#Miles Hundredlives
cosmerelists · 11 months
Biggest Green Flags of Cosmere Villains
Last week I talked about the biggest red flags of various Cosmere characters. And while doing so, I realized that the Cosmere sure does have some walking red-flag factories! So let's take those characters whose red flags number in the hundreds and give them a chance: what are the biggest green flags of characters who don't have many to their name?
Note: I'm using "villain" loosely here--sure, some of these guys had heel face turns or may be more antihero than villain, but listen. They're all morally gray at least.
Szeth: Keeps his promises.
Denth: Good sense of humor.
Aesudan: Knows how to party.
Tarvangian: Only considered eugenics--no implementation!
Crow: Did NOT (successfully) sell a woman into slavery.
Lezian: Very goal-oriented.
Raboniel: Promotes women in science.
Iyatil: Can commit to the bit.
Mraize: Seems to care about his bird, I guess?
Moash: Anti-slavery. Anti-unlawful imprisonment. Gently moves aside a child before killing his father.
Miles: Wants to help the downtrodden. Should be friends with Moash.
Lord Ruler: Really good at naming things (@cosmere-cosmeme)
Hrathen: Sharp dresser.
Dilaf: Good public speaker.
Amaram: Good wages and benefits for any of his men that he's not murdering.
Ialai: Lots of spies friends.
Sadeas: Knows his wife's favorite place to have her back scratched.
Straff: Helpfully manages to be SO terrible that you can enjoy his death guilt-free. So generous!
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tildeathiwillread · 3 months
This but also with Eli Ever
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madxmellon · 2 years
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And with that, cosmere inktober is done! There really didn’t seem to be any other scene or character that would fit the prompts Thugs/Bubble/Swirl/Metal. Drawing this much over the month was rewarding, but I’m looking forward to getting my free time back 😅
(Also if you follow me and haven’t read any cosmere books, you should? Why are you still here?)
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tenebris-lux · 2 years
I’m currently rereading Mistborn (by Brandon Sanderson), era 2. And all I’m thinking with Miles Hundredlives is that he’s a great candidate for the anime thing where a character’s clothing gets shredded while his body is perfectly fine.
Not the first anime thought I had of him either. My first thought was you have to wear him out like the homunculi in Fullmetal Alchemist.
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highly-invested · 1 year
There is currently a category 11 waxillium ladrian moment going on in my brain
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cosmererambles · 1 year
Kelsier Essay
As you all well know, I've been (slowly) researching each book Kelsier appears in, and tagging specific things he does. Traits that show either A) Symptoms of anti-social personality disorder
B) Symptoms he DOESN'T have an ASPD.
The latter far outweigh the former. I also plan to include some references to actual character with an ASPD; Miles Hundredlives is among them, and he was supposed to be a "Kelsier lite" in Brandon's own words.
Along with actions Kelsier himself takes, and words he says, I'll be including the legacy he left behind from his friends. What they thought of him. Marsh's thoughts in Book 3 will be very important for this.
It's going to be a long ass essay. Secret History alone has already show cased over 50 flags of different traits. But this essay is something I take seriously. I hope to send it off to Brandon to read, if he even does such a thing. Perhaps I could go through one of his staff. All in all, I want to disprove the WoB and get him to refute the claim.
Anything to clean Kelsier's name. He is NOT a villain and literally has never been one. I don't see how anyone could think that, ever. I just finished TLM. His treatment of his Ghostblood agents is far beyond a superior and inferior arrangement. They are friends.
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Okay, yes, I may be evil and morally corrupt but I’m also incredibly beautiful and I think that makes up for it, honestly. 
Miles Hundredlives
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onlycosmere · 2 years
Miles Hundredlives
HazelCharm47: Let's say we have a hypothetical situation with Miles Hundredlives. In this scenario, he is wearing a gold metalmind filled to the brim with stored healing power. He is then spiked with a cadmium spike and loses his gold allomancy.
Now, if I recall from various WoBs, he would be able to heal using the gold metalmind and regain his gold allomancy. I could be misremembering and he cannot heal it, but I believe he would be able to since it is part of his Identity.
However, one question I have never seen the answer to is this: what happens to the ability in the spike? Is the allomantic ability still contained in the spike, leading to a duplicate? Or is the spike's ability lost? Or maybe I have this whole thing wrong and Miles could never have regained the ability in the first place.
If the ability duplicates (which I doubt), that could lead to some crazy things. Also, this applies to any Twinborn with gold Feruchemy, I just thought Miles was a good example I guess :)
Brandon Sanderson: I'd like to see the exact WoB's here to make sure I'm being consistent, as I don't know that I confirmed you could regain lost powers--only that you could heal from hemalurgic soul damage. Most likely, what you'd end up with is a person who has been healed and can remove the spike from their body without damage, and without needing it to hold their soul together--but who has lost the ability in the spike.
Regardless, though, what you want here (the mass production of spikes charged and even blanked) is possible with the right levels of investiture. It's an energy, like things in our world. The difficulty is finding out how to 1) get enough investiture and 2) key it to the right people and/or magic.
Hope that's a little more clear.
That said, a lot of times people just ask me if something is possible--and a lot of things are possible, but just very difficult. And with the right boost of investiture, in the right circumstances, it WOULD be possible to regrow lost (to spikes) powers. It's just highly unlikely.
I'm not sure if the questions people are asking me are ones I've qualified, or not, in these instances. Also, this is all something I'm playing with still behind the scenes as we enter the modern age of Mistborn.
As requested, here are the WoBs I believe are related. They might be obsolete, however. And I assume things will get changed a lot before Era 4, but hey, it's fun to ask anyways :)
WoB #1:
This one states that as long as Miles still has his Identity, he would be able to use his Feruchemical metalminds after being spiked and would be able to heal.
WoB #2:
This one says that Miles would be able to heal his soul using Feruchemical healing and regain his gold Allomancy (assuming he survives the spiking). I think this is the most essential one!
WoB #3:
This one is only somewhat related - implies that the Feruchemical and Allomantic powers are spiritually part of him.
WoB #4:
Also tangentially related - damage to the soul from Hemalurgy can be healed (Although this might just be a Hoid thing). I guess the question could be expanded to include non-Feruchemical healing as a way to repair the soul after being spiked.
Brandon Sanderson:
Well, I don't think any of those are specifically inaccurate. I just didn't quite understand what people were trying to get out of me. A lot of times, I don't know quite what people are trying to get out of me. I can see now they're trying to figure out.
I see now, and I appreciate you putting this all together for me so I can see what the fans are trying to figure out. So the answer is a cautious yes. The problem here is that he'd need to compound a TON of healing first--but yes, it would work. You could theoretically turn someone like Miles into an invested spike factory.
If he didn't have enough healing stored, though, he'd end up with a healed soul but a gap (like a scar on his soul) where his spiked-out abilities were. That could theoretically be healed with application of more investiture, depending on things like how he views himself, and if you could get the right type of investiture.
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junebugjo · 5 years
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Mistborn era 2 sketches
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madxmellon · 2 years
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Just finished the Allomancy of Law, no one told me about Miles Hundredlives?? 
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elinafranziska · 7 years
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Today was a good day for drawing / sketching. My OC Naro Guado and Miles from Mistborn #4, The Alloy of Law. (at least that’s what he looked like in my head “OTL)
no watermarks because adding one fucked up the file of my last drawing. 
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kingjasnah · 3 years
miles hundredlives described with a "hawk-like face"?!?!?!?!!!
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pisoprano · 6 years
An Inexhaustive List of Cosmere Zombies:
Definitely a Zombie:
All the Elantrians
All the Returned
All the Lifeless
Anyone else Nale has resurrected
All the Shardblades without a Nahel bond
All the Heralds
Is This Zombie?
Post-Reod Seons of Elantrians
All the Skeletals
All the Fused
All the Unmade
Kaladin’s arm
Other body parts regrown with Stormlight
All the Kandra
All the Mistwraiths
All the Koloss
All the Inquisitors
Miles Hundredlives
All the Shades
Other Cognitive Shadows
Whatever the heck Hoid is
Not Actually a Zombie:
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steelmistspromos · 8 years
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                                    It was meant to be a utopia.
That was how He designed it, anyway.  To usher us out of the World of Ash and into a land of green and sunshine so that no one had to suffer the way He and his friends did— choking on the soot that fell from the clouds and drowning in the blood of the innocent. Harmony was what He created, so that’s what they named Him.  A nice name for a god, but He wasn’t going to be the only one.  Not when He allowed them to cling to their martyred heroes and murdered kings. They came; ushered into His new world, where those ancient myths became the foundation for the religious war that plagues the underground.                        I know what you’re thinking, and I promise you, you’re right.  
           Utopias don’t exist.  
Walk down the wrong street or into the wrong room, and you’ll quickly discover that this place– this city– is far from it.  Tensions have been escalating since long before I was around, but I can tell you it’s about to hit its breaking point.  I’ve seen it first hand.  The cops don’t see it, or if they do they don’t care or they’re paid to ignore it.  The gangs (and that’s what they are, but they’ll give themselves far more distinguished titles) know how to keep their little war quiet, and no one seems anxious to change it.  No one wants to get in the middle, which I guess is understandable, seeing how much blood has stained the streets.  At least no one smart.  Not like me.
Me? I like the chaos.  The metal that burns in the pit of my stomach pumps power through my veins, letting me fly among the metal giants that scrape the sky and through the mists flood the space between.  Some say those mists are alive; a remnant of the old world, thatHeleft them here to remind us of what we’ve been saved from.  But I don’t really feel like I’ve been saved.  I feel like I’m itching, crawling in my own skin, anxiously waiting for the inevitable eruption to come.                   Maybe I can be the catalyst.  Maybe I can be the change.  
                                                                       What about you?
 STEEL MISTS is a new, character-driven skeleton roleplay featuring powered characters        set in a modern-day era Scadrial from Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn universe.                                                 Now Open!  
                           MAIN ≋ MESSAGE ≋ SYNOPSIS ≋ ROLES ≋ TALK TAG
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mxlxdroit · 7 years
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i thought i posted this, but apparently i didn’t so here ‘tis! this is probably the last one i’m going to make because i haven’t read warbreaker or white sand and i don’t think there are enough characters in elantris to make one of these (i also read it a while ago and i don’t remember it super well)
the guy on the bottom left is miles hundredlives, the woman in the middle is lessie, and the woman on the top left is ranette just fyi
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thenerdhathwrote · 7 years
Here’s some more Alloy of Law thoughts!
Shorter post, spanning from when they arrive at Ranette’s to Wax and the railcar arriving at the warehouse :-)
Is Hoid in this book?  I can’t remember if he’s in every book, or just in every series.  And if I try to look it up, I’ll definitely spoil all the things…
I feel like Ranette would fit in splendidly on Firefly :-)
So she’s making hazekiller rounds.  That’ll either prove super useful or super problematic, depending on who gets ahold of the rounds first
Vindication is super cool!
I like how Wax just casually asks Wayne to borrow stuff, lol 
So Wax’s earring is going to be hemalurgic like Vin’s was, right?  Or am I totally misreading that?
Also, clearly all Miles Hundredlives needs is more allomantic fighters around him to make him even more terrifying to fight
He doesn’t seem too happy about it though
Wax and Marasi sure do like having philosophical conversations that make me think too hard.  I’m all about it.
I still don’t ship them though
I really want to read Wax’s psych profile!
Wayne as an old lady is fantastic
Also his aristocratic condescension is hilarious 
Wayne undercover in general is glorious, who am I kidding
Sanderson is really good at writing stuff happening that the main characters all know about and are in on, but we as readers don’t get details about
Case in point: the plan with the railcar
Like, they’re obviously planning something
We just don’t get to see what it is
And now Wax is in the railcar!  I can’t wait for this plan to go horribly wrong…
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