#Miraculous Ladybug Fic
literaphobe · 6 months
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two virgin losers
kittykittymeowmeow: My superhero partner (23F) recently asked me (23M) to take her virginity. I’m guessing she thought I was some type of sex god whore, but I’m actually also a huge virgin. For some reason, my lack of sexual prowess made her double down on her decision? She got kind of excited for us to platonically lose our virginities to each other and that made me panic. I mayyyy have told her I don’t want to be deflowered by another virgin, just in case she sucks at sex and I wind up hating it. The truth is, I think she’d be great at sex (she also thinks this). I think she’s amazing at everything she tries. I’ve also fallen in love with her multiple times and I will almost definitely get obsessed with her again if I sleep with her. Unfortunately, even though she’s really mad at me right now, I want her so bad I think I might die. Um… AITA?
sorry. reddit’s not actually involved in this fic. please still read it <3 (post s5 fic, they’re 23)
cover art by @zodoods <3 + tvl art discord
chapter 1 | chapter 2 | chapter 3 | chapter 4 | chapter 5 | chapter 6 | chapter 7 | chapter 8 | chapter 9 | chapter 10 | chapter 11
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peachcitt · 5 months
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from: thirteen by @anna-scribbles
art by me :)
start from the beginning // read the november chapter // read the most recent chapter (january)
hey listen. look me in my eyes. have you read thirteen by anna scribbles. i think you need to read thirteen by anna scribbles. i think if you want your life to be forever changed you need to read thirteen by anna scribbles. i think if you are a person who is breathing and alive you need to read thirteen by anna scribbles. thank you
#thirteen#miraculous ladybug#ml art#emilie agreste#adrien agreste#miraculous ladybug fic#ml fic#ml fic rec#my art#THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN HAUNTING THE INSIDE OF MY BRAIN EVER SINCE I READ THE NOVEMBER CHAPTER BACK IN NOVEMBER#now. listen. in an ideal world i would've done this way back in november but uhhhhhhh i don't know what happened. suddenly it was december#and now it's february! not sure how that happened. anyway my goal is to be making a piece of art for each chapter to convey#just how fucking INSANE this fic makes me feel. like how crazy and insane and awesomely constructed it is. anna just GETSSSS ITTTTTTT#(and is using her 'get it' ability to hurt me bodily)#like with every chapter i read i am just assaulted with this intense desire to Make An Image which is not really an impulse im used to#since i don't draw a ton but anna's voice is just so evocative of images in a way that just. inspires every creative impulse inside of me#i took forever to read the december chapter but the moment i read it i already had an idea of something i wanted to draw for it.#my idea is. well. complex for me to say the least but as i told anna i am determined to make my skills match whatever i need to do because#the way she writes it is literally haunting me it is shooting me with a gun it is so something i have no idea how to handle#except i guess to repeat her themes and ideas and imagery in a collage of sorts#i don't know that's what my october chapter comic felt like- a collage. and this one does too in a way even though it's very different#i just like connecting the dots. and then smashing the dots together in an image#anyway. read thirteen. it is changing me all the way down to the dna
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aidanchaser · 2 months
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Regardless of Perfection: An Adrinette Fic, featuring Félix 4.5K Words; Rated G for General Audiences
Adrien is dumbfounded. His knee is glued to the floor and his hands poised in front of him, as still and unmoving as his heart, stopped in his chest and aching as it fails to function. He can feel the eyes of every patron in the restaurant, staring with the same shock and confusion he feels.
“No?” he manages to squeak out, not even believing the word as it leaves his lips.
But Marinette has aggressively slammed the velvet box closed. Her face is already pink, hastily turning red, and Adrien can see tears in her eyes as she shoves his hands away with so much aggression that she near topples him over.
“Don’t—” she manages to say, and, “You can’t—” but she can’t seem to find words anymore easily than he can. She stands up and runs from the restaurant, linen napkin falling to the floor.
Adrien is only vaguely aware of the waiter helping him stand, a murmured apology as he’s settled back into his seat. A bottle of wine is placed in front of him, “Condolences from the guests over there,” but Adrien doesn’t even see the gesture, doesn’t know who to thank for the wine he’s meant to drown his heartbreak in. The waiter clears Marinette’s plate and glass without a word.
Adrien had planned tonight perfectly—at least, he thought he had. Everything about today had gone so right, like Ladybug’s own Lucky Charm had made it happen. He and Marinette had seen a movie together that afternoon, had a lovely walk along the Seine, and then she’d gone home to put on a brand new dress for their dinner on the Eiffel Tower. Adrien Agreste, even famous as he was, had waited months for this reservation to come up. Even though he’d carried the ring on him for the last several weeks—just in case the moment felt right—he’d known that this was the plan. That tonight was going to be the night. It was truly perfect.
He’d carefully steered the conversation over dinner to their future together, to the plans they’d talked about over the years amidst dreamy sighs and giggles. She’d seemed excited—had he misread her entirely? He didn’t think so. He’d known Marinette for nearly a decade. Surely he knew the difference between excitement and panic and he was sure that she had been excited—nervous, maybe, because of course she must have guessed how special today was—but he hadn’t seen any panic in her, not until the moment he had opened the ring box.
Her face had dropped. True horror had filled her eyes. And she had said, “No.”
Actually, she had practically shrieked it as she shoved the ring box away.
Adrien still didn’t understand it. Marinette certainly wasn’t the sort of person to be upset about a diamond being too small or a ring being inexpensive. So the rejection had to be about him, and Adrien couldn’t fathom why, couldn’t identify what clue he had missed along the way.
He’d been nervous to propose, naturally, but he had never thought that Marinette would reject him, certainly not so dramatically. He didn’t think anyone had expected it. Even her parents and their friends were all waiting back at the bakery, ready to celebrate, convinced she would have said yes.
A new panic climbed Adrien’s throat as he imagined Marinette arriving back at her parents’ place, greeted with a congratulatory cake and champagne. He needs to call them, tell them the devastating news before Marinette reaches them.
But as his fingers alight on his phone, it begins to buzz. Adrien swallows and draws it out, unable to tamp down the desperate hope that it’s Marinette telling him she’s changed her mind—but instead it’s Nino.
Adrien answers and says nothing.
“Adrien, where are you?” Nino asks, voice thick with concern.
Adrien tips his head back against the chair and stares up at the ceiling. The warm yellow rings of lights glare down at him and he swallows down the mixture of shame and despair that begin to coil in his chest, familiar friends that have known him far longer than Nino has.
“Adrien?” Nino asks.
“I’m still here,” Adrien says, but with no more strength than he had managed to repeat Marinette’s rejection with.
“Where are you?” Nino asks again.
“I’m still at the restaurant,” Adrien clarifies. He doesn’t know where he’s going to go after this. Certainly not home. He considers the possibility of transforming into Astro Chat and disappearing into space.
“Listen, Marinette just called Alya, and Alya called me, and I really think you should—”
“It’s fine, Nino,” Adrien says.
“I know that’s not true. Do you want me to meet you somewhere?”
Adrien considers the prospect of company. He knows even if he does go home alone, Plagg will still be with him. He can’t truly be alone, unless he does decide to transform. Maybe he does need to spend some time on top of the Eiffel Tower, cloaked in Chat Noir’s magic and the silence of being so far above the world. Maybe he needs to spend a few days on top of the Eiffel Tower.
“I just want to be alone,” he says, fidgeting with the miraculous around his finger.
“If you need anything—”
But his phone buzzes against his ear, and Adrien loses the rest of Nino’s offer as he checks to see his cousin is calling him.
Adrien wonders how many phone calls he’s going to receive tonight. He wonders how many of them he’ll take and how many he’ll ignore.
He doesn’t think he should ignore this one.
“I’ll talk to you later,” he says to Nino, unsure exactly when later will be, and switches to the incoming call.
“Félix,” Adrien manages dismally. He wonders how fast word is spreading amongst their friends. He wonders if the news has already gone viral through a restaurant patron’s video footage.
“Kagami says I can’t kill her,” is all Félix says for a greeting, “but I will if you give me the okay.”
Adrien isn’t in the mood for Félix’s sense of humor. “Félix, I don’t—”
“I’m not joking,” Félix says.
Adrien rubs his eyes and runs his hand through his hair. “I’m going to hang up,” he says, wholly uninterested in Félix’s brand of comfort.
But Félix ignores this threat, and Adrien makes no move to follow through it it.
“Is there a possibility that she didn’t mean it?” Félix asks, voice turning from cold to cautious.
But Adrien doesn’t know how he could have misunderstood a loud, desperate shriek of, “No!” that seems to grow more violent as he turns the memory over and over again.
“She shoved me away and stormed out. I don’t think she could have communicated her feelings any clearer than that.”
Félix is quiet for a moment, and Adrien can picture him evaluating the evidence and trying to draw a picture of the event.
“Where are you?” Félix asks.
Adrien doesn’t answer.
He doesn’t consider himself a liar or even duplicitous in any way. He’s always genuine with his feelings—except when he isn’t.
Anger and heartbreak are too much for him, and he buries them deep, terrified that he’ll use them as weapons against others. He’s glimpsed, as much as the rest of Paris has, how hurt can be weaponized. He knows, too, the way that grief and heartbreak can make someone undesirable. He grew up in a home that treated sadness like a sickness, like rot that needed to be carved out. The last thing Adrien wants is for his friends and loved ones to see him at a low like this.
“I’ll be home soon,” Adrien finally says, avoiding Félix’s question.
“I’ll meet you there,” Félix says.
“Please don’t,” he says.
“You don’t enjoy being alone.”
And how could Adrien not cry at that? He’s been in shock—the rejection hurts, but he hasn’t truly felt it yet—until Félix trods on the roots of Adrien’s aching heart. He doesn’t enjoy being alone, and he wasn’t supposed to ever be alone again. He was supposed to have Marinette with him forever, but now…
He tries desperately to bite down the tears, but they swell up regardless. “I don’t understand,” Adrien chokes out, and his tears drip down his cheeks, like water through a crack in a levy. “I don’t understand what went wrong or why—” But his words fail him as his throat is suddenly consumed with a gasping sob.
He doubles over, one hand still clinging to Félix on the other end of the line and the other tightening in his hair like he can tear it out and his heartache with it. He leans against the table, unable to hold up his own weight as the burden of Marinette’s rejection bears down on him and an empty, lonely future spirals out before him.
“Tell me where you are,” Félix says, voice strangely tender.
Adrien screws his eyes shut, like he might be able to seal up his mess of tears or keep out Félix’s uncharacteristic kindness.
He knows the other restaurant patrons have to be watching, and all Adrien can think is how nice it would be to disappear. He thinks of how Marinette managed to flee the restaurant in her panic, and he wishes his legs would work and carry him out, too. He thinks if he hangs up the phone, he’ll be able to gather himself together just long enough to get out of here and find a place to become Chat Noir.
“Ah,” Félix says, “Nino just texted back. I’ll be right there.”
And Adrien can’t even protest, can’t warn him not to. Adrien certainly doesn’t want Félix to see him like this, doesn’t want anyone he loves to glimpse how utterly broken and devastated he is, but the words stick in his throat, drowned by the sobs he can’t fight down.
Adrien drops his phone onto the table, aware the call has gone dead and presses the heels of his hands against his eyes in an effort to stem his tears. He wonders how long he has until Félix arrives. Perhaps he can leave before his cousin gets here—
But there’s a gasp from the guests of the restaurant, a sudden rise of tension and fear that swells around him. Adrien’s skin prickles, familiar with the way a crowd’s mood changes before an akuma attack, but when he opens his eyes he sees no monster nor black butterfly searching for a victim. Instead, it is his cousin, dressed in the purple and blue hooded uniform of Argos.
Adrien should have guessed that Félix would manage to make a bigger scene than Marinette had.
As he reaches the table, his hand goes for Adrien’s shoulder, but Adrien shrugs him off.
“Please don’t,” he begs, unsure how he can bear Félix’s offer of comfort—unsure how Félix can bear his misery. Already, he can feel another swell of tears burgeoning. He curls into himself, burying his head in his hands, hiding what he can of his heartbreak.
Argos drops into the chair that Marinette had sat in not thirty minutes ago, and as he does, drops his transformation.
“I’ll stay until you’re ready to leave,” Félix says, voice still tinged with tenderness, and it only makes Adrien’s chest ache more.
Adrien is not used to people standing with him when he makes a mistake. He’s used to sharp critique and deathly silent meals. Marinette and Nino alike have been so gentle in their attempts to draw him out, to allow him to misstep without flinching, but this particular misstep feels so monumental. He doesn’t know how he could have read Marinette so wrong; he doesn’t know how anyone would want to sit with him through this.
Félix, at least, knows what it’s like to bury heartbreak and mistakes well out of sight and well out of reach. Félix knows the way perfection is not an achievement but an expectation, and he understands that something as ugly as grief is not fit for public consumption nor private indulgence.
Adrien draws in two shaky breaths, but they’re whole and uninterrupted by wild sobs. He thinks he has enough composure to speak again and asks, “Do you know where I went wrong?” He doesn’t care for how raw and ragged his voice sounds, and he reaches for his glass of water.
Félix picks up the wine that Adrien has left untouched and sniffs the uncorked bottle curious. He pours a little, swirls and sips it, then wrinkles his nose, and checks the bottle. His upper lip curls in disgust and finally, he turns his eyes back to Adrien. “Have you considered that you may have made no mistakes at all?”
Adrien shakes his head. “No—I must have done something—or said something—” he feels the tears threaten to crawl out of his chest again, and he presses his thumb and forefinger against his eyes to hold them back. “Alya might know. I can text her.” But when he reaches for his phone, he finds that Félix has already snatched it out of reach.
“Adrien,” Félix murmurs, “you cannot charm the world to your will by following a dance step diagram. There is no pattern to unlock, no measure of perfection that will make everything turn out right.”
Adrien grits his teeth, certain that what Félix says is true, but unable to accept it. If he could just be better, then things wouldn’t have turned out this way.
“I’m sure you did everything right,” Félix continues. “The date, the dinner, the tie, the ring…” Félix’s hand closes over the blue velvet box. “But sometimes, Adrien, things simply—” He stops as he flicks the box open.
Adrien’s heart sinks. The ring was the problem after all, wasn’t it? He should have bought something expensive, something that glittered. He had just thought that Marinette would have preferred something sentimental, so he had chosen to propose with his mother’s wedding band. Apparently it had ben the wrong choice.
Félix snaps the box closed and slides it back to Adrien. “I’m going to find Ladybug,” he says, and Adrien’s heart pounds with new concern.
“Ladybug?” he asks weakly.
Félix gets to his feet, but he hesitates as he eyes Adrien and his disheveled hair and tear-stained cheeks. Something in his tight shoulders sags ever so slightly.
“No, not Ladybug,” he says. “Adrien, I’m going to take you to Marinette.”
“Félix, I can’t—”
“I don’t think she meant to turn you down.”
Though Adrien is reluctant to believe Félix, his heart pounds with hope. “What’s wrong with proposing with my mother’s ring? I thought she’d think it was romantic.”
Félix scrubs a hand over his face. “Well, she didn’t.” His voice is once again flat and cold, void of the care he’d been displaying moments ago. His words, at least, show an awareness of feeling. “I’m going to take you to Marinette, and the three of us are going to have a very difficult conversation, and it is going to hurt, but it will be all right. Can you trust me on that?”
Adrien isn’t sure how he can, but Félix doesn’t make it sound like he has any choice in the matter. “How do you know it will be okay?”
Félix draws his mouth into a tight line. When he does speak again, it’s painstaking and slow, like poison being drawn from a wound. “Because you have people who will love you regardless.”
There is not much more room for discussion. Félix pauses only to call Alya—on Adrien’s phone, certain it’s the only way she’ll answer—and merely says, “Where’s Marinette?” before engaging in tense negotiations with Alya for Marinette’s whereabouts. He wins the interrogation, or at least Adrien thinks he must have, because as soon as he ends the call, he transforms back into Argos and scoops Adrien up in his arms.
Adrien decides that he prefers when Ladybug carries him, but he doesn’t have much choice in the matter, unless he were to suddenly tell his cousin the truth about the ring he wears on his middle finger. But Félix is clearly in a hurry to reach Marinette, and is uninterested in mortal means of travel. Leaping across rooftops with the power of the Peacock Miraculous is the best the two of them can manage.
He lands on Marinette’s rooftop, and Adrien stumbles out of his cousin’s arms, unsure he has ever dropped onto this rooftop as himself.
He does his best to scrub his cheeks free of any tearstains. His hair, he’s sure, is unsalvageable after their flight across the rooftops, and he does not even want to know the state of his suit.
Argos lifts the trap door without knocking and drops down inside. Adrien, suddenly aware that he has this brief moment alone, considers the risk of simply leaving.
But before he can quite manage a whispered, “Plagg, claws out,” Alya’s head appears from below. She gives him a sad smile and climbs out to meet him.
Adrien backs into the balcony railing, but Alya approaches anyway. She puts a tender hand on his shoulder and ignores the way he flinches. Even as he tries to shrug her off, she squeezes tighter.
“I’m really sorry,” she says.
Adrien refuses to meet her eyes. He can’t let her see the tears that are springing up all of a sudden. He doesn’t know why his cousin has insisted on this.
“For what it’s worth,” Alya says, “I don’t think she meant to turn you down. She’s… she’s really embarrassed, but she won’t say anything more to me than just that she panicked.”
Adrien doesn’t think that quite matches with his memory of the event, but his heart is racing again, brought back to life by the hope Alya is offering him.
“You should go talk to her. Félix won’t let me in there for whatever it is he wants to say, and I don’t know that I trust the two of them alone together for very long.”
Adrien isn’t entirely sure if that Alya’s fears are about mistrusting Félix—distantly, he remembers Félix’s offer of murder—or if they’re about mistrusting Marinette and her own scheming.
“I’ll go down there,” Adrien concedes, “but I’m not sure I’ll have much more to say.”
“Then just listen. And, hey, you know that no matter what happens, you and I are still friends, right?”
His chest swells and Adrien thinks this alone might break him. He isn’t sure how to accept this offer of kindness, of unconditional trust.
“Okay,” he manages, voice strangled with a whirl of emotions he can’t begin to name.
Adrien climbs down the ladder into Marinette’s bedroom and finds that Félix is once again without his magical costume. He has settled into Marinette’s desk chair as easily as if it was his own, while Marinette sits on the edge of her bed, head between her knees and hands locked behind her neck as if she is preparing for an earthquake or a tornado. Adrien considers mirroring her posture, but chooses not to, only because he is unsure where he would sit. So he stands, leaning against her windowsill, unsure how to begin this conversation.
“If you don’t tell him, Marinette,” Félix says, “then I will.”
Marinette’s whine is muffled by her knees and whatever she murmurs into her leg is fully unintelligible.
Félix sighs in exasperation. He takes his own ring—his father’s ring—between his thumb and finger and yanks it off. He turns it over between his fingers. “Adrien, have you ever wondered how you and I are so terribly alike in appearance even though we are only cousins?”
“Our mothers are twins,” Adrien says, almost automatically. He distantly remembers asking his mother about it once, and she’d said the same. She had said to never bring it up again, so he had done as she asked and never questioned her answer. Even now, it seems impossible to think otherwise.
“My mother can’t have children,” Félix says, and there is nothing in his tone nor expression that indicates how absurd the statement is.
Adrien glances to Marinette for some sort of clue or help, but she is still in a panic. His heart aches to see her like this, and all he wants is to sit down next to her and hold her. But he remembers how she pushed him away just an hour ago, and he remains by the window.
“Félix, that doesn’t make sense.”
“My mother can’t have children and neither could her twin sister.”
Adrien does not have the patience for this conversation. He rubs his eyes, aching and tired from the tears they have spilled. “I don’t understand what you mean.”
“My father created me, and your mother created you, using the Peacock Miraculous.”
Marinette moans like a seasick sailor whose ship has made a sudden lurch beneath her feet. Adrien can only stare at Félix, stunned.
“Why would you say something like that?”
“Because it’s the truth,” Félix says, “and because I told Marinette.”
Adrien’s gut twists. He isn’t sure which part is harder to swallow: the idea that he’s a Sentimonster or the idea that Marinette rejected him because of it. His entire reality shifts before him, and he clings to the window’s ledge to make sure he stays on his feet.
“But you… you can’t be serious.” But even as Adrien says it, he can’t imagine Félix would be anything less than serious. His next concern, then, is that Félix has simply been horribly misinformed.
He looks to Marinette again, and he knows by the white in her knuckles and the half-formed sob that bursts out of her chest that she believes it.
“My father used this ring as the object to bind me to life,” Félix says. “Your mother chose hers and your fathers’ wedding rings.”
Adrien shakes his head, still unable to see truth in Félix’s words, but finally—finally—Marinette says something intelligible.
“I’m sorry,” she says, and hiccups on another sob. She lifts her head and looks at Adrien. Her face is flushed, cheeks tear-streaked and eyes puffy, red, and streaked with mascara. Though she’s still wearing the dress she had put on for their formal dinner date, the satin is wrinkled like she’s the one who took a journey across Paris’ rooftops in a superhero’s arms. “I didn’t mean it, Adrien, I swear.”
Adrien pulls the velvet box out from his jacket and looks at the ring inside. He still can’t wrap his head around the idea that this ring and his father’s ring, still attached to the necklace fastened beneath his shirt, are tethers that hold him to this world. He still can’t believe that he isn’t human. He feels human. He imagines that this night wouldn’t hurt so much if he were otherwise.
But more urgent than this absurdity that Félix has laid at his feet is Marinette’s apology. He stumbles over to Marinette and collapses onto the bed beside her. “Which part didn’t you mean?” he whispers.
Marinette hiccups again and tries to rub her eyes dry, but she only succeeds in smearing her mascara. The black streak bleeds into her hairline and her tears continue to fall regardless.
“The part where I pushed you,” she says, and chokes on another sob. “The part where I said no.”
Adrien plucks the ring out from the velvet box. “Marinette—”
“No!” she yelps again, and closes her hands over his. She falls off the bed, knees hitting the hardwood floor with a thud and she winces, but does not lose her grip on Adrien’s hand. He’s afraid she’s going to break his fingers
“Adrien, don’t,” she says. “I can’t take this.”
“But Marinette—”
“Please,” she sobs. She buries her face into his knees, tears and makeup soaking into his suit. Without looking up at him, she pries the ring out of his hand and slides it onto his own finger. “Adrien, I love you,” she chokes on another gasping sob, “and I cannot love you and wear this ring.”
Something new inside Adrien breaks, something he can’t name. He stares down at the top of Marinette’s head, and her hands holding onto his like he’s the only tether she has to this world. New tears fall from his cheeks, unattached to sobs. They aren’t sad tears, not at all.
Human or not, Marinette loves him. He’s not sure anything else matters.
He sinks to the floor beside Marinette, takes her face in his hands, and kisses her.
She doesn’t push him away. She doesn’t shriek and reject him. It’s the kiss he had expected, long and deep and perhaps a bit more wet than he had been prepared for. Even her hiccups, he thinks, ought to have been expected.
The chair beneath Félix creaks as he stands, and he coughs.
Marinette and Adrien politely pause their kiss, but they keep their hands intertwined and their foreheads pressed together.
“I’ll let Alya know we’re finished, then.”
Marinette tries again to wipe her eyes dry. “I’ll go—” She pauses for a sniff and a hiccup. “I’ll go tell my parents the good news.”
Adrien squeezes her hand. “Wait, one more thing.” He turns to his cousin, already halfway up the ladder steps. He supposes that Félix has given a lot of emotion today, and he shouldn’t be surprised his cousin is trying to slip away. “Why did you tell Marinette about the rings before you told me.”
Marinette sucks in a sharp, sudden breath of air and her hiccups vanish. Félix freezes on the ladder, but it’s brief. He shrugs and says, “I’ll let Marinette tell you that one.” And he leaves.
Adrien looks at Marinette, watches her worry her bottom lip and flick her eyes between her sewing machine, the box that he knows her diary is hidden in, and the dollhouse perched on her desk.
“Marinette?” he asks.
“Well—I—I mean—I can’t—I mean you can’t—” Marinette fumbles for the right words, but Adrien is used to this. He waits patiently.
“I’m Buglady,” she finally spits out, “I mean Luggybady. I mean—”
Adrien’s eyebrows lift. “You’re Ladybug?”
She swallows and nods.
He glances at the plain black earrings fastened in her ears. He thinks about the last several years of interrupted dates and how he hadn’t even noticed her terrible excuses for lateness because he was too busy thinking about his own.
Adrien works his ring off of his finger. He never removes it, and it requires a bit of doing, but once its off, he slides it onto Marinette’s finger.
“Adrien, I said I can’t—”
He leans in close, whispers, “It’s just my miraculous,” and kisses her cheek.
She swallows and looks down at the band, clearly thicker than the wedding band and with an unadorned place for a stone setting—a space perfectly sized for a glowing pawprint—and begins to hyperventilate all over again.
“But you can’t—I can’t—but Adrien—Chat—”
Adrien kisses her, and she sinks into it, panicked words and breath forgotten. There’s nothing more to be said between them.
Nothing about today went perfectly; nothing about this kiss is picturesque or even truly romantic. But Adrien wouldn’t trade today and all of its mess for anything in the world. He loves his lady, panic and stuttering and all, and he’s willing to admit that maybe it’s okay if she loves his mistakes and his secrets too.
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mcheang · 9 months
As Nino lays out his plan for targeting Gabriel, Alya points out one thing. “Sure I know Ladybug can fix the mess an akuma causes. But Gabriel will still be mad. He already doesn’t like you, Nino. Don’t push it. For all we know, Gabriel might threaten to transfer Adrien to a different school. Remember, he totally lost it when Adrien lost his book?”
Nino: oh…right. I didn’t think of that. Then, who do we target?
Marinette grins sneakily. “I know someone who can get upset very easily.”
Adrien: really, who?
Marinette: i don’t want to spoil the surprise.
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Later, as the parent-teacher meeting commenced, Marinette bursts in, “Oh, I’m so sorry to barge in like this. But I forgot I needed Mrs Rossi’s signature for Lila’s trip to Achu.”
Caline: Marinette, can’t this wait?
Mrs Rossi: what trip to Achu?
Caline and Marinette look at her. “You know, the trip she’s taking to join Prince Ali in teaching children for free. It’s such a shame that she won’t be able to attend the school’s weeklong camping trip but it’s for a good cause.
Mrs Rossi stands up. “My daughter is doing what?”
Caline: why are you so surprised, Mrs Rossi? Lila went to Achu for months less than a week after she joined Dupont.
Mrs Rossi: she told me the school was shut down from akuma attacks!
Marinette pretended to look faint. “Oh no, was it because of her special lying disease?”
Mr Cesaire looked skeptical. “A lying disease…? Do you mean compulsive lying?”
Gabriel almost regretted not being able to akumatize Mrs Rossi, if only to make up for losing Lila Rossi as a spy since clearly Alliance can no longer use her. Oh well, there’s always the fallout when her sheep find out.
Alya and Nino were recording this with open mouths. Adrien wasn’t so bothered by this after seeing more of Lila’s hateful personality.
Needless to say, the parent-teacher conference was delayed as Sabine then angrily wanted justice for her daughter if she was indeed framed by a liar. Gabriel had to admit the teaching faculty here was lousy to fall for Lila’s reception, but that’s what makes this place so prime for his akumas! Why did he send Adrien here again? Oh right, it’s the most prestigious school and he’ll never hear the end of it from Andre because Chloe would never accept his perfect son being in another school away from her.
Later, after Marinette received an apology from Mrs Rossi, she agreed to bring Lila up. Alya and Nino looked apologetic. “We’re so sorry we didn’t believe you.”
Marinette looked behind her. “It’s ok. Keep recording. If Mrs Rossi isn’t angry enough to attract an akuma, her daughter will be. Nothing akumatizes Lila like being caught.”
Lila was immediately suspicious when Marinette of all people came to get her, however it was subdued by Marinette’s poorly hidden dislike and the fact that it was Gabriel who asked her to come.
Certain that Mr Agreste wanted her help against a stupid boy’s resistance team, she agreed.
Boy was Lila surprised to see Sabine and her mother standing in front of the classroom instead of Mr Agreste, who looked disappointed in her.
Uh oh. Now Lila could see Marinette’s triumphant face and could see what had happened. Her one consolation was that the team’s plan to anger a parent into akumatization had failed. Though she was also irked she couldn’t get akumatized and make that loser suffer for exposing her like this. This is worse than Ladybug’s exposing her in front of Adrien!
As Lila was dragged by her mother to the principal’s office, Caline tried to resume the parent-teacher conference though it was clear all now felt disheartened by her incompetence.
The resistance was confused. Angry Rossis and disappointed parents were around. Where was the akuma?
Eventually they had to give up. What a waste of free period.
Not entirely a waste though since Lila was now exposed. Alya sent the recording to the whole class as the parents left.
Outraged gasps were heard everywhere.
Nino: why didn’t you wait till class was about to start? Then we could prepare to record the akumatization.
Adrien: if Monarch didn’t come out for Mrs Rossi and Lila, I doubt he’ll come for-
Reverser promptly swooped by, ready to turn Lila nice and honest.
Adrien: never mind.
Marc was deakumatized and the class apologized to Marinette for not believing her.
Lila returned to class, sulky in her forced apology, not really bothered by their angry reactions now that she was expelled. Only Marinette’s smug attitude infuriated her. Having been forced honest by Reverser, she had confessed to having duped two other women into being her mothers and had initially planned on running away to join one of them. Her mother now has their numbers. It was a nightmare.
Alya: who else can we akumatize for the greater good? Mayor Bourgeois?
Marinette: I don’t think our plan works if we our expected target isn’t even akumatized. We’ll have to think of something else.
Monarch is disappointed he won’t get to akumatize the akuma class again for a while. Ah well, it can be a favor to Adrien.
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lesbitorte · 9 months
New fic!
we'll say hallelujah (you're home)
Chapters (1/1) words: 1799
Relationship: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Nathalie Sancoeur
Characters: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Nathalie Sancoeur, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Nino Lahiffe
Additional Tags: Mentioned Gabriel Agreste, Mentioned Emilie Agreste, Minor Adrien Agreste/Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Minor Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe, Mentioned Alya Césaire, Grief/Mourning, Angst and Feels, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, the comfort is there if you squint, Sick Nathalie Sancoeur, Dead Emilie Agreste, no beta we just unleash the sad, Miraculous Ladybug Season/Series 05, Canon Compliant
“Do you think it could be the same illness, Plagg?”
“I wouldn't know even if I wanted to, kid”
Adrien is dealing with the loss of his mother and going through the same thing over again when Nathalie gets sick. He can help now though.
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kittysuicoffee · 2 months
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Cover pages of the next few chapters!
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nemaliwrites · 7 months
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My super secret Big Bang fic is finally not so secret! My @mlbigbang fic, In Pursuit of the Uneatable, will be posted on January 1st!
Relationships: Adrien/Marinette, Marinette & Tikki, Marinette & Chat Blanc Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Inspired by Bunny, Manipulative Lila Rossi, Self-Esteem Issues, Identity Issues, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir is not Chat Blanc, Introspection, Canon-Typical Violence, Lila Rossi's Downfall, Hurt Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Psychological Horror, Moral Ambiguity, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Unreliable Narrator Summary: Who do you trust when your own reflection becomes a stranger? In a Paris where Lila weaves tales that blind the city, Marinette stands accused, isolated. Her parents’ trust is shattered, her friends distant, and in battle, illusions blur the line between ally and enemy. As the shadows and uncertainty threaten to close in, Marinette finds herself turning to the last person who claims to be on her side: a boy in a white mask who calls himself a fox hunter.
and here's a lil snippet from chapter 12:
Ladybug’s been crafting her apology in her head for days now, but if there’s one thing she’s certain of, it’s that it’ll all fall apart the second she lays eyes on him. That is, if he even shows up — it only occurs to her now that he might not, that he might be angry enough at her to avoid her.
But he does show up. Of course he does. She never should have doubted that; the fact that she did only has the effect of making her feel more guilty. Because he would never put his own feelings ahead of their duty, and she never should have thought he would. 
He comes, a shadow in the night, to stand before her. For a fraction of a second, Ladybug finds herself doubting which cat this is — after all, noir and blanc are two sides of the same coin, are they not? When she sees his eyes, though, she knows truth: his eyes that are one color, the greenest green. 
“Chat Noir,” she says, voice nearly lost in the wind. The only indication he’s heard her is the way he turns. His profile, the only thing that’s illuminated, faces her. “I’m sorry.”
He says nothing. 
“I’m so sorry,” Ladybug continues. Her voice threatens to break, but still, she persists. “I should have told you everything, I know that. I…I never meant to leave you in the dark like that. I just didn’t want you to worry about me—“
“I do worry, Ladybug.”
Chat Noir says the words loudly, confidently, an open declaration. She gapes at him.
“I’m always worried about you,” he says; he turns his eyes skyward, as though desperate to look at anything that isn’t her. “I worry if you’re getting enough sleep. I worry if you’re stressed out. I worry that an akuma might come for you and that this time, there won’t be anyone to save you — that I won’t be there to save you.”
And now it’s his turn for his voice to break. Ladybug steps closer, takes his face in her hands. Turns it so that he’s looking at her.
“Have you considered,” he asks softly, “that maybe you don’t like to rely on people? That you don’t want to show weakness? That you’re too focused on thinking that you can do everything yourself?”
Mirroring her, he brings his hands up to her face. They’re interlinked, intertwined, impossible to tell where one stops and the other begins. If noir and blanc are two sides of the same coin, then so too are the ladybug and the black cat. 
“Maybe,” she admits, hating the way that doing so makes her feel vulnerable. But here, of all places — in her partner’s arms — maybe she can let herself be vulnerable. “Maybe you’re right.”
Chat Noir drops his hands, steps away from her. A stark contrast to his next words: “You know I’m always on your side, right? No matter what.”
“I know,” says Ladybug, because she does. She’d just forgotten it — but that doesn’t mean it isn’t true. Her hands fall to her sides. “And I think…I think I’ve found someone else on my side, too.”
Someone, something, somewhere, somehow. 
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natty-nat · 1 year
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A miraculous Mermay
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chaoticace2005 · 6 months
@nagisachan1 I was your secret Santa :) @mlsecretsanta
Sorry this a bit late but I did not expect writing 40k of mental breakdowns and comfort to take so long. This is my first fic in the fandom and the idea of diving more into Adrien has been floating around my brain for a while, and considering your preferences I decided to finally take a stab at it.
I would like to thank @miraculousstories and @doodlingstuff for putting up with my ramblings and beta all of this. I seriously appreciate it.
This was largely inspired by the song “Surface Pressure” from Encanto which I feel fits so many of the Miraculous characters perfectly. There’s this one AMV that I’m obsessed with that I recommend people watch:
Merry (late) Christmas, Happy New Year and I hope you enjoy! Chapters 1 and 2 are up now, 3 and 4 should be up before the new year.
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coward-draws · 8 months
So, my autocorrect keeps changing Chloé with Zoé so I’m inspired and there’s a new au now
Zoe is a cuckoo chick. Chloe knows it at her heart. She may have never paid attention in class, she may have made Sabrina do all her homework, but this thing is what she remembers. Cuckoo chicks steal everything from nests’ rightful owners. Now she regrets being a bad student. Oh, how she regrets. Zoe is taking her place, and she doesn’t know any ways to stop her.
It’s all magic things.
Her class is now Zoe’s. Adrikins is sharing secrets with her now. Sabrina sitting with her and Kim gifting her sweets.
Her miraculous is now Zoe’s. Queen Bee were way more stylish than Vesperia! But now it’s not important, as Ladybug gives her fistbumps and citizen praise her.
Her father is now Zoe’s. Where were those hugs and little smiles, when he was hers!? Chloe only got money and cameras but Zoe is getting this all and more.
Worst of all — she doesn’t get to keep anything at all.
No one recognises her on streets.
Web searches show Zoe as “Mayor’s daughter”.
Mommy does not remember not only her name, but also that she was a hero. And Mommy never, never forgets what was said on camera!
“Pack your things,” said Mommy to her. “We are returning to New York.” It was all that she wanted just two months ago, but now? She wants Mommy recognises her.
Ladybug gave her a polite smile, like those she gives to strangers. Were disappointed looks terrible? Yes, but this is so much worse. She really, really wants Ladybug recognises her!
Oh, thinks Chloe. There is a person who always knew her. Someone gross and terrible, but always present. Someone Zoe wouldn’t steal from her, like she wouldn’t steal mud from under her shoes or bugs from her favourite plants.
Marinette answers the call, and Chloe shivers. She really-
“Excuse me,” says Marinette. “Do I know you?”
Chloe cries.
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mlwritersguild · 1 year
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Our January event, as usual, was to recommend and review our favorite fics that we read in 2022! To make things a little bit more interesting and fun, we treated it a bit like an awards ceremony or spotify wrapped. If you know the tumblr accounts of any authors on AO3 that were mentioned but not tagged, please tag them! Continuing with our rec lists, here's part two!
Without further ado, here are the MWG nominations for best (completed) multi-chapter fics!
a bouquet of second chances by @mikauzoran
lukadrinette // season 4 // identity reveal // hurt/comfort // time travel
after this is over. by @writtenvisionary
lovesquare // angst // mental health issues
blood will tell by @sunfoxfic
féligami // alternate universe // aged-up // hurt/comfort // unplanned pregnancy
blue crayons by @talkstoself
lovesquare // mental health issues // aged-up // canon divergence // single parent marinette
home base by @gabriel-agreste-has-no-rights
lovesquare // djwifi // humor // hurt/comfort // identity reveal
tell me something i don't know by @carpisuns
lovesquare // chat fic // alternate universe // soulmates // angst with a happy ending
les illuminations en douche et d'autres miracles pubères by noirshitsuji
lovesquare // chloe/alya/nino // humor // fluff
many ways to rise by Zetared
lovesquare // disabled adrien // identity reveal // hurt/comfort
metamorphosis by @peachcitt
lovesquare // aged-up // alternate universe // slow burn // hurt/comfort // angst with a happy ending
passengers by @valiantlyjollynightmare
lovesquare // aged-up // pr/pr // hurt/comfort // fluff
second chances by @thenovelartist
lovesquare // djwifi // gabenath // single parent adrien // friends to lovers // fluff
sewing sentiments by @frostedpuffs
lovesquare // alternate universe // friends to lovers // aged-up // fluff // hurt/comfort
strangely familiar by @sunfoxfic
djwifi // alternate universe // aged-up // friends to lovers // slow burn // identity reveal
team is a four letter word by @ladyofthenoodle
core four friendship // lovesquare // humor // identity reveal
the love of a cat by @thenovelartist
lovesquare // alternate universe // royalty/medieval // fluff // angst // slow burn
the sidekick conspiracy by @bring-the-storm
lovesquare // djwifi // humor // fluff // sleepovers
when bunnyx brings a baby by @funnydoesntlookdruish
lovesquare // fluff // humor // aged-up // babysitting
Thanks if you made it this far! See you soon for Part 3: Ongoing Multi-Chapter fics!
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literaphobe · 10 months
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snippet from my upcoming fic about ladynoir losing their virginities to each other. i hope u find them silly and funny ^_^
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peachcitt · 8 months
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text from thirteen by @anna-scribbles
art by me :)
read thirteen read thirteen it’s everything read thirteen read thirteen read thirteen read thirteen<3 happy thirteen day. have you read thirteen yet. read it again if you have. prepare for your life to be changed if you haven’t.
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aidanchaser · 7 months
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Only one more week left of the @mlsquaredance event! I had an absolute blast working on this project and getting to play in the space of some wonderful ML fic. If you haven't had a chance, please read the originals!
Originals & tags linked here:
Partners in Clown by MiaBrown (@miabrown007)
how fair you were in summertime by MissNoodles (@ladyofthenoodle)
Full Exposure by MissNoodles (@ladyofthenoodle)
Close Your Eyes by jennagrins (@jennagrinsoverml)
A Bad Dream by walkingonthestars (@hamsternamedmarinette)
A Fair Trade by sariahsue (@sariahsue)
but princess, wishes do come true by MiaBrown (@miabrown007)
Midnight Snack by Papillon10 (@valiantlyjollynightmare)
When You Let A Ladybug Cure Your Bellyache by wyomingparmesan (@wyomingparmesan)
Another shout out to @sunshinemarauder, @ladyofthenoodle, @wield-the-mighty-pen, @rosekasa, and @ccboomer for all of your help beta reading these 9 remixes! My writing is nothing without an editor, and it was great to get to work with friends from the HP AU in a new context and to make new friends through writing and editing! Thank you all for your hard work, and a double-triple thank you to ladyofthenoodle and the rest of the Miraculous Square Dance team for putting on this event. It has been so much fun! I haven't gotten to write this consistently since I had the HP AU. I was back into doing 3-5k a week again, and it felt so good. Thank you!!
Link to all of my remixes (except for Partners in Chaos, which will drop next Friday!) Link to all event remixes!
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mcheang · 8 months
The stone among diamonds
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Yeah, Lila has an overinflated ego if she thinks she’s going to be invited to an upper class party because she’s a model. Only those born in prominent families are invited and Mrs Rossi clearly wasn’t. She overestimated herself and got too pushy.
When Kagami told Lila about the diamond dance and the latter expressed surprise at not being invited, Kagami’s answer was blunt.
“Of course not. You may be a model for Gabriel, Lila, but this dance is for those with connections, not for every model. Adrien is coming because he’s Gabriel’s heir. My family is ancient Japanese nobility. Chloe’s father is the mayor. If you do want to come, you should ask your mother. She’s the ambassador right? She should be invited. I know a few political diplomats who were.”
Lila feigned a smile, knowing full well her mother’s job was nowhere near prestigious enough for an invitation. “She did receive it but she rejected it. She’s never been one for parties. And it was just one invite.”
Kagami: oh, then I’m not sure what you can do. You can ask Gabriel if you may attend in your mother’s place.
Lila: I’ll be sure to do that. Besides, as the face of the Gabriel brand, I’m sure I’ll merit my own invitation
Kagami: don’t hold your breath on that count. You also have to have a rich background.
Lila: are you saying I look poor?
Kagami: no, but my mother trained me to watch for those who have money
Lila is annoyed. She calls Gabriel to get her invitation but he ignores her. Ugh! One way or another she is getting to that party.
But wait, wasn’t Zoe going to the movies with Marinette? As the daughter of style queen, she is sure to have an invitation.
Sure enough, Zoe doesn’t mind giving her invitation to Lila, who says she lost her own and Gabriel is too busy to bother.
At the party, Lila is all for schmoozing with the guests. She would have preferred the adults but the party was clearly divided between adults and kids.
To Lila’s dismay, her own introduction as the face of Gabriel and the daughter of an ambassador wasn’t impressive enough for these people. It wasn’t until she spun her usual lies of knowing Jagged Stone and Prince Ali that she actually got anywhere. (And even then the snobs were not impressed with her charity work, just her connections)
Another guest overheard and walked over. “Excuse me, is it true you worked with Prince Ali? I’m a fan of his work. Might I know your name, please?”
Lila smirked. “Lila Rossi. I worked with Ali on multiple projects and parties.”
The stranger unmasked himself. “I am Prince Ali of Achu, and I have never met you before in my life.” He paged his chaperone.
Soraya walked over. “What is going on here?”
Ali gestured to Lila. “I believe we do have a party crasher.”
Another guest called for security in a loud voice, drawing attention from the rest of the room.
The security drones analysed Lila’s mask and announced it belonged to Zoe Lee.
Chloe pushed her way over and gaped. “Lilo, what are you doing here?” (This is not a typo. Chloe actually called Lila Lilo during Confrontation)
Lila gritted her teeth. “Your sister lent me her invitation when I lost mine. As for this lying accusation, I wasn’t referring to Prince Ali, but another one from Egypt.”
Except the guests she had been trying to impress called her out on her lies.
Guest: isn’t she the alliance Lila?
Lila exhaled in relief. Perhaps her fame could still save her.
Soraya scowled at Gabriel. “You have made a disappointing choice, Gabriel.”
Guest: what a wannabe. I am so changing my alliance avatar.
Seeing the crowd murmuring in front and the adults whispering behind, Gabriel addressed the situation at hand. “I am aware of Lila’s behavior, that was why I had planned to announce at my diamond dance that Kagami would be taking her place.” Tomoe subtly activated the screens showing the new changes, simultaneously having all alliance rings updated.
Lila’s jaw dropped. Her fame gone, just like that. She was tempted to expose Gabriel for hiring her to spy on his son but she doubt it would change much in the face of all these snobs.
Soraya glared at Lila. “Whatever other claims you have made about Prince Ali, we will find out. Prepare yourself for a lawsuit.”
Surrounded by hostile faces, Lila looked for friendly faces.
Chloe wasn’t going to stand up for her.
Kagami was shocked at Lila’s appearance and the revelation that she was a liar.
Felix already knew Lila was a spy and was fine with her current predicament.
Gabriel just fired her. “Escort the Miss wearing Zoe Lee’s mask out of my party.”
Lila was practically boxed in by 4 drones. Chloe snapped a photo because it was kind of funny
Meanwhile as Kagami protested having their avatars be in a romantic relationship, Felix revealed himself.
Cue Canon ending
Now, Rose received word from Ali asking what she knew about Lila. She was shocked that her friend was a liar and that Marinette was telling the truth. Did this mean that Marinette was indeed framed?
Rose calls Marinette to apologize and suggest that they tell Miss Bustier. However Marinette tells Rose that both teacher and principal know the truth. However Lila used the same reason Rose kept her illness a secret to keep them from telling the class.
Rose: this can’t be how it ends. Ali will expose Lila in public, it will be on the news, she can’t hide it then.
Indeed, Lila knew she couldn’t. So it was time to become Cerise once again and abandon Lila.
But Monarch has not seen the last of her. Neither has Prince Ali.
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miraclekittyandbug · 2 years
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