#Miran Aslanbey
petiteblasee · 9 months
Uma história intensa e apaixonante! | HERCAI: Amor e Vingança.
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Olá, pessoal! Tudo bem?
Depois de um tempo sem grandes histórias com muita duração tirar o meu sono, achei o que eu precisava! Despretensiosamente, dei play numa produção turca que saiu recentemente no globoplay e agora estou completamente tomada pela trama intensa.
A história de Hercai, como o subtítulo no streaming diz, é sobre amor e VINGANÇA:
Após o Miran, protagonista, crescer sendo alimentado por esse desejo dia e noite pela sua avó (que responsabiliza a família Sadoglu pela morte do filho) finalmente chega o momento de colocar o plano em prática, e é aí que a reyyan entra no meio.
Reyyan Sadoglu é uma moça ingênua que vive numa espécie de prisão, sendo desprezada por parte da família – e ela não sabe o motivo – e tem sua vida mudada após conhecer o Miran. A partir daí, o que parecia ser um conto de fadas, torna-se um pesadelo.
Bem, parece que contei a história toda, mas isso tudo aconteceu em menos de 10 episódios. Quem acompanha as produções turcas por fora, sabe que o serviço de streaming dividiu os episódios de forma diferente - os episódios originais possuem 2h de duração e acontece MUITA coisa. Dessa forma, comentar só dois episódios dá a impressão de que mais da metade está sendo revelada, mas não chega perto.
A trama é chamativa, e os personagens logo conquistam você, mesmo num contexto em que você sabe que o protagonista está atrás de vingança e a mocinha vai cair nessa de inocente. PORÉM, tenho que dizer que é muito maravilhoso ver esse plano indo para um caminho inesperado, e os protagonistas entregam tudo!
A reyyan é uma moça ingênua sem ser uma boboca, e a forma com que ela lida com toda a situação é super coerente - e depois é só lapada, o que é bom, já que não fica aquela coisa ridícula da mocinha sofrendo por homem babaca sem revidar. E como entregam química, meu deus! Os núcleos paralelos também são ótimos, com tramas profundas, e tem muita coisa ainda não revelada por essa galera toda. No geral, amor e o ódio são servidos aqui da melhor forma possível.
Eu engoli os 12 primeiros episódios disponibilizados até semana passada e estou deixando acumular alguns pra poder aproveitar por mais tempo, mas vale muito a pena conseguir ver em outros meios. Eu, particularmente, gostei da divisão do streaming porque deixa a maratona menos cansativa por dar tempo de absorver melhor os ganchos que finalizam o capítulo de forma perfeita pra te fazer correr para o próximo.
Enfim, para quem AINDA não conhece e deseja acompanhar algo novo, fica aqui a dica (os episódios estão sendo disponibilizados diariamente). E para quem já assistiu ou está no caminho, por favor, dividam o surto comigo!
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eyecandyhoney · 2 years
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Süreyya Akın Akınözü From Ankara, Turkey
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ssimplymme · 23 days
HERCAI - Amore e Vendetta
Reyyan è la nipote di Nasuh Şadoğlu, patriarca di una delle famiglie più potenti della città di Midyat, in provincia di Mardin. Tuttavia, Reyyan non si è mai sentita amata e capita da nessun membro della sua famiglia tranne che da sua sorella minore, la piccola e dolce Gül, da sua madre Zehra e da suo padre Hazar (che l'amano incondizionatamente), il quale insieme allo zio di Reyyan, Cihan, è una delle figure più influenti ed importanti della numerosa famiglia. Nonostante ciò, il vero leader della famiglia è Nasuh, il severissimo e crudele nonno di Reyyan, che la disprezza e la maltratta costantemente in quanto non è la sua nipote biologica e, allo stesso tempo, lei non è a conoscenza di tale verità. Reyyan è una giovane ragazza innocente, buona e coraggiosa che sogna di essere libera. Il destino per la povera Reyyan cambia il giorno in cui incontra a cavallo Miran, l'erede della potente famiglia Aslanbey, giunto da Kars per vendicare l'omicidio dei suoi genitori, quando era ancora bambino. Miran è un uomo imprevedibile, istintivo e passionale, cresciuto nella rabbia e nella vendetta. Da qui inizia il vero calvario dei due giovani. Entrambe le vite di Miran e Reyyan, dopo il loro incontro, subiranno una radicale, viscerale e inaspettata svolta, che li coinvolgerà insieme a coloro che conoscono in un turbine di eventi e pericoli dove a farne da padroni sono degli incontrollabili sentimenti avvelenati da profondi rancori, gelosie, invidie, diaboliche macchinazioni, desideri di vendette sfrenate e tanti oscuri segreti che faranno riemergere un passato violento e colmo di misteri che era stato messo a tacere per troppo tempo e che vede protagonisti i diversi membri delle loro enigmatiche e ambigue famiglie, tutto in contrasto con il fulcro principale della storia: il tormentato, travagliato e complesso rapporto e legame, in continua evoluzione, che si istaura tra Miran e Reyyan, che si ritrovano ad essere vittime e allo stesso tempo carnefici delle disgrazie e difficoltà che li colpiscono, il tutto mentre entrambi sono visibilmente e profondamente combattuti a livello emotivo a causa dei loro complicati sentimenti contrastanti e dal proprio orgoglio ferito.
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whiteshrine2 · 2 years
An Impossible Love Tale of Vengeance: HERCAI
Another Turkish TV Series "Hercai" is an unthinkable love story of retribution. "Hercai" is anything but a cutting edge word in Turkish language yet an exemplary one, which in a real sense signifies "irregular, flighty, or more probable eccentric" in English. In a more itemized meaning, Hercai alludes to a never unequivocal individual of anything, neither equipped for complete anything he/she starts nor committed with adoration. Notwithstanding, the catch is as yet being utilized as same as in Turkish in IMDB, as well. Official banners of Hercai are additionally shocking very much like the actual series Storyline of Hercai TV Show Focal point of the story depends on the destiny of a young fellow named Miran Aslanbey (played by Akın Akınözü), whose guardians kicked the bucket through the shortcoming of a his human man adversary. To vindicate their passing, Miran Aslanbey settles on exemplary retribution: he allures Reyyan Şadoğlu (played by Ebru Şahin) to annihilate the young lady, in this way denying his adversary of the main animal dear to him; his girl. Another sparkling star of Turkish TVs - Akın Akınözü going about as Miran Aslanbey Miran Aslanbey played by Akın Akınözü, and Reyyan Şadoğlu played by Ebru Şahin
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We should Keep Digging The Storyline of Hercai and Look At The Characters of the show Meanwhile, Miran Aslanbey (Akın Akınözü) is the main relative of the strong regarded family in the enchanted eastern Turkish city of Mardin (where a great deal of Turkish series are being taken by reason of the excellence and credibility of it). Being the main relative means, as per customs, being the main one to proceed with the ancestry, too. Miran Aslanbey (Akın Akınözü), raised by his Grandmother Azize Aslanbey (played by Ayda Aksel) with the stories of retribution since his experience growing up, is a cool, far off, yet additionally solid, magnetic and sharp individual. Azize Aslanbey played by Ayda Aksel Reyyan Şadoğlu (played by Ebru Şahin), then again, is the more seasoned girl of Hazar and Zehra Şadoğlu (played by Serhat Tulumluer and Feride Çetin). She is a youthful, honest, and unadulterated (the word which most presumably alludes to "virgin") young lady. She is committed with timeless love for her family and everybody around her. Be that as it may, she is been never cherished by her granddad Nasuh Şadoğlu (played by Macit Sonkan) as much as she's been adored by her folks and kin. Reyyan Şadoğlu played by Ebru Şahin The Rough Character of the Hercai Series - Nasuh Şadoğlu Nasuh Şadoğlu (played by Macit Sonkan) is the most seasoned and imperative head of Şadoğlu family. His words are orders, his choices are finale! It is almost difficult to see him grinning. His choices and words can't be sketchy, quantifiable, and unquestionable. Yet, other than the TV series, Macit Sonkan is an achievement of Turkish film and TV and his ability and significance are really out of discussion! A good entertainer of Turkish film, Macit Sonkan going about as Nasuh Şadoğlu Hercai Became A Trend Topic on Twitter's World and Turkey List! 11th episode's name of Hercai #senbenimsin rose to first place in Twitter List in Turkey, and to fourth place in Twitter List of World, as per ATV channel's true site. Furthermore, the series prevailed to safeguard its prosperity for the rest of the episode: One more First From Hercai: First TV Series Taken in Göbeklitepe Hercai took its last episode of the first season in Göbeklitepe Archeological Site which is the first, the most established, and the greatest sanctuary of the person to the extent that it is known. The site remained very consistent from 11.500 quite a while back by residing in Upper Mesopotamia and has been had its spot in UNESCO World Heritage Permanent List. Hercai Team visits Göbeklitepe Archeological Site happens in UNESCO World Heritage Permanent List Here Is The Question: Where Can I Watch HERCAI Tv Series? Prior to addressing the inquiry, should know about a few data on the series and go a smidgen past. The primary episode of the series was broadcasted on 15 March 2019, on Friday. After sen cal kapimi turkish123 , the television series went to the season finale on 31 May 2019, Friday. On 20 September 2019, on Friday, Hercai will say "hi" to crowds again with its thirteenth episode. From that point onward, it will keep communicated by ATV Channel each Friday at 20:00 Istanbul Time. *** * ATV.com/Hercai is the authority page of the TV Series, and Hercai Official Youtube Page will likewise offer you the chance to watch it.
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nebelli · 3 years
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"If there's no Miran, there's no Reyyan."
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theginkosakata · 2 years
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hel-dolunay · 3 years
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Headers Reyyan Şadoğlu ve Miran Aslanbey - Hercai.
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headersturkiyeworld · 3 years
Headers Reymir
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cafetonight · 3 years
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caucasiantears · 3 years
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HERCAI (2019 - ongoing) / Episode 27
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petiteblasee · 9 months
𝐌𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐧 & 𝐑𝐞𝐲𝐲𝐚𝐧 | 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐚𝐢
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missloislane · 4 years
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windycityazan · 3 years
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Got to say watching this Turkish Actor who I have never seen anyother work from is pretty stunning, he reminds me of Tim Rozon a bit in some way, they both have that smoldering look and the the eyes but Akin Akinozu performace on the Turskish Drama Hercai is mindblowing, He plays the brooding and bad boy yet soft hearted broken man so well as Miran Aslambey which later reveals some mind droping feels if you havent seen it. Something about his performance and looks really just has me crushing on him alot lately. I never heard of Hercai till it started airing on Telemundo in the states but watching clips here and there I wanted more got so hooked but spanish isnt my language and the dubbing isnt bad but I wanted to understand it in english so searched for the english subtitled version and just been watching those. I think having a distraction from certain pain of loss has helped to deal with even though there are times that the pain will always be there from the loss of a father but Hercai love story and the struggles Miran and Reyyan have gone through shows that love can and will conqure any family drama even if it feels like a Romeo and Juliet story just with some twists and turns of enemies and fights and just amazing actors who have gotten so much popularity in the States now that is booming all over the world. Akin and Ebru who play Miran and Reyan as some what star crossed lovers and have that really great on set chemistry that alot of on screen couples have is great to watch, their love and the battles and fights they have faced always brings them back to eachother. The family feud thing is pretty outrageous though but two lovers on different sides ends up being together and unifying both sides somewat. Akin Akinozu and Ebru Shahin and the cast are amazing, 3 seasons of a stunning and well planned out show and Miran's hairstyle from a brooding bad boy look with his front hair down to it standing up which suites him better.
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starmiyy · 3 years
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Icons Akın Akınözü
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© on twitter: @dudabursin
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nebelli · 3 years
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now look at these
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emilieblunt · 4 years
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It’s my turn. Now I will jump after you. I will jump. I will catch you. We will be reunited. We will be reunited, Miran.
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