alinagentry90 · 1 month
Best Tips to Handle Exam Stress
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Here are some tips on how to Handle Exam Stress.
Prioritize Self-Care: Ensure adequate sleep, healthy meals, and regular exercise to keep your mind and body in top shape.
Organize Study Schedule: Break down study material into manageable chunks, allocating specific time slots for each subject or topic.
Practice Mindfulness: Incorporate relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga to stay calm and focused.
Stay Positive: Maintain a positive mindset by affirming your abilities and reminding yourself of past successes.
Seek Support: Don't hesitate to reach out to friends, family, or teachers for encouragement and assistance when needed.
Take Breaks: Schedule short breaks during study sessions to rejuvenate your mind and prevent burnout.
Avoid Cramming: Plan your study schedule well in advance to avoid last-minute cramming, which can increase stress levels.
Visualize Success: Imagine yourself successfully completing the exam and achieving your desired outcomes to boost confidence.
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14th of September
These notes are almost a week old but here they are now! I’ve been dealing with a lot of stress and anxiety this week, and I’m currently handling it by watching Queer Eye and crying over the love in this show. I have a monologue outline and a medieval english memorization due on monday wish me luck!
Death by a Thousand Cuts - Taylor Swift 🎧
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stvdymoon-blog · 6 years
26 and 17, truth!
Ah Im so sorry I didn’t see this until now!
17. Where is the last place you went that took over two hours to get to?
- I went to Los Angeles for my birthday and that took about six hours to drive from the Bay Area
26. What is the last movie you watched?
-Im gonna assume this means in the theaters? But that was Deadpool 2 which was amazing, I actually laughed so hard at some points that I cried
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uniblrnetwork · 7 years
What is your name?  Cindy
What is your degree level? bachelor’s/undergrad
What is your degree level or area of study? Undeclared for rn, but prob linguistics or astronomy
how old are you? 18
when is your expected graduation? 2021
what country are you located in? USA
What is the name of your university of college? The University of California Berkeley
tell us an interesting fact about yourself! I love to become a polyglot and I bake a lot to de-stress.
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joystudie · 6 years
twenty questions tag!
thanks for tagging me @coding-nights !
rules: answer 20 questions so your followers can get to know you better and tag 20 followers you would like to know better
name: joy
nickname: tbh my name is short enough without a nickname HAHA
zodiac sign: libra
height: i’m 5′5 on a good day (around 165cm)
languages spoken: english & chinese, and i’ve been learning french for about six years now
nationality: used to be chinese, am now american! :^)
average hours of sleep: around 8
favourite fruit: probably peaches but i also like blackberries and avocados
favourite season: spring
favourite colour: if rose gold isn’t a “color”, then probably pastel pink
favourite animal: uh idk i like cute cats and dogs and chinchillas 
favourite candy: honestly i haven’t had candy in so long but i really like these grape-flavored fluffy chinese flavored marshmallows that i just can’t find in america (wow that was really oddly specific haha)
favourite holiday: i like christmas (even though i’m not religious) because honestly that’s an excuse to wear super oversized fuzzy sweaters and red and green together without other people judging you! also i like presents and stores have sales everywhere and it’s great haha
favourite fictional character: i really like ginny from harry potter! also alec lightwood and magnus bane from shadowhunters, hawkeye and dr. strange from the avengers, and there are probably a lot more that i can’t think of off the top of my head hehe
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: jasmine green tea please
number of blankets you sleep with: too many (3)
dream trip: bora bora, hawai’i, or europe (spain, france, italy) would be amazing
last book you read: the little prince! i read it in french yesterday haha it’s one of my favorites ever
when was your blog created: a while ago? but i’ve only started actively using it two weeks ago
i’m tagging @catstudyblr, @pastelmoon-study, @brbimstudyign, @studying-neko, @vanessastudiess, @angelstudys, @stressfulsemantics, @erasign, @naichastudies, @elvishstudies, @mindfulstudying, @drwestcott, @joulesstudies, @pinestudies, @studyinu, @sonderandroses, @studybudies, @enthawlpy, @birdkostudies, @studyingmos
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arctic-anna · 7 years
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Hi everyone, I haven’t done an introduction post of myself yet, so here we go!
My name is Anna, I’m 20 years old and I recently joined the studyblr community. I promise I will message some of you when I have enough courage for that. 
About me: 
about to start second year in a Finnish university 
major: biology, minors: ecology and environmental protection 
originally from a small village, farmers’ daughter
besides Finnish, I speak English fluently and have studied Swedish, French and Spanish. currently studying Dutch out of personal interest
What I like:
music! I used to play piano for 8 years but I had to stop for practical reasons
traveling! I feel like I travel quite a lot. It started when I traveled with my folk dance group around the world, which leads me to
dancing! I danced for 12 years in a folk dance group, but I love all types of dance
languages! I guess one could say that I have a potential language head but over the years I’ve become pretty lazy. That’s why only one fluent language
animals and nature overall! 
Future goals: 
get good grades in fields of interest to find a good exchange program 
find a good internship to help me find a good job in the future, maybe work with mires or birds/terrestrial animals
learn Dutch fluently to be able to perhaps move to the Netherlands one day
relearn how to play piano properly
Blogs that inspire me:
@emmastudies @lawfulstudent @elkstudies @studyquill @mindfulstudying @studydiaryofamedstudent @ecologyandchill @coffee-no-cream @sephz-studies @studydreamrepeat @mystudylifeee @sekaistudies 
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Take your studying outside
Finals are approaching, but that doesn’t mean you should miss all that great spring sunshine. Scientist agree that studying outdoors can boost our mental health and learning capacity. 
Alina, Studying Outdoors Can Boost Your Brain Power, Open Colleges Retrieved from https://www.opencolleges.edu.au/blog/2015/09/30/lw-studying-outdoors-can-boost-your-brain-power/
Varsity Tutors, (2016) Why You Should Be Studying Outside, USA Today College Retrieved from http://college.usatoday.com/2016/04/19/why-you-should-be-studying-outside/
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stvdymoon-blog · 5 years
Answer 21 Questions and tag 21 people who you want to know better
Tagged by: @ufosongs did this a while ago and I’m only just getting to it I suck lol
Tagging (I don’t know 21 people sry) : @divinestudy @mindfulstudying @girlfromtheplanetmars @aphollos @etoileintrepide anyone else who wants to do this!
Nickname: My name is Julian but some people go with Jules or Liam 
Zodiac: Gemini sun, Scorpio moon, Virgo rising 
Height: 5′4″
Last Movie I Saw: Pan’s Labyrinth for the first time 
Last Thing Googled: Harry Styles Gucci Campaign...for reasons
Favorite Musician: Fleetwood Mac, Florence + The Machine, the 1975, ABBA
Song Stuck In My Head: Potatoes and Molasses from Over the Garden Wall
Other Blogs: None
Amount Of Sleep: Like...9 hrs?
Cups of coffee per day: I’m a tea guy 
What I’m Wearing: Adidas track pants
Dream Job: Midwife or small business owner (I’d want to make my own soaps and skin products. Maybe candles too)
Dream Trip: Spain and Italy
Favorite Food: Chicken
Fun Science History Fact: Ancient Mexicans invented astronomy 
Languages: English and Spanish, some ASL
Random Fact: I’m moving to Oregon next year and going to visit in May/June
Describe Yourself as Aesthetic Things: Sunflowers, Tarot Cards, Baby’s Breath, Succulents in hand painted pots, Burning Candles, Black Jean Jackets, Tired Eyes, Lavender Incense, Star Charts
Okay But Work Aesthetic: Knitted Sweaters, Ipad with Apple Pencil, Cups of Black Tea with Milk and Sugar, Lo-Fi Study Music Spotifiy Playlists
Studying Aesthetic: Same ^^
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stvdymoon-blog · 6 years
get to know your followers 💕
A big thanks to @histblr for tagging me and getting me out of my boredom!
Rules: Answer the questions (which you can change if you don’t feel like answering certain questions) then tag 20 followers you want to get to know better!
1. Nickname?
Julian, well that’s my name I don’t really have many nicknames
2. Gender?
3. Star sign?
4. Height?
5′4″ im short I know D:
5. Favorite feature?
Uhhhh my nose I guess??
6. Hogwarts house?
7. Favorite animal?
Mothman (does he count? idk im making him count)
8. Average hours spent sleeping?
Can’t function with less than 9 tbh
9. Dogs or cats?
10. Number of blankets you sleep with?
Two probably
11. What’s your dream trip?
Paris - London - Stockholm 
12.  What’s your dream job?
Adventuring archaeologist! Yeah, essentially Indiana Jones
13. When did you make this account?
Beginning of this year I think?
14. How many followers do you have?
214 and I love you all
15. How many pets do you have?
One dog that I shared with my old roommate but now she lives with her...:(
16. Best places to visit in your town or country?
In California, the beach or the mountains are the way to go. 
17. Favorite ice cream flavor?
Green Tea
18. How often do you read?
Not as much as I should but Im getting back into at least a few times a week
19. Favorite study locations?
My room
20. Favorite book series?
Harry Potter or Percy Jackson
Now tag 20 of your followers!
@mindfulstudying @infinitesimalcosmos @quiettonne @shakespeareanqueer @a-beautiful-soul-loves @moonsaga @divinestudy @themisiscrying @freddythoughtsthings @fearlessly-creative @lakonike @scndblog @girlfromplanetmars @milkteandmusic @studycharlie @plutosmoons @softxsicher
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stvdymoon-blog · 6 years
Happy Birthday! ^.^ hope you have a great one!!!
Ah! Thank you so so so much! 💕
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