#Misha Collins x Reader
4ever-feral · 2 months
My two favorite boys 🥰🥹
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lokischickadee · 5 months
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AWWWWW! My cute little lightning bug!
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queen-of-deans-booty · 9 months
Your Little Secret
Pairing: Misha Collins x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.7k
Warnings: 19 year age gap, implied smut
Request by @jessicalynnann: Jordan.!!! I need me a good happy story… with some angst and smut well because it is me lol. How about one where Misha is your dad’s best friend and he is attracted to you and he shouldn’t be and one night he comes over to check on you cause your parents are away and walks in on you and a guy and gets jealous and then he throws him out so sexy time ensues.
Summary: You come home for the summer after your first year in college. Everyone looks different, the farm is different, the town is different and Misha Collins is definitely different. Older men are what get you going, and you're going to make it a goal this summer to get as much as Misha Collins as you can.
Square Filled: "you weren't supposed to hear that" (2023) for @spnaubingo
Author’s Note: in this fic, Misha is 41 and you're 22
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After a year in college, you’re back home for summer break. As much as you loved dorm life with your friends, you miss the farm life back home. Your dad owns a really big farm with lots of animals that he uses to make money off of. He sells the cow’s milk, the chicken’s eggs, and the sheep’s wool while still upholding the value of the property. He has a section of land for vegetables that he grows but he mostly keeps that for himself.
You’re staying with him for the entire summer which is the best time to be on the farm. In the winter, the snow ruins almost everything about it so the summer is the perfect time to get a lot of shit done. 
Once you get your luggage from baggage claim, you make your way over to the pickup section of the airport, waiting for your ride. When you see your dad’s beaten old pickup truck, you make your way over to him. Instead of him getting out, your older brother does with a crooked smile.
You drop your luggage and run into his arms for a big hug. You haven’t seen him in years since he went off to college on the other side of the country. At least you stayed a bit closer to your home. He graduated not long ago and decided to move back home to help out with the family.
“How’s college life treating you?”
“It’s only the first year. I got a dorm next year with the friends I made this year so that’s good.”
“Awesome. Man, you won’t believe what’s been happening in this town,” he chuckles.
He grabs your luggage and heaves it into the trunk. You both get in the car and off you go back home.
“Alright, spill it. What did I miss?”
“Dad is doing more volunteer work, your old high school teacher, Ms. Bromwell got arrested for fooling around with her senior students, we got a new mayor, and Mom has the hots for the new Pastor.”
“Of course, she does,” you laugh. Ever since she got divorced from Dad, she’s been moving around town in not the best way. Still, you love her to pieces. “Glad to be home.”
“Oh, and Misha is back in town.”
Your entire body goes still at the mention of his name.
“How is he doing?”
“He’s alright, I guess,” Mason shrugs.
Misha is your dad’s best friend who grew up only a few doors down from you. He was always present at every birthday party, every time you snuck out of the house, when you first got your license, when you got ready for Prom, and when you graduated high school. When you got to that age when you started caring how you look for boys’ attention, you were really getting dolled up for him. You have had a major crush on him for years now but you were too young to do something about it.
He is nineteen years older than you but you don’t care. You’re fresh in college, you’re not a little girl anymore, and you know what you want. You want Misha and you’re going to make it your goal to get him this summer, even if it only lasts a couple of months. He might see you as a child and as his best friend’s daughter but you’re going to change that soon enough.
Mason reaches the house in record time and helps bring in your bags.
“Dad! We’re home,” he announces.
“Y/N!” your dad greets you and brings you in for a hug. “Welcome home, sweetheart.”
“Glad to be home, Dad,” you smile.
“You remember Misha, right?”
You turn to face him and your mouth actually goes dry. Damn, he looks good. Seeing him is sending tingles up and down your body that you shouldn’t have for your dad’s best friend. He smiles and that almost makes you melt right there.
“Y/N, it’s been a long time.”
He brings you in for a hug and all your senses are filled with him. His cologne is making your head dizzy and you can feel his muscles underneath his clothes.
“Yeah, it has,” you chuckle.
“Do you need help unpacking?”
“No, I got it,” you quickly say and pull away from him. “Thank you, though.”
You grab your bag and immediately head upstairs before you make a fool out of yourself. He watches you walk up the stairs with a controlled look on his face. There is no way he is going to give away what he’s thinking.
The day you came in was a day for relaxing, but the next morning is when your contribution begins. You wake up right as the sun is peeking over the horizon and get dressed in short coveralls and a sports bra. You tie your hair into a messy bun and grab a woven basket before heading out to the chicken coops.
Most of the hens have laid eggs that you collect without issue. There are a few with attitudes but you know how to handle them. It doesn’t matter how long you spend away from home, the work is engraved in your head. You bend down to collect some more eggs when you hear someone shuffle against the wood chips behind you, and you gasp while turning around.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” Misha chuckles.
“What are you doing up?”
“Same as you.”
“You wanted to get the eggs from the chickens, too?”
“Okay,” Misha chuckles, “maybe not the same reason.” You smile at him and move on to the hens on the other side of the coop. “So, how is college going?”
“So far so good. I got a dorm with my friends next year so that’s good. Classes are great.”
“Meet anyone over there?”
“You mean like a boyfriend?” you ask.
“Yeah,” he nods.
Is he fishing for information? What if you say yes? Are you going to make him jealous? This is a good opportunity to mess with him but you resist. It’s too early in your relationship to make such bold decisions. For now, you keep it safe.
“No. I’m not into men my age. I like them older,” you flirt subtly.
“I see,” he nods.
“So, tell me something, you’re well off with money. Why are you still in this town? The people stay here because they can’t go anywhere else.”
“Your dad is well off but he stays.”
“He’s been in this town for decades. He can’t leave,” you chuckle.
“Same here. I grew up here.” You raise an eyebrow and he laughs. “I don’t know. I feel like there is something here for me still. Maybe someone.”
“Is that your way of telling me you’re single?”
“I see,” you copy his response.
You finish grabbing all the eggs and bring them inside with Misha. It’s time for breakfast now because your dad and Mason are going to be up soon. There are dozens of eggs so what better way than to make some omelettes with some of the fresh vegetables from the farm? 
One of your favorite apps these days is Tik Tok which your best friend introduced you to. It has all sorts of videos that can keep you entertained for hours, and some of your favorite videos to watch are prank videos. One of the ones going around is where someone is cooking eggs and decides to crack one on someone’s head instead of doing it on the counter or the side of a pan.
You look at Misha who is washing his hands with a smirk. You grab twelve eggs to cook with and set the rest of them off to the side. You take one of the eggs and swiftly crack the egg on Misha’s forehead. He flinches from shock and you hold in your giggle as you pour the egg into the pan.
You grab another egg to do it again but Misha is quick on his feet. He moves out of the way and wipes the egg whites that you left on his skin. He reaches out to touch you but you squeal and move out of the way.
“This isn’t how this works!” you laugh.
Misha grabs your waist and pulls you into him, and he teases you by hovering his slimy hands above your face. You squirm to get away from him but end up moving your body closer to him. You turn to face him and lock eyes. He looks down briefly before something changes in his body language and in his eyes. He clears his throat and steps away from you to put some distance between you two.
“I should get going.”
“Why? Breakfast hasn’t even started yet.”
“I got stuff to do.”
Just then, your dad comes jogging down the stairs because you know he smelled the eggs cooking.
“Hey, what are you doing here?” your dad asks and grabs water from the fridge.
“Helping Y/N out but I’m leaving now.”
Misha washes his hands and leaves without another word. You watch him leave with a frown as you rake your brain to figure out where things took a turn.
A few days later, your dad wanted to have a barbecue for everyone in town at the farm. He has the biggest property in town so it makes sense to turn the farm into something the entire town can enjoy. Almost everyone from town is in your backyard, and your dad sets up games for the kids to play, a small bar with a keg of beer for the adults, and lots of good food. The one job he gave you was to keep the keg stocked with beer but the one he has must have the nozzle broken because it’s not dispensing beer correctly.
Misha shows up expecting to have a good time when he spots you bent over the keg wearing short shorts and an almost see-through tank top. He clenches his jaw in frustration and storms over to you. You’re too busy to see him heading your way, and you yank the nozzle the wrong way because beer sprays all over your shirt.
“Shit,” you gasp and jump back.
Beer flows out of the nozzle so you quickly turn it off before any more goes to waste. You grab the ends of your shirt to take it off when Misha grabs your elbow.
“What the hell?”
“What? I got beer on myself.”
“Taking off your shirt with children around is inappropriate.”
“It’s not like I’ll be showing my boobs to everyone. I have a sports bra underneath this.”
“Here.” He sheds off his jacket and gives it to you to wear. “Go inside and change.”
“Yes, sir,” you say sarcastically and walk away from him.
Misha resists the urge to grab you and punish you for your bratty attitude. You’re not sure what has gotten into him these last couple of days because he’s been angry with you. You’ve tried flirting with him but nothing has come of it and you’re not one of those girls to just wait around for a guy. If he doesn’t want you, there are plenty of other men who do. There was a young man at the barbecue that you connected with and kept in touch with after the event was over.
Your dad is going to be out of town for a couple of days with your brother which means you have the house to yourself. What better way to spend your time than with the new guy you met? Misha has mixed feelings about you because you’re his best friend’s daughter. You’re unsponkingly off limits. If Jensen knew the kind of thoughts he was having about his daughter, he would kill him for sure.
Maybe if he talks to you, he can understand what he’s feeling and figure out what to do about it. He walks over to your house and uses the key Jensen gave him for emergencies only. He has to check on you anyway per Jensen’s request so he doesn’t think much when he walks inside your house. It’s usually quiet until he hears something that makes all his blood go straight to his cock.
You are moaning upstairs. 
The thing that pisses him off is he hears a man moan right after you. He should just leave but he rushes upstairs with the intent of ruining your evening. He doesn’t mean to be an asshole but he’s thinking with his downstairs brain and not his upstairs one. He practically busts down the door to see the guy you met naked on top of you.
“What the fuck!” you gasp and push the man off you.
Misha is too pissed to see that you’re fully naked in front of him.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” The guy you’re with stutters since he’s too scared by Misha’s presence. “Get the hell out of here.”
The guy gathers his clothes and rushes out of the room, and you pull your robe on to give you some sort of decency.
“What the hell are you doing here? Why did you run him off?” you gasp in anger.
“You know, when your dad asked me to check on you while he was away, I’d figure I see you in here drinking, maybe smoking some weed, not fucking some boy you just met.”
“You weren’t supposed to hear that.”
“Yeah, well, I did.”
“You thought it was okay to come here close to the middle of the fucking night? You couldn’t have waited until morning?”
“I’m not going to let my best friend’s daughter get pregnant by some kid she doesn’t know.”
“I have condoms.”
“It’s irresponsible.”
“Why do you even care what goes on in my bedroom? It’s not like you’re in it,” you cross your arms.
If you’re going to do this, may as well go all out. Misha chuckles but it’s not an amused chuckle, it’s a dark chuckle like you better watch what you say next or he’ll punish you.
“You wouldn’t be able to handle me.”
The laugh you give is almost an amused one.
“An old guy like you? The only thing I won’t be able to handle is how short it’ll be. Wouldn’t want to throw out your back, now would we?”
Misha’s smirk is lost as he stalks towards you. You back up but are stopped by the dresser.
“Sweetheart, I’d ruin other men for you.”
“Oh yeah? Prove it.” Misha looks like he wants to but listens to the rational part of his brain. He shakes his head and starts to walk away from you. “That’s what I thought.” You scoff. “I want you to leave because I have a date with my vibrator which has batteries that will last longer than you.” 
Misha snaps and turns so quickly that you don’t have time to react. He grabs your waist and tosses you onto the bed causing your robe to open enough to show your breasts. He looks down at your chest and reaches out to touch one of your breasts but resists at the last second.
“Is this what you want?”
“Yes,” you whisper.
“I’m nineteen years older than you.”
“You’re my best friend’s daughter.”
“And?” you chuckle.
Misha stares into your eyes to see if you mean what you say. When he doesn’t see a shred of regret he leans down and kisses you. He reaches into your robe and palms your breasts before allowing you to shred the piece of clothing. It’s passionate. It’s sensual. It’s intimate. It’s everything you want and more. He’s so much different than anyone you’ve ever been with. He takes care of you three times before he even thinks about himself; once on his tongue, once on his fingers, and once more on his cock.
It’s hours before you’re done and you pant heavily next to him.
“Yeah, you have ruined other men for me,” you laugh.
“You can’t tell your dad about this. He’d murdered me.”
“Eh, I don’t tell him a lot of things anyway.”
You lean over and kiss him again, ready for a round two.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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castiwls · 7 months
Omggg hii ok so I've always wanted a fic about what the readers and Castiel's conversation or just interaction in general would be. If the two were already in an established relationship and when Lucifer was possessing Castiel had gotten intimate or something with the reader, not knowing it was Lucifer and thinking it was Castiel of course. What would his reaction be and how would he feel. Especially since he probably had to watch the whole thing go down but could do absolutely nothing about it. How would the two make up and such. <3
this is me trying - c.n
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Paring; Castiel x fem!reader
Synopsis; You and Castiel struggle with the aftermath of Lucifer
Warnings; Maybe occ
Notes; Hiii tysm for the request! I've truthfully not wrote for Castiel in soo long so I apologise if this is kinda occ.
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“and maybe i don’t quite know what to say but I’m here in your doorway”
Taking a deep breath you leaned back against the headboard of your bed. The book in your lap no longer held your attention as you stared blankly down at it. You didn’t know how to feel about the events which have transpired over the last few days, at first you were angry and then that anger seemed to dissipate into an emptiness mixed with guilt. 
Guilt that you’d not paid enough attention to notice that for the past few weeks, Lucifer had been running around in your boyfriend's body. Playing it back in your head now you noticed the strange behaviour but at the moment you’d paid no mind. 
“Y/n. We need to talk.” Castiel’s voice brought you out of your head. He stood in the doorway a slight frown on his face. You knew exactly what he wanted to talk about but the whole situation still brought a bad taste to your mouth. He watched you for a moment before letting out a sigh and moving into the room. 
Sitting on the edge of the bed he turned to you. “I’m not sure what else to say other than sorry.” The angel looked down at his hands as he spoke. You’d never seen him look as regretful as he did now. 
“Why didn’t you say anything to me? We could’ve spoken about it Cas.” You placed your book to the side before crossing your legs. “I basically cheated on you, do you know how that feels.” You let out a sigh before reaching over to grab his hand. “I’m not angry at you, I just…I let him into our space, and I told him things thinking I was talking to you. I let him kiss me Cas, and it’s all I can think about.” 
In truth, the guilt had been pretty much eating you alive. The emptiness you felt now came from the fact that the guilt had seemingly taken everything else. He was quiet for a moment before squeezing your hand and looking back up.
His eyes met yours for a moment before he shifted slightly closer. “It’s not your fault what happened. It’s my fault I know that,” He frowned again going quiet. You knew from the look on his face that he was struggling to find the words to express how he felt. 
He had his own guilt over the whole situation. Having to sit back and watch someone else pretend to be him and interact with you in that way had left him feeling angry and helpless in a way he’d never experienced before. Seeing how it had affected you though was worse than any guilt he could ever feel. 
“I’m willing to work with you.” He finished after a moment. He smiled at you before squeezing your hand again. “Thank you.” You squeezed his hand back. You were both quiet for a moment before you patted the space next to you. The tension from his shoulders seemed to drop at your invite and he happily moved next to you.
This was the first time since Lucifer that you’d both been alone together. A sigh of contentment left you as you settled into his side. You knew things weren’t gonna go straight back to how they were. Castiel had still broken your trust by doing what he’d done but you also knew that he would do anything to regain your trust.
You smiled up at him before leaning up to press a kiss to his lips. A smile graced his lips as your lips met his and for that moment you allowed yourself to forget about the past few weeks.
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kazuiislazy · 2 years
"Oblivious or Obvious?"
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A/N: AGAIN NOTHING MUCH BUT ONLY SWEARING!! Thanks for the likes on the Dean W. fic <33
Pairing: Castiel x reader
At first, it was just adoration. The blue-eyed angel that was serious yet caring, the angel that was always there for your brothers and you. Slowly, that adoration turned into something else. The way your breath hitched when he was close to you, the way a light blush would cover your cheeks when he was around. 
But you knew nothing could ever happen between you two since he was an angel after all. Angels aren’t exactly known for having feelings, so you could only dream. Your brothers, Sam and Dean knew about your “little” crush on the certain angel and have been teasing you non-stop since they had found out. 
“I can’t believe that Cas hasn’t found out yet with how obvious you are.” your eldest brother laughed. “SHUT UP, DEAN.” you yelled, your cheeks were hot. 
“Cas is always oblivious to everything, Dean. I don’t think he’ll ever know… unless.” Sam winked at you. “Oh- don’t you dare say anything about this to Cas or I will-” you got cut off as you laid eyes on the angel standing at the doorway. 
“Don’t tell me what?” Castiel perked, tilting his head to the side like he always does. And you hated it, well, not really except for the fucking fact he looked fucking adorable when he did it. 
“So, Cassie. Our sister here-” Dean dragged. Castiel raised an eyebrow at the nickname. 
“IT’S NOTHING!” you screamed, the blush spreading on your cheeks like it always did when Cas was around. “It’s… nothing.” 
Glaring daggers at your older brothers, you mouthed, “Shut the fuck up of I swear to heaven and hell I will absolutely rip you to shreds.” If looks could kill, you’re sure they would be dead by now. They just chuckled. You looked over to Cas, looking more confused than he already was, his head still tilted. “Don’t worry about it, Cas. It’s nothing..” you sighed. 
He walked towards you. Oh. He was walking towards you. SHIT, HE WAS WALKING TOWARDS YOU?? You panicked “slightly” as he took long and slow strides towards you. He looked down at you, confusion flooding his eyes as you slowly shifted uncomfortably. He wanted answers. You looked down, you didn’t want to look up- you were embarrassed to. 
“Ah, uhm.. I-” you spurt out words. Your brothers only laughed harder. They are so dead. “Cas. It’s nothing, I can assure that.” your head tilted up but you still wasn’t looking at him- not like you really could. You put your hands on his shoulder before squeezing it and rushing back to your room to deal with the embarrassment. 
You slammed the door shut. Your heart was beating out of your chest and your breathing was heavy. You breathed in and out slowly trying to calm yourself down. How will I be able to face him again? “Of course out of all things I have to fall in love with it would be a fucking angel.” you muttered angrily. “With his stupid trench coat.” you sighed. 
What you didn’t know was that very angel you were talking about was waiting outside your door, ready to knock. He didn’t mean to eavesdrop on you. You loved him? He was shocked and baffled. He hesitated knocking on the door. Castiel didn’t know how to react. 
Cas took time to recollect his thoughts and courage before finally knocking on your door. “(Y/N)? May I come in please?” he asked politely. The angel could hear sniffling from the other side of the door. Had you been crying? 
“Y–yeah. You can come in.” you mumbled, loud enough for him to hear. He took a deep inhale before opening the door. You were curled up in a corner, sniffling sounds still escaping from you, and your hair was in a mess. The angel felt bad. 
He trudged towards you before curling up next to you and slinging an arm over your shoulder. “I heard what you said about me. That you.. loved me. I didn’t mean to, but I think it would be better if I told you.” he whispered in your ear, before ruffling with your hair. “And before you say anything, I want to say that–” he paused, “in the space, the pause, between this breath and the one that follows, you have made a home in me.” 
Your head perked up hearing those words, not like you really knew that it meant. “You think so?” you looked up at him, nervously chuckling with your still red and puffy eyes. 
“I know so. I know that I love you with my entire being, and all of my grace."He never thought the day would dawn that he would say things like this, but there he was. Proposing his love, grace and his being all to one person, you. 
You pressed a short kiss to his lips, then his cheek. Both of your faces now turning pink. “I love you with all of my being too, Cas. I have, for a long time.” you smiled. 
“And so have I.” 
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strange human feelings ~ castiel;supernatural
word count: 2578
request?: yes!
@dont-mind-me-bruh1 “hey! i was wondering if you could make a story of cass getting jealous of dean because he knows dean as know y/n longer then him and cass and y/n finds out and shows cass that he is the only one for her by letting him do what ever he wants with her. if that’s ok it could be a smut or it could be a romantic gesture but if it was smut could you make it a little kinky i know it’s a lot to ask but take it into consideration please.”
description: in which the angel starts to feel human emotions, the main one being jealousy
pairing: castiel x female!reader
warnings: swearing
masterlist (one, two)
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One would think that all of Castiel’s time spent with the Winchester brothers on Earth would’ve led to some form of learning about humans and their nature, but one thinking that would be very wrong. There was a lot of things about humans that still confused Castiel. Currently, his biggest confusion was human emotions. Namely, the fact that he was starting to feel human emotions for one of the Winchester’s friends, (Y/N).
He met her when Dean was wounded after a particularly hard battle. Sam had told Castiel that a friend of his and Dean’s lived in the area and he wanted to bring Dean there so she could help to treat the wounds from the supernatural being the three had been fighting. She was a hunter once, Sam had said, she knew how to deal with this type of stuff.
When she answered the door, Castiel felt a warming feeling inside of him. He didn’t understand what it was, but he was too concerned about Dean to really think about it. Once Dean had been healed and they were taking some time to rest after the fight, Castiel realized that the feeling was still there. Every time he was in (Y/N)’s presence the feeling would grow stronger. At first, he thought (Y/N) wasn’t who the guys thought she was. That maybe she was some mythical being pretending to be human to get close to the infamous hunters.
Sam, noticing that something was off with Castiel, asked, “What’s up?”
“I feel...off,” he responed.
Sam raised an eyebrow. “Off? Off how?”
“I don’t know. I feel this warming sensation in my chest.”
“Does it hurt?”
“No, of course not. I don’t feel pain, Sam. It’s just...it’s warm. Whenever (Y/N) is in the room I feel it.” He looked to make sure (Y/N) wasn’t within earshot before leaning forward to Sam and whispering, “I think there’s something about her making this happen.”
Sam had a knowing smile on his face. “Oh, buddy, you don’t know how right you are to think that.”
Castiel took this to mean something bad, until the next day when Sam told a recovered Dean, and Dean let out a whooping laugh at the poor angel’s expense.
“How sweet. Our angel is in love, Sammy,” Dean said.
Being in any sort of romantic relationship with humans was forbidden for angels. That was how archangels like Gabriel were created, and neither heaven nor the mortal world needed more Gabriels. So, despite the warm feeling being consistent in his chest whenever (Y/N) was even mentioned, Castiel could not pursue this feeling. He would not break one of the angel’s most absolute rules. No matter how beautiful (Y/N) was; no matter how much he yearned for her company when she wasn’t around; no matter how much he wanted to pull her into his arms and kiss her whenever she was near.
Which, she was always near, because after she helped patch Dean back up, the Winchester brothers managed to convince her to join them on their next hunt.
“I gave up that life, Dean. I’m not going back to it,” she had insisted when it was first brought up. “I have a normal life here now.”
“You never liked normal,” Dean pointed out. “One hunt, (Y/N), that’s all we’re asking. You were the best hunter I have ever known. Dad and Bobby included.”
A small smile had tugged at (Y/N)’s lips. “That’s high praise.”
When she agreed, she said it would only be the one hunt. Nothing more.
And then one hunt became two, and two became four, and four became ten. And, before any of them knew it, she was part of Team Free Will. With her joining the team, Castiel came to learn a new human emotion: jealousy.
It started when (Y/N) and Deana returned to the bunker one night. They were both clearly intoxicated, giggling and staggering down the stairs. Castiel was the only one there, so their appearance surprised him a bit.
“Where are you two coming from?” he asked.
“We decided to go out for a couple drinks,” (Y/N) responded. “Talked about the good old days before being hunters was the only thing we knew.”
She looked at Dean and smiled before leaving to go to her room. The exchanged look caused a new feeling to grow, except this time it was in his stomach. It was a heavy feeling, almost like he swallowed a sizeable stone. When he looked at Dean, a feeling of distain rose within him. He wanted to zap Dean to the other side of the planet and hope he would never return. Maybe even take his soul back to Hell and leave it there.
He was shocked by the nastiness of his thoughts. Dean must’ve noticed Castiel’s mood change because he asked, “What’s wrong with you?”
Castiel shook his head. “Nothing. Uh...nothing.”
Dean didn’t believe him, but he let it go for the time being.
It wasn’t until week later that Dean finally decided to confront Castiel about it. “Okay, Cas, what’s the matter with you?”
Castiel wouldn’t look at Dean. That’s how it had been for weeks. He didn’t even want to be in the same room as Dean most of the time. It wasn’t hard for Sam, Dean, and (Y/N) to notice. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“You’re acting like I don’t exist for weeks. I don’t know what I did, but I’m not going to apologize until you tell me.”
Castiel shook his head. “You didn’t do anything.”
“Then why are you acting like this?”
Castiel finally turned to look at Dean. Since it was just him and not him and (Y/N), the feeling in his stomach wasn’t there and there were no nasty thoughts on his mind. It concerned him even more. He was still convinced that (Y/N) was something bad and that’s why she made him feel this way.
“When you and (Y/N) are together, I get this bad feeling,” he told Dean.
Dean’s eyebrows furrowed. “What kind of bad feeling?”
“I get a heavy feeling in my stomach, and I think these bad thoughts about wanting to get rid of you.” He looked at Dean very seriously as he added, “I think she’s bad.”
Dean tried to bite back a laugh but ended up chortling anyways. “Cas, (Y/N) is not bad. What you feel is jealousy.”
“What is jealousy?”
“It’s the bad feeling you get when the person you love seems to be romantically interested in someone else. Most times, it makes you hate the other person, even if that person if your friend. But, Cas, you gotta know that (Y/N) and I are just friends.”
“You seem very friendly,” Castiel said. Even he was shocked by the venom in his tone.
Dean put a hand on Castiel’s shoulder. “Cas, I assure you there is nothing between me and (Y/N). I’ve known her since we were barley legal. We’re old hunting pals who haven’t seen each other in over a decade. We’re reconnecting, we are not dating.”
Castiel sighed and sat down at the table. “But what if she wants to date you? You’ve known her for longer than I have. You know her in general. I haven’t even been able to get to know her and she’s been travelling with us for months. What if she doesn’t want to be with me?”
“What if you asked her yourself?”
Both men turned to see (Y/N) stood in the doorway, her arms crossed and a not so happy look on her face. Castiel jumped to his feet, although he wasn’t sure what to say to her.
She started approaching the two as she continued to talk, “What if you both stop putting words in my mouth and ask me what it is I want?”
“Well...what do you want?” Castiel asked her.
She turned to him and, once again, he felt breathless. He always thought the saying was arbitrary considering angels took the form of normal human beings, but (Y/N) truly had the face of an angel.
“I want you, Cas.”
He was almost convinced that he had imagined her saying that.
“But I want you to be the one to ask me. I want you to ask me, to take me out on a date. I want you to get to know me, and I want to get to know you. She turned to Dean to add, “Next time you find out someone has feelings for me, tell me so we can avoid this whole awkwardness. Idjits.”
And then she walked away, leaving both men shocked and speechless.
A few days later, (Y/N) found a note saying for her to meet the sender in a nearby park. She followed the directions and found a picnic waiting for her. Castiel was stood next to it, fidgeting with nervousness.
“Hey,” she said.
“Hello,” he responded. “Um...sit?”
(Y/N) chuckled and sat on the blanket. Castiel sat across from her and passed her a paper plate to put her food on. As he started to unwrap what he had brought for their romantic picnic date, familiar smells rose into the air. (Y/N) breathed in deeply, a small smile forming on her face.
“How’d you know all my favorite foods?” she asked.
“I asked Sam and Dean,” he said. “I wanted to get as much of your favorite things as I could, so I got them to tell me all the food you like, what you like most to drink, your favorite alcohol.” He gestured to the bottle of wine he had placed in a bucket with ice to keep it cold. “Although they told me it’s illegal to drink in public.”
“Only if we get caught. And it’s pretty dead here. Although, I will say, I’m shocked that you were okay with Dean talking about me at all. You didn’t smite him with the power of God or whatever, did you?”
Castiel grimaced at her sarcasm. “(Y/N), I’m really sorry for that.”
She took a bite of some food and took a long while to chew it. In all honesty, she was kind of flattered that Castiel liked her so much he felt so jealous over her friendship with Dean. Of course, there never was and never would be anything romantic between (Y/N) and either of the Winchester brothers, but Castiel must’ve missed that memo.
“I’m less offended by the fact that you didn’t talk to me about my feelings and more so offended by the fact that you thought I could ever like Dean,” she said instead. “I mean, come on, I can do much better than that.”
Castiel shrugged. “Dean is a nice person. You’ve known him for a long time, you get along really well. I don’t know why you wouldn’t like him.”
“That’s not how romantic feelings happen, Cas. You could know someone your entire life and never once feel a single romantic feeling towards them, and then you could know someone for just a few months and feel like you’re on top of the world every time that person looks at you. Time means nothing in these situations.”
That’s how Castiel felt for (Y/N). He felt like he was flying high every time she was around; like they were the only two people in the world. Sometimes he wished they were so that it would be easier to be around her and not act like an idiot.
He decided to veer away from the topic and get to the actual point of the picnic. “Tell me about yourself.”
A small smile tugged at the corners of (Y/N)’s lips. “What do you want to know?”
She chuckled. “Everything is a long story.”
“I have infinite amount of time.”
He makes me feel like a teenager again, (Y/N) thought to herself.
“Okay, well the basics are pretty simple: only child to a loving couple of high school sweethearts. When I was five they both died in a car accident, I was taken in by my Aunt Frances and my Uncle Harry who were both hunters. They kind of scarred me with horror stories before bedtime instead of fairytales, but I guess that’s what I needed since all of that shit is real. They didn’t want me to become a hunter, but when I was 10 years old we were attacked in our home by a spirit and they realized I needed to know how to defend myself. Ever since then, I was a hunter.”
“Not when I met you,” Castiel pointed out. “When Dean asked you to join us, you said you were trying to have a normal life. You said you were done with hunting.”
She was impressed that he remembered. “Trying is the keyword. The thing is, there’s no such thing as ‘normal’ once you’ve been introduced to the supernatural. Once you know those things exist, and, in turn, those things know you exist, there’s no getting away from them. I knew that, which was why I did take Dean up on his offer to join you guys. Because I know, no matter what, I will never have a normal life ever again. This is what I’ll always be.”
She smiled to herself. “There’ll definitely be no normal if I start dating an angel.”
Castiel didn’t seem to understand, which wasn’t abnormal at this point. (Y/N) rolled her eyes and threw a piece of food at Castiel. “It was a joke, Cas.”
“But it’s the truth,” he said. “It won’t be normal to be in a relationship with me. I mean...technically, it’s against angel code for us to be together at all.”
(Y/N) tilted her head. “Then why are we here, Cas?”
“Because...” He trailed off. He was looking down at his lap, trying to find the words, but when he looked up at (Y/N) again, everything he wanted to say came out so flawlessly. “Because sometimes, you meet someone who is worth breaking the rules for. And you’re definitely worth breaking the rules for.”
(Y/N) felt her heart racing and a warming sensation running through her body. Before she could think of what she was doing, she leaned forward and kissed Castiel. It was a quick, almost hesitant kiss since she wasn’t sure what his reaction to it would be.
“Was that okay?” she asked. She almost felt embarrassed to ask. Now she really felt like a teenager again.
In response, Castiel leaned forward to kiss her again. This time, it was more certain. This was what both of them wanted. They wanted to be with one another, no matter what the so called “angel rules” were.
(Y/N) pulled away first, resting her forehead against Castiel’s. Her smile was so wide that her cheeks were hurting a little bit. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
“I’d like to do that more often,” Castiel said.
(Y/N) giggled. “You can kiss me all you want back at the bunker. Wherever you want, too. And I’ll kiss you wherever you want me to kiss you.”
Now this was a proposition that Castiel understood.
Within a matter of seconds, they had packed up the picnic and were heading back towards the bunker, giddy with excitement for what was to come.
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adriellej · 6 months
Castiel (Novak)/Misha Collins
Castiel x Reader
One shots:
Late Night Activities (smut)
Elite Snipers
Imagine singing for Human!Cas when he has nightmares
Misha x Reader
Mesmerising things
Dean x Castiel
Heavenly Nights
Surprises is what makes life (x reader)
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hunterscabin · 1 year
This Baby Will Have A Father Part II
Summary: The boys have a surprise for Y/N that they hope will show how deeply they love and care for her.
Pairings: Reader x SPN Cast
Warnings: Unplanned pregnancy, reluctance to accept help and gifts, mild panic, fluff, ALLl of the fluff.
Word Count: 1.6k 
Author’s Note: This is the second and, what I had planned to be, last chapter of a mini series, but writing all of this fluff has been a nice distraction from the real world. If there is any interest, I’d gladly consider writing more. 
Part I
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At nearly six months pregnant, exhaustion took on a whole new meaning. The ten to twelve hour work days you once conquered with ease now left you completely drained and lethargic. You were lying on the sofa in your trailer, contemplating how you used to manage a night out after filming, when a small slip of paper caught your eye.
You sat up, reaching toward the coffee table with some effort, and quickly recognized the handwriting.  
Meet me in my trailer. - Jare
While walking across the lot, you contemplated Jared’s note. You weren’t sure of the reason for his note, but your mind had wandered to the point that you began silently praying the boys had enough common sense not to prank a woman approaching her third trimester.
Jared must have been watching for you, because his door swung open before you reached the trailer’s steps.
“Y/N/N!” Jared beamed, ushering you into the small living space where Jensen, Misha, Alex, Rob, and Rich were eagerly awaiting your arrival.
“It smells like trouble in here.” you cautioned, leery of the knowing smiles plastered on their faces.
Misha stepped forward and took both of your hands in his.
“You know we all love you, right?”
“Yes.” You squinted at him suspiciously. “What is this, an intervention?”
“No.” Misha laughed. “We’re so excited for you, Y/N/N, but we also know how much goes into raising a baby.”
“It’s exhausting.” Rob concurred from the sofa.
“They take all of your time and energy.” Rich agreed.
Misha saw a tinge of fear flash across your face.
“We’re not trying to scare you,” he soothed, rubbing his thumbs over the back of your hands, “We just know that you have a hard time asking for help, even when you really need it.”
“And you’re gonna really need it.” Jensen stressed.  
“We weren’t kidding when we said you don’t have to do this alone.” Jared added. “We want to be with you, every step of the way.”
“And we’ve put something together to show you how serious we are.” Rich announced, proudly handing you a small scroll that was neatly tied with a thick, white ribbon.
You loosened the bow, unfurled the ivory card stock, and read the cursive heading. 
“This is a binding contract, for all who have signed, detailing the ways in which we plan to care for and love Y/N and Baby Y/L/N.”
You looked up in disbelief, finding Rich’s kind expression, and he nodded for you to continue reading.
“Alex: Date Night.”
Alex stood and walked toward you.
“What are your two favorite things?” he quizzed, already knowing your answer.
“Good food, great company.” Your reply was skeptical, but a small smile tugged at your lips upon hearing everyone recite your mantra in unison.
“Now, I don’t know if I’m considered great company,” Alex quipped, trading the scroll for a small booklet, “but I can promise good food.”
You thumbed through the pages Alex handed you and noticed each one listed the name of a restaurant you had mentioned wanting to try.
“I will be waiting at your trailer, every Friday after work, until we’ve eaten our way through Vancouver.”
“This is too much.” you shook your head.
Unsure of how to accept his kindness, your gaze fell to the floor. Alex immediately dipped his head to catch your eyes.
“I know what you're thinking,” he whispered, “and you’re wrong; you deserve to have some fun.”
Alex watched you fiddle with the booklet for a moment before offering some extra reinforcement.
“It’s either dinner out or eating in, and I really don’t want to make you or the baby suffer through my cooking.”
His threat elicited a surprised laugh, and you leaned forward to kiss his cheek.
“Thanks, Alex.”
“See you Friday night?” he confirmed. 
“It’s a date.”
Alex handed back the scroll, and you read the next name.
“Rich: Cravings.” You tilted your head to the side and crinkled your brow. “You all think I’m food obsessed, don’t you?”
Everyone laughed, as Rich took Alex’s place in front of you.
“This” he said, handing you a prepaid cell phone while holding up one of his own, “Is your designated snack line. Any time you have a craving, you just call or text, and I’ll be there!”
“You don’t know what you’ve gotten yourself into.” you giggled, taking the phone. “I’ve already gone through three watermelons this week.”
“It’s only Tuesday!” Rich exclaimed. “That’s one watermelon a day!”
“This baby knows what they want.” you proclaimed, rubbing your belly.  
“I’m serious,” Rich affirmed, his face softening with sincerity, “If you need ice cream at three o’clock in the morning, I’m your man.”
“Promise not to judge me when the requests start getting crazy?”
“Honey, you should hear some of the things Jaci ate while she was pregnant. I’ve seen it all.”
“Thank you, Rich.” You grabbed his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.
“Who’s next?” Jensen prompted.
“Rob: Lullabies.”
You looked up to find Rob fishing for something in his backpack.
“When she was especially fussy, music was the only thing that would get Audrey to sleep.” 
Rob found what he was looking for and pulled out a CD case.
“Louden Swain is putting together an album of lullabies for Baby Y/L/N, and we’ve already recorded one song.” he said, handing you the demo. “I hope you like it.”
You held the case to your heart.
“I’ll love it. The baby will love it.” You lunged forward, wrapping your arms around his neck.
 “Thank you, Rob!”
“We’re having another session next weekend, and we’d love for you to come.”
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
You set the CD on the counter and picked up the scroll.
“Misha: Crib.”
Misha reached out his hand, and you settled your palm against his.
“That night after you told us you were pregnant, I couldn’t sleep, so I went out to my woodshop, and eight hours later, I had this.” Misha slid his phone across the counter, revealing a photo of an ornately carved railing rung. He swiped his finger over the screen, and a dark wood headboard appeared.  
“It still needs a lot of work, but it will definitely be ready by the time the little one gets here.”
“Misha,” you breathed, your eyes filling with tears, “It’s the most beautiful crib I’ve ever seen.”
Misha stood and gathered you in his arms.
“I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you, too.”
“Hey! There are other people here who love her!” Jensen joked impatiently, when you lingered in Misha’s embrace.
“Let me guess.” you teased. “You’re next?”
Jensen gave a playful shrug, and you rolled your eyes. You sent Misha back to his chair and found Jensen’s name on the scroll. 
“Jensen: Classes.”
You looked at him quizzically.
“When Danneel was pregnant with JJ and the twins, she always felt more at ease when she was prepared, so we went to every class imaginable: delivery classes, breastfeeding classes, parenting classes…“ Jensen stopped suddenly, when he saw that you’d started wringing your hands. 
"Y/N/N, what’s wrong?”
“Those types of classes never even crossed my mind.” You spoke quietly, as if you were merely thinking out loud, but your voice was dripping with panic. 
“I’m already not doing enough. What else am I not thinking of?”
“Hey, slow down.” Jensen pulled you into his chest and cradled your head. He rubbed your back and stroked your hair while exchanging concerned glances with the group.
“I’m going to be a terrible mother.” you mumbled into Jensen’s shirt.
Jensen kissed your temple and leaned back to look at you.
“You are not going to be a terrible mother.” His voice was warm and reassuring.
Jensen brushed the hair away from your face and let out a soft chuckle.
“What are you laughing at?” you questioned, suddenly very self conscious about your hormone-induced overreaction.
“I caused the panic I was trying to prevent.” Jensen explained. 
“Before she had JJ, Danneel and I were out to dinner with a couple who were also expecting their first baby. They mentioned an infant CPR course, and Dee lost it in the middle of the restaurant. She said the exact same things you just did.”
“But Dee’s a great mother.”
“And you will be too. I promise.”
Jensen’s hand found the side of your face, and you leaned into his touch.
“Thank you, Jensen.”
Jared cleared his throat behind you.
“I hate to ruin a moment, but there’s one more person on that list.”
When you turned, Jared winked, and you said his name before even picking up the scroll.
“Jared:” you skimmed down to the last line of the page, “Doctors’ Appointments.”
Your eyes widened in anticipation.
“Starting now, you are not going to a single doctor’s appointment by yourself.”
“But there are so many.” you objected, your independent nature getting the better of you.
“There are,” Jared conceded, “and I don’t want you going to any of them alone.”
You stood in silence, stunned at his generosity.
“Y/N/N, if it makes you uncomfortable, I don’t have to go in with you, but I am at least going to drive you and wait for you until the appointment is over.”
“I…” you tried to order words in a way that would accurately expressed your gratitude, but language failed to give meaning to the love and appreciation swelling in your heart. 
“I don’t know how to thank you.” You turned to the group, “All of you.”
“You can thank us by not putting up a fight when we offer to help you.” Jared’s tone was loving but firm.
“Deal.” you agreed.
You looked around the room at all of your friends and were overcome with emotion.
“I was right to think this baby won’t have a father.” you paused. “They’ll have six.”
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miserysinferno · 2 months
I write reader insert fics paired with Lucifer, Castiel, Casifer, Mark Pellegrino, or Misha Collins. I also write character POV poetry and prose. I haven't decided what I will share first.
I will not engage in any discussions about politics or tolerate negative comments. Hop on X if you want to insult someone. Don't bring your beef here. Have some self-respect. If you don't like my content, please keep scrollin', not trollin'!
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ave09 · 10 months
Hello! I just wanted to let you know that I really love your Harvey Dent fanfics (gk). They are really good, and basically, I've read the all! I was wondering if you could write a little something. Maybe the reader is in a relationship with Harvey and is the only one that can snap him out of being Harv? If not, that's totally okay, just wanted to shoot my shot! Thank you!
for sure
gk!harvey sent x wife!reader
note: i have been such a busy bee, and this has been sitting here forever, and i’m so sorry for the delay!
this is a bit rushed-but i kinda like it-also, peep the newsie reference in the end for any fansies reading this, i’m back in my newsie phase lol but enjoy some harvey!
— —
chaos had fallen upon gotham. 
wayne tower had fallen. 
the gotham knights had saved the day.
turner hayes was dead.
harvey dent was unaccounted for. 
you were sick with worry. you’d gone everywhere, and yet there had been no sign of him. did he even survive? you could only hope.
it had been two days since the incident. you continued your search. you were in the city from dawn til dusk in search for your missing husband. 
and yet found nothing.
it was a thursday night. you returned home late, dropping your bags at the door after entering your apartment. 
god how you hated it here. without harvey, everything felt empty, like there was no meaning to it anymore. harvey, despite his own flaws, was the light to your darkness, and you were drowning without him.
you entered the kitchen, ready for a tall glass of wine, but froze at the sight of a shadow lurking in the corner.
“hi doll.”
the figure chuckled lightly, “not your harvey, but a version of him. it’s nice to meet you in person, it’s been a long time.”
you could only see half of his face, the right side hidden from view. 
but immediately knew something was wrong. mainly by the way he was speaking. sure, this harvey’s voice was already gravelly. but there was something different in how specific words were being pronounced. 
“step into the light.” 
he clicked his tongue. “tsk, tsk, tsk. i don’t think that’s the best idea right now.”
something was most definitely wrong.
“step into the light.” you reiterated, your voice firm. “i thought we could have a little conversation first, sweetheart.” 
sweetheart. that was harvey’s name for you. he used many, but, that was the one. and hearing this version of him say it irked you so much to the point that you exploded.
“godammit, let me see my husband’s face!” 
he seemed surprised by the sudden outburst. you half-expected him to taunt you more. but instead, he hesitatingly took a step forward. 
then another.
a scream tore through your throat at the sight. 
the flesh covering the right side of his face was melted, it could be compared to the wax of a candle. the side of his lip was gone, revealing his pearly whites and burnt gums. the mangled skin continued down to his neck, disappearing beneath his ruined suit. 
and then there was his eyes. those beautiful cerulean eyes used to match. and now, one was a milky white, disguising the beauty underneath.
it was horrific. 
tears sprung to your eyes immediately as your hands flew to cover your mouth, choking back sobs. 
“i told you it wasn’t the best idea..”
you let out shakey breathes, taking a step towards him. you stood before him now. glancing up, as though asking permission, slowly, he nodded, his eye never leaving you.
carefully, you lifted a trembling hand, your fingertips grazing over the mangled skin. the man flinched slightly.
“it’s fine-“ 
but it wasn’t fine. nothing was fine.
you let out a shaky breath, letting your hand fall. 
“let me talk to him.”
the imposter harvey smirked a monstrous smirk, which was hardly even a smirk at all.
“no can do dearest,” 
“why not?”
“because,” he took a step closer, “i’m in control now. ya see, harv was in some serious shit, and now here i am. i saved his life—your welcome—“
“i want to talk to him-“
“goddammit—you’re going to ruin his life-“
“ruin? sweetheart, i’ve been saving him for years! jane tried to kill him—and our daughter—she’s been handled already-“
the blood on his coat—jane’s blood.
your head was spinning. all you wanted was to talk to your husband. “let me talk to him.” you repeated.
“yeah—how ‘bout no? ya see, that husband of yours kept me locked up for years. i ain’t doin’ that again.” 
you let out a shaky sigh. there has to be some way to get to him, the real him. 
“2007. a beach.” 
“you wore a tux. and a stupid pink tie that i ended up loving so much.”
“what are you doing?”
“it was small, but cute,” 
“stop that.” 
he knew what you were doing now. you were trying to coax your harvey back into the light. he couldn’t allow it. 
“we danced, we laughed, it was the best day of my life.” 
harvey took a step back, engulfing himself in the darkness again, “goddammit woman, shut up-!”
“i have never been happier! then when i am with you!”
“i said shut up-“
“i promised that day that i’d be by your side and that i’d-“
“never leave.”
his voice was soft. fragile. broken.
tears stung your eyes. “harvey?” you murmured, unsure now of who she was truly speaking too. 
“it’s me.”
“oh my god-“ you took a step forward, engulfing him in a hug. but he pushed away, “no-no-stop-“
“look at me-at this monster i’ve become-this-this thing in my head-its killin’ me-“
“listen to me-“
“i can’t stay here. i can’t.”
“then we leave.” 
he was taken aback. “what?” 
“we leave,” you repeated, “we leave gotham-we run-i don’t know where-but we just go-“
“i can’t ask that of you. you have a whole life here.”
“you are my life, harvey. and anywhere you go, i’ll be there by your side.”
he was silent for a moment—before smiling—as much as he could.
“for sure?”
“for sure.”
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captain039 · 1 year
The proposition
Misha Collins x reader
Warnings: Sugar Daddy AU, age gap, daddy kink, smut, sexual things, first times, dirty talk, daddy dom, slightly little reader, anxiety and depression, mental health issues, swearing, feels
Have you seen the gifs of Misha as Harvey? HAVE YOU SEEN THE TITTIES ON THIS MAN, I mean….. man you could bite into that shit, the broadness mmhmm, the absolute unit on this man’s upper body is magnificent 👌🏻
Idk how the fuxk sugar daddy's work🤣
Also re-wrote it.
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Honestly, you’re not sure what propelled you to do this, in fact, it was seriously stupid considering you had no idea what you were doing. Your best friend was on your bed by you, on her phone as you were.
“We should get sugar daddies,” she said and you laughed.
“Why so we can go shopping every day? We have anxiety” you stated and she huffed.
“Yes well, more money less anxiety” She grinned and you rolled your eyes.
“Go ahead I’m happy where I am,” you said scrolling through TikTok.
“Mhm, for real though,” she said suddenly serious as she sat up. You frowned closing your phone and looking at her.
“I’ve done research,” she said and you raised an eyebrow.
“Research? On sugar daddies?” You said and she nodded.
“You’re serious?” You added and she nodded.
“I’ve already contacted one, we’re meeting this Friday,” she said and you stared baffled.
“You what?!” You said and she groaned.
“I knew this is how you’d react” you sighed flopping back on the bed.
“It’s a random rich guy!” You said and she ignored you.
“You’re so gonna get kidnapped, or killed! What if he’s a hitman?” You panicked and she gave you a raised eyebrow.
“I’m coming” you stated and she huffed.
“No you’re not” she sighed.
“Yes, I am! I’ll be suspiciously in the corner” you said.
“Hoodie and sunglasses” you added and she sighed.
“Fine you can come just in a different car and no suspicious clothes, wear something nice it’s an expensive restaurant” she said.
“I don’t have money for that!” You groaned.
“See!” She rolled her eyes.
“Fine give me some of your money,” you said turning on your phone again.
“I’m the sugar baby, not you, get your own” she huffed and you groaned.
“Ugh fine, look I’ll transfer some money to you, just order a drink or something at least” she sighed tapping on her phone dramatically.
“We’re gonna die” you groaned.
“We’re not gonna die, Jesus Christ” she shook her head.
“Go to sleep” she said turning her phone off and turning her back to you. You mumbled a ‘you go to sleep’ before turning off your phone and getting comfortable. Maybe a sugar daddy wouldn’t be so bad.
Friday came too quickly and you panicked as your best friend dressed up. She had heels, makeup a nice fancy dress and you contemplated jeans and a plain top.
“No,” she said suddenly throwing your clothes back in the tomboy and going to your wardrobe.
“I’m not the one meeting him!” You said.
“No, but you’re not a hobo,” she said.
“Could be” you grumbled as she picked out a nice dress you hadn’t worn in ages.
“Fine” you huffed taking it. You put some smaller heels on and struggled with them before putting on some makeup also.
“Do you have a purse?” She asked going through your wardrobe.
“I have a backpack?” You said and she shook her head before making a triumphant noise. She found an old small leather handbag in one of your boxes and chucked it at you.
“Shit,” you said failing at catching it.
“Come on we’re gonna be late” she said already heading out your door.
“Ok bye” you rolled your eyes taking one last look in the mirror.
You arrived in a separate Uber, and looking at the seriously fancy restaurant you felt seriously out of place. You groaned quietly, your friend had made a booking for you. You headed to the receptionist and said the name it was under before the woman led you to a small table nearby. You spotted your friend and an attractive older man with her. They’d already greeted and were in conversation. You tried not to be obvious with your hawk stare, every time the man looked over slightly you quickly snapped your head away and sipped your drink.
“You’re not very discreet” You jumped a mile at the voice and spilt drink on your dress. You cursed going to grab the small napkin only to be beaten. You looked up seeing a man there, he looked guilty as hell as he handed you the napkin and apologised.
“I’m so sorry,” he said as you soaked up the liquid.
“It’s ok” you muttered, it wasn’t really ok. Your best friend had glanced, but ignored. You liked this dress and now it was stained. No way your stain remover would get that out. You tried to keep it covered with the napkin but sighed. You frowned and froze though when a jacket went around your shoulders and covered the damage. You stared at the man who smiled apologetically.
“Misha,” he said and you frowned.
“My name” he chuckled and you made an ‘o’ face like an idiot.
“Sorry, Y/n,” you said and he held his hand out. You expected a handshake but instead, he kissed the back of your hand making you flush.
“Allow me to pay for a proper cleaning and a new drink,” he said and you just nodded too in a daze at the kiss.
“May I?” He asked pointing to your seat and you nodded.
“Don’t worry about cleaning or a drink it’s ok” you quickly said gaining your wits back.
“Please I insist, perhaps a lunch too?” He asked smiling.
“I can’t afford lunch, listen I’m just here as backup” you whispered and he raised an eyebrow intrigued.
“That’s why you keep watching the couple over there intently?” He chuckled softly.
“Not a couple, yet, I don’t know, she’s my best friend I said id watch her back” you spoke softly and he nodded.
“Though apparently me spilling my drink over my favourite dress is not important to her” you huffed leaning your arms on the table.
“Bitch” you mumbled and he laughed before you realised what you said.
“Sorry I’m so sorry, god” you groaned quietly wishing the ground would swallow you up.
“It’s ok” he smiled.
“I’m sorry about your dress again, and scaring you, I should’ve realised it was a serious job,” he said and you smiled shaking your head.
“I’m overprotective and the overthinker in this relationship” you chuckled.
“It’s good to be protective, overthink, not so much” he said and you nodded.
“Would you like to order?” The waiter came over again.
“No thank you” you smiled as he turned to the man across from you.
“My treat, can’t have you hungry on a mission” he smiled and you debated.
“I-“ you sighed nodding your head and giving in as Misha smiled happily. The waiter handed you menus and you ordered a simple meal, well the cheapest one you could find, geez Food was expensive here. You also ordered a Coke this time, not wanting to spill another fancy drink.
“Thank you,” you said quietly.
“My pleasure” he smiled his eyes softening. You wondered why he approached you? He clearly had money and was well standing. You were a street rat compared to him.
“You’re not comfortable here,” he said and you nodded.
“Have I made you uncomfortable?” He said frowning.
“No, no, I’ve never been here, never would be here if it weren’t for my friend uh- it’s not really a situation I can speak about” you said embarrassed. Sure just blurt out your friends meeting a potential sugar daddy, great conversation.
“Oh why is she giving that face” you muttered seeing your best friend's face change. She quickly hid it though and smiled making you sigh.
“Don’t go and save her just yet” Misha commented and you hummed.
“No she’s uncomfortable” you finalised seeing her fiddle with her bracelet, licking her lips too much and the slight frown she had, along with the slight leg twitch she got.
“I can’t ruin this for her” you groaned softly as the waiter came and laid down your plates.
“She’s alright,” Misha said giving a glance.
“What if she’s not?” You sighed, her movements changed and she was smiling again and not uncomfortable.
“Huh,” you said confused.
“That guy must be good” you mumbled more to yourself as you ate. Misha laughed and you honestly forgot this man was there and bought you lunch, you are a stranger.
“I’m so sorry, you bought me lunch and I’m just-“ you babbled and slowed your eating.
“Just sharing my best friend's date and my overprotective issues” you cursed yourself silently.
“I’m eating like a dog too” you mumbled feeling embarrassed. You grabbed a napkin and wiped your mouth sighing.
“Sorry I’m not very lady-like,” you said placing your fork down and feeling uncomfortable eating.
“This is why I’m alone” you mumbled more to yourself and he frowned.
“Sorry,” you apologised.
Misha smiled softly at you. You were a funny woman, highly loyal and protective of your friend it seemed, maybe a little too much.
The moment you walked in you caught his eye, not fit in for this type of establishment, the way you moved awkwardly avoiding touching anything when you sat down and your eyes went wide reading the menu before ordering the cheapest alcoholic drink you could find. You sat nervously, glancing too often at another couple, it got him curious as to why you kept looking their way. A friend of his or hers, hers you kept looking at her worried and him with defensive eyes. He knew the other man, a business partner, a wealthy man. He knew this kind of meeting, having been there before a couple of times with a younger woman in need of some extra money. You thought he figured you’d meet someone too sort of a best friend thing, but no after ten minutes of your constant glancing he decided to approach. He scared the life out of you, your drink flew on your dress and your eyes went wide with fear then sadness. He felt horrible, the way your eyes looked at your dress, a favourite of yours by the looks you gave as you tried to clean the stains. Your hands were shaking as you tried to ground yourself quickly. He sought to comfort you but knew that it would be inappropriate. You declined his offers before spilling the truth as to why you were there and the lack of funds yourself. You weren’t focused on him, more babbling in a cute way to voice your worry. When you finally gave in to his offer for food and drink he felt good inside about helping you. When you said that’s why you were alone it broke his heart, a young beautiful thing like you shouldn’t be alone and he knew how to fix that.
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lokischickadee · 5 months
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They didn't deserve a sweet baby like cas!
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imaginesforeveryone · 3 months
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Pairing: Misha Collins x Y/N Warning: angst, fluff
It was your best friend Jensens birthday today & Danny was throwing a HUGE party for him
“Come on baby!” You yelled up to Misha, your amazing, quiet, loving boyfreind of 3 years.
“Sorry baby.” He said rushing down the stairs and giving you a quick little peck on your lips before walking out of the door. You locked it & went to Mishas car and got in the passenger seat. Driving about 20 minutes away to your most best friend in the worlds house. Jumping out of the car and grabbing presents from the trunk & walking to the door. Walking in & instantly your ears filled with Jenen’s contagious laugh, Jared’s loud words, & the kids laughter. Walking into the kitchen where everyone was.
“Y/N & Misha are here!!!” Jensen yelled with a loud smile on his face. Instantly being attacked by Jensen & Jared’s kids. After they all got off finally we’re able to put all your things down
“Alright. Happy birthday old man!!!” You said engulfing Jensen into your arms.
“Hey hey I’m not old. I’m in my prime.” He said with a goofy ass smile. Going around and hugging everyone else. Finally settling down outside on the back porch feeling the breeze in the warm Texas sun, with a nice cold beer in your hand, with your amazing boyfriend right beside you & all of you family surrounding you.
“So how have you guys been doing?” Jensen asked sitting beside you while Misha talked to Jared.
“Amazing actually. Better then ever. But he’s been acting kind of weird lately. Kind of on edge, nervous. But other then that pretty good.” Your explained Jensen.
“I’m sure he has some mental thing going on. You know he gets. He’s a bit crazy.” He said with a giggle at the end.
“I’ll be right back baby.” Misha said with a smile & pecked you on the forehead. You smiled & Zeppelin cane waddling over and you picked him up and set him on your lap.
“God you made some amazingly beautiful babies. They DEFINITELY get their looks from Dannel.” You said laughing & Jensen giving your a dirty look.
“So when is their going to be a little devil walking around for you guys?” Jensen asked looking at you raising an eye brow.
“Well.” You said raising an eyebrow at him.
“Wait. What?!” Jensen asked gaking his sunglasses off & getting on the end of his seat.
“Does Mish know?” He asked.
“No not yet. I’m trying to find a cute fun way to do it. But I’m also scared that he’s going to run.” You said starting to feel tears well up.
“Believe me he won’t run.” Jensen said with a smile & hugging you.
“Come on let’s go in.” He said standing up with you & Zepp. You walked into the house with Zepp in your hand but stopping dead in your tracks seeing Misha on the ground in one knee. Jensens slipped in and grabbed Zepplin from you.
“Baby, Y/N, my love, my rock, I love you so so much. I have since the day I laid my eyes on you when you walked on set at the beginning of season 10. That moment I knew you’d light my whole world up and of course you did. Every day I wake up next to you & that’s the reason I’m happy everyday of my life. So now I want to make sure that you are here for the rest of my life. That I can wake up to you every morning with you, so Y/N Y/M/N Y/L will you do me the amazing honor of being my life mate, will you marry me?” Misha said opening the little black velvet box to show a beautiful single diamond. You covered your mouth in awe.
“Well your going to be a daddy. So this is the beginning of our life. Of course I’ll marry you.” You said and his face fell & tears welled up in his eyes as he stood up quickly & engulfed you in a hug. Everyone stood around cheering & even a few snuggles around the room. He stood back & slipped the ring on your finger.
“I can’t believe we are having a baby.” He whispered into your ear.
“I know. It was just meant to be.” You whispered back.
“I must admit I’m scared.” He said to you.
“Don’t be scared you will be an amazing daddy & an amazing husband. I love you so much.” You explained to him wrapping his arms around you.
“And I love you more.” He said feeling him smile against your neck.
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me-and-my-3lovers · 5 months
A Helping Hand
Human! Jensen Ackles x Alpha! Male Reader Smut!
When a slip-up in a drinking game changes your life years later.
Background : Alphas, Betas, and Omegas are rare. Only about 10,000 of them are in the world, everyone else is a normal human. You have been on Supernatural since the beginning as Sam's twin brother, and now you’re on The Boys with Jensen too.
Word Count : 1.3k
Warnings: A/B/O dynamics, drinking, foreplay, oral sex, male fingering, male-on-male sex, knotting, scenting, polyamory kind of. That should be it, let me know if I need to add more. This is my first fic!
-- 2017 --
Filming is tiring and we finally hit a free weekend. No conventions, no shooting, and Jared, Jensen, and Misha decided to stay in Vancouver. We were in Jensen's apartment. Feeling nice and tingly when Jared suggested a drinking game, two truths, and a lie.
"So," Jared started, about 5 shots into our little drinking game "y/n, truth or dare?"
"That's not even the game we're playing!" Misha says, his third shot in his hand.
"Shhhhhhh." Jensen whispered, too far gone for discretion or grace, "Let it happen,"
Your head is pounding already, "Fine, I choose truth." You said, preparing yourself to take another shot.
"Out of the three of us here, who would you rather knot?" Jared asked, a smirk forming on his face.
You couldn't think straight. You realized too late that it'd have been better to just take the shot instead of answering. "Jensen, he smells the best."
Both Misha and Jared started wooing and cheering. Jensen took another sip of his beer while blushing.
"But why not me?" Jared asked, throwing you his puppy dog eyes.
"Because you're annoying," Misha answered before me.
"And you stink!" I added before taking another shot.
The entire night was a haze the next morning. Everyone was hungover and wanted to go back to bed. But Jensen remembered what you said about knotting him and he pondered what you meant by that for years.
-- 2023, The Boys season 2 set--
"You're close to your rut," Jensen says as he walks up behind you.
"How would you know, tracking it?" You asked sarcastically, grabbing a plate and a mini powdered doughnut.
"I talked to Misha, you've been irritable the whole day." Jensen follows suit and grabs a powdered doughnut.
"And why are you talking to Misha about my rut?" you asked between bites.
"Because he lives with you and because I know about your… arrangement." Jensen says as he takes his first bite.
"Cryptic. Now if you’re done here we have a fight scene to shoot." You dismiss the conversation, and walk away, leaving Jensen with his unfinished doughnut.
After filming for the day, Jensen comes up to you at your apartment.
"When I opened the door I thought you'd have more clothes on." You say as Jensen greeted you, only wearing his Soldier Boy robe.
"May I?" Jensen asks motioning to enter.
"Why not," You shrug, opening the door a little more to allow Jensen to walk in before closing it. Looking at him you wonder what he's here for.
"You need someone to help you with your rut. You’re too old to go through a rut yourself." Jensen says with the utmost sincerity. There it is.
"Old?! I'm four years younger than you! And what do you know about alphas and ruts? I've gone almost my whole life dealing with my rut myself," You cross your arms like a defiant five-year-old.
"I know that every time you’ve dealt with it alone you've come out the other end looking worse than shit." Jensen pinched the bridge of his nose, "I know it’s harder for you to deal with it yourself, so let me help you." Jensen grabbed your hand and squeezed it, "I talked to Danneel and Misha, they both agreed to let me help you. Don't be stubborn, please." Jensen kissed your knuckles and then stared into your eyes waiting for an answer.
"You have no idea what you’re getting yourself into." You caress his cheek with your other hand, "It's not a pleasant experience. I won't be me. I'm animalistic, borderline violent, during my rut…" You turn away, looking anywhere but his eyes.
"I'll be fine," As Jensen pulls you in for a hug, you take a deep inhale. He smells like firewood, vanilla, and sea water.
"Are you- did you- you couldn't have…" You press your bodies closer so you can smell it better, "You're wearing Omega perfume!"
"Since I came here." Jensen chuckles and starts petting your hair as you nuzzle into the crook of his neck, "My little alpha,"
You back Jensen against the wall suddenly. "Careful Jen, you shouldn't say that unless you mean it." Your eyes were completely red, the rut hit you like a freight train after smelling the omega perfume. "It's dangerous."
"I like dangerous… Alpha."
You swiftly strip off Jensen's robe as well as your t-shirt before crashing your lips together. He tastes like mint and vanilla. Jensen quickly undoes your belt and pulls down your jeans before you flip him against the wall. You start kissing down Jensen's back painfully slow. Taking your time to kiss his shoulder blades, and his lats. God was he beautiful, and built like a brick shit house to boot. You made sure to run your tongue down his spine before reaching his magnificent ass. You took your time massaging each cheek before spreading them apart to get to your prize.
You licked his ass hole and he moaned like a wanton whore. It was primal and guttural like he'd been waiting for this. You let your hands squeeze his hips as you licked him again, and again, and again, until he started begging you to do more. You had the tip of your tongue pressed against his ass hole but not penetrating.
"Fuck me!" He sounded gruff and demanding.
You slowly pushed your tongue into his warm hole, circling as much area as you could. Jensen pushed his ass back into your face, wanting you to go deeper, explore more. Your tongue kept the same rhythm, in and out, in and out, getting him all nice and wet. When you pulled your tongue away, he started whimpering before you pushed a finger into him.
"God, want more, need more"
His hips started moving when you added a second finger. Spreading his ass open with both fingers, getting him prepped to take you. When you added a third finger his head rolled back and you felt his ass flutter around your fingers. He was ready.
You removed your fingers and got up from your knees. You flipped Jensen around so he was facing you. You grabbed the back of his thighs to lift him up and push his back against the concrete wall. Pinned between you and the wall, Jensen's ass was hovering over your dick.
"We can stop right now. We can forget this ever happened and go back to our normal lives." You whispered into his neck, still nuzzling where he put the perfume on.
"Alpha," That was all Jensen needed to say before you lowered him onto your dick. Jensen took a deep inhale once you were completely sheathed. "I never knew it would feel this good," Jensen panted. You growled and rested your forehead against his, giving both of you some time to adjust.
You kissed Jensen on the lips, then his cheek, then his neck, and then back up to his lips before you started thrusting. His ass felt like heaven and quenched the burning feeling in your body. Pulling out until only the tip was in before slowly thrusting back in. You kept that pace until Jensen wanted more.
"Faster, harder, I need more alpha!" God, that did something to you. You picked up the pace and you could feel your knot start to swell. Jensen was bouncing against the wall and you could feel his pre-cum leaking on your stomach. Both of your bodies burning hot and looking for release. "Right there, oh god, right there," Jensen moaned into your ear, and scratched down your back.
The pace was brutal and he was taking it beautifully. My Omega, my Omega, beautiful Omega, Omega, Omega, Omega. You bared your teeth against his neck.
"Alpha!" Jensen came and you could feel his cum against your chest. Jensen laid his head back against the wall, neck all exposed and sweaty as he was coming down from his high.
You barely refrained from claiming him as your knot popped and you came in him. Both of you coming down from your highs, you took him to your room and laid him onto your bed. Jensen closed his eyes as soon as his head hit the pillow. Both of you were exhausted and out of breath.
"Good night Jen," You kissed his forehead, "Thank you for this,"
" 's was amazing," Jensen grumbled back, cuddling into you, "love you."
"I love you too, now to to bed."
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kazuiislazy · 2 years
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Pairing: Castiel (platonic, romantic - up to you) x reader
A/N: Basically just Castiel with a reader who is easily distracted / entranced by glowing things (bored and also because for some reason I have that problem)..
You had been injured badly on a hunt and Castiel had to come save you, smiting the enemies that you weren’t able to fight off on your own. You watched as his palms and eyes started glowing in somewhat of a light blue colour- his grace. It was beautiful, and you were rather busy being engrossed by the glow.
Once he was done, he turned to look at you with still glowing eyes, and you couldn’t help but stare. Well, I guess you could say it was graceful. “(Y/N)?” his voice snapped your brain out of it enough to answer but not look away. “Yeah?” you voiced, still glaring into the now faint glowing blue eyes of the angel.
“Are you okay?” he asked, the glow in his eyes now gone. “Mmm? Yeah, I’m alright.” you answered, finally able to break eye contact. He nodded. He was confused and mildly intrigued on why you had acted as if you were in trance and he made a mental note to ask you about it when you were patched up.
-Time Skip??- You watched as Castiel’s palm flared up as he healed your injuries, once again, you divert your attention to the glow present in his palm. He was done with patching you up but before you could leave he stopped you, “(Y/N).” “Mhm?” you mumbled, still staring at his palm even though the gleam was gone. He tilted his head.
“You acted as if you were in a trance while I was smiting the enemies. Why?” he questioned, looking at you for answers. You fidgeted with your fingers before mumbling, “Uh.. well, I was.. sorta- distracted by the glow? I don’t know- it’s dumb, I’m just easily distracted by things-” His palms shone again, and you were in a trance-like state.
“Do all humans do that?” his question barely registered in your brain as your attention was on his palm. “Mmm, not really I guess. Some do, I think.” you replied, watching his palms flicker. He stared at you as your eyes lingered on his hand, and let out a quiet and small chuckle. “You’re really preoccupied.” You let out a giggle, before nodding.
“It’s bad, isn’t it? I get so preoccupied with the dumbest things.” you looked away as his palms stopped glowing. “No, I don’t mind. And it’s interesting to me how the smallest things can make you entranced.” he stated. “Yeah but if I got this engrossed in other things during a hunt, I could possibly and probably get me, Dean, Sam and you hurt.”
He glanced at you, before placing a kiss on your forehead. “Then, you'll learn to focus.” “Then, I’ll just have to focus.” you repeated.
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impala-dreamer · 2 years
Hold Her Down
An Erotic Tale
~Misha's in charge and he's going to make sure you remember that.~
Misha Collins x Reader x Jensen Ackles 
1,732 Words
Warnings: M/F/M. Dom!Misha, sub!Jensen, sub!reader. being held down? lots of sex. just hot. and fluffy finish.
Impala-Dreamer’s Masterlist  ~  Patreon  ~ Published Works  ~  Buy Me A Coffee  ~  Feedback is Gold
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A warm breath passes over your lips and your eyes flutter open, finding the most beautiful green gems staring back at you.
Jensen smiles and licks at your lips, driving his tongue into your hungry mouth when you relax into him. He’s on his side, lying face to face with you as Misha is lost between your thighs, lapping at your clit and stroking the sweet spot deep inside.
A push of Misha’s thick fingers to the left and your hips buck up into him, your knees start to shake, closing around his head.
“Lie still,” he warns, voice deep and flooded with authority.
You swallow hard and breathe out into Jensen’s mouth, moaning as he snaps his fingers over your nipple.
“Mmm fuck,” you moan out, and Misha’s hand cracks on the base of your ass.
“Be quiet.”
Another warning but it’s hard to keep track of all your rules tonight. There’s not much space left in your head besides their names and the way they’re both playing with you, so rough yet gentle, so hot, so perfect.
“S-sorry,” you whimper, body flooded with the sweet chemicals they’re both sending through your system.
Jensen leaves your lips and sits up on an elbow to play with your tits. He massages and teases, plucking at your nipples with his cool fingertips and warm lips.
Sensations run wild and your thighs tremble. Misha swipes two fingers over your clit and the jolt of pleasure forces your hips upwards again, shoving your cunt into his face.
He backs away and growls.
“I’ve told you twice now to hold still.”
Panting, you can feel the orgasm looming just ahead but Misha removes himself and a wisp of cold air makes you shiver.
“I’m sorry!” you beg, spreading your legs wider and locking your knees.
Misha looks down at you with darkened sapphire eyes and shakes his head. “I know you are.” A single finger swipes up your slit from ass to clit and you hold your breath for fear of moving.
“I-I won’t move, I swear. I’ll hold still.”
He does it again, dragging that single digit through your slick heat and he cocks his head, looking down at you seriously. “I don’t think you will,” he said simply. “I think you’re too excited tonight to pay attention. I think you’ve forgotten who’s in charge here.”
A wave of nervousness eats its way down your spine and goosebumps spring up across your limbs.
Misha notes the rise and draws his big hands down your thighs, smoothing and soothing your fears.
He looks to Jensen who has his mouth sealed around your right nipple. “Jensen? Who’s in charge?”
Without a thought, plump lips leave your tit and he answers in a breathless, “you are.”
A smile spreads over Misha’s pink lips. “That’s a good boy. You’re right.” Blue eyes flash back to yours. “Did you forget?”
Quickly, you shake your head. “N-no. Never forget. You’re in charge, Sir. Always.”
He licks his lips slowly and considers your contrition. “Then why can’t you sit still?” His thumb rolls over your clit and spasms of pained pleasure roll through you. “Hmm?”
“I-I can,” you promise, barely able to hold still as he circles your clit roughly. “I will.”
Misha glares and then falls to his belly, eyes still glued to your face. “Let’s see.”
His lips close around your clit and a shudder attacks, vibrating through you as he sucks and licks in the same moment. He threads a finger through your pussy lips and your hips move on their own, thrusting down onto his hand.
Again, Misha backs up. “That’s it.”
Your heart races at his tone and you fear the worst.
“Jensen-” Misha nods at you, giving Jensen the cue to move. “Hold her down.”
“Yes, Sir.” Jensen pops to his knees instantly and moves to take hold of your wrists, pinning them beside your head with all his strength.
“Fuck…” The weight on him on top of you, the sight of his stiff cock so close, practically bouncing on your tits, makes your head swim.  Jensen grins down at you and you let out a stunted cry. “God- fuck!”
“Keep her quiet, too,” Misha orders and Jensen nods, bending down to kiss you silent.
His tongue is amazing and for a moment there is nothing else in the universe except Jensen. His scent floods your senses, his taste is intoxicating. He kisses with a pressure and method like no one else in the world and your brain ticks off for a long moment, drunk on him.
Misha calls you back too soon, humming against your clit while he stuffs three fingers into you. The roughness of his calloused hand scrapes against your delicate flesh and you whimper into Jensen’s mouth, tightly wound and so close to losing it.
A trickle of precum slides down from Jensen’s cock onto your breast and you moan with desperate hunger. Pushing Jensen away with your tongue, you look down at his dick, mouth watering, chest heaving. You reach for him with your tongue but think better of it, looking down at Misha who’s staring up at you, face smashed in your cunt, eyes wide and observant.
“Please, Sir, m-may I suck Jensen’s cock? Please?”
He ponders for a moment and then nods, pressing his tongue flat against your clit.
Filled with excitement and submissive wonder, you squirm and lick at Jensen’s belly until he rearranges and offers you his already throbbing cock. He shifts, holding both of your wrists in one giant hand and wrapping the other around the base of his shaft. He slaps the tip against your lips and you open wide, already drooling.
Your mouth snaps shut and Jensen grunts loudly as he slowly slides down your throat. It’s a practiced move for both of you; one of your favorite things is seeing how far he can go without choking you. Deeper and deeper he goes until your throat closes, protesting him going any further. You gag loudly and both Jensen and Misha moan at the sound.
“Such a good girl,” Misha praises. “Fuck her mouth real good, Jensen.”
Jensen bites his lip and obeys, locking his free hand around your throat so he can feel his cock bulging there. He picks a quick rhythm and soon there’s nothing but the sound of him moaning and the wet, pathetic hums pulsing from the back of your throat.
“Both so good for me.” Misha sits back, lazily stroking your cunt as he gets onto his knees. “My perfect little pets. My playthings.” His eyes glaze over as he watches Jensen fuck your beautiful mouth and he fists his own cock, tugging hard. “All mine.”
Jensen groans heavily and exhales a hard, “yours” and your body shudders. The sound of his submission is almost too much for your mind to handle and your cunt pulses visibly.
Misha looks down with a smirk and nudges the tip of his cock through your slit. Up and down, slowly and deliberately, he bypasses your entrance over and over until your nails dig into Jensen’s fingers and your toes curl into the sheets.
A muffled scream covers Jensen’s cock and Misha laughs to himself.
“Such a needy little thing, aren’t you?” He sets the head of his thick cock at your hole and pulses slowly in and out, just an inch. “You aren’t satisfied with one cock in you,” he teases, pushing in another tiny bit. “You need all your holes filled up, don’t you?”
You beg, crying out, splattering saliva all over Jensen’s dick as Misha finally, blessedly pushes inside.
Somehow, their rhythm combines, matching thrust for thrust, one in, one out, over and over until you’re nothing more than a ragdoll dangling between them. At some point, Jensen drops your wrists in favor of playing with your tits, but your hands don’t move, your hips don’t buck, your muscles don’t shiver. There’s nowhere to go, no reason to move. Your cunt throbs around Misha’s thickness, your throat swallows around Jensen’s length, and that’s all you are. Just holes to be fucked, just a toy to be loved and used and played with.
Jensen bites his lip hard and squeezes the base of his cock, ready to explode. He turns to Misha, begging. “M-may I cum, Sir? Please?”
Misha thrusts thrice more before answering, getting himself there as well. In a deep, graveled voice, he commands you and Jensen both, “Cum. Now.”
There’s a crash, like lightning has struck the hotel, but it’s just the headboard thrashing against the wall as Misha slams into you a final time, nearly knocking Jensen off of the bed.
They both cum as you quake beneath them, shooting their hot loads into your gaping holes.
You swallow Jensen down, choking on the tangy sweetness and reach out for a hand, for a shoulder, for something.
Your brain is empty and your eyes can’t focus. There’s only colors and bright lights rimming your vision. You can feel yourself leaking, fluids pouring from your mouth and cunt, but there’s no moving to wipe them clear, no embarrassment, no nothing.
You’re simply floating on that big bed as Misha and Jensen meet, kissing and holding each other until the glow fades away.
A tightness coils in your chest, but Misha’s there to quickly ease it away. He dabs at your chin with a warm cloth and brings a glass of water to your lips. Jensen flutters about, carefully wiping at the mess between your thighs and draping a big blanket over you.
They lie with you in the middle, still exchanging touches and kisses above your head. A few land on your forehead and lips, tender and sweet. They don’t bother you much, knowing how spent you are, how exhausted.
Misha scoots down to cradle your head in his arms, tugging you to him while Jensen scoots up behind.
“You did so good, babygirl,” he whispers. “So, so good.”
Feeling begins to come back to your arms and legs and your eyes flutter closed. “Thank you, Sir,” you sigh, burying your face in his warm chest.
Jensen kicks his knees up and locks them behind yours, his arm resting in the curve of your waist. He kisses your shoulder and nuzzles in.
You’re safe, loved, protected, and there’s no place else you’d rather be than locked between them. Forever.
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