#Mitsuboru Kid
naruhinaluvrx · 1 year
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Taiki celebrating his birthday this year with his Team 7,Hasu Lee,Ryuusuke Uchiha,and Himawari Sensei
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watermelonsloth · 7 months
Boruto Shipping Opinions
I’m gonna put a brief aside here to say two quick things to keep in mind before reading:
I am not going to go into great detail or analysis here because I’m holding off on that until the manga wraps up.
I am caught up with the manga, I am not caught up with the anime. I have watched up until the arc the new team 7 infiltrate a prison, the second chunin exams, and whatever clips/moments I’ve stumbled upon being discussed. I am not an avid fan, I do not know all the ins and outs of character dynamics, and I don’t even keep up with that part of the fandom. I have no horse in this race.
I don’t like this ship, and I don’t know if that’s an unpopular opinion. I’ll try to avoid saying “they have sibling vibes” or “they’re just friends” because, coming from someone who has used that excuse in the past, it is very difficult to explain/defend argument. So much so that now it just comes across as cheap to me.
I will, however, say that I don’t like it for the same reason I don’t like NejiTen. It comes across as “he was a boy, she was a girl. Can I make it anymore obvious?” It feels like it stems from the idea that boys and girls can’t just be friends. If the dynamic was introduced with an edge of romance (like how Naruto and Sakura’s dynamic was introduced with Naruto having a crush on her), maybe it would be a different story. But as of right now, it feels like the fandom reading into something that doesn‘t need to be read into.
I hate to say this, but I’m guessing this ship stemmed from SasuSaku fans reading them as “next gen SasuSaku”. Look, everyone can ship whatever they want or choose to refrain from shipping, but I’m sick of the fandom projecting old ships on new dynamics. I have seen BoruSara compared to SNS, NaruSaku, and SasuSaku (for some reason). I have seen BoruSumi compared to NaruHina. I have seen MitsuSara compared to SasuSaku and SuiKarin. I have seen KawaSara compared to SasuSaku. Every single time I thought to myself, “The manga starts with Boruto asserting that he’s not his dad and this isn’t his dad’s story.” I get that comparisons will naturally arise since it’s a sequel series, but these kids are not carbon copies of their parents and they don’t have the same dynamics their parents did.
Now that my rant is out of the way, I think a hypothetical child between them having black hair with pink highlights would be cute and that’s about it.
I wish these two had more of a dynamic. Both characters have interactions with Boruto and clear dynamics with him, but they don’t really have much going on with each other. They both have recognizable personalities, but they mellow each other out whenever they interact and it makes them boring (I’m guessing Ikemoto isn’t interested in them together). They also only tend to talk to each other about Boruto (at least in the manga). Say what you want about them, but at least Sasuke and Sakura had a dynamic.
Anyways, funny ha ha, Orochimaru gets an Uchiha in the way they least expected.
Gayer than any of the Naruto dynamics and that is saying something. However, I struggle to like the ship because I’m just so confused.
First, why does Boruto have so many lancer/foil/rival characters. Kawaki, Sarada, and Mitsuki all act as lancers. I get that writing doesn’t have to be formulaic, but they aren’t even all lancers to each other, having dynamics that bounce off of each other, they’re just lancers to Boruto. At least for me, it’s already gotten really boring and ends in the three’s dynamics with each other falling flat.
Second, the sun and moon symbolism makes no sense to me as a writing decision. The obvious problem is that it’s redundant; it’s already been used for multiple Naruto dynamics. The less obvious problem is that it contradicts Mitsuki’s manga introduction. Mitsuki was introduced as the middle between Boruto and Sarada’s two extremes, taking up a role similar to Sakura’s in the og team 7. If he’s supposed to be the moon to Boruto’s sun, why is he introduced to us as the earth? The admittedly more minor problem that distracts me is that Orochimaru was the one that Mitsuki down this road. Why? Orochimaru wasn’t redeemed by Naruto and has never shown interest in him or this philosophy before now. My best guess is that they’re fascinated by Naruto’s affect on Sasuke, but that still leaves me with questions.
It makes me think that the writer didn’t have any ideas when they introduced these two.
I don’t like how the fandom is making another love square, but I doubt there’s anything I can do to stop them.
This ship is boring because Sumire is boring. That one anime arc made her interesting, but it’s referenced and relevant so rarely that she goes back to being boring. I’d like this more if the story let Sumire be morally gray or treated her like a redeemed villain more. As of right now, I think the only leg the ship has to stand on is writing tropes and I do not care.
This ship feels like the product of the same people who ship SasuHina/SasuIno/SasuKarin/KibaHina out of spite. My last post/reblog went into why this happens but the short of it is that it’s easier to ship something in peace if the biggest “threats” to it are paired together. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I have a feeling most KawaSumi shippers also ship BoruSara.
Please… just stop. If not for yourself, then for me. I’m already barely coping with how popular NejiHina is. Why have I seen this as much as I have??? This feels like a personal attack on my sanity. They’re siblings.
This is the section for all the ships I have little/no opinions on. I think MitsuCho is too boring for how popular it is, I think ChoSara should be more popular, I’m disturbed by all of the Eida x next gen ships because she looks and acts like an adult (at least how adults are portrayed in Boruto), and I’m surprised Code x Eida isn’t more popular, but I also think that Code has gotten the Kabuto treatment and isn’t very popular in the fandom.
The ships I haven’t mentioned I either have so little fucks to give or so little information on that I have ZERO thoughts about.
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blackey-yuu-draws · 1 year
Finished art!
My golden boy, Hebi!
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He's my oldest MitsuBoru kid (he has three younger siblings).
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chissa-chan · 4 years
so.. anything gay happening in the boruto fandom yet?
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northusagi · 7 years
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i like headcanons where older boruto is calm and collected yet he cant help but giggle every time mitsuki kisses his weird black eye scar thing
i have a thing for otps kissing each others scars and injuries
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teallinum · 7 years
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@greenbrains​ requested new generation kids [x]
a doodle while drawing commissions
price for such picture is $22
more info here [x]
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woman-child91 · 2 years
OMG! I’m fast forwarding through some Naruto Shippuden episodes to see what kids I can use for the SasuNaru children I’m going to make. And as I’m watching the episode where Kushina was telling Naruto about the time Minato saved her from the Cloud ninjas.
It just hit me!
Kushina gets kidnapped by an enemy ninja.
Minato rescues her.
Minato and Kushina fly with a full moon seen in the background.
It’s Naruto Shippuden The Last Movie. They actually just copied MinaKushi’s story. Damn.
It only makes me dislike the NaruHina ship even more. It’s MitsuBoru all over again. They’re trying to copy another ship. But, the original ship is way better and not forced.
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hatman-holmes · 7 years
Let's make BoruBowl a thing okay?
Okay after the DekuBowl thing I guess is totally right to believe in a BorutoBowl. Come on guys, everybody just fucking loves that kid!!!
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deadvampire32 · 1 year
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naruhinaluvrx · 10 months
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Mitsuboru Month Day 31-Future/Time Travel
A big,happy family
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mugiwara-lucy · 5 years
Boruto Uzumaki?
Thank you!
1: sexuality headcanon: Bi XD
2: otp: BoruSumi, MitsuBoru, ShikaBoru, BoruDenki, BoruIwabe
3: brotp: Hmm….BoruSara?? (They’d be better as a bro-sis relationship)
4: notp: BoruSara -_-
5: first headcanon that pops into my headL
6: one way in which I relate to this character: We’re both kids that love spicy burgers! XD
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: The fact his voice is deeper than his father, I mean c’mon!
8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave: Cinnamon Roll!!
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yaoiotakuforever · 6 years
Mitsuboru Episode 79 part 2
Now comes the moon:
After Mitsuki knows that 2 ninja kids are tracking them, he immediately knows who they are and thinks about Boruto. He wants to get to them. Before, Kokuyou went after the trackers and Mitsuki had no intention to also get there, but after getting the Information that his fiends might be the tackers he wants to get to them. But why does he want to see Sarada and Boruto if he betrayed them? Here comes my theory, which I got in the middle of the night while trying to seep:
After appearing at the scene, Mitsuki helps his new ally, ignores Boruto and tells him and Sarada that this is his will. Did he just get there to say them that? Did he only do that to help his new ally? Did he do that…to save his sun?
He left a message behind for Boruto (the snake), telling him that this is his will, so at the moment he left Konoha he cared for Boruto and wanted him to know that he wants to do that. If we believe Orochimaru’s words, that Mitsuki cannot tell anyone what he truly is, then he might not be able to tell Boruto the reasons for his actions though he might want to, so saying that this is his will is all he can do.
Next, Mitsuki made a Leaf’s ninja appear to be dead to save his life and also proved himself a bit with his new allies. He didn't want to kill.
What would have happened if Mitsuki hadn’t attacked Boruto? If Boruto had kept chasing after him and had gotten into another fight with the enemy ? Boruto would have died.
 ‚Hmpf…Just a husk. You’re not even worth killing.‘ Boruto wasn’t killed. What if this was the reason for Mitsuki’s attack? It is clear, that he wants to meet him as I said before after knowing that he tracks him. He might’ve wanted that because he wanted to make sure that Boruto stops chasing after him, because it would only lead to his own death. Now he might think that after getting attacked by Mitsuki Boruto won’t come after him any more and won’t get killed. What if this was Mitsuki’s reason for attacking Boruto? It would make sense. Furthermore, it Shows that Mitsuki still cares About Boruto and wants him to be safe, which is more believable in my opinion, because I cannot imagine that he now doesn't care About Boruto at all, after he was so important to him, this isn't how Feelings work.
But there is still another question: Why did he leave Konoha in the first place? We know what went through his mind before leaving and what might be the reason for that, the fear that his feelings for Boruto might now be his own and were forced upon him. This is properly his reasoning right now and whatever exactly his goal is right now, he needs his new allies to achieve it. This action is his will, something he decides on his own, which is surely important to him.
Sadly, I cannot write more about this topic. I will continue praying now that I will somehow survive next episode.
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bleedstatus · 5 years
mitsuboru and uhh do the second thing for Komaeda lol
when I started shipping it if I did: like literally when my friend first showed me boruto her question was “is this scene gay” so pretty much ever since i started watching skhkfj but it rlly ramped up when mitsuki almost drowned and bort saved him
my thoughts: amazing. beautiful. love this ship with my whole life
What makes me happy about them: their dynamic and how happy they make each other! i also like how protective mits gets!
What makes me sad about them: i havent caught up with boruto in like forever but uhhhh the current arc makes me sad
things done in fanfic that annoys me: WHEN PPL WRITE MITSUKI AS A CRAZY STALKER o r when they treat them like adults
things I look for in fanfic: age appropriate lol. also its gotta be a bit goofy im not into serious borumitsu stuff
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: honestly i can only see them with each other dfjhsfj
My happily ever after for them: married n have kids! sarada is hokage and bort and mits do jobs for her!
who is the big spoon/little spoon:bc of his stretchy arms mits is big and bort is little
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: just going out with friends! boruto is very social so their dates dont usually end up too private but mitsuki doesnt mind as long as he gets to be near him
How I feel about this character: I LOVE KOMAEDA like im gonna be honest i stan him
All the people I ship romantically with this character: just hajime!
My non-romantic OTP for this character: chiaki/hajime/komaeda
My unpopular opinion about this character: hes very well written, not a stalker, and deserves more appreciation!
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: that he didnt die… maybe instead he almost does but in that moment he realizes maybe hes not ok with dying and starts helping hajime a bit more
my cross over ship: i dont rlly have one lol
a headcanon fact: komaeda really likes animal crossing! he has hundreds of hours logged
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lunaneko14 · 6 years
Say Boruto ended with Mitsuboru and Orochimaru made a kid for them,cause he can do that,but it doesn't show many traits from Mitsuki. How fast do you think people would try to claim the kid as a Borusara/sumi kid that was made via cheating on Mitsuki?
They’d be claiming it’ll pop up with sharingan any time now
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wi-fu · 7 years
So, what do you think about MitsuBoru?
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I don’t really ship anything in Boruto (yet) but I’m always up for cute kids tbh
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sebas-chan-butler · 7 years
Important question 😣 so I havent started watching boruto yet cuz I am scared that the damn no-sns continuation will reopen my wounds but I want to cuz I wanna see them again but I also dont want to 😭. What do you think should I doo pleaaase :(
Oh dear, we’re in the same boat…I really don’t know what is the smarter thing to do.
In my case, I start to watch Boruto from the first episode, because I really think it would be ONLY about  kids ..but huh it was stupid ,of course…When they put all “SS” shits and expel only one SNS moment for there, I was so sad and angry…plus,you have so much NH shits….but it’s so miserable on some way ^_^
If you are afraid you’re gonna miss some SNS moments ,believe me,there’s NOTHING for us..for now, But I believe so hard that we will get something later
So ,Boruto is “two-edged sword” for us. If you’re ‘mentally stable” you can watch it. I’m only into Boruto because of MitsuBoru, BoruSara and ,I believe,some SNS moments..But anime like anime isn’t something…Naruto SP is 10000% better (because it’s from Kishi of course)
I only can warn you and one is for sure - no-sns continuation will reopen your wounds :(
PLEASE SEND ME MESSAGE!!! You think like me ,so maybe we can help each other♥♥♥♥♥
And I’m sorry for my grammar mistakes ,eng isn’t my first ^_^
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