#Mikko Nousiainen
Body Fat Index of Love
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Body Fat Index of Love    [trailer]
Stigu and Ella have a just-sex relationship. He's secretly in love but settles for what he can get because she wants nothing more. Until they find themselves in a same work project.
The story is told in a grown-up fashion, there's no gross out humour, and there are some amusing elements like the wife-carrying competition.
But overall the story itself is quite predictable with a very conservative ending.
Side note, I had some doubts, but the English title is indeed an acceptable translation from the Finnish original.
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goalhofer · 1 year
2023 IIHF Worlds Finland Roster
#10 Joel Armia (Montreal Canadiens/Pori)
#12 Marko Anttila (Oulun Kärpät/Lempäälä)
#29 Ahti Oksanen (I.K. Oskarshamn/Kirkkonummi)
#34 Kaapo Kakko (New York Rangers/Turku)
#42 Samu Kapanen (St. Louis Blues/Kuopio)
#65 Sakari Manninen (Henderson Silver Knights/Oulu)
#70 Teemu Hartikainen (Genève-Servette C.D.H./Kuopio)
#76 Jere Sallinen (E.H.C. Biel-Bienne/Espoo)
#82 Harri Pesonen (S.C. Langnau Tiger/Muurame)
#91 Juho Lammikko (Z.S.V. Löwen/Noormarkku)
#24 Hannes Björninen (Brynäs I.F./Lahti)
#39 Waltteri Merelä (Tappara/Ylöjärvi)
#74 Antti Suomela (I.K. Oskarshamn/Espoo)
#96 Mikko Rantanen (Colorado Avalanche/Nousiainen)
#2 Ville Pokka (Färjestad Bollklubb/Tornio)
#3 Niklas Friman (Brynäs I.F./Rauma)
#4 Mikko Lehtonen (Z.S.V. Löwen/Turku)
#6 Olli Määttä (Detroit Red Wings/Jyväskylä)
#33 Nikolas Matinpalo (Porin Ässät/Espoo)
#50 Miikka Koivisto (Växjö Sjöers Hockeyklubb/Vaasa)
#52 Mikael Seppälä (Tappara/Ylivieska)
#55 Atte Ohtamaa (Oulun Kärpät/Nivala)
#30 Christian Heljanko (Tappara/Porvoo)
#32 Emil Larmi (Växjö Sjöers Hockeyklubb/Lahti)
#45 Juho Olkinuora (Brynäs I.F./Helsinki)
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filmokosmos · 2 years
Obskuureja Tuntematon sotilas -cameoita:
Eino Kaipainen - Vanha SF-legenda on se lampunjalkaeversti; Rokkagaten kautta syntyy mutkien kautta yhteys vuosikymmenten kansansuosio-kilpakumppaniin Tauno Paloon Ekke Hämäläinen - telttalääkäri, "Eerola loppuu pian" Sakari Halonen - koomisten veijari- ja pöhköroolien erikoismies uransa vakavimmassa roolissa kuolevana Eerolana Osmo Harkimo - filmin pääkuvaaja esittää SP-osaston päällikköä, ja "teloittaa" omat kameramiehensä Antero Ruuhosen ja Olavi Pajusen - kameraryhmän neljäs mies Olavi Tuomi esiintyy yhdessä kohtauksessa keittiömiehenä Aloittelevat kyvyt Pertti Palo ja Veijo Pasanen kirjurina ja ajomies Uusitalona, respectively Veikko Uusimäki - Neuvostoliiton konsulaatin ehtona Baranovin mukaan ottamiselle oli se, että hahmosta piti tehdä sympaattinen; luonnenäyttelijä Uusimäen suuri huolenaihe oli, miten hän kykenisi viestimään sympatiaa ilman vuorosanoja ja huomattavia ilmeitä ja eleitä Pertti Weckström - tuleva pitkän linjan luonnenäyttelijä on se vänrikki jota Koskela vetää turpaan Yrjö Parjanne - lampunjalkaeversti '85 Ilkka Järvi-Laturi - talvivänrikki '85, sittemmin mukiinmenevä ura ohjaajana Alina Tomnikov - nainen Rahikaisen ‘17 paritusringissä - niitähän riittää Sara Chafak - petroskoilainen vanki Mikko Nousiainen - talvivänrikki '17 Jari Olavi Rantala - käsikirjoittaja nähdään bilettämässä Lammion korsussa Pekka Strang - Kuopion potkukelkkapataljoona -kapteeni
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nocticola · 7 years
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2 yötä aamuun/2 Nights Until Morning(2015)
Jaakko: You got a call this morning, but you didn’t answer. Was that your boyfriend?
Caroline: Girlfriend.–I’ve been with men before. Nothing serious. You wouldn’t have been an exception.
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bubskino · 4 years
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Verbaalisesti lahjakas mediamoguli, sanaseppo, kunnianhimoinen businessvouhottaja ja ylipuhumisen guru päättää menestyä hinnalla millä hyvänsä. Vuoristorataahan se.
Elämäkerta Jari Sarasvuosta. Sitkeä vekkuli, pakko myöntää. Mikko Nousiainen vetää hyvin ja pitää tällä kertaa pippelinsä piilossa. Nopeatempoisesta kerronnasta yläpeukkua.
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slaveofimagination · 5 years
Mikko Nousiainen is one of the prettiest finnish actors out there. No one can tell me otherwise.
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Plus, look at how handsome he is acting alongside the GODDESS  Marie-Josée Croze:
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(And yeah, none gives a shit about it and I should be watching finnish movies to get used with how it’s spoken, but...)
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catzy88 · 2 years
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Mikko's Day with the Stanley Cup @ Nouste Areena, Nousiainen. July 30th 2022.
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badhockeymom · 2 years
Hey. What can you tell me about Mikko Rantanen? I have enjoyed watching him play during the playoffs. What is he like off the ice?
I have never met him but he seems like a fun loving easy-going guy!
Here's some off-ice info about him:
He has a gorgeous gf Susanna Ranta who shares beautiful lovey pics of them on her Instagram (and I think Mikko on his too).
He isn't shy of his physical assets and will gladly pose shirtless
He has invested in a hot tub company and promoted them on his social media, yes posing shirtless in the products
But he has also invested in forest and has done some forestry stuff in his free time
Idk if the golden retriever he goofs off with for pics and vids is his family's or his but surely someone can elaborate
He is a big community and family guy it seems, he has financially supported the women's floorball team of TPS where his sister plays. TPS is a multi-sport club and their boys' and men's hockey team were Mikko's path to where he is now. He also has a summer hockey camp for junior players in Finland.
He parties in the summer at least, he's seen around in bars and music festivals in his hometown Turku, and other hockey players such as Kaapo Kakkoand Raamus Ristolainen have been seen with him - actually he's from a smaller neighboring town Nousiainen and the pride is mutual
He's a diligent trainer and very fit. He was the captain for Junior Team Finland when they won gold in 2016 world championships, Roope Hintz and Sebastian Aho were his alternates. And he and Sebastian were roommates for men's worlds 2017.
Someone help me more! This is all based on what's out about him on public sources, like said, I don't know him personally but he seems like a good guy.
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violasmirabiles · 3 years
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täällä pohjantähden alla -elokuvissa esiintyvät tuntematon sotilas -näyttelijät, osa 2: timo koivusalon filmatisoinnit (2009/2010)
1. hannu kivioja (1985 riitaoja / kyläkauppias) // 2. pauli poranen (1985 lehto / myllymäki) // 3. risto salmi (1985 korpela / vihtori kivioja) // 4. risto tuorila (1985 vilho koskela / jussi koskela) // 5. ilkka heiskanen (valkoisten upseeri / 2017 korsumäki) // 6. aku hirviniemi (aulis kivioja / 2017 hietanen) // 7. arttu kapulainen (arvi laurila / 2017 suden tassu) // 8. turkka mastomäki (uolevi yllö / 2017 autio) // 9. mikko nousiainen (akusti koskela / 2017 se vänrikki jolle rokka sanoo “mis sie tarvitset oikei hyvvää miestä? täs siul on sellane” // 10. sara paavolainen (anna kivivuori / 2017 elina koskela)
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seventhrounder · 3 years
Hi! I have always wondered of Mikko spoke in a dialect, apparently he does? Do you understand it? Is it a common dialect?
Hiya anon 👋
Yes, he speaks a Turku dialect! (in finnish known as Turun murre). I'm not a linguist so i'm not sure how to explain it hdjdjkdkd but for background info there are a few things to know about finnish dialects:
Nobody here speaks "official" written finnish in spoken language. It just sounds stilted and odd that way (this is different for those who are studying the language! I know that obviously you gotta start with the written language and i don't think it sounds odd when non-natives speak it. Only when a native finn does it)
Not every finn speaks with a dialect but uses the standard colloquial finnish instead. For some it's something in between, i.e. they don't have a strong dialect but it can come thru in certain words or phrases
Some finns (most?) can adjust the way they speak depending of the situation. I know how to speak with a heavy dialect but i can also reel it in when i'm in more official situations or with people that aren't much familiar with my dialect and then how i speak is just largely the usual colloquial way
Dialects are regional, so if someone speaks a distinct one and you're familiar with dialects you can guess from where that person is from/currently living. They used to be more distinct back in the day simply because people mostly interacted with others from the same area and not as much with anyone else. (so anyways the most common dialects are from areas where the population is high)
A person has to have a very strong dialect for others to have trouble understanding what they are saying. Usually you understand others pretty easily and it's just certain words or phrases that you might not get since they are only used in certain regions
If a person has a strong dialect and also speaks rather fast, you might have to listen to more carefully but it's not like it's a different language, just the accent/rhythm/part of the words/certain words or phrases are different
Okay okay then back to Mikko. He's very clearly from the Turku area (from Nousiainen - a town about 20km from Turku), you can hear it right away. This dialect is spoken in Turku and some other nearby towns but regionally it's not a big area. But the dialect is easy to place and recognize since it differs from others quite clearly.
I don't know how to explain why it's easy to spot but it's quite "fast" sounding i.e. they like to shorten the end of the words by dropping the last letter(s). (For example in my dialect i'm used to adding extra vowels or consonants into words to make them longer instead)
I do sometimes have to listen to him carefully tho but that's mostly because he has a tendency to start a sentence, stop and take it the other way. (Makes it tricky to translate sometimes 😫)
Anyways i feel like this was more than you asked for hfhjdhfjd but i hope it made sense! And like i said i'm no linguist but this is my experience and my limited understanding of the dialects 🙈
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hockeyshmockey · 4 years
Mikko Rantanen Imagine
Hi friends!! I have decided to do 12 holiday imagines for the 12 days before chrismus hehe, hope you enjoy!! (they are also cross posted on my wattpad which is forbesfever :) )
Mikko had gone back to Finland like usual this off season. You and him had been able to survive last year's off season easily, with you coming out to Finland half way through the summer to spend two weeks with him and his family. This year was a whole other beast.
This off season was extended by two months, and made even worse by the restrictions placed on international travel due to the virus. Mikko had talked about just staying in Denver with you, but you knew he needed time. The playoffs this year had gotten the Avs so close to their dreams, only for it to get jerked away. So you ushered Mikko off to Finland, having no clue when you would see him next.
As the months had passed, Mikko had become more and more antsy. He missed you, and no matter how many times he mentioned his return to Denver, you shot him down every time.
"When is the next time you will get to spend the Fall in Finland?" You would ask softly. Trying to show him the good in what he could only see as a negative situation. You wanted him to take advantage of this situation, because truly when would it present itself again?
As the December approached, you began to plot. There had been talk of the NHL resuming play in January, so you knew Mikko would likely be returning home soon. But you thought about how he talked about Christmas in Finland. How magical it was and how much he loved it. There was likely not going to be an opportunity any time soon to be in Finland with him for Christmas, so you called his sisters and booked a plane ticket.
You took all the precautions. As you trip came closer, you psyched yourself out as the situation in the states got worse. But you just vowed to get to Finland and then things would settle down. You quarantined for two weeks before you traveled, realizing you wouldn't even be able to be in Finland for the two weeks after your arrival as the Avs were called back for training camp right after the New Year.
You had always hated flying, so flying in 2020 was even worse for you. But you had sucked it up, and saved up the extra money to buy a first class ticket to try and be as isolated as possible. You slept most of the flight, waking up for breakfast as you got close to your destination.
Laura squealed behind her face mask when she saw you, the both of you laughing as you embraced in the airport. Before joining her, you had gotten a rapid test in the airport, as was required of you with your shorter stay. You were to quarantine until your results came in but you were more than happy to suffer through that with Mikko.
The two of you chatted back and forth in the car. Laura explaining all of traditions that came along with a Finish Christmas. You had specifically flown in on the 23rd so you could participate in all three days of celebration, looking forward to getting the tree with this wonderful family you had begun to see as your own.
As you approached Nousiainen, you were practically bouncing in your seat. You and Mikko had never gone this long without seeing each other. All you wanted was to be wrapped up in his arms and just to hold him in person. As you pulled up to the house, you complimented the new paint job that Hannu and Hannamaija had made Mikko do with his father after his return home from the states.
"He is probably still asleep," Laura whispered to you as you both entered the house. "Mama?" She called out quietly, trying to keep the surprise under wraps.
"Oh darling," Hannamaija cooed as she wrapped her arms around you quickly. "What a sight you are! We have missed you so much." She pulled back and gave you the typical motherly look over while asking you about your flight.
"Mikko is still sleeping," she smiled softly as you practically ran up the stairs to his room. You paused in the doorway, just observing his face relaxed in sleep. His big body took up most of the double bed in his childhood room, but it didn't matter to you as you literally just climbed on top of him and curled up on his chest until he began to stir.
You propped your face on your hands and stared at him, waiting for him to open his eyes. He did and looked at you sleepily, before blinking rapidly. "Rakas?" he whispered in disbelief.
"Hey Moose," you beamed at him, not caring that a tear had escaped your eye. He literally yelled with joy as he sat up to grab you. You heard yelling from downstairs as you both fell off the bed, but both of you ignored it as your lips met for the first time in three months.
"What are you doing here?" he asked breathlessly, leaning his forehead against yours while you both laid on the floor.
"I wanted to come celebrate Christmas with you," you smiled softly at him, reaching up to run a hand through his bed head. "I know how special it is to you and who knew the next time we would get this chance."
Laura braved coming to get the two of you for breakfast, and squealed when she caught you straddling her brother on the floor in his room.
Mikko didn't know how he could love you any more, but this showed him he could. Watching you run around with his sister as you went to pick up a tree. You tucked under his arm as you watched Hannu playfully barter with the man running the lot. Helping his mother and sister make Christmas Eve dinner and decorate the tree. You comforting his mother as you all went to visit his grandparents at the cemetery once the sun had set.
This was something he wanted for the rest of his life.
You were what he wanted.
That night as the both of you laid down, he felt no nervousness at the tiny black box sitting in his sock drawer after he had gone into a shop with his whole family last month. Christmas was his favorite holiday and made him feel more at home than ever. He never wanted to spend another Christmas without you.
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goalhofer · 10 months
2023-24 Colorado Avalanche Roster
#11 Andrew Cogliano (Vaughan, Ontario)
#13 Valeri Nichushkin (Chelyabinsk, Russia)
#25 Logan O'Connor (Calgary, Alberta)
#27 Jonathan Drouin (Sainte-Agathe-Des-Montes, Quebec)*
#28 Miles Wood (Manchester-By-The-Sea, Massachusetts)*
#62 Artturi Lehkonen (Turku, Finland)
#90 Tomáš Tatar (Ilava, Slovakia)*
#96 Mikko Rantanen (Nousiainen, Finland) A
#12 Ryan Johansen (Port Moody, British Columbia)*
#14 Chris Wagner (Walpole, Massachusetts)*
#20 Ross Colton (Princeton, New Jersey)*
#22 Fredrik Olofsson (Broomfield, Colorado)*
#29 Nathan MacKinnon (Halifax Municipality, Nova Scotia) A
#93 Jean-Luc Foudy (Toronto, Ontario)**
#94 Joel Kiviranta (Vantaa, Finland)*
#3 Jack Johnson III (Bloomfield Hills, Michigan)
#4 Bowen Byram (Cranbrook, British Columbia)
#7 Devon Toews (Abbotsford, British Columbia)
#8 Cale Makar (Calgary, Alberta)
#42 Josh Manson (Prince Albert, Saskatchewan)
#49 Sam Girard (Roberval, Quebec)
#56 Kurtis MacDermid (Quebec, Quebec)
#70 Sam Malinski (Lakeville, Minnesota)**
#82 Caleb Jones (Denver, Colorado)*
#40 Alexandar Georgiev (Moscow, Russia)
#50 Ivan Prosvetov (Stupino, Russia)
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liigainenglish · 5 years
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#30 - Justus Annunen, 19, Kempele Team: Kärpät, drafted by Colorado Avalanche 2018 Liiga svs%: .947
#31 - Jasper Patrikainen, 19, Lahti Team: Peliitat, undrafted Mestis svs%: .892
#1 - Kari Piiroinen, 18, Helsinki Team: Windsor Spitfires, undrafted OHL svs%: .882
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#33 - Lassi Thomson (C ), 19, Tampere Team: Ilves, drafted by Ottawa Senators 2019 Liiga stats: 23 G, 6+4, 8 PIM, +1
#29 - Kim Nousiainen, 19, Kuopio Team: KalPa, drafted by Los Angeles Kings 2019 Liiga stats: 30 G, 2+5, 24 PIM, -5
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#3 - Anttoni Honka, 19, Jyväskylä Team: JYP, drafted by Carolina Hurricanes 2019 Liiga stats: 31 G, 2+12, 8 PIM, +11
#4 - Ville Heinola, 18, Honkajoki Team: Lukko, drafted by Winnipeg Jets 2019 Liiga stats: 11 G, 0+1, 10 PIM, +1 (NHL stats: 8 G, 1+4, 4 PIM, +3)
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#5 - Mikko Kokkonen, 18, Mikkeli Team: Jukurit, drafted by Toronto Maple Leafs 2019 Liiga stats: 20 G, 2+1, PIM 6, -8
#9 - Toni Utunen (A), 19, Kokkola Team: Tappara, drafted by Vancouver Canucks 2018 Liiga stats: 16 G, 0+3, PIM 4, +1
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#2 - Santeri Hatakka, 18, Riihimäki Team: Koovee, drafted by San Jose Sharks 2019 Mestis stats: 9 G, 1+3, PIM 0, -1
#6 - Peetro Seppälä, 19, Kuusankoski Team: KooKoo, undrafted Liiga stats: 20 G, 1+5, PIM 6, +2
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#20 - Matias Maccelli, 19, Turku Team: Ilves, drafted by Arizona Coyotes 2019 Liiga stats: 26 G, 10+15, PIM 8, +11
#19 - Rasmus Kupari (A), 19, Kotka Team: Ontario Reign, drafted by Los Angeles Kings 2018 AHL stats: 27 G, 6+2, PIM 9, -8
#15 - Lenni Killinen, 19, Espoo Team: Ässät, drafted by Carolina Hurricanes 2018 Liiga stats: 22 G, 2+5, PIM 5, +/- 0
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#21 - Patrik Puistola, 18, Tampere Team: Tappara, drafted by Carolina Hurricanes 2019 Liiga stats: 22 G, 3+3, PIM 2, +3
#27 - Kristian Tanus, 19, Tampere Team: Jukurit, undrafted Liiga stats: 20 G, 2+6, PIM 29, -5
#18 - Joonas Oden, 19, Haukipudas (originally WA, United States) Team: KooKoo, undrafted Liiga stats: 25 G, 2+4, PIM 2, +/- 0
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#12 - Eemil Erholtz, 19, Mikkeli Team: Sport, undrafted Liiga stats: 17 G, 2+3, PIM 4, -2
#23 - Ville Petman, 19, Lappeenranta Team: Lukko, undrafted Liiga stats: 24 G, 1+0, PIM 6, -1
#25 - Antti Saarela, 18, Laitila Team: Ilves, drafted by Chicago Blackhawks 2019 Liiga stats: 23 G, 2+5, PIM 8, +6
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#35 - Aku Räty, 18, Oulu Team: Kärpät, drafted by Arizona Coyotes 2019 Liiga stats: 19 G, 2+3, PIM 6, +1 (JR-Liiga stats: 13 G, 9+9, PIM 6, +7)
#34 - Aatu Räty, 17, Oulu Team: Kärpät, draft year 2021 Liiga stats: 12 G, 2+2, PIM 2, +/- 0 (JR-Liiga stats: 16 G, 1+14, PIM, +10)
#24 - Sampo Ranta, 19, Naantali Team: University of Minnesota, drafted by Colorado Avalanche 2018 NCAA stats: 18 G, 7+4, PIM 6, +1
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Stuck - Mikko Rantanen
Request: Can you write something with Mikko Rantanen?
Warning: Getting trapped in an elevator
A/N: I am still struggling with terrible writers block, so hopefully I can break out of that and post more often!
“Hold the door!” I shot my hand out to hold the elevator door after I heard a man’s voice calling out. A tall blond man in sweatpants and a tee shirt came running into the elevator with a big duffel bag. “Thanks.”
“No problem.” We gave each other the polite, awkward smile that strangers would give when in a tight situation. To break the awkwardness I looked at my phone again, making sure I was still sticking to my schedule. I was still trying to make a good impression since it was only my third day of my job, 7th day in Denver. I felt the elevator moving down towards the lobby of the apartment building before jerking to a stop. When the elevator door didn’t open I looked up from my phone, wondering what was going on.
“I think we are stuck.”
“Stuck?” Just as I said it the lights flickered out on the elevator and I had to flip on the flashlight on my phone so we could see. “This isn’t good.”
“I’m sure they can get it fixed quickly.” He hit the call button, and after a few seconds it crackled with a voice.
“The elevator just stopped and the lights went out. There are two of us stuck in here.” I was glad that this mystery man was taking charge of the situation, because I was trying to not have a claustrophobia induced panic attack from being a stuck in an elevator.
“Let me go look.”
“Are you okay?” I didn’t realize that he was talking to me until he lightly touched my arm. “I think you should sit down.” He helped me sit on the floor and then sat next to me. “Can you tell me what’s wrong?” Before I could respond, the speaker crackled back with the voice from before.
“The motor for the elevator broke, I’ve called the repair company and the fire department. I’m not sure who will get here first but it’s going to be a while. You guys are perfectly safe in there, call if anything changes. I’m getting the back up generator going so you have lights.” The lights flickered back on and I turned off the flashlight on my phone, looking at the blond sitting next to me.
“You still don’t look good.”
“I’m claustrophobic and being stuck in an elevator is like my worst fear.” I looked at my phone and realized the time. “And I’m going to be late for my third day of work.”
“I think you have a good excuse. I have to text someone to tell them I am going to be late but then we can talk to keep you distracted.” I nodded and called into work, telling them what was going on and that I would call later. “Okay, so since we are going to be here for a bit I think we should know each other’s name. I’m Mikko.”
“I’m guessing you are new to the building.”
“I moved in a week ago. I just moved here from New Orleans.”
“Why did you move here?”
“I now run the social media for the Denver Broncos. How about you? What brings you to Denver?” He raised an eyebrow at me, which made me laugh. “You have an accent that is not from around here.” He was very cute and under normal circumstances I would be nervous about talking with him but since I was trapped in an elevator it wasn’t like I had an easy escape.
“I’m from Nousiainen, Finland. I play for the hockey team here.” We continued to chat, Mikko tried to explain hockey to me but I was so confused that he chuckled. “I’ll bring you out to a game, it makes more sense when you see it.”
“If we ever get out of here.” While he was doing a good job of helping me fight off the claustrophobia but it was still in the back of my mind that we were trapped in a metal box hanging 5 floors in the air and no one seemed to be in a rush to come get us. We heard noises from the outside which set off my anxiety and fear. Mikko moved closer to me and cupped my cheeks, having me look in his eyes.
“I need you to slow down your breathing, having a panic attack in the elevator isn’t going to help you. Nice calm breaths.” I tried to match his breathing, taking nice slow breaths while staring in his eyes. “That’s it, keep doing that. Tell me about New Orleans, I’ve never been there but heard amazing things about it.” He removed his hands from my face but stayed close to me.
“It’s beautiful in a different sort of way, it just has this feeling to it that you don’t really get in the tourist areas. Everything just has this different speed to it, it feels like there is no rush to anything. What about Finland? I’ve always wanted to travel but the only time I’ve been out of the country was a cruise to the Bahamas.”
“Where I’m from it’s just a small town, but Finland is an amazing place.” I listened to him describe Finland it made me want to go even more. “I think you would like Finland.”
“It just moved to the top of my travel list.” Mikko looked like he was about to say something but there was more noise and then the elevator doors started to open. A firefighter leaned down into the car since we were stuck in between floors.
“Give us a second to get the doors propped open and then we will get you guys out of here.” I nodded and stood up, gathering up my stuff and putting my cross body purse back on.
“Thank you for keeping me calm, I don’t know what I would have done without you.”
“Of course, while being stuck in an elevator sucked I enjoyed getting to know you.” The firefighter came back then, working to get both of us out. Mikko insisted they get me out first before they helped him out. A paramedic insisted on checking both of us before they would leave. When we were left alone again I turned to Mikko who blurted out, “Will you get dinner with me tonight?”
“As long as there are no elevators.” He nodded before kissing my cheek.
“I think we can do that.”
Request are open!!!!
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bubskino · 5 years
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Mutiainen ja rasistisia piirteitä omaava papparainen lähtee kahestaan roadtrippailee. Toiselle reissu on kuolemaksi.
Synkästä teemasta huolimatta surkuhupainen komedia ennakkoluuloista. Aistittavissa mielensäpahoittajan viboja.
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cheapcakeripper · 6 years
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Best engagement ever in Vuonna 85 (2012)
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