawn and walked over. “I know it sounds crazy but he’s telling the truth!-” “Quiet dammit!” He silenced Marty, “Open your mouth.” Shawn blinked, covering his mouth instinctively, “Excuse me?” “You heard me, Shawn. If you’re insinuating what I think you are, you’ll have the proof sticking out of your gums.”
No other choice. Shawn lifted his lips with his fingers to show Mr.McMahon his fangs. They were more prominent than usual given his hunger for blood wasn’t satiated. The sight seemed to calm their boss down as he leaned away. Marty was as tight looking as a rubberband on a watermelon but Shawn was trying his best to read what their boss was feeling. Mr.McMahon rubbed the crease of his brow and nodded to himself, “A vampire?” Shawn frowned, “I’m surprised you believe me sir..” A dry chuckle escaped his lips, “Son, listen. And listen very very carefully. Both of you. You are not the first to be employed by my family, nor will you be the last. The only way for this-” He gestured to Marty and Shawn, “-To function in the federation is with some honesty. I understand why you kept it secret but dammit it nearly killed you! Both of you!!” Mr.McMahon turned to Marty, “You’re taking a break. I don’t care what you do but you are not going on TV until Shawn is better. Are we clear?” “Yes sir.” Marty shrunk in his chair. Finally, he looked at Shawn, “As for you, we’ll take care of your treatment this time . When you return, you are going to say you were on medical leave. We’ll discuss the paperwork later. No more lies you hear me? Not about this kind of shit. I expect you to learn from this.” “Understood. Thank you- I’m just..a bit surprised. I thought it was just stories that..people like me in wrestling was-” “-Fake? Bah. No. It never was. We had to make it seem like it was to protect our talent. It was one of the only accessible fields of work for some. We can discuss that later. Until then, both of you stay out of trouble, are we clear?” “Yes sir.” Both of the younger men nodded. 
Their boss, surprisingly, was a man of his word. Shawn had a detox treatment involving blood transfusions while Marty was sent out to rehab. They’d on the phone for a few hours every other day to check on one another but it was far from boring. For Shawn at least. “I’ll be honest. It feels pretty boring here.. I may have gotten in trouble yesterday for making my own fun.” Marty chuckled. Shawn held the landline to his face as he laid out on his bed, “Marty, you gotta show the staff some mercy. Just a little. It can’t be that bad.” “It’s super religious for some reason. Maybe this is a punishment..” He sighed heavily on the phone, “Just one more week.. How are you holding up?” “My system is completely clean according to my test a few hours ago. Which means I should be clear to travel again. I just gotta see Vince tomorrow. Nothing to get too excited about, just to fill him in on me being an emotional vampire.” “Oh. Good. Don’t have too much fun without me okay..?” Marty’s voice shook a little, “I gotta go. My head is killing me. I’ll check back in soon.” “Sure. Bye.” Shawn hung the phone up and grunted. It was obvious Marty was hurt by Shawn planning to go to the WWF before he would complete his program. It only aggravated Shawn because he knew Marty needed support, but so did he dammit.
He shot off the bed and slid on a jacket with a smirk. If he couldn’t get the energy of the crowd, then his next best options would be the local bars. After all, he was far worse to deal with when he was hungry. He just had to hold out for Marty a bit longer..
“Alright, so I’ll just review this so I’m on the same page. You only occasionally need blood, that right?” McMahon looked up from the papers Shawn gave him. Shawn nodded as he rubbed his eyes, “Yeah. Think of it like an oil change in a car I guess.” He chuckled softly, “I mostly just rely on the emotions of other people.” “Explains why your fangs seem to retract.” Mr.McMahon chuckled, “No offense. You’re still an incredible talent out there and these hardly seem like limitations for you.” He sat the papers aside and leaned on his desk, “Have you ever considered a singles run?” “A-A singles run?” Shawn sat up in his chair, “I mean, sure I have. It's been a dream of mine to be a solo champion just like the others.” He blushed nervously but kept his composure.
“No tag team lasts forever and you could have some potential out there. Try to mix things up a little when Marty returns. I want to see how you can work that crowd up with that..energy of yours. Just don’t make it too obvious that you out yourself. Do we have an understanding?” The idea of leaving Marty made Shawn hesitate, but in front of him was a chance he might never see again. Immortal lives are full of regrets sure, but this was one he didn’t want to keep him up at night. He smiled and nodded, “Of course, I won’t let you down.” “Good man. While you’re here, you might as well get retrained on the locker room etiquette. It’s a little different now that you’ll see everyone for what they really are. They’re just doing some rehearsals. If you brought your gear you might as well make use of that.” Shawn knew an indirect way to shoo someone away when he saw one. He nodded and exited the office with a bit more pep in his step. He did need to work out a little anyway, so it wouldn’t have hurt him to use the facilities. Though he wondered just how *different* the locker room would feel now that he knew other monsters were in there with him. Did they know what he was too?
“I’m getting too into my head again, fuck.” Shawn took a breath and walked towards the makeshift gym, “Better just change and get some work done..” He thought to himself as he made his way to the locker room.
For once, he tried not to get noticed and quickly slipped into one of the stalls to change. Just then he could hear two men walk into the locker room. “I’m telling you, we got this in the bag Bret. We won’t have to do tag much longer since The Rockers will be coming back soon.” Jim Neidhart sauntered over to a bench to put on his boots. “They are?” Bret Hart, there was no doubt about it if Shawn just went by his voice. “That’s good to hear. Couldn’t even find out what hospital Shawn was at so I have no idea how he’s doing.” He sighed. Jim snickered, “I hear someone saw him in the building.” Shawn and Bret were friendly with each other given the Harts and the Rockers got to wrestle a few times. Shawn beamed at the idea of someone like Bret worrying over a fresh wrestler like him. Bret was the locker room leader, a multi generational superstar and Shawn was still carving his name into the books.
He fixed his hair and quickly slipped his workout clothes on. Then slipped out from the stall with a cat-like smirk. “Aww, my ears are ringing guys.”
Bret perked and chuckled, “Michaels!” He got up, clasped hands with Shawn and gave him a quick hug. “Where the hell have you been? Last I saw you, you had blood on your mouth and Marty had you on his shoulder.”
The mental image made Shawn wince a little. “Ah..Yeaah.. I had to leave to get emergency medical treatment. I'm fine now! Marty got me seen just in time.”
Jim frowned, “Shit. Sorry to hear that. You were medically cleared ‘n everything?”
Shawn nodded proudly, “And Marty should be back in a week. I'll be so glad to get back in the ring. I've been way too restless.”
“I can imagine. From those bruises it looks like the vampires got you huh?” Bret chuckled.
Shawn went a little wide eyed and chuckled nervously, “Huh? Vampires?”
“He means your IV bruises.” Jim pointed to Shawn's inner arm.
“Oh! Yeah. Sorry I thought you meant-” Shawn hesitated. There was no telling if Bret was like him. Far as he could tell, Bret was a normal human.
“You believe in vampires?” Bret raised his brows a little with a smile. He almost seemed amused.
“Do you?” Shawn folded his arms.
Bret shrugged, “Dunno. Never met one,  so who am I to say?” He glanced up at the clock and looked at Shawn, “Sorry to cut it short, but we have to shoot a promo. We'll see you soon?”
The blonde nodded and stretched, “I'll be around.”
He took a deep breath and leaned against a set of lockers. Bret couldn’t have known..could he? Shawn ran to the nearest mirror and lifted his lip to look at his teeth. “Fangs are in…okay.” Shawn took another breath, “He couldn’t have known yet..I just have to keep it up until I’m sure..” He decided against working out in the building after all..
That one week felt like too long for Shawn’s liking. Not just because Marty was easy access to blood and energy but everything felt far too quiet. He hated being alone, everything felt so loud without Marty there to drown it all out. When he saw the familiar face of his friend, he practically floated in the air as he ran over. Marty beamed and nearly fell over from Shawn hugging him. “Did you wait on me this whole time??” He laughed, “It wasn’t too boring without me was it?” Shawn sighed in relief and shook his head, “No. Just too quiet. Way too quiet. I hardly knew what to do with myself honestly.” Not like he had a posse of friends in the federation to call upon.
The brunette’s smile was warm and he linked arms with Shawn as they walked. “Don’t worry about that, The Rockers are back in town! I just gotta drop my stuff off and we can head on out.” “You sure?” Shawn frowned, “You just had your ass planted in a car for 4 hours. Don’t you think you need to get something in you? I'm just guessing because I dunno if our hunger is the same.” “I’m already good! Just seeing you brought that adrenaline pumping through my veins.” Marty laughed and walked with a pep in his step.
Usually he’d be amused at Marty’s double meanings but it only told Shawn Marty didn’t learn much while he was away. He had hoped it was just him being paranoid, or things were going to get very messy.
“You’ll adjust to having me around again, keep that chin up! Or do you need a hit before we head out?” Marty paused just before stepping out of the hotel room. The way he looked at Shawn definitely didn't put him in the mood.
Shawn put his hands in his pockets and shrugged, “I’ll let you know..”
Shawn’s nerves only got worse as they started to head to the locker room. The hunger dragged it’s claws from the sides of his head, all the way to the bottoms of his heels. Everyone moved around them, some said hi and were happy the rockers were back but it all felt like a blur for Shawn. It was hell for his senses and body to perceive everything going on around him, not to mention Marty trying to talk to him at the same time.
Just when Shawn didn’t think it could get worse, it felt like he ran right into a wall. Only it was The Undertaker putting his gear on. His once empty eyes focused on Shawn and bent down. “Are you okay…?” His low voice was quiet enough for Shawn to hear. “Oh-yeah.. I’m so sorry.” Shawn quickly brushed himself nervously, “I’m uh-” Undertaker blinked slowly, “You look like you’re starving.” The way he looked at Shawn was as if he was staring right through him. Yet there wasn't any threatening aura about him. He could feel the blood drain from his face and Shawn moved his hair around nervously, “Haha..I..Do you know what I am..?” The dead man nodded but kept a finger to his lips. “That is your business Michaels. Take care of yourself.” He muttered as he walked off. “Hoooly shit..” Marty breathed, “He knew who you were!!” He laughed until he got a good look at Shawn’s face. “Shawn. C’mon you need to sit down..” Shawn grunted and followed Marty to an empty changing area. He sat down and put his head between his knees in an attempt to get the room to stop spinning. “Buddy. Have you fed lately..?” Marty sat next to him with a look of concern, “Talk to me.”
He shook his head no. Marty sighed with a smile as he gently lifted up Shawn’s head, “Take anything you need. We have time. I’ve missed you y’know.”
His hair stood up at Marty’s gentle touch, it felt like he didn’t deserve it. Marty’s fingers gently rubbed Shawn’s cheek and leaned closer to Shawn’s face. A quiet sigh escaped from Shawn’s lips and he finally caved into his urges. For a brief moment their lips connected as Shawn’s skin screamed in relief. He could feel everything Marty was feeling in that moment. Relief. Yearning. God the Adrenaline in Marty’s body.. When their lips separated, a glowing aura left Marty’s mouth and flowed into Shawn’s. The blonde man breathed it in as his blue eyes became more vibrant. He held Marty’s face gently until he was satisfied. His eyes were slightly dilated but he felt incredible. Like everything was right again. “Thanks Marty.” Shawn whispered. “Thank you for not sucking me dry.” Marty chuckled softly. “Feel better?” “Like I could fight god.” “That’s what I wanna hear.” Marty shot onto his feat and beamed. “Let’s shoot that promo. Then they’re gonna make us rehearse.. I can’t wait to get out there.” Shawn smirked to himself, “Neither can I.” They walked back through the locker room with more swagger in their step. Bret glanced up from lacing his boots and raised a brow at Shawn’s appearance. He looked put together but what was with his eyes? “You feeling better already?” Shawn stopped and smiled at Bret, “Oh yeah. I’ll be able to perform tonight. Just you wait.” Jim laughed, “Good to hear. We’ll meet you two out there in a bit then!” Something didn’t sit well in Bret’s gut, so he walked back where Marty and Shawn were just sitting. There didn’t appear to be anything left behind like powders or a skunky odor. “The hell did they do back here..? I hope its not drugs..” Bret shook his head as he rejoined Jim.
The promo was just to hype up their match and it went off without a hitch. Shawn managed to keep up until it was finally showtime. The Rockers made their way to the ring, smiling at the fans pop to their return. Shawn tossed around his hair and showed off a bit more than he usually did. He particularly enjoyed the sight of some female fans in the front row eying him. Marty pat his back as The Hart’s entrance music hit. Shawn heard the pop for Bret and Jim and a bit of envy flickered through him. He shook it off as he watched Jim take the side and Bret stroll into the center ring. Marty took his spot and hooted for Shawn. Shawn took another deep breath and had a smug smirk on his face. It looked almost foreign on the usually happy-go-lucky rocker. “Where was this energy during rehearsals?” Bret muttered. Shawn stuck his tongue out a little, “I’m just excited.” The bell rung and the two immediately jumped to grapple each other. Bret threw Shawn into the ropes to clothesline him. Shawn sold the shot and fell right onto his back. While Shawn tried to recover, Bret climbed onto the nearest turnbuckle and readied himself to jump off. He moved his hair out of his face and yelled as Bret landed right on him. Thankfully Shawn was positioned just right so Bret wouldn’t bump the ground too badly.
Both Jim and Marty were reaching out towards their tag partners, desperate to let Bret and Shawn get a breather.
Shawn started to crawl towards Marty’s corner but Bret tried to latch onto Shawn’s legs. The blonde kicked Bret in the ear and leaped forward to make the tag for Marty. Marty moved Shawn into the corner and went right to work to stop Bret from tagging Jim. The boss’s words rung in Shawn’s mind, “Try to mix things up a little when Marty returns. I want to see how you can work that crowd up with that..energy of yours.” He glanced at the women behind him and jerked his head upwards to acknowledge them. The girls could hardly believe Shawn noticed them and their smiles only grew. The smell of their admiration for him was too enticing, almost like freshly baked desserts seducing his sweet tooth. Instead of focusing on the match, he jumped off the ring and leaned on the rail. “Why aren’t you two sights for my sore eyes? What are ladies like you doing at a place like this? Enjoying the show?” One practically swooned in his presence, “Oh yes. Shouldn’t you be up there though..?” Shawn chuckled and waved his hand nonchalantly, “Marty’s talented, he’ll be just fine.” Jim tagged Bret in and Bret looked on at Shawn in confusion. “Marty? What the hell is Shawn doing??” Marty was held up by Bret and Marty yelled out to Shawn, “Shawn!!!” By the time Shawn whipped around, Bret was already preparing to put him into the sharpshooter. Shawn took that as his cue to jump back onto the ring. “Marty!!” It was too late. Marty started tapping as his body was giving out. It was the planned ending but it was supposed to be just a little longer. Mr.McMahon seemed pleased at the announcer table and nodded at Shawn. Bret looked at Shawn and wanted to knock some sense into him, but Jim grabbed his arm. “Lets go.Let’s go. Before you lose it.” Jim whispered as their theme hit.
Marty got onto his feet and glared at Shawn, ‘What the hell was that?!” Shawn frowned, “I’m sorry I got distracted!”
“Clearly!” Marty shoved Shawn a little, “You’re making us look bad at our comeback!!” The Rockers argued their way backstage but Marty was surprised management wasn’t as furious as he was. That was until Bret stomped his way to Shawn. “Did you just suddenly forget all that rehearsing?! We were supposed to wrestle for a few more minutes!!” Bret practically snarled. Shawn rolled his eyes, “You got your win in the end didn’t you? Or did you want to throw me around for a bit longer?” He teased. Bret pointed a finger at Shawn, “I don’t know what’s gotten into you but you better knock it off. Unless you forgot to tell us there was something new added to the match. The boss seemed way too happy with you.” Marty raised his brows and looked at Shawn, “Did you forget to tell me about something Shawn???” He tried backing away until Bret grabbed hold of Shawn’s singlet. Shawn grew fearful until he looked down at Bret’s hand. Wrapped around the straps of his singlet were..claws? Bret’s eyes widened as he got a much better look at Shawn’s eyes. They were vibrantly blue with slit pupils..? The anger on both of the men’s face instantly faded and was replaced with quiet shock. Bret let go of Shawn’s singlet and held his hands close to his chest. “Shit.. We’ll talk about this later. I’ve got to go..” Bret grabbed his stuff and started to rush out. “Bret!!! Hold on!! I can help!” Jim shook his head at Shawn, then ran off to catch up with Bret. 
Marty looked Shawn over, “Are you okay?! Did he do something to you?” “No.” Shawn licked his lips and swallowed, “No.. I-I’m fine. I don’t know what happened back there.. But I think Bret’s like us.”
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inspired (if not stolen /hj) by @featherlikescartoons post
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mikey: Did you have to stab them?
briar: You weren't there. You didn't hear what they said to me.
mikey: What did they say?
briar: "What are you going to do, stab me?"
mikey: That's fair.
briar: My life isn't as glamourous as my wanted poster makes it look.
donnie: Blackmail is such an ugly word. I prefer extortion. The X makes it sound cool.
raph: I left instructions for everyone while I'm gone.
leo: Mine just says "leo no."
raph: I want you to apply it to every possible situation.
mikey: Sometimes, I don't realize an event was traumatic until I tell it as a funny story and notice everyone is staring at me weird.
leo: The risk I took was calculated but, man, am I bad at math.
leo: A pessimist sees a dark tunnel.
mikey: An optimist sees light at the end of the tunnel.
donnie: A realist sees a freight train.
briar: The train driver sees three idiots standing on the tracks.
donnie: Die.
briar: Please don't die!
donnie: DIE!
raph, confused: Why are they yelling at a plant?
leo, watching while eating popcorn: They bought it together and briar wants donnie to accept it as their kid.
raph: Time freezes for everyone but you one day. What do you do?
briar: Oh... I'd mildly trouble everyone.
raph: what would you do?
briar: I'd shave a one-inch thick line in every thick beard I saw.
briar: I'd twist all the lightbulbs just a little bit so no one would know when they aren't working.
briar: I'd make every wing on people’s eyeliner just a little bit higher than the other one. And I'd tie everyone's shoelaces together.
briar: And then lastly, I'd snip a little hole in every tea bag.
raph: Remind me to never allow you to have power.
leo: Valentines Day? I'm ready. * Sprays an entire can of AXE body spray on himself*
mikey: What do I get?
leo: A night of fashion, mischief, mayhem, and possible death.
mikey: Ooh, check, check, and check; not sure about that last one.
leo: It won't be you.
mikey: I'll get my coat.
*donnie and leo are texting*
donnie: Please bring home PURIFIED water with NO minerals added for taste. NONE.
leo: I got spring water.
donnie: NO!
leo: With EXTRA minerals!
leo: It's like licking a stalagmite!
donnie: DON'T COME HOME!
leo: Mmmmmm, cave water.
briar: What are you eating?
donnie: You wouldn't like it, it's really salty.
briar: I like you, don't i?
briar: It was me ...
donnie: ...Is going to be forgiven because everyone deserves a second chance
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junsei-draws-rotasu · 2 years
You talking about a Lego Monkie Kid and TMNT 2012 and/or ROTTMNT crossover and/or reincarnation crossover au thing brings me so much joy. Can't tell u how much I now that in my life as someone who loves both TMNT and LMK so much.
I gotta say though, Rise Donnie as MK is a bit of a odd choice (would probably be very funny though). But I know that is like, the crack take, I think.
Also gotta ask, TMNT 2012 (or ROTTMNT) reincarnated into LMK crossover (au), who would u put to be reincarnated as who? Either a crack take or a more legit take and/or both?
To me, I could see, depending on the story I am going for or the character stuff I am going for or whatever, it could go many different ways. But I just wanted to see ur/others take(s) on it as well.
ROTTMNT LMK reincarnation AU(Really needs a name) is something more crack-ish for me to write. Considering when I thought who to put in each version, I thought it would be funny to have Donnie to be MK.
I could’ve chosen Lowe-key when Macaque was revive to suddenly have Donnie’s memories, but no. I chosen Mikey because I think him being Macaque is funny as well. Leo is coming close to second to Macaque
And April is obviously Mei. Cassandra can be Red Son lmaoooo
In ROTTMNT, nothing is really hold serious there, and I prefer it that way.
But TMNT 2012, I would say Mikey is MK. Rather basic but those are the best.
Tang Shen is related to Tang(cuz name and stuff), and Macaque is somehow roped into the Hamato life because he got acquaintance with Shen. How? Not sure yet.
Really debating hard if Mei to have reincarnated memories or not. Like do I want her as Mei, and actually a human friend that likes the Hamato because they didn’t save her or have April or Karai to be her.
While Mikey’s brothers is either still the same but different species eggs that Splinter had the sudden urge to steal and have no regrets on doing so or Im taking some characters in LMK to be reincarnated.
Unless we go to the crazy, dark, and depressing timeline where Mikey is the only one reincarnated and didn’t that like, so he decided to use his clones and use glamour on them and ta-da! Hamato family 2.0!
I really can’t do IDW right now since it’s not yet finished and I don’t have access to Vol 14
But if I finally finished 1987 TMNT, you can bet your pizzas that MK is Raph. Sassy little shit that breaks the fourth wall soooo much.
Sadly, for the TMNT movies, I really have no thoughts on them. 2003 is something in my watch list, that I will live blog. Surprisingly, the only spoiler I had is SAINW, Shredder is a Krang, Bishop ain’t a robot, Leatherhead is a scientist, Casey And April, and Baxter is a brian.
Mirage TMNT… i had barely past the first issue, so I’m a blank slate when it comes to them
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killa-trav · 10 months
Sat on my break and had a thought: Re: seb vs the Vegas gp
Toro Rosso seb: wide eyed drinking in all the shiney things and glamour...special light up helmet and possible shoes.
Red bull seb: similar to tr seb..just with more confidence. Probably doesn't know who half the celebs are just enjoying the moment..if on podium definitely roping in thr others in his antics. Drowned in champagne.
Ferrari seb:depending when in his ferrari career either going along with it but not really enjoying all the attention...finding a way to annoy other drivers through it...or making fun of it all in his interviews without really slagging off the gp
Aston martin seb: doesn't care about the media ceremony side...just wants to race and/or cause havoc..finds a way to drop in what has been sacrificed/wasted/cut down...to make this happen.
anon are u like my brain because this is exactly what i was thinking
i feel like toro rosso seb would be too overwhelmed by everything n no one would believe he's 21 n he wouldn't be able to do anything tbf seb up until 2010 no one is believing he is his age
rb seb however? 2010-12 seb would be exactly as u say but 2013 blonde seb n whatever the fuck he had going on in 2014 would be the most unhinged guy going 100% getting married to someone (mark)
ferrari seb in 2015 would just be a continuation from 2013-14 seb but like slightly less unhinged n 2016-20 seb would just be there for the vibes but want out straight away
am seb would be maximum chaos he will do extensive research on why vegas is bad n defy absolutely everything that drivers presentation yday? good luck getting him there, the mandatory party? no chance but he will still be involved w some form of unhinged ness bc he's 100% marrying one of the am boys (deffo mikey)
oh also his helmets around vegas would be the best thing ever like his helmet game is already fucking insane but he would go all out for vegas
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20thanniversarytmnt · 2 years
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Want to share your glamour like Mikey, or passionate excitement like Raph, all about the zine? Feel free to use our new hashtag #20YearsShellebration, and we might just share your post!
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kyukicho · 1 year
@mcwscollective cont.
Leave it to social media to bring down the most confident of people. Haru was usually so composed at even the most negative of comments but it was clear these ones had gotten to him. Partially empty tub of ice cream evidence of just that.
Mikey wrapped both arms around his fiancé's shoulders. Holding him close and securely. He accepted the offered bite. At least Haru had good taste when he was upset, Mikey briefly mused on. But that wasn't the point.
"Better, worse, doesn't matter." Mikey nodded. "I love you and you only. They're just jealous. They wish they could have what you have. An adorable fiancé, a glamourous career. They're just some nobody on the internet and you have all this." Motioning to himself with a broad smile on his face.
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backhurtyy · 2 years
introduce me to your oc's!! if you want akdjs <3
okay so basically i have three main ocs: hazel, ford, and mikey. and this universe, called diamonds until i figure something else out, is set in like a 1940’s/50’s speakeasy and centers around this giant diamond that everyone’s trying to steal. so they’re all diamond thieves, they all kind of suck, and they are all in big gay love with each other.
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hazel is literally like. girlboss personified. her father owns the speakeasy, and she is very influential and well known, living a life of glamour. however, she’s also very manipulative and ruthless. she knows what she wants, and there’s nothing she won’t do to get it, even if it means hurting the people she loves. she has a sense of like, business is business, and if you’re in my way you better watch out. there aren’t a lot of people who really know her other than her best friend dot and ford, who she was engaged to until she stole the diamond from him and disappeared for a long time.
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ford is my most beloved guy, my babygirl of this universe, my sweet cheese good time boy. he’s suave, charismatic, and has a reputation of being a bit of a ladies man, even though he’s only ever really loved two people in his life. he’s the singer at the speakeasy, and features a boston accent because it just suits him, idk. overall he’s a very well meaning guy— he loves deeply, and he just wants to do right by the people he cares about, but he’s also very protective, quick to anger, and manipulative. hes also very convinced he’s going to die young, going out in a blaze of glory during a heist, and is therefore very reckless and careless with his own safety. he’s still bitter over how hazel left him in the middle of the night, and so when she comes back to town he hatches this plan to use mikey to get the diamond back from her (which backfires of course, because he is in love with both of them).
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and mikey is the sweetest, biggest bi disaster you’ve ever met. he’s very kind and easily flustered, and also craves some sort of excitement in his life beyond being the bartender at the speakeasy. as a virtue of his job, he knows everything there is to know about everyone. so he’s very surprised when hazel bursts into his life, because… there aren’t many people he doesn’t know??? but he’s also blown away because she’s the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen. and like, he’s been in love with ford since the first day they met as teenagers, but he’s never made a move because of ford’s reputation. but hazel is here, and she’s beautiful, and she seems to actually soften when she’s around him… needless to say, when ford approaches him about his plan to get the diamond back, mikey instantly agrees— one because it’s ford, and he’d do anything for him, but also because it gives him the chance to get to know her, the real her, the hazel that he can tell misses ford and regrets what she did. cue mikey bringing them together, and the three of them falling in love with each other.
and this post is so long, but i cant go without sharing this incredible art my friend @artistastudios did of them for me 💖
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